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Mid Atlantic: The Good Old Days of Wrestling

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"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs Johnny Weaver


Ricky Steamboat vs Terry Funk


MID-Atlantic Championship

"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr © vs Magic Dragon w/Gary Hart


The Briscos vs Ken Timbs and Kelly Kiniski


"Number One" Paul Jones vs Bugsy McGraw


The Assassin & "Dirty" Dick Slater vs Sweet Brown Suger & White Chocolate Thunder

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Jim Crockett Promotions present.........











Mike Rotundo pinned Masa Fuchi in 5:44 with the airplane spin


One Man Gang w/Oliver Humperdink pinned Private Jim Nelson in 2:42 with the 747 Splash



Video footage of the feud between Rhodes/Valiant & Flair/Leduc. There history up to this point, and will Flair and Leduc accept the challenge

Rating: C+


Bob Caudle is out as usual to talk about events, until Wahoo McDaniel comes out...


Bob: Wahoo!!! What do have this pleasure?

Wahoo: Mr. Caudle, you know and the people know that Greg "The Hammer" Valentine has made me look like an idiot on TV and around the world. He has never seen what I've seen or even done as much as I done. Now, Valentine regarding your challenge for a Title match at The Clash of The Champions. I must say this, I accept!!! VALENTINE, you're days as US Champion are almost over.


"Number One" Paul Jones pinned Bugsy McGraw in 2:47 when he used the ropes for leverage.

Rating: D+


Nothing to special, Jones needs to be credible so that he can feud with Magnum.

Yet another video about Magnum T.A. He will be making his debut at this months Clash of The Champions

Rating: D-


Paul Jones has the mic


Paul: I've seen these little videos about the impending arrival of Magnum T.A. I don't know who this man if, or what he is doing or anything. I must say that from the looks of him, I'm not impressed. He is just a punk kid who thinks he can be a wrestler. But let me tell you Magnum. You better be careful when you step into the snake pit that is the MACW.

Rating: D+

Rating: C


The Briscos beat Ken Timbs& Kelly Kiniski in 4:35 when Jack pinned Timbs.

Rating D-


This is a simple squash. The Briscos are so awesome, In my opinion.

Bob Caudle talks about what Dick Slater & The Assassin did to the Briscos.


"Dirty" Dick Slater&The Assassin beat Sweet Brown Suger&Vinnie Valentino when The Assassin pinned Valentine with a running powerslam in 2:43



I know, I know another squash, but the angle is more important.


After the match, Slater & Assassin join Tony Schiavone at the booth...


Slater: There was a reason why, we attacked The Brisco's a few weeks ago, and we did have a good reason why we distracted them last week as well. We want them in the ring.

Assassin: We know that there is a vacant Tag Team Championship here. That hasn't been filled in months. As we stated before, are intention is to fill it. But, we needed a team to beat. So we chose YOU, Briscos

Slater: So at Clash of The Champions, Briscos. We are challenging you to get in the ring for the vacant Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship. If you got the guts. Lets do it!!! (They leave)

Tony: We'll be right back.

Rating: C


NWA MID-Atlantic Championship

"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr pinned Magic Dragon w/Gary Hart in 5:14 with the Superplex

Rating D

Well, probably a glorified squash, but a decent one at least

Bob Caudle: Bob, that another impressive victory over a tough customer, but I know that as tough as Magic Dragon is, Ivan Koloff is even tougher.

Orton: Well, I would agree with you. Koloff is no pushover. And I understand that I'm his number one target, this belt is his number one target. But Ivan, you don't know how tough I can be. I beat a great champion to get this and if I have to beat another one to retain it. So be it. I accept your challenge for a title match at Clash of the Champions. So Ivan Koloff get ready, because I'm comin at ya.

Rating: C-


Non-Title Match

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair pinned Johnny Weaver in 7:53 when Jos Leduc interfered in the match

Rating: C


A very good match from these two. And it seems that the chemistry of Flair and Leduc is excellant. So I'm looking forward to more teaming up in the future.


Flair: (Leduc stands behind Flair) WOOOOOO. Ladies, have you ever seen two finer physical Specimens in your entire lives. This man, Leduc has to be the strongest man that I have ever seen in my entire life. No man can touch him, but no man on earth can possibly touch the "Nature Boy" WOOOOOO. Now last week, we heard Dusty Rhodes and "The Boogie Man" run there mouths on tv, saying that they want a piece of Flair & Leduc. Well let me say this Rhodes and Valiant, you think that we're a afraid of you, well think again. We will gladly sign on the dotted line to face you two at Clash of The Champions. It's gonna be your funeral, wake and burial at the Clash. And when it's all over, Leduc and I will leave the arena, with the prettiest girls and the longest limo I can find and where both gonna party, Nature Boy style, woooOOOOOOOooo. Come on big man.



Ricky Steamboat pinned Terry Funk in 7:33 with the flying body press.

Rating: B-

This feud, match wise, is going to be awesome. I really can't wait for this tag team title match at the Clash, I know that these 4 men are gonna bring it.


Final Attendance: 5,000 SELLOUT

Final Rating: C+

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Lately, I've been talking with Jim Crockett over trying to expand our horizons. Not go to the levels that Vince is doing in New York. But try to reach out to a newer audience than just in the Mid-Atlantic area. We achieved our highest ever TV rating last week with a .07. But I believe that we can do better with our promotion outside of the area. Besides, if Starrcade or other shows are going to have a big impact, they should be more people watching. Our talent that we have right know deserve that I feel.


Jim agreed with that, anything that would be against Vince McMahon. The man who had been stealing top stars from many territories. guys like Hulk Hogan from the AWA, Austin Idol from Memphis, Michael Hayes of Texas and he even stole Roddy Piper away from us. Which was a big blow to our company.


However, I feel that we can still compete with him and Jim agrees. He likes what the card looks like for this May's Clash of The Champions. And he also thinks that the Magnum T.A signing could be a big boast. Of course, if he's pushed right. Him having a little feud with Paul Jones should establish him and we will go from there.

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With the Rhodes/Valiant vs Flair/Leduc match now signed and ready to go for Clash of The Champions, (in a week from Sunday) what will this week bring in the ever increasing drama of this feud. Dusty will be in action in our main event this week as he takes on "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff. Will Dusty make it to the Clash in one piece? Also, will Bob Orton Jr be involved as they are set to square off at the Clash for the Mid-Atlantic Championship defense against Koloff. Also, we have one half of the NWA Tag Team Champs, Jay Youngblood, going one on one with Dory Funk Jr. Will Dory get revenge for Terry after Terry lost against Ricky Steamboat? Also, a US Title defense by Greg"The Hammer" Valentine, taking on Bugsy McGraw. Will Valentine still be champion by The Clash? Also, Jack Brisco, The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon and One Man Gang will be in action... this week on....





Official Card


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes vs "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff.


NWA United States Championship

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vs Bugsy McGraw


Dory Funk Jr vs Jay Youngblood


Jack Brisco vs Mike Rotundo


The Great Kabuki & Magic Dragon vs The Masked Avengers (Sweet Brown Suger&White Chocolate Thunder)

One Man Gang w/ Sir Oliver Humperdink vs Rufus R. Jones

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One Man Gan w/Sir Oliver Humperdink vs. Rufus R. Jones

OMG is young with potential, Freight Train is nearing retirement,plus Rufus already tried(and failed) to slam the big man,all this adds up to a squash for OMG.


