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The X-WA || "An Act of Vengeance for The Fallen Angel"

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Diary Note


I've gone ahead and edited my "roster section" of this diary (back on page 1) and have now turned it into a "Champions section"... Where you can find out who the current champion is at anytime during the diary. Also, i'm working on compiling a title history list called "The Hall of Champions" which, as you can see by going back, I do have the logo up but don't have my game in front of me so I can really lay out the information (That's why also in the champs section some things are listed as "N/A").


You can find this "Champions Section" on Page #1.... The 5th post of the entire diary. :)


Also, as you can see, I've been posting information about new Trio's in the X-WA as I really am focused, now, on creating a strong Trio division. There will probably be a few more groups being created over the next week or so to cushion the division but it won't be anything crazy. These "roster review" posts are more so to give you an idea about certain characters who are either new to the company or who have been with the company but now are under a new persona.


All in all, Just wanted to give you all a heads up! I hope you're enjoying the diary thus far!





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STORY: X-WA June PPV Named!


The X-WA has officially announced the name of their upcoming PPV Event set for Saturday, the 3rd week of June 2008. While it's unclear the meaning as to why it was named as such, company officials have gone forward with "eXtreme Decimation".


While the show is still 2 weeks away from taking place (2 episodes of "Blitzkrieg" in between now and the PPV), The X-WA has announced the Main Event for said PPV event...




[X-WA X Championship Match]


Also, we have received word from high ranking officials within the X-WA that X-WA Owner, Nemesis, will be addressing the entire company this week on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg". As of right now the subject of his presentation is unknown, however, one could certainly point towards the recent attack bestowed upon him and how the name of the PPV event in question could coincide.


More to come...

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STORY: "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" Card Released!

[2nd Week of June 2008]





With the X-WA announcing the name of their upcoming PPV Event, "eXtreme Decimation" (2 episodes away), this weeks episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" will certainly stand as a chaotic one. Will we find out who attacked Nemesis? What will happen between Vicente Marquez and Acid now that they have been named as the Main Eventers for the upcoming PPV Event? Also, will the Flash Family see, yet another, emotionally crushing moment? All of that, along with the debut of a slew of new superstars, has made this episode out to be a impactful night of TV.


With that being said, here is the card as it stands:




Ares vs. Teddy Powell

..."Superstar Spotlight" for Ares coming...


Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Mathew Flash


"The Boys of Huntington Beach" vs. "The Way of Ota"

[Trio Division Match]


Steve Flash vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir


|| "Blitzkrieg" Main Event ||


American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix, and Vicente Marquez vs. Acid, Stric Lee Bizness, and ????????

[3 vs. 3 Match]




* Nemesis to address the entire X-WA following the sneak attack on him last week.

* Kingsbury pushes forward with his Lawsuit of the X-WA, and more importantly the X-WA's Owner, Nemesis.

* Will we witness the END of the "Next-Gen-Trio"?

* New superstars set to debut!


There are rumors floating around as to who may have been the mysterious attacker of Nemesis last week, however, there is no concrete knowledge of who it could be. With that being said... Will we learn the attackers identity this week on "Blitzkrieg"? And if so, will it take a potential violent action to draw it out? Only time will tell...




*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Ares vs. Teddy Powell

Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Mathew Flash

"The Boys of Huntington Beach" vs. "The Way of Ota"

Steve Flash vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir

American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix, and Vicente Marquez vs. Acid, Stric Lee Bizness, and ????????

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Ares vs. Teddy Powell

Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Mathew Flash

"The Boys of Huntington Beach" vs. "The Way of Ota"

Steve Flash vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir

American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix, and Vicente Marquez vs. Acid, Stric Lee Bizness, and ????????

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Superstar Review:


Look into his eyes... deep into his soul... What do you see? Do you see the vicious, blood thirsty, street-fighter that is caged within his scarred physique? Named after the Greek God of violence and war, Ares, is the embodiment of sadistic evil. Not in a supernatural sense but rather as a cold-blooded street warrior... A man focused solely upon absolute violence... A soldier as vicious and vile as they come.


His often blood-soaked hands are always heavily wrapped... looking to inflict as much pain with each strike... and his ring attire is nothing "extravagant" or "Sports Entertainment-based". This guy is truly a fighter at his most basic level and a violent destroyer at his best.


Little is derived from his mouth as he uses his ultra-aggressive approach to everyday life to speak volumes. His primary focus is simple... Beat the living hell out of his opponent by any means necessary.


He is a "GOD of War"... He is.... Ares.





*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Ares vs. Teddy Powell

Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Mathew Flash

"The Boys of Huntington Beach" vs. "The Way of Ota"

Steve Flash vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir

American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix, and Vicente Marquez vs. Acid, Stric Lee Bizness, and ????????

[... Thank you to FIN for the alt render of Marc Speed! Love it!...]

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*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Ares vs. Teddy Powell

Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Mathew Flash

"The Boys of Huntington Beach" vs. "The Way of Ota"

Steve Flash vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir

American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix, and Vicente Marquez vs. Acid, Stric Lee Bizness, and ????????

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William Kingsbury III has been a hand-full since the day he joined the X-WA. A selfish, egotistical, trust-fund baby who has never seen a day without those around him kissing his ass. So, needless to say, when he landed in "hard as nails", "work your ass off to get ahead" X-WA... It was setting to be an absolute powder keg waiting to blow. He's been intertwined with controversy ever since his debut in February of 2008 and now finds himself in not one but two different polarizing situations as we speak.


I was fortunate to sit down with the "Silver Spoon Superstar" this week following our last episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg". This is the transcript of what came to be.






Jonathan Owens: I'm sitting here with X-WA superstar, and self-proclaimed "mistreated employee", William Kingsbury III and his family owned bodyguard, Vladimir. First and foremost, thank you both for taking the time to meet with me today.


[Kingsbury, leaning back in his chair like a school boy punk, thrusts his head back as to signify "no problem"... Gently raising his left hand off the ground as well in a "whatever" kind of manor]


Jonathan Owens: You've been a very polarizing figure since joining the X-WA in February... Many have made statements about your unwillingness to interact with the 'boys backstage, typically leaving shows directly after you're done with your matches, and ultimately removing yourself from the very company you work for. Now you've gone as far as to sue the X-WA for "mistreatment". What kind of "mistreatment" have you received?


William Kingsbury III: First off, I don't like your tone Jonathan.... [slowly staring him down in silence]... You should show me some respect. I can add you to this lawsuit as well at any second... Got me? No one would even blink an eye with you gone...


[Kingsbury cracks a smirk as Jonathan just shrugs off his advancement... being the consummate professional that he is.]


William Kingsbury III: The X-WA is a haven for psychopaths, fools, and losers... A "who's who" of the nobodies in this world. So, when this companies officials have done everything in their power to hold me back... How am I suppose to respond? I've voiced my grievances to the Owner on numerous occassions... and what has it gotten me? Fits of laughter. Not only that but an old-geezer of a wrestler "cheating" his way to victory and ultimately trying to injure me following the contest.... Look back on the tape.. You'll see it.


[Kingsbury shows signs of being uncomfortable... As if Nemesis's treatment really has been a leading cause of some sort of unease]


William Kingsbury III: The Owner of this company has done everything in his unlimited power to push my Family's name through the dirt... Repeatedly shoving me into un-heard of challenges... Physically threatening me... I mean, Jonathan, any other fortune 500 company would have their CEO removed at this point for these kind of actions. Why not the X-WA? All I'm trying to do with this lawsuit is to bring this injustice to the attention of the wrestling world. The X-WA is a complete joke... If it wasn't for my "forced situation"... [Rolls his eyes]... I would be on the first plane flight to New England... Where I could compete with the "best of the best"... not the "best of the rest".


Jonathan Owens: When you speak of your "forced situation" I gather that you mean the fact that your Father, William Kingsbury II, has physically forced you back into the X-WA... Declaring that you will.. and I quote... "Finish something you start for once in your life"...


[An evil, combative, look forms on Kingsbury's face at the sound of his Father's quote]


Jonathan Owens: What does your Father think of your lawsuit against the X-WA? I assume you're using your Family's lawyers... So, I take it that your Father approves?


William Kingsbury III: My Father doesn't need to have his hand in on everything that I do... Jonathan. I contacted my Family's lawyers on my own behalf... This is my "fight"... Not his.


Jonathan Owens: So..... He doesn't know?


[Jonathan states very matter of factly]


William Kingsbury III: Noooooo.... Jonathan.


[Kingsbury responds in a childish manor.]


Jonathan Owens: So who is paying for your legal consult then?


[William Rolls his eyes and tries to change the subject.]


William Kingsbury III: Who really cares who is paying for it, Jonathan. Keep your nose in our own business... If you stumble into mine than I may have to force you out.


[William looks over at Vladimir, who is seated at his side... burning a whole through the head of Jonathan Owens with a blank stair.]


