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The X-WA || "An Act of Vengeance for The Fallen Angel"

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* Vicente Marquez is on the verge of injury and it's beginning to show in his matches. Many attribute this to the fact that Marquez is currently working for three different companies (GCG, X-WA, and SOTBPW; an the order of importance to him) and is constantly in the process of traveling internationally. If his load is not lightened then it's certain he will end up with some sort of injury sooner than later.


* X-WA referee, Ryan Holland, was the figurehead in a senseless prank directed to wards X-WA commentator, Ernie Turner. It's been reported that the controversial referee ran most of the commentator's clothes through a shower as Turner was broadcasting "Blitzkrieg". Needless to say, an enraged Turner to offense to such an act and the two were forcefully removed from the area as a fight was on the verge of breaking out. This isn't too uncommon with Holland as he's been somewhat of an internal problem since joining the X-WA. It was said that Officials within the X-WA gave him a "stern warning" and informed him of their backstage policies once again.


* It's to be noted that many officials within the X-WA are very high on X-WA Arena Champion, Stric Lee Bizness... Toting him as a potential "cornerstone" for years to come. His match-up with American Elemental last night was a pure example of the kind of work he can put together when given a strong opponent.


* X-WA Officials were unhappy with the response that "The Dreamweaver" received in a short hype video last night on "Blitzkrieg". While the crowd's response was rather uninspiring... Officials are still focused on debuting the anticipated superstar at this Saturday's PPV Event, "eXtreme Decimation", in some form. Whether it's as a competitor or not... We've received word that you can count on the newbie to make his first appearance with the X-WA.

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great show eisen! I especially liked what you did with nemesis as you are transforming him into more of the hardcore icon we all know and love. i'm really excited about this chaos title that youre bringing in too. could make for some really cool scenarios going forward. its always cool to see a title that has a reason to it rather than just being another title belt. so, congrats on creating something with spark.


it looks like someone downgraded you on the whole star system. whats up with that? youre diary is totally worth a full star sallute.


just wanted to let you know that im enjoying your diary. great read.

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great show eisen! I especially liked what you did with nemesis as you are transforming him into more of the hardcore icon we all know and love. i'm really excited about this chaos title that youre bringing in too. could make for some really cool scenarios going forward. its always cool to see a title that has a reason to it rather than just being another title belt. so, congrats on creating something with spark.


it looks like someone downgraded you on the whole star system. whats up with that? youre diary is totally worth a full star sallute.


just wanted to let you know that im enjoying your diary. great read.


Thanks CZCW.


I'm crazy excited with how the diary is going thus far as the Chaos title will add a new dimension to the whole thing. Plus, Nemesis's recent unraveling gives him some depth for once rather than just being "the becon of order" as an authority figure. It never really seemed fitting for him... This way, the attack is kind of the catalyst to bring out his "other side". Kind of a Jekel and Hyde sense I guess... with now Hyde taking over completely.


As for the star thing, I did notice that. I guess you're not going to be liked by everyone. :cool: All you can do is keep on plugging away as long as you're interested in your own diary. With the addition of the Chaos title along with a few of the rivalries currently set... I'm still pretty happy with how things are.


All in all, Thank you!



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STORY: Updates on Vicente Marquez, the "Acid Imposter", and the "Alliance from Hell".




[... The consummate hero continues to impress ...]


This weeks episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" was almost the last for the up-and-coming X-WA Superstar, Vicente Marquez, as he was subjected to a hanious 2 on 1 assault levied by both Jack Griffith and the X-WA X Champion, Acid. The extent of Marquez's injuries were said to be so bad that the youngster was instantly tended to by New York paramedics following the close of the show. While it was stated that Marquez had lost a lot of blood and still sports a deep gash over his right eye... Most within the X-WA are projecting that the beloved youngster will still be available to compete this Saturday when he challenges for the X-WA X Championship.



[... "The Alliance from Hell" is truly such ...]


Some question whether or not this is a blessing or a curse, however, as Jack Griffith has made it his personal goal to see to it that Marquez is unsucsessful at "eXtreme Decimation". Why? If you've witnessed what these two superstars have gone through over the last 3 months then you would know exactly why... Jack Griffith, a psychological shell of a human being, is truly hell-bent on forcing Marquez down the same path he once endured... From fame, riches, and championship gold... All the way down the slippery slope to absolute self-destruction... But.... How can Griffith force him into self destruction? It's really quite simple... Systematically tear him apart from a psychological stand-point... Week after week... Month after month... Until the inevitable point where he "breaks". It seems that his recent alliance with the X-WA X Champion, Acid, is yet another example of Griffith's obsessive nature when it comes to the dismanlement of the young Vicente Marquez.



[... The "Acid" copy-cat continues to lurk in the distance ...]


This brings us to the mysterious figure lurking in the distance, however, as this week on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" we witnessed another siting of the menacing "Acid Imposter". Little is known as to who is under the mask... or even why they are present in the X-WA.... However, there is a good chance that we'll be seeing him, again, this Saturday at "eXtreme Decimation". Is he here to aide the X Champion? To help him to defeat the struggling Marquez and ultimately create a 3 on 1 kind of situation? .... or.... Is the mysteriously masked copy-cat here to haunt the animalstic Acid? Either way, one could certainly make the statement that the much larger "Acid", in height and weight, is on the verge of making his intentions known...