The Great Kabuki & Magic Dragon vs. The Masked Avengers

Applying the old "One team has a name,they will probably win rule",Still SBS & VV had good chemistry so it might be worth building them up.


Jack Brisco vs. Mike Rotundo

Rotundo needs ring time to learn his craft,and who better to learn from than a former World Champ?I wouldn't be suprised if we see a heel turn by Brisco here too(since it is a face vs face matchup).


Dory Funk,Jr. vs. Jay Youngblood

Dory lost one due to Steamboat,so I can see Terry costing Jay this one to even the score(probably with a 2 on 1 beatdown afterwards)...plus I can see Steamboat being a future World Champ(barring an injury or rediculous offer from Vince)....Youngblood,not so much....so Youngblood if the "safe" member of the team to take the loss and move the feud along.


Dusty Rhodes vs. Ivan Koloff


Both guys are over,and both being built up for feuds so I doubt you'd want either to look weak here.I am predicting some sort of "No Finish" like a double DQ or double Count Out,with run ins by Leduc and Valiant.

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JCP Presents....









Johnny Weaver pinned Kelly Kiniski in 4:32


"Dizzy" Ed Hogan pinned Rick Harris in 0:41




Bob Caudle Hello fans, and welcome to another exciting hour of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. Now, you know fans of the reason development between this big time alliance of "Nature Boy" Ric Flair and Jos Leduc. But we haven't discussed much on how great a team that "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes & "The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant. This tandem has so much charisma and toughness, which, in my opinion, will be the one team that can perfectly counter act Flair&Leduc. Now folks, there match is only a week away at Clash of The Champions, so all of our questions will be answered at that time. So, lets get into our first matchup of tonight between Jack Brisco & Mike Rotundo.

Rating: C


Jack Brisco pinned Mike Rotundo in 4:34

Rating: D


A very technical match. I hope Mike learns a lot from Jack, because I want to be able to use Mike in a much more important role in the future, but he's not ready at the moment.

After the match, Jack goes up to Mike and shakes his hand for giving him a good fight. Mike accepts

Rating: C-


Afterwords, both Jack and Jerry get on the mic as they have something to say.


Bob: Jack, that was a great match and very impressive.

Jack: Well.. thanks Bob. But really I had something on my mind during my last match, and that is because of the repeated attacks on me and my brother by the duo of The Assassin & "Dirty" Dick Slater.

Jerry: You boys think that you can beat us from behind, but what are you two gonna do when you have to face us face to face. So we accept your challenge for a match at the Clash of The Champions.

Jack: And you also want this to be for the vacant Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship. Well, that's fine with us, we need more gold in our resume. Because we know that you can beat up up from behind, but lets see if you do it, face to face.

Bob: There you have it folks. The Briscos vs Assassin&Slater at Clash of The Champions for the vacant Mid Atlantic Championship. We'll be right back.

Rating: C


ONE MAN GANG w/Sir Oliver Humperdink pinned Rufus R. Jones in 0:40

Rating: E


Unlike the last match, which had some great technical wrestling, this match was an ugly squash. The freight train got completely run over by the Gang. He is looking stronger every day.


Bob: I've got word that "Dizzy" Ed Hogan will be here next week to challenge One Man Gang and his body slam challenge. We'll see if he can do it.

Rating: E-

BOOKERS NOTE: I'm honestly getting worried about this Gang vs Ed Hogan feud. I know that both men have chances to be stars. But I'm worried about Hogan has his matches are getting virtually no responses and are basically suckfests. Gang's matches suck too, but there much shorter so that doesn't mean much. I'm gonna keep going on this feud and see if it improves.

A music video hyping the United States Champion. A Real man, a Real Hero, a Real Champion, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine

Rating: B-


NWA United States Championship

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine © made Bugsy McGraw submit to the figure four leg lock in 5:04

Rating: C-

I like the Hammer a lot. He's very consistent and can make a bad match up decent. This one could have been terrible, but Valentine saves it. The Hammer is the man!

Tony Schiavone: I must Greg that that was an impressive win, but Bugsy Mcgraw, isn't Wahoo McDaniel. Wahoo is much tougher.

Valentine: (laughes) Listen, little man, Wahoo McDaniel is a nobody compared to The Hammer. And that's what I've been trying to tell all of you people out there. Wahoo is nothing more than a fat, out of shape, Indian, with no heart or soul. I, on the other hand, am in shape, rich with talent and has more toughness than Wahoo has in his baby toe. Once I start hitting you with my Hammer forearm, and when I put you in my figure four leg lock. You will be running home to your teepee. Only you'll be doing it with a broken arm, a broken leg, broken nose anything! Because once I get done with you Wahoo, you will never walk into another ring again.

Tony: Well.... thank you Greg. We'll be right back.

Rating: B-

Before the tag match, The Great Kabuki spits out his green mist

Rating: C+

The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon w/Gary Hart beat The Masked Avengers in 5:14 when Kabuki pinned WCT with a heart kick

Rating: D-


This was a pretty fun squash and I actually have plans for the Masked Team, I believe it needs a manager. If I can find a good face manger for them, then they could be in good shape. Because they have to good of chemistry to be wasted in squashes, but at this point, they don't have much to work with.


We cut to backstage and The Funk Brothers have something to say


Terry: You know, my brother Dory tonight, is gonna go into the ring the ring, to take Jay Youngblood. One half of the loser NWA Tag Team Champions. He doesn't need my help, because he is one of the greatest NWA Champions of all time, FOUR YEARS he held on to that title. And I'm a former champion as well. So, WE should be the favorites to beat Steamboat&Youngblood at the Clash of The Champions. And tonight, my dear brother, is going to prove to the world that fact against you Youngblood. They don't call us, "Middle-Aged and Crazy" for nothing!!

Rating: B

Dory Funk Jr pinned Jay Youngblood in 7:12 with the Leaping Piledriver, after Terry Funk


Rating: C-


This match, should have been match better with who was in it. I don't know if it's because Youngblood isn't as good as Steamboat, which is probably the truth, but he's still a good worker. Anyway, should have been better. Lets move on.


After the match, Youngblood is attacked by both The Funk Brothers and he is beaten down pretty good.

Rating: C+


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes beat Ivan Koloff by Dq when Ric Flair & Jos Leduc interfered in the match in 7:14

Rating: D+


Yuck.... just yuck


After the match, Flair&Leduc go and attack Dusty, but then is rescued by Jimmy Valiant

Rating: C+


Final Attendance Rating: 5,000 SELLOUT

Final Show Rating: D+




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You know, I know last weeks show was bad. But I've promised myself not to get upset like I did last time. Things happen, the angles worked great, The Funk Brothers, Valentine's and The Brisco's promos were good and hyped up The Clash rather well. But sometimes I take defeat rather hard. But, as The Man Ric Flair, said himself, our bad is other people's good. With the talent that we have we should do better. And next week, we will do better. I've also gave the TV Station our updated card for the Clash and this is what the commercial will say....
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LIVE Next Sunday From The Winston Salem Coliseum, in Winston Salem, North Carolina... ITS






NWA World Heavyweight Champion "Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "Big" Jos Leduc


"THE AMERICAN DREAM" Dusty Rhodes & "The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant

Also, FOUR NWA Championships will be on the Line!!!


