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USPW: Road Toward National

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Monday Week 1 December 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 3,672

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: .68




Travis Century defeated Joshua Taylor in 4:19 by pinfall with a Salvation. Referee=Bret Graveson...Travis Century was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down...E+




Bryan Holmes defeated Shawn Gonzalez in 3:32 by pinfall with a Final Impact. Referee=Baby Jamie...The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Bryan Holmes is improving in Performance skills...C-




The New Jersey Devils defeated Matthew Keith and Greg Keith in 5:33 when Alex Braun defeated Greg Keith by pinfall with a Braun Damage. Referee=Bret Graveson...The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Alex Braun is improving in Performance skills...D


[Following the opening credits, the camera panned inside the Huntsville Fairgrounds for another exciting edition of USPW American Wrestling! The cameras focused in on the announcers for this evening: Mitch Naess and Sara Silver.]


Mitch Naess: "Hello everyone and WELCOME to USPW American Wrestling! I'm Mitch Naess alongside Sara Silver. Sara, last Friday night was an amazing night for USPW as we held Thanksgiving Thunder."


Sara Silver: "That's right, Mitch. We saw the end of a career last Friday as James Justice left the Louisiana Auditorium on a stretcher."


Mitch Naess: "That was a horrific attack by Jumbo Jackson, Sara. We here at USPW wish James Justice a speedy recovery and a return to the ring very soon."


Sara Silver: "Speak for yourself, Mitch. I'm glad he's gone."


Mitch Naess: "In other matches on that night, Nicky Champion won a bloody hardcore battle against Shawn Gonzalez."


Sara Silver: "But he won't get so lucky tonight since his opponent tonight is the man who defeated Jack Avatar in an ironman match: The Complete Package Joss Thompson. I tell you, Mitch, that man makes me jealous of Jennifer Heat."


[Any comment that Mitch might have made was interrupted by the rumbling music of Jumbo Jackson. He and Shane Sneer walked out to the ring with a smile on their faces. Jumbo was wearing a shirt that read 'I killed James Justice' (front) and 'and all I got was this lousy t-shirt' (back). They entered the ring and Shane Sneer held a microphone.]


Shane Sneer: "What did I tell you humanoids at Thanksgiving Thunder? I guaranteed that James Justice would not be walking out of the arena that night. I guaranteed that he would be carried out on a stretcher and I came through with my promises. I never say something unless I mean it to come true and, well, as you can see James Justice is NOT going to be here tonight."


[boos from the audience for that!]


Shane Sneer: "Your hero is down for the count. But Jumbo is here. And tonight he is going to destroy whatever hamandegger he's supposed to be facing. Captain USA? You're about to be demoted to private."


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson_alt7.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CaptainUSA.jpg

Jumbo Jackson w/ Shane Sneer vs. Captain USA


[The crowd cheered as the music of the former 3 time USPW World Champion was piped through the arena and out he came waving an American flag. The chants of 'USA, USA, USA' filled the arena and Captain USA slid inside, waving the flag and stomping all around the ring as the tune of 'Real American' got the crowd pumped. USA turned and placed the flag in the corner and was immediately attacked from behind by Jumbo Jackson!


This was a decent, nearly average match between these two brawlers. Jumbo had the early advantage due to the sneak attack but Captain USA made a valiant effort in fighting back. However, USA's comeback was short-lived and Jumbo set him up in the corner - JUMBO AVALANCHE! Captain USA fell to the mat and Jumbo made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Jumbo Jackson

Match Rating: D


[backstage, Cherry Bomb is standing in front of the USPW logo.]


Cherry Bomb: "Last Friday night, Alicia Strong decided to save her title by getting both of us counted out. Well, that just doesn't make it with Cherry Bomb. I have beaten every other female wrestler here in USPW. That leaves only you Alicia Strong. So at Made In America, I want my rematch. I want to prove to each and every person here that when I drop a bomb, it destroys you!"


[Cherry Bomb flexes and then walks off and we head back to the ring.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DemonAnger_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg

Anger vs. Steve Flash w/ Blonde Bombshell


[Not the best match that could be put on and the crowd sensed it and some used this time as a bathroom break. Mitch and Sara talked about Flash's match with Freddie Datsun at Thanksgiving Thunder to give the fans at home something good to listen to. These two definitely don't click so the crowd was rather pleased when Steve Flash hit the Flash Bang and got the three count.]


