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APW: This Time, We Do It Right

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APW Meeting #1

Wednesday, January 2 2008



"All right guys, gather 'round."


I said loudly. Shouted almost, over some of the jabber that was going on in there.


"First off, my name's Mike, and I'll be running things from now on. I already know who each of you are so there's no need for personal introductions. I know what you're like in the ring, I know your personal lives and I know where you're going to end up."


I pulled a pile of paper out of my bag and placed it on the bench next to me.


"Now, what I've got here are nineteen individual summaries for each of you. They are in alphabetical order, starting with Alyx, and they're for your eyes only."


I waited patiently as each wrestler grabbed his sheet and surveyed over it.


"You'll see that it has a basic breakdown of where I think you guys are at, what you've done so far and where I plan for you all to be within the next twelve months. Now I know some of you will be unhappy and I'm happy to listen to each and every one of you, but around here my opinion is fact, and you're all going to have to deal with that."


I nodded my head, signaling the end of the meeting, turned around and left the locker room to a gradual uprising of noise as each guy traded his news with the guy next to him. I'm Michael Diamond, and that's one hell of a way to make an impression.

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APW Roster


Main Event

Big Daddy Horne - Heel - Bully

Harry Simonson - Face - Old School Face

Lanny Williams - Heel - Man On A Mission

Nathan McKenzie - Heel - Man Beast


Upper Midcard

Debonair David Peterson - Heel - Suave

New Zealand Pit Bull - Heel - Maniac

Swoop McCarthy - Heel - Chosen One

Trehawke Phillips - Face - Old School Face



Alyx Macquarie - Heel - C0cky Youth

Blake Belushi - Face - Fan Favourite

Boo Smithson - Face - Geek

Rick Stantz - Face - Fan Favourite

Spiffy Stan Standish - Heel - Suave

Vance Sturt - Heel - Underworld


Lower Midcard

Dingo Devine - Heel - Machine

Jimmy Stratosphere - Face - Fun Babyface

Motty Kuroda - Face - Blue Chipper

Switchblade - Heel - Underworld



Cole Taylor - Heel - Egomaniac

D.O.A. - Heel - Underworld


Tag Teams

Crime Wave (D.O.A. and Switchblade)

The High Life (Debonair David Peterson and Spiffy Stan Standish)

The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi and Rick Stantz)

The Rising Suns (Jimmy Stratosphere and Motty Kuroda



APW Commonwealth: Harry Simonson

APW Australian: Swoop McCarthy

APW Tag Team: The High Life


I'll constantly keep the roster updated on this page with new teams, new signings, title changes, etc. to save making a new post every time, so check this post regularly.

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APW Meeting #2

Friday, January 13 2008



"Okay guys, first show of the year next week. You've had two weeks to read over my propo-- actually it's not a proposal, it's a statement. These things will be happening starting tomorrow night, and this company will be better for it. Now, David and Stan will be teaming up next week against Crime Wave in their first of hopefully many matches together as a regular tag team.


Harry, you'll be defending your title against the man you originally fought for it, Lanny Williams. You guys are two of the best workers we've got, so we're hoping for a big show. Rick, Blake, you two will be defending against Jimmy and Motty, but Swoop, you're in a non-title match with Boo.


I gave Markus my notes on the matches, and I want all competitors to visit him now and go over each match and note and rehearse what you have to do before OzFest."


* * *


Thirty minutes later there was a knock on my office door.




My eyes rolled as I saw Debonair David Peterson stroll through the door. Typical.


"Yeah hey, Mikey, how ya' doin'?"


"Not too bad, David. What can I do you for?"


"Yeah well it says here that you want me and Stan teaming up together. Regularly. Look, I know you're new and everything but maybe you didn't know that I'm a singles competitor. I'm groomed for the top. I could take Harry's title and the fans would love it. I'd be your number one star. But teaming me up with a ----in' nobody like "Spiffy" Stan Standish isn't gonna get you ----."


