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Shane-O-Mac's WCW (May 2001)

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There have been two leading bidders for World Championship Wrestling in recent months, Vince McMahon and Fusient Media (working with Eric Bischoff). However, in a surprise bid, Shane McMahon went behind his father’s back and made an offer for WCW that not only won him the company, but also allowed him to keep the television slot for Monday Nitro on TNT. Thunder, WCW’s other show, now became a ‘B’ show on TBS that aired during the graveyard shift. Shane had planned to use Thunder as a developing ground for young stars, along with their child-company, NWA:Wildside.


Contrary to its history, WCW no longer has the financial backing of Ted Turner. Time Warner merged with AOL which was the main driving force for the selling of WCW, however, as Turner allowed Shane McMahon to buyout WCW and keep the airtime, he gave McMahon none of the money that had helped WCW succeed in the past. McMahon was also told that there would be no hesitation to pull the company if WCW failed to bring in ratings and money.


It is Shane McMahon’s goal to defeat his father’s company, World Wrestling Federation in the Monday Night wars. He was quoted as saying, “My father kept me out of the major decision making for so long, despite everything I put into the company (WWF), so I thought, why not make a bid on WCW and finally be in the true position of power?”


Shane McMahon has quite the challenge ahead. WCW has been struggling to bring in ratings, money and attendances for the past 3 years. WCW's primary show, Nitro, has been defeated in the Monday Night ratings war by WWF Raw since October 26th, 1998.



OOC: This diary will hopefully stick with me. I worked really hard on the WWA diary a while back, as you all could probably tell by the videos, but then was offered a job that required me to move and look for a new place. Because of that, I never had time to sit down and continue the diary like I really wanted and have since decided to just drop it, but now that I'm all settled in, hopefully this diary can be kept up!

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Retrieved from WCW.com



May 7th, 2001


After over a month in hiatus, WCW will return this week on TNT with new owner, Shane McMahon! WCW will be at the Alexander Memorial Coliseum in Atlanta, Georgia. In his first major decision, McMahon has decided to strip Booker T of the WCW United States Championship, leaving many to wonder how Booker will react. Here is the list of confirmed matches:


WCW World Heavyweight #1 Contender Match

Bill Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan

In the re-match from the classic Georgia Dome match more than two years ago, Hogan looks to regain the trust of his fans by proving that he can not only beat Goldberg, but beat him cleanly. Meanwhile, Goldberg is looking to repeat his success from the last time around that will enable him to finally have a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Champioship.


Dustin Rhodes vs. Jeff Jarrett

On the last edition of Thunder a few weeks ago, Dusty Rhodes, father of Dustin Rhodes, forced Jeff Jarrett to kiss the donkey on the rearednd. Since then, Dusty has reverted to the backstage, but Jarrett managed to issue a challenge to Dustin, who happily accepted the match in hopes of embarrassing Jarrett as much or more than his father managed to do.


WCW United States Championship Quarterfinal Match

Ernest “The Cat” Miller vs. Rick Steiner

After Shane McMahon declared the United States Championship vacated, he set up an 8 man tournament for the gold. Miller is fresh off of his run as WCW Commissioner and is now looking to solidify his popularity by winning the US title. Rick Steiner, on the other hand, is trying to prove to McMahon that he is more than just a role-player in wrestling.


WCW United States Championship Quarterfinal Match

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Shane Douglas

The other first round match-up for the US title features two established WCW stars. On one side, Bam Bam Bigelow has been through it all over the years and will stop at nothing to headline WCW events again, while Shane Douglas, a former extremist, is trying to bring a little extreme to WCW.

Lance Storm vs. Shawn Stasiak

Both men have been rumored to have major plans for their respective groups of acquaintances; Storm with Team Canada, and Stasiak with his friends Mark Jindrak and WCW World Tag Team champions Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo. Each is looking to set an early statement for their stables.

WCW Cruiserweight Title Match

Shane Helms © vs. Lash LeRoux

Both men have tremendous in-ring ability. Can Helms prove himself worthy of representing the entire cruiserweight division, or is LeRoux a more fitting substitute?


Plus, Shane McMahon will be making an appearance to officially announce his purchasing of World Championship Wrestling. What will the new boss have in store? Tune in this Monday for WCW Monday Nitro only on TNT.