Winner: Steve Flash

Match Rating: D-


[steve Flash picked up the microphone after the match as Blonde Bombshell joined him in the ring.]


Steve Flash: "Last Friday night, Freddie Datsun pinned my shoulders to the mat: 1 - 2 - 3. I'm not going to come out here and make any excuses about the fact that his feet were on the ropes or any of that. Instead, what I am going to do tonight is I am going to issue a challenge to Freddie Datsun. At Made In America, I want one more shot at your USPW World Television Title, Freddie. One more chance to hold the belt. And if I cannot defeat you, then my career here in USPW will be over. I look forward to hearing from you next week."


Mitch Naess: "Did he just say what I think he just said?"


Sara Silver: "Yeah, at Made In America, Steve Flash might be gone from USPW. Good riddance, I say."


Mitch Naess: "Will you stop?!?!"


[Cut to the backstage area and the office of the USPW Owner Sam Strong. Sam is working on some paperwork when the door opens and in comes Jim and Java Force! Java beats on his belly as Jim walks up to Sam Strong.]


Jim Force: "Sam Strong, I know that you saw the wrongitude of the match at Thunder of the Thanksgiving! The Thunder roared last Friday night and saw the crowning of new USPW World Tag Team Champions! Two Devils who could never stand up to the might of the mighty power of the FOOORRRCCCEEEEEEE! Alex Braun and Tank Bradley will get run over by a sherman tank at Made in America and I will be in the driver's seat. And when the might of those who carry the FOOOORRRCCCCEEEE hit reverse we will wrest them of the USPW World Tag Team Title belts."


Sam Strong: "Ummm. You want a title shot at Made In America?"


Jim Force: "We want the opportunity to shine the might of the FOORRCCCEEE on the unbelievers! We want the chance to bring them down to our level and destroy them with the mighty power of the FOOORRCCCEEEE!"


Sam Strong: "Yeah, Jim, I think I know what you want. Made In America, USPW World Tag Team Champions the New Jersey Devils against The Power of the FOORRCCEEE!"


Jim Force: "Thank you, Sam! Your Forcechlorian level has risen by your willingness to sacrifice these two devils to the mighty power of the FOORRCCEE!"


[Jim and Java turn and leave and Sam just shakes his head. Let's get back to the ring.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MickMuscles.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/RockinRyanTurner.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StanManna.jpg

The Towers of Power vs. The Rock City Stars


[The Towers of Power came out first to boos from the crowd. Then smoke began to fill the top of the entrance ramp and the Rock City Stars stumbled their way down toward the ring, looking obviously stoned and almost air-playing their real guitars as they came down.


The crowd was not amused with this whole scenario and this was another match that brought the crowd's mood down. The Towers of Power dominated, both Ryan Turner and Stan Manna. It was Manna, though, that fell victim to the PowerPlex and a three count.]


Winners: The Towers of Power

Match Rating: D-


[The Towers celebrated their victory to boos from the crowd. The crowd was a little stunned to see Shane Sneer walk out from the back and look toward the Towers for a moment. He watched them and then applauded their win without saying anything. Both Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles looked confused and Sneer turned and walked to the back again before Rushmore and Muscles left the ring.]


[A nighttime video begins to play showing a rather old-looking and very creepy house from the outside. It looked more like a shack than an actual house. Only one light could be seen inside the house through one window but the blinds were pulled. The camera moved toward the house very slowly and a hand reached out from behind the camera to twist the knob and slowly open the door. When the door was fully open, the foyer was completely dark and the only way that movement is seen is the fact that the lighted room keeps getting closer and closer. Within the lighted room, someone is lying on the ground with blood lining their forehead. The camera slowly lifts and pans to find Madman Boone standing over the body. Boone looks toward the camera in slow motion..]


Madman Boone: "BRAINS!"


[boone leaps toward the cameraman and the camera shakes and falls to the ground with only the screams of the cameraman and the heaving breaths of Madman Boone heard. The camera shows the other lifeless body slowly beginning to stir and then darkness.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SamStrong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JackAvatar_FSFIN.jpg

Peter Valentine w/ Sam Strong vs. Jack Avatar


[This match begins with a handshake between both competitors. Jack Avatar had been humiliated at Thanksgiving Thunder when Joss Thompson smacked him across the face instead of shaking his hand. It doesn't look like he'll get the same treatment here from Peter Valentine.


