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USPW: Road Toward National

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A little bit about me that I am sure a lot of you have been able to figure out during my time here on the GDS board: I have a very low attention span it would seem. I get something started, such as a diary on this board, and then I lose my interest for it. Well, I have made the decision that I am no longer going to do that. I am giving my word here and now that I will not make any more diary threads from now until 1 year from this post: February 13, 2010. That means that no matter what happens, whether I get fired or whether I have data problems where the game crashes on me, I will not make anymore diaries for one year. It is a promise I am making both to myself and to you, the reader. And I want each and every one of you to make sure that I hold to this post. I intend to hold up to my end of the bargain. A man is nothing without the strength of his word. Moderators, feel free to delete any of my diaries aside from this one and the WCW 1996 one. This includes if I slip up and try to start a new diary in 2 months.



This will be my fourth attempt at beginning a USPW diary and I am sure that many of you might wonder just why I would choose USPW once again? I know that there are several USPW diaries on the board now but there are several reasons why I choose USPW.


The first being that I like the fact that they are an American promotion and at Cult level. I haven't run anything other than an American promotion before and would have no clue how to run otherwise. I don't want something above Cult because I want somewhere to aspire to. I don't want something below Cult because I think I would find it too difficult for me.


And why USPW in particular? Because I have grown rather fond for the characters within it over time. I have always enjoyed my diaries with them.


My Other Diaries

All other diaries are cancelled aside from my WCW 1996 diary. That one will be continued as it has already been started before this post. For one year from today my only diaries will be my WCW 1996 diary and this USPW 2008 diary.


Final Thoughts

I hope that each and every one of you will give me this 269th chance and follow along as we head on the Road Toward National. For those of you who decide not to give me this chance, I understand it and wish you well. Given my history with diaries on the board I wouldn't blame you. For those of you who come into this with an open mind, I thank you and hope you will enjoy it. Welcome on the Road Toward National USPW Style. On with the show...


Alt Work

Credit for the alternate pictures goes to their respective artists. You guys do great work and it is definitely appreciated!

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USPW World Heavyweight Champion: James Justice

USPW World Television Champion: Nicky Champion

USPW Women's Champion: Cherry Bomb

USPW World Tag Team Champions: The Towers of Power


Face Heel


Main Eventers


Bruce The Giant

Chris Caulfield (Managed by Seduction)

James Justice


Peter Valentine


Upper Midcarders


Jack Avatar

Jim Force


Giant Redwood

Jumbo Jackson (Managed by Shane Sneer)

T-Rex (Managed by Sheik Mustafa)




Captain USA

Darryl Devine

Des Davids

Nicky Champion




Mick Muscles


Lower Midcarders


Al The Hillbilly


Danny Rushmore

Tribal Warrior




Pete The Hillbilly


Lex Appeal


Enhancement Talents


Happy Elwood


Eric The Bull


Women's Division


Alicia Strong


Cherry Bomb

Nadia Snow

Stephanie Wade






Sheik Mustafa





Danny Jillefski


Colour Commentator



Shane Sneer




Baby Jamie

Robbie Sanchez


Authority Figures



Commissioner Doom


Road Agents


Micky Starr

Sam Strong




The Forces of America (Jim Force and Captain USA)

The Hillbillys (Al The Hillbilly and Pete The Hillbilly)


Savage Fury (Java and Tribal Warrior)

The Towers of Power (Mick Muscles and Danny Rushmore)

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[The locker room within the Huntsville Fairgrounds was buzzing as news of a brand new Head Booker for USPW made the rounds. The only two who seemed calm were Darryl Devine and Chris Caulfield, who had informed Sam Strong earlier about their intentions to accept the offer made by SWF's Richard Eisen. Sam Strong stepped into the locker room and his presence was noticed by all as it usually is when he enters a room.]


Sam Strong

"Thanks everyone for joining me here. I know you're all ready to put on a good show tonight but before we do that there is someone I would like to introduce you all to..."


[The door opens and Jack Avatar steps into the room, dressed fully in his wrestling gear.]


Sam Strong

"This is Jack Avatar. He's going to be the new Head Booker here at United States Pro Wrestling. Jack, I'll let you introduce yourself."


Jack Avatar

"Thanks, Sam. My name is Jack Avatar and I've done just about everything you can do on the indy circuit. I refereed, I put up the rings, I wrestled, I sold concessions, I took tickets, I sold tickets. So you could say that I've got some experience in this business. And I know some, well, alot of you, have even more experience than I do and I might lean on that experience to help make USPW a better place to be."


Darryl Devine

(whispering to Chris Caulfield) "This place is going downhill faster than Sam's heart."


Jack Avatar

"Did you have something to say, Darryl?"


[Darryl shakes his head.]


Jack Avatar

"I know that you and Chris are heading up to the SWF here shortly but until that time I am your boss and I expect you to treat me as such. Since I have so much extensive time on the Indy circuit I've made a few friends that I plan on bringing in to help balance out the roster here. So don't be alarmed when you see a few new faces here in the locker room. Sam, did you have anything else to add before I close things up here?"


Sam Strong

"Now, don't go thinking that I am just completely giving up the reigns here, boys, because Sam Strong isn't like that at all. And if you don't believe me then ask Shane Sneer. I put some goals that Jack here has to meet in order to keep his job as Head Booker. There is a time limit and evaluation on these goals."


Jim Force

"Is one of the goals to buy my merchandise?"


Sam Strong

"Yes, Jim, that's one of the goals entirely."


[Jim smiles widely at that. Sam and Jack just exchange a look that says it all.]


