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Glutton For Punishment: WEXXV

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And now, for something completely different. Because trying to take CZCW National is, apparently, not my cup of tea, I've decided to crank up the difficulty level and dive into the deep end. Have I done a touring company? No. Japanese company? No. Hardcore company? No. Anything but CZCW? Not for a long time. How can this possibly go wrong?


TotalExtremeWrestling.net Report:

This just in: Apparently, they're in bigger trouble than we thought. Legendary American wrestler 'The Masked Avatar' has just been hired as the head booker... of Warrior Engine XXV. The troubled hardcore company now has a new and untried head booker who knows little of the Japanese product. Their current tour, 'Breath of the Dying', is quite possibly their last.


For a quick recap of just who these soon-to-be-unemployed fools are, let's dig into the files...


Main Event

Kimitada Ohishi : The Tokyo Tornado. 51. One half of The Wild Things.

Saionji Omura : The Crazy One. 60! Destined to die in the ring. One half of The Wild Things.

Ryu Kajahara : The owner. 50. Will bump at the drop of a hat, then let the hat get a two-count before mounting a comeback.


Hiroshi Morisue : Huge, charismatic psychopath. One half of Brothers In Vengance.

Munemitsu Senmatsu : The Hammer and Next Big Thing... they hope. One half of The Pack.

Gareth Wayne : Gool ol' boy from Kentucky.


Koichi Kajiwara : Rugby player with a knee injury.

Henry Lee : One half of the American Psychos.

Matsudaira Morioka : The chop machine. One half of Naga-Mori.

Mamoru Nagahama : A technician? Here? One half of Naga-Mori.

Larry Wood : The Canadian Mountain Man.

The Rest

Travis Century : Crazy southern preacher.

Battle Sakata : King Of The Death Matchs. Vicious. One half of Brothers In Vengance.

Doug Peak : One half of the American Psychos.

The Masked Avatar : Old-school American. Lost in translation.

Taheiji Konoe : The Animal. One half of The Pack.

Kinji Akamatsu : Knee-centered brawler.

Zenshin Makioka : The token high-flying spot monkey.


Announcer: Robun Yamazaki

Referee: Isao Takemura

Road Agent: Motoichi Arakida


Your WEXXV Blood Brothers (Tag Champs) are Naga-Mori. Your King of Death Matches is Koichi Kajiwara. Your Warrior's Heart (Main title) is Munemitsu Senmatsu.


So, here's the plan. I will post the card I'm building up to at the end of the tour, so people can do predictions and whatnot. Then, since I have... oh, three months before the tour ends, I'll do a post each month, detailing the goings-on of the tour. And if I survive the first tour, well, we'll see what we can do after that.




WEXXV Breath of the Dying


Card subject to change.



Munemitsu Senmatsu © vs Gareth Wayne



Naga-Mori © vs The American Psychos



Koichi Kajiwara © vs Larry Wood



Ryu Kajahara (owner) vs Kimitada Ohishi OR Saionji Omura


Brothers In Vengance vs Southern Style (Travis Century & The Masked Avatar)


Kinji Akamatsu vs Zenshin Makioka



Taheiji Konoe vs ???

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WEXXV Breath of the Dying



Munemitsu Senmatsu © vs Gareth Wayne



Naga-Mori © vs The American Psychos



Koichi Kajiwara © vs Larry Wood



Ryu Kajahara (owner) vs Kimitada Ohishi OR Saionji Omura


Brothers In Vengance vs Southern Style (Travis Century & The Masked Avatar)


Kinji Akamatsu vs Zenshin Makioka



Taheiji Konoe vs ???

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This should be fun. I too have never tried a Japeneese company or perahps we can learn this thing together.



WEXXV Breath of the Dying



Munemitsu Senmatsu © vs Gareth Wayne



Naga-Mori © vs The American Psychos



Koichi Kajiwara © vs Larry Wood



Ryu Kajahara (owner) vs Kimitada Ohishi OR Saionji Omura


Brothers In Vengance vs Southern Style (Travis Century & The Masked Avatar)


Kinji Akamatsu vs Zenshin Makioka



Taheiji Konoe vs ???

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OOOOH YEAH!!! :D I've never been so exited to see someone start a new diary .. Awesome man, simply awesome.


WEXXV Breath of the Dying


Munemitsu Senmatsu © vs Gareth Wayne

Senmatsu will take this, Wayne is average at best while Senmatsu is going to be The Superstar in WEXXV after the old guard (Kajahara, Omura and Ohishi) retire..



