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WWE : The Broken Road to Wrestlemania

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The Twenty Fifth Anniversary of Wrestlemania was set to be a huge event, with some surprise returns, some storylines taking a surprising turn and the future of the company for the following year to begin at that very show.


However, thanks to a new generation of superstars and their lack of tradition, lack of kayfabe, the surprises at Wrestlemania had been ruined… Or had they?


On March 8, 2009 I found myself sitting in the offices of one Vincent Kennedy McMahon, though he was nowhere to be found, he was numerous floors away screaming at the people that he thought were his most trusted colleagues, I on the other hand was sitting in his chair, my hands folded in front of my face as I looked around the office at the pictures, some of the greatest names in the industry, past, present and future and I sat for a long time staring at one picture, when suddenly the door flew open and Vince McMahon stood, stunned, angered, his face red. Much like his on screen character, MY adam’s apple then bounced up and down as I tried to bring myself to the words that I had wanted to speak to Mr McMahon ever since the day that I turned my television on and saw King Kong Bundy crush SD Jones with an avalanche on WWF Superstars.


However, the conversation didn’t quite go as I had planned.


“JUST WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY CHAIR?!” Vince screamed at me, petrified, the only response that I could muster was “Uhhh… We-“, much like a dog or a bee, he immediately snapped his fingers at me, forcing not only my bladder to nearly empty itself, but me to spring to my feet.


“Mr. McMahon, I apologize, I was cl-“, he cut me off, giving me that stare that he has given many a performer prior to delivering his trademark line, “I don’t care what you were doing, you were hired by someone obviously to do one job, was that job to SIT in Vince McMahon’ chair?”, I looked at the floor, “No, Mr. McMahon”, was all that I could muster, “Well it’s obvious to me that you must have had other plans, other things that made you decide to sit in my chair, in my office, especially while I’m in the building, so, I’m going to give you one chance to tell me the truth, to tell me who sent you here”, I was kind of puzzled, I shook my head and squinted my eyes, “Um, I’m…. I’m sorry?” I replied, “You heard me, I know someone sent you here, are you the leak in my company? Are you hacking into my computer and getting all of the ideas that creative is coming up with and spreading them across the internet?”


After listening to his tirade, I realized something, I was looking at a crazy man, a man so consumed by protecting what he allowed so many in the last 10 years to ignore, I looked at him as he was seething, with the same puzzled look on my face I replied as any mark would, “Mr McMahon, I’m just a guy who occasionally passes by you in the hallway, occasionally exchanges greetings with you as I clean your office while you’re working late and ever since I was a kid, I always wondered what it would be like to BE Vince McMahon, I sat in your chair, looked around at your pictures and wondered how a man such as yourself can do the things that he does day by day and still live to tell about it”


Vince stood there, looked at me, gave me a disgusted look and said “Is this a scene from a movie or something? Did you expect me to break down in tears and thank you? Get the hell out of my office kid and you can be damned sure I won’t see you in this building come tomorrow, I’ll be on the phone with your boss’ boss and have you’re a** fired”


I slowly sulked out of the room while Vince stood with his chest puffed out watching me walk by.



............... To Be Continued...............


[OOC : My ROH : Back in the Saddle Again diary is still alive, I thought I'd give a try at a WWE diary on the side.... See if anyone likes my take on the WWE]

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You KNOW i'll be reading. If its anything like your ROH diay, its gonna be good


Thanks jw, as well as kingofkings, just want to give everyone a heads up that I'm going to be following the WWE through the month of March and ending after Wrestlemania, where things will start to pick up... so... get ready for a month long backstory! (Don't want anyone to think they're going to get right into the action or booking and what not)

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Monday, March 09, 2009


Well, Raw is set for tonight and everyone left early this morning for the live Raw tonight, there’s only a few people left in the offices, I was sweeping up the floor when I saw Mr. Kennedy walk by talking with someone , I overheard something about some return vignettes that he was shooting, but quietly kept my head down and kept sweeping the floor.


An hour or so later, I was in the process of mopping the men’s bathroom when my boss came in, I found myself breathing a little bit heavier, my heart started pumping faster, as I was about to turn around and listen to the inevitable, he simply said “Well, I’m out of here for the night, have a good night, we’ll see you tomorrow”, to which I nervously chuckled “No ya won’t, I’m off tomorrow”, to which he chuckled and replied “Well, then have a good day off, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” and walked out, I let out a sigh of relief and then stood dumbfounded for a second, did Vince make the call or not? Was I in the clear? So many questions… I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight, I certainly didn’t last night… Wait a minute… He’s playing a game with me! Triple H isn’t the Cerebral Assassin! Vince McMahon is! That bas***d.


Well, it’s time for yet another Monday Night Raw, my DVR is recording it, I’ll get home about ten minutes after it starts…


WWE Monday Night Raw 3/9/09

Live from Jacksonville, Florida

(credit to Jason Powell of ProWrestling.net)


The show opened with a video recap of the Triple H and Randy Orton storyline, including Legacy attacking Hunter on Friday's Smackdown.


Michael Cole spoke as a shot aired of Orton's home in St. Louis. Cole said Orton would join them via satellite from his home later in the show. Jerry Lawler hyped Triple H vs. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase in a handicap match.


Shawn Michaels music played and he came to the ring dressed in street clothes. HBK discussed Taker's streak and said he sent him a video highlight package of his WrestleMania highlights. "I respect the Undertaker, but I am not afraid of the Undertaker," Michaels said. He added that Taker might be undefeated at WrestleMania, "but I am Mr. WrestleMania." He said streaks are meant to be broken and said something has to give.


Undertaker's music played. A video that showcased all of his WrestleMania wins aired. After the video aired, Shawn was shown leaning against the ropes facing the video screen. Taker was in the ring behind him. "Hello, Undertaker," Shawn said. "I've been expecting you." Shawn turned around and faced Taker.


"Once again, Shawn, your arrogance has clouded your judgement," Taker said. "I do respect you, but I've fought many men that I've respected and they've all fallen. And you will be no different." Shawn said they've taken different career and personal paths, yet they're no in the crossroads.


"I shouldn't have to qualify to compete with anybody at WrestleMania," Michaels said. He pointed out that he set the bar for the ladder match, won the iron man match, and retired Ric Flair. "Undertaker, I am still the show stopper and I cannot wait for this," Shawn continued.


Taker said Shawn has had epic victories and defeat at WreslteMania. He said Shawn's dream of beating him at WrestleMania is just that - a dream. "You concern yourself with being the show stopper. You concern yourself with breaking the streak. You should concern yourself with what I'm going to do to you physically and what I'm going to do to your soul." Taker said he doesn't need to outperform Shawn.


"I am the most dangerous entity that has ever stepped foot in this ring," Taker said. "Shawn, you should have been more careful in what you wished for because now you have opened Hell's gate. Just like the 16 that have come before you at WrestleMania 25 in Houston, Texas, you will rest..."


Shawn interrupted and said he will rest very comfortably knowing that he ended the undefeated streak of the Undertaker. "Even though you have beaten all of your WrestleMania opponents, know this," Shawn said. "You have never beaten me and you never will." Shawn's music played and he left the ring as Cole said Shawn has never lost to Taker, but Taker has never lost at WrestleMania.


The announcers teased the latest development with Vickie Guerrero and the World Hvt. Championship match at WrestleMania 25.




A video hyped Steve Austin and the WWE Hall of Fame induction ceremony on USA Network. The broadcast starts at 9:00 p.m. CT on Apr. 4.


1. JBL defeated C.M. Punk to win the Intercontinental Title in 9:35. The announcers said JBL has been lobbying for the match for quite some time. Punk hit a high knee in the corner and tried to follow up with a bulldog, but JBL pushed him off and bailed to ringside. Punk dove on JBL at ringside as the show cut to break.




After the break, JBL had Punk locked in an abdominal stretch. Cole said JBL managed to turn things around during the break. JBL used a fallaway slam for a near fall.


Punk came back with a series of kicks on JBL. He followed up with another high knee in the corner and hit a bulldog for a near fall. Punk scooped up JBL for the GTS, but JBL raked his eyes, broke free, and hit the Clothesline From Hell for the win. Cole said the IC Title is the one belt that has eluded JBL throughout his career.


A shot aired from Orton's home of Randy sitting on his couch with his wife.




Backstage, Vickie Guerrero told JBL that he had to do something for her since she put him in the title match. A happy JBL was surprised by whatever she told him, but said he'd do it. Edge showed up and questioned Vickie about John Cena whispering in her ear on Smackdown. "It doesn't matter," Vickie yelled. Edge said the only thing that matters is that he signs his WrestleMania contract tonight.


At ringside, Cole and Lawler interviewed Orton, who was live via satellite with his wife Samantha. Cole asked why Orton decided to violate his own stipulation by having Legacy attack Triple H on Smackdown last week. Orton had them air a highlight video of that attack.


Orton said that what Cole considers a violation, he considers restraint. He said he could have taken out Hunter just like he took out the McMahon family members. "I'm proud that I had the self control to take my rightful place at WrestleMania," Orton said. He added that prideful Hunter will show up at WrestleMania and tonight on Raw. Cole asked if they could ask Orton more questions throughout the show. Randy said he wouldn't be going anywhere. He said he was going to watch the Raw main event with his wife.


The announcers hyped Maryse vs. Melina for after the break.




2. Maryse pinned Melina in a champion vs. champion match in 2:15. The various Divas from both brands were lined up on opposite sides of the ring. Both women went for simultaneous kicks to start the match. Melina was tossed to ringside, only have be thrown back in by the Smackdown Divas. In the end, Maryse scored a clean pin over Melina.


Afterward, the Raw and Smackdown Divas entered the ring and a big fight broke out. Somehow, the babyface Divas from both brands ended up standing tall in the ring.


Highlights aired from Friday's Smackdown of the Edge, Big Show, Vickie, and John Cena angle.


The announcers hyped that the Big Show and Edge contract signing with Vickie was coming up after the break.




A WrestleMania Moments video showcased the Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior match at WrestleMania 6.


Lillian Garcia introduced Vickie Guerrero, who was standing in the ring with the contract signing set up. She said she had an announcement to make before they got started with the contract signing. She announced the 25-Diva battle royal with divas from Raw, Smackdown, ECW, and past divas. She said the winner would be crowned Miss WrestleMania.


Vickie introduced Big Show as the challenger for the World Hvt. Title match. After Show was in the ring, Vickie introduced Edge, who came out and was pleasant to Show. He brought up WrestleMania 6 and said Show is better than Ultimate Warrior, "and I know that I'm far better than Hulk Hogan," Edge said. Big boos for the Hogan line. Hilarious. Edge said they have a chance to make history. Show agreed and they shook hands.


John Cena's music played. Don't act like you're not impressed by my prognosticating skills. Edge questioned what Cena was doing in the ring since he's not in the title match. "You didn't tell him?" Cena asked Vickie. She nodded no. Edge said he and Show were going to throw Cena out of their ring.


Vickie cut them off and said she invited Cena to be there. She said that out of fairness to the audience, she was letting Cena compete for the title at WrestleMania. Cena said it was time that everyone knew the truth.


Cena said he went to Smackdown to interrupt the contract signing because he had an important piece of information she had to hear. "At Smackdown, I told Vickie that I love her," Cena said. Everyone in the ring looked surprised. "Wait, hold up," Cena said. "This may get a little bit weird because you guys may be legally married, but I can't control who I fall in love with." Cena said he knows Vickie has feelings for him because she wouldn't have allowed him to sign the contract.


Cena said his heart wants two things - the World Hvt. Title and Vickie Guerrero. He said he doesn't know what to do about any of this. Cena left the ring. Edge stopped him and said Cena doesn't really love Vickie. "You're playing on her emotional state to worm your way into the title match at WrestleMania," Edge said. Edge told Vickie to rip the contract that Cena signed.


"You're right, Edge, I don't love Vickie," Cena said. "To be quite honest, the sight of her actually makes me sick. You wanted it, you got it." He said that Raw was held in his hometown of Boston. He ran through some people he knows and said he also knows the guy who runs the security camera.


Cena aired black and white security cam footage of Big Show meeting secretly with Vickie in her dressing room. You could hear water running indicating that Edge was in the shower in the next room. They kissed and then she gave him a big slap on the ass.


Back live, Vickie and Show looked at the ground while Edge fumed. "Vickie, you got some 'splaining to do," Cena said in his best Ricky Ricardo voice while standing on the stage. A dejected Edge sat down in one of the chairs in the ring while Vickie cried and Show watched on with a surprised look on his face.




After the break, footage recapped the segment with Chris Jericho and Jimmy Snuka from last week.


3. Kofi Kingston pinned Chris Jericho in a Money in the Bank qualifying match in 7:45. Jericho took control of the offense early and they cut to commercial.




