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Hey, I've decided to write a diary based on my current HGC 1997 game. The shows are going to start from Week 3 in May, the first Hollyweird TV after Total Mayhem 1997.


Previous results:


HGC Malice in Wonderland 1997


HGC World Heavyweight Title

Sam Strong def. Rip Chord


Dread def. Liberty


BLZ Bubb def. Larry Vessey


HGC International Title

Romeo Heartthrob def. Bryan Vessey


Peter Valentine def. Python


Cowboy Ricky Dale def. Fumihiro Ota


HGC Cruiserweight Title

Fatal Four Way

Mr Lucha def. Dark EAGLE, Super Joshuya and Tom Gilmore


Charlie Thatcher def. Electrico


HGC The War to Settle The Score 1997

HGC World Heavyweight Title

Sam Strong © def. Dread


BLZ Bubb and Rip Chord def. Larry Vessey by DQ


HGC International Title

Bryan Vessey def. Romeo Heartthrob


HGC Cruiserweight Title

Python def. Mr Lucha ©


Mr Lucha def. Peter Valentine


HGC Hardcore Title

Hardcore Match

Cowboy Ricky Dale def. Fumihiro Ota


HGC Hollyweird


HGC Heavyweight Title

Sam Strong © def. Rip Chord


Non-Sanctioned Street Fight

Liberty def. Dread


HGC International Title

Ladder Match

Bryan Vessey © def. Romeo Heartthrob


BLZ Bubb def. Larry Vessey


HGC Cruiserweight Title

Python © def. Mr Lucha


HGC Hardcore Title

Hardcore Match

Rich Money def. Cowboy Ricky Dale ©


HGC Hardcore Title

Hardcore Match

Cowboy Ricky Dale © def. Fumihiro Ota


Sam Strong was stripped of his world title following Hollyweird and the belt was handed to Rip Chord.


HGC Where Angels Fear to Tread 1997


HGC World Heavyweight Title

Cage Match

Liberty def. Rip Chord ©


Dread def. Larry Vessey


HGC International Title

BLZ Bubb def. Bryan Vessey ©


Romeo Heartthrob def. Dusty Streets


HGC World Tag Team Titles

The Demons of Rage © def. The McWade Brothers


HGC Hardcore Title

Rich Money © def. Cowboy Ricky Dale


HGC Cruiserweight Title

Fumihiro Ota def. Python ©


The Vessey Brothers defeated the Demons of Rage for the HGC World Tag Team Titles in between PPVs.


HGC Total Mayhem


HGC World Heavyweight Title

Liberty © def. Inimicus and Rip Chord


Romeo Heartthrob def. RDJ


HGC International Title

BLZ Bubb © def. Dusty Streets


HGC Hardcore Title

Battle Royal

Rich Money © retains title


Mr Lucha def. Python


HGC Cruiserweight Title

Fumihiro Ota © def. Raul Darkness


HGC World Tag Team Titles

The Demons of Rage def. The Vessey Brothers ©

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HGC Roster May 1997





Main Eventer

BLZ Bubb


Inimicus (Nemesis)

Rip Chord




Upper Mid

Demon Anger

Demon Spite

Romeo Heartthrob


Bryan Vessey

Dusty Streets

Larry Vessey

RDJ (Ricky Dale)



Bandit (Randall Hopkirk)

Dallas McWade

Dean McWade

Freddie Datsun

Mr Lucha

The Wolverine


Paul Steadyfast

Python (Monty Walker)

Robert Oxford



Lower Mid


Jay Darkness

Raul Darkness

Tribal Warrior



Fumihiro Ota



Doug Peak

Eddie Peak

Murderous Mikey

Super Joshuya





Tom Gilmore

Troy Tornado


Elijah Black



Charlie Thatcher




Coach Dick Pangrazzio

Karen Killer

Nicole Kiss

Announce Team

Jason Azaria

Emma Chase

Sam Strong


Authority Figure

Paul Harrison (Me)


Champions Post-Total Mayhem


HGC World Heavyweight: Liberty

HGC International: BLZ Bubb

HGC Hardcore: Rich Money

HGC All Action(formerly cruiserweight): Fumihiro Ota

HGC World Tag Team: The Demons of Rage (2)

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HGC Presents…


Hollyweird TV

Week 3 May 1997

President’s Hall, Puerto Rico

Attendance: 5000


Celebration Interrupted


The pyro explodes and the show opens with the HGC World Heavyweight Champion, Liberty, making his way down the entrance ramp to thunderous applause…


Liberty: Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes!


The crowd pops yet again for the young champion.