These two have great chemistry in the ring and it showed in the flow of the match. Valentine was definitely more of a brawler in this contest while Avatar used some scientific holds and some aerial tactics to keep Valentine off his feet. Sam Strong looked on from ringside as Avatar took the advantage in the latter stages of the match and he hooked Valentine up on the top turnbuckle - SUPERPLEX! Avatar nailed Valentine with the Superplex and then floated over: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Jack Avatar

Match Rating: D+


[backstage once again with Champagne Lover this time standing in front of the USPW logo.]


Champagne Lover: "So the Youth Movement didn't exactly work in our favor. No, the movement was lost. All of the wrestlers lost their way, including myself. But now I am back here in USPW. I am back for my millions...and millions of fans who want to hear me sing, play the guitar and want to watch me wrestle. I am the Champagne Lover and USPW you're about to get a Champagne Sunrise."


[Champagne begins singing and playing the guitar before we fade out to another part of the backstage area. Joss Thompson is standing within his locker room.]


Joss Thompson: "Last Friday night, I proved to each and every American that I am just plain better than you. Jack Avatar? He didn't deserve to shake my hand after the match and tonight Nicky Champion won't deserve it either. The Youth is going to get some respect around here and I am just the one to bring it out. Nicky Champion, tonight you're going to suffer. You're going to be beaten down. Tonight, the Complete Package is going to prove to each and every person why I am the man around here. You don't think so? Prove me wrong!"


[Joss sniffs at the camera in disdain before walking out of the locker room. The main event is next!]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JossThompson_FSFIN.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JenniferHeat.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SamStrong.jpg

Joss Thompson w/ Jennifer Heat vs. Nicky Champion w/ Sam Strong


[Our main event tonight! One of our top heels against one of our top faces. Nicky Champion definitely looked the worse for wear in the beginning of this match due to the hardcore battle he had last Friday night with Shawn Gonzalez.


The match started off with some old-fashioned catch as catch can wrestling, with each man jockeying for position and ending in several stalemates. As the match wore on, Mitch and Sara noted that they had not seen D.A.V.E. here tonight and remarked on how odd that was considering they have all the gold. Joss Thompson took control mid-way through the bout and began wearing on Nicky, opening up a wound he suffered at Thanksgiving Thunder and watching him bleed. Thompson focused his attention on the back of Nicky Champion, nearly hitting a Clean Cutter but Champion fought his way out of it.


Champion began his comeback in the latter stages of the match. The sight of his own blood seemed to incense him! He began brawling hard with Thompson, ramming his head into the mat and into the ringpost at ringside. Champion has definitely been showing a newer, more hardcore side of himself since this feud with D.A.V.E. Champion set up Thompson - HAWKEYE HAMMER! He connected with his finisher but before he could make the cover he was attacked from behind with a belt shot by JD Morgan!]


Winner: Nicky Champion

Match Rating: C+


[Following the ringing of the bell, JD Morgan put the boots to Nicky Champion! The New Jersey Devils, Travis Century and Freddie Datsun all appeared at ringside to stop anyone from helping Nicky out. JD slapped Champion across the face and then hit a DDT on the belt! JD Morgan raised the belt in the air to boos from the crowd as he was joined by D.A.V.E. inside the ring and all five men raised their arms in victory as the show went off the air.]

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  • Replies 344
  • Created
  • Last Reply
Jumbo Jackson w/ Shane Sneer vs. Captain USA

Anger vs. Steve Flash w/ Blonde Bombshell

The Towers of Power vs. The Rock City Stars

Peter Valentine w/ Sam Strong vs. Jack Avatar

Joss Thompson w/ Jennifer Heat vs. Nicky Champion w/ Sam Strong


Welcome to the prediction game! Glad to see them! 3-2 on your first time out is very good! Thanks for reading and if you have any comments, feel free to send them my way.


Jumbo Jackson w/ Shane Sneer vs. Captain USA

Anger vs. Steve Flash w/ Blonde Bombshell

The Towers of Power vs. The Rock City Stars

Peter Valentine w/ Sam Strong vs. Jack Avatar

Joss Thompson w/ Jennifer Heat vs. Nicky Champion w/ Sam Strong


4-1. The usual King of the Predictors right here. Great job, Lexa90!

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From USPWWrestling.com...


