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Mid Atlantic: The Good Old Days of Wrestling

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It was the last sunday of March 1983, and I was sound asleep into I got a call from Jim Crockett Jr. Of course the call was at the crack of dawn and I'm not a morning person. But apparently, this call was urgent. Dory Funk Jr, former NWA Heavyweight Champion and Head Booker of Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling, had stepped down from his post as Head Booker. The reason Jim was calling was that he wanted me to take his place as Head Booker of MACW


At first I thought it was a joke, why would Jim Crockett, owner of one of the largest and most successful territories in the U.S.A want some kid. While yes I did help out booking promotions in the mid west like the Bruiser's WWA and worked a little bit in ICW with the crazy Poffo's. But, MAWC was considered one of the true "big time" promotions, why would Jim want me? And what made it worse, it was on the same day that The Crocket Cup was being held, why would he want me, when there are many capable people in house. It didn't make much sense to me. The only two reasons that he wanted to hire me was that he liked my work in the past and that I was cheap, it was mostly because I was cheap.


That night, I packed what little I had in my car and drove all night and all morning to Greenville, North Carolina, where The Crocket Cup was going to take place. I was pretty excited and scared at the same time. MACW wasn't just a rinky dink promotion that had maybe one big star, MACW was stocked with great champions and legends. How was I going to be able to work with guys like Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Wahoo McDaniel, The Briscos, or the Funks, I was must worried about Dory, would he be resentful that his spot is being replaced by a young kid? In any case, I had to be ready for anything with all of these egos.


When I got there, I got a surprisingly nice response, probably because they thought I was just a kid who wanted to meet these superstars. When they found out I was the booker, there attitude's changed. Particularly Dusty Rhodes, who probably thought that he should have been the next booker. But otherwise, no problems. More or less it was because they wanted to "wait see" too see if the kid had what it takes to get the job done.


After hours of thinking, I went to Crockett to show him the card for The Crockett Cup. Here is what I prepared for him.....

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LIVE.. from The GreenVille Williams Arena


Jim Crockett Promotions Presents.......





See all the stars of the NWA as Eight Teams will compete in the prestigious Crockett Cup Tag Team Tournament. The winner of these tournament will not only win the Crockett Cup Trophy, but the team will be in prime contention for the NWA World Tag Team Championship.


First Round Matchups


The Briscos ( Jack and Jerry Brisco) vs Paul Jones and Johnny Weaver

The Great Kabuki & Magic Dragon w/ Gary Hart vs Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy Mcgraw

The Funk Brothers ( Dory and Terry Funk) vs Abe Jacobs & Mike Rotundo

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs "Cowboy" Bob Orton J.r vs Kelly Kiniski & One Man Gang w/ Oliver Humperdink




"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair ©


Jimmy "The Boogie Woogie Man" Valient




Greg "The Hammer" Valentine


Ricky Steamboat


Don't forget that two semi final matches and the final match of the Crocket Cup will also take place.



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From the look on Jim's face, he seemed to like it. Even though it was thrown together. He told me that had confidence in me and we should have a good business relationship together, we shook hands and parted ways.


..... Later that night.



As I waited for the show to begin, I was nervous and excited at the same time. Just a day ago, I was sleeping in a crappy apartment in South Carolina, and now I'm booking The Crockett Cup. I sat down at the Gorilla Position and relaxed as the show was about to open.


Color Legend:

Heels: Red

Faces: Blue

Announcers: Indigo

Managers: Dark Red

Ratings A* to A: Cyan

B+ to B- :Green

C+ to C- :Dark Orange

D+ to D- :Navy

E+ to E- :Sienna

F+ to F- : Dark Slate Gray


Now.... finally.... LET US BEGIN!!!:D





Dark Match

"Dirty" Dick Slater pinned "Private" Jim Nelson in 4:34 with the Leaping Piledriver : Rating: C-


Main Show



Bob Caudle, talks about the Tag Tournament and hypes the Big NWA Title Match between Ric Flair vs Jimmy Valient Rating: C+



[U]First Round Matchup Up[/u]

The Briscos beat Johnny Weaver & "Number One" Paul Jones when Jack pinned Paul in 7:43 Rating: C+

This was a good match to start out the show and the tournament. Since both The Brisco's are great workers and Weaver and Jones are good workers as well. The Brisco's move on to the next round


The Brisco's celebrate in the ring as they move on to the next round. Rating : B-


Gary Hart is with his tag team of Great Kabuki & Magic Dragon. He is being interviewed by Tony Schiavone


"You see, Tony. When I went to the far reaches of the orient, I wanted to find the roughest, toughest, and meanest two men that it had to offer. I believe that I found them, Tony. I don't see anyone coming close to there awesome power and skill. These two men are SET to dominate the Crockett Cup and we will be the future, NWA World Tag Team Champions"

Rating: C


First Round Match up

The Great Kabuki & Magic Dragon beat Rufus R. Jones & Bugsy McGraw when Kabuki pinned Jones with a

Heart Kick in 4:39

Rating: D


This match was more of a squash as Rufus and Bugsy had almost no change against the Oriental Tag Team. They move on to the next match.


Later tonight, The Brisco's will take on Kabuki & Dragon in the the semi finals

Rating: C


The Funk Brothers have a promo


" You know, some of you people out there, probably think that me and my brother Dory are just a little crazy. WELL WE ARE!!! We are the only team in this thing that is crazy enough to win at any costs. So Jacobs and Rotundo. I'm sorry that you had to be in our path tonight, because you're gonna FEEL SORRY!!!"

Rating: D



First Round Match up

The Funk Brothers beat Abe Jacobs & Mike Rotundo when Dory pinned Rotundo in 6:34

Rating: C-


This was a pretty good match up. Not really much too it, as The Funks are great workers and could carry the green Rotundo and the over the hill Jacobs to a pretty good match.

"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, comes out to the ring to a huge ovation. He has something to say.

" Let me say this to all my people. I feel that I should be and I am a top contender to the NWA World Heavyweight Title, if ya unda stand me! I look at this huge title match tonight, between Mr. Woogie Woogie Jimmy Valient and "Natcha Boy" oh yeah, Ric Flair. I look at this and I say to myself, 'Dreamy baby, you are just as good as Jimmy Valient and I know I'm better than Flair, I should be in that Main Event, if you weeeel' I know that the Boogie Woogie and I are close, personal friends, babeh, but I just want him to know that if he wins tonight, I want the first shot at him, you undastand me. And if that no good pretty boy, Ric Flair wins tonight, well, you all know that I want to beat him up so bad in the worst possible way, babeh. So, I'm making a challenge to either The Boogie Woogie Man, or the Natcha Boy himself, I'll give either man some old fashioned HARD TIMES!!!!!"

Rating: B



Roddy Piper and Bob Orton Jr Promo.


Piper: You know Bob, I look at this match with Two tons of fun One Man Gang, and Stick boy, Kiniski. And I wonder, how does such an odd couple exist. And is it possible Bobby, that they can even coexist as a team like we do?

Orton: I don't think so Roddy.

Piper: I DON'T THINK SO EITHER. Because unlike, Fattso and Pipe Cleaner, we are a real TEAM, that's what we are.

Orton: And if you two think that having that little troll, Humperdink in your corner is going to help you two. Well, I feel even more sorry for you.....(Piper and Orton look at each other)

Piper & Orton: ... Not really.