Liberty: But seriously dudes, this is awwwesome. Last night I like totally defeated two of the greatest athletes in our sport today. I mean, Rip Chord is a multiple time World champion and this is like the second time I’ve beaten him. And as for Inimicus, well we all known what a nasty SOB he is. But you know what, I couldn’t have done what I did last night without…….


The champ is interrupted by the familiar music of a wrestling legend, and Rip Chord marches down to the ring, mic in hand.


Liberty: Duuuuuude!


Rip Chord: Shut the hell up! I came down here for one reason only – Harrison you get your ass out here RIGHT NOW!


After a couple of seconds the President of HGC, Paul Harrison, cautiously approaches the ring.


Rip Chord: What in the HELL was last night about?!!?!? I had this nobody right where I wanted him and then - BAM! – you come out of nowhere and cost me the title.


Harrison: Listen Rip, you know fine well that last night was an accident. I’ve been your biggest supporter since I arrived here in HGC. I wanted you to win. I was aiming for Liberty. I –


Rip Chord: I don’t wanna hear it!!! What I want is you, in the ring, TONIGHT!!!!


Harrison looks completely terrified for a few moment before regaining his composure.


Harrison: OK Rip, if that’s what it’ll take to settle this, then fine. Me and you will meet tonight in this very ring.


Rip Chord: Excellent.


Chord drops his mic and heads up the ramp as HWTV goes to commercial…


Segment Rating: A



Fumihiro Ota vs. Super Joshuya

Nothing more than a simple squash match to put over the HGC Cruiserweight champion, Ota.


Winner: Fumihiro Ota

Segment Rating: D-



Post-Match Attack

No sooner has Ota won his match than Raul Darkness, accompanied by Coach Dick, hits the ring and starts beating him down.


Coach: Fumihiro Ota! Last night Raul may have been ineligible to take that nice shiny belt from around your waist, but now that’s no longer a problem! You see, as of tonight, the HGC Cruiserweight Title is now known as the HGC All Action Title – with no weight restrictions. So now there’s nothing to stop this monster tearing you limb from limb!


Segment Rating: E




Were backstage, where the camera finds Romeo Heartthrob talking to his latest lady, Karen Killer.


Romeo: Ah, Karen…tonight I have a match against none other than our world heavyweight champion, Liberty.


Killer: Yeeeeees, it’s a great opportunity for us!


Romeo: Well I want to make tonight even moooore special. If I defeat Liberty, then I’m going to propose to you live on Hollyweird TV – TONIGHT!

Romeo walks off, leaving a stunned, but pleased-looking Killer.


Segment Rating: B



Rip Chord Promo



Rip: Paul, me and you used to be good friends. But you know something? You’ve been interfering in business that isn’t your for far too long. So tonight, Paulie, I’m gonna show you what happens when you mess with the real men!


Segment Rating: B+



Backstage Brawl

The new HGC Tag champions, Demons of Rage are hanging out backstage, boasting about their titles. Out of nowhere the Vessey brothers attack and a wild brawl ensues. The DOR finally manage to get the upper hand long enough to escape from the arena.


Segment Rating: C+



Liberty Promo


Liberty: Duuudes, I got two issues I gotta discuss right here and now. First of all, Rip man, you need to chiiiiill. There ain’t no need to go getting all angry like you did. Dude, I have some stuff in my dressing room that can take care of your anger management issues, no problem. Secondly, Romeo Heartthrob – man I think the promise you just made to your girl was sweet. But that don’t matter to me. Tonight I’m still gonna show you why I’m the World champion…


Segment Rating: A



The Traditionalist

Backstage we find Tom Gilmore looking solemnly at black and white photos of HGC legends…


Gilmore: This is what this industry used to be; the sport of Kings! Hell, a sport at all! Now…


Gilmore holds up a picture of the hardcore battle royal from Total Mayhem.


Gilmore: …this is what has come of wrestling. Now this once great sport has been reduced to a bloodbath between no talent hacks! Well I’m Tom Gilmore, and I’m bring back TRADITION!

Segment Rating: E+



Liberty vs. Romeo Heartthrob

A well balanced match up between the World champion and a man with passion burning in his heart. Liberty gains the upper hand and finishes Romeo with the Liberation Slam.


Winner: Liberty

Segment Rating: B+



Go for it, dude…

Liberty celebrates his win in the ring until Romeo gets to his feet…

Liberty: Dude, forget about what just happened. If you like this girl, then just go for it – you marry her!


Romeo: You know what, you’re right. I mean if you see an opportunity then seize it, am I right?