More to come...

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STORY: Nemesis spiraling out of control?



[... Has the X-WA Owner lost it? ...]


Should we be shocked that the X-WA Owner, and Hardcore Legend, Nemesis has come to a point of brief insanity? Truthfully, Did you really think that the composed, and rather professional, persona that Nemesis has perpetuated since creating the X-WA would truly be able to survive? He may have sold himself externally to the masses as a newer, more well-rounded, individual as of late... However, internally... He was the same devious, violence-inspiring, reckloose that seems more fitted towards an "Anti-Authority" position than the absolute antithesis.


This last episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" documented the violent transformation of the X-WA Owner as the Wrestling Legend physically destroyed two of his employees in search for answers. While neither of his victims, Jacob Jett and Whippy the Clown, gave up any information about Nemesis's unknown attacker... The stage was set. The X-WA Owner was no longer going to sit back.... No longer stand as the "push over" that he had seemingly become... Instead, resorting back to the very thing that made im who he is today.... Sheer, unadulterated Violence....


So, what happens from here?


It's safe to say that the embattled Owner will continue his violent path towards an ultimate answer this Saturday at "eXtreme Decimation".

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The Cyclone vs. "The Dreamweaver"

[Debut Match]


"The Next-Gen-Trio" vs. "The Way of OTA"

[X-WA Trio Division Match]


Burning TAKA vs. Silver Shark vs. Snap Dragon vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Teddy Powell vs. Mathew Flash vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ares vs. Mr. Electricity vs. ??????

[10 Man Battle Royal Match]

[X-WA Chaos Championship Match]

[Chaos Rules]


Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]

[No Rope Breaks Available]


Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

[Grudge Match]


|| "eXtreme Decimation" Main Event ||


Acid w/ Jack Griffith © vs. Vicente Marquez

[X-WA X Championship Match]




* Nemesis confronts William Kingsbury III about his mysterious attacker.

* "Acid Imposter" to potentially make an apperance.

* A big time superstar returns to the X-WA to via for the Chaos Championship!



*** "eXtreme Decimation" Quick Picks ***


The Cyclone vs. "The Dreamweaver"

"The Next-Gen-Trio" vs. "The Way of OTA"

Burning TAKA vs. Silver Shark vs. Snap Dragon vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Teddy Powell vs. Mathew Flash vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ares vs. Mr. Electricity vs. ??????

Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

Acid w/ Jack Griffith © vs. Vicente Marquez


Diary Note:


I've decided to change the way in which upcoming cards are presented. Mostly because, while the previous style would give more of a feeling of what has gone on before the show.... This way is just easier to get the initial card out there. In the future, this situation the same, there will be a short "preview" post that will follow... Something to better, for a lack of a better word, preview the upcoming card.

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*** "eXtreme Decimation" Quick Picks ***


The Cyclone vs. "The Dreamweaver"


"The Next-Gen-Trio" vs. "The Way of OTA"


Burning TAKA vs. Silver Shark vs. Snap Dragon vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Teddy Powell vs. Mathew Flash vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ares vs. Mr. Electricity vs. ??????


Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix


Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash


Acid w/ Jack Griffith © vs. Vicente Marquez

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STORY: Court Ordered Therapy session with Jack Griffith.



Jack Griffith's highly publicized release from a NYPD police detainment center was truly a shock to many within the X-WA. Shortly following his arrest the company was moving forward with the notion that Griffith would almost certainly be convicted of his abduction charges and ultimately spend an undisclosed amount of time in Jail. So, when the raging psychopath found his way to freedom... Many were completely floored!


Due to a series of botched arresting protocol, Griffith was released from all charges.... Theoretically a free man. The only catch was that Griffith would have to meet with a state employed psychologist on a weekly basis to potentially remedy his "internal demons".


With that being said, X-WrestlingAmerica.com was granted exclusive privilege to sit in on one of these court ordered therapy sessions. Here are the transcripts of what followed...




[... Therapy Session #1 ...]



[session already in progress]



James Corbett: The ticks you spoke of... What do they feel like? Are they generally followed by some sort of action/reaction?


[Griffith is seen with his head in his hands... Hunched over in his chair... Occasionally clawing at his face in a purely primal fashion]


Jack Griffith: I told you... I told all of you about this already. These "Ticks" that you call are nothing more than a normal reaction to the situations at hand. [shaking his head while still holding his face in his hands] You just don't get it... Do you? You don't understand what it's like to have it all in the palm of your hands... Everything at your disposal... The world at your feet... Only to have that all crumble beneath you. You can't understand it... But Vicente Marquez can... That snot-nosed brat knows exactly what it's like to see success and slowly feel the hells of the world pulling him below...


James Corbett: Why does he understand it? Why does he need to understand it?


Jack Griffith: HE MUST UNDERSTAND....


[A moment of piercing silence]


James Corbett: But what is the reasoning? Why must someone like Mr. Marquez go through this same path that you did? Without your interference he would certainly be a functioning adult... Aren't you robbing him of that? Robbing him of the very thing you wish you could be?