"Look, Dave, I know how easy it is to ride to the top when you're best friend is running the promotion. Well that's over now. And quite frankly, David... you're one of the oldest men on the roster and half of them are better than you. You're entertaining as hell, man, but I don't see you having much of a future. So you'll be teaming with Stan, hopefully regularly, so I can keep you in the ring, as well as teaching Stan a thing or two. Hell, maybe you'll win tag team gold."


He glared at me. I glared back. Peterson eventually gave in and left the office without saying a word.




APW OzFest 2008

Debonair David Peterson and Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Crime Wave

Alyx Macquarie vs. New Zealand Pit Bull

Swoop McCarthy vs. Boo Smithson

APW Tag Team Championship: The Melbourne Blondes© vs. The Rising Suns

Nathan McKenzie vs. Big Daddy Horne

APW Commonwealth Championship: Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson©

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Awesome to see another APW diary :)


APW OzFest 2008

Debonair David Peterson and Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Crime Wave - Well, duh.

Alyx Macquarie vs. New Zealand Pit Bull - Alyx was one of the first names mentioned in the diary, so I imagine you've got huge things planned.

Swoop McCarthy vs. Boo Smithson - I tidied Boo up, but I don't imagine you have. Therefore Swoop to win. Be careful to not overinflate his ego.

APW Tag Team Championship: The Melbourne Blondes© vs. The Rising Suns - No reason for them to lose it, they're the biggest draw.

Nathan McKenzie vs. Big Daddy Horne - Battle of the Monsters - Nate breezes through.

APW Commonwealth Championship: Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson© - nothing like a new booker to promote a new reign!

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APW OzFest 2008

Debonair David Peterson and Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Crime Wave

Alyx Macquarie vs. New Zealand Pit Bull

Swoop McCarthy vs. Boo Smithson

APW Tag Team Championship: The Melbourne Blondes© vs. The Rising Suns

Nathan McKenzie vs. Big Daddy Horne

APW Commonwealth Championship: Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson©

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APW OzFest 2008

Saturday, 19 January 2008



Sean Quartermainne makes his way to the ring with the newly-formed tag team between Debonair David Peterson and Spiffy Stan Standish.


"Some of you already know about the backstage politics involved in wrestling. Some of you may know about those politics being used against my good friend Debonair David Peterson, here. The Man hates DDP. He sees him as a threat. He knows he is the best damn thing in this company, but can't face the truth. So in order for him to avoid singles competition, The Man placed DDP in a tag team with Spiffy Stan Standish, another stand-up member of this roster. But this is a tag team designed to fail. Designed to make superstars out of the other tag teams in the APW. Well that's not gonna happen. Tonight, The High Life are going to destroy Crime Wave and become a legitimate threat for the APW Tag Team titles. They will win tonight. They will win next time. They'll continue to win. They will keep winning until they get their hands on those belts, and then they'll keep winning some more. Because no one in this company is as good as these men. And tonight, they're going to prove it to the world, and changes are gonna be forced upon The Man's plan. Tonight."


Quartermainne slid out of the ring as the other two men prepared themselves for their match against Crime Wave.


Debonair David Peterson and Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Crime Wave

Peterson came out of this match looking good, which will hopefully alleviate some of the issues he has with this decision. Standish won the match by pinning D.O.A. after hitting him with a Brainbuster. Winner: Peterson and Standish (E+)


Alyx Macquarie vs. New Zealand Pit Bull

A good match for the youngster Macquarie to get himself over against a veteran, and he did it well, pinning NZ Pit Bull after hitting him with a Super Kick.

Winner: Alyx Macquarie (D-)


Swoop McCarthy vs. Boo Smithson

Swoop and Boo didn't seem to click in this match and it made the match seem a bit awkward. Either way, Swoop won in just under ten minutes.

Winner: Swoop McCarthy (D)


Harry "The Hitman" Simonson's music came over the PA system and he strolled to the ring, microphone in hand.


"Ladies and gentleman. Most of you people here spent a few bucks to come see me defend my title against Lanny Williams tonight. And I think it's only fair that I give you guys something special back. So tonight, my match against Lanny Williams is going to be a two-out-of-three falls match. That means the first man to gain two falls will win the match. I will be defending my title tonight and I promise I will do my best to retain it. My crowd give their all to support me, so I give my all to entertain my crowd. Thank you."


