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The X-WA || "An Act of Vengeance for The Fallen Angel"

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I've been working to keep up, even if I only post occassionally.


First one, love what you're doing graphically. It looks great. The different styles really adds to the diary. I appreicate that the graphical content doesn't end up taking anything away from the writing, which is sometimes what ends up happening.


As for the trios and tag belts... I'd like to see both. I know it can seem to like too many belts. But if you can find a way to differentiate and make it work, it would be great. Quite honestly, I love the idea of the trios belts. It seems pretty unique for an American promotion, and that's tough to find at this point.

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Haven't had time to read the show yet but i've got a second so i'll chime in on this. I like the trios title i think it gives character to XWA. you may have to forgo your small roster and bring in a few extra guys to have a real trios division (I say you need at least 4 trios).


I've always loved the Trio division, however, had troubles with the small amount of teams that I've had on my roster. I like to keep a relatively small roster for the most part since it makes it easier to keep track of what you're doing, however, you're right... I do need at least 4 trios to really make it interesting. I plan on going on a small hiring spree to add some much needed bodies to the X-WA and create some brand new Trios to via for the titles. In the end, you're right, it does give the X-WA a sense of it's own uniqueness. Now, I just need to come up with some good pairings and create a much deeper Trio division.




I've been working to keep up, even if I only post occassionally.


First one, love what you're doing graphically. It looks great. The different styles really adds to the diary. I appreicate that the graphical content doesn't end up taking anything away from the writing, which is sometimes what ends up happening.


As for the trios and tag belts... I'd like to see both. I know it can seem to like too many belts. But if you can find a way to differentiate and make it work, it would be great. Quite honestly, I love the idea of the trios belts. It seems pretty unique for an American promotion, and that's tough to find at this point.


Thanks, Bigpapa42!


Now that I've discovered how to create some of these smaller logos and such, I'm hooked. ha. Since the X-WA is a created company, I wanted to create an overall "brand"... That way people know how to identify with the company from the get-go as they are reading. That's why I've chosen the fonts/colors/etc. for most of my images. All in all, adding that with the writing/storylines/matches... I'm hoping it makes the X-WA Jump off the page a little more than how it use to.


Also, I think, after hearing from you both especially, I'm going to keep with the Trio idea and just really "sell into" the idea. I've been kind of lax on the whole division and haven't really given it the time that's needed. The hard part has been booking it... Mostly because you can only have a 3 vs 3 match... There is no option to a 3 vs 3 vs 3 or anything like that... So it comes down to a more one on one situation... than adding a bunch at a time. This, along with a small roster, has really hurt the overall feel of it... but... I'm in the process of creating some new teams as we speak!!




Thank you both for leaving some comments behind! You both know (as Bigpapa you're currently running an amazing diary, and Apu has had experience in this end as well) how much it can mean to hear back from some people on any given subject. It helps you to know that there are peeps out there who are digging your work enough to stop by and say something about it.



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Thanks, Bigpapa42!


Also, I think, after hearing from you both especially, I'm going to keep with the Trio idea and just really "sell into" the idea. I've been kind of lax on the whole division and haven't really given it the time that's needed. The hard part has been booking it... Mostly because you can only have a 3 vs 3 match... There is no option to a 3 vs 3 vs 3 or anything like that... So it comes down to a more one on one situation... than adding a bunch at a time. This, along with a small roster, has really hurt the overall feel of it... but... I'm in the process of creating some new teams as we speak!!


Thanks for the comments about my little project.


Now, I really hope this doesn't come across as contrite or a lecture, but... When it comes to things like titles, I sometimes find it helpful to step back and really think about what the whole point of professional wrestling is. Its pretty much about entertaining people when you get down to it. Now, a promotions main title should, in theory, be about the best (and sometimes most popular) worker. But what about the other titles? In part, they are a way to honor the talent who are not necessarily at the very top. But they are also a catalyst around which to build a storyline - it doesn't matter if its a feud in a pure wrestling or a sports entertainment outfit with cartoon storylines. Whether the belt is the primary catalyst to the feud or simply something to make it more important, the belts should be adding something.


So why is this important? Because I find that its sometimes really helpful to stop and really consider what the point of it is. That can help pull things into perspective. If you want to differentiate your tag belts and trios belts, it can be as simple as presenting them differently. Let's say you use your tag belts are regular tag belts - regularly featured and defended on a regular basis. Make the trios belts a special deal. They only get defending occasionally. Make them almost like a badge of honor, as if holding them signifies the group as the preeminent stable or group in the promotion. They are defending almost as a feud ender between stables, with the winner proving their group dominance. Its an idea...

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Yeah and I wouldn't really mind if you would just create a few occasional trios, like random pairings only. This way it doesn't look like there is always the same teams, always the same guys around the belts. And honestly what BigPapa suggested about that trios belt is awesome. I think it smells a bit like CHIKARA, and CHIKARA is awesome.
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Thanks for the comments about my little project.


Now, I really hope this doesn't come across as contrite or a lecture, but... When it comes to things like titles, I sometimes find it helpful to step back and really think about what the whole point of professional wrestling is. Its pretty much about entertaining people when you get down to it. Now, a promotions main title should, in theory, be about the best (and sometimes most popular) worker. But what about the other titles? In part, they are a way to honor the talent who are not necessarily at the very top. But they are also a catalyst around which to build a storyline - it doesn't matter if its a feud in a pure wrestling or a sports entertainment outfit with cartoon storylines. Whether the belt is the primary catalyst to the feud or simply something to make it more important, the belts should be adding something.


So why is this important? Because I find that its sometimes really helpful to stop and really consider what the point of it is. That can help pull things into perspective. If you want to differentiate your tag belts and trios belts, it can be as simple as presenting them differently. Let's say you use your tag belts are regular tag belts - regularly featured and defended on a regular basis. Make the trios belts a special deal. They only get defending occasionally. Make them almost like a badge of honor, as if holding them signifies the group as the preeminent stable or group in the promotion. They are defending almost as a feud ender between stables, with the winner proving their group dominance. Its an idea...



