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WWE: Road to Wrestlemania 25 and beyond...

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I'm starting this dynasty post-Wrestlemania 25. I'm going to break up how we got to each Wrestlemania in parts, so that it's an easier read, it won't be an easy read, but easier.


Just to put something into perspective Vince McMahon retired at the end of Feb., and Jeff Jarrett died of a drug overdose.


The USA wrestling world is at an F- (and falling) and the economy is at an F- (and rising).


With that said, here are the results of Wrestlemania 25 and how we got there...


“Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs. Chris Jericho

I built this in similar fashion to how the WWE has done there angle with Jericho. It began when Jericho mocked Austin (and the Legends like him that can’t step out the spotlight after their prime) after a commercial for “The Condemned” aired for it’s airing on USA network.


The following week Ric Flair confronted Jericho about what he’s been saying about Austin. The two had a heated verbal exchange. Flair let Jericho know if he didn’t change his tune on wrestling’s Legends he’d kick Jericho’s tail


Over the next two weeks, Jericho laid out Ric Flair and Steve Austin’s famous rival Ricky Steamboat. The following week, Jericho spat on Flair’s best, Arn Anderson. Later in the broadcast, Arn challenged Jericho to meet a “Mystery Legend” in a “Hardcore Match”. Jericho beat Terry Funk, and kept “The Walls of Jericho” on long after the bell.


The next week, Flair returned to RAW he admitted his career is over, but there is an even bigger legend out there who “has one more match left in him”. Austin hit the ring and cleared it of Jericho.


Leading to WM25, Jericho laid out Flair, and even bloodied Austin.


At WM25, Austin pinned Jericho after a ‘Stone Cold Stunner’ in his Retirement Match. Jericho may have been taken down by Austin, but there is still a legend he had on his radar.


WWE World Championship: John Cena vs. CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

This all started a few weeks before the Royal Rumble. Vince McMahon made his return to the WWE and held a meeting for the entire RAW roster. Vince singled out Punk, Cena and Orton. McMahon made Cena #30 in the Rumble. This infuriated Orton, Vince was impressed with Orton’s initiative. Vince made a match between Cena and Orton where the winner would be #30, and the loser #1 in the Rumble. Cena was fine with this because he didn’t want #30 without earning it. Vince then got in Punk’s face claiming Punk’s career has been on the rise since he’s been out of the picture. The way Punk won the WWE World Championship overshadowed Vince’s injury. Vince has hated Punk since then. Vince made Punk’s life miserable leading to the Rumble. Orton pinned Cena clean with the RKO on the RAW before the Rumble to earn #30, also planting a seed for WM25.


At the Royal Rumble, Orton won last eliminating Punk with distraction by Vince. Cena was outnumbered by Orton, Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes. The next night on Raw, Vince stripped Punk of the IC Championship. This lead to Punk challenging Vince at No Way Out to a “Career vs. Career” match**. Orton also announced to protect his body until his championship shot at WM25, he was not going to be competing. Meanwhile, Cena/Edge challenged Edge for the WWE World Championship. Edge had stolen the championship from Cena (and RAW) in December***, now Cena was looking for revenge. Also, Punk saved Cena from a Legacy beatdown. Cena told Punk he owed him, but Punk said don’t worry about it, he didn’t do it because he liked Cena, but because he hates Orton.


At No Way Out, Cena beat Vince to send him into retirement. Earlier in the show cameras caught (I have the WWE structured as a ’Reality Show’, so it can make sense why cameras are everywhere) Vince and Orton making a plan for the match. Punk took out Orton in angle, to make sure his match with Vince would be fought fair. Cena defeated Edge for the WWE World Championship ****.


Orton announced he would be challenging Cena at WM25 for WWE World Championship at WM25. Punk came out and slapped Orton. Cena suggested they make it a Triple Threat Match. Orton refused, after a another week of Punk getting in his face, Orton accepted and it was made a Triple Threat Match. Cena said that was him returning the favor for Punk saving him a few weeks ago, and Punk told Cena he didn’t need his help. The Legacy hired Kane to take out Punk before WM25, well it didn’t work, but he did manage to choke slam Punk on the windshield of a car.


At WM25, Cena got redemption when he pinned Orton with an FU. The tension between Cena and Punk was not even mildly resolved during this, where do things stand with them now?


**I originally had Punk vs. Vince scheduled for WM25, but Vince announced his retirement the day after the Rumble, so I pushed the match to No Way Out.

*** Edge started as WWE World Champion, so I created a back story for how he had stolen RAW’s championship in December.

**** This will be explained better when I post how the DX vs. Edge & Christian program was built.


Still to come...

D-Generation X vs. Edge & Christian

WWE Championship: Jeff Hardy defends against Rob Van Dam

WWE/World Tag Team Championship: Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne vs. Priceless

Money in the Bank: Matt Hardy vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Kane vs. Finlay vs. Ken Kennedy vs. Shelton Benjamin

ECW Championship: Jack Swagger vs. M.V.P

The Undertaker vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

Carlito vs. R-Truth

Colt Cabana, Maria & The Great Khali vs. Santino Marella, The Miz & Maryse (w/ Rosa, Jamie Noble & Beth Pheonix)

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WWE Championship: Jeff Hardy defends against Rob Van Dam

This match was built upon mutual respect.


Jeff Hardy gained his first WWE Championship at The Royal Rumble when he defeated Triple H due to interference from Christian (see DX vs. Edge & Christian for more on this).


Jeff didn’t want to win the WWE Championship like that and granted Triple H a rematch at No Way Out where he pinned Triple H clean.


The tri-branded Elimination Chamber was set for No Way Out where the winner would challenge whichever champion Randy Orton didn’t pick at WM25.


Rob Van Dam returned on ECW and defeated John Morrsion to earn a spot in the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out. RVD went on to win the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out that also featured John Bradshaw Layfield, Shawn Micheals, Jack Swagger, Christian, and Chris Jericho.


RVD and Jeff were really looking forward to the match for WM25. They promised it was built on respect and had each others back. Vickie Guerrero (before the “incident”) hated hearing this, and booked them in Pick Your Poison Matches.


Jeff picked his brother Matt, who RVD defeated, and RVD picked SABU who Jeff defeated in a match that got a B+, because of chemistry. Later, RVD & Sabu defeated The Hardys when RVD pinned Jeff.


For this match I mostly did an HBO 24/7 style build (and it worked as this match was an A* heat going into WM25).


At WM25, Jeff defeated RVD to retain the WWE Championship. After the loss where does RVD go from here? ECW Champion Jack Swagger has already stated that he doesn’t feel anyone left on the ECW brand is worthy of challenging for the ECW Championship. How will ECW Icon RVD respond to this now that he came up just short for the WWE Championship? What about Jeff Hardy? Who’s next to challenge the red-hot WWE Champion?


D-Generation X vs. Edge & Christian

This all started when Edge stole the World Championship from RAW. HBK was the first person to step up to the plate and challenge Edge. Edge wouldn’t come to RAW, so HBK found himself going to Smackdown to get to Edge. Edge used his relationship with the Big Show to weaken HBK heading into the Royal Rumble.


At the Royal Rumble, Edge retained the World Championship against HBK thanks to interference from the returning Christian. Also, Jeff Hardy defeated Triple H for the WWE Championship thanks to interference from Christian.


Leading to No Way Out, Edge found himself in a feud with RAW’s John Cena. Edge would not appear on RAW despite being World Champion. HBK and Triple H respected the RAW/Smackdown boundaries during this. But promised the first chance all four were in the same building the war would be on. Meanwhile, The Hardys/Edge & Christian had a TV feud.


At No Way Out, Jeff Hardy cleanly pinned Triple H to retain the WWE Championship. After the match, Edge, Christian and The Big Show attacked Triple H. The Hardys and HBK ran them off, but Triple H was laid out. During the Elimination Chamber, HBK and Christian were both competitors. They went right for one another, but thanks to Big Show passing Christian a metal rod through the Chamber, Christian eliminated HBK.


Later at No Way Out, Cena regained the World Championship from Edge in a match that saw interference from Christian, Big Show, and DX.


For weeks the teams went back and forth in heated verbal exchanges. Edge, Christian, and Vickie Guerrero promised The Big Show a significant pay raise if he could injure either member of DX.


During a match on RAW between HBK and Show (Edge, Triple H and Christian were banned from interference from the WWE Board), Show was attempted to Chokeslam HBK off the stage. An accident occurred and Vickie Guerrero ended up falling off the stage.


On Smackdown, DX apologized for this not meaning to hurt Vickie. Later that night during Triple H vs. Christian, HBK was attacked in the back with Show & Edge standing over him. This allowed Edge & Show to sneak up behind Triple H and attack him (the attack video was a pre-tape). Edge, Xian, and Show assaulted Triple H. As they were walking to the back, they went to the Gorilla Position and drug Stephanie McMahon out. They handcuffed Triple H to the ropes and made him watch, Show chokeslam her.