Dory & Terry Funk: The Funk Brothers


NWA World Tag Team Champions: Ricky Steamboat&Jay Youngblood




NWA United States Champion: Greg "The Hammer" Valentine





NWA Mid-Atlantic Champion: "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr.


Jack & Jerry Brisco: The Brisco Brothers


The Assassin & "Dirty" Dick Slater



Magnum T.A (debut) vs Johnny Weaver

"Number One" Paul Jones vs Mike Rotundo

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Last week, Dusty Rhodes was under attack by Ric Flair & Jos Leduc, until Jimmy Valiant came to the rescue of "The American Dream". WE have heard so much of the team of Rhodes & Valiant, but this week, they will team up together against Kelly Kiniski & Abe Jacobs, one would feel bad for Kiniski & Jacobs. Speaking of the Nature Boy, he will also be in action, in our main event taking Mid-Atlantic Champion Bob Orton Jr. But Orton's belt won't be on the line, but Ric's title will be. Also, Ricky Steamboat will take on The Great Kabuki. After seeing his partner get hurt at the hands of The Funk Brothers, how will Steamboat respond to it.. also this week "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff will be in action, as well as Dick Slater & The Heroic team of The Masked Avengers will be there. And "Dizzy" Ed Hogan will make an appearance, will he accept The Bodyslam challenge, of the One Man Gang? .... all this and more on...



Official Card


NWA World Championship

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair © vs "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr

Ricky Steamboat vs The Great Kabuki


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes&"The Boogie Man" Jimmy Valiant vs Kelly Kiniski&Abe Jacobs


"The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff vs Private Jim Nelson

"Dirty" Dick Slater vs Bugsy McGraw


The Masked Avengers vs Ken Timbs & Masa Fuchi

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Hmm...Gang/Hogan? Well,IMO Dizzy Ed wil never be all that good in the ring,and OMG will eventually be a pretty decent big man,right now he isnt experienced enough to put on a good match with Hogan;at least he can get over just on his size until his skills catch up.I'd like to see him crush Hogan to further his rep as a monster,then both guys move on to feuding with someone a little further up the card that could improve their skills,maybe draw at least a respectable match.


Soon as I saw Kabuki do the mist,I knew I blew that pick lol.Could it mean Kabuki and Dragon will get the push? Kabuki is already decent and Dragon has some potential,a tag team would be a good way to get him some experience and build up Kabuki too.


C- out of Dory/Youngblood? Not horrible,but not great...Dory is old school,all business, mat wrestler(which is cool to me,but his matches tend to be slow paced,which the fans may not enjoy alot) while Youngblood is a flashier high flyer type with a good look,might have been Youngblood doesn't quite have the skills yet to build a good "clash of styles" story in the ring.


Dusty/Ivan kinda suprised me...I know neither one is exactly Ric Flair when it comes to in ring skills....but Dusty has decent enough skills otherwise to pull off a better match...besides,we are talking abput the "All American Boy" going against the "Evil Russian"....you'd have thought the fans could really get into that.

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The night before the next show I get a knock on the door. It was my latest signing, manager, Sputnik Monroe. He has been brought in to be the manager of my latest pet project, Sweet Sugar Brown & White Chocolate Thunder aka Vinnie Valentino, The Masked Avengers.

Me: Ah... Sput how are ya doing.


Monroe: Thanks... but why am I managing a jobber team. Sure, I think Skip Young has talent, but Valentino has never won a match in his life. How am I supposed to work with this.


Me: Well, in the near future, this team will contend for the Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship which is being put back into contention. I need strong mid card teams to fill the title. Strong, baby-face, mid card teams. And besides, I need them to work together, since they both work very well as a team and if I they had a strong manager, they could do very well. So thats where you come in.


Monroe: But I was one of the most hated bad guys in the world. How could the fans accept me as a good guy?


Me: Sput, I'll be honest, know one knows you here in the mid atlantic, or at least, not many. This is a fresh start, and besides, you will be on tv a lot.

Monroe: And the money is good?


Me: Money, is good, if you do well for my Avengers.


Monroe: Well, you got yourself a deal. (He leaves)


Well, that was easy enough, I sure hope he helps to get this team over.

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Hmm...Gang/Hogan? Well,IMO Dizzy Ed wil never be all that good in the ring,and OMG will eventually be a pretty decent big man,right now he isnt experienced enough to put on a good match with Hogan;at least he can get over just on his size until his skills catch up.I'd like to see him crush Hogan to further his rep as a monster,then both guys move on to feuding with someone a little further up the card that could improve their skills,maybe draw at least a respectable match.


Soon as I saw Kabuki do the mist,I knew I blew that pick lol.Could it mean Kabuki and Dragon will get the push? Kabuki is already decent and Dragon has some potential,a tag team would be a good way to get him some experience and build up Kabuki too.


C- out of Dory/Youngblood? Not horrible,but not great...Dory is old school,all business, mat wrestler(which is cool to me,but his matches tend to be slow paced,which the fans may not enjoy alot) while Youngblood is a flashier high flyer type with a good look,might have been Youngblood doesn't quite have the skills yet to build a good "clash of styles" story in the ring.


Dusty/Ivan kinda suprised me...I know neither one is exactly Ric Flair when it comes to in ring skills....but Dusty has decent enough skills otherwise to pull off a better match...besides,we are talking abput the "All American Boy" going against the "Evil Russian"....you'd have thought the fans could really get into that.



I'm trying to push some more midcard baby faces, and for now, I'm trying to push Dizzy. But so far it isn't working to well. I'm gonna go with it a little while longer. As for Kabuki, yeah I'm trying to give him a push, but a Main Event one just yet. Most of my main faces are in feuds all ready, but when Kabuki is ready for it and when other faces are available, you should see a Kabuki vs ? feud.

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The Masked Avengersvs. Ken Timbs and Masa Fuchi

Avengers look to team regularly,Timbs and Fuchi seem to be a more random pairing,besides after 2 losses I think the Avengers should get a win back to help build them up.


Dick Slatervs. Bugsy McGraw

Dirty Dick versus the missing fourth Stooge? Slater all the way,he needs to look tough going into his feud.


Ivan Koloff vs. Private Jim Nelson

Ivan is awesome,Nelson is not....perhaps this beating is the one that caused Pvt.Jim to embrace the way of Communism and change his name


Dusty Rhodes & Jimmy Valiant vs. Kelly Kiniski & Abe Jacobs

Squash...Abe eats the pin.It'd be sort of cool to where Kiniski goes,he did have at least a modicum of talent.


Ricky Steamboat vs. The Great Kabuki

Kabuki is not Steamer's level yet,plus Ricky is involved in a program...with any luck both men may learn a thing or to out from each other there.


Ric Flair vs. Bob Orton

Tough call as I like both men and both have feuds coming up,a big winfor Orton WOULD do a lot for his standing but jobbing out Flair to someone who is not quite on the Main Event level yet so early in the feud probably isn't such a good idea.Leduc runs out to deliver the beating after,Dusty and Jimmy make the save,igniting a big brawl to close the show.(On a side note,bring back the Orton&Slater Tag Team! I liked them lol.