Rating: D


First Round Match up

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper & "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr beat One Man Gang and Kelly Kiniski w/ Sir Oliver Humperdink when Piper pinned Kiniski in 7:31

Rating: D+


Piper and Orton make a great team and it showed in this match. While not a great match to begin with, it still served it's purpose as Piper and Orton move to the semi finals.

In the semi- finals The Funk Brothers will take on the team of Roddy Piper and Bob Orton Jr

Rating: C


Before his big United States Title defense against Ricky Steamboat, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine is with Tony Schiavone


"Steamboat, you think that you are the best athlete in the entire NWA. Well, I'm here to give you a reality check! Because once you taste "The Hammer" you will know who the real great athlete is. I'm not the champion for nothing Steamboat! You not stand a chance against me! You can bet on it"


Tony: Back to you Bob

Rating : B


NWA United States Championship

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine beat Ricky Steamboat after using brass knuckles behind the referee's back in 16:17

Rating: B-


This is the best match so far. The match flowed very well and these two work together pretty well. I do have misgivings because David Crockett is a terrible color commentator. I don't know how long I will have him on the broadcast team. Anyway, I was pleased with this match


Jimmy "The Boogie Man" Valient has a backstage promo


" You know my babies, this is perhaps the biggest match of my career. It's for the NWA Championship, it's against the best wrestler in the world, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair. But I can't help and wonder just how I got here. But I do know this. In less than a hour, I will give it my all, and I will show the world that the "Boogie Woogie" man is a true player and and I will be the next Heavyweight Champ"

Rating: C+



We get to the ring, where The Great Kabuki, does his green mist bit

Rating: C+


Semi Final Match up

The Brisco Brothers beat The Great Kabuki & Magic Dragon by Dq when Kabuki spit mist into Jerry Brisco in 7:34



This was another very good match by the Briscos and Kabuki and Dragon did a good job to. I had a DQ finish because I wanted to protect Kabuki and Dragon, as they are a future player in the Tag Team divison


Semi Final Matchup

The Funk Brothers beat "Rowdy" Roddy Piper & "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr when Terry used the ring ropes for leverage while pinning Piper in 11:21

Rating: B


Wow, this match was much better than I thought it was gonna be. The two teams had a great match, which is, up to this moment, the best match of the last. I really like The Funk Brothers and I'm planning on pushing Piper and Orton. So I'm very pleased with this match.


And so we have the two teams for the finals. The two brother teams of The Briscos vs The Funk Brothers, later on tonight.

Rating: C+


"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair is with Tony Schiavone talking about his big title match with Jimmy Valient

"Valient, this the moment, you and I have been waiting for. Now you're gonna have to prove to ALL your adoring fans, that you are a man of your word. That you will defeat "The Nature Boy" Well, I got news for you, you don't have what it takes to beat me tonight, tomorrow, next week, next year, or in your next life time. Because, I'm "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, WOOOOOO"

Rating: C


NWA World Heavyweight Championship

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair beat Jimmy " The Boogie Man" Valient by submission from the Figure four leg lock, after Flair hit Valient with his wrist watch in 18:46

Rating: B-


I have to hand it to Natich, he really carried this match with Valient. Flair truly does deserve that World Championship. As he has stated many times before, he is the best thing going today.


It has come down to this, THe Crockett Cup Finals, The Brisco Brothers vs The Funk Brothers. The winner will take home the Cup

Rating: B-


Finals of The Crockett Cup Tournament

The Funk Brothers beat The Brisco Brothers when Dory Funk pinned Jerry Brisco in 19:55 to Win The Crockett Cup Championship

Rating: B


Man, for know at least, I don't have to worry about the Tag Team division. These two teams were the right two men to have in the finals and the team that has the long term success won. A great match to end the tournament


The Funk Brothers celebrate in the ring with their Crockett Cup Trophy.

Rating : B-



Attendance: 10,000 SELLOUT


Final Show Rating: B

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As I watched last few people filed out of the Greenville Williams Arena, I was

relieved and very happy. My first ever MACW show that I booked turned into a big success. Jim Crockett came to me with a big smile, saying that,for a guy who was sent here to book at the last minute, I did a really good job. Then he smirked at me and "Well kid, you just got to it in a few days, we have a tv taping on Thursday" He looked at me and walked away, leaving me with the show.


The next day, I went into Jim's office to discuss what he sees me doing for the next few years. He states that he wants the promotion to make 1,000,000 withen 2 and half years. And he also states that he wants Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes to always have high momentum, which wouldn't be hard at all. He also stated that if he wanted to bring in anyone, they have to have a lot stamina and be very tough. Again, not to difficult. He wished me good luck on the TV show and he stated that it would never be easy...


Yeah, no s***!!

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I should have seen this happening. But right before my first TV show, Roddy Piper decides to go to greener pastures with the WWF. This hurts me because I was ready for him to go into a program with Ivan Koloff but know those plans are shot.


I talked to him and said that I there is no hard feelings and that I understand why he's making the move. I did say to him that he can have one more match on my show if he wanted to. He said yes. We shook hands and he walked away. I can't worry about this know, he's already gone, it's time to book the TV show.


I sent the promotion out to the local newspapers to promote our show.


"THIS WEEK ON........



Hot off a great Crocket Cup, The Funk Brothers Terry and Dory Jr are hungry and they are ready for some Championship gold. Will they challenge the Tag Team Champions Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood. Speaking of the Champs, they will defend their gold against the wily duo of Johnny Weaver and "Number One" Paul Jones. Also, "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes made an open challenge to the winner of the Flair/Valient Championship match at last Monday's Crockett Cup, Flair retained. Will, "The Nature Boy" accept "The Dreams" challenge? Also in action "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel goes one on one with The Masked Assassin, Terry Funk will take on the "Rowdy One" Roddy Piper. Also, Bob Orton Jr and Dizzy Ed Hogan are in action for ....







Final Card of Mid -Atlantic Championship Wrestling : Wed, Week 1, April 1983

Terry Funk vs "Rowdy" Roddy Piper


NWA Tag Team Championship

© Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood vs Johnny Weaver & "Number One" Paul Jones


The Assassin vs "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel


Bob Orton Jr. vs Rick Harris


"Dizzy" Ed Hogan vs Angleo Mosca Jr.

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JCP Promotions Present.....





This is it, my first ever tv show, I'm nervous, but not too nervous since I should not expect the greatest show ever, but I still want it to be good.




Dark Matches

Mike Rotundo beat Ken Timbs with The Airplane Spin in 4:40



Main Show

We all know that Dusty Rhodes made a challenge to The NWA World Championship Ric Flair. But will Flair accept the challenge? Later tonight, we will get that answer as "The Nature Boy" himself will have an interview on if he will or will not accept the challenge.

Rating: B+


Dizzy Ed Hogan vs Angleo Mosca Jr. by pinfall in 5:24

Rating: F+

..... um.. yeah. This is probably the worst of the worst. Which is a shame because I'm trying to give Hogan a push and this match wasn't a good start to that push. I'll keep trying for the next few weeks, but right know, I'm not hopeful for this.


"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair comes out for his promo. Will he accept the challenge of Dusty Rhodes?