You've given me a lot to think about. I do like the idea of making the Trio titles something of a "special" kind of championship.... Only really defended occassionally in what would be seen as big matches. However, on the opposite sense, I could also foresee a "well thought out division" based on Trio wrestling. I say well thought out because up until now I have honestly been lacking in trying to create a real feeling for the title... More so, needing to move forward with making a clear cut feeling for the championship... Why it's needed, etc.


I thought a Tag division would be cool to put together, however, after reading over previous posts... I've come to the conclusion that I like the idea of having a championship that is unique to the X-WA (in the U.S. at least). In the real world, TNA has its "X Division" to set it apart from the WWE.... In the cornellverse, the X-WA could potentially have their "Trio Division" as something like that... A division that sets them apart from the rest of mainstream wrestling... A niche perse.


I think, as of right now, I'm going to go ahead with the title being defended as normal right now and do away with the Tag Team Title idea for right now. You really did pose a great idea BigPapa and don't want it to seem like I'm not taking that idea to heart. In the end, however, I really do feel that the division could go over really well... IF... That's a big IF... I can find a way to better design the Championship to actually mean something.


Thanks for everyones responses. It's been great to get some feedback, as it's really helped me to shape my understanding of my own Diary.



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You've given me a lot to think about. I do like the idea of making the Trio titles something of a "special" kind of championship.... Only really defended occassionally in what would be seen as big matches. However, on the opposite sense, I could also foresee a "well thought out division" based on Trio wrestling. I say well thought out because up until now I have honestly been lacking in trying to create a real feeling for the title... More so, needing to move forward with making a clear cut feeling for the championship... Why it's needed, etc.


I thought a Tag division would be cool to put together, however, after reading over previous posts... I've come to the conclusion that I like the idea of having a championship that is unique to the X-WA (in the U.S. at least). In the real world, TNA has its "X Division" to set it apart from the WWE.... In the cornellverse, the X-WA could potentially have their "Trio Division" as something like that... A division that sets them apart from the rest of mainstream wrestling... A niche perse.


I think, as of right now, I'm going to go ahead with the title being defended as normal right now and do away with the Tag Team Title idea for right now. You really did pose a great idea BigPapa and don't want it to seem like I'm not taking that idea to heart. In the end, however, I really do feel that the division could go over really well... IF... That's a big IF... I can find a way to better design the Championship to actually mean something.


Thanks for everyones responses. It's been great to get some feedback, as it's really helped me to shape my understanding of my own Diary.




No worries. Its just an idea. I like to consider myself an ideas guy - you give me an issue and I'll try to find a workable solution. But I would never take offense to someone not going with a suggestion.


To be honest, I do like the thought of having a trios division emphasized over the tag division. Just because its something unique, and that's a hard thing to do.

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No worries. Its just an idea. I like to consider myself an ideas guy - you give me an issue and I'll try to find a workable solution. But I would never take offense to someone not going with a suggestion.


To be honest, I do like the thought of having a trios division emphasized over the tag division. Just because its something unique, and that's a hard thing to do.


I'm glad you're an "idea guy" because you really helped me out with this. I really appreciate your insight as I truly trust it (I love your SWF diary).


The Six Man Division will take a little bit to truly craft (ie: new teams and where I want to go from here), however, I have a few things in mind to carry-over storylines to mask that until it's truly ready to go. It may take an "in-game month" to do so, however, the Trio focus will start to really gain momentum with some time.



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STORY: X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" Card Released!

[1st Week of June 2008]





The X-WA has found itself at an uncertain crossroads as we climb into the month of June 2008. The X-WA's owner is currently in the process of being sued by one of his disgruntled employees, Another superstar is being detained by the NYPD and may potentially due jail time based upon his iminent abduction charges, and many other superstars have found themselves in a position where their dreams are on the verge of being crushed as they slip farther and farther down the company ladder. With all of that being said, it feels as if the company is on the brink of a cataclysmic apocalypse.




Jay Chord vs. Ultimate Phoenix


Fumihiro Ota vs. The Cyclone


"The Circus" © vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"

[X-WA Six Man Championship Match]

[special Guest Referee: Steve Flash]


Acid vs. Burning TAKA


|| "Blitzkrieg" Main Event ||


Stric Lee Bizness vs. Vicente Marquez

[Non-Title Match]




* Nemesis to address Kingsbury's recent Legal Action towards him & the X-WA.



Join the X-WA this week on Thursday Night as the Chapters of this underground revolution continue forth... Breaking down the walls of mediocrity one week at a time.



*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Jay Chord vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Fumihiro Ota vs. The Cyclone

"The Circus" © vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"

Acid vs. Burning TAKA

Stric Lee Bizness vs. Vicente Marquez

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i really like your new blitzkrieg logo. it goes along with your image scheme. now onto the predictions!



*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Jay Chord vs. Ultimate Phoenix

young jay can't get it done as phoenix continues to push for another shot at stric lee and the arena title.


Fumihiro Ota vs. The Cyclone

squash 101


"The Circus" © vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"

while steve flash has a long history with the next-gen-trio i could see flash somehow giving the titles to them since kill switch cost him a win over acid.


Acid vs. Burning TAKA

squasher squashington lol


Stric Lee Bizness vs. Vicente Marquez

marquez evens the score following his loss to stric lee last month. stric lee still looks tough but maybe phoenix/american elemental get involved somehow.

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*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Jay Chord vs. Ultimate Phoenix


If just to keep Chord humble and in line.


Fumihiro Ota vs. The Cyclone


Go Ninja Go Ninja Go Ninja Go!


"The Circus" © vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"


Hmmm... could see this going either way...