After the break, Jericho was still in control, but Kofi eventually made a comeback. Jericho locked Kofi in the Walls of Jericho. Kofi reached out for the ropes, but Jericho pulled him back to the center of the wring. "Whooooo!" Ric Flair's music played. Jericho released the hold and turned his attention to Flair, who was standing at the top of the stage. Jericho turned around to go after Kofi again, but Kofi caught him with the Trouble in Paradise kick and scored the pin.


After the match, Kofi celebrated at ringside and then shook Flair's hand at the top of the stage. The announcers hyped that there are only two more spots available in MITB. They said the last two spots would be determined on ECW and Smackdown this week.


Cole and Lawler interviewed Orton via satellite. Orton said he didn't stay home because he's afraid. Rather, he said he's showing restraint. "That is the only reason that I am not there tonight," he said. Cole said he assumes that Orton would enjoy the main event. "Oh, I will," Orton said. "I assure you that I will".




Backstage, Jericho told Todd Grisham that Flair stole his WrestleMania moment because he would have won Money in the Bank. Therefore, he's going to have his own moment next week. He "dared" Flair to come out of retirement and face him on next week's show. Jericho said that Flair will be one step closer to becoming just like Mickey Rourke's character in "The Wrestler".


At ringside, Lawler said he hopes Flair takes him up on the offer because he'd love to see him whip Jericho's butt.


Cole segued into the Hall of Fame announcement. A video revealed that Koko B. Ware will be inducted into the HOF on April 4. Koko will be inducted by the Honky Tonk Man.


Rey Mysterio, Finlay, and Christian were introduced for a six-man. Cole said they would face The Miz, John Morrison, and Kane after the break.




4. Christian, Rey Mysterio, Finlay (w/Hornswoggle) beat Kane, The Miz, and John Morrison in a six-man tag in 4:00. Quick tags and rapid fire action, particularly when Rey and Morrison were in the ring together. Rey used his flasy offense to finish off Morrison while his partners fought the other two at ringside.


A shot aired of Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase walking backstage.




Cole and Lawler hyped Undertaker and Shawn Michaels vs. Vladimir Kozlov and JBL for next week's Raw.


The announcers pimped the "12 Rounds" movie and introduced a clip.


Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase came to the ring for their handicap match against Hunter. A shot aired of Orton and his wife watching the action from their home in St. Louis. Triple H's music played, but he did not come out. The music stopped and Lillian Garcia introduced Hunter again.


The referee huddled with Rhodes, DiBiase, and Lillian. Garcia announced that Ted and Cody were the winners via forfeit. Rhodes and DiBiase celebrated until they were interrupted by Orton on the big screen. Randy said Rhodes and DiBiase should be disappointed that Hunter let them down by not showing up.


The doorbell rang. Orton told his wife to get the door. Suddenly, he jumped up and told her not to get it. Just then, a sledgehammer crashed through the front door. Orton's wife ran away as Hunter walked into the house with his trusty sledgehammer. He backed an unidentified woman into a corner. He asked an unidentified man where Randy was, but the man said he didn't know.


Hunter kicked in the laundry room door and a woman ran out screaming. Hunter continued to search the house slowly. He headed up a flight of stairs, but then came down again quietly and continued his search. Suddenly, Orton burst into the picture and attacked Hunter with a golf club.


The two men fought and Hunter quickly took control of the situation and tossed Orton through the front window of his home and onto his front lawn. Hunter followed outside the house and continued his assault on Randy until the police arrived. The cops cuffed Hunter, as Orton yelled at them to take him away because Hunter broke into his house.


As the cops were loading Hunter into a car, Orton ran at him and took a cheap shot. A shot aired of a handcuffed Hunter sitting in the back of a squad car to end the show.


What the hell did I just watch?! Excuse me, but aren’t they supposed to be building to Wrestlemania? OK, so the HBK – Taker showdown was pretty good, that’s one of the main matches that I’m wanting to watch Wrestlemania for, that and Money in the Bank which has yet to disappoint me, but Jericho, being the one that Vince is using to speak out against “The Wrestler”, turning it into a poorly repackaged “Legend Killer” gimmick, the Triple H – Orton angle reminded me a lot of the Austin – Pillman segment from October 96 with the gun incident, but hey, whatever works, right?


I heard some mullings around the office today while I was cleaning up some things that they released Sinn Bowdee today, too bad, when I was on vacation down in Florida, I got a chance to see an FCW show and was impressed by what I saw him do, but if I had the choice between him and Scotty Goldman, I’d choose Scotty any day of the week, too bad the WWE didn’t see his potential... Who’s next on the chopping block? CM Punk? I’d squeal like a little girl if he went back to Ring of Honor, where he was not held back.


It’s 3am, I must be lonely… God I hate that song… And now I can’t sleep, didn’t think that I’d be able to, I guess I just need to make sure that I steer clear of Vince’ office in the future, maybe he’ll never realize that I’m still there….


…. To Be Continued…

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Tuesday March 10, 2009

(OOC : This does contain ECW Results, if you've not read spoilers or seen the show yet, you've been warned)


Well, what an uneventful day off, after yet another night of no good sleep, I finally decided to do what any good insomniac would do, get elevated, in hopes that it would put me to sleep…. It did! Slept most of the day away, watched some shows that I had on the DVR and then my phone rang, I looked at it and again, the heart started racing, it was my boss, fortunately for me though, he was calling to ask me if I wanted to head out to catch this new movie with him, I declined, because honestly, the guy is a tool, so I decided to kick back and watch the remainder of the shows that I had on the DVR until ECW on Sci-Fi started…


I hate this show, I hate this brand, what was a fantastic concept in 2005 with One Night Stand has become the bastard stepchild of Vince McMahon, the only reason that I even want to watch the show now is because of Christian’ WWE return, aside from that, I could care less about the show, I miss the days of Velocity and HeAT when we would get to see some local talent or guys under developmental deals and it would be exciting from time to time…


But I continue to watch, just so I can complain more and more…


ECW on The Sci-Fi Channel

Taped in Jacksonville, Fla.

(credit again to Jason Powell of prowrestling.net)


[Q1] A video package hyped the 25-man battle royal... The opening video aired... Todd Grisham and Matt Striker introduced the show from ringside and hyped the tri-branded battle royal...


1. Primo (w/Carlito) defeated The Miz (w/John Morrison) in 11:55. Before the match, highlights aired from The Dirt Sheet with Miz and Morrison wearing the Colon faces. The announcers also hyped the World Tag Title match between the two teams, which will air Friday night on Smackdown. The Bella Twins came out with Carlito, who joined Morrison on commentary. Miz was in control of the action as the show cut to commercial. [C]


After the break, Miz continued to work over Primo while Morrison and Carlito exchanged insults. Morrison said they could overcome the brother bond because they're the best team in the 21st Century. Carlito said that while he and Primo might be brother, Miz and Morrison are boyfriends.


[Q2] Primo finally came back and hit a springboard dropkick for a good near fall. After some additional back and forth action, Miz missed a move in the corner. Primo hit the Backstabber and scored the clean pin. Carlito pointed out that Primo stole his move, but he seemed to get over it quickly...


The announcers talked about the great supporting cast of "12 Rounds." They set up a video that introduced us to the villain of the movie...


Backstage, Runjin Singh and Great Khali spoke. Striker said Runjin was telling Khali that they could go see "12 Rounds" once he qualified for MITB... [C]


Did You Know more male teens watched ECW than any show on CBS, ABC, or NBC? Now you do!... Highlights aired from last week's show of D.J. Gabriel clearing Tyson Kidd from the ring...


2. Tyson Kidd (w/Natalya) defeated D.J. Gabriel (w/Alicia Fox) in 2:30. The announcers pointed out that Gabriel toned down the dance routine, but Alicia was still grooving out in her furry boots. Kidd controlled the bulk of the offense and hit the springboard elbow drop for the win...


The announcers hyped the battle royal... An Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels video aired to hype WrestleMania 25...


[Q3] [C] An Evan Bourne video aired. He returns next week!... A video recapped the Randy Orton and Triple H feud shenanigans from Monday night...


Ring entrances for the battle royal took place. They introduced Cyme Tyme, Vladimr Kozlov, Christian, William Regal, and Great Khali before cutting to commercial... [C] A video spotlighted WrestleMania 9...


[Q4] R-Truth made his entrance through the crowd. Tommy Dreamer, Dolph Ziggler, Kung Fu Naki, Chavo Guerrero, Charlie Haas, Jimmy Wang Yang, Goldust, Paul Burchill, Ricky Ortiz, and others were already in the ring...


3. Christian won a battle royal to qualify for Money in the Bank in 12:00. Ortiz was the first man eliminated. Fu Naki was next. Khali eliminated Kozlov to return the favor from the Royal Rumble. Everyone ganged up on Khali and eliminated him. There were several eliminations early, including JTG eliminating Shad before the break. [C]


After the break, the remaining competitors were Regal, Dreamer, Christian, Chavo, and R-Truth. The announcers narrated footage of R-Truth eliminating JTG right after he had eliminated his own partner Shad. Back live, Regal eliminated Dreamer at 8:00. A minute later, Chavo eliminated R-Truth.


Christian eliminated Regal at 10:00, leaving only Christian and Chavo. Guerrero used some of his late uncle's trademark moves on Christian. At 11:30, Chavo and Christian struggled near the ropes with Chavo outside and Christian teeter tottering on the middle rope. Christian swung his feet up and kicked Chavo off the apron to the floor. Christian won the match to earn a spot in the MITB match...


Okay, so maybe I was wrong… tonight’s show was actually halfway decent, the opening match lasting nearly as long as the main event with a little Tyson Kidd in between, Christian qualifying for Money in the Bank is no big surprise really, so I suppose there is your Money in the Bank winner, the only person I could do without in MITB is Mark Henry, he belongs there as much as Ric Flair did a few years prior


Oh well, time to try to sleep some more, then it’s back to work tomorrow…. Hopefully I won’t run into Vince again……


….To Be Continued….

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Wednesday, Thursday & Friday - March 11, 12 & 13 2009


Well, the last few days have been pretty uneventful, I've been fortunate enough to not see my boss nor Mr McMahon, however, tonight is Smackdown, so when I leave work tonight, you're certain that I'll be watching it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Drama Drama Drama! That’s the story of my life, here I am, a thirty-something guy who loves professional wrestling, works in the building of one of the greatest wrestling companies, have a girlfriend who understands nothing about sports, when we were watching the Philadelphia Eagles play in the playoffs, I was yelling at the television that they should have attempted the Flea Flicker on the last play of the game to make the secondary bite and leave a man open down field, she responds by asking me if a Flea Flicker is a tiny remote for a TV, I shook my head in disgust at her stupidity… While we vacationed in New York City one year, I was fortunate enough to spend three times the face value to go see the Boston Red Sox play the New York Yankees and when it was 9 – 1 in the seventh inning, sitting in the middle of Yankee Stadium, surrounded by thousands of Pinstripes, I sat cool and calm watching and enjoying the score, she on the other hand, trash talked anyone around her, when I explained to her that a baseball game lasted 9 innings, not 7, she replied “Well, they’re so far down, they’ll never be able to come back from this”…. Thanks B**ch… We sat and watched as no one left the Stadium and the Red Sox blew an 8 run lead in the bottom of the ninth, giving up a bloop single to Derek Jeter to drive in the winning run and as a result, were massacred as we tried to exit Yankee Stadium… I swear, some of those people were calling their relatives on their cell phones to come to Yankee Stadium to rub it in this annoying broads face… So, as you can see, my normal Monday, Tuesday and Friday night Tivo-fests for the company that I clean floors for all day, every day has now been replaced by such garbage as CSI : Miami, Intervention, House and other meaningless drivel that she has chosen to replace my weekly shows with.


It’s been two weeks since I’ve actually watched WWE television, however, I’ve read the recaps and I have to admit, that I’ve not been very impressed.


The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of WrestleMania should have been FANTASTIC! And just like the Invasion angle after the acquisition of World Championship Wrestling, Vince McMahon has blown it again!


It’s sad to admit, but I have a book of ideas that I would love to see happen in WWE, something that would make me excited to watch week after week, well, my girlfriend, the colossal idiot that she is, found this one day, questioning me on it, so I had to break it down for her, I, much like many current “performers” for World Wrestling Entertainment am a MARK, while she didn’t quite understand my passion for the business, she admitted that it was nice to see me have a passion for something other than my guitar and my hopes to be recorded some day, though in her defense, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, what she’s doing with me, I have no idea, it’s not for my money, I’m comfortable, but nowhere near where I want to be, it’s definitely not for my car, I still drive a 1990 Ford Escort, I love it, she hates it, whatever, apparently, she’s with me for one thing and one thing only kids, yes, that’s right… My Creativity.