" Let me say this that there are a lot lovely ladies out here tonight, WHOOOO. And some not so lovely men out there if you know what I mean. But not as ugly as Dusty Rhodes, I'll give you all that. And speaking of Big Dust, I understand that you wanted something? I understand that at The Crockett Cup, that you wanted something, pretty important. I know that you said, that you wanted to face the winner of Jimmy "The Boogie Fool" Valient or our very own, limosuene ridin, jet fly'n, kiss stealin, wheelin dealin, son of a gun, The Nature Boy Ric Flair, woooooOOOOOOooo! I know you want me big man, I know you want the belt that's around my waist. However, I don't think you deserve a shot at my belt. I don't go around the world defending my belt, wrestling nobodies. Big Dust, to me, your just a nobody. You're gonna have to have a lot more to offer me than just a challenge and your good name. So, then I must say, I'm sorry but I must humbly decline your challenge Big Dust. WooooOOOOOOOoooo.

Rating: B+



"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. beat Rick Harris in 5:34 with the Superplex

Rating: E+

I'm 0 for 2 tonight so far, though I have more confidence in Bob Orton than Dizzy Hogan at this point. With Roddy Piper leaving, Orton will have to step up in his place with the upcoming Ivan Koloff feud. It would have been a lot easier if Roddy was in the spot but we will just have to see.


We see match highlights from The Crocket Cup final between The Briscos and eventual winners The Funk Brothers.

Rating C+

After the footage is showen, The Funk Brothers are with Tony Schiavone, and they have something to say.

Terry: I don't think we need anymore prove, after the footage that was just shown, that we are the uncrowned NWA Tag Team Champions.

Dory: Nothing more to prove other than make this statement, that we want to fight the Champions.

Terry: (He shakes Schiavone) Come on, little man, don't you think we deserve a Tag Team Title Shot?

Tony: Yes, I'd say you do.

Terry: Hell, we're finally getting somewhere!! That's right Steamboat, that's right Youngblood. We are after you and more importantly, we are after the gold that's around your waist.

Dory: Any time, any where, you boys better be ready because us Funk Brothers are always ready.


Terry Funk pinned "Rowdy" Roddy Piper in 6:46 with the Texas Piledriver

Rating: C+


After the match, Dory and Terry beat down Piper pretty badly, sending a message to The Tag Team Champions.

Rating: B-


I know, some of you might think that this is a burial for Roddy, but it was the most logically thing I could think off. Since his planned feud with Ivan Koloff wasn't able to happen, there wasn't much for him to do was job out to some one to build Terry Funk up, AND explain why Roddy isn't on the show anymore. I'm happy if was a good short match that didn't hurt Roddy too much. We'll miss you Roddy!!


Oliver Humperdink and his giant One Man Gang come out to make a challenge, not for a match, but for a body slam.


" My One Man Gang is over 400 pounds, no one has ever come close to body slam him in the ring. However, it doesn't hurt to make a few not so easy bucks, HAHAHA. I will offer 5,000 to anyone that can not only pick up The Mighty OMG, but to pick him up and slam him to the mat. I bet no one in this arena or in the NWA can do it. If anyone, next week wants to try it, so be it. You WILL be humiliated HAHAHAHA.



NWA Tag Team Championship

Ricky Steamboat& Jay Youngblood beat Johnny Weaver&Paul Jones when Steamboat hit a flying body press on Paul Jones in 4:47

Rating: C-

A pretty decent match, nothing too special. But things will heat up for The Tag Champs soon enough;)

Wahoo McDainel comes out, ready for his Main Event match.

"A lot of people might say that I'm a little too old to be in the ring. That my skills have declined and that I can't do it anymore. But, I tell you this, my heart and mind have not withered away just yet.

Rating: C



However, there is trouble as The United States Champ Greg Valentine is walking to ringside and takes a seat to watch The Match.

Rating: B


Wahoo McDaniel beat The Assassin by pinfall in 6:09

Rating: D




Wahoo is happy for the win and celebrates with his crowd

Rating: B-


Tony Schiavone and Greg Valentine talk about the match, but Valentine isn't impressed.


"How can anyone, ANYONE, be impressed with this Indian loser. He is old as dirt and can't move anymore. I don't understand why anyone cheers for this guy. I'm the real star, I'm the US Champion, he hasn't won that in years.....he rants on


Tony: Goodnight everyone, we'll see you next week!!!!

Rating: C-


Final Crowd: 5,000 SELLOUT

Show Rating: D





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Sometimes, when I reach high, highs, I have to hit the low lows. And last weeks show was a low. I should have known that Roddy Piper was going to leave to the WWF. I should have known that Wahoo/Assassin was gonna be a disaster. Why did i decide to push Ed Hogan again? It was a train wreck. A complete train wreck. I actually almost decided to quit. Lucky for me, someone came to my office, a man that I didn't expect to see at my door. The man himself..... RIC FLAIR.


Flair: Hey boss, great show tonight.


Me: (I look up and see him) Well, for you at least, you got the most heat and had the most interesting parts of the show. Your bits were the only thing that really worked.


Flair: (smiles) yeah, that's true.


Me: I booked a really crappy show, that will probably get me a low rating on TV and almost certainly get fired.


Flair: Don't you realize that most promotions aren't even as good as our bad?


Me: Yeah, you got a point.


Flair: Hey, I really think the feud of Dusty is really gonna draw money.


Me: I think so too. (chuckles) Dusty is probably gonna say that the reason the show was so bad is because he wasn't on it.


Flair: Well, Big Dust can be a pain in the ass sometimes. But, I actually got to get going. I've got a hot date if you know what I mean.


Me: Oh yeah, I think I do, have a good night.

(Flair turns to leave)


(Flair turns around)

Me: I hope we can be friends during this whole ordeal.

Flair: Just don't screw me. (leaves)

Me: I'll keep that in mind.



When I saw the blonde haired wonder leave my office, I seemed to cheer up. I guess that happens with a guy with a different type of charisma than most wrestlers. I got to thinking that last show, while match quality wise was a complete and utter bust, there were some big storylines that were put into motion that have the potential to be hot. The Valentine/McDaniel Funks vs Steamboat/Youngblood feud have a ton of potential, and of course Dusty vs Flair is going to be huge. There are things from that show that I can say that it worked.


In any event, I need really need to get that show's bad taste out of my mouth, I need to put on an eventual show. And of course I thought of the man himself......

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Well, I've set up the next TV card. This one should be much better than last week, at least for match quality, and, lets be honest, nothing could be any worse than that show we just put on last week. But I've forgotten all about last week, except that the rating was .04. This week's card is going to surpass that. I know it will.


As I was about to present the card to Jim Crockett, I get stopped by a huge, manatee like man. It was Dusty Rhodes. I had avoided him for most last week, because I know what was going to say about last week.

Dusty: There you are, I was a needin to talk to ya.


Me: Oh, you don't say.


Dusty: Way wasn't The American Dweem on last week's show?


Me: (Nervous) Well, Dusty, I assumed at the time, your presence wasn't needed, since we had Ric on last week.


Dusty: Is Natch wrasslin next week.


Me: Why, yes he is, Dust. It's a rematch from Crockett Cup.


Dusty: (sounding angrier) Do ya realize that the Dweem hasn't wrestled in several weeks!.


Me: Well, I haven't see, I was saving you for the big shows. But, you will be on this week show. Making a larger challenge for Ric Flair's World Title


Dusty: Well.... I wanna wrasstle too.


Me: I'm sorry Dust, but the slots for nex.....


Dusty: (gets closer to my face) I don't care I wanna wrasstle!!