Despite the attacks on Edge & Triple H’s respective wives, DX knew they were outnumbered because of Show. On the Smackdown before WM25, they attacked Show during a match, and gave him a Con-chairito. Taking him out from being a factor for WM25.


At WM25, DX defeated Edge & Christian when HBK pinned Edge after a Sweet Chin Music. Is the feud over yet? Not at all. Triple H and Edge’s wives are both injured, and with the Brand Split blurred (oh yeah, with Vince retiring, Stephanie & Vickie hurt, that left Teddy Long as highest ranking official. Long didn’t want the responsibility of running three brand, so right now “The Inmates are running the Asylum”), there are no walls stopping them from ripping each other apart.



Still to come how we got to:

WWE/World Tag Team Championship: Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne vs. Priceless

Money in the Bank: Matt Hardy vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Kane vs. Finlay vs. Ken Kennedy vs. Shelton Benjamin

ECW Championship: Jack Swagger vs. M.V.P

The Undertaker vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

Carlito vs. R-Truth

Colt Cabana, Maria & The Great Khali vs. Santino Marella, The Miz & Maryse

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The Undertaker vs. John “Bradshaw” Layfield


Before the Royal Rumble, JBL promised that he would be doing something historic in his home state of Texas at WM25. He would win the Royal Rumble, and then go onto WM25 and win the WWE or World Championship. Those plans didn’t pan out for JBL so well. So, Plan B took effect. JBL was going to go to No Way Out and win the Elimination Chamber, and challenge whoever Randy Orton didn’t challenge for a championship at WM25. That also didn’t plan out.


Meanwhile on Smackdown, Shelton Benjamin scored a countout victory over the Undertaker. For weeks, Shelton would not stop bragging about his upset victory. Finally, the rematch was set. The Undertaker pinned Shelton cleanly, to the Undertaker this was now a dead issue…until the Royal Rumble, when Shelton threw the Undertaker out of the Rumble match. Shelton wasn’t victorious in the Rumble, but felt a need to brag about how he showed up ‘Taker at the Rumble. Finally ‘Taker could no longer stand Shelton running his mouth, and challenged him at No Way Out.


Also on Smackdown, an issue that seemed to be off everyone’s radar, but deserved more attention than it got. Vladimir Koslov and Umaga began watching each other squash fellow WWE Superstars in short fashion. This Mutual Admiration Society of Violence was something that should have been feared, but seem to be off everyone’s radar. The week before No Way Out Koslov confronted Umaga and made the declaration “Together we could run this place”.


At No Way Out, Shelton and ‘Taker were engaged in a hard fought contest when the ref went down. Umaga and Koslov hit the ring, and beat down ‘Taker. Shelton pinned ‘Taker thanks to the interference. Umaga and Koslov proceeded to unleash a violent beating on ‘Taker after the match.


Seeing this beating gave JBL an idea. JBL issued a challenge to ‘Taker at WM25. He was going to defeat ‘Taker at WM25, even if it was by forfeit. For several weeks, JBL called out ‘Taker and there was no response. One week, ‘Taker played his typical lighting and hoopla games with JBL, but didn’t show up. The following week, JBL hired Umaga and Koslov to take out ‘Taker before WM25 if ‘Taker showed up again. ‘Taker showed up and defeated Umaga, and the following week defeated Koslov taking them out of the picture heading into WM25.


At WM25, The Undertaker beat JBL to keep his streak alive. Where does JBL go from here? He promised three monumental victories in 2009, but has come up short each time. Despite the victory over JBL, The Undertaker still needs to earn his way back into WWE Championship contention, the dark cloud over his head is his recent loss to U.S Champion Shelton Benjamin.


Money in the Bank: Matt Hardy vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Kane vs. Finlay vs. Ken Kennedy vs. Shelton Benjamin

OK, there wasn’t much of storyline heading into this. Kane was promised by Orton he could challenge Orton right away if he won MiTB, assuming Orton won the World Championship in the Triple Threat Match for his help with The Legacy. This was just done to tease a Orton/Kane World Championship program for post-WM25.


Leading up to WM25, mostly a bunch of singles matches between the combatants took place. It was pretty much even-steven booking, except for Kofi who won both of his singles matches headed into MiTB and Kane who lost both, but he also had the “promised shot” angle going with Orton, so he was occupied, while the other five needed something to get thier mugs on TV (except Matt, who was involved w/ the RVD/Jeff program). Matt Hardy over Finlay, Kofi over Shelton (planting a seed for Kofi to challenge for the U.S Championship at some point), Kennedy over Kane, Shelton over Matt, Finlay over Kane, and Kofi over Kennedy.


At WM25, Matt Hardy won Money in the Bank. Where will this lead? Will Matt actually challenge his brother WWE Champion Jeff Hardy for the championship? Or will he call out World Champion John Cena? Perhaps Matt will wait, until Jeff loses the WWE Championship and challenge the man who dethrones his brother. Or will Matt do what both Edge and CM Punk did with their MiTB briefcase and cash in when the champion is at his lowest point?




Still to come how we got to:

WWE/World Tag Team Championship: Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne vs. Priceless

ECW Championship: Jack Swagger vs. M.V.P

Carlito vs. R-Truth

Colt Cabana, Maria & The Great Khali vs. Santino Marella, The Miz & Maryse

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ECW Championship: Jack Swagger vs. M.V.P

After Jack Swagger defeated Mark Henry, Finlay, and Tommy Dreamer (by DQ), Swagger decided there was no one left on the ECW roster capable of dethroning him for the ECW Championship. Swagger was granted time on RAW and Smackdown on alternating weeks to find challengers for the ECW Championship to face him on ECW.


Leading to the Royal Rumble, R-Truth earned his shot against Swagger. Swagger defeated Truth at the Rumble, cementing his spot further as ECW Champion. While this was going on Tommy Dreamer kept claiming that even though Swagger had defeated him, he had yet to pin him. Swagger would ignore Dreamer’s claim/challenge whenever it would come up.


On Smackdown, MVP earned the right to face Swagger on an episode of ECW for the championship. They battled to a time limit draw with TV Time Remaining in MVP’s first shot at Swagger. Teddy Long forced Swagger to defend it against MVP one more time. This time Swagger/MVP battled to a 20 minute draw.


MVP was granted a non-title shot by Long, this time on MVP’s home turf of Smackdown, if MVP won he would receive another shot at Swagger, this time on neutral turf at WM25.


This time MVP pinned Swagger in 28 seconds with an inside cradle to earn his shot at WM25. The last episode of ECW before WM25 saw Swagger make a deal with Mark Henry where Swagger said if Henry can beat or embarrass MVP (the same way the 28 second defeat did to Swagger) he’ll allow ECW talent to challenge him for the ECW Championship again, which would allow Henry a chance to regain the ECW Championship. Henry defeated MVP thanks to interference from Swagger. After seeing Swagger/Henry make the deal, Long made Dreamer/Swagger that was set later for in the show “Extreme Rules” so that both will go into WM25 on equal ground. Swagger defeated and pinned Tommy Dreamer in a non-title “Extreme Rules” Match.


At WM25, Swagger beat MVP. The match actually fell really flat. After consistent B- or C+ matches, it was rated a D-. The match may not have delivered, but Swagger retain his ECW Championship, but at what cost? Now that Henry defeated MVP, the Extreme Gates of Hell have opened. ECW competitors can once again challenge for the ECW Championship. With his recent loss to WWE Champion Jeff Hardy, you have to wonder if the biggest star in ECW history Rob Van Dam may now have his sites set on Swagger, and bringing back ECW to the way it once was.


Carlito vs. R-Truth

After losing the WWE Tag Team Championship at the Royal Rumble to The Miz & John Morrsion, Carlito &Primo never got back into the groove losing rematches to Miz & Morrison.


During Umaga & Koslov’s “Mutual Admiration Society of Violence Tour” they destroyed Primo, and left him injured. Carlito no longer had his brother as the angel on his shoulder.


Money in the Bank Qualifier, Ken Kennedy defeated Carlito & R-Truth to advance to the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at WM25. Carlito upset over his recent string of bad luck did not shake hands with Kennedy or Truth after the match.


The following week on Smackdown, Truth beat Carlito in a singles match. After the match Carlito snapped and attacked Truth targeting the knee. When trainers were helping Truth to the back, Carlito chop blocked Truth and then spit his face.


At WM25, Carlito defeated R-Truth using a “Knee Bar” to make Truth tap out. This war has only just begun, and with Primo returning to Smackdown soon, what will he have to say about his brother’s new (old?) attitude?



Still to come how we got to:

WWE/World Tag Team Championship: Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne vs. Priceless

Colt Cabana, Maria & The Great Khali vs. Santino Marella, The Miz & Maryse

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WWE/World Tag Team Championship: Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne vs. Priceless

This was not part of the original plan. The planned WM25 match was Mysterio & Bourne vs. Miz & Morrison vs. Priceless, but Morrison couldn’t keep his nose clean.