Acid vs. Burning TAKA


Acid burns Burning.


Stric Lee Bizness vs. Vicente Marquez


Neither. Shenanigans.

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*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Jay Chord vs. Ultimate Phoenix


I can't help but choosing Jay, even knowing he will probably be squashed


Fumihiro Ota vs. The Cyclone


Domination Station


"The Circus" © vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"


Keep the titles on the TV defense


Acid vs. Burning TAKA


I dont want Acid to be a powerful figure, but cant argue against his push


Stric Lee Bizness vs. Vicente Marquez

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Fumihiro Ota has been labeled many things in his career... "TCW Stand-out", "TCW's Cruiserweight Cornerstone", "Fizzling Indy superstar", and "grizzled veteran on the outside looking in"... So, when the X-WA came calling for the 33 year old technician a few within the industry questioned what his role could eventually be. With his best years supposedly "past him"... No one expected for Fumihiro Ota to develop the kind of respect that he has early on in the X-WA. I was fortunate enough to sit down with the X-WA Main Eventer backstage at a recent live event. This is what followed:




[... What's next for the X-WA Main Eventer? ...]



Jonathan Owens: First and foremost, Thank you Fumihiro for sitting down with me today. It's a real pleasure to have you here with us today.


[Ota gently nods his head in response to Owens "thank you"]


Jonathan Owens: How does it feel to be "back on top" in a way? You were once ruled out... Seen as a "washed up", "fizzling out" superstar whose best days were behind them. You practically spent years on the Indy scene without any real talk of coming back with a major organization. Now, here you are as a vital part of the X-WA's main event scene. How does it feel to be back in the limelight?


[Fumihiro Ota lays silent for a brief second, as if he was mulling over his answer, only to respond in a very quiet... yet firm... tone]


Fumihiro Ota: I never really believed that I was on a path to wards isolation from the industry. TCW was a powerful time for me... I found myself accepted by the mainstream audience and was placed in a position to really succeed. However, as all things in life, the cruiserweight division would see an eventual downfall... A transition that would ultimately create my demise with their organization. I had no "ill wills" against Tommy or really anyone there... Truthfully, I respect those within the company who gave me an opportunity to achieve my goals. Sure, it pushed me in an awkward situation of working on the Indy scene without any real opportunities in sight... However, I always believed that my actions would generate a positive karma for myself... Eventually finding a home... And that home happened to be the X-WA.


Jonathan Owens: Many believe that you've fallen on hard times in the company despite being one of the biggest draws thus far. Not only were you screwed out of the first ever X-WA X Championship Match following a vicious assault by Kingsbury's bodyguard, Vladimir, however, you've also recently fallen victim to a nasty stipulation... Leaving you in a scenario that you will NEVER receive another X Championship match as long as Acid is the champion. What do you say to those who have already seen you as someone with the deck stacked against them?


Fumihiro Ota: Life will deliver hardships on its own... There is no need to fret about small bumps in the road such at the things you listed above. The second that you allow your mind to invest in your own selfish success is the second that you loose a true sense of humanity. I'm here in the X-WA, not to stand alone as a selfish victor, but rather as another drop of rain flowing within the ocean. My success will come with mental flexibility, respect for my competitors, and carrying myself with a sense of Honor. Anything outside of that would be counterproductive to my surroundings.


Jonathan Owens: That has to be the most unselfish response I have ever heard. You would be truly happy never to win the X Championship but, at the same time, be seen as someone withholding a sense of honor, pride, and respect?


Fumihiro Ota: That's correct. It's true that pro wrestling forces you to be competitive... To give your best ability each and every night, and for that I love this industry, however, when you allow your own potential success to run your perception of your life... That's when you fall victim to the evils in the world.


Jonathan Owens: Well, Fumihiro, with that being said.... What's next for you? Is there an avenue you plan to explore now that the X Championship is off the table?


Fumihiro Ota: I've come to realize that my true calling at this point is most certainly bridging the gap into tomorrow. The X-WA has a plethora of amazing young talent on the roster and, at this point in my career, it may be best to mentor these youngsters... Help them to understand their own potential, and in the end, maybe help a few of them to wards enlightenment.


[Jumping in to deliver a question that seems to develop itself]


Jonathan Owens: So, could we see you with a Trio at some point from what it sounds like?


[Fumihiro Ota, in the same quiet confidence he's projected through out the entire interview, would respond with a resounding answer of...]


Fumihiro Ota: It's certainly plausible. Within meditation I do believe that I will discover my intended path. Could a Trio be on the horizon? Time will tell...






*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Jay Chord vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Fumihiro Ota vs. The Cyclone

"The Circus" © vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"

Acid vs. Burning TAKA

Stric Lee Bizness vs. Vicente Marquez

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X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" - TV Event

Thursday, 1st week of June 2008 (Shown on TV on Thursday)

The X-WA Arena (Tri-State)









Jay Chord vs. Ultimate Phoenix


The opening match of the night was truly an example of an overly ambitious youngster looking to make his mark in as little time as possible. Chord's overall pace was almost reckless at times as he looked almost "too focused" on the task at hand. In a sense, it looked as if Jay had been planning out his match-up a few days in advance and was trying to stick to his "guns"... Trying to act instead of trying to re-act. So, in the end, the pre-match butterflies would ultimately serve as his ultimate downfall.... Charging his pace up faster and faster until he finally crashed towards the end of the match. In the end, Ultimate Phoenix didn't really have to do too much but allow the youngster to "run out of gas"... As once Chord started to show signs of slowing down... Phoenix took complete control of the match-up and finally finished their opening bout off with a momentus "Phoenix Firebird Splash"... Achieving a standard 3 count shortly following impact.


Winner: Ultimate Phoenix over Jay Chord in 12:11 via pinfall.

Grade: D


Angle: Respect your "elders"...