[Jack seems to become slightly more agitated about the round of questioning... now rocking back and forth in his seat... Still holding his face in his hands... breathing rather heavily in the process]


Jack Griffith: HE MUST UNDERSTAND....


James Corbett: But why, Jack? Why must he understand? Go there....


[Griffith's rocking motion gets stronger and stronger at this point]


Jack Griffith: NO..... NO...... NO....


James Corbett: [Raising his voice slightly to resonate over Griffith's noise] Jack.... Why must Vicente Marquez feel your pain? Why must he understand your plight?


[With that Jack Griffith springs to his feet... Kicking the small wooden chair beneath him backwards in the process. As the chair smashes against the wall in the background... Griffith aggressively walks over towards Corbett and gets square in his face. Corbett, a true professional doesn't even flinch... and even motions for his state employed bodyguards to stay away during this process. Griffith, breathing rather heavily... Practically shaking in the process... Stairs square into Corbett's eye... Inches from his face... and proclaims...]


Jack Griffith: That snot-nosed brat will understand my pain... He will see the "evils of success".... Feel the raging fires of hell engulf his soul just as I did. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? [Griffith delivers an eery stint of laughter squarely in the face of his court ordered psychologist] F*ck you... Who gives a F*ck what you think? Vicente Marquez will understand my pain... because... This will NOT only be MY story.... This will be his story as well... He will stand side by side with me... A broken soul, a victim of his own success.... Is that enough for you? F*ck you...


[With that Griffith storms out of the room in an awkward fashion... Slamming his fist against the wall on the way out... leaving a splotch of blood in the very spot of impact. Corbett's bodyguards question whether or not they should follow him and bring him back, however, Corbett slowly shakes his head in a sign that Griffith's had enough for their opening therapy session.]



*** "eXtreme Decimation" Quick Picks ***


The Cyclone vs. "The Dreamweaver"

"The Next-Gen-Trio" vs. "The Way of OTA"

Burning TAKA vs. Silver Shark vs. Snap Dragon vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Teddy Powell vs. Mathew Flash vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ares vs. Mr. Electricity vs. ??????

Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

Acid w/ Jack Griffith © vs. Vicente Marquez

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There have been rumors circulating around the X-WA about what the potential PPV card will look like. With only a few matches being previously announced, Here is the rest of the card as it stands. A short preview of what is to be expected this Saturday.





|| The Cyclone vs. "The Dreamweaver" ||

The highly anticipated "Dreamweaver" makes his debut this Saturday as he squares off against the grizzled indy veteran, The Cyclone. While little is known about the enigmatic debuting superstar... One thing is for sure... A Nightmare is starting to brew over the X-WA Landscape.



|| "The Next-Gen-Trio" vs. "The Way of OTA" ||

Two Trio's at opposite sides of the spectrum respectively... "The Way of OTA", despite being a new addition to the advanced "Trio Division", is considered to be the hottest new Trio in the X-WA... Built upon respect, honor, and pride.


On the other hand, the struggling "Next-Gen-Trio" looks to be hobbling on it's "last leg"... Potentially seconds away from imploding upon itself. Once a highly toted Trio... Now... A grouping of youngsters who are on the verge of tearing eachother apart.


In the end, Will the Fumihiro Ota led Trio find a way to continue its winning streak or will the "Next-Gen-Trio" mend their wounds and ultimately reform their Trio, once again, into a destructive force? Only time will tell...



|| Chaos Championship 10 Man Battle Royal ||

Who will walk away as the first ever X-WA Chaos Champion? In a sense, who will be the figure-head of the most innovative championship in wrestling history? When you look over the initial 10 men competing in this match-up one thing comes to mind... Each and every one of these superstars have shown the ability to withstand pain & ultimately continue to compete... What better trait to possess when your vialing for a championship built upon survival?


The match itself is your typical 10 man battle royal, however, with a major twist as there are NO RULES what so ever... Thus is "Chaos Rules". The only way someone can be eliminated is via pinfall or submission and any superstar can find their elimination anywhere through out the arena. So, the possibilities are limitless as to what will come to pass this Saturday.


Who will ultimately be able to survive the VERY FIRST X-WA Chaos Championship Match? And also, in the end, will the newly crowned champion even be able to walk out of the arena on his own two feet?



|| Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash ||

This match-up has been brewing for weeks now... All starting with a shocking victory by Kill Switch over Steve Flash around a month ago. That very match was the catalyst for Switch's career as he then went on to compete in the Main Event of last month's PPV, "Reckless Ascent". From there, the two men have been on a crash course towards a violent ending as Kill Switch has become a theoretical "thorn in the King of New York's Side".


Can Steve Flash find a way to "turn the tides" and bring their epic series to a 1-1 tie? Or, Will the young Anarchist, and unsung "Circus Ringmaster", come away with yet another shocking victory?



|| X-WA Arena Championship Match: Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix ||

Stric Lee Bizness has become one of the fastest rising superstars in the X-WA's short history... Defeating Ultimate Phoenix for the Arena Championship a matter of 2 months ago & ultimately proving his dominance ever since then. His "assassin" like style of wrestling has not only given him the opportunity to defeat both of his challengers over his short title reign... But... Has also bestowed injuries on both men in the process.