My girlfriend comes from a family of successful individuals, well, with the exception of her brother, who was recently arrested for his part in some pyramid scheme, her father is a lawyer, her mother is a doctor and her uncles are also well off, about three days ago after explaining these things to her, my cell phone rang, it was her mother who was talking to me about the things that her daughter found, for some reason, the way that she was talking, I thought maybe she found the stash of money that I had hidden that I was saving up to buy her the engagement ring that she looks at EVERY TIME we go by that jewelry store, no, it was my notebook, her Mother tells me that she was discussing it with her husband and they would like to get me a face to face with Vince McMahon, my heart immediately nearly jumped out of my chest with panic, I told her that it wouldn’t be necessary, it was just a stupid notebook, there’s no reason to waste any of Mr. McMahon’ precious time, especially when he has the biggest show of the year coming up, her mother however, the persistant and optimistic one explained that she is the one who delivered Aurora Rose when their normal doctor did not make it in time and she has been in semi-constant contact with them as Stephanie is apparently a worrisome mother and will call her when her normal doctor is unavailable.


Still in a panic, I explained to my future Mother-in-Law that Vince is busy, he won’t have time to have a sit down with me, she claimed that she can and will make it happen, I finally broke down and explained to this generous woman of the events that transpired a few weeks ago, when I was finished, she told me that any man who wouldn’t listen to the woman who delivered his grandchild, isn’t a real man at all and that she would smooth it all over, I thanked her and told her that I would rather not, which is where the call ended, or so I thought.


Three days later, brings us to Saturday, March 21, 2009, I was enjoying my day off, watching some NCAA basketball, my girlfriend was away on a trip to Kansas with her parents, I had a great idea after listening to the Opie and Anthony show and knew that I had to jot it down in my book… I searched my apartment high and low for over an hour, my book was missing, everything that I’d written in there for the last year or so, GONE… WHERE IN THE HELL IS IT?!


And then… My phone rings…..

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Sunday March 22, 2009 (part 2)


“Hi Honey!”, the dimwitted girlfriend shrieks when I answered my phone, “Guess what!”, I sat with a scowl on my face though thought better of screaming at her, and simply replied “I don’t know, did your Uncle buy you a new car?”, she giggled, “No silly, I just got to meet Vince McMahon! Isn’t that exciting?!”, my head fell, I found myself shaking my head some more, “That… That’s great babe and I can only assume that you also showed him my book in your meeting”, she sensed the disappointment in my voice, “Well don’t sound so defeated honey, it’s actually a good thing!”, this time, I was unable to hold back my anger, “A good thing? Do you have any idea what you’ve done? You’ve taken a book full of MY ideas and shown them to someone who can now take my ideas and use them as his own, without me getting any credit!” there was silence on the line, I apparently was on speaker phone because the next voice that I heard was her father, “Do you honestly think that we’re that stupid? I’ll give you credit for thinking that my daughter wouldn’t know how to handle that situation, she wouldn’t know a football from a soccer ball, but I’m a little bit better off than that, we’ve gotten a copyright on your book of ideas, which I’m not even going to ask you to pay me back for and allowed Vince, Stephanie and Shane McMahon to glance at probably the most basic of ideas, the only thing that we ask is that on Tuesday, your day off, you show up at the offices and meet with Mr. McMahon as he was quite impressed with what little bit he did read, he also signed a confidentiality agreement that any ideas that he saw there would be kept to that room and would not be used on television without the written consent of you, now, do you want to throw a bigger tantrum at my daughter or do you want to be a man, apologize and thank me and assure me that you’re going to show up for the meeting that I’ve set up for you?”


My pride was right there in my throat and I wanted to yell at this man, however, as I sat there silently, I pondered in my head the directions that things could go, I have an absolutely gorgeous dunce that I’m in love with, if I go nuts on her father, I can kiss that goodbye, “Oh well”, I told myself.


“Sir, I apologize, I was out of line and became angry without knowing the full story, I thank you for the things that you’ve done for me this weekend, although it was unnecessary, however, I will show up for the meeting with Mr. McMahon on Tuesday, my only request is that you accompany me as I am sure that he will have lawyers and other individuals with him as well” was the only thing that I could muster, he agreed to accompany me, stating that he had planned on it anyways, the call ended shortly thereafter and I sat dumbfounded on my couch watching the NCAA tournament some more wondering just how the meeting on Tuesday was going to play out.

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Tuesday March 24, 2009


My day at work yesterday was uneventful, I knew that I wouldn’t be running into Vince McMahon at all in the offices, however, I did have the honor of moving out of the way as Linda McMahon and several other important looking people came walking past me when I was on the fifth floor, apparently, she was there to see someone from management of another department out, yet another form of cost cutting taking effect, WOW did my stomach start to hurt after thinking about the meeting that I was to have today.


So my day was pretty basic, I woke up in the morning, watched a few shows from the DVR, did an hour or so on the treadmill, took a shower and decided to eat a light lunch, I knew this morning when I woke up that when the meeting took place, I was going to have a major case of swamp a**, I didn’t need to flaunt it with flatulence!


As I was readying myself for the meeting, my phone rang, it was my future Father-in-Law informing me that he was downstairs in the limo, “Huh!” I thought to myself, “Apparently arriving at Titan Towers in a ’90 Ford Escort isn’t what some would classify as style” so I finished my getting ready, put on some cologne, enough to know that it was there, but not enough to gag anyone, I grabbed my coat as it was a little chilly out there this morning and it had been raining, so better safe than sorry.


The limo ride over was one of the longest rides I’ve ever encountered, I took advantage of the full bar, informing my future Father-in-Law that I had to get rid of the jitters if I wanted to be worth anything for the meeting, so I downed what equaled four shots of Scotch, “Alright”, I told myself, “no problems, no problems, everything is going to be fine”


We got to Titan Towers and were ushered up to Vince’ office by another important looking fellow that I was sure that I had seen numerous times before in the building, when we arrived, my future Father-in-Law informed the secretary that we were here and that Mr. McMahon was expecting us, she buzzed Vince’ office and informed us that it would be a few minutes, the new few minutes were such a blur, I don’t remember anything that anyone said to me, however, I do remember watching the door open up and John Laurinitis stepping out to call us in, as we walked into the office, where I have spent much time cleaning and dusting and emptying garbage cans, I was amazed to see the table in the middle of the room, surrounding the table were Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, John Laurinitis took his seat, Dusty Rhodes, some other suits that I have no idea who they were, I assumed lawyers, and of course, at the head of the table, Vincent Kennedy McMahon.


Vince stood as we came in, offering a hand shake to my future Father-in-Law, “James, a pleasure to have you meet with us today”, then he turned to me offering me his hand, “Craig, I’d offer to let you empty my trash, but you’re a little too dressed up for that, hyuck hyuck hyuck”, I, along with everyone else chuckled with the joke, obviously being nice to the ever-so-hacky McMahon, we were introduced to everyone around the table, who were very pleasant, then it was time to get down to business.


We started off with just rather basic BS talking regarding WrestleMania coming up in a couple of weeks, moving on to the previous night Raw (which I had yet to see), Vince is a definite people person, when he’s not irate at a staff of moles exposing his plans for workers, Vince read right through me while we were having idle chit chat time and asked me in the middle of me answering a question “Craig, you seem a little nervous, almost like you don’t want to be here, are you okay?”, I looked down the table at Vince and answered, “I’m sitting in an office with many people that I respect and have watched since I was a child, you better believe that I’m nervous, however, my being here, I’m still confused as to WHY I’m here to be honest with you Mr. McMahon”, he nodded his head, put his finger up, “First of all, you can call me Vince, if there’s anything that I hate, it’s a kiss a**, isn’t that right Dusty?”, Dusty looked up from his scribbling “Absolutely Mr. McMahon”, I chuckled, then addressed him as Vince, he then continued, “The reason that you’re here is that this weekend, I had the pleasure of seeing the family of your girlfriend, I’m assuming, and they showed me some things that honestly kind of blew me away, I wanted to meet with the person who wrote them and I was quite shocked to find out that I had met you already, which, I apologize for, you have to understand where my mind is right now, I’ve got the biggest show of the year coming up and my original plans were scrapped when they reached the internet, so I’ve had to do a lot of on-the-fly booking, which, I don’t think has gone down too badly, do you watch the shows, Craig?”


All eyes focused on me, I knew that this would happen, but I didn’t think that it would be this early, I just nodded my head, stating that I do watch the shows and have semi-enjoyed them, though I am only looking forward to two matches at Wrestlemania, which kind of stopped Vince in his tracks, he nodded, adjusting his watch then looked at me, “Well, what is it that you’re not excited about? Edge, John Cena, Big Show, that’s a good title match right there”, I nodded back and replied, “Honestly, it seems to be set up a lot like the Wrestlemania XX Main Event, it just includes Vickie Guerrero in the mix, I would have personally rather seen Edge defend the title against someone like Matt or Jeff Hardy, or a four way with Matt, Jeff, Christian and Edge, TLC World Title match at Wrestlemania, two sets of feuding brothers and four Masters of the TLC match”, I nearly had a heart attack in the process of saying that to him, Dusty’ eyes lit up, Shane O’Mac nodded his head in approval, Vince simply shook his head, “No, it won’t happen, I don’t see Christian in that high of a caliber match, he’s not World title material”, I nodded my head and thought for a second, “Well, if that’s the case, why would you re-sign him to WWE? The original plan that leaked to the internet of Christian being the one that was behind all of the bad things happening to Jeff Hardy, I personally thought that was brilliant when a friend of mine forwarded me the story from one of the news sites, I was excited to see that” Vince raised his finger stopping me mid-thought, “Craig, I’ll be 100% honest and everyone in this room knows the truth, that was never going to happen, I brought Christian back for one simple reason, to get him away from TNA and to give my ECW World Champion a chance to shine over someone that the fans love, plain and simple, I don’t see Christian at the top of the WWE, nor do I see him even having the ability to draw the big money, he became famous because of Edge, when we split up Edge & Christian, he amounted to nothing, I have been feeding false information to the people that I think have been my leaks to these internet sites and you can be sure that they have been found out and they’ve been fired”


The room went silent, I watched Vince, then again told him “Vince, I honestly don’t know my reason for being here, like I said before, I’m sitting in a room with people that I respect, people that may recognize me if I put on a jumpsuit and throw a broom in my hand”, Vince again put his finger up stopping me, “Craig, you’re here, because we want to discuss some plans for WWE in the future”, Stephanie then slightly raised her hand, “Honestly Craig, this is one big job interview, after the things that we all read this weekend, we want someone like you in our creative department, coming up with ideas for our shows”


I sat back in my chair with a shocked expression, “Wait a second, a job interview? I’m really sorry, but I don’t know that I could do this job, I mean sure, maybe I have a few good ideas, but to do this as a full time job? I don’t think that I could do it!”, my Father-in-Law put his hand on my arm to stop me, then whispered into my ear, one of the suits next to Dusty stood up and walked over to a board where he pulled away a big piece and I saw a big graphic that states “Dreams Do Come True” with a broom underneath it.


“This is going to be one of the biggest things to happen to the wrestling industry since WWE purchased World Championship Wrestling, it’s going to be all over the world, that a fan, a normal every day fan was a custodian one day and took over the reins of the WWE the next”, the oblivious salesman stared at me for a few minutes, I leaned over to my Father-in-Law and whispered to him, he nodded his head in agreement and stood up, pointing at the salesman, “He needs to leave… Right now”, the salesman was about to protest, however, as he looked at Vince, he was shooed out of the room, I looked down the table at Vince with a puzzled look on my face and said, “I honestly wish that I could show you just how grateful I am to you for taking the time out of your busy day Mr. McMahon, but honestly, ‘taking over the reins?’ I REALLY don’t think that I’m the proper person to be discussing this with, I mean, for god sake, Gabe Sapolsky is available, why wouldn’t you go after someone like him?”


Vince sat for a moment and seemed to be thinking something, then spoke up, “Gabe Sapolsky has been there, done that, if we hired Gabe, we’d be doing exactly what others in the industry would have expected us to do, by hiring you though, we give the fans a sense of hope, seeing that this can happen to anyone! It’s a great idea and after reading your ideas, I know that you have what it takes,” we sat in silence for a minute watching Mr. McMahon, then I leaned over to my future Father-in-Law and we whispered back and forth for a few minutes, then he stared down the table at Vince for a second before replying, “Money isn’t a bother at all, we already know that you will compensate accordingly, the only issues that my client has is in terms of creative and writing, it is understood that you have a full writing team to script every second of your shows and that there are some ‘performers’ with a clause written into their contract giving them control over what they will or will not do, which is not an issue, the issue comes from the writing team and the remainder of the people who control the booking of such things, my client would like to have final say over anything that goes through for Mr. McMahon’ approval, feeling that many ideas of the past have been ‘dropped’ as a result of poor creative management, not to say that Mrs. McMahon-Helmsley doesn’t do a good job, however, some ideas have come across and fallen by the wayside, so, my client would like to request that he also be allowed to hire and fire at his own leisure, with some exceptions, he understands that, the final request is that my client be given a one year contract, from the day after Wrestlemania Twenty-Five and be given that entire year to not only bring up the house show revenue, but television ratings, overall attendance and pay per view buys without prejudice for that full year, if at the end of that full year, you are not satisfied with the decisions that he has made or the direction that he has taken World Wrestling Entertainment, he will walk away without protest, leaving you to undo the changes that he has made, do these terms seem acceptable to you Mr. McMahon?”