USPW American Wrestling

Week 2, December 2008


USPW Thanksgiving Thunder Rematch: Shawn Gonzalez vs. Nicky Champion w/ Sam Strong

Greg and Matthew Keith vs. The Rock City Stars

Tribal Warrior vs. Travis Century

The Tennessee Outlaws vs. The Power of the Force

USPW World Television Title Match: Freddie Datsun defends vs. Captain USA

USPW World Title Match: JD Morgan defends vs. ???


So get those predictions in!



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USPW Thanksgiving Thunder Rematch: Shawn Gonzalez vs. Nicky Champion w/ Sam Strong

Greg and Matthew Keith vs. The Rock City Stars

Tribal Warrior vs. Travis Century

The Tennessee Outlaws vs. The Power of the Force

USPW World Television Title Match: Freddie Datsun defends vs. Captain USA

USPW World Title Match: JD Morgan defends vs. ???

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My Summer School semester at Technical College is just now starting so my updates will now be few and far between, I hate to say, so I can focus on school. I was just accepted today by the University of South Carolina-Aiken starting in the fall semester. Go Pacers! And at the end of this semester I will have my Associate's Degree in Arts and I am looking toward possibly becoming a pro wrestling announcer or at the very least a sports broadcaster.
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Monday Week 2 December 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 3,583

Overall Rating: C-

TV Rating: .62




Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Joshua Taylor in 4:29 by submission with a Seated Stretch Armbar. Referee=Bret Graveson...Shooter Sean Deeley and Joshua Taylor have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Shooter Sean Deeley is improving in Rumble skills...C-




Bryan Holmes defeated Steve Flash in 5:47 by pinfall with a Final Impact. Referee=Baby Jamie...The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Bryan Holmes is improving in Performance skills...D




Jumbo Jackson defeated Jack Avatar in 3:36 by pinfall with a Jumbo Avalanche. Referee=Bret Graveson...Shane Sneer did some good work at ringside. Jumbo Jackson and Jack Avatar have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost...C


[The show begins with a video showing each of the D.A.V.E. title wins here in USPW. First, Freddie Datsun defeats Shooter Sean Deeley for the USPW World Television Title belt, following the Patriot Press. Next in the video, we have the New Jersey Devils winning the USPW World Tag Team Title belts in the threeway match with Alex Braun pinning Jim Force for the gold belts. Then the last shot is of JD Morgan defeating Captain USA with the Cross Atlantic Stretch and a submission victory. JD is shown raising the belt high in the air before we cut back inside the arena...]


["Gather your psychotic masses and bring them to me

To a world devoid of sanity

Another time, & another place

And then the violence creates calamity."


Disturbed's 'A Welcome Burden' begins to play throughout the Huntsville Fairgrounds and the crowd boos as the entire team of D.A.V.E. walk out with JD Morgan leading the way. All five men slide inside the ring and take a look around with the ones holding titles raising them up to even more boos as the USPW belts are spraypainted with the black colors of D.A.V.E. JD Morgan is handed a microphone.]


JD Morgan: "Just like with the East Coast Wars, D.A.V.E. has come out on top here in USPW. We have the USPW World Television Title, the USPW World Tag Team Titles and of course, me, the USPW World Champion. We can consider ourselves the evolution of USPW. The changeover from USPW to the most dominant organization in the history of the professional wrestling world: D.A.V.E. is just about complete. We hold all the titles and now it's time to put down each and every wrestler that stands in our path, starting with this mystery man tonight. Obviously Sam Strong couldn't decide who he wanted to face me, which sacrifical..."




[The crowd looks toward the entrance ramp and are very surprised to see Champagne Lover walk out from the back! He stays at the top of the ramp, though.]


Champagne Lover: "JD Morgan, first of all, I don't care about D.A.V.E. I'm not here to defend USPW's honour either. I'm here for myself and the millions...and millions of Champagne Lover's fans. Tonight, I am going to be your opponent. Tonight, I am going to rock down the house like I do each and every night and that World Title will be going around my slim and trim waist."


[Champagne Lover smiles and then heads for the back while JD Morgan just stares in disbelief.]


Match #1

USPW Thanksgiving Thunder Rematch

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShawnGonzalez.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SamStrong.jpg

USPW Thanksgiving Thunder Rematch

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Nicky Champion w/ Sam Strong


[The kickoff match here on American Wrestling is a pretty good one as it is a rematch from Thanksgiving Thunder with the #1 Contender Nicky Champion taking on D.A.V.E.'s Shawn Gonzalez as Nicky prepares for his match against JD Morgan at Made In America.