Simonson walked back up the ramp to huge cheers.


The Melbourne Blondes vs. The Rising Suns for the APW Tag Team Titles

There's no reason the Blondes should've lost this match, and they didn't. Blake hit Jimmy with an Axe Kick and pinned him after 8 minutes.

Winner: The Melbourne Blondes (D-)


Nathan McKenzie vs. Big Daddy Horne

Two wrestlers who are absolutely hated by this crowd actually managed to put on a decent match. It seems as if Big Daddy Horne can barely last five minutes in the ring before being overcome by fatigue, but Big Mac managed to finish it off quickly with a Spear.

Winner: Nathan McKenzie (D-)


Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson for the APW Commonwealth Title

With Simonson changing the stipulation during the show, the crowd were in for a good main event. Simonson won in two straight falls after a good 25-minute long battle to continue his reign.

Winner: Harry Simonson (D+)


Overall: D. Not as good as I'd hoped, but still a strong outing.

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Thursday, February 7 2008



"You're not doing too badly at the moment, kid. Heck, we only lost 70 bucks last month!"


In no way bitter about me taking his job, Sean Quartermainne has been suprisingly helpful, offering his help whenever needed. I just wish his friend Peterson shared his attitude.


"Just keep doing what you're doing, keep yourself on the track you wanna be. Don't listen to these wrestlers, their egos surpass their value sometimes. And don't worry about David, mate, he'll come around."


Just having the former head booker's confidence helped mine, but I couldn't help shake the feeling that something was going to happen. I couldn't tell you what, but the feeling was there.


"So, kid, who's your hot-shot favourite worker?"


"Ha, well I don't really take favourites, Sean."


"Oh come on! Everyone has their personal favourite, the guy they wanna make sure ends up the big champion, the guy they wanna make the household name! You gotta have someone, kid!"


"Well Alyx and Stan really excite me, and the Blondes are great prospects, but everyone knows Swoop is the real future of this company. I know who yours is, the guy makes it perfectly obvious he's in your pocket!"


"Haha, no. I never wanted to make David the star of the company. Just between you and me kid, I don't think his ego would be able to hold it all in. I regulate him: keep him up the roster to keep himself inflated, but I never pushed him too far so he would explode. I'm personally rather excited about outside talent."


"Outside talent... what like, The Comedian?"


"Yeah. And I've heard of a guy floating around by the name of Angus McMiller. He's pretty limited, but the guy can entertain a crowd. It's a shame about The Comedian, though; he'd be a huge draw."


"Did anyone ever find out what went on with him and James?"


"Nah. Well I better let you get back to work. Stay focused on next month, kid. It's our year-anniversary, it better be a hell of a show!"


Damn. Our year anniversary. Quartermainne was quick to remind me of that before he took off. Great, now there's more pressure to put on a good show.




APW Big Night Out 2008

Switchblade vs. Boo Smithson

New Zealand Pit Bull vs. Big Daddy Horne

APW Australian Championship: Vance Sturt vs. Swoop McCarthy©

APW Tag Team Championship: The Melbourne Blondes© vs. High Life

Trehawke Phillips vs. Lanny Williams

APW Commonwealth Championship: Harry Simonson© vs. Nathan McKenzie

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Switchblade vs. Boo Smithson

-Switchblade seems to have potential, but maybe too soon for a singles push. Putting him in there with a good worker like Boo is a great idea though.


New Zealand Pit Bull vs. Big Daddy Horne

-Hm... two guys both on the decline, although in my APW game Pit Bull was declining a heck of a lot faster than Big Daddy.


APW Australian Championship: Vance Sturt vs. Swoop McCarthy©

-Much as I admire Sturt's awesome mullet, I'll go with Swoop here.


APW Tag Team Championship: The Melbourne Blondes© vs. High Life

-I predict a draw of some kind to stretch the tag title feud out a little bit. Maybe a double count-out.


Trehawke Phillips vs. Lanny Williams

-Lanny gets a win over an upper midcard guy to stay strong.


APW Commonwealth Championship: Harry Simonson© vs. Nathan McKenzie

-Tough call, but I predict the experience of the Hitman will see him through.