There was a silence as Vince and his lawyers discussed things, Vince chuckling, obviously thinking that he’s pulling the wool over somebody, he finally stops talking with the lawyer who had been making notes and turns to us, “The terms seem to be acceptable to an extent, you will have to follow the contracts that are in place and anyone who has creative control in their contract will have the final say of their direction within the company, however, as far as hiring and firing, I would be a fool to allow you to just bring in anyone, I will have a list of those who you can not hire, which will be given to you upon signing a contract, should we offer you one, honestly Craig, let’s let the Lawyers figure that one out”


My future Father-in-Law spoke up again, “There is one other stipulation, my client does not want to be an on air personality, nor does he want mention made of any changes in creative on the television programs, he would like the programs to take a different feel naturally, bringing in new or returning fans by word of mouth rather than having a huge spike in ratings because of a new ‘regime’ and disappointing those fans, nor will he for the next year do any press packages or interviews with any media outlet, if at the end of the year, my client decides to leave, he will also be willing to sign a full non-disclosure agreement with the understanding that he will never be exposing anything that takes place in his tenure as head booker of World Wrestling Entertainment to any of the ‘Shoot Interview’ outlets”, again we sat, stone faced, Dusty gave an “oooh wee” look and watched as Vince and his lawyer went back and forth again before he looked back up and with that classic McMahon smile said “That actually sounds quite fantastic to be perfectly honest with you, you’re lucky that you have such a good lawyer to represent you Craig”, I looked across the table at Vince and slightly smiled and nodded my head, our conversation went on in a more relaxed state, talking about Wrestlemania, Vince informed us that the lawyer would be drafting up a contract to be reviewed by myself and my future Father-in-Law, we all shook hands, Stephanie seemed a little upset by some of the things that were said, but she was pleasant none the less, Dusty pulled me aside as we were leaving and had one comment, “Brotha, if any of those things that we all read were really written by you, I want to be part of this, get me the hell outta Florida baby, I wanna ride your coat tails” I merely smiled and shook his hand again.


The first kiss a** that I encountered before I signed a contract and he was one that I grew up idolizing, well, it’s pretty ironic since I am after all living an “American Dream”.




(OOC : Anyone feel up to trying out a graphic for me? My photoshop skills are really sucking and I've been pretty unhappy with everything that I've tried thus far... just a thought)

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Thursday March 26, 2009


I woke up this morning at around 7 am, decided that for the first time in four years I would use my second sick day in a row.


Yesterday all I was able to do was go over in my head the meeting that I had with Vince McMahon and company, it was surreal, but, true to my word, I didn’t discuss the meeting with anyone that was not in the know, my attorney and future Father in Law discussed it numerous times throughout the day and even further when he invited his daughter and I out for dinner, honestly, for the first time in the nearly ten years that we’ve been together, she was looking at me beaming with pride, I’m honestly beginning to question the past ten years, like I said, I’m comfortable in my living, I don’t over extend myself, I don’t rack up thousands on credit cards just to file bankruptcy, I have the same car that I got in 1994 from my parents as a gift when I moved out on my own, I’ve maintained the car well, it’s honestly the one thing that I do have an OCD-like obsession about, yes, anyone reading this can laugh because I’m the guy that you see in the gas station checking his oil, his transmission fluid, his brake fluid, I’m “THAT GUY”, aside from that though, I really don’t do much, we have our weekly “date night” where we will goto a nice restaurant and check out a movie or something, maybe get a crazy idea to drive into NYC on a Monday night and stay over for Tuesday while we spend the day in the city just doing crazy touristy stuff.


No, wait, why am I going to start thinking like a psychopath, she is not a malicious person, of course she’s proud of me, she found out last week that I have a true passion in life that didn’t revolve around my music and with the help of her parents, whom I’ve never asked for nor accepted their help on anything in the ten years that we’ve been together I got a sit down to do a job that I’ve always dreamed of doing.


We had a great time sitting around with her parents talking, I drank a little bit too much scotch last night though, I was definitely feeling it when we left the restaurant last night.


At 9:45 this morning, there was a knock on the door, a Fed Ex delivery person was standing with a big envelope, I signed for my package, opened it up and saw the black cover with the ominous World Wrestling Entertainment logo on it, my heart immediately raced, there was a personalized letter from Vince McMahon inside of it asking me to e-mail him when I received the contract and had a chance to look it over, I immediately called my Father in Law, who then asked me to come to his office so we could go over things.


The next two hours just flew by, he and I went over the contract with a fine tooth comb, making sure that there was nothing different than what was discussed on Tuesday and surprisingly we only found one small change that needed to be taken care of and that was related to contract extensions which stated that the day after Wrestlemania XXVI, the contract would lapse and I would be considered as re-signed if I didn’t give a thirty day written notice, we immediately had that changed since it would be ridiculous to breach the contract if I decided to not stay after Wrestlemania XXVI, the lawyers talked and I pulled out my lap top and typed up an email to Vince thanking him for the opportunity, stating that I had a few ideas before I get started, that I would like to build my creative team and that there were a few contracts that I would like to discuss ending or at least assigning the individuals that I had in mind to a developmental territory to work on their skills, possibly even help the young up and comers.


Surprisingly fifteen minutes later, I received an email from Vince in response, the only thing that kind of rubbed me the wrong way was that he requested that I keep Stephanie around as a consultant for the creative team, assuring me that I would have the final word before it was brought to him. He also requested a list of people that I would want on my creative team so that he can get the ball rolling in having them contacted, Vince also asked for a rough copy of a list of workers that I would want to bring in advising me right off the bat that after all of the bad publicity and the year or two full of drama that he has endured, he would rather not have Hulk Hogan in World Wrestling Entertainment, as everyone else has been wanting Vince to bring him back, I chuckled at the thought, sure, Hogan is a legend, but he fits nowhere in my plans for the WWE.


I drafted another email to Vince informing him that I had no problem with Stephanie staying on as a consultant (like my word really matters, it’s his damn company) to the creative team and that my list for the creative team would look as follows :


“The Dream Team”


Gabe Sapolsky

Dusty Rhodes (Hey, I can play the game too)

Jake Roberts

Kevin Sullivan

Scott Levy

Lisa Varon or Nora Greenwald (for “Diva” related storylines)


I also informed Vince that I really did not have a “tentative” list planned yet for who I wanted to hire, however, there were a few people that were on my radar and that he and I would discuss this list once it was compiled. I then went on to explain my choices for the “Dream Team” informing Vince that I thought that Dusty would be an integral part of the team and that he could be replaced in Florida Championship Wrestling by Michael Hayes.


I again thanked Vince and assured him that next Tuesday I would be free if he could have a sit down with me so that we could go over the list of people that I wanted to bring in to WWE.


The lawyers continued their back and forth and I saw dollar signs ringing up as they continued to talk, I know that my future Father in Law won’t send me a bill for this, however, I can already guess that he’s going to want a cut of my salary, which by the way looked quite nice when I first read it in the contract (non-disclosure agreement, I’m sure you understand)


The Father-in-Law and I decided to go grab a bite as he had to go home to finish working on a letter and the information that he needed was at home, over our early dinner we discussed the contract and he stated that he was impressed by the way that I handled the meeting on Tuesday stating that had I not made a list in my book, he never would have known what to tell them that we were looking for, I appreciated that kind of compliment, it felt good to know that I was good at something.


When I got home later in the evening, I checked my email and was surprised to find yet another e-mail from Vince, the email wasn’t what I thought that it would be, Vince said that after reading over my list for the creative team, he had to put a squash on a few of the members, Kevin Sullivan was not going to be a part of creative for the WWE and I’m only assuming that it’s thanks to his heat with Eddie & Mike Graham, after all, Kevin Sullivan learned from the best and Graham was the best. Vince had only one stipulation to bringing in Jake again and it was that Jake was to be tested regularly to make sure that he stays clean, one slip up and Jake was out the door, there were no complaints about Gabe Sapolsky, although, Vince then launched into a nearly one full page rant on Scott Levy stating that while he may have a tremendous mind for the business, due to the problems through his two tenures with the WWE, he does not ever want to do business with Scott Levy again, Vince also put a kibosh on Dusty leaving FCW to be replaced by Michael Hayes stating that he would rather Dusty be down evaluating all of the up and coming talent where he has minimal contact with him, that’s 0-2 on the Graham-influenced boys, Vince then questioned keeping on the writers that he currently has, which I addressed in my reply to him that I would prefer to not have television writers on my booking team.


Vince also addressed the developmental territory that I discussed in my email with him, however, it’s something that he and I will discuss in person when we meet next Tuesday, however, he did suggest a few names that I go after as some of the people that he respected had told him that they could make big money for the WWE, I was rather surprised when I saw that the list included three Ring of Honor talents in Chris “Hero” Spradlin, Bryan Danielson and Dan Solwold (Austin Aries), in my response to this portion of the e-mail, I told Vince that while those three would be fantastic to pick up and I could certainly use them, I didn’t believe that any of them would be dis-loyal to Ring of Honor, as it was the promotion that put them on the map, however, we could give it a shot.


I also advised Vince in my reply to his email that there were many things that I wanted to discuss about the post-Wrestlemania “era” and there were some things that I wanted to see change, giving him a list to think about, I also told him that I would only be reachable on my cell phone for the next couple of days, though he should concentrate on Wrestlemania XXV and we could talk next Tuesday and I would have more things ready for him.


So, not a bad start, now I just need to think who I can choose to fill the voids that are left in my “Dream Team” with the denials of Kevin Sullivan, Dusty Rhodes & Raven, who knows, maybe I’ll get smacked in the head and suddenly come up with something… You know what I need? I need my own “Wilson” someone who I can talk to and suddenly have an epiphany…. Maybe I just need to sit on the toilet for awhile, some of my best thinking is done in there…..





(Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Not really looking for them, but if someone has some, I’d be more than happy to hear them)

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Heyman and Bischoff to fill the voids!!!! lmao!


Great diary so far mate, kept saying i would read this later at the end of every new post and ended up readign the full thing, can't wait to see what type of storylines you've got planned out, and loving these write ups, from the first post i thougiht it was going to be something like you leaking info on storylines lol, but am pleasantly surprised by how its gone.


Keep up the good work!

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Heyman and Bischoff to fill the voids!!!! lmao!


Great diary so far mate, kept saying i would read this later at the end of every new post and ended up readign the full thing, can't wait to see what type of storylines you've got planned out, and loving these write ups, from the first post i thougiht it was going to be something like you leaking info on storylines lol, but am pleasantly surprised by how its gone.


Keep up the good work!


Appreciate it... And I'd love to have Heyman and Bischoff, but unfortunately, Heyman is set to "Left the Business" in the game and McMahon won't allow me to hire Uncle Eric...


I'll have more up this weekend as well as more updates to my Back in the Saddle Again diary

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I know I'm a 'newbie' but I've been lurking for a couple of months and this is one of the best I've read so far. You're a very good writer and a very thorough one, I can't wait to see what you do with the 'E. :)
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I know I'm a 'newbie' but I've been lurking for a couple of months and this is one of the best I've read so far. You're a very good writer and a very thorough one, I can't wait to see what you do with the 'E. :)


much appreciated tm91 - Hope you enjoy, I personally can't wait to make the necessary changes (post WM25) and get shows booked... Hope you enjoy... the Tuesday meeting with McMahon will be posted tomorrow!

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Tuesday March 31, 2009


I gotta say, while I wasn’t too happy with the way that Smackdown went down, I really enjoyed the Shawn Michaels – Undertaker segment that took place, it was very well played out, with the obvious good vs. evil storyline going on, now THIS is what they should have done instead of the Vince McMahon vs. God storyline, though, they are setting this up perfectly for Undertaker to go over, hyping the fact that Shawn Michaels is one person that ‘Taker has never beaten, plus, I don’t see Vince taking away ‘Taker’s undefeated Wrestlemania streak, that would just be stupid, plus, Shawn went over huge last year retiring Ric Flair, I don’t see it happening twice.


I still haven’t watched Raw from last night, I’ve been pretty busy coming up with more ideas and I’ve already got a tentative line-up for Wrestlemania XXVI which is scheduled to be in Phoenix, Arizona and if this next year goes off without a hitch, I can guarantee that Wrestlemania XXVI is going to be a SCORCHER!


Ok, so I went with a lame, hacky statement, whatever, anyways, today was actually a pretty productive day as far as I’m concerned, my meeting with Vince was a success (well, kind of)


So let’s recap the events of today :


It all started out with my normal breakfast, watching ESPN and cursing myself for my picks in the Final Four as the bracket is completely useless with Louisville losing to Michigan State (my pick to win it all) as they run down the Final Four AGAIN (enough!) I spent about an hour on the treadmill and came up with a great idea that I had to jot down for the meeting with Vince today.