Jonathan Owens: Fine. Point taken.


[Jonathan rustles his papers for a few seconds and then changes the subject... well.. kinda.]


Jonathan Owens: With all of this being said, There are a lot of people in the X-WA who believe that you may have had a hand in Nemesis's unfortunate sneak attack last week on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg". Did you play a part in this? If not, will you use this interview to emphatically clear your name?


William Kingsbury III: I did nothing to that slobbering Neanderthal.


Jonathan Owens: Nothing? How about your crew?


[Jonathan looks over to Vladimir.]


William Kingsbury III: No one in my "crew" as you put it laid a finger on that senile piece of trash. Why would we?


Jonathan Owens: Not only have you had a storied history with him, much of it aggressive in nature, but this last week you did call on the man to leave his post as the Owner of the X-WA. You even told him that you would drop the lawsuit if he were to step away from the company.... To which he replied that he would never leave and the only way he would be forced out would be over his, and I quote, "dead body".... It seems very fitting for you that only 30 minutes after he said those very words... He was found in a pool of his own blood.


[Kingsbury, standing up from his chair in an emotional outburst, points aggressively in the direction of Jonathan Owens at this point.]


William Kingsbury III: I... did... nothing.... What else do I need to say? I wish I could stand on the other side of that pathetic a$$hole and stake a claim in all of this... Believe me, I'd kill for the opportunity. [An evil look resides on the face of the "Silver Spoon Superstar"] BUT.... I did nothing and there is no way you can prove any of it. I'm sick and tired of this god-damned company... With your made-up rumors, your mentally unstable employees, and most importantly... Your "holier than thou" Owner.... For the last time.... I..... DID.... NOT.... LAY.... A.... FINGER.... ON.... THAT.... JOKE.... OF... A.... WRESTLER. You got me? This interview is over...


[With that Kingsbury storms off the set in a rage-filled fit... Forcing Jonathan Owens to sit back in his chair with a look of "you got to be kidding me" running across his face. While in the middle of shaking his head and talking under his breathe, Owens reaches for his cell phone to call company officials to complain about the abrupt ending to an interview he was scheduled to carry out.]


[While doing so, the Kingsbury Family Bodyguard, Vladimir, is seen slowly standing up from his chair and walking over to the seated Owens. All it took was a deadly stair and a process of cracking his knuckles square in the face of Owens to force the X-WA journalist to end his phone call and leave the set as well.]


[in the end, The interview has officially come to a close.... and the only man left standing is Vladimir.]





*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Ares vs. Teddy Powell

Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Mathew Flash

"The Boys of Huntington Beach" vs. "The Way of Ota"

Steve Flash vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir

American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix, and Vicente Marquez vs. Acid, Stric Lee Bizness, and ????????

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*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Ares vs. Teddy Powell

Ares is a bad ass new character for you. I'm excited to see how the repackaged Marc Speed does.


Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Mathew Flash

Steve Flash to save his son from a "circus" attack after the match.


"The Boys of Huntington Beach" vs. "The Way of Ota"

The beach boys are all openers and Ota's new training school trio has him in their corner so I give it to them.


Steve Flash vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir

Kingsbury doesnt need to win to keep his overness. plus Steve Flash needs to make a push back towards the main event.


American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix, and Vicente Marquez vs. Acid, Stric Lee Bizness, and ????????

Marquez to get the pinfall on Acid? either way im sure youll build their PPV match somehow.

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Ares vs. Teddy Powell

Debut win


Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Mathew Flash

Kill Switch takes the win as Matty Flash feels like he's falling farther and farther behind his father's legacy.


"The Boys of Huntington Beach" vs. "The Way of Ota"

Ota is a former contender for the big title he isn't going to let his team lose this.


Steve Flash vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir

Flash wins and next week an argument ensues between father and son about dad winning all the time at Matty losing.


American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix, and Vicente Marquez vs. Acid, Stric Lee Bizness, and ????????

I'd say this is a good way to let Acid take a loss without losing in singles combat. But here we see the return of Jack Griffith as the third man and that throws Marquez off his game allowing probably Elemental to get pinned.

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Anyone who wants to put in some predictions before the posting of the next episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" has a few days to do so! I finished booking and running the show "in-game" so now it just comes down to writing the entire thing out. So, there is still time if you're feeling inspired to leave some feedback/predictions, etc.


Overall, the show has come together really well. Some new storylines are starting and a few other ones are moving steps forward.... All leading up to this month's PPV, "eXtreme Decimation". (Which after this show... There is one more episode of "Blitzkrieg" and then the PPV!)





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I'm going through a hint of writer's block.... So... Nedless to say, I'm not really sure when the next show will be up? I'm going to give myself a day or two to try to clear my head, however, I just wanted to let those reading this diary know that the next episode of "Blitzkrieg" may not come for a few more days.





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X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" - TV Event

Tuesday, 2nd week of June 2008 (Shown on TV on Thursday)

The X-WA Arena (Tri-State)







Angle: Rome is Burning...

Grade: B




[This weeks episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" opens with a deafening roar from the emotionally charged fans, packed like sardines, in the revamped X-WA Arena. Cameras pan across the rugged New York crowd as signs for various X-WA Superstars are seen scattered through-out the arena.... Such statements as "Acid is a GOD", "The Next-Gen-Whiny Babies", and my personal favorite... "F*ck the Big Three... X-WA forever". This, along with what seemed like billions of people flicking off the camera, was the very first images we collected from tonight's event. ]


[The camera man now pans out towards the ring area to suprisingly see the entire X-WA roster situated around ringside. Each member looks as if they are conjoining in packs... Watching their backs... and ultimately bracing for some sort of message. A message that the X-WA Announcers, Steve Smith and Ernie Turner, inform is coming from the X-WA Owner, Nemesis, himself. Both Turner and Smith argue over what the message could ultimately be about, however, one thing is for sure.... The tone in the arena tonight is that of absolute uneasiness.]


[Just then, Nemesis's legendary DAVE theme music kicks in... Flooding the arena with a massive ovation. The crowd instantly jumps to their feet in anticipation of the fearless leader... Knowing that tonight's show is bound to be a special event. With that, the X-WA Owner himself piles out of the backstage area with a ultra-pissed off demeanor running across his chizzled face. He storms his way down to the ring, passing by several X-WA superstars standing on that side of the ring.... Even slowly walking past his arch-nemesis, William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir, as he slowly walks up the steel steps to his side.]


[While in the ring, Nemesis is instantly heard on the mic calling for the sneak attacker from last week to "be a man and show his face". The X-WA Owner would go on to inform the unknown attacker that he has two options.... 1) Show himself off tonight and be a man about it.... or 2) Hide in the shadows like a p*ssy... and ultimately suffer the WRATH of Nemesis once your identity is discovered. This very notion sends the crowd into an, almost, psychotic frenzy... Excited about what may unfold infront of their very eyes. However, seconds go bye... and no one steps forward...]


[Nemesis looks down upon his X-WA employees... Growing more and more hell-bent as the seconds go bye... Finally getting back onto the mic and proclaiming that if this is how it's suppose to be... Then so be it... In a sense, allowing the moment to pass.... However, not really.]


[Nemesis vows to find out the indentity of his attacker and also states that when he does.... He will personally transform the X-WA into a living hell for said superstar.... With a violently aggressive tone, Nemesis would close this promo with A powerful message that even the attacker can't help but be afraid of...]


"Up until now I've been very cordial with the superstars of the X-WA... I've stood along the sidelines and made sure that all would be given the chance to truly succeed in this company... However, you (the attacker and to a lesser extend the X-WA superstars who have not come forward with information on the attacker) have left me with no choice.... If you want "Hell on earth" then I will give you "Hell on Earth"... [Demented grin]... You may think that you (the attacker) have shifted the balance of power here in the X-WA but there's one major problem... You didn't finish the job... I'm still standing... I'm still breathing... And as long as I'm still "here"... I will see to it that absolute destruction comes to those who defy my rule... In a sense, "Rome is burning".... However... this time around... It was cesar who set the blaze...."







Ares vs. Teddy Powell


With Nemesis's violent decree hanging over the X-WA Arena, The opening match of the night would certainly continue the overly-aggressive vibe. Ares, a new debuting superstar in the X-WA, was a menacing figure from the second that he walked through the curtain... His fists heavily wrapped, his attire nothing more than a sleek black pair of wrestling shorts, and a look on his face that would strike fear in practically any other man before him. All in all, Teddy Powell had his hands full tonight.


The match-up itself was a true clash of wrestling styles with Powell being a high flying "thrill seeker" and the debuting Ares as a "ground and pound" submission artist. Needless to say, Sometimes style had to give.... and it just so happened to be Teddy's. While Powell looked to push the tempo of the match to a energized pace from the onset... Ares was successful in ultimately slowing down the high paced superstar... Grounding him to the mat and using his vicious strike & submission skill set to wear his oponent down.