Now, I'm getting nervous and afraid for my life at this point. I guess this is what happens when you don't wrestle a lot.

Me: Ok ok, I'll try to replace someone for you. Would you like to face The Great Kabuki this week?


Dusty's massive face, lightens up to the idea. He starts getting into American Dream mode

Dusty: Sure thang babeh. You know you ain't half bad.


I just more or less saved my own life right there. I took out my pencil and changed TV card to feature Dusty Rhodes. I guess this would be for the better, though I kinda feel bad for Kabuki.......

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Awesome! Being the huge old school freak that I am, I'll be following this one,I always love to see how people re-book history. :)


Nice backstory,I like the extra little interactions....don't sweat the low grade last time out too much,Slick Ric gave you good advice;As a booker for SECW I can tell you even your "lousy" show was around the same grade as my average shows.

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This Week On..........


Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling



During the week, "The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valient had invoked his rematch clause, because he felt cheated out his last match with "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, so this week on Mid-Atlantic Flair will defend his championship against Jimmy Valient. Will Dusty Rhodes be involved, which it has been rumored he has added more to the top in order to the get title match. Speaking of Dusty, he will also be in action against the Oriental Killer and Gary Hart's main man, The Great Kabuki. In addition, we have a second title match for this week, one half of the Funk Brothers, Dory Funk Jr, will defend his Mid Atlantic Championship against "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. Will Steamboat & Youngblood be involved in the match. Also in action, Wahoo McDaniel, Dick Slater and more are in action for........


Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling




Offical Card


NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jimmy "The Boogie Man" Valiant vs "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair ©


NWA Mid Atlantic Championship

"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. vs Dory Funk Jr. ©


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes vs The Great Kabuki w/Gary Hart


Wahoo McDaniel vs "Number One" Paul Jones


"Dirty" Dick Slater vs Private Jim Nelson

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JCP Presents........







I awaited this show like no other, I just want to have a good show. I think this will be one since it is pretty loaded up tonight. So I'm just gonna, sit back, relax and strap it down!



Dark Match

Magic Dragon beat Mark Flemming after pinning in 5:23





Bob Caudle is hyping up the big main event tonight which will be the Crockett Cup rematch of Ric Flair defending his NWA Championship against Jimmy "The Boogie Man" Valient"


"Folks, this will be a thrilling match up to say the least. I'm looking forward to it, I hope you are too. So... lets... wait a minute...

Rating: C+

Suddenly, out comes "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes. And he has a suitcase with money in it

" Let me tell you something, Bob. Ric Flair, you claim that I don't have enough to offer ya! My good name isn't enough ya say! But But Natcha Boy you didn't count on ONE THING! You see, despite my rustic appearance, if you weeel. I actually make quite a bit of money honey, thanks to the good folks of Crockett Promotions. You see, Slick Ricky, I have right here, is a dirta old suitcase. This suitcase has been in my family forever. But that's not as important as to whats inside it, if you wheell. You see, what's in this suit case, is cash. Cold... hard.. Benjamins and Jacksons babeh. What's even more important than that babeh, is that it's $10,000 babeh. That's right, $10,000 smakers, Natcha Boy! And this isn't no small offer, I know that you love your women, your cars, your limos, your jets. But I know that you love your money more than all of them. If I told you that this was all the money I had in the world, you'd take my offer. Because, I know you want to see The American Dream down and out and broken. But let me tell you Natcha Boy.... I'm given you all I have, because when I take your NWA World Heavyweight Championship, I'm gonna see too it for that belt to come home with me!!!!!

Rating B+


"Dirty" Dick Slater beat Private Jim Nelson with the leaping piledriver, but also The Assassin came out and interfered on Slater's behalf in 2:41

Rating: D

Pretty much what I expected out of this match. A squash, but with a kinda of a different feel, with The Assassin helping out Dick Slater. This is the start of a tag team for these two


After the match, The Assassin announces a alliance with "Dirty" Dick


"This man, "Dirty" Dick Slater, is a future big player in the world of Professional Wrestling. This man, will be the future of this company and of my own career. You see, we both have decided to join forces to better our efforts. WE understand that there is a vacant Tag Team Championship here. It our goal to FILL IT!!!"



NWA Mid-Atlantic Championship

"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. Beat Dory Funk Jr when Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood distracted Dory. Then Orton hit the Superplex for the pin at 7:53 to win the NWA Mid-Atlantic Title Belt

Rating: C-


In one of the biggest upsets in MACW history, Bob Orton Jr has beaten the Legendary Dory Funk Jr. to win the Mid-Atlantic Championship and Bob Orton celebrates his title.

Rating: D+


I'll admit, this match should have been better, but I guess Dory's slowing down which is a bit understandable. But the reason I took the single belt off Dory was so that he could fully concentrate on The NWA Tag Team Championship. Besides, I didn't want Dory locking it up and not defending the belt while he was in tag competition. Anyway, I stand by my decision.

The Great Kabuki performs his famous Nunchuck routine before his match with Dusty Rhodes.[/b]



"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes beats The Great Kabuki w/ Gary Hart in 4:49 by pinfall


Not a great match, but a good match. At least Dusty can shut up know that he has wrestled. Geez Dust.


After the match, Rhodes is attacked by the big mountain man Jos Leduc.

Rating: C+


Before his match with Paul Jones, Wahoo McDaniel has some words for Greg "The Hammer" Valentine


"I have something to say about this Greg "The Hammer" Valentine. I heard what he said last week about me. Saying that I was too old to be in the ring. That he was better than me. Valentine, I don't want to make trouble with you, you are a fine wrestler. But if you make me mad Valentine, if you do. You will regret it."

Rating: B-


Wahoo McDaniels beat "Number One" Paul Jones by Pinfall in 4:46

Rating: C+



Well, at least his match was better that the one with The Assassin. So I'm happy about that, good job Wahoo!!!


Wahoo celebrates in the ring yet again. The fans love him big time.

Rating: B-

Greg Valentine and Tony Schiavone talk about the last match and once again "The Hammer" Spouts off his mouth.



This man, doesn't have and never had any talent what so ever. Every time I would watch one this man's matches, I would fall asleep. He is the worst wrestler I have ever seen. He is certainly, not in the caliber of Ric Flair, The Funks, or even myself!!

Rating: C-


NWA World Heavyweight Championship

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair beat Jimmy "The Boogie Man" Valient by pinfall after, "Big" Jos Leduc came in an attackd Valient in 9:35 to retain the NWA Championship

Rating: B


After the match, both Flair and Leduc are beating down Valient.

Rating: B-


All RIGHT!!!! My man, Natch pulling off another mircle. This match was even better than the One at Crockett Cup. I'm very grateful for him.


Final Crowd: 5,000 SELLOUT!!! (Third in a Row)


Final Show Rating: B- :p:p:p

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I was personally overjoyed with a successful show. Even though it was the the workers that we have that put my plan into motion. But, your not gonna take my moment away from me HAHAHAHA.

Then something wonderful happened. It was like a vision had just come to me, something that could not only help MACW, The NWA, JCP but the entire wrestling business as we knew it. I looked at my schedule and I saw the event : Starrcade. And it was taking place on Thanksgiving night. One of wrestlings most profitable days of the year. I needed to tell someone of my monumental idea. So... I called the big guy to my office.....