I’m going to back up a second because something did happen this weekend that I feel needs to be brought up front, with the signing of the contract and the recent changes that I’ve gone through, my girlfriend and her parents blind-sided me this weekend when I thought that we were going out to lunch, rather than meeting at one of our favorite restaurants, we met at a car dealership, they wanted me to take a look at some cars because they felt that it was time to retire my beloved beast, I shockingly agreed to LOOK, never agreeing to choose, until I saw her, she stared at me and I swear she winked at me, I knew that she had to be mine! I have to preface this with saying that I am not a materialistic person, I’m sure I’ve explained that before, I don’t overspend, but with the contract that I just signed, guaranteed money for the entire year, I think that I owe myself this one, I won’t get rid of my beast, however, she will be replaced for the time being, with my future Father-in-Law in tow, he became the salesperson’ worst nightmare and I walked out with a STEAL on a 2009 Mercedes Benz C-Class, what was normally a nearly $50,000 car, I got at less than wholesale, that’s all I’ll say about that.


So, I loaded into my new Benz, dressed business casual at first, then the over achieving part of my brain told me, “no, you idiot, you’re going to have a meeting with Vince McMahon again! What would he think if you showed up in a polo and cords?” so I ran back inside and promptly changed into one of my best suits, much like I had worn a week beforehand and loaded up in my new Benz again and headed off down the road, listening to Ron & Fez (noon to three on XM 202, The Virus) however, I wasn’t really paying attention, I was too focused on the meeting that I was having with Vince in about an hour.


I arrived at Titan Towers, walked to the elevator and took the long ride up to Vince McMahon’ office, as soon as I got there, I let his receptionist know that I had arrived and that he was expecting me, my wait in the reception area was a little bit longer than it had been the previous week, however, I found out what caused the wait when the door opened and out walked Gabe Sapolsky, Vince was walking behind him and with a proud smile on his face he stepped right up in between the two of us, “What incredible timing, it didn’t have to wait until the first meeting, Gabe Sapolsky, I’d like to introduce you to the new head of our creative staff, this is Craig Sterling, I’m sure you two would like to get acquainted for a moment and our meeting will start in just a few moments Craig,” Vince said as he walked away, Gabe and I shook hands and he chuckled looking at me, “Aren’t you the kid that I got into an argument with after one of the Philly shows?”, I smiled, still shaking his hand, “We traded words about one of the shows, but I was just being a mark that night, you did what you thought was right with the show,” Gabe shrugged, “Well, it happens, I’m sure we’ll have words throughout our time together, but just to let you know up front, if I blow off steam, that’s all I’m doing, I say some pretty off the wall s*** and have been known to offend people” I laughed, then shook my head, “Well, it happens, trust me, there’s only three places that you can hurt me and when it comes to this business, none of them will intersect, plus, I grew up in Boston and Philly as a fat kid, I’m pretty sure I can handle some words, but here’s my number Gabe, I want you to know what an honor it is to meet you in a setting that isn’t so hectic and I look forward to working with you, we’ll have to get together in the next couple of days, if you’re free and go over some things, bounce some ideas off of each other” Gabe took my card and nodded in agreement, “Like I told Mr. McMahon, I do have another commitment that I have to tend to, but I can have that finished by Thursday if you want to get together Thursday night or Friday, I’ll be in New York, but we can meet halfway”, Gabe and I agreed to discuss it over the next couple of days, he gave me his card as well and told me to call him at any time, then he had to leave, there I stood, my mind blown, I was now in charge of one of the guys that I respected more than anyone since the inception of Ring of Honor.


I stayed in the reception area another fifteen minutes or so when Vince finally came and got me, he apologized for the delay, which I assured him was fine after he explained what was going on, it appears that Mr. McMahon is more of a proud grandfather than anyone could have assumed, he spends at least ten minutes of his free days when he’s not buried with meetings playing with his grandchildren and immediately following the meeting with Gabe, he had his grandchildren brought up to his office so that he could spend time with them.


Vince and I sat down across his desk from each other, we made idle chatter for a few minutes discussing the latest shows, which I really showed the mark in me when we talked about Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker. We then got the meeting under way when he said “Several phone calls have been made, we’ve gotten in contact with Jake Roberts and have explained what is going on and the position that we would like to bring him in for, however, Jake has some ulterior motives, he has no problem in helping with the booking and creative side of things, but he also wants to continue wrestling, which, in Jake’ age could be very dangerous, but at the same time, for nostalgic purposes, I agree that it would be a thing to see, as long as he’s clean, so, what are your thoughts on that?”, I pondered the situation for a moment, then nodded my head, “Honestly, I don’t see Jake as an in-ring performer, but I can understand where he’s coming from with his requests, so, I have no problem working him into an occasional role, maybe give him at most two matches a year and we all know that Jake will come up with something great for any storyline that he will be involved in, however as a full time active wrestler, I don’t see that happening, so if he can agree to the occasional role, then sure, no problem, it’d be great to see Jake in the ring with some of the younger guys”, Vince nodded and smiled, scribbling something down on a legal pad of paper that he had, he put his pen down and asked “Have you given any thought to the talent that you’d like to bring in, any talent from developmental to bring up?”, I pulled a sheet of paper out of the leather bound folder that I brought with me and handed it to him, “There’s a list of prospective people that I’d like to at least talk to, all are people that I could use, I’ve also given some thought to who I can add to the creative team, however, I would like to discuss Kevin Sullivan with you”, Vince put down the paper and took off his glasses before crossing his hands in front of him, seeming to be in deep thought.


“I thought this might come up again and I’ve been doing a lot of thinking behind my decision to not hire him and I have to admit to you that it makes me a little bit weary after the Benoit Family Tragedy to hire someone who was in some way involved with the Benoit Family,” Vince sensed that I was about to make a comment and he held up his hand, “Your contract got me thinking a lot and if Kevin Sullivan would be willing to sign the same type of contract that you have, where he is under strict confidentiality and I’m discussing as far as the boys knowing, all of those things, I would have no problem with him giving your creative team a hand in booking the product”, I immediately smiled and nodded my head, “Yes sir, that would be fantastic”, Vince then got the serious look on his face again “But I’m dead serious about Scott Levy and Dusty, I don’t want either one on the booking team”, I again nodded my head in agreement, “Completely understood Mr. McMahon, I don’t necessarily agree, however, as I stated, I do have another couple of people in mind for the open spots, one would be Steve Corino, who is currently still an in-ring performer, however, there is word that he wants to retire and take on a backstage position, the other would have been Paul Heyman, however, following the untimely demise of his Mother, he’s not currently doing anything wrestling related”


Vince sat for a moment in silence and then spoke up, “Craig, I’m going to ask you a question and I mean absolutely no disrespect in asking this, who do you want to run the creative team for WWE?”, I sat puzzled for a moment then answered, “Me?”, Vince nodded , “That’s correct and as much of an ‘evil genius’ as Paul Heyman is, if you brought him on to your creative team, he would’ve taken the position right under your nose within a month, now, Paul may have a great mind, Paul may be a lot of things, but someone to work by your side? I’m afraid not, so it’s good that he’s not doing anything in the business, because I’d have disqualified him as well,” I nodded my head, “Now, with Steve Corino, I know that last year he worked a couple of dark matches with the Smith kid and he was given a try-out for the creative team, however, it didn’t work out, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have what it takes to be a part of this new team, so I guess if he’s okay with the terms and what not, I have no issues with him coming on either”, I again nodded my head thanking Vince, I pulled out another bit of information from my folder and handed it to Vince, he looked at it rather puzzled and kept reading on, he looked up over his glasses and asked, “Really? You think that something like this could work? What about the agreement that we have in place?”, I pulled out my copy and flipped to the portion that I wanted him to read, “If you notice this portion of it, the agreement is for World Wrestling Entertainment material, there is nothing set in stone for that,” Vince nodded and had an impressed look on his face, “I gotta tell you, this actually sounds like a great idea, but what, I mean, how would it be pulled off?”, I advised Vince to read a little bit further, he slapped the table as he got done reading it, “That’s ingenious, a few slight modifications will have to be made, but I love it, not only will it explain to the fans, but it’ll make the character even more hated,”


I could feel my face turn red, Vince McMahon just popped for one of my ideas right in front of me, Vince stopped for a second, “Wait a second, where would they come in to play after that?”, I simply just shrugged and said “I think that I can find a place for them, well, at least one of them”, Vince nodded, then continued reading, “Well kid, I can see that you’ve been pretty busy, I’ve got a few small changes that you need to make, but it looks like we’ve got our first week of post-Wrestlemania TV ready for us, was there anything else that we needed to discuss today?”, it was the moment of truth, I mustered up all of the courage that I could and simply let it out, “Vince, in this business, it’s always been said that you ‘Never Say Never’, that’s been spouted out so many times, yet, if you look at the bottom of my list, you’ll see the name that I want you to consider and before you automatically say ‘No’, please think about this, money, lots and lots of money, if you thought that bringing in Eric Bischoff was a surprise to everyone, what do you think that the REAL wrestling fans would think if what is on the last page of that packet that I just gave to you would happen?” I sat and watched as Vince read the entire piece of paper, then he chuckled and simply said “I’m not going to consider that one at the moment, however, I will make a deal with you, if we can get a sellout at Backlash and you can pull off this one without it leaking to the public, I will consider [that person] to run the specified storyline with leading up to Summer Slam, how does that sound?”, I immediately started nodding my head, “I can assure you that the idea will not leak to the internet, the only two people who know anything about it are in this room and I’d like for it to stay that way, I don’t plan on discussing it with the creative team until the unveiling.


Vince and I discussed the plan a little further in detail then our talk turned to the developmental territory and his thoughts on some of the guys to bring up, I also let him know a few people that I would like to bring up as well as a few that I just want to cut ties with to free up room for some other talent.


The meeting came to an end discussing my tentative line-up for Wrestlemania XXVI and Vince asking me how I was going to “get there” for a few of the ideas that I had in mind, which I assured him that I had everything planned and under control, he and I had a difference of opinion on one match that I wanted to take place and agreed to disagree on it, with him just stating that we’d see how things went, we shook hands and I left his office with an overall good feeling about the meeting, my creative team, one of my dreams was in the process of coming true!



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Just wanted to update anyone who actually reads this on what's going on... I was stupid and bought an Acer Aspire 5515 laptop... only problem is that with the latest vista updates, it locks out my keyboard and touchpad, well, last night I had enough of it and not being able to get into my laptop for a day that I did a restore... Stupid me... I lost what I had written so far for Dedicated & Take No Prisoners... and just earlier last week I was thinking about doing the carbonite thing... well, thankfully it wasn't as much for Back in the Saddle Again that I lost, my main concern is the Broken Road to Wrestlemania, which I lost two days worth of "diary" that I had written.. .STUPID STUPID STUPID... so tonight I'll be working on both to get them back up to where they were, hopefully have the finish products by this weekend as I have an hour commute to and from work and am generally up pretty much all night most nights anyways... so... wish me luck, these next couple of days are gonna be fun!
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Saturday April 4, 2009


(the following events took place between Wednesday April 1, 2009 and Saturday April 4, 2009)


Wednesday :


5:45 this morning and I’m awakened by my cell phone going off, of course, me being the person that I am, walking around with my Blackberry, I can’t stand traditional ringtones, so, waking me up this morning is the bagpipe rendition to “Amazing Grace” from Dropkick Murphys, a song that I normally love, however, this early in the morning I find myself extremely annoyed, I answer the phone trying to sound as awake as I can.


“This the kid that everyone has been hearing about?”, the raspy voice chuckles in my ear, “That depends, who’s asking?”, I answer with a yawn, “It’s Jake”, I immediately pop up to a sitting position and slide out of my bed, inside I’m marking out like crazy, however, I keep my composure, “Yes sir, Jake, my name is Craig, Craig Sterling”, was the only thing that I could muster up, it was met with a chuckle, “Don’t call me sir, kid, just Jake”, I chuckled as well, “Alright Jake, what’s up?”, there was a bit of hesitation and then Jake got started, “Well, it sounds like I woke you up out of a deep sleep, I should probably let you enjoy that, you’ve got my number on your cell phone there, just call me when you’re awake”, I hit the coffee pot to brew, “I’m awake Jake, it’s not a bother to me at all, anytime you want to talk, you can call me”, Jake sighed, “You say that now kid, but savor these last few nights of good sleep, because they will indeed be your last, pretty soon you’ll be pacing all night trying to think of the next big idea, where to branch off a current idea to keep it going for a little bit before the culmination of the story, you’ll wake up in the middle of the night out of a bad dream five minutes after you fall asleep and not be able to get back to sleep, kid, I’ve been there and I gotta tell you, this business will f*** with a normal person’s mind worse than any woman ever could”, I thought for a moment while I was grabbing my mug to get ready for my first cup of coffee of the morning.