In the end, Ares caught a lunging Powell with a jaw-dropping T-Bone Suplex, which folded Powell completely over on impact, followed by an aggressive rear-naked choke. While bridging his right arm across the throat of Powell... Ares was seen violently pulling his body every which way... Breaking down Powell's ability to fight the hold and ultiamtely forcing him into submission even quicker.


Winner: Ares over Teddy Powell in 7:34 via submission.

Grade: D


Angle: Words from Switch...

Grade: D+




[shortly before his match-up with Mathew Flash, Kill Switch is seen standing before the camera lens, backstage infront of a black and white X-WA backdrop. To his right stands X-WA Interviewer, Jonathan Owens, and behind him... The remaining two members of "The Circus"... Whippy the Clown and Snap Dragon. Truly a motley crue, "The Circus" is obviously intimidating the consummate professional that is Owens... As the young X-WA journalist conducts a short promo with the faction leader (Kill Switch). While the interview would only last for a few moments the ultimate tone had been set... Kill Switch carries a sense of deep hatred for the "King of New York", the man he's rumored to be facing at "eXtreme Decimation", and proclaims that the grizzled veteran will stand as his "personal playground".... Citing that, if given the chance to face Flash at the upcoming PPV, he will do what "The-Next-Gen-Trio" was unable to do.... End Steve Flash's life.]


[The twisted promo from the X-WA "Anarchist" slowly comes to a close as Kill Switch is seen stairing down the camera lens... inches from eye to glass. We now fade to a short commercial break, however, before we can do so.. Switch is heard whispering these very words to the camera...]


"Your blood will run cold.... Your life... Will find its end... All by these hands...."




Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Mathew Flash


From the very beginning it was easy to see the difference in experience between these two superstars. Mathew Flash, still very very "green" as it pertains to being a pro wrestler, was often seen confused as to what to do next. Even when he was fortuante enough to catch Kill Switch off guard with a high impact move... It almost looked as if he was unaware of "what to do next". Despite that, however, Mathew did show signs of potential greatness later on his career.... A few stand-out moments were sprinkled within his confusion.


In the end, though, Kill Switch's knowledge of the sport was just too much for Mathew. Switch, a youngster in his own right, was able to dictate the flow of the match from the bell. His extremely intense approach to in-ring combat was what set him apart in this match as there was no way Flash could keep up with him. A hard strike here, a stiff kick there.... Mathew was staggering the entire match... Often holding his body in pain after one of these said blows.


It all came to an end as Kill Switch, without needing any help from "The Circus", successfully exicuted a pump-handle slam followed by his signature "Kill-Clutch" (The P-Clutch just re-named to fit his persona)... Forcing the young Mathew Flash to cry out in submission.


Winner: Kill Switch over Mathew Flash in 8:43 via submission.

Grade: C-


Angle: A second victim of a sneak attack...

Grade: C




[As his Son has racked up, yet another, loss as a professional wrestler (At least a pro wrestler in name... not truly by trade just yet)... Steve Flash is seen admist his own problems. The highly respected "King of New York" appears to be the second victim of a sneak attack in the last two weeks (the first being the companies owner, Nemesis, last week on "Blitzkrieg"). Local paramedics attempt to subdue the enraged superstar as Flash is seen trying to stagger to his feet despite harboring a potential serious knee injury. In his failed attempt to raise back to his feet... Steve ultimately crashes back to the floor... wincing in pain as he grips his right knee with a desperate tone.]


[The X-WA Announcers, Steve Smith and Ernie Turner, debate over whether or not this attack, in anyway, can be tied in with the hanious sneak attack on Nemesis last week on "Blitzkrieg"... While never really coming to a point of agreement. As the original banter begins to fade... Both men are then heard questioning whether or not the potentially injured Flash will be able to compete tonight as he's currently scheduled to face "The Silver Spoon Superstar", William Kingsbury III, here.... Tonight!]


[The scene comes to a close as the lasting image of Steve Flash, rolling onto his back and contorting his face in pain as the local paramedics survey the damage on his right knee, haunts your television set.]




"The Boys of Huntington Beach" vs. "The Way of OTA"

[X-WA Trio vs. Trio Match]


The first Trio match-up of the night would prove to be a debuting affair for both teams. The recently developed X-WA Trio Division has grown ever so slightly in the past few weeks and both teams were brought into the X-WA to help "spark" said division. Overall, The match-up could be classified as a very interesting situation...


The X-WA fans, despite the group being a face, did not really take well to the "Boys of Huntington Beach". Their laid back, surfer-dude, west-coast personas just didn't seem to click with the X-WA crowd all-together. Sure, there was a smattering of a few females in the crowd who loved this Trio... but, for the most part, the fans weren't all that excited about them. Actually, it was quite the opposite, as the very vocal X-WA fans really gave it to the debuting Sebastian Jameson... Ripping into him at all costs and ultimately not "buying into his persona".


This would push the majority of the X-WA crowd to firmly back the Fumihiro Ota led Trio. His two students, Mikkel Drago & Jay Chord, absolutley brought the house down in this match.... Both looked severly dangerous on every level and neither showed really any pitfalls through-out the contest. It seemed as if their short time with Fumihiro Ota had already transformed them into true wrestling warriors.


In the end, "The Way of OTA" found a way to finish out the match with, what felt like an, impromptu ending... Jay Chord caught a leaping Mainstream Hernandez off the top rope with a quick spinebuster/flip-over pinfall combo... Picking up the standard 3 count from X-WA Referee, Ryan Holland in the process.


Winner: "The Way of OTA" over "The Boys of Huntington Beach" in 8:12 via pinfall.

Grade: D


Angle: Next-Gen Rivals?

Grade: D




[in the previous match we were treated to the sight of "fully functioning X-WA Trio's"... Groups that were cohesive units, all fixated on the same notion of success as "one". However, at this point, we were given the counter-opposite...]


[Mass chaos seems to be unfolding in the locker room area as the X-WA camera man stands outside the doorway... Documenting the large number of X-WA officials bolting into the room at a feverish pace. The sounds of a bitter arguement fill into the hallway as it's obvious to hear that there is some sort of altercation going on in the very room before us. With that, The X-WA camera man slowly begins to ascend into the locker room area... Unaware of what to expect on the other side.]


[While in the room, We see a sea of X-WA officials standing between Joss Thompson and his Trio-mates Francios Cartier and Jacob Jett. By the looks of it... There must have been a physical confrontation between the two men (Cartier and Jett) and Thompson as... Cartier is seen bleeding from a busted lip.. blood pouring down his chin... and Joss's shirt is completely ripped... bareing all for the TV audience to witness.]


[both sides are frantically trying to break through the wave of officials present, however, without any sort of real luck in the matter.... Despite this, either side can be heard through out the entire segment yelling at the other... Creating a sense of division that could potentially never be mended. At this point it seems that the writing on the wall may be correct.... We may have just witnessed the be all, end all, moment of the "Next-Gen-Trio" as we know it!]




Steve Flash vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir


The secondary Main Event of the night was a brutal affair between the declared "King of New York" and the controversial "Silver Spoon Superstar", argueably two of the more visible superstars in the X-WA currently. While their match-up was hotly contested from the very beginning.... Steve Flash couldn't help but show signs of a debilitating knee injury. With every monuever, every hold, every potential "chain moment"... Steve looked to be a little out of his element and just a tad slower than normal. All in all, the sneak attack earlier on in the show had certainly affected the Indy Wrestling Legend in his match-up tonight.


William Kingsbury III acted as a shark smelling blood... Keeping himself out of the reach of Flash through most of the match, however, swooping in at certain moments to inflict as much pain as possible on the potentially injured knee. Following each strike, Kingsbury would then go back into "distance mode" as he continued to play with Flash, as well as the referee, calling for rope breaks as Steve approaches him for a fight.... Ducking out of bounds to speak with Vladimir... That whole semi-afraid heel bit that he's become famous for utilizing.


In the end, while Steve Flash put up a truly valiant fight.... His limitations were seen towards the end of the match. The constant need to keep his weight off of his right knee started to slow his in-ring approach down to a slow crawl. His strength was starting to subside and it looked as if his body had quit on him... (not that he had mentally quit though as Flash was a true warrior up until the end.)... As it came to pass, Steve Flash was caught off guard by Kingsbury's signature strike... "The Future Shock".... Leveling Flash off of his feet and out cold in the middle of the ring. A standard three count would shortly follow as Kingsbury has successfully defeated one of the top X-WA stars all on his own... Well, kind of, seeing how Flash had been systematically "taken out" by an unknown attacker earlier on in the show.


Winner: William Kingsbury III over Steve Flash in 16:48 via pinfall.

Grade: C-


Angle: A clone of Acid?...