Liberty: Yeah dude!


Liberty goes to give Romeo a high-five but before he has the chance Inimicus makes his first appearance of the nigh, attacking the champion from behind. Romeo joins in the beat down and the two men leave the champion unconscious in the ring.


Segment Rating: B



Forget About It

RDJ has become something of a new man since Liberty took him under his wing a couple of weeks ago. Gone is the ridiculous cowboy attire – and gimmick – and instead he walks down the hall with a ****y swagger wearing jeans and a t-shirt. He crosses paths with the HGC President, who looks extremely worried.


RDJ: Well I sure as hell thought I’d never see the day when you’d be looking that worried.


Harrison: Whatever…


RDJ: Hey, no, seriously, what’s up?


Harrison: You haven’t heard? *sigh* Rip Chord wants to face me in the ring tonight – and I agreed to it!


RDJ: Ha! Seriously? Oh you’re screwed. Let me tell you from personal experience, Rip is a b*****d in that ring.


Harrison: You think I don’t know that?! I mean what am I meant to do to him? I’m not a wrestler! Hell, I’m barely involved in the wrestling business! Oh you know what, just forget it!


Harrison storms off leaving RDJ looking very seriously in his direction.


Segment Rating: B



The Proposal

We find Karen Killer sitting backstage in her dressing room looking very down, Romeo Heartthrob then enters the room…


Karen: Listen Romeo, don’t worry about it…you did your best out there tonight, and it was only a bit of fun, right?


Romeo: Baby, what are you talking about! Did you just see me kick his ass out there! Who cares about the stupid match. Man I feel so empowered. Let’s do it! Let’s get married next week, LIVE, on Hollyweird TV!


Karen: Oh, Romeo!


The camera quickly cuts away, but not before catching a rather extreme display of affection…


Segment Rating: C+



Paul Harrison vs. Rip Chord

The match begins as expected, with Rip Chord getting all of the offense. After a few minutes, RDJ runs down to the ring, tackles Rip Chord and starts raining down blows on him.


Winner: Draw.

Segment Rating: B



Beating Continues

The has already rang but RDJ wont stop hitting Chord. Out of nowhere, Harrison whacks RDJ over the back of the head with a steel chair! Harrison and Chord start to lay into the fallen RDJ, before Liberty intervenes. Next up, Inimicus hits the ring, attacking Liberty! With Liberty and RDJ now suffering a 3 on 2 attack, Sam Strong leaves his announce position and climbs into the ring.

Segment Rating: A



Evil Reigns

However, the odds are just too highly stacked against the multi-time world champion and he too succumbs to the onslaught. Hollyweird TV goes off air with Chord, Inimicus and Harrison celebrating the success of their plan.

Segment Rating: A


Overall Rating: B+

Television Rating: 2.55








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That was really good. Solid character work, easy to follow, and whilst the fact that you've jumped in mid-year makes it a bit difficult to follow all the twists and turns it's not too hard to figure out. Only thin is you might want to drop the size of the angle headers-0 when you've got a whole bunch together it's a bit distracting
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What I really want to know to fill in a little bit of history - why was the belt stripped from Sam Strong and given to Chord?


The only other bit of feedback can probably be ignored, as it's all down to booker preference. However, it does seem that there have been a lot of title changes - although it's emphasised by the fact that we haven't seen the weekly shows. But that's just how I feel.

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Thanks everyone. I know it's a bit hard to follow with it joining in half-way but I feel the writing wouldn't have been as good earlier on as I didn't really have a good grasp of the characters.


On-screen: Strong was stripped of the title because Harrison "felt" Chord deserved to win.

Off-screen: Strong was retiring at the end of the month and had refused to drop the belt to Chord at Hollyweird.


And yeah I agree that there have been a lot of title changes which is strange because I do prefer longer reigns - makes the champions seem more legit. All I'll say is that there are one or two longer reigns planned for quite soon.


But again thanks everyone for the feedback, hoping to get the next show written up tonight.

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(OOC: A bit of background info. 1. The whole Romeo./Karen proposal segments from last week were the continuation of a storyline I’ve been running whereby Romeo/Karen have been falling for each other, whilst Dusty Streets (with a superhero gimmick) has been convinced that Karen needs saving and has proceeded to attempt to do so. 2. Rich Money is paying Dread to be his bodyguard.)



HGC Presents…


Hollyweird TV

Week 3 May 1997

Sunrise Sunset, Hawaii

Attendance: 2000


Opening Segment

After the usual pyro display the crowd start booing loudly as the three most hated men in HGC make their way down the ramp – Paul Harrison , flanked by Rip Chord and Inimicus.