This was almost like a lumberjack match as the rest of D.A.V.E. surrounded the ring. Though Nicky Champion had Sam Strong in his corner but every time Shawn Gonzalez tossed Nicky out of the ring, D.A.V.E. pounced on him as Gonzalez distracted the referee. Sam Strong tried to get the referee's attention but it was all for nothing. Gonzalez tried to hit Nicky with the DDT but Nicky held on to the top rope. Nicky started his comeback on Gonzalez and finally hit the Hawkeye Hammer! He made the cover and got the 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Nicky Champion

Match Rating: C+


[Following the 3 count, D.A.V.E. attacked! Nicky Champion was repeatedly hit by all five members until JD Morgan told them to hold him up! JD slapped Nicky Champion and held up the D.A.V.E./USPW World Title belt, telling Nicky that this is the closest he'll ever come to the belt and even gave him a belt shot for good measure before D.A.V.E. cleared the ring.]


[The same video that aired last week for Madman Boone aired again this week...]


[A nighttime video begins to play showing a rather old-looking and very creepy house from the outside. It looked more like a shack than an actual house. Only one light could be seen inside the house through one window but the blinds were pulled. The camera moved toward the house very slowly and a hand reached out from behind the camera to twist the knob and slowly open the door. When the door was fully open, the foyer was completely dark and the only way that movement is seen is the fact that the lighted room keeps getting closer and closer. Within the lighted room, someone is lying on the ground with blood lining their forehead. The camera slowly lifts and pans to find Madman Boone standing over the body. Boone looks toward the camera in slow motion..]


Madman Boone: "BRAINS!"


[boone leaps toward the cameraman and the camera shakes and falls to the ground with only the screams of the cameraman and the heaving breaths of Madman Boone heard. The camera shows the other lifeless body slowly beginning to stir and then darkness.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GregGauge_alt2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MatthewGauge_alt4.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StanManna.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/RockinRyanTurner.jpg

Greg and Matthew Keith vs. The Rock City Stars


[The crowd wasn't really into this match as none of the four are really over enough for even a tag match here. This was a bathroom break as the Keith Twins dominated The Rock City Stars. No real big surprise here. Matthew Keith locked Stan Manna in the Proton Lock and got the submission victory.]


Winners: Greg and Matthew Keith

Match Rating: E+


[As the match ended, the crowd was shocked to see Shane Sneer walk out from the back. He looked toward the ring and applauded the effort given by the Keiths. The Keiths looked surprised at it and gave a little extra strut inside the ring before Sneer walked off and they headed toward the back as well.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/TribalWarrior_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/TravisCentury.jpg

Tribal Warrior vs. Travis Century


[Another toilet break match. Tribal Warrior was off his game in this match and it showed as some boos were given by a down crowd. Thankfully, Century put Tribal Warrior away in less than four minutes with the Salvation.]


Winner: Travis Century

Match Rating: E


[backstage standing in front of a USPW logo in a brand new suit is the Complete Package Joss Thompson!]


Joss Thompson: "I want each and every person watching this interview to stop what they're doing, raise their eyes and take a look at the Complete Package. I want you to take a look at the man who is going to carry this wrestling company to new heights. Higher than James Justice. Higher than Sam Strong. Even higher than Bruce The Giant. You can say that you took a look at the evolution of the Complete Package. I am already the best wrestler alive today. Long limousines? I've got them. Jet airplanes? Already mine. Custom-made clothes? Just take a look at this suit. And any woman in the world I want? Just like that. Next week, I'm gonna be in the ring right here on USPW American Wrestling. Anyone who wants to take a shot at the man? Jump on board. Don't think that I am what I say I am? Prove me wrong!"


[Joss smiles at the camera and we head back to the ring.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/WhiskyJack.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlackjackRobbins.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JimForce.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Java_FIN2.jpg

The Tennessee Outlaws vs. The Power of the Force


[The two rough-riding bikers in Whisky Jack and Blackjack Robbins got in some shots early on Jim and Java Force but this was another that was mostly a squash match from the get-go. The Power of the Force will be getting a USPW World Tag Team Titles shot at Made In America, so they dominated the Outlaws and Jim Force hit Whisky Jack with the Full Force and got the pinfall.]