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APW's Big Night Out 2008

Saturday, 16 February 2008



Switchblade vs. Boo Smithson

Boo did a great job of carrying Switchblade to a decent match, eventually making him tap out with a Crossface Chickenwing in just under 9 minutes.

Winner: Boo Smithson (D)


Backstage, inside Nigel Darling's office. He's on the phone when Alyx Macquarie burts into the room, demanding a title shot.


"I deserve this shot. Swoop ain't got nothin' on me, man. I'm the future of this company, not him. Gimme a shot man, I will win. I'll take that title, and you won't be disappointed."


"Alyx... first of all, knock first. Secondly, I can't agree with you on that one. Swoop holds the title for a reason. He's the best we have outside the big four vying for the Commonwealth title. I'm not going to give anyone a title shot first off, they have to prove their worth. Even you."


"A warm-up match? Come on, bro, you know and I know and everybody here knows that I don't need a freakin' warm-up match! I can kick Swoop's ass right here, right now!"


"Okay, okay, Alyx, calm down. How about this... next month, at Fight Night, you'll face off against a mystery opponent. An opponent I'll reveal next month. If you beat that opponent, I'll let you face Swoop at Beachfront Breakdown for the title. Happy?"


"...Fine. But be warned, Darling... I will win that match next month, and I will go on to defeat Swoop McCarthy at Beachfront Breakdown, and I will go on to become the new APW Australian Champion. Because I am the future of this company, and I am that damn good!"


New Zealand Pit Bull vs. Big Daddy Horne

This crowd really hates Big Daddy Horne, but he picked up the win in 5 minutes, hitting NZ Pit Bull with a Sidewalk Slam.

Winner: Big Daddy Horne (E+)


Swoop McCarthy makes his way to the ring, microphone in hand.


"Tonight I have a match with a worthless nobody. A worthless nobody with ties to the criminal underworld. A worthless nobody that shouldn't even be in the APW! A worthless nobody, who for some reason, thinks he deserves a shot at my title. Well, tonight I'm gonna show that worthless nobody what it means to be in the ring with an individual such as Swoop McCarthy. I'll show that worthless nobody the true meaning of the word "champion." I've held this title for almost a year, and I didn't achieve that feat by being a worthless nobody. So tonight, I will put a worthless nobody in his place."


Vance Sturt vs. Swoop McCarthy © for the APW Australian title

These two managed to put on a good title match, our first one for the year. Sturt looked like winning in a couple of spots, but Swoop managed to hit a Running Powerslam on Sturt and pin him for the title retention.

Winner: Swoop McCarthy (D)


As Swoop made his way back up the entrance ramp, Sean Quartermainne, Debonair David Peterson and Spiffy Stan Standish emerged from backstage and made their way down to the ring, congratulating McCarthy on the way.


"Last month at OzFest," Quartermainne began, deliberately pausing for effect. "Australia witnessed the birth of a new dynasty here in the APW. An alliance was formed between the present and the future superstars of this company. Last month, they defeated the pitiful Crime Wave in a tag team match to prove their talents as a tight, cohesive, superbly dressed tag team. Tonight, they face the Melbourne Blondes for the APW Tag Team titles. Tonight they wi--"


Spiffy Stan Standish snatches the mic away from Sean Quartermainne. "Tonight we will DESTROY those amateurs! They think their title reign is going to run past tonight? I don't think so! We are The High Life, and we will win!"


Standish handed the mic back to Quartermainne, who followed with, "As my extremely well-groomed and sophisticated client here just stated, The High Life will defeat the Melbourne Blondes and claim the titles. Tonight you will all witness the birth of a new type of champion!"


The High Life vs. The Melbourne Blondes © for the APW Tag Team titles

Wow, what an entertaining match. With both sides going back and forth, trading offence and Peterson and Standish using every heel move in the book, the Blondes looked set to win after Belushi hit an Axe Kick on Peterson. All of a sudden, Quartermainne grabbed Belushi's leg, and with the Blonde distracted, Peterson rolled Belushi up, with his feet on the ropes and grabbed the 1-2-3.