Grade: C




[shortly following William Kingsbury III's historic victory over the "King of New York", and victim of a previous sneak attack, Steve Flash, we find ourselves backstage once via a live feed. This time we are treated to the sight of the X-WA X Champion, Acid, standing before the camera man in a red tinted boiler room in the basement of the X-WA Arena. Here, the dominant champion, is seen psyching himself up for tonight's Main Event with his signature pose.... Flexing his arms out at his side in a gladiator-esque kind of movement while also dipping his head back a tad as he releases a true battle-roar that can be heard through out the X-WA Arena.]


[Following a few, what can only be classified as, animalistic strikes to his own chest... The X-WA X Champion is seen storming off past the camera and most certainly on his way to the ring for tonight's Main Event. However, just as Acid exits the scene.... A shadowy figure is seen restling in the background. A few seconds go bye until the figure is now much more visible....]


[The figure in the darkness appears to be an, almost, carbon copy of the X Champion... Mask, attire, stance, everything.... However, the big difference is this version of "Acid" is slightly larger than the real thing. This shocking image would conjure up more questions than answers as the X-WA announcing team questions what they just saw.... In complete shock.... Unaware of the identity of the potential "Acid Imposter".]




Acid, Jack Griffith, and Stric Lee Bizness vs. American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix, and Vicente Marquez

[X-WA Trio vs. Trio Match]


The Main Event of the night was building up to be a hectic bout. The surprise Trio member turned out to be the shocking return of the recently incarcerated Jack Griffith. Everyone was in complete shock as the last time we heard he was unable to leave the confines of his holding cell at the local NYPD station. To add some mystery to the situation as well... An un-named man was seen at his side... A professional looking fellow... walking closely behind him and surveying the area. Needless to say, the X-WA crowd was absolutely buzzing over the situation at hand. With this being said, as you can expect, the arrival of the Psychotic Jack Griffith would pose to be a "fire-starter" for Vicente Marquez... Spending a night in the very NYPD station after obsessively trying to get his hands on his former abductor.


The match itself was truly a barbaric fight. While it may have started off with a sense of real competition, with both Stric Lee Bizness and Vicente Marquez putting on a wrestling clinic, the match-up quickly starts to unravel... Descending into a chaotic brawl between all 6 men. Ryan Holland, senior X-WA referee, was pretty successful in keeping the rules in tact during this time of crazyness... However, the bout felt like it was only a few cheap shots away from turning into an all-out war.


One man who really stood out within this match-up, however, was American Elemental. In a lot of ways, people could consider this his "coming out party" as the young international high flier was able to exicute a string of high impact spots wow'ing the crowd in the process. At one point, he sent the crowd into a frenzy following a top rope moonsault that he ended up turning into a reverse DDT on the staggering Stric Lee Bizness. While the move was a powerful display of his aerial abilities.... The pinfall would only conjure up 2 counts as Jack Griffith was seen punting AE in the head to break the fall.


Towards the end of the match, Vicente Marquez was actually taking it to the X-WA X Champion, and his oponent for "eXtreme Decimation", Acid. No matter what the Champ tried to do... Marquez had a way to overcome the odds and ultiamtely come out on top. So, when Vicente set up the semi-concious Acid for his signature Brainbsuter monuever he calls "The Vicente Spike"... Everyone felt as if the mexican youngster was on the verge of a historic moment...


However, just as he went to pick up Acid.... Jack Griffith was seen diving into the ring and chop-blocking the left knee of Marquez. This impact would force Marquez to drop Acid... Gripping his leg as he spun around to see where Griffith was.... This would prove to be his biggest mistake... As once Marquez spun around... Acid quickly leaped up back to his feet and exicuted his signature reverse DDT monuever he calls "The Acidity Test". Following the impact upon the unforgiving canvas... Acid was able to pick up the standard 3 count from Ryan Holland... Thanks to Jack Griffith.


Winner: Acid, Jack Griffith, and Stric Lee Bizness over American Elemental, Ultimate Phoenix, and Vicente Marquez in 17:36 via pinfall. The match came to an end as Acid pinned Vicente Marquez.

Grade: D+


Angle: Shared ambitions...

Grade: D+




[The match comes to a close as Vicente Marquez struggles to pull himself back up to his feet. While using the nearest turnbuckle as his theoretical "crutch" Vicente Marquez is absolutely "mowed over" with an epic spear from the likes of Jack Griffith. Marquez, slumping back to the mat, grips his chest in a show of immense pain as the "resident psycho", Jack Griffith, continues his assault with a combination of enraged fists and elbow strikes. It looks as if Vicente Marquez is completely helpless as Griffith drags the X-WA X Championship contender to his feet.... Stomping him square in the stomach and then throwing him across the ring like a "dart"... Square into the clutches of THE X Champion.]


[The un-holy duo works in tandem as both Acid and Jack Griffith wail away on the barely concious Marquez... Beating him down to the mat in an extremely forceful fashion... While also taking their cheap shots on the potentially injured superstar.]


[in the end, Jack Griffith exicutes a hard running knee strike to the lower back of Vicente Marquez, which would bend him over backwards in the process, as the X-WA X Champion, Acid, quickly swoops into the scenario with a roaring reverse DDT monuever that he calls "The Acidity Test". Upon impact Vicente Marquez's body goes completely limp... a true sign that he's now unconcious and unable to defend himself in any matter.]


[As the show comes to a close, It's obvious to see that both Jack Griffith and the X-WA X Champion, Acid, have created some sort of sadistic alliance. With that being said, Moments before we finally fade to black the X-WA camera man slowly pans past the unconcious Marquez to see the un-named man in Jack Griffith's corner shaking his head in disgust.... Seemingly unhappy with what has just transpired.]








Overall Show Grade: C-

X-WA Arena Attendance: 3,738

"Blitzkrieg" TV Rating: 0.39 (- 0.08)

Prediction Winner(s): FINisher (5 out of 5)!!!


*** "Blitzkrieg" Re-Cap ***[/b]


Ares def. Teddy Powell. (D)

Kill Switch def. Mathew Flash. (C-)

"The Way of OTA" def. "The Boys of Huntington Beach". (D)

William Kingsbury III def. Steve Flash. (C-)

Acid, Griffith, and SLB def. AE, Phoenix, and Marquez. (D+)

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STORY: Charges against Jack Griffith are dropped; Unknown person at Griffith's side is revealed.




The identity of the mysterious unknown figure at Jack Griffith's side last night on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" has finally been revealed. He is none other than James Corbett, a 37 year old state-employed psychologist who has been given the opportunity to supervise the actions, and reactions, of the mentally unstable Griffith.


Griffith recently made a shocking return to the X-WA last night when he finished out a Trio with the likes Acid and Stric Lee Bizness. At first, X-WA Officials were unaware whether or not Griffith had been given clearance to leave the NYPD station he had been detained at since our last PPV Event, "Reckless Ascent". However, shortly after the match started... We received a phone call from local authorities that the charges against Jack Griffith were being dropped. While the authorities would not go into detail why he was eventually allowed to go free... However, we have been told that his release was based upon mistakes made by the local PD when he was first arrested.


Said mistakes must have been lofty enough to allow the Griffith to go free without any further legal worries.


All in all, It looks as if we will be seeing a lot of New York based Psychologist James Corbett as he resides at Griffith's side... Ultimately trying to rid him of his "personal demons".



Writer's Notes:


I know the picture of James Corbett is that of "Evil Henchman" in the original cornellverse world, however, I was in need of a picture for his character and it looked absolutely perfect. So, It's not hechman... At least in this diary... It's James Corbett.


Corbett himself was a randomly generated worker that came to be about a month ago. From the start he has C+'s in both mic and charisma... On top of that, He's has a B- for acting. So, needless to say, He's def. worth using!

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STORY: Seeing Double? An "Acid Imposter" makes his debut on X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg".




[... An imposter is amongst us ...]


One of the most talked about moments of this last week's episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" was the mysterious debut of an "Acid Imposter". Just before the Main Event, A shadowy figure was seen positioned behind the X-WA X Champion as he made his way to the ring for competition. As the original Acid was out of sight... There in the darkness stood, what can only be classified as, a "Copy-Cat Figure".


While the shadowy figure did posses the same mask and ring attire as the Original Acid... This version stood to be slightly larger.


Who is the man behind the imposter mask?


More importantly, though, what is his infatuation with the X-WA X Champion?


Only time will tell for sure, however, more details will certainly unfold in the coming weeks....

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great show eisen! youve really done a great job of creating A,B, and C storylines in your diary. between the acid copycat, nemesis going bezerk with rage, griffith/marquez/acid intertwining, the flash family arguement, and the whole "who attacked nemesis" thing. Everything is just so well put together. As always im excited to see where you go from here with a few of these storylines.


quick question. how much has Champaigne Lover bumped up in popularity in your game? with him being thrown into major storylines im guessing hes starting to get pretty over. maybe thats why hes getting the x title shot I guess.


keep it up!