The Miz/Morrison became both WWE and World Tag Team Champions at The Royal Rumble defeating Carlito & Primo Colon. Also at the Rumble, Evan Bourne returned during the Rumble match.


Rey Mysterio and Bourne reunited the next night on RAW defeating Jamie Noble & Santino Marella. Kane confronted Bourne & Rey after the match about past issues. The following week on RAW Rey beat Kane to tie-up the loose ends in that program.


Rey/Bourne set their sites on the Tag Team Championships. On ECW, Miz/Morrison took advantage of Rey not being around and laid out Bourne. Miz/Morrison claimed that Rey/Bourne could not be in Tag Team Championship contention since they had been inactive as a tag team for several months. Rey/Bourne were then forced to compete on all 3 shows in tag team action the final week leading to No Way Out having to win each match, which they did.


At No Way Out, Rey & Bourne won both sets of Tag Team Championships over Miz & Morrison. Originally, just one set of the championships was going to be on the line, but after five drug tests (and 3 fines) I had to suspend Morrison. Morrison was back in time for WM25, but because of the conduct with drugs, I didn’t feel he should have a spot on WM25.


At the Rumble, Priceless (Cody Rhodes/Ted Dibiase) teamed up to eliminate Rhodes’ brother Goldust.


On Raw the following evening, Rhodes told Goldust he was a disgrace to the Rhodes name, and he was going to save the Rhodes name from falling to the wayside as a joke in the wrestling industry. Rhodes and Dibiase beat down Goldust, at a certain point Rhodes wanted to stop, but Randy Orton made his way to the ring, and forced Cody and Dibiase to continue beating down Goldust. As medics were checking on Goldust, Cody had a look of remorse over what he did.


The next week on RAW, The Legacy was in the ring cutting a promo, when Goldust and Dusty Rhodes made their way to the ring. Dusty gave a heartfelt speech to Cody about family. Dusty stated that Orton was just using Cody to help him become champion. It looked as if Dusty had convinced Cody he was right. Orton jumped in telling Cody that with all Dusty’s connections he has done nothing to help Cody because he’s scared of Cody’s potential and ability surpassing “The Dream’s” name. Cody looked as if he didn’t care what Orton had to say as he began leaving with Dusty and Goldust. As their backs were turned, Orton and Dibiase jumped Dusty and Goldust. Cody looked as if he was about to save his family, but instead jumped in and attacked his own family.


At No Way Out, Priceless defeated Dusty Rhodes/Goldust. After the match, Cody watched on with a smile on his face as Orton punted both Dusty and Goldust in the head.


This brought us to the Priceless vs. Evan/Rey program. Priceless wanted to win the WWE/World Tag Team Championship to match, Randy Orton winning the WWE Championship, so that The Legacy would be the top of the heap in both the singles and tag team divisions in the WWE. Rey/Bourne were both game for this and the contest was set for WM25.


At WM25, Rey/Bourne successfully defended both the WWE and World Tag Team Championship over Priceless. Rey/Bourne have been on a roll since reuniting in late-January. Rey/Bourne have promised to revitalize the WWE’s Tag Team scene. But where does Priceless stand right now? The Legacy was unsuccessful in both matches at WM25, does Priceless deserve a rematch? Or will they have to start their way at the bottom of the Tag Team Division once again and work their way up?



Colt Cabana, Maria & The Great Khali vs. Santino Marella, The Miz & Maryse

Another match that wasn’t part of the original plan, making that match #3 on WM25 that was re-worked.


This all began on Smackdown, Colt Cabana had been hired to join Maria in the backstage coverage of Smackdown. It was obvious from Day 1 that Colt and Maria liked each other.


After a few weeks, Colt and Maria were about to kiss when Maryse interrupted it ready for her interview. “The” Brian Kendrick made it a mission to mock Colt about his new job, mocking him for not being able to get it done in the ring.


Kendrick w/ Zeke were celebrating backstage after a Kendrick victory when they walked into a room where Colt/Maria were making out. Kendrick was disgusted by this as was Maryse, saying that didn’t belong in the workplace. Maryse/Kendrick protested this to Vickie Guerrero, Guerrero stressed by the situation taking place w/ DX, put Colt/Maria on probation.


Colt/Maria were furious about what Maryse/Kendrick had done, Guerrero forced Maria to interview Maryse after her Diva’s Championship Title defense. Maryse blew off Maria in the aisle. Colt ran out to badger Maryse, Maryse began yelling at Colt. Maria ran up to Maryse and told her “No on talks to her boyfriend like that” and stripped down Maryse, sending Maryse running to the back. Guerrero fired Colt/Maria as interviewers. An episode of “The Hills” had comes to Smackdown. Colt was told if he could defeat Kendrick at No Way Out he‘d be retained as a wrestler, and Maria was hired by Teddy Long as ECW’s backstage interviewer.


At No Way Out, Cabana defeated Kendrick. After the match, Zeke blindsided Colt. Kendrick/Zeke began beating down Colt as Maryse mocked Colt. Maria ran down to protect Colt. As the trio began stalking Maria, The Great Khali’s music hit. Khali came out and gave Zeke a “Brain Chop”. Khali proceeded to give Kendrick three “Tree Slams” injuring Kendrick (this was my way of suspending him, as he failed several drug tests).


On RAW, a new quartet had formed between Santino Marella, Beth Phoenix, Rosa Mendez and Jaime Noble. It was obvious to everyone, but Santino that Noble’s only intentions were to have a threesome with Beth and Rosa.


After Vince’s retirement, and Guerrero/Stephanie’s injuries the lines between brands had been blurred. Glamerella/Noble appeared on ECW, when Maria was interviewing them Santino mocked his ex-flame Maria for her new relationship with Colt. Santino tired to fix Maria up with his tag team partner for that evening The Miz. Colt wasn’t happy with how Santino talked to his girlfriend.


During Colt vs. Noble, The Miz/Santino/Maryse took of the ECW commentary table. They interfered giving The Miz the victory. Maryse took on Maria, Santino helped Maryse retain the Diva’s Championship, and invited her to be on RAW with him. Beth was not happy about this, an obvious tension with Beth and Maryse began brewing.


On Smackdown, Miz/Santino challenged Colt and any partner he could find to face them. Colt picked Khali, and Miz/Santino ran from the ring forfeiting the match. Long told them they’d have no place to run at WM25, as both teams would have their choice of any Diva on the WWE roster for an inter-gender 6-person Tag Match.


Colt/Khali picked Maria, Beth was convince that her boyfriend and The Miz would pick her, but they picked Maryse instead. The WWE Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix was left off the WM25 card because of her boyfriend. Beth was dejected about this, Jamie Noble comforted Beth, as Rosa looked on stunned. Beth told Rosa it was nothing.


At WM25, Colt/Khali/Maria defeated Santino/Maryse/Miz when Beth hit Maryse by “accident”. Where does this go from here? Are Noble/Beth doing something behind Santino’s back? Is Santino doing something with Maryse behind Beth’s back? Does Rosa have information on both these situations that she’s hiding from both sides? What will happen if the WWE Diva’s Champion Maryse and WWE Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix collide over this possible issue? Find on the next episode of “The Hills”.


Still to come:

Where things stand heading into Backlash… Full Roster, Champions List, Development Evaluation and more…

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Thanks for the kind words. This is my second diary, and hopefully I actually stick too it.


A few things that I mentioned, but glossed over in the write-up above.


- I tried to stay true to where the WWE was at the time, but I started in January and Edge was set as WWE Champion, so I just went with that.

- I kept Colt Cabana, he was still employed on January 1st, 2009, so were kosher on that.

- I didn’t bother with the JBL/HBK angle, as by that point that was the only long-term program the WWE had running, and didn’t want to join it in progress.

- I’ve never been a fan of “the camera is everywhere” theory of backstage segments. I shoot the WWE backstage as if it’s a reality show to give it a more realistic feel, and feeling that the wrestlers are so into the atmosphere that with the cameras present that sometimes things they wouldn’t talk about candidly will slip out.

- With Vince McMahon having retired, Stephanie McMahon and Vickie Guerrero both injured, that left Teddy Long as highest ranking official the two weeks leading to Wrestlemania XXV. Rather than run three brands, Long decided that the “Inmates would be running the Asylum” until Wrestlemania, and there would be cross-brand promoting. After that the WWE Board of Directors would make a ruling on how to handle this.

- Tiffany is crazy hot, but probably will not get a push out of this. (unless she gets really over)

- One of Stephanie McMahon’s goals (she’s injured in Kayfabe, and took over when Vince retired in the “Game World”) was to not hire anyone who worked for a promotion that was Cult or larger, I broke this because the opportunity was too good not too. Stephanie is not happy, but with the industry the way it is I need all the top talent I can get while building up new stars.

- The wrestling industry is TERRIBLE at a F- (falling) as is the Economy F- (rising). This has had an adverse affect on buyrates (6% drop from Rumble to WM25). Ratings have overall improved: RAW is only down an average of 2%, ECW is up 5%, and Smackdown is up 18%.