Jack Avatar

"Now, if there is nothing else to add, we will head out to the ring to entertain these fans."


[Jack hopes they can entertain the fans anyway. Seeing this collection here in USPW, he hopes he's made the right choice.]

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I like your writing style so good luck and you will always have a chance with me. Hope you have finally learned how to play em hehe. If having trouble send me the data and Ill book a show for you and you do the write up lol.


:D Thanks for the chance! That's all I want right now. -lol at sending you the data- It's not gonna be easy at first because I'm not planning on making any changes to the product right off the bat though maybe soon and not toooooooo many hires. lol.


"Is one of the goals to buy my merchandise?" Golden! Also why take the risk of failing goals? Go freestyle! Or just reload the first day till ya get goals you think you can live with and turn autosafe on afterwards.


I'm glad you like that Jim Force quote. lol. And to be honest there are certain goals I have a hard time accepting right off so I delete the game and start again. lol.

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[Following the introduction within the locker room, Sam escorted Jack down a hallway and into the makeshift office that Sam was using this week. He motioned toward a chair and Jack sat down, leaning back slightly.]


Jack Avatar

"Quite an...experienced crowd here, Sam."


Sam Strong

"Is that a crack on their age?"


Jack Avatar

"No, of course not, boss."


Sam Strong

"Better not be. Now, Jack, I meant it when I said I would set out certain goals for you that you have to attain. I've written them all down here. Take a look."


[sam passes Jack a piece of paper and Jack focuses in on the chicken-scratch handwriting that Sam has...


Goal #1) When the time expires, USPW must have gained popularity in America.

Expires: 31 Months, 3 Weeks


Goal #2) Bruce The Giant must be kept above B- grade momentum.

Expires: 17 Months, 3 Weeks


Goal #3) Peter Valentine must be kept above C+ grade momentum

Expires: 17 Months, 3 Weeks


Goal #4) Nicky Champion must be kept above B- grade momentum.

Expires: 17 Months, 3 Weeks


Goal #5) You cannot hire or extend the contract of anybody who is known to have problems with the law.

Expires: 19 Months, 3 Weeks


Goal #6) You can't hire any wrestler who is classed as being an MMA Crossover.

Expires: 19 Months, 3 Weeks


Goal #7) Buy Jim Force's Merchandise

Expires: Never


Jack looked over the goals, thinking to himself 'Alright, Bruce, Peter and Nicky have to be the top stars. The only law problems I can see with this group is going 3 miles an hour for the ones who can drive and maybe throwing a board of checkers on the ground. MMA Crossovers would kill these guys since most of them probably already have weak hearts.']


Jack Avatar

"Alright, Sam. It all sounds pretty good. Have you got the layout here for the card tonight?"


Sam Strong

"I have it right here, Jack. This is your first evaluation show so you better make it good."


USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday, Week 1, January 2008

Jack Avatar vs. Jumbo Jackson

Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys

Darryl Devine vs. Java

Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine

Bruce The Giant vs. Anger

USPW World Title Match: James Justice vs. T-Rex

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"Is one of the goals to buy my merchandise?" Golden! Also why take the risk of failing goals? Go freestyle! Or just reload the first day till ya get goals you think you can live with and turn autosafe on afterwards.


I do that a lot with USPW. I also make sure Bruce has lots of time left on his contract and that Justice doesn't pop up in time decline right away.

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Holy USPW!! I couldn't be more happier that you started a new USPW diary Angel. :D


Jack Avatar vs. Jumbo Jackson

I can't belive that you would job Jumbo already, he has some huge momentum on his side.


Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force

You know that this is the only correct result


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys

Putting the tag titles on the Hillbillys would be a death penalty for your tag division


Darryl Devine vs. Java

He leaves, He jobs.


Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine

same as above.

Bruce The Giant vs. Anger

I would love to see an anger push, but a win over Bruce... naah.


USPW World Title Match: James Justice vs. T-Rex

Oh, the typical first Main Event in a USPW game... too bad Rex always loses :D

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Hey, you can never have too many USPW diaries! :)


Jack Avatar vs. Jumbo Jackson - Jack shows the boys how to job.

Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force - How's he gonna sell merchandise if he jobs?!

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys - In my upcoming show in my own dynasty, I have a match with Peter Valentine and Jumbo Jackson against the Hillbillies. I got an RA note saying PETER VALENTINE looked good in the match. The Hillbillies have forever become, in my eyes, the guys so bad that PETER VALENTINE stands out as a much better wrestler than them.

Darryl Devine vs. Java - Go Savage Fury!

Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine - Go Chris Caulfield... all the way to SWF.

Bruce The Giant vs. Anger - I love Anger, but the win ain't happening.

USPW World Title Match: James Justice vs. T-Rex - JUSTICE FOR ALL!

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Wednesday Week 1 January 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: .47




[The Huntsville Fairgrounds are sold out and rocking as the camera pans around...]


Danny Jillefski

"Hello everyone and WELCOME to USPW American Wrestling! I'm Danny Jillefski along with my new co-host and daughter of the owner: Alicia Strong. Alicia, we've got some great action going on here tonight."


Alicia Strong

"We sure do, Danny! I'd like to thank everyone for this shot. Shane Sneer decided to focus more on his Sneer Corporation and now I am here and we have a great main event of James Justice defending the USPW World Title against T-Rex!"


Danny Jillefski

"I predict that we're going to see a new World Champion here tonight, Alicia!"


Alicia Strong

"That could happen but James Justice is a tough, fighting Champion! As a matter of fact, we have a few words from our USPW World Champion right now!"




[The camera cuts backstage to where the USPW World Champion is standing by.]