Grade: D-




[in the early moments following Jay Chord's loss to Ultimate Phoenix, The youngster is seen instantly engaging the super-babyface and extending a handshake in a show of absolute respect. Ultimate Phoenix, leary of the advancement, slowly extends his hand in return as the two embrace in a brief show of mutual esteem. While their exchange only lasts for a short time their message of shared admiration resonates through out the X-WA Arena.]


Angle: The choice of a scapegoat...

Grade: D




[in what could be considered as a polar opposite to the image we've just witnessed between Phoenix & Chord, we now shoot to a live shot of the "Next-Gen-Trio" speaking to one another in the locker room area. All three men seem to be quite agitated over their recent losing streak and it certainly shows in their mannerisms. Francios Cartier, the un-spoken leader of the Trio, delivers a message to both Jacob Jett and Joss Thompson that their recent events are unacceptable. However, just when it looked like his address would be short and sweet, Cartier turns his full attention to Joss.... Proclaiming that HE has become a liability to the group... In an essence, He's the reason why the "Next-Gen-Trio" has seen an unsuccessful descent as of late.]


[in the end, Cartier lands an aggressive verbal jab in the direction of his Trio-mate... Informing him that if he does not "step his game up" then he will ultimately be discarded from the group and easily replaced. Joss, fused within a state of shock and a subtle sense of embarrassment, tires to respond to Cartier's demands... However, before he can do so both Cartier & Jett storm out of the room... Leaving Joss Thompson standing alone in the middle of the locker room area... Without the comfort of knowing that his Trio-mates truly have his back.]






Fumihiro Ota vs. The Cyclone


It's really quite obvious that The Cyclone, since the X-WA's inception, has been nothing more than an over-glorified "jobber". Not your traditional kind of "jobber" mind you though as The Cyclone (much like Burning TAKA) aren't shown as being weak in anyway... Actually, in most cases, they tend to deliver an impactful string of moves... Only to ultimately fall "just short" of the victory. This match-up was really none different. The Cyclone pushed Fumihiro Ota to the "edge and back" through out most of the match... Even coming close to victory with a roaring tornado DDT that sent Ota bouncing square off of the mat. However, in the end, the stand-out cruiserweight found a way to take full control of the match... Catching The Cyclone off the top rope with a leaping "Ninja Strike" square to the jaw of his leaping opponent. With Cyclone's body completely motionless... Ota gained a standard 3 count from the X-WA's newest senior referee, Ryan Holland.


Winner: Fumihiro Ota over The Cyclone in 9:53 via pinfall.

Grade: C-


Angle: You've been to hell and back...

Grade: C-




[Following Fumihiro Ota's victorious venture over resident, for a lack of a better word, "jobber", The Cyclone, we are now taken backstage via a live feed as the returning Vicente Marquez is seen talking with his trusted friend of many years, Ultimate Phoenix. Marquez, coming off of recently being released by the NYPD following a normal scored psych evaluation, slowly prepares for his match-up tonight with the X-WA Arena Champion, Stric Lee Bizness, in a non-title Main Event bout. While it seems like Marquez is seemingly doing much better now that he and Jennifer are out of the destructive physical clutches of the psychotic Jack Griffith... It's obvious to see that his mental state is still a little shaky... As it's plausible to believe that Marquez is still within Griffith's psychological clutches following the true hell he's had to endure recently.]


[Phoenix, happy to see his friend return to the company in good spirits, wishes Vicente "the best of luck tonight"... Also, going as far as to declare that he truly respects Marquez for the inner strength he's shown over the last couple months... Citing that any other man would have crumbled under the pressure and certainly would have fallen victim to Griffith's manipulative intentions. Marquez, trying to continue to look "strong", thanks Phoenix for his kind words... However, there is a slight sense of internal sadness that resides over Marquez as it's obvious to see that he's still suffering through an emotional rollercoaster that Griffith has developed for him... Not quite "back" to his normal state... However, much more at ease following his, and more importantly Jennifer's, escape from their recent abduction.]




"The Circus" © vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"

[X-WA Six Man Championship Match]

[X-WA Trio Match Rules]

[special Guest Referee: Steve Flash]


Their match-up last week was one of THE most talked about bouts in X-WA history as the resurgent Trio Division seemingly "kicked off" with their hellacious heel vs. heel battle. The major difference with this week's bout was not only that Steve Flash (a man who has a storied history with both Trio's) was declared as the special guest referee (or enforcer if you ask some) but also that the X-WA Six Man Championships were set to be on the line. Needless to say, this Trio division match-up was set to be an explosive affair.


From the very beginning both Trio's were focused and ready for a fight. "The Next-Gen-Trio", despite their previous breakdown, suprisingly found a way to come together and really challenge the Six Man Champions. However, their arrogant demeanor would begin to rub the referee, Steve Flash, the wrong way... Ocassionally posing in the direction of their former arch-nemesis in an act of defiance. This would certainly enrage the Indy Wrestling Legend, however, his main focus seemed to be directed squarely upon the very man who cost him his match with Acid last week, Kill Switch. While he never really got invovled in the affair... Flash always seemed on the verge of jumping into action... However, allowing his temperment to subside.... Acting as the consummate professional that he's famously known for being.


That would all come crumbling down towards the end of the match, though, as Steve Flash broke from his sense of professionalism and became physically involved in the match following a wayward strike from an psychotically combustible, Kill Switch. In a complete moment of chaos... Steve Flash strips away his duties as a referee and engages Switch in a violent brawl. The two tumble all over the ring fighting like mad-men as the match quickly takes a turn towards absolute chaos.


In the end, Steve Flash is seen landing a double "Flash Bang" on both Kill Switch and Francios Cartier as both men attempt to "team together" to attack their shared rival... Both missing with a combined closeline to end up in the clutches of Flash's signature finisher. The very man who was set to keep order in this match-up has ultimately unraveled it from the core.