- Triple H and Stephanie McMahon divorced.

- I replaced Todd Grisham with Joey Styles on ECW.

- Finlay is done fighting, and will retire at the end of April. I should fire Hornswoggle.

- John Morrison was released, too many drug test failures. Though I will probably rehire him in the future.


Some future plans…


We’ll see how I do with these, and if I stick to these plans or not.


- I hate having all these championships. At some point I’m going to unify WWE/World, Diva/Womens, and the tag belts (kinda have already). My plan is too have a World Champion, Womens and Tag Team Champions that will work all three brands. The US Champion will serve as the main singles title on Smackdown, ECW Champion on ECW and IC (when a new one is crowned) as the main singles title on RAW. That still leaves six championship, enough to run Night of Champions.


- I’m bringing back King of the Ring for May. With so many PPVs, I feel a lot of them need a concept. It may not affect the game too much, but it breaks the monotony of each PPV having the same booking approach.


- The three brands will become exclusive once the deal the storyline of “The Inmates run the Asylum” is over. A draft will take place. RAW/Smackdown will stay traditional to how the WWE is with my own twists, and ECW will remain a ‘B show’, but will feature a more hard hitting/high flying style to give it a distinct feel from RAW/Smackdown. This will also play into an angle I have planned for later in ‘09.



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ROSTER (brought to you by AUTOPUSH)


Main Eventers

RAW: Chris Jericho, CM Punk, John “Bradshaw” Layfield, John Cena, Randy Orton, Shawn Micheals

SMACKDOWN!: Big Show, Christian, Edge, Jeff Hardy, The Undertaker, Triple H

ECW: Rob Van Dam


Upper Midcarders

RAW: Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Rey Mysterio, Kane

SMACKDOWN!: MVP, Matt Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, Shelton Benjamin, The Great Khali, Umaga, Vladimir Koslov

ECW: Finlay, Mark Henry



RAW: Charlie Haas, Kofi Kingston, Mike Knox, Santino Marella, Shad, Sim Snuka, William Regal

SMACKDOWN!: Carlito, Colt Cabana, Festus, Hurricane Helms, R-Truth

ECW: Chavo Guerrero, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Paul London, Sabu, The Miz, Tommy Dreamer


Lower Midcarders

RAW: Dolph Ziggler, Jamie Noble, JTG, Jim Duggan

SMACKDOWN: Curt Hawkins, Jesse, FUNaki, Primo Colon, Paul Birchill

ECW: DH Smith


Opener/Enhancement Talent


Smackdown: Zeke, Zack Ryder, Kizarny

ECW: DJ Gabriel, Ricky Ortiz, Tyson Kidd


Womens Division

RAW: Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Jillian Hall, Melina, Kelly Kelly, Rosa Mendez

Smackdown: Maryse, Maria, Gail Kim, Katie Burchill, Michelle McCool, Nikki & Brie Bella

ECW: Natalya



Dark Match Duty/Yet to debut

Claudio Castagnoli, Jack Evans, Sonjay Dutt, Mark &Jay Briscoe, Darren Burridge, Low-Ki


Road Agents

Al Snow, Arn Anderson, Brad Armstrong, Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, Paul Orndorff, Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk, Tom Pritchard, Michael Hayes



Candice Michelle, Stephanie McMahon, Shane McMahon, Freddie Prinze Jr., Hornswoggle, James Mitchell (debuting soon), Layla, Ric Flair, Teddy Long, Tony Atlas, Vickie Guerrero, Jim Ross, Tazz, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, Eve Torres, Jim Cornette (hasn’t made TV debut yet), Matt Striker, Tiffany, Teddy Long…


First RAW after Wrestlemania XXV is coming NEXT!

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Hey guys, thanks for all the kind words on the diary. Hopefully it holds up.





Dark Matches

1) Cryme Tyme over Briscoe Bros. (w/ Jim Cornette) in 5:39. (D+)

2) Jillian, Dolph Ziggler & Michelle McCool defeated Jack Evans, Melina & Brie Bella (w/ Nikki Bella) in 4:40. (D)

3) Sabu beat Claudio Castagnolin in 1:39 (C-)




Monday Night RAW

April, Week 1, 2009


A Wrestlemania XXV video recap airs highlighting the event. (A)


Teddy Long Interview

Teddy Long is in the ring. Long announces that now that Wrestlemania XXV is done “The Inmates are no longer running the asylum” and that until Vickie Guerrero returns to Smackdown and a new RAW GM is named, the WWE Board of Directors has stated that if any WWE Superstar wants to appear on a brand that isn’t “their home brand” they have to get permission from him. This rule doesn’t apply to Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio as long as they hold both the WWE and World Tag Team Championship.


Shawn Micheals comes to the ring. HBK lets Long know that this rule can not stand. He can’t leave his best friend Triple H alone on Smackdown with Edge, Christian and The Big Show with a Triple H vs. Edge “Cage Match” on Smackdown this week. Long assures that he has a plan to make sure the match is fought fair and with nothing to worry about. HBK tells Long that if he doesn’t make sure of it, HBK will be around Long to make sure his life is hell. Long said that’s fair, but if HBK wants “a piece of Smackdown” that there are several members of the Smackdown roster in the back, and he can face one of them tonight. HBK agrees to this and leaves. (B)


After HBK leaves, Long continues to speak when Randy Orton comes out. Orton gets in Long’s face and demands he gets a one-on-one singles match for the World Championship tonight against John Cena. Orton rants that CM Punk weaseled his way into the match at Wrestlemania XXV. Punk’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Punk brings up that Orton was the one that got pinned. Punk states that maybe he doesn’t deserve a rematch for the Championship with Cena, but he’s willing to work his way back up contention and earn a match with Cena. Punk states Orton doesn’t deserve one since he was the one Cena pinned at Wrestlemania. Long is intimidated by both Punk and Orton. Cena is out now. Cena has an idea since it looks like Long is at a loss for words. Cena brings up the idea that Punk vs. Orton tonight, winner challenges him at Backlash. Long agrees to this match. Cena lets it be known he has no problem beating Orton again, but he’d love to face Punk one-on-one and see who the better man is. (A)


Glamerella in the back...

Santino Marella, Beth Phoenix, Jamie Noble and Rosa Mendez are in the back. Beth is complaining to Santino that he has to wrestle tonight in the Six-Person Mix Tag Match. Santino says he is too hurt from The Great Khali’s chop last night, as it took off the middle portion of his unibrow. Beth is upset with Santino has she feels this is the second time he’s snubbed her since meeting Maryse. Rosa looks on worried. Noble interjects apologizing saying that its Teddy Long’s fault that he can’t team with her, as Long booked him in a singles match for later. Beth is understanding of Noble’s situation. Santino brings in Beth’s partners for the match, Kane and Mike Knox. Who flash creepy smiles at Beth and Rosa. (C+)


1) Mickie James, Evan Bourne & Rey Mysterio over Beth Phoenix, Mike Knox & Kane (w/ Santino Marella, Rosa & Jamie Noble) in 8:33 after Santino tripped Beth by accident allowing Mickie James to score the pinfall for her trio. Beth gave Santino the death stare after the match as Santino flashed an apologetic smile. C


Legacy promo

The Legacy (Orton, Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase) cut a promo in the back. Orton talks about Punk and Cena, and his World Champioship aspirations. Dibiase & Rhodes let Mysterio & Bourne know it’s a matter of time before the tag team gold is theirs. (B)


2) William Regal (w/ Layla) defeated Sim Snuka in 1:56 with the “Regal Stretch”.

Basic squash match. I have admittingly devalued Regal too much, and need to him look strong for when I put others over him. (D+)


HBK’s opponent is…

In the back, Long revealed that HBK’s opponent from Smackdown is…Ken Kennedy. Kennedy cuts a promo telling HBK, that he has nothing but respect for him. (A)


3) Shawn Michaels defeated Ken Kennedy with Sweet Chin Music in 20:36.

This match did not tear the house down like I was expecting it too. It was very good, just not what I expect when I give HBK a chance to go “All Out”. Oh well, live and learn, still a good match. (B-)


After the match, HBK goes over and shakes Kennedy’s hand in a sign of respect. (B+)


CM Punk promo --- locker room

In the locker room, CM Punk lets it be known that he won’t let Orton step in front of his destiny of becoming World Champion again. (A*)



4) Priceless beat Jim Duggan & Charlie Haas in 3:52.

Priceless dominated the action to send a message to Mysterio/Bourne. (D+)


Chris Jericho interview

In the ring… Jericho admits that he came up short against “Stone Cold” Steve Austin in Austin’s Farewell match, and will never get a chance to redeem himself. Jericho isn’t crestfallen though. Jericho lets it be known there is a still a “superstar out there” that he’d love to face. Jericho says this man would be a legend, but there is one thing he hasn’t done…and that’s compete in a WWE ring. Until he does that, he isn’t legend material. Cole & Lawler wonder who Jericho is talking about. (A)


5) Kofi Kingston defeated Jamie Noble w/ “Trouble In Paradise” in 6:35.