James Justice

"T-Rex, tonight you are going to get the shot that you've been asking for the last couple of weeks. You have been talking about how you think you can beat me in the ring for this title? Well, tonight, when we step inside the ring I am going to prove to you why I am the World Champion. I am going to step inside the ring with all of my fans and pin your shoulders to the mat 1-2-3. Tonight, there will be Justice for all!"


[Cut back to the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JackAvatar.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson_alt7.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg

Jack Avatar vs. Jumbo Jackson


The crowd were psyched for this opening bout, having heard good things about Jack Avatar the last few weeks and tonight he's making his debut in the ring here in USPW against Jumbo Jackson. Avatar and the former Jumbo Shrimp have great chemistry in the ring and that helped elevate this match to another level as they went back and forth. Late in the match, Shane Sneer made his presence known, tripping Avatar and allowing Jumbo to set up Avatar in the corner --- JUMBO AVALANCHE!! Jumbo makes the cover and picks up the victory!


Winner: Jumbo Jackson

Match Rating: C+




[Another cut backstage shows Jim Force in front of a USPW banner.]


Jim Force

"Tonight, Giant Redwood, your reign of destrucity comes to an end! Tonight, I will harness the mighty power of the FOOORRRCCCCEEEEE! And I will bring it crashing down upon you! Your Red Wood is nothing compared to the might of the FOOORRRCCCEEEEE that Jim Force shall bring upon you! Tonight, Redwood, feel...the...FORRRCCEEEE!"


[And the crowd...cheers?]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JimForce.jpg

Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force


Jim Force merchandise is sold exclusively at USPW.com, USPW Concession Stands and out of the trunk of Jim Force's car. Buy His Merchandise.


That being said, Jim Force's entrance was the best part of this match. Giant Redwood was off his game and Jim Force couldn't even carry him with the might of the force! Jim did show his power as he got Giant Redwood up and hit him with the Full Force to make the pinfall victory.


Winner: Jim Force

Match Rating: E+




[A video is shown of recent title defenses by Cherry Bomb, showing her skill within the ring. The background song is 'You Dropped A Bomb On Me.' At the end, Cherry Bomb is shown with the USPW Women's Title raised up high above her head.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MickMuscles.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AlTheHillbilly.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeteTheHillbilly.jpg

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys


Not a great match but at least not one that we'd give an 'F' to. The Towers of Power were dominant throughout most of the match and the Hillbillys just looked lost. Danny Rushmore was able to get the pinfall on Pete grabbing ahold of the coveralls to do so.


Winners: The Towers of Power

Match Rating: D-


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DarrylDevine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Java.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. Java


This match was at least better than the last match that we saw though not entirely by much. Darryl Devine is looking to make a good showing for himself and have some momentum for the old folks who might occassionally tune in to SWF wrestling. But Java was too much for Devine and pinned him following a Greetings From The Island, a move where Java runs toward Devine and leaps purposefully smashing heads!


Winner: Java

Match Rating: D


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg/http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

[The camera focuses in on the announcers]


Alicia Strong

"Danny, I've just been handed a bulletin. As many people are aware, Chris Caulfield is leaving USPW to head to Richard Eisen's Supreme Wrestling Federation. Next week, we have a huge going away present for him. The Hardcore American is getting a shot to leave here as the USPW World Champion as he takes on the winner of the James Justice/T-Rex match later on tonight!"


Danny Jillefski

"Sam must be crazy! Chris Caulfield could leave here with the belt?!?"


Alicia Strong

"I am sure my Father has a very good reason behind this. But speaking of Chris Caulfield, he's in action next!"


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine-1.jpg

Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine


It's really a shame that the Hardcore American is leaving. Even Seduction looks sad at ringside, knowing that next week will be his last match here at USPW! And what's worse is that he has pretty goos chemistry with Peter Valentine, which they show off inside the ring! Valentine began to tire toward the end of the match. But Valentine ducked a clothesline and hit Caulfield with a neckbreaker! Valentine made the cover, put his feet on the ropes and got the three count!


Winner: Peter Valentine

Match Rating: D+


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DemonAnger_alt2.jpg

Bruce The Giant vs. Anger


A match that could be the main event in some regional promotions is the semi main event here on USPW American Wrestling! There was a distinct lack of selling on display here that was obvious to the fans as Anger kept coming back against Bruce's onslaught, slightly hurting any momentum Bruce had going early. Bruce was finally able to finish the Demon off with the Giant Choke Slam!


Winner: Bruce The Giant

Match Rating: D+




[backstage, Nicky Champion is...walking! Wow! He turns down a hallway and meets eye to eye with Darryl Devine! Devine looks at him and makes a belt motion around his waist before sucker punching Nicky! A small brawl ensues that Devine gets the best of, bringing Champion down to the ground. Devine looks at Champion...]


Darryl Devine

"Tell Sam that Richard sends his regards."


[Darryl spits on Nicky before turning and walking away!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SheikMustafa_alt.jpg

USPW World Title Match

James Justice vs. T-Rex


T-Rex, as always, was accompanied to the ring by Sheik Mustafa. This main event match was the match of the night and kept the fans on the edge of their seats! T-Rex set up James Justice for the Jurassic Crush but Justice was able to get to the ropes before the hold was fully cinched in. T-Rex was able to elbow his way out of a Liberation Slam as well! The climax of the match came when referee Baby Jamie was knocked out and Sheik Mustafa tossed T-Rex a chair! Justice took the chair shot square in the face and fell to the mat.