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I actually called Jim Crockett, into my office. I'll admit, I felt weird for asking the owner of Jim Crockett Promotions into MY office, but he did it willingly. I just needed to tell him my master plan.


He walked in



Crockett: Well, kid, I'm here. What do you need?


Me: Well Mr. Crockett...


Crockett: Kid.... call me Jim.


Me: Well... Jim... I have an idea that could potentially make us a lot of money.


Crockett: Well.... I love money, so keep talk'n kid.


Me: Sir.... (I stand up to make a big production) STARRCADE!!!


Crockett: Yeah, what about Starrcade?


Me: Jim, I have a brilliant idea for it.


Crockett: Kid, Starrcade isn't until November, on Thanksgiving Night.


Me: (Snaps back) Why is it on Thanksgiving?


Crockett: Well..... because... in this territory, Thanksgiving night is one of the most profitable days of the wrestling year. Most of the time, families after there Turkey want to do something, they'd say "Hell, lets go to the wrestling matches". So that's why Starrcade is on Thanksgiving.


Me: I see.


Crockett: (getting a little upset) Kid, just tell me what you're planning.


Me: (Stands up again) NWA Champion "Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs "The American Dream Dusty Rhodes, Inside of a 15 foot high Steel Cage, Thanksgiving Night, STARRCADE!!!!! Think of it Jimmy boy. The two most charismatic wrestlers in the World. No one has more heat than Ric and no one is more popular in this area than Big Dust. Think of the gates, the box office the moolah.


Crockett: But that's a 7 month wait. Won't fans get tired of the same singles match up?


Me: We only need to pair them off, 3 times. One at The Great American Bash. Dusty wins by dq. One at the NWA Anniversary Show. Ric gets counted out. Dusty was so close. But he gets one more chance. Not only will this last match be for the title, not only will it be in a steel cage NOT ONLY, does it mean his last title opportunity to have a title shot, but if Dusty loses this match to Ric Flair, inside of a god damn CAGE, if he loses his career is over!!!!


Crockett just looks at me with amazement, fear and confusion.


Crockett: First of all, clam down. And secondly.... I totally love it, Kid.


Me: (Smiles) Thank you sir.. I mean... Jim.


Crockett: Ok, I can't wait to see TV this week.


I collapse due to exhustion and happiness.

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In a shocking development in the on going Dusty Rhodes vs Ric Flair saga, when not only did "Big" Jos Leduc come out of nowhere and attack Rhodes after a match, but to ally himself with none other than The Nature Boy himself after attacking Jimmy Valient during the NWA Title match last week. What will The Boogie Man do to react to this and will Dusty Rhodes have a similar reaction to Jos Leduc putting a wrench in his Title dreams. Speaking The Dream, he will be in action this week, taking on Paul Jones. Also this week, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine will make a title defense against one half of The Brisco's Jerry Brisco. Will "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel take action against Valentine for all the comments that were made. In addition Bob Orton Jr will make his first title defense against The Assassin, Ricky Steamboat will take on "Dirty" Dick Slater and The Funk Brothers will be in tag team action. They will also make some comments on Steamboat and Youngblood. One Man Gang's bodyslam challenge will begin this week all this action and more on.....



Official Card


NWA United States Championship

Jerry Brisco vs Greg "The Hammer" Valentine ©

NWA Mid Atlantic Championship

The Assassin vs "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr ©

"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes vs Paul Jones


Ricky Steamboat vs "Dirty" Dick Slater


The Funk Brothers vs Abe Jacobs & Mike Rotundo

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JCP Presents....









Dark Match

"Dizzy'" Ed Hogan beat Masa Fuchi by pinfall in 4:22






Bob Caudle opens the show with a video of last weeks attack on Jimmy "The Boogie Man" Valient at the hands of "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and "Big" Jos Leduc.


" You know fans, I have been covering Professional Wrestling for a very long time know. And I don't have to tell you that last weeks attack on Jimmy Valient was sicking. What Jos Leduc and our World Champion did to the "Boogie Woogie Man" was totally uncalled for and shameless. I hope that Jos Leduc gets what he deserves. But as for Ric Flair, I hope he gets what he deserves and then some. Lets go to the ring"

Rating: C



"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. beat The Assassin with the superplex in 4:33 to retain his title.

Rating: D+


The rise of Bob Orton Jr has begun. He will get into a more important feud with Ivan Koloff, that is, if I can find time to put Ivan in the ring. Which will be next week. Other than that, a decent match as I expected

After his match, Bob Orton goes to the booth and gets interviewed by Tony Schiavone.

Tony: Well Bob, an impressive win to say the least, you have held on to your belt on your first defense. You know, not many people, if at all, thought that you had a chance against Dory Funk Jr last week, but you came out and won

the championship.


Orton: Well Tony... I think that I did more than raise a few eyebrows last week. But by beating one of the wrestling's greatest champions, the legendary Dory Funk. That is a accomplishment, in it of itself. However, I'm not gonna hang my hat on just one win. I realize that everyone will be gunning for the Mid-Atlantic Championship. And Tony, I plan on keep this belt for a long time and anyone who wants me in that ring, I will gladly step in there and compete. So look out.


Tony: Thank you.. BOB ORTON JR everyone!!!.... we'll be right back.

Rating: D


We return to the show, where the big mouth himself, Sir Oliver Humperdink is in the ring, with the huge, One Man Gang.

This here is the ONE MAN GANG. He's 450 pounds of mass humanity. He is by far, the largest man in the Mid-Atlantic area. And tonight, one of the wrestlers in the back is gonna try and collect $5,000 of my own money, to see if they can not only left the OMG, but the body slam him to the mat. I here we have a challenger, lets bring him OUT!!


Rufus R. Jones comes out from the back to a rousing cheer. He looks at Humperdink and stares down OMG. He is getting ready to try and lift him. He goes down for the attempt and..... he can't do it. And Humperdink laughs and OMG attacks Jones.


"What did I tell you all. That no one is going to be able to life the ONE MAN GANG"

Rating: C


The Funk Brothers beat Abe Jacobs & Mike Rotundo when Terry pinned Mike in 5:33


Not much to write home about, just a squash to push the point that The Funk Brothers are pissed. So it was a fun squash, nothing offensive.



The Funk Brothers then get on the mic and they are not happy.

Terry: I never like to get angry, and I NEVER like to see my big brother Dory get mad. But Steamboat and Youngblood, you just did both!!! I had to see my big brother almost break down in the back over the fact that he was no longer the Mid Atlantic Champion.

Dory: It was YOUR fault Steamboat!! If it wasn't for you, I would still be Mid-Atlantic Champion. I would have squashed that loser Orton in less time. But because of you Steamboat and Youngblood, I don't have a belt

around my waist.

Terry: And if you two loverboys think that we are taking this laying down, you are vastly mistaken. My brother and I are the toughest son of a b****'s in the entire world. So don't think for a second, that your gonna be safe. Your belt is no longer safe. We will exact revenge on you some way some how.. lets get outta here!

Rating: B-


The Fire and the fury of "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes. (music Video)

Rating: C+


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes beat Paul Jones with the Bionic elbows and got the pin at 4:47

Rating: C


After his match, Dusty grabs the mic as he has something to say.