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I'm trying to push some more midcard baby faces, and for now, I'm trying to push Dizzy. But so far it isn't working to well. I'm gonna go with it a little while longer. As for Kabuki, yeah I'm trying to give him a push, but a Main Event one just yet. Most of my main faces are in feuds all ready, but when Kabuki is ready for it and when other faces are available, you should see a Kabuki vs ? feud.


Dizzy can do things for you on the midcard,just not yet;I feel OMG is much closer to "breaking out" than Dizzy is.

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JCP Presents.....







Dark Match


Mike Rotundo pinned Mark Fleming in 5:04


The Assassin pinned Angelo Mosca Jr.



Bob Caudle: Hello again wrestling fans, Bob Caudle here bringing you the best in the NWA. Tonight, we have a big main event as "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair will defend his World Championship against one of the hottest young stars in Mid Atlantic today, The Mid-Atlantic Champ, "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. It should be exciting and I hope you enjoy it. Lets go.... wait a minute, whos this coming out....

Rating: C

Out comes, Sputnik Monroe, and he has a


Sputnik: Before we get to this match, I have one thing to say, you may know me as Sputnik Monroe, one of wrestlings toughest and ruthless men. While, I agree, that I was once a bad man, when I saw this team of young, exciting men, I just wanted to manage them. But I had to change my ways in order to do so. So I bring to you, MY new clients.. SWEET BROWN SUGAR, WHITE CHOCOLATE THUNDA, THE MASKED AVENGERS.

Rating: E


The Masked Avengers beat Ken Timbs & Masa Fuchi when Brown pinned Fuchi with the sunset flip.

Rating: E-


Well, this wasn't special, but it served the purpose I wanted. I'm sure Valentino was shocked that he was actually winning his match, since I don't know if he ever won a match in his life. And Monroe, did a good job for the duo, so far, so good. I will have to see where this will lead.


We go to the remote little dirt road and we see Magnum T. A.


Magnum: You've seen in these videos that I am on my way to Mid-Atlantic, well... wait no more, because this sunday at the Clash of The Champions. I will make my debut against, Johnny Weaver. I will prove to you all that I am worth all the hype and I will prevail in my first match. It's now my time to shine.

Rating: D+

"Dirty" Dick Slater pinned Bugsy McGraw with the Leaping Piledriver, after The Assassin, who was doing commentary, attacked McGraw from

behind. in 3:50

Rating: C-

Wow, this was a much better match, than I thought it was going to be. I'm starting to really like Dick Slater.


Bob: Well, Dick I don't think I liked the way you won that last match...

Assassin: SHUT UP, Caudle. That's none of your business. But what is our business is The Briscos. You see Briscos, you accepted our match and I'm happy for that. But you don't know what you got yourselves into.

Slater: Jack and Jerry, that Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship, has been vacant for too long. It's time for someone to hold it. And who better than me and The Assassin to hold it. Briscos you don't have a chance.

Rating: C


"THE RUSSIAN BEAR" Ivan Koloff pinned Private Jim Nelson in 2:56

Rating: D-


Basically, another squash match. Nothing too special to say, just to keep Koloff strong for his match with Bob Orton Jr.

Tony Schiavone: Well, Ivan a pretty impressive match to say the least.

Ivan: Wasn't it, Tony. That's what you should be expecting Orton. You should be expecting a rain of fire from hell to come down and destroy you at The Clash of The Champions. Because, you my be a great athlete, you may be a great Mid Atlantic Champion. But that doesn't mean you what it takes to defeat Ivan Koloff. You are still a young man, I've seen more than you will ever see. So this sunday, you better be prepared to face the terror and the brimstone of IVAN KOLOFF!!

Rating: C-


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes & "The Boogie Man" Jimmy Valiant beat Abe Jacobs&Kelly Kiniski in 3:47 when Dusty used the Bionic elbows on Kiniski

Rating: D+

This was a decent squash for Dusty & Valiant, in which Dusty was in top form as well as Valiant.

Dusty: You know Bob Caudle. Last week was a bad one for The American Dream. Last week, while I was in a fight of my life with Ivan Koloff, I had to contend with the two pitbulls like "The Nature Boy" and Jos Leduc. I should have been prepared for those two, but I wasn't. But thankfully, my good budda, "The Boogie Man" Jimmy Valiant was there to watch my back.

Valiant: You know Dusty, I'm always on your side. If Flair & Leduc messes with Big Dust, then there messing with me, you undastand me. They don't know how to fight fair. But what they don't know is that Big Dust and The Boogia Man are two of the toughest S.O.Bs around daddy, and no one can tell us what do to. No even two worms like Flair and Leduc.

Dusty: I just want to tell all of you who will see this struggle this Sunday, to expect the unexpected, if you weelll, because, when it's all set in down, The Nature Boy and Leduc, will never look the same again!!!

Bob: You heard them folks, we'll be right back!

Rating: C+

WE come back and we see the footage of what The Funk Brothers did to Jay Youngblood last week on TV

Rating: B-


Ricky Steamboat pinned THe Great Kabuki in 5:59 with the flying body press

Rating: C+

This was a very, very good match for these two, it made both men look good, more so Steamboat who needs to look strong for the title match.


Steamboat then grabs the mic and has a few words to say for The Funk Brothers


Steamboat: I don't want to come out here and yell and scream, because that's just not me. But what you did last week, do my best friend in the whole world, Jay Youngblood was a disagree and uncalled for. He was wrestling a fair match, doing the best he can, one of the things that he is known for. I know he will be in Winston Salem this Sunday. I don't know if he will be at 100%, but he will be there. I just want to say that, Dory and Terry, you better be ready this Sunday, because I'm not going to take you lightly, in fact, I'm gonna have more fire and passion than ever before and you two better be ready for it!!

Rating: B-


NWA World Championship

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair pinned "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr in 9:54 when Ivan Koloff interfered.

Rating: C

Well, it wasn't the best match, but it was a pretty good one. Bob Orton looked very good and it still set up the Koloff vs Orton match.

Flair: WooooOOOOOoo. I am so ready Jos. I heard what that fat Slob Dusty Rhodes & and the Ultimate moron, Jimmy Valiant, had to say. They think that we are afraid of them, they think that we're gonna be in the fight our lives. However, Big Dust and Boogie Valiant, I don't think you quite understand what you got yourselves into. Your dealing with the sharpest mind, the most talented and (holds up his championship) I am the World Heavyweight Champion. The Greatest Champion and the Greatest Wrestler in the world. And this man (pats Leduc on the shoulder) is the strongest, toughest and vicious man in this sport. So how do you think you have a chance. I don't think so!!! See you on Sunday, Rhodes and Valiant. And good luck, because you two chumps are gonna need it. WOOOOOOO!!!

Rating: C+


Final Attendance Rating: 5,000 SELLOUT

Final Show Rating: C



A better show than last week, but still needs improvements.

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LIVE THIS Sunday From The Winston Salem Coliseum, in Winston Salem, North Carolina... ITS







NWA World Heavyweight Champion "Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "Big" Jos Leduc


"THE AMERICAN DREAM" Dusty Rhodes & "The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant

Also, FOUR NWA Championships will be on the Line!!!