The conversation went on with Jake again fluffing up the fact that in less than six months I would be a zombie, then he asked “You got kids of your own?”, I chuckled, “No I don’t, my girlfriend and I haven’t really discussed too much about kids”, Jake chuckled himself, “Well, you’re about to find out all about it, because you’re about to adopt 175 kids of your own and they will test you like you’ve never imagined, there will be tattling, temper tantrums, he said she said crap and there are some that you will have to treat as though they can do no wrong and I think you might have an idea already who one of them is, but let me tell you something about Vince McMahon, while he is very loyal to his family, I might say that he is more loyal to the business, let’s say for example you’ve got a character getting over ‘Austin Huge’ and the last piece of the puzzle that drops him into a match with that one person that I know is right at the front of your brain, who do you think that Vince is going to side with? Vince understands the importance of a huge pay off, giving the fans what they want, right now he’s been so clouded with his daughter running things, I can’t remember the last time that there was a pay off that made sense, but then again, I haven’t really watched in years, what I’m saying though kid is stick to your guns, if something is going to work you HAVE to make Vince BELIEVE that it’s going to work, that’s the only way that he’s going to get positive results out of this new ‘regime’, do you know what I’m saying”, I thought for a second while I had a drink of coffee, “I think I do Jake and I’m honestly glad to have someone like you around to show me the way, thank you for that”, there was silence for a second, “Tha- What the? F*** you for THAT, do you think I’m doing this to help you? Hell no, I’ll have a steady paycheck coming in, I’ll be able to do what I love and maybe help break in a newbie, you’ll learn some very valuable lessons doing this job kid, I promise you that, here’s your first lesson, pro wrestlers are greedy mother f****s and while many others will sit here and kiss you’re a** over and over about this job, you know what? The reality is, I was making a living for myself without this job, I can go right back to that at the drop of a hat, so, I hope you didn’t expect a call that was going to make you all warm and fuzzy inside, I’m just not that guy kid, you want to talk to that guy? Wait for a call from Dusty or someone else that I’m sure that you have on your booking team, but listen, I gotta run, good talkin to ya kid”, and so ended a phone call with one of the guys that I really enjoyed watching when I was growing up.


The call really kind of struck me as funny and I thought about it for a little bit, until the doorbell rang and Fed Ex was there with another package for me, I was in the process of a text battle with Gabe Sapolsky, apparently we’ve hit it off pretty well as we have been arguing baseball in preparation for Opening Day (this will be the first Opening Day game that I’ve missed of the Red Sox, since I’m going to be down south for Raw)


I opened the package from Fed Ex and was pleased to find three passes and three tickets for Wrestlemania 25, I immediately called Gabe, rather than texting him and told him about my recent find, so we discussed things between he, my girlfriend and I and we decided against meeting in New York or halfway between and opted to just meet up in Texas on Friday as Gabe had planned on going down to check in on his old company, Ring of Honor and catch their Texas debut, so we agreed to do that.


The rest of the day was pretty normal, nothing too exciting to report.


Thursday was pretty boring as well, I was able to talk to Vince over the phone and he informed me that Steve Corino was interested in discussing the plans for having him on the booking team, he also informed me that both Lisa Varon and Nora Greenwald were hired and would be there to assist me anytime that I needed it, which was a huge plus for me, I’ve got big plans for the “Diva Division”.

Thursday night we caught the 9pm flight to Dallas. My girlfriend got into it with some lady at Atlanta International airport and almost caused us to miss our connecting flight, however, I was able to smoothe things over.


We arrived in Dallas at about 2 am and got our rental car and promptly checked into the hotel to get some sleep, Gabe and I are going to be meeting at 10 am to get to know each other a little bit, but I found that I couldn’t goto sleep, call me crazy, but I kept thinking about what Jake had said to me.





My girlfriend was kind of sour that she couldn’t go with me to the meeting with Gabe, though I changed that right away by having her favorite breakfast delivered to her in the hotel room and gave her my credit card and told her to go get herself something nice to wear to Wrestlemania, also asking her to get me something to wear, of course she was giddy after that, distraction is the key, she gets upset, put a piece of plastic in her hand and send her off to do some shopping, truth is, I already have my outfit planned for Wrestlemania, it’s tonight that I’m worried about.


The meeting with Gabe was pleasant, we talked sports for a minute and then discussed Ring of Honor, which I showed the true mark in myself talking about CM Punk, Joe, AJ, Danielson, Jimmy Jacobs, Colt Cabana, etc etc, we then moved onto plans for the future of WWE, I showed him my tentative line-up for Wrestlemania XXVI, which he immediately made some notes on his own sheets of paper of differences that we had, we stayed around in the restaurant until easily 3 pm just talking about things, obviously annoying the waitress, however, between Gabe and I, we tipped her about $30 additional to our meal, so she didn’t lose out on much and only had to get us coffee once in a great while.


The rest of the afternoon I spent with Gabe and shortly after our meeting ended, we included our girlfriends, we hung out until it was time to head over for the Ring of Honor show.


The Ring of Honor show tonight was absolutely spectacular, I’m SO glad that I went to see the show right before starting the job on Sunday night at the conclusion of Wrestlemania 25, it was such a good show, (OOC : I’ll not make any comments, just in case you all want to see the DVD/PPV when they are available) to see talent like that, I have to tell Vince that it would be unfair to the Ring of Honor fans if we took them from Ring of Honor, they have so much to give to those fans.


Sunday, April 5, 2009


I am literally spent, this weekend has been fantastic, but there’s just one more stop and that’s tonight at Wrestlemania 25.


So let’s look at the final booking of the Stephanie McMahon-run regime


WWE Title

Triple H © vs. Randy Orton


World Title

Edge © vs. John Cena vs. Big Show


Intercontinental Title

JBL © vs. Rey Mysterio


WWE & World Tag-Titles

Lumberjack Match

The Miz & John Morrison © vs. The Colons ©


Undefeated Streak On The Line

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels


Extreme Rules Match

Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy


3-On-1 Handicap Match

(Mickey Rourke, Ric Flair at Ringside)

Chris Jericho vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat and Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka


Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Christian vs Finlay (w/ Hornswoggle) vs Mark Henry (w/ Tony Atlas) vs Montel Vontavious Porter vs Kane vs Shelton Benjamin vs CM Punk vs Kofi Kingston


25-Diva Battle Royal

Tiffany, Bri Bella, Nikki Bella, Beth Phoenix, Layla, Jillian Hall, Alicia Fox, Michelle McCool, Maryse, Mickie James, Eve Torres, Kelly Kelly, Natalya, Rosa Mendez, Gail Kim, Melina, Katie Lea, Maria, Mae Young, Santino Marella, Torrie Wilson, Jackie Gayda, Nidia, Victoria and Sunny



I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what the day will bring, I’m dressed, I’m getting my notebook ready and about to meet up with Gabe and his girlfriend…. The road breaks tonight, the broken road to Wrestlemania 26 begins at 11 pm eastern time.

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(OOC : I’ve been doing a lot of booking and trying to wait until this week of WWE TV is done and over with before I start posting things)




Official WWE RAW Preview :


Less than twenty four hours after the 25th Anniversary of Wrestlemania and Monday Night Raw will be live on the USA Network.


What will happen as the Road to Wrestlemania 26 makes its first stop in Houston, Texas?!


The new World Heavyweight Champion, John Cena will be on hand tonight, after his hard fought battle with Edge and The Big Show, it will be interesting to see what lies ahead for the new champion!


CM Punk made history last night by becoming the first ever back to back Money in the Bank winner, will he cash in on the opportunity that he won just last night?


Last night the Colon Brothers defeated John Morrison & The Miz to become the Unified Tag Team Champions, tonight on Raw, they will face their first challenge for the titles in the form of former WWE Tag Team Champions, Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes, will the reign as Unified Tag Team Champions be a short lived one?


Also tonight, Vince McMahon is said to be on hand and will be delivering huge news that he promises will impact the future of the WWE


All this and more tonight on Monday Night Raw LIVE on the USA Network!

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  • 1 month later...

Monday April 6, 2009



I think I’m still high, Wrestlemania was a total success for Vince and the WWE, I was pleasantly surprised, the backstage reaction was outstanding following the Matt Hardy – Jeff Hardy match, both men received a great ovation when they came through the curtains, I was able to sit down with Matt after the match and talk to him for the first time, we had a nice conversation and agreed on a few things, disagreed on hardly anything and he was very receptive to the idea that Gabe and I have for him.


In a rather funny moment, I was approached by John Bradshaw Layfield prior to his Intercontinental title match with Rey Mysterio, we exchanged greetings and shook hands, then he pulled me close to him and said “It was supposed to be me taking the job that you’ve got, you’re the reason kid, you’re the reason” and then shoved me away before walking out for his “match”, after he came back he wouldn’t say a word to me, only pointed and mouthed “You”, I just chuckled, nervously.


Got to meet Kid Rock, but it wasn’t all that exciting as I was too busy making fun of him during his performance, of all the people to perform at Wrestlemania, why Kid Rock? And WHY for as long as they did? Money in the Bank could have been longer and saved us all, oh well, I got to mark out and watch Ricky Steamboat wrestle again, he put on a great display with Chris Jericho, Snuka could hardly move, Piper is a shell of his former self, Steamboat and Jericho were fantastic together.


Very soon after, the entire roster, the agents, the developmental guys that were being used during the show, the former creative team, Gabe and myself all gathered around a huge plasma TV that they had the show running on, everyone watching in anticipation as Shawn Michaels made his entrance, then you could feel it growing more as The Undertaker made his entrance, where I was standing, I was able to see the Gorilla Position, I saw Vince watching his monitor, then I turned my attention to the TV that we were all watching Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker, two guys who have been through Hell and back with the WWE, through steroid scandals and screwjobs, they’ve dealt with the biggest egos and the quickest departures, the deaths of some of their greatest peers, the last time they faced off in a high profile match, it was Royal Rumble and it put Shawn Michaels on the shelf for 4 years, this is a match that many have been waiting to see.


For the next 40 minutes, I, like many others in the room with me, were taken out of the moment, transported back to being 10 or 11 years old and watching wrestling, forgetting that it is “pre-determined” forgetting that these two guys really DON’T hate each other, for the next 40 minutes, I was the biggest MARK in the world, and didn’t care who knew about it, then again, nearing the twenty minute mark, everyone was transformed back to being a mark, for twenty minutes we couldn’t hear ourselves think for the noise going on in the arena, nor the noise going on backstage, Triple H and Randy Orton stayed across the room from Gabe and I, every once in awhile we’d catch an evil glance from one of them, I didn’t care at that time, I was watching greatness in front of me.


Gabe and I were slapping each other acting like marks, and to think, just about 48 hours ago, we were marking out for KENTA vs Davey Richards for the GHC Jr Heavyweight Title, now here we are marking out for Shawn & The Undertaker, the final five minutes of the match were outstanding, Shawn and Taker are true masters of the game and they did what not many others have been able to do, surpass Ricky Steamboat vs Randy Savage as my favorite Wrestlemania match.


Everyone was on their feet cheering and clapping when The Undertaker pinned Shawn, I saw Shawn come back through the Gorilla Position, he stayed there, hugging Vince McMahon after the match with tears falling down his face as he talked to Vince and Stephanie, soon enough, The Undertaker made his way through and he and Shawn immediately shook hands and hugged after the tremendous match, after the trio hug of Vince, Shawn and Taker, they walked down to the boys and the ovation was ridiculous in the back, there was plenty of talk with some of the guys, I stayed back from the group, these guys all know each other, I’m still an outsider, let them have their moment, Hunter and Shawn embraced for quite awhile, after the hoopla, I got a chance to shake The Undertaker’ hand, congratulating him on a fantastic match, I finally got a chance to talk to Shawn during the Cena – Big Show – Edge match, we had a nice little conversation, then agreed to meet up somewhere down the road, closer to his return so he could spend time with his family.


After the Triple H – Randy Orton match ended and everyone had their big moment in the back, Vince came up to Gabe and I and invited us to the post-Wrestlemania party, Gabe and I talked with Vince for a few minutes and agreed to show up for a half hour while we waited for the rest of the guys to be ready for our first of many meetings.


And it begins already…. I was approached by three members of the ECW roster to discuss ideas that they had, I agreed to listen to them at Raw and told them to enjoy the party, Gabe and I talked with a few of the agents, Dusty stayed across the room from me all night, he must be pretty bitter since he’s not on the creative team, not my choice, I tried to get him in there.