Despite his brief moment of combative immortality... Flash would ultimately be brought "back to earth" following a hanious attack by a sneaking Whippy the Clown. After a vicious assault by "The Circus", Steve Flash is seen barely moving in the middle of the ring.... From there, it looked as if Joss Thompson was motioning towards Flash... Suggesting that Switch and he double team the unconcious Flash and "put him out of his mysery for good". However, as it seems like Joss is going to do so... Kill Switch swoops in and knocks the youngster out with a lightning quick chokehold/russian leg sweep combo... Ultimately pinning Joss and lifting Flash's unconcious hand up and down... Signifying a 3 count for the demonic Trio.


Winner: "The Circus" over "The Next-Gen-Trio" in 8:04 via pinfall. Kill Switch scores the victory over Joss Thompson to retain the X-WA Six Man Championship.

Grade: D


Angle: I'll drop the suit with one demand met...

Grade: B-




[Just following the controversial ending to the previous X-WA Six Man Championship Match, We instantly cut backstage to see Nemesis, in his make-shift office, on the phone with fellow X-WA officials not present at tonight's event. It sounds as if the X-WA Owner is quite unhappy with the ending of said championship match... Stating that Steve Flash was put into the bout as a special guest referee to ensure that order would be restored. While it's true that the Wrestling Legend certainly basks in the glory of chaos... There are certain moments where he understands the necessity for true competition. However, before Nemesis could really convey such a message... His conversation is brought to a screetching hault by the "Silver Spoon Superstar" himself...]


[With a signature tantrum-esque storm into the room, Kingsbury, accompanied by his family bodyguard Vladimir and a slew of family lawyers, practically forces the X-WA Owner off of the phone with his selfish demands in mind. Nemesis, now off of the phone, tries to turn the situation into a joke... Making fun of Kingsbury in the process, however, you know for sure that that didn't go over very well. Instead, William Kingsbury III shoots down any sort of playful banter and, instead, gets to the heart of the matter.]


[The "Silver Spoon Superstar" informs the X-WA Owner that he will drop the lawsuit... IF... The company follows through with his demands. Nemesis, trying to fight back any spurt of laughter, allows the young Kingsbury to relay his message... And what a message it played out to be. Kingsbury, standing with a false sense of confidence, proclaims that he will drop the lawsuit IF the X-WA delivers on two demands.... 1) That he receive the X-WA X Championship match that has been "wrongfully" taken from him month after month.... 2) That Nemesis LEAVE the X-WA and hand over control to someone else... Citing that Nemesis's own greed, his want to control the masses, is ultimately what is driving the company into a pit of despair. Upon hearing Kingsbury's decree... Nemesis's tone quickly starts to evolve.]


[The X-WA Owner slowly ascends to his feet from behind his desk... Using his arms to push himself up in a slow but forceful manor... All the while never takign his eyes off of the selfish punk before him. After what feels like a dead-stair forever, Nemesis goes on to deliver a heart pounding message wrapped in a light aggressive tone.... Citing that the X-WA is his source of life... That the blood that pumps through his veins also pump through this very company. Kingsbury, now rolling his eyes at Nemesis's response, half-listens on some more as the X-WA Owner vows that he will NEVER leave the very company that he broke his back to develop... Making it very clear that he would have to DIE before the company would ever be released from his control.]


[in the end, Nemesis's feverish tone gets the best of him following Kingsbury's selfish intentions... Pushing the X-WA Owner to ultimately force the Kingsbury crew out of his office with a forceful decree. All 5 men would slowly exit the room as William slowly spins around and informs the Wrestling Legend that he's going to sue him for every last dime he has... Forcing him to have to close the doors of this very "hell-hole".... And with that, the door would slam behind the "Silver Spoon Superstar". The scenario slowly fades to a commercial break as the X-WA Owner is in a complete state of rage over what has just transpired.]




Acid vs. Burning TAKA

[Non-Title Match]


For any of those who still question whether or not Acid is the true, "hands down", Franchise player in the X-WA... This match-up will silence even his strongest critics. The X-WA X Champion found a way to build a strong, highly competitive, ultra-interesting match-up between he and a glorified "jobber", Burning TAKA, and almost tear the roof off of the X-WA Arena in the process. Not many people in the industry could really deliver such a match with a relative unknown, however, Acid is one who can defy all sense of proposed reality.


While Burning TAKA put up a hell of a fight... No one really expected the international superstar to come away with the victory. The fact that he made the match-up competitive for as long as he did was a feat in itself. At some points through out the action, TAKA was even fortunate enough to land an array of high spots... Pushing Acid on his heels in the process, however, never really getting to the point where he could be seen as "in control". Instead, just as TAKA would generate enough of a push... Acid would eventually find a way to undermine his advances and ultimately overcome his assault.


In the end, Acid was just too much for the underachieving TAKA... Finishing off the match-up with a running "Acid Rain Bomb" from corner to corner... Slamming his opponent square to the mat with a powerful spike... Bouncing TAKA's body off of the mat, however, being pinned quickly back to the canvas all in a matter of seconds.


Winner: Acid over Burning TAKA in 11:44 via pinfall.

Grade: C+


Angle: Wrong time for a Family arguement...

Grade: D




[Coming off of a short commercial break for a string of upcoming X-WA Live events, We are now treated to the sight of the locker room area once again... This time, It's Steve Flash stumbling into the isolated room... Using the wall as his buffer.... Seemingly having troubles after the assault bestowed upon him by demonic "Circus" member, Kill Switch. The Indy Wrestling Legend staggers his way over to a steel chair positioned next to a pile of his personal belongings.]