" You know, last week was probably one of my lowest points of Dusty Rhodes' career. The reason, is because I thought that I had all of my bases covered, I thought I had everything planned. I didn't realize that the large mountain man of Jos Leduc was gonna come out of nowhere and attack "The American Dream". This man tried to end my career, but however, he didn't get the job done. And the same with my good friend "The Boogie Man" Jimma Valient, they tried to end HIS career, but they didn't get the job done,babeh. Because, Jimmy is a different kind of cat, he isn't like any average human bein'. He is as, or even tougher than "The American Dream" And I am confident that he will be back. As for you Naticha Boy and Leduc. You have been warned. Leduc, you are on my hit list, you are the first of many victims on my way to the championship.Ric Flair, I know I put up a lot of money to have a shot your title. But I realize that, for me to be become the next World Champion, I need to be focused on one person, YOU. But since, you brought Leduc in this, I see no choose but focus on destroying you Leduc and Flair, IF You get any more involved with this, you will regret it babeh!!!

Rating: B


This was a great match. It was high-flying, with great wrestling within the time that was allowed it. Slater is a great worker and Steamboat is one of the best of all time, so it would be very tough for either of them to have a really bad match.


Ricky Steamboat w/ Jay Youngblood beat "Dirty" Dick Slater when Steamboat hit the flying body press at 5:32

Rating: B

Then The NWA Tag Team Champions get on the mic.


Steamboat: I like to say a few things, about The Funks, they claim that we cost Dory Funk the Mid-Atlantic championship. Well, I just want to say that we are not to blame.


Youngblood: We believe that, if you lose title under legal means, then you have no one to blame but yourself.


Steamboat: We don't cry over loses like the Funks do, we prove ourselves in that ring, night in, night out. To prove that we are the best and Bob Orton Jr has proven that he was better on that night, than Dory Funk.


Youngblood: So, if you want to blame us for your loss, then go ahead, because it's not going to do any good.


Steamboat: If you want our belts, we are not hard to find, Funks. We are not ducking anybody!!!!

Rating: C+



NWA United States Championship

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine beat Jerry Brisco, by submission with the figure four leg lock at 7:44 to retain his belt.

Rating: C+


After words, Valentine is having an interview with Tony, until The Big Chief himself, Wahoo McDaniel come out to confront him.



Valentine: What are you doing here?

Wahoo: I've heard that you've been saying some insulting things about him on commentary.

Valentine: (he looks scared) Well...

Wahoo: Listen to me you little punk, I don't want to have to do something I will regret. But stop saying those lies to the public about me, or else we have a problem.

Valentine: Listen, you fat, balding, Indian! ( he holds his belt) You see this, I'm the US Champion. That means that I mean more than you, I draw more than you, and I am just flat out better than you. If you think that you can take me than go ahead. But no.. fat... out of shape.... little


Wahoo slaps Valentine, he gets off balance and Wahoo leaves. Leaving a stunned and in raged Valentine.


Bob: Ok then, we'll see you again here on Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling, thank you and GOOD NIGHT FOLKS.

Rating: C+



Event attendance: 5,000 SELLOUT (Fourth in a Row)


Final Show Rating: B-

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After another very good show, I went to my office to relax, as you know watching wrestling can be exhausting. (yeah right) As I get ready to book next weeks show, I hear a knock on my door, it's Slick Ric

Me: Ric, come in come in.


Ric: Hey, I was coming to ask you where exactly are you going with my feud with Dusty.


Me: Well, I figured that since, you two are the biggest draws I got, I'm gonna stretch this whole thing out much farther than I originally was going to do it.


Ric: I see.


Me: Putting you with Jos Leduc will not only keep the angle fresh for a while, while giving a rub to Leduc so he can have a few matches with Dusty and you will have one more blow off match with Valient, since you two are having good matches.


Ric: But when is the blow off to my feud with Dusty?


Me: Were gonna have the big blow off at Starrcade.


Ric: So, where holding it off till the biggest night of the year? (he smiles, you can almost see dollar signs in his eyes) That sound great, kid.


Me: The way I see it, you and Dust have two matches at two of our major shows, The Great American Bash and our Anniversary show and the last matchup, with be fought in the confines of a steel cage at Starrcade, with tons of huge stakes. It's a can't miss.


Ric: That sounds pretty good, kid. Just don't deviate too much from what the main story is.


Me: What do you mean?


Ric: Lets not forget that it's really all about Dusty and myself. Having Leduc in there is fine and having Jimmy in it is fine. Anyone, that you want to insert in thats fine, but remember, the real story is The American Dream vs THe Nature Boy (does a little woooooo). Sorry, I couldn't help it.


Me: Not a problem, Natch. Just go home relax, your gonna be on next week, tagging with Jos Leduc.


Ric: Ok, kid. See ya.



"Man" I thought to myself. That man is so cool.

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Last week, "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes made a promise to both Ric Flair and Jos Leduc that he is going after them for what he did to Jimmy Valient and himself. How will The Nature Boy and the Lumber Jack Strong Man Leduc respond. Speaking of the duo, they will team together for the first time as they tag on the rag tag duo of Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw. Also, The Funks declared that Steamboat and Youngblood are there number one enemies. Well, Terry Funk decided to get into the ring with they Native American sensation, Jay Youngblood. Will the youngster find away to defeat the wily vetern, or will experience and ruthlessness prevail. And then, Wahoo McDaniel will be in action as well as "The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Vailent, Kabuki & Magic Dragon, The Brisco Brothers], another challenger in the One Man Gang $5,000 Dollar Body Slam Challenge.. all that action and more on.....




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Oh, I almost forgot....



A few days ago, I got a knock on the door and a man walked in. He was pretty young looking, with long curly hair and a mustache that made him look like Tom Sellack, TV's "Magnum P.I" one of my favorite shows. He enters the room, probably very nervous.

Me: (I stand up to greet him and shakes his hand) Hi, how are you.


Terry: I'm doing pretty good, had a hard time finding the place.


Me: Believe me, I know that feeling. Anyway, I just want to say thank you for coming and thank you for choosing The MACW, to come and work.


Terry: I don't know if I had much of a choice, not many people wanted me.


Me: I find that hard to believe (he smiles) The boys at JCP and myself believe that you have a future in this sport and with MACW. We believe that while we have one of the deepest talent pools of any territory in the country, we fill that fresh young talent can be used here to the built up to big time stars, and we feel Terry that you fit that bill.


Terry: Well thank you sir, I'll do the best I can.


Me: (Stands up and smacks the desk) That's the attitude I like. (Shakes Terry's hand) But I must say that the name you have right know doesn't work for me.


Terry: Really?


Me: Yeah, it doesn't sound like a cool wrestler. ( An idea pops in his head) Say,did anyone ever tell you that you look like Magnum P.I


Terry: ummm..... sometimes.


Me: Well... for now on, you will be known as.. MAGNUM T.A!!!!!


I like when I have good ideas.:D

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JCP Presents.....









Dark Match


"Number One" Paul Jones beat Mike Rotundo by grabbing Rotundo's tights for the pin at 5:51






A highlight video is shown on the on-goings on the Dusty Rhodes, Jimmy Valient vs Ric Flair & Jos Leduc feud.