The crowd booed as T-Rex tossed the chair out of the ring and set up behind Justice, waiting for him to get up, prepared to lock on the Jurassic Crush! But instead of getting up, James Justice slid out of the ring! He fell to the ground and the Sheik got in a few kicks as Baby Jamie came to! The referee began the ten count for Justice being out of the ring. Justice was slowly coming to his feet when he was distracted by Sheik Mustafa! The referee called for the bell as a bleeding James Justice began stalking the manager outside the ring.


Winner: T-Rex

Match Rating: C+


[Following the match, T-Rex, slid outside the ring behind James Justice as Justice stalked Sheik Mustafa. The distraction worked and allowed T-Rex to sneak up and clamp on the Jurassic Crush! He lifted Justice up and began swinging him back and forth within that Full Nelson! Justice tried to fight it but he was all out of gas! Eventually, Justice fell unconcious and T-Rex slowly released him, beating his chest atop Justice as Sheik Mustafa raised his arm in victory as the show came to a close!]

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[The locker room within the Huntsville Fairgrounds is decidedly more crowded this week than it was last week as it seems that several "talented" wrestlers have been signed to work here at USPW. Sam Strong and Jack Avatar step into the locker room and talking and checker playing is stopped immediately.]


Sam Strong

"Gentlemen and ladies, I have some great news for you. Through certain connections, Jack Avatar has done something that is brand new in the history of USPW. He has signed us a deal with U-Demand pay-per-view!"


[A buzz is immediately heard within the locker room.]


Jack Avatar

"The pay per view deal is starting this month with our very first PPV: Stars, Stripes And Slams. We are looking for a good card..."


Darryl Devine

(whispering on a cell phone) "They got a PPV contract now..."


[Jack clears his throat and walks over to Darryl, shaking his head. Darryl hangs up the phone and tries to look innocent.]


Darryl Devine

"Just talking to a friend."


Jack Avatar

"I'm sure."


[Jack turns to walk back toward Sam and Darryl flips him the bird behind his back and Sam eyes Darryl. Darryl quickly drops the finger and whistles out loud.]


Sam Strong

"We will be making the announcement tonight that Stars, Stripes And Slams will be live on pay-per-view. Tonight, you can see the match listings there. We will be having a couple of debuts tonight amongst other high rated matches, including Chris' and Darryl's last matches here at USPW. Jack?"


[Jack nods and exits the locker room along with Sam Strong as wrestlers move up to see the match listing and what order they're gonna be going on.]


USPW Television Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Darryl Devine

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. the debuting April Appleseed

Steve Flash debuts vs. Lex Appeal

Savage Fury vs. The Forces of America

Bruce The Giant vs. T-Rex

USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Chris Caulfield

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Jack Avatar vs. Jumbo Jackson

Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys

Darryl Devine vs. Java

Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine

Bruce The Giant vs. Anger

USPW World Title Match: James Justice vs. T-Rex


Holy USPW!! I couldn't be more happier that you started a new USPW diary Angel. :D


Jack Avatar vs. Jumbo Jackson

I can't belive that you would job Jumbo already, he has some huge momentum on his side.


Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force

You know that this is the only correct result


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys

Putting the tag titles on the Hillbillys would be a death penalty for your tag division


Darryl Devine vs. Java

He leaves, He jobs.


Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine

same as above.

Bruce The Giant vs. Anger

I would love to see an anger push, but a win over Bruce... naah.


USPW World Title Match: James Justice vs. T-Rex

Oh, the typical first Main Event in a USPW game... too bad Rex always loses :D


Hey, you can never have too many USPW diaries! :)


Jack Avatar vs. Jumbo Jackson - Jack shows the boys how to job.

Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force - How's he gonna sell merchandise if he jobs?!

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys - In my upcoming show in my own dynasty, I have a match with Peter Valentine and Jumbo Jackson against the Hillbillies. I got an RA note saying PETER VALENTINE looked good in the match. The Hillbillies have forever become, in my eyes, the guys so bad that PETER VALENTINE stands out as a much better wrestler than them.

Darryl Devine vs. Java - Go Savage Fury!

Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine - Go Chris Caulfield... all the way to SWF.

Bruce The Giant vs. Anger - I love Anger, but the win ain't happening.

USPW World Title Match: James Justice vs. T-Rex - JUSTICE FOR ALL!


Thanks for the predictions, guys! I really appreciate them! I am trying to think of something interesting to give the winner at the end of each in-game month. If you have any ideas, shoot them out here or in pm.


I do that a lot with USPW. I also make sure Bruce has lots of time left on his contract and that Justice doesn't pop up in time decline right away.


I never even thought about those last two! lol.

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Hmm seems you finally learned how to book em a bit seeing the ratings hehe.


possible prizes.


Booking committee: (ty NoNeck) help shape direction with suggestions.

Production crew: (Mine, inspired by Bigpapa´s work) pick the theme song of your fav wrestler.

Talent relations: (Benjacko) Suggest the newest hiring/firing.

Classic: Merchandise!!!!


USPW Television Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Darryl Devine

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. the debuting April Appleseed

Steve Flash debuts vs. Lex Appeal

Savage Fury vs. The Forces of America

Bruce The Giant vs. T-Rex

USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Chris Caulfield

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USPW Television Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Darryl Devine

No way in hell is Devine winning this.


USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. the debuting April Appleseed

April is good, but in my oppinion Cherry Bomb is better.


Steve Flash debuts vs. Lex Appeal



Savage Fury vs. The Forces of America

Tough one, but you usually push the Forces so...

Bruce The Giant vs. T-Rex

damn you have a great card for this show, Bruce vs T-Rex in the Semi-mani event...


USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Chris Caulfield

a no brainer.