So finally we got to meet with creative, Gabe Sapolsky, Jake Roberts, Kevin Sullivan, Nora Greenwald and Lisa Marie Varon, it was nearing midnight when we started and by 2 am, we already had the first three weeks of TV planned, Lisa and Nora both had some ideas for the Divas in the long run and we had to get the ok from Vince for TV, which he gave us after reading our draft, though, Vince wanted to know why there was no scripts written, he then showed up in the room that we were meeting in, where we all asked Vince to give us a chance, to give the boys a chance to use the mic on their own, without having to memorize a script, he still wasn’t happy with that, so we let Jake and Gabe script the promos, which had to have some modifications, obviously.


6am we were able to get some sleep, back up at 9am and I’m ready to go, I’m sure that these kinds of days I won’t be this pepped up all of the time, but I also won’t allow myself to become jaded and wake up stating that I hate my job.


Our first meeting with the talent today was well received, the only person who gave any kind of trouble was Triple H, which I expect and I expect that it will continue, after all, someone other than he or his wife is in a position of power, I went through the sheet for the day with some of the guys that have a key part on the show tonight, going over some things, then, it was time to prove myself, I faced my first rib, of course no one knows who did it, but somehow my bag was hanging from a light in the locker room attached by a chain and a padlock, but it was only my bag, the contents of the bag were randomly placed throughout the locker room, like a damned Easter Egg hunt, I went about my business, not selling the rib at all, picking my things up as I saw them while I was talking to the boys, the only thing that I noticed though, my Red Sox jacket that I had worn to the arena had been untouched, my first clue.


It’s 5:30 and I just had a decent meal in catering and got a chance to talk to three of the greatest guys in the business, Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler and Ricky Steamboat, stuffed on food and knowledge, these guys are the greatest, it’s time to watch a couple of local guys put on a few matches that the agents got them booked in so that we can see if we like what they have to offer, then, my first ever show that I’ve booked, come to life, I can’t wait…..



To Be Continued…..

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  • 3 weeks later...

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[Explosions going off, the camera scans the crowd]


http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh197/SvenAndIngmar/Album%201/Michael_Cole.jpg : We’re just one day out from possibly one of the greatest nights the WWE has ever celebrated, Wrestlemania 25 has come and gone


http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff22/dollardollar2005/J-L/JerryLawler.jpg : And the Road to Wrestlemania 26 starts here tonight Cole!


MC : Indeed it does King, I’m Michael Cole and with me tonight is WWE Hall of Famer, Jerry “The King” Lawler and we’re very happy to welcome you tonight to Monday Night Raw


JL : And I, for one, am very excited to find out what tonight brings!


MC : Twenty Four hours after unifying the WWE & World Tag Team Titles, Carlito & Primo will be on hand to make their first title defense against the team of Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes


JL : We’re sure to hear from the NEW World Heavyweight Champion, John Cena tonight after his triple threat match with Edge & The Big Show last night, Cole!


MC : We also have to wonder if we’ll see an appearance from the WWE champion, Triple H after his match last night with Randy Or-


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MC : And we’re kicking off the show tonight King, with the Chairman himself, Mr. McMahon is on his way to the ring.


JL : And I’m sure that he’ll have plenty to say about Wrestlemania last night!


[Vince makes his way to the ring, up the steps and into the ring]


http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/workerherman/VinceMcMahon.jpg : The Road to Wrestlemania Twenty Six begins TONIGHT! [cheers] Making stops at such places as Summer Slam, The Survivor Series, The Royal Rumble and everything in between [cheers] However, our travel down the Road to Wrestlemania wouldn’t be complete without, how shall I say, “bumps” in the road? Which brings me to the reason that I am out here tonight. [Deep breath] Back around 1997, many of you know that this very company was in the middle of a huge battle known within this industry as “The Monday Night Wars” [cheers] at the same time, both myself and Eric Bischoff [boos] were “raiding talent” so to speak from a little company that today is known as the third brand of the WWE, that being, ECW [cheers, small “E-C-Dub” chant from the faithful] now, while I placed Paul Heyman on the WWE’s payroll to give him a kick back for all of the talent that I used, also allowing him the chance to promote his Pay Per Views on my television broadcasts [crowd applauding Vince, however, still pretty dead]


JL : Yeah! Vince gave those nobodies a chance, wasting valuable airtime on them!


Vince : Back in 2001, the WWE absorbed ECW in an effort to bail the company out of their financial ruin and the company sat idle, it wasn’t until Paul Heyman, Tommy Dreamer and countless others came to me over and over again that in 2005 the WWE put on a show that I thought would be a one time only affair, that of course being “One Night Stand” [some cheers, another “E-C-dub” chant] and after many a conversations, the WWE decided to bring ECW back as their own brand [some scattered cheers, crowd kind of out of it]…. Until…. Tonight


MC : What?


JL : Really?!


[the crowd boos, Vince gets that smirk on his face]


Vince : Yes, tonight, you fans will see the DESTRUCTION of ECW! [more boos] I was triumphant in my mission! My sole purpose has been to destroy all of those who oppose me, who cause a threat to my company! EEEE – CEEEE – DOUBLE –


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JL : What is he doing out here?!


MC : The ECW Original himself, Tommy Dreamer is on his way to the ring! And Mr. McMahon does not look happy!


[the crowd is cheering for Dreamer as he comes out, an “E-C-Dub” chant breaks out again, only this time louder, Tommy gets to the ringside area and circles, watching Vince]


Vince : Cut his damned music off right now, CUT IT THE HELL OFF! [Vince and Tommy glare at each other] You better have a damned good reason why you’re interrupting me right now, do you realize how lucky you are to even HAVE a job right now? [Tommy continues his glare, Vince chuckles] What are you waiting for? Get the hell out of here, Tommy, before I send you straight to the unemployment line, how will you explain that to your wife and your two little daughters? [Dreamer looks down and starts to back up, then slides into the ring and gets face to face with McMahon] What? You think you worry me? You got something to say?


[Dreamer reaches back and takes a mic from Lillian as she hands it in]


http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/workerherman/TommyDreamer-1.jpg: Do you have a heart? [Vince doesn’t change expression] Do you feel anything at all? Fear? [smart a** fans start with the “What?”] Anguish? Despair?


Vince : I don’t feel any of those things Mr. Dreamer, I’m a Billionaire


Tommy : Vince, in your eyes, you’re a Billionaire, but to me, to many of the “boys” in the back, you’re nothing more than a heartless piece of [beep]

[crowd goes nuts]




Tommy : You bastardized something that I loved, something that I gave my existence to, you’ve made a mockery of the guys who destroyed their bodies to put ECW on the map, you made a fool out of The Sandman, you tarnished Sabu by making him TAP, you chased Rob Van Dam straight the hell out of the business and you tried to turn me into a groveling wanna be! From the first night that I stepped foot in this company, I’ve wanted nothing more than to beat your a** for all the boys in ECW that you’ve destroyed and that’s what I’m about to do!


[Fans start to cheer, Tommy throws his mic down, Vince backs away]


Vince : Now hold on, before you do anything to get yourself incarcerated, fired and facing millions in punitive damages, why don’t you calm down for just a second, if you love ECW so much, why don’t I, Tommy, give you an opportunity?

[Tommy with his fists still clenched, gritting his teeth, ready to strike at any moment]


Vince : I’ll give you a chance to save ECW [some cheers from the crowd, some boos, “Tommy” chant] I have an idea for the WWE’s next Pay Per View, Backlash, how about a match? Extreme Rules, the ECW Original Tommy Dreamer facing off against a man to be chosen by Mr. McMahon! And Tommy, if you win, the ECW brand will be here to stay, as a matter of fact, I’ll put you in charge of the entire brand [some cheers from the crowd] however, if you… rather, WHEN you lose, ECW will be destroyed and Tommy, you will be forced to retire and never step foot into a wrestling ring ANYWHERE again, do we have a deal?


[Tommy keeps gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, Vince slowly backs away]


Vince : I’ll…uh… take that as a “yes”


[“No Chance” starts up again, Tommy stays in the ring clenched and watches Vince leave to the back]


MC : The first match of Backlash announced?! Tommy Dreamer to face a mystery opponent with the fate of ECW at stake!


JL : Pick me Vince! Pick me!


[Fade out to commercial on Tommy Dreamer]


[back from commercial with snapshots of the HBK vs Undertaker classic]


MC : Last night at Wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker put on a classic match, some say it’s the greatest match in Wrestlemania history


JL : And all week long, the WWE fans can re-live this match while Wrestlemania is available on replay!


http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/workerherman/MKnox1.png vs http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/workerherman/StevenLewington.jpg


Big time squash with this match, Knox hit the ring and took out Gabriel with a big boot to the face and followed up with a torture rack backbreaker to pick up the pinfall.


Winner in 36 seconds : Mike Knox


MC : Mike Knox impressive in his man handling of DJ Gabriel tonight


JL : He didn't waste any time, Cole! He KNOX'd the snot out of that kid!


[cut backstage, Dolph Ziggler is walking, when Tommy Dreamer comes storming by, Ziggler calls out his name, Dreamer stops and turns around]

http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/workerherman/NickNemeth1.png : Hey! I just wanted to introduce myself, I’m Dolph Ziggler, the FUTURE of the WWE!


[Ziggler extends his hand with a big smile on his face, Tommy looks down at his hand and then NAILS Ziggler in the face! Ziggler goes flying to the ground as Tommy turns and continues walking]

MC : Tommy Dreamer, apparently didn’t want to meet Dolph Ziggler tonight


JL : What’s his problem? The guy is just trying to introduce himself! How rude!


MC : I think Dreamer has other things on his mind King, in just a little bit though, we’re going to see the Unified Tag Team Titles defended for the first time, Carlito & Primo to face Dibiase & Rhodes!


[Cut to commercial – back from commercial, Vince McMahon is in his office when Dolph Ziggler storms in holding his face]


DZ : Mr. McMahon, Dolph Ziggler..


McMahon : Yes, yes, we’ve met


DZ : As the future of the WWE, I know that you just saw Tommy Dreamer club me in the face while I was trying to introduce myself, I… I….


McMahon : Well, as the future of the WWE, do you think that you can handle an ECW Original?


DZ : Pfft! No Sweat!


McMahon : Well then, I’d suggest you get ready, you’re going to be facing Tommy Dreamer tonight, in that very ring.


DZ : Ha Ha! Thank You Mr. McMahon!


[The door opens behind Ziggler and Vince looks up, Dolph looks behind him and we cut back to ringside]


MC : So tonight, we’re going to have Tommy Dreamer facing Dolph Ziggler, King, any thoughts?


JL : The only thought that I have is how Tommy Dreamer is going to survive against the “Future”, Cole!


[Another Wrestlemania trailer airs for the replay all week long! cut to commercial]


http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/workerherman/TommyDreamer-1.jpg vs http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/workerherman/NickNemeth1.png


Ziggler gave Tommy another opportunity to shake his hand, however, Tommy instead slapped Ziggler and the match was under way, they went about 7 minutes trading the momentum back and forth, Ziggler set up Dreamer for a Russian Legsweep, but Dreamer elbowed out of it and hit a Russian Legsweep of his own, followed up with a DDT and picked up the win.


Winner : Tommy Dreamer


[Cut backstage to a car screeching up, two feet pop out of the driver side door and the camera pan backs to see JOHN CENA]


MC : The New World Heavyweight Champion is here!


JL : Is he coming to the ring?


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MC : Indeed he is King and Tommy Dreamer is on his way to the back


JL : Hit ‘im Cena! Hit ‘im!


[Cena comes flying out while the crowd is going crazy, Dreamer stops midway up the aisle looking confused, Cena stands at the top of the ramp looking out at the crowd, then points to Dreamer and gives him a salute, before saluting the crowd, Cena and Dreamer high five as Cena goes flying by and into the ring]


MC : John Cena showing respect to Tommy Dreamer as he makes his way to the ring tonight


JL : I was hoping that he was going to nail him Cole!


[Cena takes the mic as his music cuts and walks around the ring]


http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/workerherman/JohnCena2-1.jpg : Hold on a second, hold on a second, Tommy Dreamer, no disrespect meant man, I really didn’t know that you were making your exit, I just got so amped up when I pulled up that I wanted to come running out here to tell Houston, Texas that.. THE CHAMP… IS HERE!!!! [crowd pops, some audible boos, Dreamer is at the top of the ramp and does a mock salute at Cena] Last night at Wrestlemania, I whipped a thousand pounds of ass, 500 pounds of the Big Show and that 500 pound ego of Edge, they brought their best but it wasn’t good enough! [cheers from the crowd] So, I guess the question is, where does John Cena go from here? [stands in the center of the ring while the fans start cheering] I’ve beat ‘em all, Triple H [cheers], Randy Orton [boos], Edge [boos], Shawn Michaels [cheers], Kane [mixed reaction] I don’t think there’s anyone back there that I HAVEN’T beat!


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MC : What in the world is Santino Marella doing out here?


JL : Hasn’t John Cena beat him like a thousand times?


MC : Well, the match that sticks out in my mind, King, is when John Cena and Trish Stratus beat Glamerella here on RAW!