Rating: C+


Bob Caudle is then shown as he is talking about the very dangerous alliance of Ric Flair & Jos Leduc


"Fans, I don't want to lie to you and stay that the team of "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "Big" Jos Leduc is a tandem that will be easy to beat, because it won't be. This alliance has the perfect combination of skill,cunning,power & ruthlessness. I want to warn anyone who faces them that to beware. However, if I know anything, "The Amerian Dream" Dusty Rhodes & Jimmy Valient won't take this lying down so Flair & Leduc should be ready. Speaking of "The Boogie Woogie Man" lets get to the ring for our opening match-up"

Rating: B-


Jimmy "The Boogie Woogie Man" Valient beat Mark Fleming by pinfall after a "Boogie Woogie Elbow Drop" at 1:16

Rating: E+

This was just a squash to keep Valient strong. So this was a match that I knew would suck.

After the match, Valient gets on the mic and he has something to say


" You know, a lot of my babehs want to know; what is "The Boogie Man" gonna do about Ric Flair and that fat lumberjack Jos Leduc. RIC FLAIR, you cheated me out of the World Heavyweight title, not once, but TWICE!!! You never beat me fair and square. That belt should be mine! And as for you, Jos Leduc. You were the reason I lost that match a few weeks ago on this very show. I wanna get you in the ring too boy, you are the scum the earth! So, I'm gonna give you two boys a little warning. I'm not gonna stop until both of you are dead and buried! Because, I'm just like an ol' dog, no matter how many times you beat me, I will ALWAYS come back for more, with all that I got. And in regards to my big buddy Dusty Rhodes. Dream, I'm on your side dadda, I got your back!! You can count the Ol's Boogie Woogie man to get the job done!! Flair and Leduc, I'm comin' for YOU!!!"

Rating: B-



We get a video about the debut of a new star coming to the Mid-Atlantic area... MAGNUM T.A. We see him driving his Harley Davidson on the road. He will be coming to an NWA ring in a few weeks.

Rating: D-


The Brisco Brothers beat Paul Jones & Kelly Kiniski in 4:41 with Jack pinning Paul Jones.

Rating: D+

Not a very good match, just a match to showcase The Briscos

After the match, The Assassin & "Dirty" Dick Slater comes out of nowhere and attacks The Brisco Brothers from behind.

Rating: C


The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon beat Sweet Brown Suger and Vinnie Valentino in 2:58 when Kabuki pinned Valentino with a Heart Kick

Rating: D


This match was another nothing affair. Though I was surprised to see that SSB and Valentino have excellent chemistry together. Hmmm, I need to look into that

A video showing the back & worth jawing of Wahoo McDainel and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine

Rating: B-


"Chief" Wahoo McDaniel beat Johnny Weaver in 4:48 by Dq when Greg Valentine came out and attacked McDaniel

Rating: C-

It was a decent match, I thought it would be better. But what was important was the angle afterword.

After McDaniel and Valentine start yelling at each other, and then they start to brawl. It has become incredibly heated, however, it was broken up by Mid-Atlantic officials and the two warriors are pulled apart.



"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "Big" Jos Leduc beat Rufus R. Jones & Bugsy McGraw in 4:55 when Flair made McGraw submit with the figure four leg lock.

Rating: C-


Another decent match that I thought was going to be better. Oh well, I think Flair and Leduc team up well together. This should start to set the stage for the main event of May's Clash of the Champions.


After their match, Flair and Leduc get on the mic as they have something to say.

Flair: WooooOOOOooo. Let me tell you people something. There is no team around that looks this styled and profiled. *crowd boos* Let me say this. I heard what the "The Boogie Man" had to say earlier on this program. And I heard what ol' fat so, Dusty Rhodes had to say last week and let me say that none of you are in my or my friend here's league. Valient, you say that you got screwed out of the title in both times we faced each other. Well, if little Jimmy, doesn't know what he's getting into once he signs a contract to face "The Dirtiest Player in the Game" then he shouldn't get in the ring with me at all. He his too dumb to realize that I do what it takes to win and it's apparent that he doesn't know that.

Leduc: That's right Ric.... VALIENT! You say that an old dog will keep getting up, keep coming back. But there is a way to stop an old dog, and thats to shoot it right between the eyes. And Rhodes, if you think that you are being noble in trying to defend that piece of garbage, just think of this. If you don't want to get beaten down like I did to you a few weeks ago. Stay out of my business, stay out of Ric's business.

Flair: That's right, Big Dust. If you don't want to get burned, touch mess with the fire, because The Big Man and "The Natura Boy" WOO Ric Flair are the hottest thing going today. WOOOOooooOOOOO!!!

Rating: B-


Terry Funk beat Jay Youngblood in 8:28 after Dory Funk Jr. Interfered and Terry used the Tornado Pile Driver to get the pin.

Rating: C


Hmmmm, well again, not as I thought it was going to be, maybe because, while Jay is a good worker, he still has work to do. Anyway, a pretty good match.



After the match, The Funks beat down Youngblood, until his parter, Ricky Steamboat came out to rescue Jay from the Funks. And Ricky is in the ring, helping his partner.

Rating: B


Final Attendance: 5,000 SELLOUT the 4th in a row.

Final Rating: C-

Not bad.. not bad... not good... but not bad

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On Monday, I had my monthly meeting with the boss, Jim Crockett Jr. With business starting to roll, we made $86,000 last month and our TV ratings are slowly starting to climb. He thanked me for doing a pretty good job, so far of course. Many bookers have really success and then start to falter when things aren't going so well. Except for one really bad show several weeks ago, I thought I had a pretty good month of April.


Then, Jim asked me what I was going to do for this month's Clash of The Champions, which was in 4 weeks. He knows that Rhodes/Valient vs Flair/Leduc feud was the hottest thing going in the area. I told him that I was planning on promoting a Tag Team Main Event of Ric Flair & Jos Leduc vs Dusty Rhodes & Jimmy Valient with 3 title matches to go on, (since it is called, Clash of the Champions). I also said that the long put off Orton vs Koloff feud was gonna start this week and the start of introductory feud of Paul Jones and Magnum T.A. This will help Magnum get some training by Paul to help him get into to swing of things. Magnum, I stated, was going to be a big part of our future for as long as we have him.


After the meeting, I gave Jim the card for next weeks show. I left his office and I was relieved. But happy as well.

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It has become clear that NWA World Heavyweight Champion "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and "Big" Jos Leduc are a major power when they are together. But, with Flair and Leduc's comments about Dusty and Jimmy Valient, it's Dusty's turn to fire back, and will fire back at them as "The American Dream" will be in action this week. But in the main event, it's a rematch from The Crockett Cup as the Crockett Cup winners, The Funk Brothers,Dory and Terry Funk take on the Brisco Brothers: Jack and Jerry Brisco. Also, we have TWO championships on the line this week. As The NWA World Tag Team Champions, Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood take Gary Hart's Oriental duo of The Great Kabuki & Magic Dragon. And, U.S champion Greg "The Hammer" Valentine will take on Rufus R. Jones, after last week's heated brawl with Wahoo McDaniel, The Hammer will probably have a lot to say. And The NWA President, Jim Crockett will on the show to make a decision regarding The Funk Brother's feud with Steamboat & Youngblood. Also, One Man Gang will be in action, as well as the return of "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff... all this and more on......





Offical Card


The Funk Brothers vs The Brisco



NWA World Tag Team Championship

Ricky Steamboat&Jay Youngblood vs The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragonw/ Gary Hart


NWA United States Championship

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vs Rufus R. Jones


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes vs Kelly Kiniski w/ Sir Oliver Humperdink


"The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff vs Mike Rotundo


One Man Gang w/Sir Oliver Humperdink vs Abe Jacobs

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Jim Crockett Promotions presents.....