And for the prediction game prize, I think you should go the classic way, you just let the winner decide a match for American Wrestling :)

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[back within the locker room area, Sam and Jack exit the locker room and head down to Sam's office within the Huntsville Fairgrounds. Jack takes the same seat he did last week.]


Sam Strong

"Jack, along with the news of U-Demand comes another piece of news I thought you might like to know. Dan Stone, Sr. has decided to retire and leave the wrestling industry. He has let it be known that he is leaving North of the Border to his daughter Victoria, which makes sense because she was the Head Booker there."


Jack Avatar

"Too bad about Dan. He's a legend."


Sam Strong

"I agree. So do you think you can work out a..."


[A sound comes from up above them and both of them slowly look up to see Fumihiro Ota attached to the ceiling. The sound of velcro ripping can be heard and then Ota falls with a grunt on top of Sam's desk. Sam shakes his head.]


Sam Strong

"I wondered why you weren't in the locker room."


[Fumihiro's eyes go wide and he peeks around from left to right.]


Fumihiro Ota

"Ninja disappear!"


[And he pulls himself from the table and runs off with Sam and Jack shaking their heads as they turn back to business.]

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Wednesday Week 2 January 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 4,098

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: .46




[The cameras cut inside the Huntsville Fairgrounds for another edition of USPW American Wrestling! The focus turns on the announcers.]


Danny Jillefski

"Hello everyone and welcome to another exciting edition of USPW American Wrestling! I'm your one and ONLY host Danny Jillefski and beside me this week is Alicia Strong and our new color man Mario Heroic. Mario, welcome to the broadcast team."


Mario Heroic

"It's good-a to be here, Danny. Ba-da-bing!"


Danny Jillefski

"Right. So, Alicia, tonight we are going to see a main event of Chris Caulfield's last match here in USPW as he gets a World Title shot against James Justice."


Alicia Strong

"It will be interesting to see how Caulfield fares in this title match. And speaking of title matches another wrestler headed to SWF is headed to the ring for a TV Title shot against Nicky Champion!"


[Cut to the ring for our opening bout.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion-1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DarrylDevine.jpg

USPW Television Title Match

Nicky Champion defends vs. Darryl Devine


A TV Title defense here as the white hot Nicky Champion defends against Darryl Devine. Nicky showed some extra technical wrestling skill in this match that shocked some of the fans. It wasn't the best match in the world to open up with though Devine got some near falls in there. But in the end it was a Hawkeye Hammer and a successful title defense for Nicky Champion!


Winner: Nicky Champion

Match Rating: D+


[Nicky is handed the belt and then blindsided from behind by Peter Valentine! Valentine grabs Champion and hits the Heart Breaker! Valentine soaks up the boos from the crowd as he makes a belt motion at his waist before exiting the ring.]




[backstage within the interview area stands USPW Owner Sam Strong.]


Sam Strong

"Hello everyone! Sam Strong back here and tonight I have a special exclusive interview with two of the newest men here in USPW: Playboy Jake Sawyer and his wrestler Madman Boone! Gentlemen, good evening!"


Playboy Jake Sawyer



Sam Strong

"Right. How does it feel to be here in USPW?"


Madman Boone

"We want brains!"


Sam Strong

"But there must be some mighty good competition here, right?"


Playboy Jake Sawyer

"We want brains now!"


[sam raises a brow as Boone and Sawyer stalk toward him. He punches Sawyer down to the ground and Sawyer crawls toward him. Boone looks at him and continues moving slowly toward him.]


Sam Strong

"I think that's all from backstage here, guys! Let's send it back up to you!"


[sam turns and quickly moves away from the incoming Boone and Sawyer as we head to the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CherryBomb.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AprilAppleseed.jpg

USPW Women's Title Match

Cherry Bomb defends vs. the debuting April Appleseed


A pretty good match for the women's division here as April Appleseed challenges for the USPW Women's Title. Cherry Bomb is just that little bit better here though. Bomb moves out of the way of a splash in the corner and rolls up Appleseed, using the tights but gets the pinfall victory! It is announced that next week there will be a four women match to determine a top contender to Cherry Bomb's title and Alicia won't take part!


Winner: Cherry Bomb

Match Rating: D




[backstage, Lex Appeal is...walking! He walks up to a soda machine and sticks his dollar in when he gets attacked from behind! Anger rams Lex's head into the soda machine five times and on the sixth it hits a button and a soda comes out and Anger smashes the can of soda on Lex's head, busting him open! Anger moves over to the soda machine and rocks it back and forth before making it fall on top of Lex Appeal's legs! Lex Appeal cries out in pain as Anger walks away, the damage done! Lex Appeal will be in NO shape to wrestle tonight!]




[sam Strong moves into the safety of his office and looks up to see Suzanne Brazzle laying across his desk, dressed very seductively!]


Suzanne Brazzle

"I am sure you've had a hard day, boss. Here why don't you let me help you with that."


[sam looks toward the cameras, wiggles his eyebrows and closes the door, closing the camera out.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DemonAnger_alt2.jpg

Steve Flash vs. Anger


Steve Flash came out for what was supposed to be his match against Lex Appeal. Steve motioned toward the back and Blonde Bombshell came out to huge cheers from the male audience! What a way to return here, huh? Flash waited for an opponent and Anger came out from the back! Apparently, that's why he attacked Lex Appeal earlier on!


The match was soo not so good for Flash's debut. He and Anger just didn't seem to click inside the ring and Anger was tiring toward the end of the match. Blonde Bombshell was a good distraction though during the match. Flash hit Anger with the Flash Bang and got the three count.