Winners: The Power of the Force

Match Rating: E


[A quick cut backstage shows Alicia Strong down on the ground and the sound of a baseball bat hitting the ground beside her can be heard. The camera pans up to reveal...Cherry Bomb! Cherry stands over Alicia, yelling words that cannot be heard toward her and giving her another stomp before walking off as medical attention arrives.]


Match #5

USPW World Television Title Match

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FreddieDatsun.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CaptainUSA.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Freddie Datsun defends vs. Captain USA


[A definite competitive and well-fought match between these two. One of the matches of the night as Captain USA got several near falls in the beginning and middle of the match. Datsun used a bumped referee and a belt shot to Captain USA to get the 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Freddie Datsun

Match Rating: C-


Match #6

USPW World Title Match

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JDMorgan_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ChampagneLover_alt2.jpg

USPW World Title Match

JD Morgan defends vs. Champagne Lover


[Champagne Lover actually came out for this match without Jennifer Heat in his corner to challenge JD Morgan for the belt.


Champagne Lover was definitely the more popular wrestler here in USPW. D.A.V.E. have done nothing to endear themselves to the fans. A little back and forth technical wrestling start out the match with Champagne Lover getting a little focus on the arm of JD Morgan. Lover hit a bridging northern lights suplex for a two count and a surprised look on the face of JD Morgan. He's gotta bring his A-Game here to try and compete with Champagne Lover. JD raked the eyes and the next few minutes were spent brawling with JD Morgan having an advantage in that category, using the ringpost outside the ring as his best friend to keep the lead over Champagne Lover.


Back inside the ring though, Champagne Lover took back over against JD Morgan. Lover hit Morgan with an overhead belly to belly suplex and went for the Champagne Breakfast but JD got to the ropes before he could hook it. Jd used a low blow to regain control and the match continued in a back and forth style with neither man seeming to gain the upper hand until referee Baby Jamie was accidentally hit with a clothesline by Champagne Lover! Lover went to check on the referee briefly before bringing down JD Morgan with a DDT! Champagne Lover looked to the crowd and went up top as Freddie Datsun came out of the crowd. He slid the USPW World Title belt to JD Morgan as Champagne Lover leapt with the Champagne Sunrise --- BELT SHOT BY JD MORGAN!! Champagne Lover crumpled on the mat as JD slid the belt out of the ring. Freddie helped the referee up as JD locked on the Cross Atlantic Stretch and it was academic from there.]


Winner: JD Morgan

Match Rating: C-


[Only moments after that final bell, Nicky Champion stepped out from the back! He looked toward the ring and then charged, flooring Freddie Datsun with a clothesline before he slid inside the ring and looked across toward JD Morgan. A flood of wrestlers came out, helping to seperate these two as they stared daggers into each other as the show came to a close.]

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From USPWWrestling.com...


USPW has announced the release of the following wrestlers from their contracts here:


Fumihiro Ota

Larry Wood

Randall Hopkirk


We wish them each the best in their future endeavors and quite possibly to work with them sometime in the future.



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Thanks a lot! I know it's gonna be a lot of hard work but it will be worth it to get my Bachelor's Degree.


I feel ya man, I'm studying up at Clemson myself...nice to meet another Carolinian on here! By the by, this diary is really good, sad to see it go, but I know education comes first!

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I feel ya man, I'm studying up at Clemson myself...nice to meet another Carolinian on here! By the by, this diary is really good, sad to see it go, but I know education comes first!


Ohhhh no! Not Clemson! I'm a Game****s fan myself. lol. But it is good to see another Carolinian. And the diary isn't dying completely or anything. I'm just not gonna be working on it as much as I have been. Just in my spare time, which is less now with college and all. Though all 3 courses I am taking during the summer are online.

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meh, the fact that their mascot name gets filtered on here says it all. I was in attendance for Clemson victories in football, basketball, and baseball this year, so I'll let the results speak for themselves. ;) Haha, honestly, I don't have as big of a grudge against USC as the average Clemson fan...just a friendly rivalry.
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From USPWWrestling.com...


USPW American Wrestling

Week 3, December 2008


Travis Century vs. Steve Flash w/ Blonde Bombshell

The Towers of Power vs. The Maryland Alliance

April Appleseed vs. Cherry Bomb

Champagne Lover vs. Anger

Joss Thompson vs. ???