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great show eisen! youve really done a great job of creating A,B, and C storylines in your diary. between the acid copycat, nemesis going bezerk with rage, griffith/marquez/acid intertwining, the flash family arguement, and the whole "who attacked nemesis" thing. Everything is just so well put together. As always im excited to see where you go from here with a few of these storylines.


quick question. how much has Champaigne Lover bumped up in popularity in your game? with him being thrown into major storylines im guessing hes starting to get pretty over. maybe thats why hes getting the x title shot I guess.


keep it up!


Thank you, CZCW! It's great to know that you're a fan of what's going on thus far. Everything has come together really well (better than I could have planned), So really, I'm def. at a place where writing this diary is pretty easy compared to how it was in the beginning.


It seems to be super quite around the diary these days, however, with so many great diaries floating around the boards it's easy to see why.


Thank you though for checking out the show and being a consistent reader of my diary!





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STORY: The X-WA Owner declares a "State of War" within his own company.





This past week on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" we all were witnesses to the potential unraveling of the X-WA Owner, Nemesis. It has been over a week ago now since the controversial wrestling Legend was viciously assaulted backstage by an unknown figure. The attack was so destructive that the X-WA owner was forced into an overnight stay at a local New York hospital and seems to be carrying a sense of post-traumatic stress.


This was certainly evident this week on "Blitzkrieg" as the vengeful Owner practically declared war on his very own company. In a way, you could say that the recent sneak attack has "awoken a sleeping giant" as the former Hardcore Icon started to show shades of his old persona.... The personality that he left by the wayside recently after developing his own organization.


Many have said within the X-WA that Nemesis was almost obsessive about creating a "new image" for himself... Trying to strip away the brash, ultra-aggressive, mean-spirited persona he had crafted for decades... Citing that Nemesis's biggest fear was having the X-WA crumble to ruins due to his inability to draw in new fans who were put off by his violent DAVE legacy.


In the end, however, it seems that Nemesis has finally come full circle... Seemingly gone are the days of the "cool, calm, and collective" X-WA Owner... Now... It looks as if we've dawned a new era in the companies short history.... A golden age of a vengeful, almost creepily obsessed, man in a position of power....


More to come...

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|+++| The Nightmare begins this Thursday |+++|

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STORY: "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" Card Released!

[3rd Week of June 2008

[Last Card before "eXtreme Decimation" (PPV Event)]





With the X-WA's upcoming PPV Event, "eXtreme Decimation", only one show away... It's certainly plausible to derive that the upcoming episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" will be nothing less than an X-plosive affair.


With that being said, Here is the upcoming card for "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg".




Francios Cartier vs. Mikkel Drago


Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash


Ultimate Phoenix vs. William Kingsbury III


Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]


|| "Blitzkrieg" Main Event ||


Acid and Jack Griffith vs. Vicente Marquez

[Handi-Cap Match]




* Nemesis continues his destructive rampage to find his unknown attacker.

* Will the mysterious "Acid Imposter" resurface once again?

* The upcoming PPV Event takes shape...


Just as in weeks prior, There are numerous questions hanging over the X-WA. Can Stric Lee Bizness find a way to retain his Arena Championship heading into "eXtreme Decimation"? Will the hell-bent X-WA Owner find his attacker and inflict his own personal justice? Also, will the company continue to spiral towards absolute carnage following Nemesis's declaration of a rage-filled "internal war"?


All of these questions, and many many more, will be answered this week on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg"!


Join us as our upcoming PPV Event, "eXtreme Decimation", takes shape.





*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Francios Cartier vs. Mikkel Drago

Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

Ultimate Phoenix vs. William Kingsbury III

Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental

Acid and Jack Griffith vs. Vicente Marquez

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Chaos (def): a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order.


The X-WA Chaos Championship is not a division... It's a way of life. It takes more than sheer talent to aquire this title.... You must walk the line of heartfelt defiance and absolute psychosis... Carry your self with a brash sense of confidence and potential self-hatred... All in all, You must posses a specific "tough as nails" approach to competition that cannot be found in any other promotion.


Gone, are the structural confines of "competitive rules"...


Deceased, are the traditional aspects of our sport...


Never-ending, is the state of possibility...


Officials within the X-WA have come together to create a brand new championship that will truly revolutionize the industry, and in turn, bring on a new age of limitless possibilities. The Championship itself, The X-WA Chaos Championship, stands for everything that the X-WA has perpetuated in it's brief history.... True, unadalterated, utter-chaos....


The rules are simple... There are none. The X-WA Chaos Championship is defended, and challenged, outside of the confines of your typical wrestling match. There is No DQ, No Count out, No Stoppages... The only way that you can win is via pin or submission.. That's it. Falls, and acts of submission, can count anywhere.... anyone can get invovled at anytime... and the only need for a referee is truly to signify when the match has come to a close.


This is the dawning of a new era in the wrestling industry... An era of absolute disobediance. The Chaos Championship is not your typical strap of gold... It's a championship built around survival...



... The X-WA Chaos Championship is coming to the X-WA this Saturday (Following "Blitzkrieg") at our upcoming PPV Event, "eXtreme Decimation" ...




*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Francios Cartier vs. Mikkel Drago

Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

Ultimate Phoenix vs. William Kingsbury III

Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental

Acid and Jack Griffith vs. Vicente Marquez

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Francios Cartier vs. Mikkel Drago

Don't see any reason DWN/Cartier wouldn't win this one.

Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

The numbers game and maybe some botched inteference. And I love Snap Dragon.

Ultimate Phoenix vs. William Kingsbury III

You seem to be pushing Kingsbury pretty hard.

Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental

I assume the title is on the line?

Acid and Jack Griffith vs. Vicente Marquez

Marquez is your rising star but Acid is your franchise player, and Griffith's character is interesting.


Just to let you know, I am still reading and thoroughly enjoying your X-WA vision. It continues to be one of the most well thought out, presented and booked diaries on the board. I'm looking forward to Remmy Skye as some warped psycho, although you seem to have enough. He does seem an awesome fit for your promotion and I hope we see a healthy push!

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Francios Cartier vs. Mikkel Drago

Mikkel may be part of The Way of Ota but he's only one win out of being a jobber and he isn't going to take this win against a more established (well barely) roster member.


Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

Flash is always willing to take a loss but he needs to beat the other members of The Circus before facing Killswitch


Ultimate Phoenix vs. William Kingsbury III

Tough call. I actually like Phoenix better but Kingsbury's got more things going on and could use more wins.


Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]

Soon it'll be time to The Biz to move on to the big belt but not just yet and he won't lose this belt until he finally gets his shot at Acid's title


|| "Blitzkrieg" Main Event ||


Acid and Jack Griffith vs. Vicente Marquez

[Handi-Cap Match]

I'm gonna go with Shmoe on this one fore the same reasons


Alright great last show it was incredible. Two new trios and the introduction of second acid. And I'm all for bringing Remmy Skye as the new trio member for "The Circus" so break out star Killswitch can make some moves. It also makes "The Circus" the first real stable in XWA.

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Alright great last show it was incredible.


Just to let you know, I am still reading and thoroughly enjoying your X-WA vision. It continues to be one of the most well thought out, presented and booked diaries on the board. I'm looking forward to Remmy Skye as some warped psycho, although you seem to have enough. He does seem an awesome fit for your promotion and I hope we see a healthy push!



Thank you both! I've started to try to slow down my rate of posting shows, only so that people have a chance to read them before the next one hits the forum. So, there may be more "website" and extra posts in between to review the last show and then preview the next. That way, each show has a sense of depth to it.


As it pertains to Remmy ("The Dreamweaver"), I'm trying to decide the best way to go through debuting his character. I have some ideas in mind, however, most of them take a drawn out process. So, I may try to accelerate one of those ideas and make it a little more "now". With my style of company (modern/cult), He is a perfect fit for my roster.... Playing a cross between Freddie Krueger and your everyday psycho philosopher. There are many "psychos" in the X-WA, however, he stands out from the rest of them if you ask me... His character could really have him climb the ranks over time.


The next episode of "Blitzkrieg" is already done being booked within my game... Now, it's just the time to flesh out the results. This show, more so than any before, really has a feel of "setting up the PPV" more so than anything else... However, with that being said, It's not going to be a write up that doesn't take a little thought.... There are some major things going to happen within the show.... Setting up another big moment or two at the PPV, "eXtreme Decimation".


All in all, the new Chaos Championship has brought a sense of life back to my diary as I'm really exicted to start booking that title. A championship built solely around limitless possibilities seems extremely interesting to me. Some may play it off like a "hardcore" title, however, it's more than that... While some people may compete with a "hardcore sense".. You don't have to. The Chaos Champion just needs to find a way to survive than anything else... So, a technition with the ability to side-step weapons could also stand as the champ. Ah! I can't wait till the PPV now... I'm already getting excited about this belt. ha.


Okay, that's enough for my novel today. :)


Glad you both enjoyed the show! Thank you for your continued support!