Dory & Terry Funk: The Funk Brothers


NWA World Tag Team Champions: Ricky Steamboat&Jay Youngblood




NWA United States Champion: Greg "The Hammer" Valentine




NWA Mid-Atlantic Champion: "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr.


Jack & Jerry Brisco: The Brisco Brothers


The Assassin & "Dirty" Dick Slater


Magnum T.A (debut) vs Johnny Weaver

"Number One" Paul Jones vs Mike Rotundo

The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon w/ Gary Hart vs Rufus R. Jones & Bugsy McGraw



"Dizzy" Ed Hogan will take part in the $5,000 Body Slam Challenge of One Man Gang


7:00 P.M Bell-Time

Bob Caudle & Tony Schiavone as your hosts



If anyone wants to have predictions you are more than welcome. Thank you to everyone who has been reading thus far, your advice and input is very useful. :D

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Jim Crockett Promotions are Proud to present....








A video highlighting very thing, that has gone on in The Rhodes/Valiant vs Flair/Leduc feud.

Rating: B-

"Number One" Paul Jones pinned Mike Rotundo in 8:10 with Jones holding Mike's tights for the pin

Rating: C-

This was a very good opener to the show as Jones wins another match. He is on a role.


Tony Schiavone: Fans, earlier on we recorded an interview with one of the contestants in this next match, which is for the vacant, Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship, lets go to the tape. ( go backstage, where Tony is standing with The Brisco Brothers)

Tony: Jack, Jerry, the moment is almost here, in a few moments, you will be stepping inside the ring, against "Dirty" Dick Slater & The Assassin for the vacant Mid Atlantic Championship belts.

Jack: That's right Tony. Where warmed up and we're ready to take on anybody. But tonight, we are even more prepared because we are about ready to take The NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship. One of the few NWA championship we as a team have never held.

Jerry: And we've held over 50 tag championships.

Jack; So Assassin & Slater, you better be ready for us.

Tony: Thank you Jack & Jerry. Lets go to the ring!



The Brisco Brothers beat The Assassin & "Dirty" Dick Slater in 10:54 when Jack pinned The Assassin to win the Vacant Mid-Atlantic Tag Titles

Rating: C

This was a very very good match. The Brisco's won because they could give some credibility back to the titles, until another team is able to take them.

The Briscos celebrate there new championships. A belt that they have never won before.

Rating: C+


Dizzy Ed Hogan comes out to the ramp....

Dizzy: You know, I think I'm the one that can bodyslam ONE MAN GANG. So later on tonight, I want to take part in this, so OMG, you better be ready.

Rating: E


Magnum T.A pinned Johnny Weaver in 4:42 with the belly to belly suplex

Rating: E+

Tony: We go to another, prerecorded interview, this time, with The Funk Brothers, Dory and Terry Funk.


Tony: In an hour, you two will try and win the NWA World Tag Team Championship. But it will be a tough task...

Terry: What do ya mean a tough task, we are the best tag team in the NWA, we have TWO, not one, but TWO former NWA World Heavyweight Champions, in myself and my brother Dory. What has these two punks ever done?

Tony: Well.... they are 3 time NWA Tag Team Champions and they are vastly talented....

Dory: Exactly, nothing. Our record speaks for itself. Steamboat you better be ready, because after the beating that we gave your partner, I don't think you have a chance in hell of retaining against us.

Terry: Steamboat I know that you are a little angry that we beat up your little partner, but I don't think that you can step up to the challenge.

Dory: So Tony, in closing, we are vastly confident that we will win the championship tonight.

Rating: B-

Before, the match The Great Kabuki does his misting act

Rating: B-

The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon w/ Gary Hart beat Rufus R. Jones & Bugsy McGraw in 5:34 when Hart distracted McGraw and was hit with the spin kick by Kabuki for the pin

Rating: D+

A not bad, not good, but not a bad match. I really want to keep Kabuki&Dragon strong for a potential feud with The Brisco Brothers.

In a few moments, "Dizzy" Ed Hogan, will attempt to win $5,000 if he can bodyslam the 450 pound, ]One Man Gang[/color]

Rating: E+


Oliver Humperdink: You know, in the last several weeks, many wrestlers have tried and they failed to lift, my One Man Gang. In fact, no one has even come close. The reason is, because this man is too big, too powerful, and he is just an awesome site to behold. This man, is the next Andre The Giant, Haystack Calhoun, or any other big men that you would care to much to mention. But this little man, "Dizzy" Ed Hogan, is so sure that he will be the one to lift this man. Well, if he wins I'll give him the money (holds up a suitcase full of cash) but I'm also $100 sure that he will not even come close to lifting this man. (Then he see's Hogan come out to the ring) Well, well, well, here he is right know.

Rating: C-

Dizzy, comes out and gets ready for the slam. He stares down One Man Gang, who laughs at him. Hogan, gets into the position and BODY SLAMS ONE MAN GANG!!!!! The crowd cheers, Hogan grabs the suitcase, but Humperdink steals it and runs off

Rating: D-


"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr pinned "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff in 14:53 with the superplex, to retain his championship

Rating: C


A very good match, a match that Ivan actually dominated a lot of the match, until in the last few moments, Ivan got ****y and then Bob started making the comeback which then ended with the Superplex off the top rope and won the match in a shocking upset.


After the match, Ivan went crazy and started pounding on Orton. He then grabbed a ringside table put Orton on top of it, and Koloff got on himself, pulled Orton up, put his head between his legs and pile drived Orton's head into the ringside table (even though it didn't break). The crowd boos Koloff and are also stunned at what just happened.

Rating: C-


Bob Oton is in a bad way, as he is being helped into a stretcher and into an ambulance

Rating: C-


NWA United States Heavyweight Championship

Wahoo McDaniel & Greg "The Hammer" Valentine went to the full 30 minute time limit and the match ended in a draw. So Valentine retained his title.

Rating: B-


This was an excellent match, both worked together really well and it has made it easier to want to book more of McDaniel vs Valentine matches.

After the match, Valentine is disgusted, but Wahoo wants to shake his hand, to be a good sport. He reaches out for Greg, but Greg just slaps it away and walks off.

Rating: B-


Tony: We have one more interview that was prerecorded, lets go to the backstage area and we will talk with "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "Big" Jos Leduc. (we cut to the backstage area)

Flair: Well let me tell you Tony. The time for talk is over, the music has started, the band is beginning to play, and it's now time to see if you can dance. Now Dusty Rhodes & Jimmy Valiant I know you like to whine and cry about me and Leduc, but as they say, you can't cry over spilled milk, all those attacks that we made on you are in the past. It's all over, done with, what matters is today. And if you can beat me, I'll admit it. In fact, Tony, I'm going to make it a little more interesting. Tonight, I'm talkin to you "Boogie Woogie Man" If you pin me tonight, in the middle of that ring, I will give you a World Heavyweight Championship shot. I know I know, I beat you twice all ready, but you would have really deserved this shot. I'm gonna give you a shot, but you have to beat me first, and as the old saying goes, To be the man, you gotta beat the man, and I am the man, woooOOOOOOOOOoooo!