Harrison: Hahahaha, you know, you can boo us all you want. But at the end of the day, we all know that it’s only because we played you all for fools.


The crowd star booing heavily again as all three men just sand in the ring and laugh.


Harrison: Now don’t be too upset, because you weren’t the only ones fooled, were you? No, no no. Liberty…RDJ…god you two are so dumb it hurts!


Once again all three men stand in the ring laughing, but this time they’re interrupted by none other than RDJ, quickly making his way to the ring…


Harrison: Aw guys, I think we hurt little Ricky’s feelings…


RDJ: Listen here you piece of crap. You think you’re so great because you played me like you did last week. Well I’ll tell you something, you think you’re such a big man, how about you step into the ring with me tonight – for real!


The crowd pops at the suggestion of Harrison getting what he deserves. Chord and Inimicus step menacingly toward RDJ before Harrison motions for them to stand down.


Harrison: You see, I just don’t think that’s gonna happen. But I tell you what. How about you and your good friend Liberty team up tonight?


RDJ: Oh yeah, who against?


Harrison shrugs his shoulders and looks from side to side, from Chordto Inimicus.


RDJ: Oh, you’re on!


Harrison: Great! Oh and Ricky, just one more thing – yee-hah!


Segment Rating: A



The Champ Arrives

Harrison cracks up with laughter until RDJ delivers him a stiff right hand. Harrison hits the mat and Chord/Inimicus spring to life, beating RDJ to the ground. Liberty hits the ring at lightning speed and clears it of all three heels. Inimicus and Chord help Harrison up the ramp, while Liberty leans over the ropes, pointing at all three.

Segment Rating: A*



The Untouchables vs. The Vessey Brothers

The Vessey Brothers dominate and pick up the easy win in a standard HGC opening match-up.


Winner: The Vessey Brothers

Segment Rating: C-



Liberty Promo

Backstage with an unusually angry Liberty…


Liberty: Rip Chord, Inimicus, you dudes are in so much trouble. Tonight me and my buddy RDJ are gonna totally embarrass you in front of all of these fans. And Harrison…you even think about getting involved…and I’ll embarrass you too.


Segment Rating: A*



The Wedding

The cameras cut back to the ring which has now been decorated in preparation for the upcoming wedding between Romeo Heartthrob and Karen Killer. Romeo and the priest are already standing by in the ring…


Romeo: You know, in all my years as the “ravishing” Romeo Heartthrob, I’ve met a lot of women. A hell of a lot of women! But none of them were anything compared to the lady I’m about to marry today. So with that said, father, let’s get on with the show.


Pyro explodes from the turnbuckles and the arena turns red as Karen Killer’s client BLZ Bubb storms down to the ring looking ready for a fight. Romeo and BLZ Bubb come nose to nose and Heartthrob gulps hard. After a few tense seconds, BLZ Bubb uncharacteristically cracks a smile and shakes hands with Romeo.


Romeo: Oh man, you had me going there!


BLZ Bubb motions for Romeo to stop talking. He reaches into his wrestling trunks and pulls out a bow tie which he proceeds to wear. He nods his approval for the ceremony to continue…


The priest, the groom, and the unexpected best man are in position and all three men look towards the entrance ramp as the wedding march starts to play. The groom starts to look increasingly worried as there continues to be no sign of his bride.


Voice: Hey! Up here!


Everyone looks towards the screen above the entrance ramp and sees none other than Dusty Streets...


Dusty: Dusty Streets is my name, and fighting evil in that ring is my game! And from what I can see there is way too much evil in that ring right now!


Romeo: Where the hell is Karen? What have you done to her man?


Dusty: How dare you! Dusty Streets would never harm a damsel in distress! Especially not one who he is saving from scoundrels like you!

Romeo: Listen you idiot, Karen is supposed to be marrying me! You let her go right now man!


Dusty: What an absurd suggestion! I must do the right thing always! Dust off!


With that Dusty “flies” off screen. Romeo goes insane and starts tearing up the wedding props. In the chaos, the twisted BLZ Bubb sets his eyes on the unsuspecting priest. He grabs the father and sit down powerbombs him – because he can.

Segment Rating: C


Rip Chord Promo

Backstage in the promo area once again, this time with Rip Chord...


Chord: I’ll hand it to you Lib’, you can definetlly talk the talk. But what you two boys are gonna find out when you step into the ring with me and Inimicus later on tonight is that you just cant walk the walk! So I’ll tell ya what – Liberty, RDJ, you two can strap on your boots, and you can strut down to the ring, because you sure as hell ain’t gonna be so much as walking out of here tonight. You’re about to find out what it means to be a real wrestling legend – and a real World champion!