This match definitely overachieved. Not that I expected a “bad match”, but I didn’t expect this much crowd involvement. (B-)


After the match, Long comes out and tells Kingston he was impressed with his performance in “Money in the Bank” even if he came up short. Long was also impressed with Kofi’s victory over Shelton Benjamin in a “non-title, Money in the Bank preview match”. For that reason, he was granting Kofi a US Championship shot, this Friday on Smackdown against Shelton Benjamin (B-)


John “Bradshaw” Layfield video

A paid advertisement by JBL, talks about his accomplishments and his return to RAW next week! (B+)


Kelly Kelly shoots T-Shirts

As Kelly Kelly is in the ring shooting T-Shirts to the audience. Cole & Lawler give a brief synopsis of the Smackdown Wrestlemania matches, and remind viewers to tune into Smackdown this Friday, for Triple H vs. Edge in a “Steel Cage Match”, and Kingston challenging Shelton for the US Championship. (B)


John Cena makes his way to the ring for guest commentary for the Main Event to find out who’s challenging for the World Championship at Backlash. (A)


6) CM Punk defeated Randy Orton with the “Go 2 Sleep” at 11:35 to earn a World Championship shot at Backlash challenging John Cena. (B)

These two don’t have the best chemistry together, but are both so over they can’t have a “bad match”.


After the match, Cena and Punk have a staredown. Both have smirks on their face as if too say “I’m ready and I can't wait”. (B+)




Backlash - April, week 3, 2009

World Championship

John Cena (champion) vs. CM Punk

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Dark Matches

1) Claudio Castagnoli & The Miz defeated Next Generation Hart Foundation with “The Mizard of Oz” at 5:42. (D+)

2) Jack Evans scored the victory over Jimmy Wang Yang at 6:52 after a “630”. (D+)

3) Ricky Ortiz defeated DJ Gabriel after a “Boneyard Boogie” in 0:36.


ECW on Sci-Fi

Tuesday, Week 1, 2009


Evan Bourne confronted by Priceless

In the ring… Evan Bourne is being interviewed by Joey Styles. Bourne puts over his accomplishments with Rey Mysterio as tag team champions, but will always consider ECW him home. Priceless’ music hits as they comes to the ring. Priceless brings up how on RAW they still have their focus set on Bourne/Rey’s Tag Titles, and would challenge them for the titles tonight, but Rey isn’t here because he has a personal appearance in Mexico for an upcoming WWE Tour. Teddy Long was so stressed running three brands that he let them asking to be on ECW this week happen even though Bourne would be by himself. Bourne challenges them to a handicap match. Tommy Dreamer’s music hits, and he comes to the ring saying he will team w/ Bourne, and for Rhodes/Dibiase not to disrespect ECW. (C+)



1) Finlay (w/ Hornwoggle) used the “Celtic Cross” to defeat Paul London in 7:55 (C+)

Super solid match, and heat given London’s current overness.


Finlay interview

After the match, Finlay talks to the fans. Finlay says he doesn’t have much time left in his career, but before he retires he’d like one more shot at the ECW Championship. ECW Champion Jack Swagger comes out and tells Finlay he doesn’t deserve one, he’s already beat Finlay twice. This brings out Rob Van Dam. RVD puts over Finlay, and tells Swagger that if he has any guts he’ll give Finlay a shot, and then he’d love to challenge Finlay for the ECW Championship. Swagger says he’d love to get RVD in the ring since he’s “Everything ECW is now, and RVD is what ECW used to be”. RVD challenges Swagger for tonight. Swagger at first rejects, but then thinks about it and says he’ll accept under the condition it’s non-title, and RVD can’t use any of those “ECW weapons”. RVD accepts, but also under the condition that if he wins Finlay gets an ECW Championship Match. Swagger agrees and leaves. After Swagger leaves, Finlay gets in RVD’s face and tells him he doesn’t need him to fight his battles. (B-) RVD was the real star of this segment.


2) Priceless defeated Tommy Dreamer & Evan Bourne in 9:53 when Rhodes pinned Dreamer. (C-)


Priceless promo

Todd Grisham interviews Priceless… Grish wonders why Priceless didn’t attack Bourne after the match when they had the chance. Priceless says because they don’t need to do that because they know they can beat Rey/Bourne in a tag match any day. They were born to be champions, and will conduct themselves as champions. (C+)


3) Chavo Guerrero went over on Sonjay Dutt in 4:54 after a “Gory Bomb”.

This was Sonjay Dutt’s TV debut, and this match overachieved. Not necessarily in match quality, but better heat that I would expect. C


Rob Van Dam promo

In the back… Grish interviews RVD. RVD brings up the match with Jeff Hardy at Wrestlemania XXV, and suggests the fans watch Smackdown this week, as highlights of the match will be shown with comments from some famous WWE personalities talking about the match. Tonight, he has Swagger and he’s going to show Swagger what ECW is about. (B+)



4) Rob Van Dam defeated Jack Swagger in a non-title match after a “5 Star Frogsplash” at 13:24 this means Finlay will earn a shot at Swagger’s ECW Championship next week on ECW.

This was the best match I’ve gotten out of Swagger so far. He’s slowly improving and hopefully working with RVD and Finlay will help that out. (B)


OVERALL: C (not enough angles/interviews)


Backlash '09 (April, Week 3, 2009)

World Championship Match

John Cena defends against CM Punk

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Credit: F4Wonline.com, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

--- Randy Orton has been suspended from the WWE for 28 days. This is way not a shock within the company. Orton had failed 7 previous drug tests in 2009, and was involved in a hazing incident with referee Chad Patton last night.


-- Chris Hero is set to be brought up from developmental soon. Likely for the ECW brand. Hero had been working in FCW until made February, until the WWE bailed out All Japan Pro Wrestling, by making them a developemental home, and sending them developmental workers to fill out cards. This worked for both as the developmental workers learned a new style, and worked more often than they would in FCW. WWE is expected to send 6-8 developemental workers per on AJPW's next tour in May.


-- Jimmy Wang Yang's contract expired, and was not renewed. Yang may be brought back, but it is not likely.


-- Finlay really is retiring in 2 weeks. The WWE would of made this a bigger deal, but with Steve Austin's farewell match being at Wrestlemania, they didn't want it too seem like a copycat scenario.


-- WWE officials were estatic with how good the TV tapings went this week. Officials were happy with how well RAW went, and thrilled with how well SD! tapings went. This was not expected as TVs are more so in a holding pattern until The Draft.


-- RAW this week scored a 3.94 on the USA Network.


-- ECW on Sci-Fi this week scored a 0.25, thier highest rating of 2009.


-- The current plan for CM Punk/John Cena has some WWE Officials nervous. They aren't 100% sure Cena/Punk can pull it off.

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1) Curt Hawkins defeated Jack Evans and Sonjay Dutt in 4:47 (D+)

2) Hurricane Helms & Gail Kim beat Paul & Katie Burchill in 4:33 (C-)

3) R-Truth over Claudio Castagnoli with an “Axe Kick” at 3:47 (C+)



April, Week 1, 2009


A Wrestlemania highlight video airs, focusing on Triple H & Shawn Micheals victory over Edge & Christian, The Undertaker continuing his Wrestlemania streak beating John "Bradshaw" Layfield, and Jeff Hardy retaining the WWE Championship over Rob Van Dam.(A)


Edge, Christian and Big Show interview

In the ring… Edge and Christian talk about their loss to Triple H and Shawn Micheals at Wrestlemania XXV. Edge and Christian want to put Triple H and HBK behind them, but Teddy Long goes and makes a “Steel Cage Match” between H and Edge tonight. But it doesn’t matter because they have a plan to end this once and for all.


Teddy Long comes out and informs Edge & Christian he also has a plan. And that plan is too make sure there is no interference during the Steel Cage Main event. Edge and Christian want to know what that is. Long says he won’t give away all his trade secrets, but tonight Big Show will face The Undertaker. The heels protest this saying Show isn’t fully recovered from his injuries caused by H/HBK yet. Long thinks about this for a few seconds, and makes Show/Taker a “Casket Match”, this way Show and his injuries will be able to rest peacefully, if he doesn’t win. (A)



1) MVP defeated Zack Ryder by submission with a “T.T.B” at 2:50.

Just a basic squash. Jim Ross and Tazz put over how MVP hasn‘t been living up to his potential despite having all the tools to succeed. (D)


After the match, “The Mutual Admiration Society of Violence”, Umaga and Vladimir Kozlov hit the ring and attacked MVP. Ross and Tazz wonder why “TMASoV” have targeted MVP. (B-)


A video package airs chronicling, Kofi Kingston pinning Shelton Benjamin in a non-title match on Smackdown last week. It then shows Kingston knocking Benjamin off the during Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania XXV as Benjamin was about to win it, allowing Matt Hardy to sneak up and grab the MiTB briefcase. (B)


2) Shelton Benjamin successfully defended the WWE U.S Championship over Kofi Kingston using “The Paydirt” at 10:47.