JD Morgan and the New Jersey Devils vs. Nicky Champion and The Power of the Force!


So get those predictions in!



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Travis Century vs. Steve Flash w/ Blonde Bombshell

The Towers of Power vs. The Maryland Alliance

April Appleseed vs. Cherry Bomb

Champagne Lover vs. Anger

Joss Thompson vs. ???

JD Morgan and the New Jersey Devils vs. Nicky Champion and The Power of the Force!

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[Outside of Sam Strong's office, I stood and looked at the door for a moment. Earlier in the day, Sam had told me he wanted to see me and had something important he had to discuss with me and it didn't sound like it was going to be good news. Taking in a deep breath, I reached out and knocked on the door, hearing Sam's gruff voice tell me to come in. Here goes nothing, right? I opened the door and stepped through, feeling more nervous now than when I go out to the ring. But I have a pretty good relationship with Sam so it can't be anything too bad, right? I closed the door behind me and Sam motioned toward a seat across from him and I settled in, leaning back slightly in the seat to show a more relaxed look.]


Jack Avatar

"Good evening, Sam. You said you wanted to see me."


[sam nodded his head.]


Sam Strong

"Yes, I did say that, Jack. I've been looking some things over and as you know we are only a couple of weeks away from your one year anniversary with United States Pro Wrestling so it is about time for your yearly evaluation. I will start with the good news. Ratings are as high as they have ever been. Your last show got a .62 while the one before that got a .68. These are numbers that had been unheard of here in USPW before you got here."


Jack Avatar

"I do try to put on a good show and keep the crowd coming back for more."


Sam Strong

"I can see that you are trying to do so but there are some major issues I am having with your management of the company. First of all, we are over a hundred thousand dollars in the hole this month and I don't see you making all of that up. I also set you out some owner goals when you first started with this company and it does not look like you are making any progress with those. We have become stagnant and stale and that is not a positive direction to see this company in."


Jack Avatar

"But everyone loves my D.A.V.E. idea..."


Sam Strong

"Including Richard Eisen's legal department. Though he doesn't really have a case, he is claiming some type of copyright infringement on our use of the D.A.V.E. name and is willing to take us to court over it, which would cost this company a lot more money in the long run."


Jack Avatar

"So, I'm the scapegoat, is that right?"


Sam Strong

"I am giving you your notice, Jack. At the end of the month, I will be terminating your contract here in USPW."


[i got up, angry as all hell and nearly shaking at that moment as I slammed my hands on the desk, making Sam rise as well. I looked right in his eyes.]


Jack Avatar

"You're going to regret this, Sam."


[The words sounded cold, even to me. I raised my hands and shook my head.]


Jack Avatar

"Don't bother with the two weeks, Sam. I quit."


[And I stormed out of the office without even taking a look back toward him. This had to be a rib, right? It had to be a joke. Or was he just going to allow me to walk out of the building and walk out of USPW? I didn't know but I knew that I needed to get my things from my locker so the locker room is where I headed to next.]

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[so Sam Strong had the nerve to fire me? I was partially within a daze, partially filled with anger when I left his office to go and clean out my locker. As I approached my locker, standing there was both Peter Valentine and Nicky Champion. Peter had a satisfied looking smirk on his face while Nicky's eyes were a bit more sympathetic.]


Jack Avatar

"Hey guys. I'm sure you've heard the news."


Nicky Champion

"Yeah, we heard. Sam sent us here to escort you out of the building. I'm sorry to hear about what happened, though."


Peter Valentine

"I'm sorry too, Jack. Sorry I couldn't have been there to see the look on your face when Sam fired you."


[My eyes turned toward Peter Valentine and I think I blacked out because the next thing I saw was him lying on the ground, covering a bleeding nose. A satisfied arrogant smile slid across my lips as I turned back toward my locker and slid my jacket on.]


Jack Avatar

"I'll see myself out, Nicky. Looks like you have your hands full."


[The smile didn't leave my lips until after I left the locker room with a duffel bag in hand and a dream filled with memories that were never quite lived. I didn't get to match USPW with the big boys or take them on that road to national freedom. I know I've made some mistakes here and there along this bumpy road and know that this is not the end for me. I will not be on the sidelines forever and you may see me back on your television sets sooner than later. I took one last look back at the logo of USPW and a sadness washed over me for just a moment at what might have been before I left the arena that night and on to the future.]