[Now seated on the steel chair below, Steve grabs for a water bottle off to his left... Slowly opening the top of the bottle and pouring the water over his head in a shower of forced mental clarity. As the water trickles down his long brown hair, his son... Mathew Flash, quickly steps into the locker room area and drops to his knee next to his struggling father. Mathew, trying to comfort his grizzled father figure, is met with a very cold response as Steve doesn't even make a sound... rather, Just stairing straight ahead as a pool of water rolls down his face. If this was all that happened then you could certainly chalk this moment up to an amazing "Full House"/Family-esque kind of scenario... However, that's not how the X-WA projects itself in the slightest.]


[Mathew, not blessed with the ability to understand when it's not the best time for certain conversations, quickly changes the tone of the scenario as he flat out asks his father for help with his wrestling career... Stating that his Father has accomplished many great feats since becoming a pro wrestler decades ago. He even goes as far as to say that it would be an honor to learn in his Father's footsteps... However, just as he comes to a close with that very notion... Steve breaks the "feel good moment" with a resounding "No". He doesn't even move his face to look at his son... but rather keeps looking forward as his hair is still dripping with water. Mathew tries to question his father and ask "why"... however, Steve doesn't give him any room... Instead, comes back with an even colder response of "Go home, Mathew... you've tried to become a wrestler... but it's obvious that you don't have what it takes"...]


[Mathew slowly backs away from the situation with a look of sadness on his face... Thrown back by his Father's response, however, not shocked by his normal grizzled attitude. Steve, never making eye contact with his son, lands a final response to his son... Stating that he loves his son... However, this industry was not set in his destiny... Finishing it all off with a final desperate cry for his son to... "Go Home".]




Stric Lee Bizness vs. Vicente Marquez

[Non-Title Match]


This highly anticipated Main Event match-up would prove to be one of the most bitter exchanges in X-WA history. A few weeks back, Stric Lee Bizness was fortunate enough to walk away with a victory over the "mentally unstable" Vicente Marquez as Vicente mourned the abduction of his beloved girlfriend, Jennifer Heat. The mexican-born superstar, at that time, certainly was not ready for a competitive affair... Leaving him as a "sitting duck" awaiting a quick and painless "kill shot". While this was the best way to classify their first, and only, meeting.... The same could not be said about tonight.


Vicente Marquez, now standing with a sense of partial mental clarity, came out of his corner with an aggressive tone never seen before. The former easy-going, fun-loving Marquez has now been replaced by a bitter, ultra-aggressive, all out "war machine" of a man.... Focusing all of his internal pain upon the very man who stood across from him, Stric Lee Bizness. In a way, his shocking new approach would even catch his opponent off guard as it seemed as if Stric Lee Bizness was fighting to just stay on his feet from the very start. Vicente, using fists of fury, completely controlled the beginning of the match with a round of haymaker strikes to the jaw of the X-WA Arena Champion... Eventually rocking him off his feet on several occasions and even forcing him to roll out of the ring and regain his composure very early on. However, this wouldn't prove to be a "free moment" for the "Ice Cold Assasin" as Marquez, uncharacteristically, follows him to the outside.... Continuing the fight along the ringside area.... also, opening himself up to a few cheap shots from the Arena Champion... Eventually evening out the momentum.


In a showing that he isn't truly over what happened recently with Jack Griffith, Vicente was seen, at one point, tackling SLB to the mat with a high octaine spear at full speed. Following the spear, Marquez unloaded with fists of fury again... In an attempt to open up SLB... repeatedly hitting him in the forehead and yelling out Griffith's name in the process. All in all, It was easy to see that the troubled superstar was on the verge of snapping once again... Certainly still under an immense amount of stress following his, and Jennifer's, abduction.


Stric Lee Bizness, sensing Marquez's mental slip, began a legendary streak... Forcing Marquez to slow his dizzying pace down to a turtle-like crawl... Bringing his typical in-ring approach to the forefront (impactful suplexes followed by lengthy submission holds)... A shift in focus that would potentially prove deadly for the resurgent Marquez.




At this point, both Ultimate Phoenix and American Elemental are seen staggering their way down to the ring... Both men showing that they are still injured (American Elemental still walking with a crutch even) following SLB's recent Submission hold DQ's. While the two superstars never really do much to interfere with the match... Their presence began to affect Stric Lee as his eyes would quickly dart over the the duo following every other suplex attempt.


In the end, both men are seen delivering a solid 20 seconds of full-speed chain wrestling.... Back and forth... Hard strike... Potential pin... Reversals... Everything was seen. It looked as if it could go on forever......


That was until Vicente Marquez was able to break out of SLB's signature Full-Nelson Belly-to-Back Suplex/Pin Combo... Instead, slipping behind the X-WA Arena Champion and butterfly suplex pin of his own... Picking up a "out of the blue" kind of pinfall from the new senior referee, Ryan Holland.


Winner: Vicente Marquez over Stric Lee Bizness in 18:57 via pinfall.

Grade: B-


Angle: The Fallen Angel... Continues to Fall...

Grade: B+




[Following Vicente Marquez's triumphent return to "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg"... Chaos would ensue.]


[The X-WA announcing team receives word from the backstage area about a frantic development brewing. In what seems to be a very honest moment of pure terror, both men (Steve Smith & Ernie Turner) become extremely quiet... with an occassional outburst calling for a camera man to survey what has been transpiring backstage as they speak. Finally, after what seems to be a century of waiting... We are given a live shot of the backstage area so that we can finally see what it is that is creating so much chaos between those who are currently "in the know"...]


[With a live shot backstage, We now see a figure of a man laying face down on the cold cement floor of the loading docks of the arena. A pool of blood is seen trickling ever so quickly away from the figure's head as it's easy to see that this man was subjected to a violent attack. X-WA Officials, backstage personnel, various X-WA superstars, and arena paramedics are seen hovering around the fallen figure... All in a state of complete shock.... All of them trying their hardest to remedy the situation as best as they can.]