*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Francios Cartier vs. Mikkel Drago

Snap Dragon w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

Ultimate Phoenix vs. William Kingsbury III

Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental

Acid and Jack Griffith vs. Vicente Marquez

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X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" - TV Event

Tuesday, 3rd week of June 2008 (Shown on TV on Thursday)

The X-WA Arena (Tri-State)







Angle: Proactive Violence...

Grade: B+




[This weeks episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" opens up in a unique fashion as the opening video highlight reel is suspended briefly... Instead, the controversial X-WA Owner, Nemesis, stands before the camera in close proximity. With a black and white X-WA backdrop slightly visible behind him, the recently obsessed authority figure delivers a landmark statement centered on the mysterious attack that floored him a matter of 2 weeks ago. With a fiery tone, and an unwavering delivery, Nemesis proclaims that he has been forced to act as no one has come forward with any knoweldge about his mysterious attacker. With that being said, He makes it very clear that he tried to remedy this situation through diplomatic means... however... With the lack of information coming to the forefront... The X-WA Owner has no other choice than to take matters into his own hands. With his closing remarks, the Wrestling Legend vows that he will find the identity of his attacker and will do so by... any... means... necessary...]


[As his short, aggressively centered, promo comes to a close... We now fade into our normal "Blitzkrieg" opening... equipt with a short highlight video documenting some of the most impactful moments in the companies short history.]


Angle: He's coming...

Grade: F

Segment Note: Ouch... Not so great grade wise.




[Moments following Mikkel Drago's loss to the "Next-Gen-Trio" leader, Francios Cartier, the lights begin to flicker. It almost looks as if the revamped X-WA Arena is going through a badly timmed power outage as X-WA officials fight to keep the show in sight. As the final seconds of light illuminate the ringside area, We now descend into complete darkness.... Dim flashes from a smattering of crowd member's cameras pierce through the thick blanket of non-visiblity as the X-WA's telecast of "Blitzkrieg" comes to a shocking hault.]


[Just then, The moderate sized flat screen TV above the black enterence curtains begins to cut in and out... Creating a sense of "snow"... and causing the X-WA fans in attendance to start showing their dissatisfaction with the recent chain of events. Their brief moment of annoyance would come to pass quickly though as the presentation screen begins to show a sequence of "dream-like" images.... Gradually becoming more and more violent... more and more head-turning... Ultimately creating a truly unsettling, however unique, moment in X-WA history.]


[As the video comes to a close... An image of the debuting X-WA Superstar, "The Dreamweaver", is displayed with a sadistic grin on his face. In a matter of a few seconds, his image is completely gone... The arena back in a state of complete darkness.. As we hear one final menacing whisper fill the X-WA Arena stating... "The nightmare begins at "eXtreme Decimation"".]


[With that, the lights come back up and everything seems to be running as normal. The X-WA announcing team, Steve Smith and Ernie Turner, are then heard reviewing what had just happened and ultimately further perpetuating the tone for this unique superstar.]







Francios Cartier vs. Mikkel Drago w/ "The Way of OTA"


The opening match of the night was somewhat of an awkward situation. Not due to the match, as the actual exchange was very strong for two youngsters, however, more so because Francios Cartier came out to the ring by himself.... No Jacob Jett, No Joss Thompson. To see the unsung leader of the "Next-Gen-Trio" walking out to the ring by himself was truly something to note. All in all, It seems that their recent internal fighting has become so bad that Cartier opted to compete tonight without any sense of backup.


The match-up itself could be best classified as a technical wrestler meeting a deadly martial artist. Cartier focused his approach primarily on a string of suplexes and brief submission holds, ultimately creating a real sense of "Chain Wrestling" in the end. On the other hand, Mikkel Drago used his educated feet to "rip" into the "Next-Gen" youngster... Flooring him on several occasions with well-placed strikes to the chest. Back and forth they went... Neither man really creating any sense of dominating control of the match... Actually, their "openess" would go straight up to the end of the match...


As the match grew to a close, Mikkel Drago quickly lunged in for a roundhouse kick... looking to land a final knockout to his opponent, however, Cartier used this sequence to block the kick... Ultimately wrapping that very leg into his body and flinging Drago over with a make-shift Fisherman's Suplex. In the end, Drago struggled to break himself free, however, the surprise pinfall was enough to keep his shoulders pinned firmly to the canvas.


Winner: Francios Cartier over Mikkel Drago in 8:18 via pinfall.

Grade: D


Angle: A man possessed...

Grade: C-




[We cut backstage at this point to see "Next-Gen-Trio" member, Jacob Jett, standing before a small TV positioned in a spacious hallway of the X-WA Arena. One could derive that the youngster had just finished watching his trio-mate, Francios Cartier, defeat the member of the "Way of OTA" trio, Mikkel Drago, in a battle of potential "up-and-comers" in the X-WA. Typically, Joss Thompson would be at his side, however, with their recent internal fighting... It seems that all three Trio members are taking a short break from eachother... In a way, hoping that they can eventually mend their fraying connection.]


[Various X-WA officials are barely seen walking up and down the hallway behind Jett as the "Next-Gen" youngster slowly backs away from the TV and starts to make his way down the hallway towards the locker room area. However, just as he turns the corner... Jett is seen falling back into the hallway... Slamming up against the wall in a forceful fashion as if someone had hit him unsuspectingly.]


[Just then, X-WA Owner, Nemesis, is seen physically assaulting his young employee... Wailing away with fists of fury across the jaw of the wavering Jett. Jacob, no match for the Wrestling Legend, crashes to the floor as his legs buckle underneath him.... Landing with his back up against the wall as Nemesis now swoops in and slams his foot across the throat of the "Next-Gen-Trio" member. Jacob is heard struggling for air... Trying to pry Nemesis's foot off of his throat, however, acting unsucsessfully.]


[With his foot still pressed firmly against Jett's throat... Nemesis demands that the youngster inform him of the mysterious attacker who laid him out two weeks ago.... Stating that even if Jett doesn't know who it was... He has to know some sort of information on the matter. Jett, still struggling to free himself from the Owner's choke hold, gaps for air frantically as his boss reiterates the need to know the identity of his attacker. After what seems like forever, Just at the point where Jett starts to teeter towards unconciousness, Nemesis lifts his foot off of Jacob's throat... Pushing him to gasp out forcefully... Breathing heavily in the process.]


[Jett, trying to struggle for his breath, is forced back up onto his feet by Nemesis... Stairing him square in the eye... The X-WA Owner, once again, threatens the youngster with bodily harm if he does not "spill it". Without any sense of back-up anywhere near... Jacob attempts to speak, however, it doesn't seem to be what Nemesis is looking for.... Instead, the youngster screams out frantically that he knows nothing about the attack... absolutely nothing.]


[With this desperate decree, Jett finally catches his breath slightly... Coughing every once in a while... Showing that Nemesis's foot had caused some major problems in his throat. However, his "bad day" wouldn't end there as the enraged Owner takes his frustration out on the youngster even more... This time landing a stiff right elbow shot to the throat of the struggling Jett.]


[The segment comes to a close now as the Wrestling Legend, and X-WA Owner, Nemesis, walks off the scene in a frustrated manor... Looking for his next victim.... And Jacob Jett desperately struggles to breathe... Clentching his throat and motioning for a medic in the process.]




Snap Dragon vs. Steve Flash


Just like the opening match of the night, Yet another X-WA Superstar was seen without his trusty trio at his side. This time it was none other than the "circus" lacky, Snap Dragon, as he squared off with the Indy Wrestling Legend, and "King of New York", Steve Flash. The absence of his trio-mates made for a weird feeling that something was coming around the bend... That ultimately there was some sort of devised plan put in place to better their chances of taking out the current rival of the "Circus" trio. Despite that notion, We never saw either Whippy the Clown or Kill Switch enter the ringside area as the match was taking place. Instead, we were treated to a true one on one match-up between two accomplished high fliers.


While they both are touted as "aerial kings", Their approach to "high impact" wrestling is very very different. Snap Dragon, an icon in the tape trading world, is known for his crazy antics while taking flight... Also, his ability to twist and turn his body like no other... Creating a very unique look with really any of his high spots. On the other hand, Steve Flash has slimmed his aerial stylings down to your traditional top rope spots... A leaping elbow drop here, a top rope leg drop there, and even an occassional moonsault to throw his opponents off. Needless to say, Their match-up was an interesting clash of daredevil tactics versus traditional aerial spots.


Both men found their aggression to have escalated by the end of the match... Following a string of stiff strikes, knife-edge chops, and a momentum clearing superkick from the likes of Steve Flash. While the forceful kick almost took Dragon's head off... It would only amount to a long 2 count. Then again, some could say that it was this leaping strike that gave Flash enough control of the situation to come away with a victory.


Following a few short exchanges, all controlled by Flash, the "King of New York" is seen sending a message to Dragon's fellow "circus" member, Kill Switch, exicuting a massive top rope "Flash Bang" on his semi-concious opponnet.... Ultimatley leading to a standard 3 count from Ryan Holland seconds after impact.