Segment Rating: A


Freddie Datsun vs. Rich Money

Before the match starts Money informs everyone that because he is such a great Hardcore champion he’ll defend his title against all challengers – including Datsun. Both men get a good amount of offense in but stay within the ring. After poking Datsun in the eyes, Money is told off by the referee, and uses this opportunity to keep the ref talking for a little longer than necessary. With the referee distracted, Dread seizes the opportunity to deliver a massive chokeslam to Datsun, allowing Money to pick up the win


Winner: Rich Money

Segment Rating: D


A New Challenger

After the bell, Dread joins Money in tossing Datsun out of the ring. Money takes the chance to do his favourite thing –get on the mic.


Money: You see, this is why I’m the HGC Hardcore champion! I’m rich, I’m good looking, and I’m far more intelligent than any of my opponents. And now that I have my insurance policy...


Money nods at Dread.


Money: ...I’m unstoppable. So like I said before – if you think you can handle Rich Money, then come and get so-


Money is interrupted by a debuting Wolverine diving on top of him. The Wolverine manages to deliver quite a good beat down on Money before Dread gets involved. He pulls Wolverine off and delivers his second clothesline of the night. With that, Money and Dread retreat up the ramp with a recovering Wolverine burning a hole through the champ.


Segment Rating: B-

Three Challengers

The cameras cut backstage where Python (Monty Walker) is about to cut a promo...


Python: Now listen up because I’m about to cut straight to the point. Fumihiro Ota, I am DEMANDING the rematch that I rightfully deserve for your HGC All Action Title! Now back when I lost the belt we may have been calling it the Cruiserweight title but that’s not the point. You give me a rematch or –


Mr Lucha: You? You think that you deserve a rematch? No way. I was this company’s first ever Cruiserweight champion, so if anyone deserves a title shot. It’s me Mr Lucha himself!


Python and Lucha stare intensely at each other until Coach Dick, accompanied by Raul Darkness interrupted them.


Coach: Gentleman, gentleman. The way I see it is this. You two have both LOST that belt and so in my opinion don’t deserve to challenge for it. At least not before my client, Raul Darkness, gets his chance.


Python: Are you kidding me? That loser got his ass handed to him by Ota 2 weeks ago!


Coach: Now listen here...


Python and Coach get into a heated argument for a few seconds before Lucha puts an end to it...


Mr Lucha: You know what? How about we settle this right here, right now? I’ll see both of you in the ring...


Segment Rating: D-


Mr Lucha vs. Python vs. Raul Darkness

All three men give it their all in this match-up to determine the All Action No. 1 Contender. Unfortuanetly, the referee has to stop the match after a suicide plancha from Mr Lucha leaves all three men incapacitated on the outside of the ring.

Winner: No Contest

Segment Rating: D+


Strong Promo

Still out at ringside, Sam Strong has stood up at the announce table and now has a microphone in his hand.


Strong: Now don’t worry guys, the Strongster isn’t gonna hold up the show for too long. I’ve just got a couple of things to say before the next match. Paul Harrison, you, Rip Chord, and Inimicus are three of the most yellow-bellied suckers I’ve ever had the bad luck to meet, brother. So I’m gonna tell you straight, last week you got that one for free. But if I see anymore funny business tonight, then me and you are gonna have problems, brother.

Segment Rating: A


Liberty and RDJ

Backstage we see RDJ in his dressing room, lacing up his boots, when Liberty walks in.


Liberty: Yo dude!


RDJ: Hey man, you ready for this?


Liberty: Dude, I was born ready! Now come on, let’s go and totally kick their asses all over this island!


Segment Rating: B


Inimicus and Rip Chord vs. Liberty and RDJ

The match starts off where they left off earlier tonight as all four men begin brawling outside the ring. After a few minutes, Liberty and Rip Chord climb inside and match officially begins. Later in the match, Harrison shows his face at ringside and attempts to climb in and distract the ref. Strong gets up from the announce table and rage Paul off the apron. He then climbs inside the ring and helps Liberty secure the victory.


Winner: Liberty and RDJ

Segment Rating: B-



In a complete reversal to last week’s show, Hollyweird TV goes off air with Strong, Liberty and RDJ standing victorious in the ring. Meanwhile, Chord, Inimicus and Harrison struggle to make their way back up the ramp.


Segment Rating: A


Overall Rating: C+

Television Rating: 2.39



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