Winners: The High Life (D)


Trehawke Phillips vs. Lanny Williams

This crowd didn't seem too pleased seeing Trehawke Phillips wrestling tonight, which came as no surprise, as he looked like absolute crap out there. Williams dragged him to a decent match, eventually winning after locking on a Figure Four Leglock.

Winner: Lanny Williams (D)


The "Human Wrecking Machine" Nathan McKenzie made his way down to the ring to a surprising amount of heat from the crowd. He was accompanied by Max Forbes, super agent.


"Tonight my client faces off against the APW Commonwealth Champion, Harry Simonson," Forbes began. "Tonight, my client will become the new APW Commonwealth Champion. Sean Quartermainne stated earlier in the night that this is the birth of a new type of champion. That also starts with a new Commonwealth champion." Forbes confidently handed the mic to Nathan McKenzie, to a chorus of heavy booing.


"Harry Simonson. Tonight... I face you in a match. Tonight... I will become the new Commonwealth Champion. Not only will I beat you in the ring, Harry Simonson... I will DESTROY YOU!" McKenzie thumped the mic onto the mat and hyped himself up by slapping his head several times and bouncing up and down. He turned towards the ramp and awaited the arrival of his opponent.


Harry Simonson © vs. Nathan McKenzie for the APW Commonwealth title

The crowd definitely made their dislike of the monster heel obvious, but he and Simonson managed to put on a very good match, despite both no-selling each other several times. Simonson managed to lock on a Boston Crab after 11 minutes to massive cheers from the crowd. (C-)


Overall: D+. Another successful show for our 12-month anniversary. The crowd got a bit sick of seeing Spiffy Stan Standish by the end, but hopefully that will change.

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APW Meeting #3

Thursday, February 28 2008



"Good show last week, guys, very good show." All the guys in the locker room beamed as I said this. "Some good news guys: Alyx and Jimmy have decided to stay with us for another nine months." Claps and a few handshakes went around the room. "We finalised their contracts this morning. Hopefully you guys will be here for many more years."


I let the guys chill down for a bit before revealing another bit of news. "We've heard some good things around the vine about a young guy named Cole Taylor. We'll be approaching him in a few days, after we've got the next show sorted out, and hopefully he'll be with the company in time for Beachfront Breakdown."


Peterson seemed to have come to grips with my decision to team him up with Standish now that he held the gold, but he and Quartermainne are doing a bit too much sucking up for me to completely buy it.



APW's Fight Night 2008

Dingo Devine vs. Vance Sturt

The Rising Suns vs. The Melbourne Blondes

APW Australian title Warm-up Match: Alyx Macquarie vs. Mystery Opponent

Swoop McCarthy vs. Trehawke Phillips

Lanny Williams vs. Nathan McKenzie

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Dingo Devine vs. Vance Sturt

-Hmm... considering Dingo is your avatar, that's going to be my pick here.


The Rising Suns vs. The Melbourne Blondes

-Rick Stanz turned into a total jerk in my game.


APW Australian title Warm-up Match: Alyx Macquarie vs. Mystery Opponent

-Unless it's a major surprise coming into the promotion.


Swoop McCarthy vs. Trehawke Phillips



Lanny Williams vs. Nathan McKenzie

-Experience over youth again.

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APW's Fight Night 2008

Saturday, 22 March 2008



Dingo Devine vs. Vance Sturt

This match ended up being better than I thought. The two got along reasonably well in the ring, and Dingo Devine managed to get the upset in 8 and a half minutes after hitting Sturt with a Southern Lights Suplex.

Winner: Dingo Devine (D)


The Rising Suns vs. The Melbourne Blondes

Belushi looked to have the match won before accidentally knocking down the referee and an interference from Debonair David Peterson and Spiffy Stan Standish. The champs laid their respective finishers on the Blondes before Stratosphere took advantage of the situation and pinned Belushi for the win.

Winners: The Rising Suns (E+)


Peterson and Standish continue their assault on the former champions, viciously attacking them with chairs. "This is what happens," said Peterson. "When a new age of champion is ushered in. We have proved that we are far superior to the Melbourne Blondes." Standish grabbed the mic from Peterson and turns to Belushi and Stantz.