Naga-Mori © vs The American Psychos

American Psychos suck in performance skills, so I'm guessing it's retain for Naga-Mori even though they don't fit into the promotion.



Koichi Kajiwara © vs Larry Wood

Wood is going to win this over Koichi, who's just .. bad. I hope you push Larry to the moon, as he's someone who can carry the company.



Ryu Kajahara (owner) vs Kimitada Ohishi OR Saionji Omura

Kajahara will win this. Not only will Ohishi and Omura retire during the first year (or even the first months) Kajahara has insane entertainment skills in which WEXXV should be built around.


Brothers In Vengance vs Southern Style (Travis Century & The Masked Avatar)

BIV will win this. Morisue and Sakata have always been my favourites.


Kinji Akamatsu vs Zenshin Makioka

The fans will so crap on this match :D



Taheiji Konoe vs ???

Konoe is quite good, skillwise, yet not so popular. So I'm rooting for the mystery opponent.


Just a tip: Stay in Kanto.


EDIT: A weird coincidence, I watched MadTV's Terminator sketch today, where Terminator asks Jesus if he's a glutton for punishment :o

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Breath of the Dying Tour


January 2008


Week 1.


Right off the bat, we realize things need to change. We booked nearly everyone on the card, and everyone was exhausted... even 15-minute matches may be asking too much of a lot of these guys, especially the old ones. The ones who don't tire easily, the crowd hates. But in the end, we put on a decent show, so we probably don't have to adjust -too- much as much as hope people mature fast enough to catch up.


Our goals (beyond, y'know, don't go broke): Have two hundred thousand dollars in the bank... in 32 months. Well, that's long-term. In eighteen months, Kimitada Osishi must have B or higher momentum. And no hiring anyone with under a D- in safety, selling, or reputation. Well... that cuts out Henry Lee, Kinji Akamatsu, Taheji Konoe, and... the guy we're hoping to build the promotion around, current champ and rookie phenom, Munemitsu Senmatsu. Well, at least he's got over a year on his contract. He should be able to learn selling in that much ti... oh, right, garbage wrestling. Nevermind. Where's he going to learn that from?


So, we cut our touring shows down to an hour and a half... maybe that'll help us a bit... and it does, slightly, as we still do a D+ show, but top it with a C- main event. Things are looking up, a little. Our third show of the week doesn't do that well due to a mistake in the angle writer, but doesn't totally blow.


For the record, our tour dates are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. And we've learned something. When your guys have trouble going for ten minutes? The barbed wire match is a godsend. It takes as long to set up as it does to have another match! Saves money and stamina!


Week 2.


We begin to wonder... if we manage to hit Regional size... we're gonna hafta make sure we have a few extra names on the payroll, aren't we? We'd better hire a few... In addition to our limits on respect, safety, and selling, we also add a D- filter to brawling and hardcore skills. And we'd prefer someone who doesn't work elsewhere. Not that we plan on using them for the big show, they'll mainly be glorified jobbers for this first tour. We get through it without going bankrupt, we'll consider seriously expanding. So if we do hire anyone... I just won't mention it, and they won't be placed on the card, unless I slot them in to face Konoe.


Speaking of going bankrupt, after our first week of touring, we've... made nine hundred dollars in profit? The Economy is at C+ and rising, Wrestling Industry is at C and rising... we might just have at a shot at expanding enough before a market crash instead of, y'know, going bankrupt in a year like most games seem to see WEXXV do.


With two weeks of touring done, we're starting to build popularity in two key places: Hardcore-loving Tohoku, and important Kanto. We've dropped nearly six grand, mostly due to working Kanto, where crowds are half the size of Tohoku, but honestly it's not enough to bother us. For now.


Changes to the Breath of the Dying card: None.


Next: Tour weeks 3 and 4. We bring in two names just so that if we do hit Regional, we don't drop down for having a small roster. And we remember to check and see who's on age decline. The shocking results, next post!

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Week 3.


We hire Eiichi "Firestarter EU" Umehara as an opener, and Konosuke "Evil Spirit" Hama as a lower-midcarder. They should provide us with a few more match combinations during the tour. Also provide some 'young blood' for if our older people retire someday. Not that we're worried about that. Why should we? Just because our core people tend to be over the age of fifty... hrm. We should probably check on that. Let's see...


Ryu Kajahara, the owner, is 50. He is roughly 7 years past his peak.


Kimitada Ohishi is 51, and eight years past his peak. He and Ryu must've peaked at the same time.


Travis Century is 44, and has been declining since he was... 29? Wow... sucks to be him.


Saionji Omura is sixty. It should come as no surprise that he's past his peak as well. How far? Twenty. One. Years. Past. On the plus side, he his hit peak when he was ten years older than Travis was when he hit his...