[the crowd is giving a mixed reaction to Santino, he swaggers out with a mic in hand]


http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/workerherman/SantinoMarella1.png : Miiiiister John Cena, there is a-one person in the back that you haven’t beaten with that World a-Heavyweight Champeenship on the a-line and that’s a-ME! SAAAANTINO MARRRELLA!


[Cena snickers in the ring, watching Santino]


Santino : And since a-last night I was a-outshined by my twin sister Santina and a-she made Wrestlemania Moment, I a-want to make my own Wrestlemania moment that will go down in a-history of the a-WWE by beating YOU for that a-World Heavyweight Champeenship!


[Crowd boos at Santino, Cena continues to chuckle]


MC : Some mighty strong words from Santino tonight and John Cena is just laughing at him!


Cena : Hold up, hold up, let me get this right, so after your “sister” last night made a fool of you by becoming [clears his throat] “Miss” Wrestlemania, you think that the proper thing to do is to come out here and challenge ME, the World Heavyweight Champion to a match for THE World Heavyweight CHAMPIONSHIP? [crowd cheers] Well I’ll tell you what Santino, you can go get the Glamazon, you can go get your “sister” hell, you can even go get Momma Marella, tell them all to tune in tonight when John Cena whoops your ass right here tonight in Houston, Texas! [cheap pop, fans are cheering, Cena drops the mic and Santino grins at the match that he’s got tonight]


MC : John Cena will face Santino Marella tonight on RAW!


[to commercials with Cena’ music playing, he walks around the ring]






Awkward match, Carlito & Primo were a little bit off on their timing for some reason, Dibiase and Rhodes had some fluid tag team action, about eight minutes in, Rhodes, the non-legal man took a Backstabber from Carlito and as he got up, Dibiase was on him to nail Dream Street, as he covered and Primo broke up the pin, Randy Orton came flying in from the crowd and slid in the ring, as Primo turned around, he caught an RKO, causing the ref to call for the bell, Carlito getting to his hands and knees and he gets a hard punt to the side of the head, referees and agents are hitting the ringside area


Winners via DQ and still WWE Unified Tag Champions : Carlito & Primo


[Cut to commercials with Legacy in the ring and trainers, etc checking on Carlito and Primo, back from commercial with Legacy still in the ring, Orton has mic in hand, the fans are going nuts with boos, obviously whipped into a frenzy during the commercial break]


http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/workerherman/RandyOrton4.jpg : I’m only out here for one reason, that reason being MY WWE Championship… Last night Triple H, it took you hitting me in the head with a sledgehammer for you to put my shoulders on the mat and take that belt from me [boos from the crowd] so, from here on out, until you come out here and face me LIKE A MAN [pauses, boos] I’m going to do to EVERYONE in that locker room, what I just did to Carlito, if you don’t want to see every single person in that locker room, on every show get a punt to the side of the head, I suggest you stop WASTING MY TIME AND GET YOUR-


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MC : It’s Christian?!


JL : What the heck is HE doing out here?


[Christian paces the stage, mic in hand and stops in the middle of the stage while Orton is glaring at him]


http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/workerherman/ChristianCage.jpg : I don’t know about everyone in the back, but I know that me and my PEEPS are a little sick and tired of the on going Randy Orton and Triple H drama [cheers] so here’s what I suggest Randy, pick up your broken pride and deal with the fact that last night at Wrestlemania, you got beat, hell, I lost my match too, but you don’t hear me crying over a lost briefcase! [more cheers] So, why do-


Orton : NO! I have a suggestion for you “Captain Charisma” I know that you’re sick and tired of being pushed to the side on that third rate brand, but you’re not going to come out here on MY time and try to make a name for yourself, I’ve been places that you can only dream of! What have you done? Gotten fed up with being buried in the dirt where the pieces of crap belong so you took off to try to go and make an “Impact” somewhere else?[crowd somewhat “oohs”, lots of boos] You don’t even deserve to be in the same arena as me, let alone the same segment! But if you want to be the second victim tonight why don’t you quit talkin and get into this ring RIGHT…N-


[As soon as Orton ended the “right” Christian dropped his mic and took off towards the ring, Christian hits the ring and starts getting stomped right away by Dibiase and Rhodes, Orton shoves Dibiase and Rhodes away telling them that Christian was his tonight, making them leave the ring]


MC : I guess we’re going to see a match King!


JL : Who in the heck does Christian think he is, interrupting Randy Orton?


As Legacy left the ring, Christian was playing possum because as soon as Orton tried to grab him, Christian rolled him up in a small package only to get a long two count almost catching the upset, the match went nearly nine minutes, Randy showing his anger and frustration, taking it out on Christian, Christian though had an equal amount of offense in the match, finish came with Orton dominating Christian, Christian started a comeback as Orton came flying in the corner at him, moving out of the way and hitting a slingshot-like kick to the face and quickly went for the Killswitch, however Orton nailed the RKO out of nowhere, Orton stood in the ring watching Christian and sized him up for a head punt, as Orton was coming in for the kick, Triple H’s music hit, distracting Orton, allowing Christian with enough time to recover and hit the Killswitch on Orton and pin him in the center of the ring.

Winner : Christian


MC : Christian just pinned Randy Orton in the middle of the ring!


JL : Yeah! No thanks to Triple H’ music playing and giving him enough time to recover!


[Dibiase and Rhodes hit the ring and go after Christian, however he quickly fled the ring and hopped through the crowd, leaving the same way Orton came in]


MC : And Randy Orton does not look happy, King


JL : Can you blame him?


[Fade out to commercial with Orton screaming and kicking the ropes – back from commercial and we get a replay of Christian beating Orton, and then a reminder of the John Cena & Santino confrontation from earlier in the night as Cena’ titan tron starts up]


MC : And we’re ready for the main event tonight, John Cena will be facing Santino Marella and we just recently were given word that the title will be on the line at the request of John Cena


JL : Cena? Santino challenged him!


http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/workerherman/JohnCena2-1.jpg vs http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/workerherman/SantinoMarella1.png



Great main event for TV, they spent the first few minutes of the match doing some comedy spots, Santino tried to get Cena to shake his hand, but Cena would fall for it, so instead Santino put his fist out to get a pound from Cena, but Cena again wouldn’t do it, so Santino offered a hug, to which Cena answered that he’d rather hug Santina, which upset Santino, action finally got under way and they put in a good thirteen minute match, Cena playing the “veteran” that couldn’t be out done by Santino, Cena working over Marella until he went for his trademark shoulder tackle and got caught with a kneelift to the gut, Santino spent the next few moments working on the neck of John Cena, Santino locked in a rear chin lock and was grinding down on Cena, Cena worked his way around the hold, nailing a couple of shots to Santino’ gut, but Santino wound up getting Cena in a side headlock, Cena shot Santino into the ropes and shoulder tackled him down, Cena started a comeback, however, it was cut short by a rake to the eyes from Santino, followed up by a back suplex, Santino attempted to put Cena in a triangle choke, but Cena powered out of it by lifting Marella up off of the mat and tried to get him in position for the Attitude Adjustment, but couldn’t hold him up and Marella slid down with a sunset flip attempt – Cena kicked out and the show went to commercial, back from commercial and Marella is still in control, Marella takes a page from Cena’ book and ducks a punch attempt catching Cena with another back suplex, this time however, Marella walks to Cena’ head and does the “YOU CAN’T SEE ME!” and hits the ropes for the Five Knuckle, as he comes in for the punch Cena rolls out of the way, catches Marella with a back suplex of his own, crowd joins in “YOU CAN’T SEE ME!” Five Knuckle Shuffle followed up with the Attitude Adjustment and John Cena successfully defends the World Heavyweight Championship

Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion : John Cena


[After the match Cena starts celebrating around the ring when the lights cut out in the arena]

MC : John Cena successfully defended the World Heavyweight Championship against Sant-What is this?


JL : I don’t know Cole, but I have a feeling that Edge is behind this!


[the Titan Tron slowly comes on showing a calendar with the month of April showing, the 26th is circled in red with the word “Pain” scratched on the calendar, the lights come back up and Cena is looking at the Titan Tron confused]


MC : Oh my! Look out!


[Cena turns around and Edge comes barreling at him with a big spear taking out the Champ, the crowd goes nuts with boos as Edge stands tall over Cena puffing his chest out – fade to black]








(comments, questions, suggestions, they’re always welcome…. This diary is back and I’m ready to work at it full time now that I’ve got some things in my personal life sorted out)

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ECW on Sci-Fi preview


Last night on RAW, Mr. McMahon dropped a bombshell that he intended to bury the ECW brand once and for all prompting Tommy Dreamer to come out and confront the Chairman of WWE and things nearly turned ugly until Mr. McMahon defused the situation by offering Tommy Dreamer an opportunity to save the third brand from extinction and take control of the brand for himself, the stage has been set for Backlash, Tommy Dreamer will face off against a superstar that Mr. McMahon will hand pick in an effort to save the brand, however, Tommy, it is believed, has a lot more to lose as if he is unable to save the brand from being finished, he will be forced to never step in another ring as an active competitor for the rest of his life.


It's been said that Tommy Dreamer WILL be on hand tonight for ECW on Sci-Fi, we have to wonder where his mind is after going toe to toe with Mr. McMahon


Also, in a rare ECW appearance, former RAW General Manager and Intercontinental Champion William Regal will be on hand to face off with the young up and comer, Evan Bourne in what promises to be a great contest.


Confirmed for the show tonight are :


Paul Burchill vs DJ Gabriel

Morrison & The Miz vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Ricky Ortiz

William Regal vs Evan Bourne

ECW Champion Jack Swagger vs Charlie Haas

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[backstage at Raw during the Colons vs Legacy match, CM Punk and Kofi Kingston are seen watching the match on a monitor, Punk turns to Kofi]


Punk : You know Kofi, as the second time Money in the Bank winner, I think I’m going to do something outstanding, I’m going to do something that no one would think about doing…


Kofi : What you mean?


Punk : Well, think about it, so far every single person who has cashed in the Money in the Bank title shot has done it at the end of a grueling title match just to have the big moment to hit a move and win the title,[Kofi is about to say something] sure, winning a title is fine, but you know what? I personally want to EARN a World Championship match [Kofi is about to interrupt, but Punk keeps going], so, I think I’m going to talk to Mr. McMahon, get some clarification


Kofi : Clarification on what?


Punk : Well, can I challenge for ANY title at any time, or just one of the World Championships? Who’s to say that I wouldn’t want to go right out there tonight after this match, with you, and cash in Money in the Bank and we could win the Unified Tag Team Titles?


[Randy Orton has just slid in and RKO’d Primo, Head Punt to Carlito, Punk & Kofi watch, then look at each other]


Kofi : Well, maybe not tonight


Punk : Hey, the Colons ARE still champions…


[Fade out with Punk and Kofi looking back to the monitor]

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(image courtesy of wrestlingworld.com)


ECW on Sci-Fi


Josh Matthews and Matt Stryker welcomed us to the show, the ran down the happenings from RAW with the confrontation between Mr. McMahon and Tommy Dreamer, this then led to Tommy Dreamer coming out to a really nice reaction, Tommy did not address the crowd, instead joining Josh Matthews & Matt Stryker at the announce table stating that he would be watching the show from ringside scouting possible opponents for Backlash.


Paul Burchill def DJ Gabriel in the opening match, Gabriel again was squashed much like he was on RAW


Stryker & Matthews try to get into Dreamer’ head after the match talking about Mr. McMahon, however, Dreamer will have none of it as he is focusing intently on the action in the ring.

John Morrison and The Miz def Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Ricky Ortiz in a fun match, Ortiz played a great face in peril while Morrison and The Miz worked some great tag action, Ortiz finally made the hot tag for Duggan to get some action in, he cleaned house, tagging Ortiz back in eventually to take the Moonlight Drive from Morrison ending the match.


After some commercials, we see another replay of the Dreamer – McMahon confrontation


Evan Bourne pulled off an upset defeating William Regal in a great match, Regal attempted his running knee strike, but Bourne moved out of the way and rolled Regal up to pick up the win, Regal after the match tried to attack Bourne, but was unable to get at him as he slid from the ring and hurried up the ramp.


Another Raw Rewind aired showing the Randy Orton – Christian situation as well as the John Cena – Santino ending and aftermath.


ECW Champion Jack Swagger defeated Charlie Haas in what many are calling the best match to have aired on ECW TV yet, Haas was able to escape the Doctor Bomb and was able to lock Swagger in the Haas of Pain, Swagger was close to tapping when he made it to the ropes, while Haas was arguing with the referee, Swagger nailed Haas on the bridge of his nose as he turned around and nailed the Doctor Bomb for the win.


The show ended with Charlie Haas’ nose bleeding while Jack Swagger left the ring holding the ECW title high above his head, Tommy Dreamer still refused to give Matt Stryker and Josh Matthews any answers to their questions.

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