[The figure is slowly rolled over onto his back as, at first, the man is almost unrecognizable.. however.. Following a brief blotching of a towel over the bloody figure's face... We now find the identity of the fallen figure to be none other than the X-WA's Owner, Nemesis. Paramedics quickly attend to the potentially injured Owner as various members of the roster are seen practically with tears in their eyes over what has come to pass. A motionless Nemesis is lightly treated and then quickly positioned onto a stretcher with a careful approach. The shocking thing is, As the beloved X-WA Owner is being strapped in... He actually starts to break back into conciousness... Trying to pick himself up off of the stretcher, however, being forced back down by various members of the roster... In an act of saving himself from his own stubborness.]


[Nemesis tries to order everyone to release him, however, the local paramedics are hell-bent on letting him go... Instead, feeling as if he should go to the hospital to make sure that there aren't any substantial injuies hiding within.]


[The show comes to a close as Nemesis is being loaded into the back of a New York Ambulance (against his will none the less). The medical vehicle screams off into the night blaring its sirens as the final moments of this broadcast are fixated on a speeding vehicle disappearing into the night.]









Overall Show Grade: B-

X-WA Arena Attendance: 3,390

"Blitzkrieg" TV Rating: 0.47 (+ 0.06)

Prediction Winner: CZCW, BigPapa42, Marcel Fromage, foolinc (4 out of 5)!


Show Thoughts:

* Vicente Marquez and Stric Lee Bizness really seem to be my "cornerstones" when it comes to the youth of the X-WA. They always put on great matches with whoever they face... and in this case... With eachother.

* Acid was able to pull a C+ match with TAKA who has a popularity level of E-. That's just simply amazing. haha. That's why he's my champ (that and he's great in the ring fused with the most popularity out of all of my active competitors).

* This was my best show thus far grade wise. I've had a few C+'s, however, this is the first time i've cracked the B range. woo hoo!!

* Hope you enjoyed the new layout scheme with the added photos!

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So I didn't get my chance to predict but I did just finished both shows and they are really good stuff. Was I not paying attention and he always was a face or did Jay Chord just turn face. Ota takes another win but I'm not sure where he's going from there, I don't think we need another Ota vs Acid match at this point. Compared to some of your other rising stars (Marquez, Matt Flash, SLB and Phoenix) Ota seems actually kind of bland for the main event. Although we all know personally I want to see Steve Flash with the strap I understand why you've kind kept him away from it although I'd love to see a classic best of seven series between him and Ota.


And who did attack Nemesis. Was it the oddly missing psycho Jack Griffith, is it the second bodyguard alluded two a month ago by Eisen or is it a new acquisition totally out of the blue, maybe a former DaVE rival.


Although I kinda implied I wanted the next-gen-trio/Flash thing to end I know see Joss being evicted from the trio and his replacement comes in as Matthew Flash, with an attack on his own father. Tired of living in his dad's shadow Flash the Younger makes his name by destroying his legendary dad. Meanwhile Joss goes on to form a new trio in an attempt to regain a title he never lost because he was thrown out of the team. Maybe even going so far as to team with Flash the Elder.

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Hey Apu,


Thanks for leaving some feedback behind. :D I really appreciate it. There were a few bullet points that I wanted to focus on as the other info would probably be breaking with "kayfabe" as it would give away too much in the end. I'm sure.


Was I not paying attention and he always was a face or did Jay Chord just turn face.


Jay debuted as a face superstar and is currently working through a whole "prove myself to not be my Father" kind of storyline. So, his handshake with Phoenix was more sore a sign that he is trying to remedy the stigma with his last name. Phoenix defeated him in his debut match at "Reckless Ascent" and now after he got the match he practically forced Phoenix into... and lost... He's showing that he's a good sport. His character is kind of a two way situation... A man with internal demons who is TRYING to "do the right thing".



Ota takes another win but I'm not sure where he's going from there, I don't think we need another Ota vs Acid match at this point. Compared to some of your other rising stars (Marquez, Matt Flash, SLB and Phoenix) Ota seems actually kind of bland for the main event.


No worries to another Ota vs. Acid match for the X Championship. With losing in last month's three way dance between he, Kill Switch, and Aicd... Ota is forced to stay away from the title as long as Acid is still the champ (A stipulation handed down by Nemesis)... So it created this "do or die" mentality at "Reckless Ascent". With his loss, He's looking elsewhere as the X Championship is now out of his reach as long as Acid is the Champ.


His interview on the last page though kind of hints as to where he may be going from here..... ;)




Thanks, again, for your feedback man! I hope this cleared some of that up!!!






Diary Note:


With all that happened on this episode of "Blitzkrieg", I plan on posting a few "website posts" before I display the next card. After most shows, for those who have followed this diary, I tend to post a string of "website posts" that kind of shed light on what happened on the show... The key points, etc. That way it's easier to know what to ultimately take away from the show... and typically shed new light on things that happened.


Needless to say, A new card may not be up for a few days as I try to find the best way to convey the messages that I'm trying to do so.


Thank you for reading!!

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STORY: Nemesis released from Hospital. Tests conclude no internal injuries.





The X-WA has officially received word that it's controversial owner, Nemesis, has been released from the local New York hospital he was forced to occupy after last night's bloody attack. For those of you who missed "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg", Nemesis was seen laying in a pool of his own blood following the show's Main Event between Vicente Marquez and Stric Lee Bizness.


Little is known as to when the attack took place and/or who the attacker ultimately could be. X-WA Officials backstage state that the last time they personally saw Nemesis was half-way through the show following his deeply emotional argument with "The Silver Spoon Superstar", William Kingsbury III. In this very argument, Nemesis proclaimed that he would NEVER leave the X-WA and the only way anyone would ever be able to take his place at the top of the company would be over his "dead body".