WCW World Heavyweight #1 Contender Match

Bill Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan


Dustin Rhodes vs. Jeff Jarrett


WCW United States Championship First Round Match

Ernest “The Cat” Miller vs. Rick Steiner


WCW United States Championship First Round Match

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Shane Douglas


Lance Storm vs. Shawn Stasiak


WCW Cruiserweight Title Match

Shane Helms © vs. Lash LeRoux

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sounds intresting :)


WCW World Heavyweight #1 Contender Match

Bill Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan


Dustin Rhodes vs. Jeff Jarrett


WCW United States Championship First Round Match

Ernest “The Cat” Miller vs. Rick Steiner


WCW United States Championship First Round Match

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Shane Douglas


Lance Storm vs. Shawn Stasiak


WCW Cruiserweight Title Match

Shane Helms © vs. Lash LeRoux

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WCW World Heavyweight #1 Contender Match

Bill Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan

DQ.. shenanigans and run ins, no way either goes over the other right now. I call either a established heel coming out and braining both or a possible Hogan heel turn.


Dustin Rhodes vs. Jeff Jarrett

Clean win for Double J to get him a little heat back.


WCW United States Championship First Round Match

Ernest “The Cat” Miller vs. Rick Steiner

Push Miller, dude was a heat magnet for WCW but never got the storyline support.


WCW United States Championship First Round Match

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Shane Douglas

The Franchise finds a way to win over The Beast From The East.


Lance Storm vs. Shawn Stasiak

Storm deserves a massive push.


WCW Cruiserweight Title Match

Shane Helms © vs. Lash LeRoux

And the rebuilding of the cruiserweight division begins.

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WCW Monday Nitro

Monday, May 7th, 2001

Shown Live on TNT at the Alexander Memorial Coliseum in Atlanta, GA

Attendance: 7,814


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Pryos shoot off in all directions as the camera pans down the aisle way to the announcer’s table by ringside. Scott Hudson, Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan are sitting with their headsets on and a look of excitement on their faces.


“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to an exciting day in World Championship Wrestling. As I’m sure many of you have heard, WCW was just a couple dollars and cents away from being bought out by Vince McMahon of the WWF, when suddenly his own son, Shane McMahon, purchased the company”, said Hudson.


Schiavone chimed in. “And what excitement there is in the arena today! We’ve seen a lot of stuff happen to this company in recent years, good and bad”


Hennan then cut off Shiavone. “Yea, mostly bad. But not anymore! This company is saved! Saved from the clutches of the Russos, Bischoffs and McMahons of the world!”


“Well, actually Brain, Shane is a McMahon”, Hudson added.


“Yea, yea, whatever. We’re saved!”


“Yes we are Brain,” said Hudson, “and tonight we have quite the lineup for you. First of all, Shane McMahon vacated the United States championship that was won by Booker T just a few months ago. A tournament has been set-up to determine a new champion, with the final match taking place at Slamboree! The first match will feature Bam Bam Bigelow against Shane Douglas, and the other first round match we will see tonight features Ernest ‘The Cat’ Miller fighting Rick Steiner.”


“And, we’ve got a title match to kick things off tonight, Scott.” said Shiavone. “The WCW Cruiserweight championship is up for grabs as champion Shane Helms goes up against Lash LeRoux and that’s happening right now!”


WCW Cruiserweight Title Match


Shane Helms© vs. Lash LeRoux

Predictions -- Shane Helms: 100%, Lash LeRoux: 0%


In a match to help prove that cruiserweights can make a name for themselves, Lash LeRoux took an early advantage. The match was fast paced and exciting, with a lot of top rope maneuvers and quick submission holds. Helms eventually fought back with a series of hits and kicks and surprised everyone when he hit the Vertebreaker virtually out of nowhere for the pinfall.


Winner and STILL WCW Cruiserweight Champion: Shane Helms




After the match, Mike Sanders came out with a mic in hand. “Well, it’s no surprise by now that we have a new owner, and it’s no surprise what style of wrestling he likes. If he’s anything like his old man, McMahon is gonna want to see entertainment. And, well, Shane, you’re about as entertaining as watching moss grow on a rock. In the eyes of Shane-O-Mac, the cruiserweight champion deserves to be someone who is gonna put butts in the seats, and that’s me! So, I’m going to challenge you, Helms, to a title match at Slamboree. I can get your acceptance now, or I can make a case to McMahon which I’m sure will get approval, whichever way you want it buddy. I’ll let you think about it a little bit. Get back to me.”


Sanders shoots Helms a couple of snapped fingers as Helms looks on while leaning against the ropes in exhaustion from an tiring match.




Backstage, Lance Storm is talking with Mike Awesome with one hand on Mike’s shoulder. “Listen, Mike, we’re out there every night representing more than just wrestling. We’re representing the entire country of Canada. I’ve been thinking real hard lately. We can’t go out there and do what we’ve been doing anymore. We can the All-Canadian heroes by playing our cards right. I guess what I need to know is, are you in with me or not?”