After a recent string of DQ's, with SLB being DQ'ed due to the fact that he would not release a submission hold on both men following a mandatory rope break, X-WA officials have made it apparent that their championship affair will be a typical singles match... however... with one little addition to the rules... There will be NO Rope Breaks in this match-up... Therefore, if you lock in a submission hold... You better find a way out of it on your own or else it may be the end of the match-up and quite possibly your career in the process.


Who will prevail as the X-WA Arena Championship is on the line? The "silent but extremely deadly" Champion, Stric Lee Bizness? The often erratic, and overly reckless, high flier, American Elemental? Or the grizzled veteran of the South West indy scene, and pure super babyface, Ultimate Phoenix?



|| Acid © w/ Jack Griffith vs. Vicente Marquez ||

How can you prevail in a war versus the personification of evil? This is the question hovering around the stand-out X-WA youngster, Vicente Marquez, as he via's for the X-WA X Championship. While the consummate hero has come close to defeating Acid in the past (not done by anyone thus far as Acid is undefeated in singles competition)... Now you have to add in a raging psychopath into the mix who is hell bent on screwing Marquez out of his shot at glory.


Also, how does the "Acid Impostor" factor into this match-up as well? Is the mysterious copy-cat in the corner of the X Champion or will we potentially see him come to the aide of the out-numbered Marquez? Either way, There is a good chance that we will witness his presence in some way, shape, or form this Saturday.


When it's all said and done and the dust has cleared... Who will walk away with the biggest prize in the X-WA, The X Championship? Will it be the animalistic warrior, and current champion, Acid, or the "up-and-coming", "from hell and back" Challenger, Vicente Marquez?


This and much much more will be determined in just a few short days...





*** "eXtreme Decimation" Quick Picks ***


The Cyclone vs. "The Dreamweaver"

"The Next-Gen-Trio" vs. "The Way of OTA"

Burning TAKA vs. Silver Shark vs. Snap Dragon vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Teddy Powell vs. Mathew Flash vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ares vs. Mr. Electricity vs. ??????

Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

Acid w/ Jack Griffith © vs. Vicente Marquez

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lookin forward to the ppv. you always find a way to make them an interesting read. onto my picks (especially since I missed out on the last blitzkrieg show).


*** "eXtreme Decimation" Quick Picks ***


The Cyclone vs. "The Dreamweaver"

debut squash


"The Next-Gen-Trio" vs. "The Way of OTA"

Ota's team continues to look good and maybe the next team to get a shot at the "circus"?


Burning TAKA vs. Silver Shark vs. Snap Dragon vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Teddy Powell vs. Mathew Flash vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ares vs. Mr. Electricity vs. ??????

even though he just debuted I really like what your Ares character could be. a great new concept title around the waist of the perfect first champion.


Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix

the Stric Lee Bizness/Ultimate Phoenix feud continues


Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

Flash brings their series to a 1-1 tie. maybe a blow off match at the next ppv?


Acid w/ Jack Griffith © vs. Vicente Marquez

even though I would love to see a new champion I don't think it happens at this point. Marquez looks strong in the match but ends up losing due to an interference from jack griffith or something.

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X-WA Diary Note


I've just booked, and ran, "eXtreme Decimation" through my copy of TEW and now just need to flesh out the results. It may take me a little bit to do so, however, as I've got a few things on my plate right now and to be honest... I feel like I need a little inspiration. I don't want to just write it blindly when I know that I'm not really "in the mood to do so". ya know? So, I'm going to write the results over time and I guess we'll see when the results come up.


The show itself, though, is posing to be a really good one as there are some very strong matches/segments coming out of this one. I've tried to create a very consistent flow with most of my storylines and this PPV continues with that feeling.


So, for those who are looking to leave predictions... You still have time to do so. The amount of readers have seemingly gone down as of late but I'm sure there will be some peeps here and there leaving something. I'm planning on giving a re-cap of the X-WA and it's roster after the PPV is done... Hoping to draw in some new readers who feel like they may be too far behind since I'm now almost in July 2008.







*** "eXtreme Decimation" Quick Picks ***


The Cyclone vs. "The Dreamweaver"

"The Next-Gen-Trio" vs. "The Way of OTA"

Burning TAKA vs. Silver Shark vs. Snap Dragon vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Teddy Powell vs. Mathew Flash vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ares vs. Mr. Electricity vs. ??????

Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

Acid w/ Jack Griffith © vs. Vicente Marquez

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Champions Section is Created!


There is a brand new section to this Diary on "page 1"... Post #5....


If you go there right now you'll be able to see the "Champions section" of the X-WA. This posting will be constantly updated and will cover what is happening in "real time".


Anyways, Just thought I'd let you know that it's up!



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.. Not anyway trying to troll your diary or steal your thunder or anything. I don't know if it's just me, no offence, but this constant bumping and these really short posts are starting to annoy me, big time. There is absolutely no need to say when the show is going to be up before every show, sometimes on two or three separate occasions. It will be up when it's done. :o


The Cyclone vs. "The Dreamweaver"

"The Next-Gen-Trio" vs. "The Way of OTA"

Burning TAKA vs. Silver Shark vs. Snap Dragon vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Teddy Powell vs. Mathew Flash vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ares vs. Mr. Electricity vs. ??????

Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

Acid w/ Jack Griffith © vs. Vicente Marquez

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.. Not anyway trying to troll your diary or steal your thunder or anything. I don't know if it's just me, no offence, but this constant bumping and these really short posts are starting to annoy me, big time. There is absolutely no need to say when the show is going to be up before every show, sometimes on two or three separate occasions. It will be up when it's done. :o


Agreed, I'm afraid. I realise I haven't posted here, but I've read it from the start -and it begins to grate after a while. Your writing is fantastic and the shows are top quality - I'm just worried you're going to push people away with these 'false updates'. There's only so many times people will open your thread to see if there's a new update amongst the 'update' posts, if that makes sense.


Still, keep up the good work - this is a fantastic diary and a well deserved DOTM candidate.

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.. Not anyway trying to troll your diary or steal your thunder or anything. I don't know if it's just me, no offence, but this constant bumping and these really short posts are starting to annoy me, big time. There is absolutely no need to say when the show is going to be up before every show, sometimes on two or three separate occasions. It will be up when it's done. :o


The Cyclone vs. "The Dreamweaver"

"The Next-Gen-Trio" vs. "The Way of OTA"

Burning TAKA vs. Silver Shark vs. Snap Dragon vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Teddy Powell vs. Mathew Flash vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ares vs. Mr. Electricity vs. ??????

Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

Acid w/ Jack Griffith © vs. Vicente Marquez


Point taken. I won't do so anymore. Just have to trust that people will stop back by and read the shows when they're up instead of giving a status report.


Sorry, FIN & Rathen.

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There is honestly no need to apologise - it's not as if someone has asked you to stop before and you've ignored it.


Your diary IS good enough to make people think "Ooh, I wonder if there is an update". Have faith. I know I'll be checking :)

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The Cyclone vs. "The Dreamweaver"

Dreamweaver gets his debut win.


"The Next-Gen-Trio" vs. "The Way of OTA"

Way Of OTA takes this win to meet "The Circus" for the Trio Championship.


Burning TAKA vs. Silver Shark vs. Snap Dragon vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Teddy Powell vs. Mathew Flash vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ares vs. Mr. Electricity vs. ??????

Guess I'm gonna go with the mystery opponent win although I could see Ares taking it too.


Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Although the lesser of the three in terms of push I think this gives Elemental something to do while Freeing up The Biz and Phoenix for bigger and better things.


Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash

Switch has taken a number of wins over Flash but now its time for Steve to show Kill Switch that he takes the win when it counts.


Acid w/ Jack Griffith © vs. Vicente Marquez

Acid to continue his stranglehold on the title, although this should be one hell of a match.

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There is nothing wrong with the occassional OCC update, when its warranted. But as Rathan and FIN noted, its best done occassionally. If you've made specific indications of an expected time-frame for a show to be posted and that is going to be missed by a significant amount of time (sevearl days), then I'd say it might be worthwhile.


The Cyclone vs. "The Dreamweaver""The Next-Gen-Trio" vs. "The Way of OTA"


Burning TAKA vs. Silver Shark vs. Snap Dragon vs. Whippy the Clown vs. Teddy Powell vs. Mathew Flash vs. Joss Thompson vs. Ares vs. Mr. Electricity vs. ??????


Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix


Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve FlashAcid w/ Jack Griffith © vs. Vicente Marquez

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X-WA "eXtreme Decimation" - PPV Event

Saturday, 3rd week of June 2008 (Shown on TV on Thursday)

The Evanovich Riverside Arena (Tri-State)










The Cyclone vs. The Dreamweaver


The opening match of the night was a high anticipated moment for those within the X-WA as it showcased one of their new potential megastars, "The Dreamweaver". There has been a lot of effort by the X-WA staff to promote the living hell out of this youngster due to his unique skill set & a truly enigmatic character that sets him apart as being a "once in a lifetime superstar". With that being said, everything down to his enterence was perfectly crafted and overly prepared. Lights were dropped, purple smoke filled the ringside area through the black enterence curtains, and an array of lazer-like lights shot down from the ceiling... Ultimately creating a very "dream-like" vibe for the debuting superstar.


The match itself was nothing more than a glorified "squash" as The Dreamweaver was practically in control the entire time. However, instead of the match-up coming to a close within the first few minutes... The historic debut was more of a drawn-out affair. The Dreamweaver generated a combat approach that was primarily based off of highly athletic aerial spots followed by borderline weird poses and taunts. In a sense, there was more "Flash" to his style than acutal substance.... BUT... With that being said, the high flying youngster wow'ed the crowd on several occasions with his willingness to deliver unique aerial spots that teetered on the edge of self-destruction. One such example was a highly risky hurricanrana exicuted by a leaping Dreamweaver off the top rope... Landing on The Cyclone, who was standing outside of the ring, and flinging his body in a certain direction to throw the Cyclone over the top of the steel gaurdrail and into the crowd. The crowd was in absolute shock that someone would leap from 10 feet off the ground... Onto another man with nothing but cement below... Not to mention a move that could potentially botch very easily... Something that would certainly deliver an injury to both men in the process.