Winner: Steve Flash

Match Rating: D


[Flash celebrated with his new valet after the match while Anger recovered and Anger attacked Flash from behind, knocking him out of the ring while yelling angrily at him! Blonde Bombshell tended to Flash outside the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Java.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/TribalWarrior.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JimForce.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CaptainUSA.jpg

Savage Fury vs. The Forces of America


The crowd still doesn't care for Jim Force and it showed as they sat on their hands throughout the majority of this contest. The Forces will be getting a USPW World Tag Team Title shot at Stars, Stripes And Slams. With that knowledge, it is easy to see who picks up the win here. Force pinned Tribal Warrior with a Full Force.


Winners: The Forces of America

Match Rating: E+




[backstage by the interview area, Madman Boone and Playboy Jake Sawyer can be seen dragging off some random stagehand into a locker room. Then the USPW World Champion steps onto the scene, shaking his head.]


James Justice

"Riiiiiight. Anyway, tonight is a major event here for United States Pro Wrestling. I will be holding the integrity of USPW in the palm of my hand as I take on my friend Chris Caulfield, the Hardcore American. Caulfield, you and I have gone up and down the road together but tonight is about more than our friendship. Tonight is about a victory for truth, Justice and the American way! Tonight, you will see that there will be Justice for ALL!"


[James slips over to the locker room where Madman Boone and Playboy Jake are and then covers his mouth like he's gonna be sick and runs off.]


Madman Boone

(heard but not seen) "BRAINS!"


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SheikMustafa_alt.jpg

Bruce The Giant vs. T-Rex


T-Rex was accompanied down to the ring by Sheik Mustafa for this battle of big men. There was a definite lack of selling within this match as either man seemed to be able to take whatever the other could dish out and then some. But what's worse is there was a distinct lack of chemistry between these two! Luckily the match only lasted about three and a half minutes before referee Jez McArthuer lost control and called for the bell on a draw.


Winner: Draw

Match Rating: D




[As the ring is cleared, a music video begins to play highlighting the time of the Hardcore American here in USPW. Highlights of some of his best matches are shown and the video ends with fans chanting 'Please don't go, please don't go!']


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Seduction.jpg

USPW World Title Match

James Justice defends vs. Chris Caulfield


James Justice chose to forego the usual Champion coming out last as he wanted to be in the ring and watch as Chris Caulfield stepped out for the last time. The crowd cheered heavily for the Hardcore American and Seduction as they came out. Caulfield slapped high fives with the crowd and Seduction blew kisses. Caulfield stepped in the ring and basked in the chants of 'Please don't go, please don't go!' Then it was time for the match to begin.


This match was roughly about as good as our main event last week. A little catch as catch can wrestling in the beginning as both men looked to entertain the fans some. The Hardcore American looked to get an early pinfall but Justice wasn't gonna let that happen. Some more back and forth wrestling had Caulfield in control and outside the ring he rammed Justice into the post and then slammd his head against the steel ringsteps. He rolled Justice into the ring and the crowd was stunned as Caulfield hit the Reverse Snap DDT known as the Danger Drop! Caulfield made the cover...










We have a NEW USPW World Heavyweight Champion! The Hardcore American has --- WAIT! The referee Jez McArthuer is motioning that James Justice had a foot on the ropes! He is continuing the match! Caulfield can't believe it! Seduction tries to get Caulfield to focus and the Hardcore American sends Justice into a corner. He follows him in with a splash --- MISSED!! James Justice moved out of the way! Justice pushes to his feet and pushes Caulfield back in the corner punching away with some body blows! Then he climbs up in the corner and begins punching away at the head of Caulfield as the crowd counts along! Ten punches in rapid succession and Justice drops down! Justice whips Caulfield into the ropes --- SPINEBUSTER!! Caulfield is down!


Seduction is yelling for Caulfield to get up as Justice coils up, getting in position and waiting. Caulfield slowly moves to reach his feet with his back to James Justice. Caulfield turns and Justice grabs him --- LIBERATION SLAM!! Caulfield goes splat on the mat and James Justice makes the quick cover, hooking the leg!










Referee Jez McArthuer...CALLS FOR THE BELL!! This match is over!


Winner: James Justice

Match Rating: C+


[Following the match, Seduction climbs in the ring and she gives James Justice a hug! They both turn toward Chris Caulfield and help him up to his feet. He threatens a punch toward Justice and then settles for a handshake and a warm hug along with chants of 'Please Don't Go, Please Don't Go!' The crowd is into this tender moment and Justice and Caulfield milk it for all it's worth!




Holy ****! T-Rex snuck into the ring and dropped Caulfield with a spear! He turned on James Justice and dropped him with a clothesline as Seduction quickly leaves the ring to avoid being attacked! T-Rex grabs Caulfield --- EXTINCTION!! He hit the Extinction on Caulfield! T-Rex grabs Justice --- JURASSIC CRUSH! Justice tries to fight it, the crowd cheers him on but Justice has just been through hell and back already! It's lights out for James Justice and T-Rex stands over him for the second week in a row as the show comes to a close.]

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Hmm seems you finally learned how to book em a bit seeing the ratings hehe.


possible prizes.


Booking committee: (ty NoNeck) help shape direction with suggestions.

Production crew: (Mine, inspired by Bigpapa´s work) pick the theme song of your fav wrestler.

Talent relations: (Benjacko) Suggest the newest hiring/firing.

Classic: Merchandise!!!!


USPW Television Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Darryl Devine

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. the debuting April Appleseed

Steve Flash debuts vs. Lex Appeal

Savage Fury vs. The Forces of America

Bruce The Giant vs. T-Rex

USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Chris Caulfield


I don't know about that with the ratings part but I'm doing my best. lol. Thanks for the predictions and advice on what to give the winner though. Still thinking about it.