[i did happen to catch the report of what happened at the show that night and they did go with my booking plans:


-Steve Flash beat Travis Century by DQ with a Freddie Datsun run-in.

-The Towers of Power beat the Maryland Alliance. The Keiths made a special attack on the Towers post-match, setting up their match at the PPV. Though who knows what Sam is gonna have done at the PPV now.

-Cherry Bomb beat April Appleseed

-Champagne Lover beat Anger by DQ when Jumbo Jackson attacked Champagne Lover. I had already had it planned out that Champagne was gonna accidentally spill some hot coffee on Jumbo earlier in the evening to set up that feud.

-Joss Thompson beat his mystery opponent, which was the debut of Jack Marlowe.

-JD and the New Jersey Devils beat Nicky and the Force guys with JD getting the pin on Nicky through cheating means.


All in all, it was a pretty good show.]

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((Just an OOC note: I resigned from USPW as the Head Booker and I am pushing forward, waiting for a job to open up or trying to decide if I want to try for the ones that are available. I will be doing a bit more of an update soon and when I get a job, I will definitely update the in-game world here so everyone knows what is going on.))
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By the end of the evening, I will have simmed two years into the future and will be picking this diary up in January 2011. If anyone has any wrestlers or promotions they specifically want updated on, please feel free to post them here. Otherwise, I will sort of pick and choose the updates.
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[it has been two years since I quit and left USPW. Of course, Sam Strong and I differ on that as he contends to firing me while I say that I quit. But that is really just meaningless words, isn't it? I find it ironic that after all his posturing about the D.A.V.E. storyline, the day that I left Phil Vibert returned to the wrestling industry and was immediately placed within my old position where he remains to this day. I am 25 years old now and there are several wrestling promotions potentially hiring a new Head Booker:


Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation (14th)

Warrior Engine XXV (17th)

Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling (19th)

Men of Steel Combat (30th)

European Wrestling All-Stars (33rd)

Rhode Island Pro Wrestling (34th)


My style of wrestling definitely doesn't fit the garbage wrestling style, so that eliminates Warrior Engine XXV and Men of Steel Combat.


Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation (14th)

Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling (19th)

European Wrestling All-Stars (33rd)

Rhode Island Pro Wrestling (34th)


I would definitely prefer to wrestle in either the USA or Canada so that removes the Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation and European Wrestling All-Stars.


Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling (19th)

Rhode Island Pro Wrestling (34th)


Richard Eisen has a bit of a stranglehold on Rhode Island Pro Wrestling so that eliminates them from the equation. And Coastal Zone has signed Primus Allen, who has a strong dislike for me from back in the USPW days. Not to mention the fact that who knows if Cliff Anderson would be willing to give up the power.




So, that leaves me with no one on the table right now. I should have applied for the SWF job a couple of weeks ago when Peter Michaels was removed as Head Booker. In his place? Corporal Doom, a man I fired in USPW. Oh, the irony, huh? SWF still has the top spot in importance in all of the wrestling federations though they dropped down to being a Cult favorite and dropped to 15th in influence. The top wrestling promotions by importance are:]


  1. SWF
  2. TCW
  4. WLW
  6. PGHW
  7. GCG
  8. USPW
  10. 5SSW


Wrestler of the Year

2008: Johnny Bloodstone

2009: Johnny Bloodstone

2010: Jeremy Stone


Young Wrestler of the year

2008: Emerald Angel

2009: Magnum KOBE

2010: Greg Gauge


Veteran Wrestler of the Year

2008: Haruki Kudo

2009: Jeremy Stone

2010: Christian Faith


Female Wrestler of the Year

2008: Sensational Ogiwara

2009: Thunder Hike

2010: DEVIL Karube


Promotion of the Year

2008: Supreme Wrestling Federation

2009: Supreme Wrestling Federation

2010: North of the Border Pro Wrestling


Most Improved Promotion of the Year

2008: Total Championship Wrestling

2009: Warrior Engine XXV

2010: North of the Border Pro Wrestling

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With all of the tips that I've received, I would love another crack at starting USPW over again and giving those tips some focus from the very beginning but I did give my word at the beginning of this diary. I am working on trying to find some employment in this diary. CZCW turned me down because Cliff doesn't want to give up his status as Head Booker.
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