“You know I love this business Lance. You know that. You also know that sometimes you’ve gotta cheat to win and cheat to get ahead. It’s what we’ve done for so long now… I just don’t know if I can be the vitamin taking Canadian hero like you want me to be. Just give me a little bit to think about it, ok?”


”Ok. Well, I’ve got a match here in a few against Shawn Stasiak. Let me know sometime tonight.”





Lance Storm vs. Shawn Stasiak

Predictions -- Lance Storm: 100%, Shawn Stasiak: 0%


Lance Storm came to the ring in his new “good boy Canadian hero” form for this match, while Stasiak still portrayed the ****y ego-maniac that he is. Stasiak used brute force to start the match off by using punches and clotheslines. Storm fought back with several submission moves, including a long sleeper hold that wore Stasiak down. Stasiak eventually gained more momentum and went for the Stasiak-Plex, but it was reversed into the Canadian Maple Leaf. Stasiak was seconds from tapping out when Mark Jindrak and WCW World Tag Team champions Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo ran to the ring. They came in and began beating on Storm in four on one fashion. Scott Hudson made not that the group of Stasiak, O’Haire, Palumbo and Jindrak referred to themselves as ‘Perfection’. Mike Awesome then came running from the back and cleaned house. He helped Storm to his feet as they stared down the other four men from the ring.


Winner: Lance Storm by disqualification




The cameras go backstage again. We now see Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash all talking with each other in the locker room.


“Listen guys, let’s be honest here, we’re old in Shane’s eyes. We ain’t got it anymore and that’s why we’ve gotta stick together”, said Nash.


“That’s right, brother. Starting right now bros, no matter what Shane tries to pull against us, we’re in this together. Are we all cool with that dudes?” said Hogan.


“We’ve all been there, haven’t we?” asked Flair. “We’ve been in the other company and we’ve seen what the McMahon’s do to guys like us. That’s why we’re here in WCW. He’s got no respect for the accomplishments we’ve had and the contributions we’ve made.”


“So, it’s settled then”, said Nash.


All three men shook hands with each other. Hogan and Flair turned back towards their lockers when Nash attacked them from behind. Nash beat Hogan and Flair senseless and security was nowhere to be found. Nash stood over both men.


“Now Shane’s got two less old men to worry about. Oh, and Hulkster, good luck in your match tonight… dude.”








Shane McMahon made his much anticipated entrance, making sure to dance on the entrance ramp, and even went as far as to mimic the walking motion of Vince McMahon on his way to the ring. He climbed up on the apron and ran up and down it from turnbuckle to turnbuckle a few times before finally stepping through the ropes.


“W… C… W! World Championship Wrestling and Shane McMahon. Who woulda thought? Well, I’m not here to shoot the crap with you guys, I’m here to take WCW to the top”. The crowd popped. “And I promise you that I will do everything in my power to take down my father”. Shane-O-Mac chants began. “I came out here to mention one thing and that is the WCW United States championship. So, without further ado, Booker T please come out here”.






Booker T walked through the curtain with a huge crowd pop while holding the United States belt over his right shoulder. Shane McMahon made the first move.


“Booker, I see you still have the US belt. I’m sure you’ve heard by now that I’ve decided to vacate the title.”


“Yea, sucka, I heard bout that. That’s a bunch of bull-“


“Hold it there Booker, don’t say something you’ll regret. I didn’t strip you of the belt to punish you, I did it to help you. You’re a star here and you deserve to be in the World title race. You know that, I know that and these fans know that.” The crowd cheers.


“I ain’t gonna argue with you there, but I’m the damn US champion. I take pride in that.”


“I’m sure you do Booker, and that’s what makes you a great champion, but the wheels are already in motion. I’ve already set-up an 8-man tournament for the title. You need to do the right there here Booker T and hand over the belt. Do the right thing.”


Booker T stared at Shane, then took the belt off of his shoulder and laid it on the ground in front of him. He motioned for Shane to come take the belt from right in front of him. Shane hesitated and slowly began to move forward. As he was half-way through the ropes, he stepped back in the ring.


“I thought something like this might happen, Booker. That’s why I’ve got backup.”






Diamond Dallas Page then came from behind Booker T and clotheslined him to the ramp. He then threw Booker the Diamond Cutter symbol as Shane McMahon walked up the ramp. Shane picked up the US belt and looked at Booker just shaking his head.