USPW Television Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Darryl Devine

No way in hell is Devine winning this.


USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. the debuting April Appleseed

April is good, but in my oppinion Cherry Bomb is better.


Steve Flash debuts vs. Lex Appeal



Savage Fury vs. The Forces of America

Tough one, but you usually push the Forces so...

Bruce The Giant vs. T-Rex

damn you have a great card for this show, Bruce vs T-Rex in the Semi-mani event...


USPW World Title Match: James Justice defends vs. Chris Caulfield

a no brainer.


And for the prediction game prize, I think you should go the classic way, you just let the winner decide a match for American Wrestling :)


Thanks for the predictions, Lexa! And I just may start that way and maybe switch things up each month. :)


Nice better when Vicky takes over it frees up Jeremy and Dan Jr. when their contracts run out hehe.


Very true! And they would both make respectable additions to the USPW Family. :)

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[it's the third week in January and the buzz within the locker room is that several more females were signed to the roster. Jenny Playmate and Jennifer Heat walk in shortly thereafter showing that indeed the buzz is correct. Jennifer Heat walked over with the bad guys and stood over Fumihiro Ota and Jumbo Jackson as they played checkers.


Fumihiro Ota

"King me!"


[As Fumihiro got his king, Jumbo threw over the checker board in anger! Fumihiro stood up to confront Jumbo but then just shook his head and sat back down again. On the other side of things, Jenny Playmate walked over and listened as Bruce was telling war stories about the old days.]


Bruce The Giant

"When I was your age..."


[Everyone got quiet though when Sam Strong and Jack Avatar walked into the locker room.]


Sam Strong

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I know you're all looking forward to tonight's action. We're less than a week away from our very first pay-per-view where the main event is going to be James Justice defending the USPW World Title against...T-Rex...inside a steel cage! Congratulations gentlemen! Now, Jack will post the card for tonight here and if anyone needs anything I'll be in my office."


[Jack posted the card on the bulletin board beside the door and everyone moved up quickly to see the matches scheduled tonight...


Winner Gets A USPW Women's Title Shot At SSS: April Appleseed vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow vs. Stephanie Wade

Des Davids vs. Giant Redwood

Madman Boone debuts in the ring vs. Al The Hillbilly

Lex Appeal vs. Bruce The Giant

Jack Avatar vs. the debut of Burning EXILE

the debut of Acid vs. Steve Flash

James Justice and Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex and Peter Valentine


Once the card was posted, Jack slipped out of the locker room and headed down toward Sam Strong's office like he does every week.]

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April Appleseed vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow vs. Stephanie Wade

Des Davids vs. Giant Redwood

Madman Boone debuts in the ring vs. Al The Hillbilly

Lex Appeal vs. Bruce The Giant

Jack Avatar vs. the debut of Burning EXILE

the debut of Acid vs. Steve Flash

James Justice and Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex and Peter Valentine

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April Appleseed vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow vs. Stephanie Wade

Brazzle for the win.


Des Davids vs. Giant Redwood

C'mon Angel, you can't job Redwood to someone like Des Davids.


Madman Boone debuts in the ring vs. Al The Hillbilly

So... Madman's first brain will be a small one.


Lex Appeal vs. Bruce The Giant

OH MY GOOOOOD!!! MOTY!!! OR should i say SQUASH!!!


Jack Avatar vs. the debut of Burning EXILE

Why not?


the debut of Acid vs. Steve Flash

Acid will only be a troublemaker backstage, and when you push him, then he suddenly jumps to TCW!!!! BASTARD!!


James Justice and Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex and Peter Valentine

T-Rex needs some momentum before the PPV.

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Wednesday Week 3 January 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 4,307

Overall Rating: D+

TV Rating: .44




[The cameras cut inside the Huntsville Fairgrounds where we didn't quite sell out but we sure tried! The focus turns on the announcers for this evening.]


Danny Jillefski

"Hello everyone and welcome to another exciting edition of USPW American Wrestling! I'm Danny Jillefski alongside Alicia Strong and Mario Heroic and have we got a show for you!"


Alicia Strong

"That's right, Danny. Not only do have a 4 women elimination bout for a shot at the Women's Title..."


Mario Heroic

"But we also have a strong-a main-a event, capische! We got James Justice and Nicky Champion making an offer that T-Rex and Peter Valentine can't refuse!"


Danny Jillefski

"And several debuts tonight as well. Let's head toward the ring for our opening bout."


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AprilAppleseed.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SuzanneBrazzle.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NadiaSnow_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StephanieWade.jpg

Winner Gets A USPW Women's Title Shot At SSS:

April Appleseed vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow vs. Stephanie Wade


This was an elimination match but no one seemed to care about it! The announcers and colour commentators did their best to sell it as an important match but in the ring it just brought down the crowd's mood. Nadia Snow was eliminated first and then April Appleseed. It came down to Suzanne Brazzle and Stephanie Wade and the Superstar nearly got the win but Brazzle fought her way back and rolled up Wade and got the pinfall and she's going on to Stars, Stripes And Slams next week to take on Cherry Bomb!


Winner: Suzanne Brazzle

Match Rating: E+


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DesDavids_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg

Des Davids vs. Giant Redwood


Giant Redwood came down to the ring with a brand new manager, introduced to the fans as Adrian Garcia! This seemed to give new life to the big wrestler and he was able to dodge Des Davids' constant football tackle attempts. Redwood slammed Davids down to the mat and hit him with the Standing Splash to get the pinfall victory.