"The only reason you guys held the titles at all was because the other two teams in this division are some of the worst wrestlers I've ever seen. And now that you have opposition, and the titles are in the hands of the best tag team in the APW, you'll never have them in your possession again."


After Alyx Macquarie made his way down to the ring, Nigel Darling appeared at on the rampway to introduce his mystery opponent. "Alyx Macquarie... last month you requested a title match against the APW Australian champion Swoop McCarthy. We agreed that if you won a match tonight, against a mystery opponent of my choosing, you will get to face him next month at Beachfront Breakdown. Well here he is, Alyx. Here is... BIG. DADDY. HORNE!" Macquarie's face fell as Big Daddy Horne charged down to the ring.


Alyx Macquarie vs. Big Daddy Horne

APW Australian Title Warm-Up Match

After four minutes of Big Daddy Horne absolutely dominating the match; throwing Macquarie all over the ring, Macquarie managed to use a few underhanded tactics to get the advantage, before using some flashy cruiserweight moves to take the pin in just over five minutes.

Winner: Alyx Macquarie (E)


Trehawke Phillips is warming up backstage, preparing for his match with Swoop, when he is suddenly attacked from behind from an unfamiliar man. The man throws Phillips into the lockers, then hits him with a chair before making his way down the rampway to the ring.


"None of you know who I am. My name is Cole Taylor, and what you saw just then was an act of kindness. An act I committed to keep you fans happy. No one wants to see that washed-up piece of crap wrestle Swoop McCarthy. What you guys wanna see is two young, strong capable wrestlers out there. So tonight, instead of seeing Swoop beat the crap outta some old guy, you're gonna see me, Cole Taylor, beat the crap outta Swoop McCarthy."


"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." Boos came from the crowd as Swoop appeared on the rampway. "Look, kid. I know Trehawke Phillips is a washed up loser ("BOOO!") but you can't expect to challenge me willy-nilly and win. I do have a problem with your attitude, though. So I'm gonna kick your ass. Right now."


Swoop charged down to the ring, the two wrestlers locked up, and the match began.


Cole Taylor vs. Swoop McCarthy

Swoop managed to carry the very green Cole Taylor to a good match on his debut. The two wrestled for almost 12 minutes before Swoop put Taylor away with a Running Powerslam.

Winner: Swoop McCarthy (D-)


Lanny Williams vs. Nathan McKenzie

The experienced Lanny Williams was completely undersized against the young heavyweight Nathan McKenzie, but his experience and technicality in the ring gave him the win here, in a good match. (D-)


Overall: D

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Monday, 24 March 2008



"He said the only reason I am where I am is because of Sean. I told him it was bull**** and punched him in the face. That ****y, immature little **** has had this coming for a while."


A few days after Fight Night, Debonair David Peterson apparently provoked then attacked Rick Stantz, splitting the guy's lip and leaving him with a few nasty bruises on his face. Right now, I was listening to his side of the story.


"Whoa, David. You have no right to call Rick immature, you're the one who punched him. And the story I was told, from more than one person, is that you insulted Rick, got bitter about your lack of success, then eventually hit the guy."


"Yeah, sure, but... that's just.. what a few guys have said... these guys are against me, mate, because I hold gold and have had more success than they have. They're tryin' to bring me down, mate."


"Okay, David, look at it whatever way you want, but things like that are definitely not acceptable in my company. 25% of your wage is being donated to the wrestling hall, and if ANYTHING like this happens again, you'll face an immediate suspension or worse."


Peterson didn't answer me, but he definitely looked taken aback by his punishment. He left the room, and I couldn't shake the feeling that worse things were to come from Peterson and his sneaky friend Quartermainne.

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Dingo Devine vs. Vance Sturt

-Hmm... considering Dingo is your avatar, that's going to be my pick here.


I actually chose Dingo as my avatar because he looks a surprising amount like me, imho. Without the blonde eyebrows and goatee, of course :p

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No, I haven't... I've just bitten the bullet and expect poor ratings. Most of them are E- to E+, but I had a McKenzie angle which got a C-, which surprised me.


I really only use them to not waste the potential of Swoop and co., tbh.