This match exceeded my expectation by a bit. Kingston is on a roll as far as match quality goes, and is getting more over and improving. (B)


Matt Hardy/Shelton Benjamin confrontation

Maria is back on Smackdown as interviewer, she thanks Long for putting her back on Smackdown to be with her boyfriend, Colt Cabana. Matt Hardy joins her, Matt talks about how happy he is about winning Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania XXV. Shelton walks in, and tells Matt he got lucky. Matt smirks. Matt tells Shelton it wasn’t luck at all, and both Hardys are on a roll. Shelton tells Matt that it seems, Jeff is on a bigger roll than Matt and it must eat him up inside. Matt cuts Shelton off and asks Shelton why he’s here. Shelton is here too challenge Matt to put his MitB briefcase up in a match against Shelton. Matt asks why he would do that, Shelton says to prove it wasn’t luck at Wrestlemania XXV. (C+) OK, so promos aren’t these guys strong points.


Triple H and Teddy Long in the back…

Triple H tells Long he doesn’t care what Edge, Christian and Show have planned, tonight he’s ending Edge. Long tells him he’s going to make sure it’s fair and he’ll be out there to make sure it is. (B+)


Wrestlemania XXV Video Review: WWE Championship: Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam

Highlights air of Jeff Hardy successfully defending the WWE Championship against Rob Van Dam at WMXXV. Soundbites with Jim Ross, Tazz, Shawn Micheals, Matt Hardy and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin calling it one of the best Championship matches they’ve ever seen. (A*)


Jeff Hardy Interview

In the ring… Jeff says that Rob Van Dam can have a WWE Championship rematch at any time he wants. Jeff Hardy promises to be a defending champion, and is ready for any challenger. Carlito’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Carlito tells Jeff if he’s such a defending champion , why doesn’t he face Carlito right now? Carlito is about to take a bite of his apple when Jeff slaps the apple out of Carlito’s hand, and accepts his challenge. (A)


3) WWE Champion Jeff Hardy retain the title by defeating Carlito with a “Twist of Fate” in 9:42. (B-)

Not quite as good as I was hoping, but a solid match. Carlito shined in the interview segment, and held his own with the champion.


Maria interviews Colt Cabana, Maryse shows up

Maria is in the back interviewing Colt Cabana. They are playing it perfectly professional in a campy way. Maryse comes up starts mocking them. Maria tells Maryse she’s had enough, and slaps her. Maryse tackles Maria and a catfight ensues. Colt is into the action, as officials break the women up. (C+)


4) Casket Match: The Undertaker beat The Big Show in 9:42.

There wasn’t much selling shown in this match, but this was a good match. After the Undertaker locked Show in the casket, those pesky druids showed up and took the casket with Show to the back. (B)


Undertaker interview

After the match, ‘Taker says in the ring. ‘Taker brings up Jeff wanting to be a defending champion and challenges him. (A)


As the Steel Cage lowers from the ceiling for the Main Event, Long calls Christian to the ring. Long tells Christian he will be allowed at ringside for the match. Christian is happy about this. Long tells him, he’ll be allowed at ringside because him and Christian will be handcuffed together. (B+)


5) Steel Cage Match: Triple H pinned Edge after a “Pedigree” at the 14:02 mark.

This was a helluva match as expected ending with H winning clean. (A)


After the match, the Steel Cage raises as Triple H is celebrating. Christian shoves Long hard into the railing and grabs the keys out of Long’s pocket, and uncuffs himself. Triple H turns his attention to this, but Edge low blows him from behind. Edge and Christian both grab chairs and give Triple H a Con-Chair-ito (there had been several attempts at this in the past, but each time H escaped). Edge and Christian stand tall as Triple H is left laid out. Ross and Tazz, wonder about Triple H’s condition, and how HBK will react to this after telling Long if anything happened to Triple H with him not being allowed on Smackdown, its on him. (A)




Backlash '09 (April, Week 3, 2009)

World Championship Match

John Cena defends against CM Punk

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Very good WWE diary, I hate when people rag on diary writers for signing great indie talent. To many WWE diaries avoid signing ROH guys, I personally love it. Can't wait to see how Hero, Double C, Jay and Mark, Sonjay (so have to team him with Khali) all fair in WWE. You have a reader here man, for sure.
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Thanks for the kind words.


Well, some of the stats seems indy wrestler friendly. So why wouldn't I want those guys? Plus I more so going to use them on ECW, and occasionally bring them up to RAW/Smackdown. ECW will be the lesser brand, but I intent on making it seem different, so that its lesserness isnt as obvious.

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Dark Matches

1) Sideshow (w/ Jim Mitchell) beat Briscoe Bros. (w/ Jim Cornette) at 4:54 (F+)

2) Cryme Tyme, Kelly Kelly, Charlie Hass & Sim Snuka beat DJ Gabriel, Dolph Ziggler, Claudio Castagnoli, Jack Evans & Jillian Hall in 5:01 (D+)


Monday Night RAW

April, Week 2, 2009


A video recaps what happened last week on RAW with CM Punk defeated Randy Orton to earn a World Championship Match with John Cena at Backlash. Also looked at it Edge & Christian’s attack on Triple H from Smackdown and how Shawn Michaels will react to Teddy Long not letting him be at Smackdown. (B+)


Priceless interview

Priceless is in the ring. Priceless that they’ focused on Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne, and the WWE and World Tag Team Championship. They promise that they will win those titles, and prove that Wrestlemania XXV was a fluke.


Priceless switches their focus to Randy Orton. Priceless informs Orton everyone that Orton is on a leave of absence from the WWE, but will return when the time is right for him. Priceless downgrades CM Punk and John Cena for forcing Orton to make this choice.


This brings out Punk. Punk is proud that he ran off Vince McMahon and, now Randy Orton. Priceless takes issue with this. They blame Cena for getting lucky at Wrestlemania XXV pinning Orton, throwing him off his game. Priceless blames Punk for getting lucky the next night, and stealing Orton’s World Championship shot. This brings out Cena. Cena admits that Orton did pin him cleanly once, but after Wrestlemania XXV they’re even. Cena tells Punk he’s looking forward to facing him at Backlash, but tonight they should looking forward to facing Priceless. Cena and Punk look at each other and charge the ring. Priceless bails. Teddy Long is out now and makes the match for later. (B)

Cody Rhodes performed poorly in this segment.


Glamarella in the back

Beth Phoenix is telling Santino Marella (who still has the middle of his unibrow bandaged from Khali’s chop at WMXXV) that he has to focus on tonight. Noble has a rematch with Kofi Kingston, and Melina and Mickie James has a #1 Contenders Match for her Womens Championship. Santino tries to tell Beth he’s too injured to help out tonight, but Beth quickly shoots him down. Rosa looks on worried and Noble has a slight smirk on his face. (C-)


1) William Regal (w/ Layla) defeated Jim Duggan with a “Running Knee” at 1:58.

Basic squash, not bad. (C-)


Triple H injury

Cole and Lawler discuss what happened on Smackdown when Edge and Christian gave Triple H a conchairito, and then took turns giving Triple H a one-man conchairito each. They bring up how Michaels said if anything happened to Triple H on Smack down (wrestlers are banned from appearing on other brands w/o approved permission) that it’d be on him. They plug Teddy Long will address that and more next… (B-)


Teddy Long announcement, Shawn Michaels confronts Long

Teddy Long makes the announcement that for the entire week after Backlash the annual WWE Draft will be taking place, and more details will be announced next week.


Long addresses the Triple H incident from Smackdown, and admits he dropped the ball. This brings out HBK. HBK begins yelling at Long that “dropping the ball doesn’t even begin to describe it”. HBK tells Long that he’s going to Smackdown this week. Long tells him he can’t allow that to happen as the situation is too volatile. HBK doesn’t care, he’ll do whatever it takes, even if he shows up uninvited and loses his job. Long obviously not wanting to fire HBK, but realizing that HBK showing up on a different brand, and not being reprimanded will make him look bad. Long says that if he can win his next match against a Smackdown Superstar, who did have permission to be on RAW, he can appear on Smackdown this Friday. HBK agrees to this. Long brings out HBK’s opponent… Carlito! (B-)



2) Shawn Michaels defeated Carlito with “Sweet Chin Music” at 12:34.

No chemistry here! Another HBK match that didn‘t live up to what I wanted to achieve as far as a quality standpoint. (C+)


Mike Knox and Kane promo

Knox and Kane cut a promo on their upcoming Tag Team Championship Match with Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne. Kane says he had Bourne beat after a chokeslam last week during the 6-person match, but Mysterio caught him off guard with a sitdown senton. This week that isn’t happening, Kane and Knox will win the Tag Team Championships. (C+)


3) Kofi Kingston beat Jamie Noble in 5:35 with “Trouble in Paradise”.