“See, Booker T, this is why you ALWAYS need backup.” The crowd booed heavily as Shane and DDP walked back through the curtain. Security then came to help Booker T to his feet.


The cameras turn back to the announcer’s table where Hudson and Schiavone look distraught, while Heenan wears a huge smile.


“What are you smiling about, Brain”, asked Hudson.


“It’s about time that no-good Booker T finally got what he had coming. It’s guys like him who have been cancers for this company”, said Bobby.


“I’ve had enough of you for one night, Bobby” said Tony.


“There’s never enough of me, that’s the best part!”


“Well folks, it looks like a first round match for that US gold is up next, so stay tuned!” said Hudson.




WCW United States Quarterfinal Match


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Shane Douglas

Predictions -- Shane Douglas: 100%, Bam Bam Bigelow: 0%


Bigelow came out to surprising pops as he hasn’t been seen much lately, while Douglas came out to an array of boos. Bigelow started the match off strong much to the crowds liking, but one low-blow later by Douglas and the match was his the rest of the way. Douglas hit The Franchiser for the win and to move on to the second round.


Winner: Shane Douglas


Shane Douglas made his exit. Moments later, music tore through the speakers.






Jeff Jarrett came to the ring, holding his patented silver guitar in one hand and a microphone in the other. The crowd booed wildly as he entered the ring.


“Shut up” Jarrett yelled, referring to the crowd. “Listen, everyone saw what happened on the last edition of Thunder a few weeks ago. Dusty Rhodes disrespected me and the legendary Ric Flair by making us… kiss a donkey’s ass.” The crowd cheered. “I said shut up! Now, I’ve got a match in a little bit against his son, Dustin, who is just a reflection, a sad reflection, of his old man. The old man Rhodes knew he couldn’t handle me in a match so he sent his screwed up son to come and clean up his mess.”




The lights in the arena suddenly went off. A slow fog rose from the stage area where the shadowy figure of a man stood holding a baseball bat.


“Oh my dear lord”, said Schiavone, “it can’t be… it just can’t be!”


“It is! It’s him!” said Heenan.


“Ladies and gentlemen, we believe Sting has just returned to WCW. We haven’t seen him since Scott Steiner injured him last year”, said Hudson.


“What the hell are you doing here Stinger”, said Jarrett in a nervous tone. “You’re supposed to be hurt.” There was a long pause. The shadowy figure only made one movement. He lifted his baseball bat and pointed it directly at Jarrett. The lights suddenly flickered. As they returned, the figure was gone. Jarrett slowly walked out of the ring, back up the entrance ramp while frantically looking around in all directions and preparing to swing his guitar.


Hudson spoke up after a solid minute of silence. “I can’t believe we just saw that. Could Sting finally be back?”


“I hope so, Scott!” said Schiavone.


“Yea, well he picked the wrong guy to mess with. Jarrett is one tough SOB”, said Heenan.


Schiavone laughed. “Face it Brain, he doesn’t stand a chance against Sting.”


“I’m speechless,” said Hudson, “but we have to move on. It’s time now for the second first round match for the US championship.”


WCW United States Quarterfinal Match


Ernest "The Cat" Miller vs. Rick Steiner

Predictions -- Ernest Miller: 100%, Rick Steiner: 0%


The fans loved The Cat. In a classic Dog vs. Cat match, The Cat had a clear advantage most of the match. Steiner made a few comeback attempts here and there, but Miller pulled it out in the end and finished the match off with The Ferliner. Miller was definitely a fan favorite as the crowd celebrated his victory with him. He requested a microphone.


“The Cat’s movin’ up baby! Can you feel it people! Oh baby, I’m takin this to the top, I’m gonna win me the US belt and I ain’t gonna stop there baby! Bring me Shane Douglas, bring me Santa Claus, bring me whateva ya got playas cause it don’t matter! Somebody call my momma and tell her… I’m the greatest!”




Backstage the cameras follow Jeff Jarrett as he enters Shane McMahon’s office.


“Jeff, I’m kinda busy here”, said Shane.


“This will only take a second, McMahon. It’s Sting. He’s back and you damn well better do somethin’ about it”, said Jeff.


“Do something about it? What’s it? What’s wrong if Sting’s back?”


“Dammit, Shane, he’s bad for the company. Let’s see… he’s selfish, he’s old and the guy hasn’t wrestled in a year and all the sudden he comes back and starts wreaking havoc! You wanted to provide stability in this company, well here’s your chance McMahon. I’ve got a match with Dustin Rhodes tonight and you better make sure that Sting doesn’t show up.”