In the end, The Dreamweaver finally ended his drawn-out squash of the Cyclone... successfully exicuting a front-face slam followed by his signature move "The Lucid Dream". (Shooting Star Press/Leg Drop combo). Following an eery pinfall from the mysterious newcomer... The Dreamweaver achieved his very first victory in the X-WA seconds after recieving a standard three count from X-WA referee, Ryan Holland.


Winner: The Dreamweaver over The Cyclone in 6:42 via pinfall.

Grade: E+



Angle: The Classroom of Warriors...

Grade: D



[... Ota educates his students ...]


[At this moment we are treated to a training montage based around the X-WA Trio, "The WAY of OTA". The short hype video displays Fumihiro Ota in his new role as a combat teacher of sorts looking to develop the honorable warriors of tomorrow. The training sequence would highlight strenuous martial arts development fused with non-traditional forms of strength and endurance training. Overall, the video is somewhat of a cross between "Rocky" and "Karate Kid" as it pertains to the overall tone of the presentation.]


[As the video comes to a close one thing is left in mind... "The WAY of OTA" is not your typical X-WA Trio... Their union stands more as a "school of combat" with Fumihiro Ota residing above the others as a highly respected Sensei.]



Angle: Shaky Professionalism...

Grade: D-



[... The once confident Trio is on the verge of falling apart? ...]


[if "The WAY of OTA" is considered to be a group based upon respect, honor, and pride.... This next Trio is certainly nothing even close to such. "The Next-Gen-Trio", recently riddled with internal warfare, is seen congregating in the X-WA locker room area moments before their upcoming match-up (funny enough, against the very team that can be labeled as the antithesis of their war-torn Trio).]


[The mood carries a sense of "walking on egg shells" as all three members show their distrust of one another with their overly agitated body language. With one foot already out of the door... It looks as if the "Next-Gen-Trio" are coming together with a sense of shaky professionalism... Knowing that they were a once toted Trio and now slightly hoping to revive their waning adoration.]


[The awkward segment comes to a close as the three men share a brief moment together... Trying to generate a sense of wavering cohesiveness.... However, ultimately showing their true colors to the world.... These three guys don't trust eachother... Not in the slightest.]





"The WAY of OTA" vs. "The Next-Gen-Trio"


The only Trio Division match of the night would prove to be a "war of the opposites" as the cohesive "WAY of OTA" faced off against the internally turbulent "Next-Gen-Trio". Their heated affair was a relatively quick, however extremely competitive, match-up with both teams "throwing everything but the kitchen sink" at the other Trio... Hoping to come away with the victory. The overall tone from the very onset was that of high paced action fused with, what felt like, millions of unsuccessful pinfall attempts... A sign that neither team was taking the other lightly and that ultimately the main goal was to pick up a sold PPV victory.


As with every X-WA Trio match, tagging in your fellow Trio-mates is not needed... Instead, all it takes is for the legal man to duck out of the ring and another person to take his place. It's as simple as that. As you can imagine... This standard rule change makes for a lot of crazy moments... ONE of these crazy moments came in the middle of this match-up as Francios Cartier, the unsung leader of the "Next-Gen-Trio", laid out his opponent at the time, Mikkel Drago, with a belly-to-belly overhead release suplex... Drago, upon impact, was forced out of the ring by his own momentum... Making way for Jay Chord to quickly catipult himself into action with a springboard dropkick from the aipren... Connecting with a stiff strike to the head of the unsuspecting Cartier (still thinking that Drago was the legal man as he didn't see him exit the ring).


Another example of the carnage that can result due to the Trio Division's "tagless approach" would display itself towards the end of the match as Fumihiro Ota exicutes his signature "Ninja Strike" (Leaping Superkick) upon a staggering Joss Thompson. Shortly following the impact of Ota's kick, Francios Cartier is seen pulling an unconcious Thompson out of the ring via the bottom rope... Meanwhile, Jacob Jett quickly ascends into the ring... Chop blocking the left knee of the unsuspecting Ota in the process. Needless to say, the unique "Rule Set" is something that makes this division truly standout from others in the U.S. wrestling scene.


In the end, "The Great" Fumihiro Ota, and his clan of pupils, were just too much for the struggling "Next-Gen-Trio" as the arrogant youngster Trio made one final grave mistake. Jacob Jett, seen attempting a top rope moonsault on a fallen Mikkel Drago, is accidentally bumped off the top rope by his fellow Trio-mate Joss Thompson when he was thrown into the very same turnbuckle by "The WAY of OTA" member, Jay Chord. Thompson topples to the canvas holding his back in pain upon impact as Jacob Jett loses his balance and falls from the top rope... Smashing back first on the canvas below... Setting himself up for a quick pinfall attempt from, a now more concious, Mikkel Drago... A standard three count would follow declaring "The WAY of OTA" the ultimate victors!


Winner: "The WAY of OTA" over "The Next-Gen-Trio" in 9:51 via pinfall. The match came to a close as Mikkel Drago scored a pinfall over Jacob Jett.