Today, people are questioning whether or not someone took that message to heart and ultimately tried to remove Nemesis from the X-WA with this heinous attack. All fingers point to wards the obvious, William Kingsbury III, especially since he made it very clear that he would drop his lawsuit against the X-WA's owner if he were to remove himself from power... However, as of right now, we have no real leads as to whether or not it was the selfish young superstar.


All in all, The X-WA's Owner has been released from a local New York hospital this morning following a battery of tests that concluded he was not suffering from any internal injuries.


More to come...

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STORY: "The Next-Gen-Trio" Splitting up?





If you witnessed this week's episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" (1st Week of June 2008 - The 1st post on "page 22") then you certainly saw the potential unraveling of one of the X-WA's most touted young Trio's. Shortly before their Six Man Championship match, Francios Cartier (the unspoken leader of the group) was seen ripping into fellow Trio-mate Joss Thompson over his dissatisfaction with Joss's recent performances. At one point, the Canadian-born superstar even went as far as to blame the "Next-Gen-Trio's" pitfalls on Joss.... Proclaiming that his weakness in the ring has come to cost them the adoration that they deserve.


With another loss this week coming to the youngster Trio, and with Joss being the one who was ultimately pinned, there are a lot of rumors that this group may be on the out-and-out as they currently stand.


It should be noted that X-WA Interviewer, Jonathan Owens, attempted a pre-match interview with the "Next-Gen-Trio" following their loss last night... However, Cartier & Jett were said to have "no interest" in sitting in with Joss Thompson. With the Trio unable to even be in the same room... Is the writing on the wall already?


More to come...

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bravo! simply amazing. this last show was one of your best so far. the images were spot on, the action was detailed, and the storylines are really cooking.


can't wait to see where you go from here. especially with the nemesis storyline. just don't let it end up like the wwe/steve austin hit and run storyline and let it drag out for a year without any real outcome. hahaha.

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bravo! simply amazing. this last show was one of your best so far. the images were spot on, the action was detailed, and the storylines are really cooking.


can't wait to see where you go from here. especially with the nemesis storyline. just don't let it end up like the wwe/steve austin hit and run storyline and let it drag out for a year without any real outcome. hahaha.


Thank you for being such a major support in this diary. I can always count on you to swing on by and give all of this a read. Honestly, thank you.


I was pretty happy with how the show came out (especially "in game" wise as we pulled our first B- show grade) and it ended up being the catalyst for some new storylines (while also fusing a few other ones together). The second I finished the actual booking process I became super excited to write it all out as I could tell it was going to be a good show! :D


And don't worry about this turning into a SCSA "who done it" lengthy affair. To be honest, I don't plan on giving it away right away... however... at the same time, You won't be subjected to the same tired storyline.... If it can stay interesting for a bit then great, however, my mindset changes with each day... ha. It's outcome could come next show or months from now. :p



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"The Boys of Huntington Beach"

Stevie Grayson, Mainstream Hernandez, Sebastian Jameson


Trio Review:


"The Boys of Huntington Beach" are a brand new X-WA Trio that can be classified as a collection of "garden-variety" West Coast youth. Their motive is to portray a sense of natural uniqueness (that truthfully relies on heavy image construction and internal maintanance) fused in with a desperate need to be seen as "cool". If you've ever been to Los Angeles... Then you would know exactly what I mean by this.


The three youngsters are often seen as fan favorites despite their borderline self-obsessed mentality. Truthfully, All three could theoretically work at your local mall at this very second... Modeling with their shirts off in front of any Abercrombie & Fitch.... Wasting their, somewhat, meaningless lives away as their only persuit of real truths lies in their understanding of what gell product to use in their hair to receive more lasting volume.


While they obviously have a strong fan base with females under 25 and males desperately wanting to be like them... It's unknown whether or not their "laid back surfer persona" will ever truly "take" in the land of Chaos.... The land of the X-WA.

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Diary Note:


I'm thinking of doing away with updating the roster set-up on "page 1" and, instead, doing something more like what's directly above for new superstars (or personas) are introduced into the X-WA. Overall, this cuts down on having to tediously tend to the "roster section" over and over again when it's just going to get in the way of other things right now. So, these posts, will take over for this and ultimately will give you an idea of the new superstars, old superstars with new personas, trios, stables, developing in the X-WA over time.


Also, I plan on taking the post that is currently set as the "roster section" and turning it into a "Title History" post. That way I can start to compile a title history for the X-WA Championships... Giving a sense of history to my game (as I go forward). This helps new readers to know what has happened in the company champions wise leading up to now.

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"The Way of Ota"

Fumihiro Ota, Mikkel Drago, Jay Chord


Trio Review:


There have been external rumors floating around the X-WA based upon what Fumihiro Ota was planning to do next. With his "no complete clause" for the X Championship, as long as Acid is the champion, many have questioned whether or not the aging cruiserweight would simply fade off into the horizon. However, that is certainly not the case.


The grizzled veteran has discovered a new, more fulfilling, chapter of his career as he now transitions from the world of "Main Event Lights" to the honorable status of "teacher". After years of golden success, and being labeled as a "cornerstone" of the TCW Cruiserweight division, the Great Ota has now found his new calling.... Guiding the youth of the industry in all matters; career, personal, and spiritual.


This is not your typical style of "student-teacher" scenarios, however, as Fumihiro Ota is focused on developing a new generation of wrestlers instilled with honor, pride, and absolute respect for one another. Breaking from the current-day "me, me, me" mentality... And trying to bring a sense of tradition back to the sport.


While Ota is focusing on a well-rounded approach.... His students are not to be laughed off as his teaching style is certainly very rigorous (as you will see). While he is developing them, not only into great wrestlers but also great human beings, he is also constructing the "warriors of today and tomorrow".


X-WA superstars, Mikkel Drago & Jay Chord have shown signs of both strong competition and honorable mentalities. With that, Fumihiro Ota has specifically chosen them to be his first line of students.... Young men who will certainly gain from "The Way of Ota".

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