Rating: C+


NWA World Tag Team Championship

The Funk Brothers beat © Ricky Steamboat&Jay Youngblood in 24:26 when Terry hit Jay with brass knuckles and got the pin. They are the NEW Tag Team Champions

Rating: B-


Great match. The Funks wrestled brilliantly as well as Steamboat & Youngblood. This feud is certainly not over yet. I'm proud of these men out there tonight.

Drawing tons of heat on them, The Funk Brothers are the new NWA World Tag Team Champions

Rating: B-


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes & "The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant beat "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "Big" Jos Leduc in 19:31 when Valiant pinned Flair with the Boogie Woogie Elbow drop

Rating: B-


After the match, an angry Ric Flair goes and attacks Jimmy from behind, but that just makes Jimmy mad, and the two brawl all around the ring and back into the backstage area.

Rating: C+

I'm happy with this one, I was a little worried that this match wouldn't live up to all the hype that I put on it, but it did. Plus, it set the stage for the final Flair/Valiant match will be held at the next Big Show.

Final Attendance Rating : 8,111

Final Show Rating: C+

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After a very up and down month for us, I was a little worried that I'd lost the good graces of Jim Crockett. But for know, he was still happy, we still made money this month. Despite the fact that while The May Clash of The Champions was a good show, it didn't draw as well as the Crockett Cup did. But just a little bit, I was planning on a big match Between Jimmy Valiant and Ric Flair for the title at the end of the month show. I was trying to think of a gimmick match for them to have. Jimmy suggested an I Quit Match, Ric suggested a Texas Death Match. I went with the Death Match for reasons I will get into in the future. But I figured a Texas Death Match would be fine.
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After the shocking pin-fall loss of "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair at the hands of "The Boogie Man" Jimmy Valiant, Jimmy is the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship. When this match will take place and what type of match it will be is uncertain. In the mean time, Flair has agreed to defend his belt this week against, one half of the New NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions, Jerry Brisco. Also, Dusty Rhodes will take on "Dirty" Dick Slater. There are rumors however, that "Big" Jos Leduc will be coming after The Dream. Also, Ivan Koloff will be in action, what will say in regarding his actions at The Clash when he piledrived the Mid-Atlantic Champion Bob Orton Jr on a ringside table. Plus, One Man Gang, Ricky Steamboat & Magnum T.A will be in action.... all that and more on......





Final Card

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

"Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs Jerry Brisco

"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes vs "Dirty" Dick Slater

"The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff vs Bugsy McGraw

Ricky Steamboat vs Magic Dragon

One Man Gang w/ Oliver Humperdink vs Mike Rotundo


Magnum T.A vs Kelly Kiniski

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Lately, I've noticed that while being a booker can be a demanding job, it's also a lonely one. Except for a few times when The Nature Boy comes in to give me advice (he's like my Humphrey Bogart*) And a few fighting words from Dusty, it's not the most social job in the world. Most likely due to the fact that I'm not really one of the boys. To most of the wrestlers, I'm just the booker who gives them the matches and tells them the story of the feuds and they do the rest. I'm like a baseball manager, putting certain players into certain positions with the instructions that I give them, and if they don't produce and the whole team suffers and guess who gets the blame, yours truly.

It does help however, to have a team full of Ty Cobbs, Babe Ruth's, Pete Roses and Sandy Kofaxs. I look at my "team" as see some of the best in the world, and some really great up and comers.


Top Talent

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair: Quite possibly one of the best overall workers in the business, one of the very few with great wrestling talent, along with incredible charisma and awesome mic work. He truly does deserve to be the World Champion at the moment. It's best to keep him where he is and do my best to keep him. Plus, with out his advice to me after a few stinker shows, I don't know how I would have survived.

"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes : What can I say about him, he isn't the best guy in the world, but not the worst. Over the time I've been here, he's warmed up to me. He still feels he should be the booker, but thats tough. He doesn't have the in ring talent, Flair does, but damn, he's the best talker in the business and his charisma is off the charts. His, "everyman, low-class, tough guy brawler" character is PERFECT for Flair's "high class, highly skilled, jerk-off" character. That's why I'm planning on dragging this feud on till Starrcade, because how can you not have the two biggest draws headline your biggest card?

The Funk Brothers: Terry & Dory Funk Jr : These guys I love also. Even though Dory is getting older and Terry is as well, these two can still bring it. And plus, both are great guys to have around, and get mic men, more so Terry than Dory, but Dory has a realism that is a good contrast to Terry's "crazy man" act. As of now, they are the NWA Tag Team Champions. The only problem is how long can I keep Terry, he only wants to be here short -term, if I can keep him on short term for several more months, may be even till Starrcade, where they can lose the belts. I don't know, because it would be a real shame to lose Terry.

Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood: If Ric Flair, is the best overall talent with in ring skills and mic skills. Then Steamboat is the most talented, period. In ring, he is simply the best in the world, and despite him not being the most charismatic, his immense wrestling talent is so good, people will love him no matter what. Jay, is another bright talent, even if he is not as good as Ricky, he still has enough to get him over and be a talent for years.

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine:: What I love about him is that he is very consistant. He holds the US title at the moment. He is a great worker with almost a Ric Flair like charisma only different. He is almost like if Flair and Rhodes had a kid, thats what type of worker Valentine is. An everyman type worker that gets the job done, yet still has a little bit of Flair in him. He isn't top heel material, at least not know. I can really use him for even bigger things in the future.

Jimmy "The Boogie Man" Valiant This guy pretty much gets by on sheer charisma and mic talent, as he has little no skills except good brawling. But, you put him with the right guy, like he's doing with Ric Flair, he can give you a good effort. Plus, it's hard not to like him, as he has tons of energy and, when he wants to, he can give you all he's got.

The Brisco Brothers: Much like The Funk Brothers, these guys are great to have around, although, not as charismatic as the Funks, they are simply some of the best wrestlers around and probably one of the greatest tag teams of all time. They are the currant, Mid-Atlantic Tag team Champions. I don't know if it's the right title for them to have, but the belt needed some creditibility since it was just re-activated. Jack, is one of the greatest pure workers ever and Jerry, while not as good as his former champ brother, is still excellent in the ring.

"Chief" Wahoo McDaniel: Quite possibly one of the toughest S.O.B's around. He's a grizzled old vet, who is past his prime, but give him the right guy to work with and he can still go. Right know, he is in a hot feud with Greg Valentine over the US Title. I don't know if he will win the belt, probably not, but Wahoo, in his declining years, can still go.

Jos Leduc: Like, Wahoo, he's one of the toughest S.O.B's around. For a guy thats well over 300 pounds, he has an athletic ability and stamina that few has. Plus, he's a very good guy. He is in the middle of the hot feud where he is with Flair against Dusty Rhodes & Jimmy Valiant. I don't know how long he can really go, but so far, I'm pretty impresssed.


Up & Comers


"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr: In reality, he is taking the place of the departed "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. Piper was gonna feud with Ivan Koloff and eventually win the Mid-Atlantic Championship from Dory Funk, but Orton won it instead and is at the moment, feuding with Koloff. And at the last Clash of Champions, he shockingly beat Koloff. If he can improve his mic skills, he should be a big player in MACW and in wrestling in general.