So... yeah, if we survive this tour, we're probably not going to have any of these four to rely on for the next one. Some serious contracting is gonna hafta go on.


In the wake of this data: CARD CHANGE!

-- Ryu Kajahara will be facing Saionji Omura for control of WEXXV.

-- Taheji Konoe will be facing Kimitada Ohishi.


And as a side-note: Our announcer had to be disciplined for pulling a mean prank on Doug Peak. Y'know, we really need a disciplinary action called "Look the other way while the other guy gets payback." Makes however pulled the prank hate you, makes the other guy like you. S'only fair. Maybe he's been watching too many Joey Styles interviews...



Week 4.


As we begin week four, we begin to think... holy crap, we've got two more months of this before the big show? Cripes! Or, as my five-year-old would say, "Oy my vey!"


So, after twelve shows in four weeks, we're learning the key parts of booking a touring company. Find a good match? Reuse it. Match with high setup times? Use them, it'll reduce payrolls. Throw people together randomly to find out who clicks and who doesn't.


All things considered however, I think we're doing well. We've got two matches at C- heat or higher (The title match and the ownership match), and everything but the jobber match is at D- or higher. Momentum-wise, we've got three people still at B-, and five more in the C-/C+ range.


And yes, the jobber match is going to be crapped on, big time. We're hoping some heat will help with that, but... yeah, it's the bathroom-break match. We're a little concerned about the other title matches not getting much heat behind them, and we're considering experimenting with our booking a bit to try and find some more angles that'll work better for heat building... but our options there are limited.

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Week 5 -- February begins.


It's hard to find good Mexican food in Japan. This has nothing to do with anything; just stating a fact.


So, the regional battles are done... we placed last of three in Tohoku, and second of three in Kinki.


We also have our first injury, as Kinji Akamatsu bruised his eye socket. Our first injury isn't until week five, and it's one the jobbiest of our jobbers? We're leading a charmed life.


We are, however, findding it harder and harder to put on a decent-enough-to-earn-popularity show. It's almost like you still have to put thought and effort into running a garbage wrestling promotion. That... can't be right, can it?



Week 6


Short list of people to bring in for next tour: Insane Machine, Primal Rage. Yeah, I'm biased. We'll see if they're still available by then... or if we're still itnerested in this after one tour. The whole 'twelve shows a month' thing is -harsh- on a booker.


We're finding some chemistry that will affect the next tour. Certain people who have bad chemistry with who we plan on having as champion watch their title shot hopes vanish...



None... for this card. But the match we were hoping to main-event the next tour is up in smoke due to bad chemistry...

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We are, however, findding it harder and harder to put on a decent-enough-to-earn-popularity show. It's almost like you still have to put thought and effort into running a garbage wrestling promotion. That... can't be right, can it?


Makes me think.. I mean. How, how is it possible to not receive good grades with WEXXV? Ryu is unstoppable popularity racking machine with his god-like entertainment skills and the other guys can do well with just menace, some even with hardcore skill alone.. :confused:

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Makes me think.. I mean. How, how is it possible to not receive good grades with WEXXV? Ryu is unstoppable popularity racking machine with his god-like entertainment skills and the other guys can do well with just menace, some even with hardcore skill alone.. :confused:


Because we're trying to avoid the 3-match-repeat penalty, and not kill everyone's momentum by jobbing them to the main eventers... I won't say we're sucking, but we had a show or two that didn't gain popularity due to bad chemistry in important matches. I've learned I have a tendancy to kill off my high-momentum guys early, which ruins my chances for decent matches when I need them as I have to build them back up...


That, and I'm refusing to alter the promotion's product (something I do all the time with the Coastal Zone) meaning we're locked into a 90% match ratio... so really, Ryu's the only one who can do non-Menace angles without the crowd crapping on them. And even the Menace angles are influenced by popularity, so they don't always turn out as well as we'd hoped.

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That, and I'm refusing to alter the promotion's product (something I do all the time with the Coastal Zone) meaning we're locked into a 90% match ratio... so really, Ryu's the only one who can do non-Menace angles without the crowd crapping on them. And even the Menace angles are influenced by popularity, so they don't always turn out as well as we'd hoped.


Oh yeah, that explains.. I changed WEXXV's product to 70/30 right from the start. So that's the thing.. But I for one think that it's really weird for popularity biased promotion to have only 90% ratio. I mean, the more performance you have the more the match/angle ratio is (90 to 100%) and the more popularity biased the product is, the more you have angles than matches (50 to 80%).

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