Grade: D+



Angle: Forced From the Group...

Grade: E+



[... Francios Cartier Trims the Fat ...]


[As the match comes to a close Francios Cartier is seen having a theoretical meltdown outside of the ring. As his temper turns even more explosive, potentially realizing the weight of losing once again, Cartier forcibly grabs a steel chair from a ringside announcer... Folding it up in a lightning fast manor.. and sliding into the ring under the nearest bottom rope. Now, within the confines of the ring ropes, Cartier quickly dives in for the kill... Landing a vicious chair shot across the back of Joss Thompson as he stands over the fallen Jacob Jett. Thompson, wincing in pain, slowly spins around... arching his back in the process to see who landed such a blow... Only to have himself knocked unconcious with a second baseball like swing from Francios Cartier... Only this time square over the head of the reeling youngster.]


[Jacob Jett, slowly coming back to his senses following being pinned for the loss, looks deep into the eyes of the supposed leader of the "Next-Gen-Trio"... Partly in shock... Partly trying to plead with his "boss" to not hit him as well. While it looks as if Jett is about to receive the same beating at the hands of Cartier... The thunderous chair shot never graces his body. Instead, Jett is seen turning his attention on the fallen Joss Thompson... Stomping away in an aggressive fashion and ultimately helping Cartier add insult to injury.]


[The two members of the "Next-Gen-Trio" stand above the unconcious Joss Thompson as it's obvious that this Trio has become a twosome... At least for now...]






10 Man Battle Royal

[X-WA Chaos Championship Match]

["Chaos Rules" -- (Falls Count Anywhere/No DQ)]


The X-WA Chaos Championship is more of a concept title versus your traditional, old-school, father's kind of wrestling championship. Its mystique doesn't come from a long line of legendary title holders... It does not carry a sense of honored competition.... Rather, The Chaos Championship is a physical declaration of survival... A gold-plated belt that stands, more, for the ability to withstand endless amounts of punishment... And still get back up off of the cavas asking for more.


To those who label the newly minted Championship as nothing more than a glorified Hardcore title.... You couldn't be farther from the truth. It is true that said Championship carries special stipulations all to its own... (Falls Count Anywhere while there is also No DQ... You can only win via pinfall or submission).... However, its ultimate goal is NOT to solely profile the extreme superstars on the X-WA roster... The vision of the Chaos Championship is to be viewed as a true "land of opportunity"... A way of life built upon the notion of "endless possibilities". So, needless to say, as the highly anticipated 10 man battle royal began its course... There was a true sense of "anything could happen" hovering through out the Evanovich Riverside Arena.


The match itself started off in a blaze of chaotic glory as all 10 men were seen brawling as if their lives depended on it... The only person seemingly lagging was the potentially injured Joss Thompson who, only a matter of a few seconds ago, was assaulted by his former trio-mates. With that being said, Joss was shaky at best from the very beginning... Instantly pounded into the mat by X-WA newcomer, Ares.


To save time, and space, Here are the first 6 men who were eliminated.... Who they were eliminated by.... And how they were ultimately forced out of tonight's Chaos Championship Match.


1. Joss Thompson eliminated @ 00:14 by Ares via a "Ultimate Sleeper".

2. Mr. Electricity eliminated @ 3:09 by Ares via a Half-Nelson Chokehold.

3. Mathew Flash eliminated @ 5:02 by Silver Shark via a front-face russian legsweep outside of the ring.

4. Snap Dragon eliminated @ 9:55 by Teddy Powell via a "Motion Censor" in the crowd.

5. Teddy Powell eliminated @ 10:02 by Whippy the Clown via a barbed wire baseball bat strike in the crowd.

6. Whippy The Clown eliminated @ 11:12 by Burning TAKA following a 20 foot splash through a table in the loading docks.


We now pick up the match 11 minutes into the start of the hectic battle royal. At this point, Burning TAKA is slowly trying to pull himself back together following a potentially career-ending leap from a small platform located in the loading docks of the Evanovich Riverside Arena. His back looks to be in bad shape as the controversial international star slowly pulls himself back up to his feet... Attempting to straighten his body upright, however, having troubles in doing so. The daredevil, still struggling to regain his breath following the shocking leap, was instantly engaged in another brawl shortly after though as Silver Shark is seen rushing into the backstage area to capitalize on TAKA's physical state.


As those two are seen brawling in a split screen, back in the ring... Ares and Hell Monkey are continuing their absolutely vicious beating of one another... with neither man showing any signs of slowing down. As Ares is seen on the left hand screen flooring Hell Monkey with a collapsed leg belly-to-belly overhead suplex... We also witness the fact that Burning TAKA and Silver Shark have wandered into the locker room area... Brawling back and forth... Using every little piece of equiptment that can be used as a weapon. Shark, wildly swinging a coffee maker at the head of TAKA, misses his attempt at a unorthodox weapon assault... Instead, opening himself up for a snap DDT square in the middle of the locker room area. TAKA, realizing this is his chance to finish off his current opponent, quickly goes for the pinfall as a generic X-WA referee is seen quickly dropping to the ground... counting a standard 3 count in favor of the impressive Burning TAKA.