Winner: Giant Redwood

Match Rating: D-


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg


[The announcers go wild at the image on screen! That's right, folks, next week at Stars, Stripes And Slams it's going to be James Justice defending the USPW World Title against T-Rex inside of a 15 foot high steel cage!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MadmanBoone_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PlayboyJakeSawyer_F3.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AlTheHillbilly.jpg

Madman Boone debuts in the ring vs. Al The Hillbilly


The crowd couldn't care less about Al The Hillbilly and it showed within this match. Boone and Sawyer stumbled down toward the ring, moaning about brains. Boone was off his game tonight, which gave Al a chance but it wasn't much of a chance as Boone hit the Hillbilly with the Snap Neckbreaker that he called the Boone and Bust and got the pinfall.


Winner: Madman Boone

Match Rating: E+


[Following the match, Boone grabbed a hold of Al and began dragging him from the ring. Sawyer reached in and helped and they licked their lips as they brought Al The Hillbilly to the back presumably for dinner.]




[The USPW World Tag Team Champions are shown within the back.]


Danny Rushmore

"Forces of America, you're going to get your shot at our tag team titles at Stars, Stripes and Slams but we want you to know that you shouldn't feel bad losing to a man with as many muscles as Mick and a mountain of a man like me. And what's going to make it worse for you?"



"We have a new manager!"




[Jennifer Heat walks into the picture looking at the camera before running her nails down the chest of both of her men.]


Jennifer Heat

"Do me a favor, Mick and Danny? Knock some sense into Jim Force."


[she smiled and laughed and the Towers joined her in laughing as we headed back to the ring.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Oscar_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg

Lex Appeal vs. Bruce The Giant


One week you're being attacked by Anger and the next you have to face Bruce The Giant? It hasn't been a good month for Lex Appeal. But he sure tries. And he managed to make Bruce look good in the process as Bruce dominated the match. The match ended with Bruce's hand around Lex Appeal's throat, raised him up for about ten seconds before hitting the Giant Choke Slam and a pinfall victory.


Winner: Bruce The Giant

Match Rating: D+


[Following the match, Bruce took a shot from behind by a steel chair wielding Giant Redwood! Redwood took a few stomps and then hit the Standing Splash on Bruce The Giant as Adrian Garcia directed traffic! Garcia and Redwood celebrated the beat down in the ring and Bruce had to be helped to the back.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JackAvatar.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BurningExile.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg

Jack Avatar vs. the debut of Burning EXILE


Everyone definitely had higher hopes for this match than the way it came off. The announcers and colour commentators did their job but the fans just didn't seem to care a whole lot for it. Though it wasn't the worst match on the card. Adrian Garcia did some good work at ringside but it wasn't enough as Avatar rolled EXILE into a small package and got the pinfall victory.


Winner: Jack Avatar

Match Rating: D-


[Following the match, Shane Sneer led Jumbo Jackson down to the ring in an attack on Avatar! Jumbo hit Avatar with the Jumbo Avalanche in the corner and then a splash and Shane Sneer smiled as it was announced that Jumbo and Jack would be meeting at Stars, Stripes And Slams!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Acid.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AdrianGarcia.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg

the debut of Acid vs. Steve Flash


A very good match here between Acid and Steve Flash that saw both men take to the air during the bout. This was quite possibly the match of the night! The colour people sold the match as being as great as it is. But it ended in controversial fashion. Flash was getting ready to hit the Flash Bang on Acid when Anger came running in and attacked Steve Flash, causing the DQ!


Winner: Steve Flash

Match Rating: C




[The cameras cut back to the locker room area where Nicky Champion approaches James Justice, both wearing their title belts.]


James Justice

"Are you ready, Nicky?"


Nicky Champion

"I think so."


james Justice

"Don't think, kid. KNOW! Know that you're ready to spread the word of Justice to each and every no-gooder out there! T-Rex and Peter Valentine think they can get the edge on us for Stars, Stripes And Slams? Well, they better think again because tonight is Justice For ALL!"


Nicky Champion

"And it's the night of a Champion! Nicky Champion!"


[both men get fired up and head through the locker room door as their match is next!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion-1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SheikMustafa_alt.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg

James Justice and Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex and Peter Valentine


The crowd was shocked to see Shane Sneer come out with Peter Valentine! Valentine must be the newest member of the Sneer Corporation! The manager edge definitely helped out the bad guys as when they tossed Justice or Champion out of the ring the managers took the opportunity to make some stomps on them before bringing them back in the ring. Nicky Champion played face-in-peril for awhile before he finally made the hot tag to the USPW World Champion.


James Justice came in and did some clearing house with punches and even a suplex on Peter Valentine and a scoop slam on T-Rex. Everything seemed to be going the direction of James Justice! Nicky Champion came in and clotheslined Peter Valentine over the top rope and spilled to the outside with him, leaving only T-Rex and James Justice in the ring. Shane Sneer tried to help out Valentine at ringside which got the referee's attention. With the referee distracted, Sheik Mustafa entered the ring and threw powder in the eyes of James Justice! The Sheik kicked Justice downstairs and then rolled out of the ring, leaving the Champion ripe for the pickings and a Jurassic Crush! The referee turned back around in time for Justice to submit!


Winners: T-Rex and Peter Valentine

Match Rating: D


[Following the match, T-Rex did not release the hold, swinging Justice back and forth in that Full Nelson! Nicky Champion got in the ring and attacked T-Rex, making him break the hold but Champion took a spear from the Jurassic monster! T-Rex once again stood tall at the end of the show. Will he do so at Stars, Stripes And Slams???]

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