Winner: Steve Flash over Snap Dragon in 11:51 via pinfall.

Grade: C


Angle: The resurgent Anarchist...

Grade: C-




[Following Steve Flash's victory over "Circus" member, Snap Dragon, the Indy Wrestling Legend is seen having his right hand raised as the victor by lead X-WA referee, Ryan Holland. The crowd in attendance gives the embattled superstar a standing ovation as a show of pure respect, however, this "feel good moment" would have a very short shelf life.]


[A rustling is heard from a segment of front row X-WA fans as a unknown figure quickly leaps over the steel guardrail positioned to remove the possibility of such an event taking place. The figure is then seen quickly sliding into the ring under the nearest bottom rope... Finally, decking an unsuspecting Flash from behind with a vicious closeline to the back of his neck. Now, with a better view of the attacker, we come to realize that the unknown figure was none other than fellow "Circus" member, and Flash's rival at the moment, Kill Switch.]


[Flash attempts to defend himself, however, the shocking sneak attack was just too much to overcome. The "Circus" leader continues to practically stomp the "King of New York" through the canvas... Abusing him in an overly dominating fashion. Finally, Switch is seen lifting the semi-concious Flash off of the mat in a forceful fashion... Eventually exicuting a 360 seated piledriver in the middle of the ring. Upon impact Flash's head is seen bouncing off of the canvas below.... drawing his body to go completely limp.]


[From there, Kill Switch is seen rolling Flash over onto his back as he calls for Snap Dragon to grab him a microphone. After Dragon complets his demand, Switch is seen slapping Flash in the face over and over again... Even, at one point, spitting square between his eyes as a sign of absolute disrespect. As the crowd generates a heavy amount of "heel heat" towards Switch, the "Circus Anarchist" is seen bending down over the top of Flash and declaring a challenge to the unconcious Flash for this upcoming Saturday, "eXtreme Decimation". Without any ability to respond, Switch eventually drops the mic at his side... Stairing down on the carnage he had solely created.]


Angle: Three-Way for the Arena Championship booked...

Grade: D-


[The X-WA announcing team attempts to transition from what we've just witnessed, a vicious assault at the hands of Kill Switch, as they profile some potential matches for the X-WA's upcoming PPV event, "eXtreme Decimation". At this point, we are treated to the announcement that the Arena Championship will be defended this Saturday in a all-so-familiar three way match-up. The champion, Stric Lee Bizness, will defend his golden property against contenders, American Elemental and Ultimate Phoenix. Both commentators note that AE has an opportunity to win the Arena Championship a few days early tonight as SLB is set to defend the title shortly. Their back-and-forth banter finishes with the notion any sort of impact like that would certainly bring a greater sense of Grandeur.]







Ultimate Phoenix vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir


The third match-up brought a sense of continued msytery to the nights events as both men are currently wrapped in major storylines within the X-WA. Ultimate Phoenix, fresh off of his "From Rags to Riches" victory at last month's PPV was now set to challenge Stric Lee Bizness once again for the X-WA Arena Championship (The title that he historically held before anyone else), on the other hand... William Kingsbury III, along with his parade of lawyers, is currently in the process of filing a lawsuit against the company, and the X-WA Owner Nemesis more importantly, after feeling that he's been treated unfairly since joining the company. Either way, both men had a lot hovering over their heads as they met for one on one action tonight on "Blitzkrieg".


Like most of Kingsbury's matches, his Opponent was in firm control through-out most of the match... However, the "Silver Spoon Superstar" would typically find a way to overcome these odds via dubious means... Poking them in the eye, stomping a little to close to their groin, spitting in their face to temporarily blind them, etc. When you factor these things in, Kingsbury would always find a way to "cheat" himself back into control... Only to loose it a few moments later when Phoenix had regained his composure enough to floor the childish superstar.


Just as it seemed like Ultimate Phoenix was on the verge of defeating the unconcious Kingsbury following a top rope front roll splash.... Vladimir leaped up onto the aipren and grabbed X-WA referee, Ryan Holland, from behind. Holland, wrestling to free himself, is able to spin around and confront the big man as the two look to be on the verge of a fight.... This gave enough room for a brief interference from X-WA Arena Champion, and 1/3 of his opponents for "eXtreme Decimation", Stric Lee Bizness, to knock out the unsuspecting Phoenix with his signature full nelson belly-to-back suplex. Upon impact, Phoenix would quickly roll over and grab at the back of his neck in pain... Rolling around the ring in a show of immense discomfort. This would give Kingsbury enough room to quickly roll over and cradle the potentially injured Phoenix. As Vladimir steps down from the aipren, Stric Lee Bizness quickly ducks out of the ring and back peddles up the enterence way.... Watching on as Ryan Holland counts a standard 3 count in favor of the "Silver Spoon Superstar".


Winner: William Kingsbury III over Ultimate Phoenix in 10:53 via pinfall.

Grade: C


Angle: The road to the answer continues...

Grade: C




[Following "The Silver Spoon Superstar's" not-so-triumphent victory over Ultimate Phoenix, thanks to Stric Lee Bizness, we are instantly given a live feed of a wild altercation taking place backstage. The vengeful X-WA Owner, Nemesis, is seen standing over his second victim of the night... This time a "circus" member, Whippy the Clown. The sadistic clown is seen laying flat on his back... Blood pouring from his forehead and trickling down into his teeth as he delivers an unsettling stint of laughter. Nemesis, becoming increasingly frustrated with Whippy's possible "joy" in all of this, leans down and picks the "circus" member up by his throat... Clasping both of his hands firmly around his Adams Apple... and then pressing him up against the cold cement wall to the left. Whippy, still laughing like a pure psycho, continues to bleed heavily down his face... most likely from some sort of weapon attack from the X-WA Owner prior to our view of the exchange.]


[At this point Nemesis echos the same statement as before with Jacob Jett... Looking to force any sort of information that Whippy may have about his mysterious attacker into public knowledge. However, Whippy never says a word... Instead... Laughing in a joyful manor... Even motioning for "more" at one point.]


[The fact that he's getting nothing from Whippy sends him over the edge as the hell-bent X-WA Owner brings this segment to a close with one swift irish whip.... Throwing Whippy the Clown head first into the other side of the hallway. His blood soaked head is seen slamming into the wall and leaving a smearing of blood running down the cement... Ultimately finishing where the psychotic "circus" member now lay unconcious.]




Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]


The fourth match-up of the night was best described as an injured man's retribution against the very man who had forced him into crutches. Stric Lee Bizness, known for extending his submission moves past a rope break count and ultimately injuring his opponents despite losing the overall competition, spent most of the beginning of the match as a sitting duck... Getting thrown around the ring by the much more inspired American Elemental. The high-speed, high-octaine, aerial master took it right to his attacker.... Pushing the tempo of the match to a borderline reckless pace. Stric Lee, more of a slower paced... suplex/submission combo guy, struggled to kee his legs underneath him as AE practically made him look like a stumbling idiot (something that we have never seen from the poised champion.)


American Elemental's approach, however, would ultimately doom him (as it always does)... As the international stand-out missed a twisting aerial assualt towards a "possum playing" SLB on the outside. SLB, at first pretending like he was favoring an injured leg, quickly moved out of the way every so slightly to allow AE's body to crash up against the steel guardrail in a sickening fashion. The thud would resonate through out the entire arena as most X-WA fans in the first few rows turned away... afraid of what the impact may look like. With the breath completely knocked out of him, and potentially injured ribs, AE had finally succumb to his own reckless behavior... Now.... Trying to regain any sense of composure as the raging predator that is SLB began to "Smell blood".


With both superstars back in the ring.... Stric Lee Bizness began to implement his own approach.... Slowing down the match to a "turtle-like" speed and ultimately following every suplex (whether of the snap or impactful persuasion) with a life altering submission hold. However, AE, the true warrior that he is, never showed signs of wanting to tap... Screaming out in pain... yes.... Especially when SLB would focus in on the, still, injured right knee of the challenger... However, the reckless flier showed an extreme ability to withstand pain through out this entire process.


As everyone was expecting to see Stric Lee Bizness finally finish off the match.... Something down right shocking came to pass.... The staggering challenger, American Elemental, found a way to deliver a 2nd wind of epic proportions. This time around though, He centered his attack primarily upon his technical abilities... Matching the technical mastermind, SLB, in the process. With signs of still being quite injured on his right knee... AE began to mow over the Arena Champion.... Wearing him down in the process.... And even, at some points, gaining a string of crowd igniting 2 counts.


In the end, AE awaits the struggling Champion in the corner of the ring.... Watching on as Stric Lee Bizness slowly pulls himself to his feet by using the nearest set of ring ropes as his guide. However, just as AE was on the verge of landing, what could have been a, match-ending strike.... Their 3rd opponent for this upcoming PPV, Ultimate Phoenix, rushes into the ring and practically tackles SLB to the mat... Punching away in a ruthless fashion as Ryan Holland has nothing else he can do but to call the match in favor of Stric Lee Bizness via DQ.