“You’ve got a point Jeff”. Shane thought about it a little bit. “Fine, I’ll have security spread out, I’ll even have a few in the rafters; I’ve heard he likes to hang around up there.”


“Thanks Shane, you made the right choice. You’re a smart guy.”





Dustin Rhodes vs. Jeff Jarrett

Predictions -- Jeff Jarrett: 100%, Dustin Rhodes: 0%


Rhodes got off to a great start in this match, but Jarrett fought his way slowly back. Punches went back and forth until Jarrett finally gained momentum. Jarrett got Rhodes up on the turnbuckle and proceeded to punch him 5 times, 6, 7, 8, 9 and just before the 10th punch, Rhodes pushed Jarrett off of him and to the ground. A couple of stomps and knee drops later, Rhodes had the upper hand. Jarrett then rolled out of the ring. While out on the mat, Jarrett started to reach under the ring. As he was reaching, Dusty Rhodes came out. The ref turned to see Dusty come out and was yelling at him to turn around and leave just as Jarrett snuck in from behind and hit Dustin Rhodes with the guitar. He quickly threw the guitar out of the ring and went for the pin and the win. Dusty came in the ring to help his son and Jarrett clotheslined him to the ground as Rhodes stepped in the ring. Jarrett got out of the ring and walked backwards all the way up the ramp. He can be heard screaming things about the donkey and the Rhodes family when suddenly the lights went out again. When the lights came back, Jarrett was on the ground and knocked out.


Winner: Jeff Jarrett




WCW World Heavyweight #1 Contender Match


Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan

Predictions -- Goldberg: 50%, Hulk Hogan: 0%


After the brutal beatdown that Hogan suffered earlier at the hands of Kevin Nash, he limped his way around the ring for most of the match. Fans were split during the match. Goldberg received huge pops, but fans liked rooting for an underdog Hulk Hogan. Hogan tried every moved in the book and followed most of them with pins, trying to get a quick three count. Goldberg managed to kick out of every pin. Hogan then started to gain ground and went with the fists of fury. Goldberg fell to the ground and Hogan backed off the ropes and jumped in the air for the Leg Drop, but Goldberg managed to move out of the way. Hogan started holding his leg in pain while on the ground. Meanwhile, Goldberg set himself up in the turnbuckle and as Hogan stood up and turned around Goldberg hit the Spear. He picked Hogan up, and in shades of the Georgia Dome, applied the Jackhammer to Hogan. The ref counted… 1… 2… AND NO! Hogan kicked out! Hogan managed to be one of the few ever to kick out of a Goldberg given Jackhammer and in doing so, proved why he still has the guts to compete. Goldberg, in true form, showed no mercy and picked Hogan up again and followed with another Jackhammer. This time the ref counted to three and Goldberg became the #1 contender for the World title. After the match, Goldberg helped Hogan to his feet and both men raised each other’s arms to celebrate a hard fought match.


Winner and Official WCW World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender: Goldberg





*** SIREN ***


Scott Steiner came out to the stage wearing his World title around his waste. Goldberg and Hogan were in the ring and turned to see Steiner who had a microphone in hand.


“Sorry to rain on your parade, but Big Poppa Pump just wanted to come out and see the chump he’s gonna destroy at Slamboree. Hogan, I shoulda known you’d lose, you old hag. I saw what happened earlier, Nash beatin’ your ass down, I laughed my ass off! And Goldberg, you may think you’re all tough by screamin’ and yellin’ in that ring, but you ain’t no Big Bad Booty Daddy, and these guns right here”, Steiner said while flexing and kissing his biceps, “are gonna wrap them selves around your neck with the Steiner Recliner until you submit to this genetic freak of nature! And if you try anything funny, just remember, I got friends in some high places around here – some very high places.”


Nitro faded off the air with the camera focused on Goldberg who refused to take his eyes off of Steiner.


Quick Results

WCW World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender Match

Bill Goldberg defeated Hulk Hogan


Jeff Jarrett defeated Dustin Rhodes


WCW United States Championship First Round Match

Ernest “The Cat” Miller defeated Rick Steiner


WCW United States Championship First Round Match

Shane Douglas defeated Bam Bam Bigelow


Lance Storm defeated Shawn Stasiak by disqualification


WCW Cruiserweight Title Match

Shane Helms © defeated Lash LeRoux

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Thanks for the predictions guys! Please, anyone, feel free to comment on the show and offer any suggestions. I am open to criticism (as well as congratulations :D)


I should have the preview for the next Nitro up in the next few days and then the show posted by the end of the weekend. I already have them written but I'm trying to stay at least two shows ahead of my postings in case I get in a bind with work.

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