Another match, that didn’t deliver after their outstanding match last week. C


Kofi Kingston promo

Kofi is cutting a promo talking about how he’s rising the ranks on RAW when John “Bradshaw” Layfield butts in. JBL tells Kofi, that he’s doing a great job. The problem is he’s getting too full of himself. Kofi challenges JBL to a match next week on RAW, JBL tells Kofi he’s not ready for JBL yet, and walks out. (B)


Chris Jericho interview

In the ring… Jericho is cutting a promo, He talks about how he is going to reveal the one man, who fans ask him about. A man who they call a Legend, but he can’t qualify as a Legend, because he’s never proven himself in the WWE. Jericho says he wants to challenge this man, and for this man to prove his legendary status against him.


Jericho is about to reveal who this man is, when Ric Flair’s music hits. Flair tells Jericho he knows who he’s talking about. Flair says that man, would mop the floor with Jericho, and Jericho has no business butting into that man’s career. Jericho tells Flair, that “that man” isn’t what these fans think, and he needs to be one who proved it. Or is Flair jealous that Jericho is going to be the man ends the legacy of a man, who Flair created.


Flair takes this personally and tells everyone that this man is STING. Jericho baits Flair into getting in contact with Sting to see if he’ll accept Jericho’s challenge. Flair says next week, after he talks to Sting, he’ll meet Jericho back here. (B+)


4) Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne successfully defended the WWE and World Tag Team Championship against Kane &Mike Knox when Bourne pinned Knox at 10:10. (C+)


After the match, Priceless appears on the Titan Tron and challenges Mysterio & Bourne for the Tag Team Championship at Backlash. Mysterio & Bourne accept. Priceless tell them not to worry about being jumped or anything like that because Priceless knows they can beat them without “softening them up” because WMXXV was nothing, but a fluke. (B-)


5) Mickie James defeated Melina at 7:50 with a “Mickie-DT” to earn a Womens Championship title shot at Backlash.

Glamarella watched this from the stage. (C-)


6) Priceless defeated CM Punk & John Cena at 12:59, after hitting Cena with the World Championship.

When Cody Rhodes and CM Punk were fighting on the outside, Cody picked up the World Championship and held it in from of Punk’s face telling him “this could be yours” trying to get into Punk’s head that if he attacks Cena now he can weaken him before Backlash. Punk takes the Championship out of Cody’s hands and sets it on the side of the ring. Punk begins pummeling Cody, the ref sticks his head through the ropes to reprimand them. In the ring, Dibiase picks up the Championship and nails Cena in the face leading to the pin. (B)


Punk and Cena begin arguing upset about their loss. Cena tells Punk that he thinks he set him up to soften him up for Backlash. Punk tells him that’s not the case. Both men pace upset about the loss. Punk spots the belt. Punk picks up the belt and looks at it. Cena walks over and grabs it from Punk’s hands. Both men have a brief staredown as they exit the ring. (A)



Not a horrible show, but not very good. The wrestling didn't seem to click at all.


Backlash (April, Week 3, 2009)

World Championship Match

John Cena © vs. CM Punk

WWE/World Tag Team Championship Match

Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne © vs. Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes

Womens Championship Match

Beth Phoenix © vs. Mickie James

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Credit: F4Wonline.com, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-- Late breaking news that WWE has been in talks with Bill Goldberg. There is no definition of what brand he could end up on or how long he may sign for, but with Vince McMahon out of the picture the two sides could come to terms again.


-- Officials are very high on the Maria and Colt Cabana pairing. Thier chemistry has been getting great reviews.


-- Raven is also in talks with the WWE which comes as a suprise to everyone involved. Raven will almost be guarenteed to be on the ECW brand if he signs.


-- Some in the company are very worried about the ECW brand. With the Draft coming up ECW is going to be stripped of almost all name talent. Rob Van Dam is expected to the carry the brand as the lead star. Some see this as a true test for RVD to see if he has any drawing power. Other don't think he does and the ECW ratings will drop off with a show featuring RVD and a bunch of new stars. But Seriously how much further can they drop?


-- Triple H is just being given a few weeks off to freshen up his character.

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Dark matches

1) Low-Ki defeated Ricky Ortiz in 5:11 with a “Ghetto Stomp”. (E)

2) William Regal & Nigel McGuiness beat Sideshow (w/ James Mitchell) in 4:41 (D+)

3) Claudio Castagnoli went over on Jack Evans and Chris Hero in a 3-Way match when Claudio pinned Evans in 4:17. (E)


ECW on Sci-Fi

April, Week 2, 2009


A video highlights the recent tension between Rob Van Dam, Jack Swagger and Finlay. (B-)


Rob Van Dam interview

In the ring… Rob Van Dam cuts a promo. He talks about his win over Jack Swagger, and how Finlay can now challenge Swagger for the ECW Championship because of him. This brings Finlay out. Finlay tells RVD he doesn’t need his charity, and that he can beat Swagger himself. RVD sarcastically tells Finlay, that his past record vs. Swagger says that he can’t. This brings Swagger out. Swagger says that RVD got lucky against him last week, and it would never happen again. Swagger tells Finlay that he can’t beat him, never has, never will. RVD suggests an ECW staple, a 3-Way Dance. Swagger backs out of the ring and decline. Swagger issues a challenge for a tag match instead, RVD & Finlay against himself & a partner. (B-) RVD was the star of the segment.


1) Paul London & Sonjat Dutt defeated The Miz & Chavo Guerrero at 5:46 when London pinned Chavo using a “Shooting Star Press”.

This stems from last week’s debut of Sonjay Dutt losing to Chavo Guerrero. Not a bad match, I assume Dutt’s “E overness” kept this from reach a “C“. (D+)


Briscoe Bros. w/ Jim Cornette promo

Undisclosed setting… Cornette talks about how he’s sat back and watched the wrestling world be turned upside down the last few years. The tag team scene has run dry, so he went on a mission. That mission was to find the best undiscovered tag team in pro wrestling, and reignite the WWE’s tag team scene. He’s finally found that team, and they’re Mark & Jay Briscoe, and they’re coming to ECW. (E+)


2) Next Generation Hart Foundation beat Dolph Ziggler & DJ Gabriel at 4:53 after a “Hart Attack”.

DJ Gabriel and Dolph Ziggler have great chemistry as a team. (D+)


Tiffany looks hot…

Tiffany is modeling WWE Merch, as Joey Styles puts over the situation brewing with Finlay, RVD and Swagger over the ECW Championship. Styles wonders who will team with Swagger later tonight. (D+)


Tommy Dreamer video interview

Dreamer puts over what ECW means to him. He talks about how “hardcore” means going out there and giving 110%. Dreamer talks about how ECW has always had new talent knocking on the door to get in and in 2009, its not any different. Starting this week any new talent that wants to get into ECW has to go through him or Sabu. (C-)


3) Sabu defeated Ken Doane using an “Arabian Facebuster” in 4:31.

Dreamer sat in with Styles on commentary Due to pre-match stip, Ken Doane doesn‘t earn a spot in ECW. (D+)


Priceless promo

Pre-tape sent in… Priceless cuts a promo on ECW’s Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio. They want ECW fans to know, that unlike Rey & Bourne when they win the WWE/World Tag Team Championship, they’ll show up on ECW. (B)


Jack Swagger reveals partner

Swagger standing by talking to Mark Henry and Tony Atlas. Swagger thanks Henry for teaming with him tonight. Atlas reminds Swagger that he still owes Henry an ECW Championship Match. Swagger promises Henry will get his opportunity as long as he helps him tonight. (B-)


4) Rob Van Dam & Finlay beat Jack Swagger and Mark Henry when Finlay pinned Swagger after a “Celtic Cross” in 7:44.

Rob Van Dam and Finlay have no chemistry as a team. Henry and Swagger have great chemistry. Styles puts over how RVD and Finlay have both pinned Swagger now, and how Swagger owes Henry an ECW Championship Match. Styles wonders how this will lead to the ECW Championship Match at Backlash. (C-)



Too much Swagger.