The Masked Avengers (Sweet Brown Sugar&White Chocolate Thunder): This one is a pet project for me. I teamed these two guys up randomly and they had great chemistry together which shocked me. I wanted to see if I could use this somehow. While SBS is kind of established, he hasn't really done much and WCT aka Vinnie Valentino, is a long time jobber who barely if ever won a match in his life. I gave Vinnie the same gimmick that SBS has, and paired them up with Sputnik Monroe to see if it will work. Still a process, but I'm determined.

One Man Gang: He is the biggest man on the roster, and with a roster that doesn't have a lot of big men, at least, his type of big, he should be seen as an up and comer. However, it's hard to give him much to do and he is in a feud with "Dizzy" Ed Hogan which I'm scared because it's not really getting over. But OMG should be a big time player.

"Dizzy" Ed Hogan: Another, pet project of mine, while he has a great look and has charisma, his ring skills is extremely green. Right know, I'm trying to establish him get him noticed but as of this moment it's not working and people just don't care about him. Maybe if I could get him a manager, maybe put Monroe with him, it might work. But, I'm willing for anything.


Magnum T.A: Magnum is gonna be the future of Mid-Atlantic and of the business as a whole. He has the talent, the look and the charisma to get the job done. He's only had one match so far here, but I'm planning on big things for him. He just needs a little time.

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JCP Presents....





Dark Matches

Rufus R. Jones pinned Ken Timbs in 3:32

Greg" The Hammer" Valentine made Abe Jacobs submit in 6:48

Jack Brisco pinned Rick Harris in 2:54



The show opens with highlights from The Clash of The Champions main event match between Ric Flair/Jos Leduc vs Jimmy Valiant/Dusty Rhodes including the finish and the brawk afterwords


We then get the announcement that Ric Flair will face Jimmy Valiant for the NWA World Championship at the end of the month, and the match with be an Ally Fight!!!


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes beat "Dirty" Dick Slater by dq in 6:36 when "Big Jos Leduc came in and attacked Rhodes


A pretty good match to start. I wanted to try something different by having a hot angle at the beginning of the show and The attack on Rhodes by Leduc, seemed to be the the right way to go.

Bob Caudle: Dusty, I think all of us was shocked at what Leduc just did to you...

Dusty: Ya damn right it was shockin.... LEDUC!!! There was no reason, no reason at all, except that you wanted revenge for your loss at The Clash babeh. And babeh, that's fine wit me, but you shoulda done it face to face, not the cowardly way, daddy. And don't think that ya gonna get off the hook on this one, babeh, because I'm laying down a challenge babeh. I wanna a match with you next on this very same program, if ya weeel. If ya accept Leduc, I'm gonna show you what "Hard Times" truly is, if you weeel. Ya, goin done!!!

Bob: Well, fans, as you can see, Dusty is really upset, we'll see if there will be a match next week, between Dusty Rhodes and Jos Leduc, we'll be right back!!!!

Rating: C+

One Man Gang w/ Oliver Humperdink destroyed Mike Rotundo in 1:22 with the 747 Splash

Rating: E

Just a regular ol' One Man Gang squash. I really don't want to keep jobbing Mike Rotundo, since he so talented. I think it's about time I do something different with him

We see more footage from The Clash of The Champions, as we see the match of The Funk Brothers vs Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood for the Tag Team Championship. We see the tainted pin by Terry Funk on Youngblood for them to take the belts and become the NEW NWA World Tag Team Champions!

Rating: B-

Ricky Steamboat pinned Magic Dragon w/ Gary Hart in 3:53 with the Flying body press

Rating: C-

This was a very good match, this will keep Steamboat strong and next week, Youngblood will have a match to make himself strong as well.

Steamboat & Youngblood go the booth and talk to Tony Schiavone.

Tony Schiavone: Well Ricky, that was an impressive win. However, I got to say that both you and Jay got cheated out of the Tag Team Titles.

Steamboat: Well Tony, as we watched that video, Jay and I agree, Jay was hit with an illegal object by Terry Funk, and that was what cost us our belts. That we rightly should have right know. But we also agree, that there is no point to get worked up about something that happened in the past. You guys tried to take out my partner, but you couldn't do it. And you can't take me out and it was also clear that you couldn't beat us, fair square you had to cheat to win.

Youngblood: We know we shouldn't expect a totally clean fight out of you two, but I didn't think that you Terry or you Dory would stoop to even that low. Well we were wrong, and that was our fault. But, we deserve another shot at you two.

Steamboat: Funks, we want a rematch for the NWA World Tag Team Championship. Unless, you are chicken and don't have what it takes to face us head on fair & square. Then we will have to stoop to your level. (They walk off)

Tony: We'll be right back!!

Rating: C+

Magnum T.A pinned Kelly Kiniski in 2:04 with the belly to belly suplex

Rating: E

Just a squash to feature Magnum. Nothing to special really.

Bob: Magnum, thank you for coming out here, I must say that was an impressive win.

Magnum: Well, thank you Bob, so far, I'm having a good time here in Mid-Atlantic. I'm very much looking forward to wrestling the best that this area has to offer... (all of a sudden we hear boos, and out comes "Number One" Paul Jones)

Paul: (before Bob has a chance to talk) Shut up Bob.... now week after week, I've seen all these videos about the arrival of the "great" Magnum T.A. I've read about you, I'm heard about you, and know that I finally get a chance to see you in action, I got to say, I'm not too impressed.

Magnum: Really, huh?

Paul: You have a lot of nerve to come out here and think that you are a big time star, but listen to me: I'm gonna tell you that you haven't done anything, until you faced me in the ring.

Magnum: Well, lets go right know!

Paul: Hey, hey, I'm not ready to wrestle tonight, I don't even have my gear here, but I'll tell you what. If you want to face me, next week on this TV show, I'll give you a chance.

Magnum: You're on!!

Bob: Fans, we'll be right back!

Rating: D+

"The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff pinned Bugsy McGraw in 4:43 while using the ropes for leverage

Rating: D+

This was just an ugly brawl. And brawling is what these two men do best, so it fits I guess.

Ivan: Last Sunday, I ended the career of "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. Last night, I pile drove him through a wooden table, hahahaha. You see, he cheated me out of winning the Mid-Atlantic Title and he beat me on a fluke. There is no way that little man could defeat "The Russian Bear". I only wished that I could have hurt him even more. I wanted to do so much more.HAHAHAHA!

Rating: C


We just get an announcement, that next week on this program Dusty will get his wish as "The American Dream" himself will take the Mighty Yukon Lumber Jack "Big Jos Leduc" That will be NEXT WEEK on this TV program.

Rating: B-


"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair beat Jerry Brisco by dq in 6:55 when Jimmy Valiant came out and attacked Flair

Rating: C+

This was a pretty good match, as Jerry looked good and of course Ric Flair was awesome as usual. This sets up the big Ally Match at the end of the month between Flair & Valiant for the Title

After the match, Valiant and Flair brawl all around the ring and in the announcer booth, scurring Bob & Tony. Then cameras follow the two as they start brawling in the backstage area and in the parking lot and that's where we end the show.