Bugsy McGraw pinned Angelo Mosca Jr with the Splash in 3:34


"Dirty" Dick Slater & The Assassin beat Rick Harris & Ken Timbs in 5:01 when Slater pinned Harris with the leaping piledriver





Bob Caudle, is shown, talking about the big feud of Wahoo McDaniel and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine


Caudle: You know fans, I have known Wahoo McDaniel for a long, long time. And never, in my whole life, have I seen him get so angry over what a wrestler did or said to him. It is really clear that Valentine has gotten under Wahoo's skin. If I know Wahoo like I think I do, Valentine better beware.

Rating: C


One Man Gang pinned Abe Jacobs in 0:39 with the Big Splash


Yeesh, this was a slaughter. So this match is nothing really to write home about. But it made OMG look like a monster, but he is still not that over quite yet.

Humperdink: You know a few weeks ago, that loser Rufus R. Jones tried and tried but he couldn't pick up the mighty One Man Gang. HAHAHAHA!!! However, I understand that we have another victim in store for the Gang. He seems to think that he can be the one to slam my giant. Well, he can come out if he wants, but he's gonna learn humility. Because he's gonna fail, the same way everyone else has failed. But anyway, lets bring out, PRIVATE JIM NELSON!!


Out comes Jim Nelson. He walks into the ring and stares down The Gang. He seems very ready. He gets into position, and he goes and does his absolute best, but he can't pick up The Gang.

Afterword, Humperdink orders The Gang to attack Nelson from behind and he does this.

Rating: C-


Lucky for Nelson However, Dizzy Ed Hogan comes out to chase off Humperdink and Gang and attends to Nelson.

Rating: E+


"The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff pinned Mike Rotundo in 3:39 with the Russian sickle.


Another squash to establish Koloff, since he hasn't been on the show in a while. But that will change as he challenges Bob Orton Jr for the Mid-Atlantic Championship


Tony Schivone: Well, Ivan that was an impressive victory, we haven't seen you in a while so what is it like to be back?

Koloff: Tony.... Being here in the Mid-Atlantic is like living in the deepest, darkest part of hell. All of you hick, ugly Americans, have no concept of what real professional wrestling is. And there seems to be one man here that represents what is wrong with this country and this area. You know who that is Tony?

Tony: Well... no.... Ivan, I don't think I do know.

Ivan: A man, named "Cowboy"....

Tony: You mean.. "Cowboy" Bob Orton?

Ivan: Of course, Bob Orton. I see that you have a championship belt around your waist. A belt that you stole from Dork Funk Jr.You are a fraud and you are what makes the United States such a horrible place too live. I came back to the Mid-Atlantic to take away your title. That belt needs a real athlete, someone who will respect that title. I am that man, I'm here to CHALLENGE YOU ORTON!!! I will be the next Mid-Atlantic Champion!!!

Tony: We'll be right back fans.

Rating: D+



Greg "The Hammer" Valentine made Rufus J. Jones submit in 4:55 with the figure four leg lock.

Rating: C-


A pretty decent match. Nothing to special but I like Greg a lot so it's all good.


Valentine: You know, the last several weeks. I've been harassed and and humiliated by that fat Indian, Wahoo McDaniel. When he slapped me, across my face a few weeks ago, you couldn't imagine the type of rage that came over me. So when I came out to confront him last week, I felt that he got what was coming to him and I showed him how was the real boss. However, I didn't get the job done, I feel that I can humiliate you and make you feel like you were nothing. So, right on TV, I'm making a challenge towards you Wahoo. I realize we have a little show called "Clash of the Champions" There, I feel that I can give you a real lesson that you deserve. I will put my belt on the line in this match and we will see if you can get the job done, and I know that you can't.



All of a sudden, "The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant comes out with the mic.

Valiant: Before we get to our next match my babies. I just want to say that this man, who is coming out, is a true American Hero. He is a great wrestler a great champion and I am very very very very proud to call him my friend. Ladies and Gentleman..... DUSTY RHODES!!!!

Rating: C


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes pinned Kelly Kiniski with several Bionic Elbows in 5:14

Ratin[g: D+



Basically this was a glorified squash. But it was a fun squash, it's hard to be bored when your watching the Dream in action, I'll give him that. [/i]

Dusty: Ya know, lately we there have beeen a whole lot of challeng'n going on. A lot of gauntlets bein' thrown down, if you weeell. Well, babeh, there is no bigga gauntlet then the one that was thrown by "The Natura Boy" Ric Flair and Jos Leduc.

Valiant: Ya see, we know how tough Flair and Leduc are together. But, they don't know how tough me and the Dream are.

Dusty: You know, Jimmy, we understand that there is a little gatherin' in four weeks. The Clash of The Champions. You two think that you can fully take out the Dream and The Boogie Man. Then I wanna see you try daddy.

Valiant: At the Clash, we want you in the ring in a Tag team Match. If you girls, have the guts to face us in a fair match, then come on, we are not hard to find.

Dusty: We will give you till next week to make up your mind, and... we are waiting for the Clash, and I hope that you are, babeh.WOOT!


NWA Tag Team Championship

Ricky Steamboat&Jay Youngblood beat The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon in 5:39 when Youngblood pinned Dragon

Rating: D+


I'm shocked that this match wasn't better than it was. Oh well, but this match should have been alot better.


The Funk Brothers beat The Brisco Brothers when Dory Funk pinned Jerry when The Assassin distracted Jerry in 9:39

Rating: B

Wow, this was a great match. It totally saved our show match wise. This is setting the stage for the Brisco vs Dick Slater & The Assassin feud. And of course the Funks vs Steamboat&Youngblood feud. Great match.


We just get an announcement that at The Clash of Champions, Steamboat&Youngblood will defend there championships against the wily duo of Dory & Terry Funk, the Funk Brothers at Clash of The Champions.



Final Attendance: 5,000 SELLOUT!!!

Final Show Rating: C+

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Last week, Dusty Rhodes and Jimmy Valiant made a challenge to the NWA World Champion Ric Flair & Jos Leduc for a match at Clash of The Champions. Will the dynamic duo of Ric Flair and Jos Leduc accept the challenge? As for Ric Flair tonight, he will be in action, taking on Johnny Weaver in a non title match. But the main event for this week will be a classic as Ricky Steamboat goes one on one with Terry Funk, one half of the dangerous Funk Brothers. Will Dory Funk and Jay Youngblood get involved? Will either men make it to the Clash in one piece. Also, Bob Orton Jr, will put his Mid-Atlantic belt against Magic Dragon. And what about Ivan Koloff's challenge, will Orton accept it? And speaking of challenges, the ever confident US Champion Greg "The Hammer" Valentine made a challenge to his hated rival, "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel, will HE accept the challenge for a match at the Clash for the US title. Also, The Briscos will be in action, so will Dick Slater& The Assassin, Paul Jones... this and more action on......






Official Card

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs Johnny Weaver


Ricky Steamboat vs Terry Funk


MID-Atlantic Championship

"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr © vs Magic Dragon w/Gary Hart


The Briscos vs Ken Timbs and Kelly Kiniski


"Number One" Paul Jones vs Bugsy McGraw

The Assassin & "Dirty" Dick Slater vs Sweet Brown Suger & White Chocolate Thunder

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