Backlash (April, Week 3, 2009)

World Championship Match

John Cena © vs. CM Punk

WWE/World Tag Team Championship Match

Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne © vs. Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes

Womens Championship Match

Beth Phoenix © vs. Mickie James

ECW Championship Match

Jack Swagger © vs. To be determined

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<p><em><strong>Dark Matches</strong></em></p><p>

<strong>1) </strong>Primo Colon & FUNaki beat Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli in 4:55. <strong>C</strong></p><p>

<strong>2)</strong> Michelle McCool defeated Gail Kim in 3:44 using “The Fallen Angel”. <strong>(C-)</strong><strong>3)</strong> Th Great Khali over Zeke in 4:55. <strong>(D)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#000080;">WWE Smackdown</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#000080;">

April, Week 2, 2009</span></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

A video package airs highlighting: Edge and Christian injuring Triple H and asking how Shawn Michaels will deal with this. Also will Jeff Hardy accept the Undertaker’s challenge? <strong>(B+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Edge and Christian interview</strong></p></div><p></p><p>In the ring… Edge and Christian brag about taking out Triple H. Edge says taking out Stephanie McMahon wasn’t enough for what Triple H and Shawn Michaels did to Vickie and Big Show. They had to injure Triple H. Edge and Christian won’t stop until they take out Michaels too, and that’s happening tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

Michaels comes out on to the stage and glares at Edge & Christian in the ring. Michaels begins a stoic walking towards the ring not taking his eyes off E&C. Teddy Long comes running from the back. Long pleads with Michaels not to get into the ring. Michaels shoots Long the “F off look”, and continues walking, as Long pleads with him. Michaels takes a few deep breathes as he’s about to charge the ring when Ken Kennedy’s music hits…</p><p> </p><p>

Edge, Christian, Long and Michaels are all confused. Kennedy comes out and tells Michaels that he’s always looked up to him, and is one of the main reasons he got into this and two weeks ago on RAW when Michaels shook his hand it was a dream come true. It would pain him to see Michaels taken out the same way that Triple H was. Kennedy suggests that tonight, they should face Edge and Christian in separate singles matches. Edge, Christian, and Michaels all hate this idea. Long though likes it. Long green lights the idea. Tonight, we will see Michaels vs. Christian, and Edge vs. Kennedy. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>1) </strong>Carlito defeated Hurricane Helms by submission with “The Cap Cracker” in 6:41. </p><p>

<em>Both were off their game.</em> <strong>C</strong></p><p>

<em>As Carlito is celebrating in the ring R-Truth’s music hits. Truth tells Carlito that at Wrestlemania Carlito made him submit fair and square, no excuses. Ross and Tazz put over how Truth actually was still suffering from a small tear in his knee but is working through the pain. Truth then informs Carlito that at Backlash, Long has signed the rematch, and this time he’s going to be 100%. Carlito isn’t infatuated with this idea.</em> <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Jeff Hardy/The Undertaker video</strong></p></div><p></p><p>A video feature questions whether Jeff Hardy will live up to his reputation has a defending WWE Champion and accept The Undertaker’s challenge from last week. <strong>(A)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Will Jeff Hardy accept the Undertaker’s challenge?</strong></p></div><p></p><p>In the ring… Jeff lets it be known when he said he’d take on all challengers he meant it, no matter who they are. Jeff will accept The Undertaker’s challenge for Backlash. This brings out The Undertaker. Taker tells Jeff that they’ve faced off for this championship before, and Taker won, what makes Jeff think this won’t happen again? What makes Jeff think he deserves the WWE Championship with Taker around? Jeff tells Taker that he’s not the same person he was before. His life is in order now, and he sick of all these old school main eventers still looking at him as if he doesn’t deserve the championship. Taker says he can’t wait for Jeff to try and prove him wrong. <strong>(A)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Matt Hardy/Shelton Benjamin video package</strong></p></div><p></p><p>A video package shows highlights of Wrestlemania 25’s “Money in the Bank” Ladder Match. It shows Shelton Benjamin about to grab the briefcase when Kofi Kingston knocks him off the ladder allowing Matt to climb up the ladder and grab the briefcase. It shows last week’s verbal confrontation between Shelton and Matt where Shelton challenges Matt to put the MitB briefcase on the line to prove it wasn’t luck that he won the match. It cuts to Ross/Tazz at the broadcast table letting us know that match will take place tonight. Both wonder why Matt would put a guaranteed championship shot on the line in a match, but we’ll hear from Matt on why he’s doing it after the next match. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>2)</strong> Festus & Jesse over Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder in 4:47 when Festus pinned Ryder with a “Chokebomb”. <strong>(D)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Matt Hardy promo</strong></p></div><p></p><p>In the back… Matt lets us know that he accepted Shelton’s challenge because he made some valid points. Matt doesn’t feel that it was luck he won MitB, but he doesn’t know. He wants to prove that it wasn’t “right place, right time”, and the “momentum” of the Hardy Boys wasn’t luck like Shelton implied. <strong>(B+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>3)</strong> Matt Hardy beat Shelton Benjamin in 2:47 to keep the Money in the Bank title shot by DQ.</p><p>

<em>Matt completely dominated this match. At one point Shelton rolled to the outside and grabbed Matt’s “MitB” briefcase and hit Matt with it as Matt was coming after him leading to the DQ. Ross and Tazz wonder why Shelton got himself DQ’d on purpose in a match like this as Shelton walked up the ramp with a smile on his face.</em> <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><strong>Video feature on “Sideshow"</strong></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>[A close-up shot on a man (James Mitchell) with a top hat]</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitchell:</strong> The world has always looked down on those they feel are different. </p><p> </p><p>

[<em>The camera begins to slowly pan out as revealing Mitchell in a tuxedo, arm and arm with a blow up doll in a wedding dress. ]</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitchell:</strong> They stay away from the abnormal as if they are covered by the walls around an abscess.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>[The camera pans out further showing them on a giant fake wedding cake. They begin walking down the layers of the cake as if they were steps.]</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitchell:</strong> We all share the same air, drink the same water, and watch the normal ones’ lives rise and fall at the rate of the stock market.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>[Mitchell and the blow up doll step off the last layer of wedding cake.]</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitchell:</strong> In the end everyone’s life is a Freakshow!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>[Kizarny and Darren Burridge jump out of the wedding cake.]</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitchell (looks directly into the camera):</strong> It’s kinda fun.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>[All three men begin an EVIL~! laugh. The scene fades into a graphic reading “The Freaks are coming to Smackdown!]</em></p><p>

<strong>(D)</strong> <em>Brought the crowd’s mood down. OF COURSE IT DID</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Teddy Long/Carlito --- Matt/Shelton</strong></p></div><p></p><p>In the back…Carlito is complaining to Long about having to face R-Truth at Backlash. Long tells Carlito with the draft coming up he wants this issues settled on an even playing field, and it to be over incase one of them gets drafted. At that moment, Matt Hardy comes walking with a purpose by them calling for Shelton Benjamin. Matt is yelling Shelton’s name, when Matt reaches the parking garage he sees Shelton in the distance getting into his car. Matt leaps on Shelton’s car pounding on the back of Shelton‘s car, Shelton drives away as Matt yells for him. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>

Vladimir Kozlov/Umaga interview</strong></p></div><p></p><p>In the back… Maria interviews Umaga and Kozlov asking them why they attacked MVP last week. Kozlov explains they did it for MVP’s own good. They attacked him because he doesn’t live up to his full potential and where they come from that is unacceptable. Kozlov says MVP had 3 shots at the ECW Championship and failed all 3 times. That is unacceptable, and all the failures in the WWE have to watch themselves. As Umaga/Kozlov walk away, Colt Cabana comes into the picture and asks Maria if she’s ready to be in his corner for his match. They walk away as the announcers plug Cabana in action next… (B-)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>4)</strong> Colt Cabana (w/ Maria) defeated Paul Birchill (w/ Katie) at the 2:44 mark using a “Colt 45”.</p><p>

<em>Didn’t click at all. </em><strong>(C-)</strong></p><p>

<em>After the match, Maryse blindsides Maria on the outside and begins pummeling . Cabana rolls to the outside and breaks this up. </em><strong>C</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>5) </strong>Edge defeated Mr. Kennedy using a “Spear” at 14:06.</p><p>

<em>At one point during the match Christian tried to interfere, but Michaels cut him off. This distracted Kennedy, when he turned around he was met with a spear by Edge and pinned</em>. <strong>(A)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>6)</strong> Christian defeated Shawn Micheals at 14:35, using a handful of tights during a roll up.</p><p>

<em>After Christian ducked Sweet Chin Music, he rolled HBK up from behind pinning him.</em> </p><p>


<em>HBK jumped Christian right away after the bell. This brought down Edge. As the heels gained the 2 on 1 advantage, Kennedy ran down with chair in hand and cleared the ring of Edge & Christian. Kennedy then issued the challenge for a tag match at Backlash. Edge & Christian refused saying it wasn’t worth their time they just won two matches against them. This brought out Teddy Long who made the match official for Backlash.</em> <strong>(A)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>OVERALL: B</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;">Backlash (April, Week 3, 2009)</span></p><p>

<strong>World Championship Match</strong></p><p>

John Cena © vs. CM Punk</p><p>

<strong>WWE Championship Match</strong></p><p>

Jeff Hardy © vs. The Undertaker</p><p>

<strong>Grudge Match</strong></p><p>

Shawn Micheals & Ken Kennedy vs. Edge & Christian</p><p>

<strong>WWE/World Tag Team Championship Match</strong></p><p>

Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne © vs. Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes</p><p>

<strong>ECW Championship Match</strong></p><p>

Jack Swagger © vs. To be determined THIS WEEK on ECW</p><p>

<strong>Womens Championship Match</strong></p><p>

Beth Phoenix © vs. Mickie James</p><p>

R-Truth vs. Carlito</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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