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APW Meeting #4

Friday, 11 April 2008



This was definitely a crisis meeting. With a few workers starting to dislike each other, and our audience not really fond of our current approach, it was time for me to call this meeting.


"All right guys, there's a few things we need to cover this arvo, before Beachfront Breakdown next week. First off guys, is the issues we're having backstage. Now I know not all of you are gonna get along, and that's fine, but what I'm not happy about is the potential for things to go very, very wrong backstage." I looked firmly at Rick Stantz and David Peterson before continuing. "As you all know, there was an incident after last month's show which ended in violence. The people involved have been reprimanded, and the perpetrator was fined 25% of his appearance fee."


There was a glum look amongst all the workers, and I noticed a few of them looked at Peterson and Stantz with disapproving looks. This was a good thing.


"Secondly guys, I'm going to change the way we do things at our shows. Now James has a built a product basically revolving around good guy vs. bad guy wrestling, with no real desire for entertainment or characters. This isn't particularly what I'd go with, but he won't let me change the style. So from now on, guys, there won't be many angles to go with, until I can convince James to change his style."


I smiled briefly as Swoop let out a sigh of disappointment, followed by a few chuckles from the other guys. He's actually been dubbed "the Master of the Mic" by some of the guys backstage, believe it or not.


"Now, next week, I've decided to begin a tournament for the APW Commonwealth title between Lanny, Barry and Nathan. Lanny and Barry, you two will be facing off first and I expect you'll do fine together. Any doubts, just talk to Markus, he'll make you look good."


A few laughs went around the room. I turned my back on the guys for a minute before reentering the room with an esky.


"Thirdly, guys... you've all deserved these," I said as I opened the esky, revealing a tub full of beer. "Go nuts guys!"


I smiled as the guys chugged their beers and chatted with one another. Backstage happiness is the key to a company's survival, I thought to myself.

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APW Beachfront Breakdown 2008


Big Daddy Horne vs. Lanny Williams

Next Saturday, the tournament to determine the #1 Contender to Harry Simonson's APW Commonwealth title gets underway, with Lanny Williams facing off against the monster heel Big Daddy Horne, who will is furious after his shock loss to youngster Alyx Macquarie, so he'll definitely be looking for a win. Lanny Williams is in good form so far this year, his only loss is against the very champion he'll be hoping to face in a few months' time.


APW Australian Championship

Alyx Macquarie vs. Swoop McCarthy©

Two months ago at APW's Big Night Out, Alyx Macquarie requested a title shot against the APW Australian champion, Swoop McCarthy. Title authority Nigel Darling granted Macquarie a match against McCarthy at Beachfront Breakdown, but only if he defeated a mystery opponent of Darling's at APW's Fight Night. Darling revealed that man to be Big Daddy Horne. Macquarie used his speed and agility to score a pin on the big man, and reserve his right to face McCarthy next week at Beachfront Breakdown.


The High Life vs. The Melbourne Blondes

After debuting as the new tag team, The High Life, Debonair David Peterson and Spiffy Stan Standish defeated The Melbourne Blondes to claim the APW Tag Team titles at the Big Night Out, after their manager, Sean Quartermainne, distracted Blake Belushi long enough for Peterson to roll him up into a pin. Last month at Fight Night, the former champs lost to The Rising Suns after an interference from both Peterson and Standish. Next week, The Blondes will be out for revenge in a non-title match-up.


Cole Taylor vs. Trehawke Phillips

Last month at Fight Night, veteran babyface Trehawke Phillips was set to go up against the APW Australian Champion, Swoop McCarthy before he was violently attacked backstage by a debuting Cole Taylor. Taylor then went on to challenge McCarthy there and then, subsequently replacing Phillips in the match. Taylor ended up losing the match, but now Trehawke Phillips wants his turn at inflicting some punishment upon the ****y young superstar.


Crime Wave vs. The Rising Suns

With The High Life and The Melbourne Blondes vying for tag team gold, the two younger, less experienced tag teams haven't seen much ring time. Next week at Beachfront Breakdown, the two teams will go head-to-head to prove which team are the next-best-things in wrestling.

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