Final Attendance: 5,000 SELLOUT

Final Show Rating: C

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Sigh... I dodged a bullet today. After the show, I had to make a deal with Terry Funk. He wanted a short term deal, which was the only way, he was going to stay for the money that I was giving him. Sooner or later, I can't go on this way, he will leave eventually, but know isn't the time. I need him to carry on the Funks vs Steamboat/Youngblood feud. I love Terry, but it's gonna get pricey soon I think.
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After last weeks attack on Dusty Rhodes, Jos Leduc might have bitten off more than he can chew as he will take on The Dream in our Main Event this week. Also, Ric Flair will be in the studio to discuss his Championship Ally Fight against "The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant. This week we have two NWA title matches, we have Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, who did successfully defend his title at The Clash, even though it was draw, against Wahoo McDaniel. He will defend against one half of The Masked Avengers, Sweet Sugar Brown. And. in a rematch from the Clash, The Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions, The Briscos will take on The Assassin & "Dirty" Dick Slater. And, after last weeks challenge, Paul Jones will try and back up what he's said about Magnum T.A as both me will square of this week. Also, Jay Youngblood, Dizzy Ed Hogan and a special interview with The New NWA Tag Team Champions, The Funk Brothers, Terry & Dory Funk... all that and more on....




Final Card

"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes vs "Big" Jos Leduc

NWA United States Championship

© Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vs Sweet Brown Sugar w/ Sputnik Monroe[/B]

NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship

© The Brisco Brothers vs The Assassin & Dick Slater

Magnum T.A vs "Number One" Paul Jones

Jay Youngblood vs Ken Timbs[/B]


"Dizzy" Ed Hogan vs Mike Davis

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JCP Presents....





The Great Kabuki & Magic Dragon beat Private Jim Nelson & Angelo Mosca Jr when Kabuki pinned Nelson

"Dizzy" Ed Hogan pinned Mike Davis


The wild fight from last week between Jimmy Valinant & "Nature Boy" Ric Flair is shown, it is a very violent brawl that is actually being blurred out.

Rating: C+

Bob Caudle: Hello fans, welcome to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling, and right know, I'm joined by the man who may have bitten off more than he could chew, "Big" Jos Leduc.

Leduc: I've never eatin anything bigger than a bear in the Yukon. Dusty, your about as big as one, and and tonight on this program, in the main event, I'm gonna eat you up and spit you out like yesterday's breakfast.

Bob: And, uh, how fast did you eat that?

Leduc: As much time as I wanted it to be, and this match will be as long as I want it to be.

Rating: C+

Magnum T.A beat "Number One" Paul Jones by dq when a frusterated Paul Jones, shoved the referee

Rating: D-

This was a decent match, Magnum is still learning, this is why I put him with Paul to learn.

After the match, an angry Paul Jones beat down Magnum T.A and had to be restrained

Rating: D-

"Chief" Wahoo McDaniel pinned Johnny Weaver in 3:30 with the tomahawk chop

Rating: C

I replaced the Hogan vs Davis match for this. Which was a better choice, the Hogan match was so bad, I couldn't put it on TV. So I left the challenge on here.

"Dizzy" Hogan comes out with something to say.

Hogan: At the Clash, I was the first one to bodyslam The One Man Gang, I should be $5,000 richer right know. But that little swine Humperdink stole my money. So I want to challenge the One Man Gang to a match. I don't care where or when, I want you to pay for stealing The Diz Man's money!

Rating: E+

The Nature Boy Comes out with a mic, he has something to say....


Flair: Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. I thought you would have learned your lesson from the other times, I beat you down. You really must be dumber than you look, and believe me that's a stretch haha. Know, in a few weeks, you and I will be taking each other on in an Ally Fight for (holds his belt up) MY NWA World Heavyweight Championship. That means, you will be facing the best wrestler in the world today. No one comes close to me. I am the best the greatest wrestler alive today, and valiant, you are not only dressed like a two-bit bum, but compared to me you, and the rest of the pack are bums on the street that beg me for 25 cents everyday, while I have two beautiful ladies, on both arms. With my custom made suits and my $4,000 shoes, something "Boogie Man" That you don't have. So I just want to warn you that you may be hurt real bad! And I'm about to make that ugly face of yours, even more ugly. Because, I'm the Nature Boy, WOOOOOOOO!!!

Rating: B-

Jay Youngblood pinned Ken Timbs in 3:54 with Flying Tomahawk Chop

Rating: E+

A basic squash match, Youngblood, just isn't as good a worker as Steamboat, but I need to keep him strong, so here ya go.


The Funk Brothers show a video of themselves. Terry is in front, while Dory is staring at the camera from the back.


Terry: My brother and I heard what you two little boys Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood had to say. Well, let me tell you something, last Sunday at The Clash of The Champions, we dominated you, you didn't have a chance against us. You say, we didn't beat you fair square,well your right. Because in this wrestling world, nothing is fair square. You see, my brother and I are real men of class and dignity, we are the only brother duo to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, no one has a chance against us. And as for your challenge, you can face us anytime you want, cause, we'll keep on comin.

Rating: B-

NWA United States Championship

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine made Sweet Brown Sugar w/ Sputnik Monroe submit to the Figure-four leg lock, in 4:48, to retain his belt

Rating: C-

In two weeks, Valentine will defend his championship against Wahoo McDaniel in a rematch

Rating: B-

That match was pretty good, I'm beginning to like Valentine more and more as the weeks go on.

NWA Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship

The Briscos beat The Assassin & Dick Slater in 5:57 when Jack pinned Slater to retain there Championships

Rating: C-

Hmmm, not as good as there last match. But still pretty good. This will be the end of this feud and The Brisco's will go into a feud with The Great Kabuki & Magic Dragon


"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes beat "Big" Jos Leduc by countout in 6:45[/b]

Rating: C

I don't what I should think. It was a wild brawl, and bloody, I guess it just wasn't a great match and I'll accept that. I need for Dusty to have something before he goes into his first match with Flair

After the match, Leduc attacks Rhodes again from behind and then leaves.

Rating: C+


Final Show Attendance: 5,000 SELLOUT

Final Show Rating: C-


I guess I need to take the show up a notch

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"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, seemed pretty confident with what he said last week, calling Valiant, "A two-bit bum". However, Jimmy Valiant, "The Boogie Man" himself will be answering those comments this week. And speaking of Ric Flair, he will be wrestling the other half of The Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions, Jack Brisco, in a non-title bout. Speaking of titles, The Funks, will be making their first title defense against The hot duo of The Masked Avengers, of Sweet Brown Sugar & White Chocolate Thunder. Also, we will hear from Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion, "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr, on the state of his injury and if he can defend the title before the 30 day deadline. Also, Greg Valentine will make comment about his up coming rematch with Wahoo McDaniel... Ricky Steamboat, One Man Gang, Jos Leduc & Gary Hart's men The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon will be in action. .... all that an more on.....



Final Card

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs Jack Brisco

NWA World Tag Team Championship

© Terry & Dory Funk: The Funk Brothers vs The Masked Avengers

Ricky Steamboat vs Johnny Weaver

Jos Leduc vs Private Jim Nelson

The Great Kabuki&Magic Dragon w/ Gary Hart vs Bugsy McGraw&Rufus R. Jones[/B]

One Man Gang w/Oliver Humperdink vs Rick Harris

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