Winner: Stric Lee Bizness over American Elemental in 15:46 via DQ. The Disqualifiaction took place following a run-in attack from Ultimate Phoenix upon the X-WA Arena Champion, Stric Lee Bizness. The title does not change hands.

Grade: C


Angle: A rage-filled mistake?

Grade: D-




[As the referee finishes calling for the bell, officially marking that the Arena Championship match has ended via DQ, Ultimate Phoenix is seen continuing his complete lack of composure by extending his attack on Stric Lee Bizness. In a break from his traditional ultra-babyface persona, Phoenix wails away on the Arena Champion with fists of fury... Never allowing the semi-concious SLB to ever regain control of the situation. While doing so, however, American Elemental is seen argueing with Ryan Holland over the end of the match... Obviously not happy with the fact that he was on the verge of winning the title before the match was forced into a Disqualification due to Phoenix's impromptu assault.]


[Tired of relaying his case to Holland, AE walks over towards Phoenix (who is still unloading on SLB at this point) and grabs at his right shoulder as if to pull him off of the potentially injured Stric Lee Bizness. In an even more shocking moment, however, as Phoenix is pulled to his feet... He quickly turns to American Elemental, and in what one could describe as a knee-jerk reaction, he is seen flooring AE with a thunderous shove.]


[American Elemental, not expecting such an advance, falls square to his back... Looking up at Phoenix with nothing short of complete shock... Even, at one point, mouthing a message of... "What's your problem?". Phoenix, stairing down AE, tries to turn back towards Stric Lee and continue his assault... However, the Arena Champion has used this moment to regain his composure and slide out of the ring.]


[The segment comes to a close as Stric Lee Bizness snags his Championship in an aggressive manor and storms off towards the backstage area. Meanwhile, AE is now back on his feet and he, and Ultimate Phoenix, are locked in a suprising stair down from either side of the ring.]


Angle: Their alliance takes shape...

Grade: D+




[A recent string of external commercials are coming to an end as we now see the unique alliance, some dub as "The Alliance from Hell", of Jack Griffith and Acid talking in an undisclosed location within the bowels of the X-WA Arena. A cool chill passes over as both men plot and plan their upcoming match-up with a mutually hated Vicente Marquez. Griffith, a seasoned veteran when it comes to interacting with the young Marquez, informs the X-WA X Champion that he knows EXACTLY how to "break the supposed Next Big Thing" and has done so since the company opened its doors in February of 2008. Ultimately, Griffith proclaims to the silent champion that he can assure him he will walk out of "eXtreme Decimation" with the X Championship still at his side... Citing that, while he hasn't been overly successful in the win/loss column against Marquez, that he has personally constructed a debilitating hell for the youngster and will NOT rest until Vicente truly understands the plight of his downward spiral.]


[Acid, remaining silent through-out this entire segment, nods in agreement of Griffith's dubious proposal... Breathing heavily and snarling like an animal in the process. Their un-holy alliance, of sorts, seems to be on a fast track towards complete destruction.... The destruction of the X Championship challenger, Vicente Marquez.]







Acid and Jack Griffith vs. Vicente Marquez

[Handi-cap Match]


How can you overcome the odds when you have two men who are sadistically focused on dismantling ever piece of your being? Well, in Tonight's Main Event... Vicente Marquez was faced with that very question. The young "red hot" superstar would have to come out of the gate with "guns-a-blazing" to even have a chance at coming away with a victory, let alone surviving, this match.... And luckily for him... He did exactly that.


Even before the bell was rung, Vincete Marquez had already leaped upon his opponents... catching them both off guard... and ultimately gaining full control of the match-up from the very onset. With lightning fast strikes the mexican youngster was fortunate enough to floor both Acid and Griffith continuously... Even, at one point, forcing the duo to duck out of the ring and regain their focus. However, Marquez came looking for a fight.... The second he saw both men duck out of the ring... He quickly followed with a diving aerial spot over the top rope and crashing onto both men as they attempt to stagger out of the way. The X-WA crowd is absolutely beside itself at this point as Marquez, so far, has successful pushed both men on their heels from the very get go.


X-WA senior referee, Ryan Holland, attempts to call all three men back into the ring... However... Without much luck of any sort. Instead, Marquez continues his aggressive 2 on 1 brawl with the dubbed "Alliance from Hell". With an almost super-human showing, Marquez fortunately was able to drag a physically drained Jack Griffith back into the ring just before Holland reaches his ten count. However, that's where the match went down hill for the consummate hero...


By this point, Jack Griffith had found a way to overcome Marquez's advances... Ultimately slowing him down enough and allowing the second member of his "team", Acid, to join in on the brawl. From here... Vicente never really regained control of the match. Instead, both Acid and Griffith are seen wailing into their mutual rival... Physically beating him down to the point where Vicente was barely even able to stand. With that being said, though, Marquez never gave up on the fight... Even as he was barely able to stand.... Also, even after he had been cut open upon hitting his forehead on an exposed metal turnbuckle bolt... Vicente Marquez continued to show the heat of a warrior.


In the end, however, the challenger for the X-WA X Champion at this Saturday's PPV Event, "eXtreme Decimation", was unable to generate a true second wind. His body was failing on him as his mind continued to push forward... but... his limitations began to show more and more as we came to the close of the match. Following a spike DDT from the resident psycho, Jack Griffith, Marquez then had his unconcious body lifted back off of the canvas... And placed in the path of an "Acid Rain Bomb". Upon impact, Acid nonchalantly goes for the pinfall... Achieving a standard 3 count from X-WA referee, Ryan Holland... Hopefully putting an end to the madness...


Winner: Acid and Jack Griffith over Vicente Marquez in 14:43 via pinfall. Acid wins the match after an "Acid Rain Bomb" and pinfall over the unconcious Marquez.

Grade: D+


Angle: The Alliance from Hell continues...

Grade: D+




[Vicente Marquez, the consummate hero, struggles to return to his feet following a hellacious handi-cap match. His arms stretched out high above his head... Marquez uses the nearby turnbuckle to slowly ascend back to his feet, however, it's obvious that the beloved youngster is still in a great deal of pain. As Vicente slowly stumbles his way out of the corner he's met with a thunderous roar from the X-WA fans as he motions for his opponents, who now stand in the other corner of the ring together, to "come get some". While it was a legendary showing of testicular fortitude to some.... It was also a truly stupid, stupid, move by an already ailing youngster.]


[Marquez, barely able to stand, tries his best to fend off both men.... but in the end.... The numbers against him are just too much. Both Acid and Griffith, truly an "Alliance from Hell", rip into Vicente as he struggles to defend himself.... Physically breaking him down to a shell of his true self.... Aggressively double teaming the mexican youngster and laying him out flat with a combo powerbomb/reverse DDT maneuver. This alone would have been an earth-shattering attack in itself, however, they were not done....]


[With his opponent for "eXtreme Decimation" clinging to life, Acid is seen continuing the assault on Vicente as Jack Griffith grabs a steel chair from ringside. Now with the steel weapon in the ring... Both men are seen taking turns laying into Marquez with chair shot after chair shot.... Across his back, across the side of his head, his knee's.... You name it... They focused on it. It truly looked as if both men were literally trying to break Vicente Marquez's body from head to toe... Assuring that he would not be able to compete this Saturday.]


[The hanious assault would come to a close with one final overhead blow from the resident psycho, Jack Griffith. Marquez, motionless in the ring.... his body bent like he was thrown from a speeding car, is subject to questioning by the X-WA announcing team... argueing whether or not he'll be able to physically compete at "eXtreme Decimation" following such an attack. While we all wish for the best... No one truly knows the state of his health at this point... Only one thing is known for sure... He can't be at 100%]


[The show now comes to a close as both members of the "Alliance from Hell" are seen standing over the fallen Marquez... raising their arms into the air in a show of victory... The X-WA X Championship gleaming in the lights above as it's current holder, Acid, proves his dominance by raising the title on high. Meanwhile, we're given another shaky camera angle positioned at the very last row of seating in the X-WA Arena...... There.... Stands the mysterious "Acid Imposter"... Standing motionless as he stairs down upon the carnage in the ring... as the X-WA Announcing team questions who it may be and ultimately WHY he has come to the X-WA.]







Overall Show Grade: C-

X-WA Arena Attendance: 3,594

"Blitzkrieg" TV Rating: 0.38 (-0.01)

Prediction Winner(s): Apupunchau@optonline (5 out of 5)!!!


*** Quick "Blitzkrieg" Re-Cap ***


Francios Cartier def. Mikkel Drago via pinfall. (D)

Steve Flash def. Snap Dragon via pinfall. ©

William Kingsbury III def. Ultimate Phoenix via pinfall. ©

Stric Lee Bizness © def. American Elemental via DQ. ©

Acid and Jack Griffith def. Vicente Marquez via pinfall. (D+)

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