7. Silver Shark eliminated @ 12:30 by Burning TAKA via a snap DDT in the locker room area.


After everyone's attention turns away from the successful pinfall from TAKA... Hell Monkey is seen seemingly out cold in the middle of the ring and there is no Ares in sight. This scenario goes on for a good 10 seconds before all of a sudden Ares is seen pouncing on the unsuspecting TAKA from behind. TAKA, doomed from the start, tries to gain control of his exchange with Ares... However... After a string of crazy spots... TAKA looks to be slipping.... This gives Ares enough room to overtake the international stand-out... Finally locking in a Half-Nelson Chokehold. TAKA struggles to break free, however, his body has gradually become more and more weak as the match progresses... His aggressive attempts to escape slowly become less and less powerful as he finally looks as if he's completley out cold due to the lack of air flow to his brain. The same generic referee that, only a minute or so ago, delivered a standard 3 count in favor of TAKA is now calling for his end of the match... Declaring that he can no longer compete due to submission.


8. TAKA eliminated @ 13:55 by Ares via a Half-Nelson Chokehold in the locker room area.


Meanwhile, back in the ring, Hell Monkey has found his way back to his feet... Trying to make sense of where Ares has gone... However, his questioning wouldn't last very long as the vicious submission artist made his return to the ringside area following his elimination of Burning TAKA. While stairing eachother down in the process... Ares quickly maneuvers his way back towards the ring... However, is met with a flying Hell Monkey as he dives square over the top rope... Landing upon the right shoulder of the dominating Ares. Their one-on-one warfare would continue all around the ringside area... A hard strike here... A steel post ramming there... All in all, both men were still very much so focused on the outcome of tonight's match... However, showing signs that their bodies were starting to give way due to the amount of punishment dished out through out the match.


In the end, both men found their way back up onto the aipren... Fist's of fury raining down on eachother as neither man is able to step back into the ring. Back and forth.... Back and forth... Until Hell Monkey finally gained the upper hand with a stiff elbow strike to his opponents through.... Ares, bending over as he practically coughs a lung out due to the strike, is quickly pulled inward by Hell Monkey as he flings both he, and Ares, backwards... exicuting a HUGE russian leg sweep through a table set up earlier on in the match. Upon impact both men lay absolutely motionless... Neither looking as if they really faired much better than the other in the fall. However, after a few hair raising moments... Monkey slowly rolls himself over just enough to lay one arm over the still motionless Ares... Picking up the victorious three count from Ryan Hollands in the process and becoming the historic FIRST Chaos Champion in X-WA History.


Winner: Hell Monkey over Ares in 15:49 via pinfall.

Grade: C



Angle: The Inaugural Champion of Chaos is Crowned...

Grade: D+




[... The Crowning of a New Champion ...]


[Hell Monkey can barely stand... His legs are no longer fresh... his body is no longer rested... His month long injury haitus had come to its completion tonight as the returning superstar delivered a momentum-building resurgence to X-WA relevance. As the victorious Monkey is seen pulling himself back up to his feet... Senior referee, Ryan Holland, quickly ascends upon the scene with the newly minted X-WA Chaos Championship in his hands. Reviewing Monkey's lessened physical state, the sympathetic referee tries to help Monkey to his feet.... However... The stubborn-headed Champion brushes off Holland's advancement... Instead, pulling himself up by his own "boot straps" and painfully stretching his body back to normal.]


[At this point, the newly crowned Chaos Champion makes eye contact with his new possession... his newest form of validation as a pro wrestler. The pain seems to subside for a quick second as the "broken" Hell Monkey receives his Championship Gold from Holland. After stairing at his own reflection in the front gold plate... Hell Monkey now turns to the X-WA crowd and raises the Chaos Championship high into the air. The crowd in attendance, aware of the historical ramifications of such a crowning, is permanently on their feet... Professing their respect-driven love.]


[The scene comes to a close now as we witness the final moments of Hell Monkey's celebratory crowning as the "Champion of Chaos".]



Angle: Simmering Tension...

Grade: D+



[... An arguement amongst friends? ...]


[We now cut backstage to see live footage of a verbal altercation between two men who were once thought to be competitive friends, American Elemental and Ultimate Phoenix. AE, obviously not very happy with Phoenix as seen through his aggressive body language, questions Phoenix's motives this last week on "Blitzkrieg" when his selfish interference cost him (AE) the opportunity to win the X-WA Arena Championship. Phoenix, showing signs that he is well aware of his selfish intent a few days before, comes close to saying that he's sorry... however, never really gets to that point. Instead, the former Arena Champion vows that his interference was based solely upon the fact that Stric Lee Bizness had cost him his match-up earlier on in the show and that he was so blind with rage that his run-in was an act of pure frustration.... Not a personal attack on American Elemental at all.


[Despite his cordial response to AE's aggressive claims... Nothing seems to have resolved the simmering tension between these two superstars as both men stair eachother down briefly before walking off in seperate directions... Gearing up for tonight's Three-Way Arena Championship Match.]





Stric Lee Bizness © vs. American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix

[X-WA Arena Championship Match]

[special Stipulation: No Rope Breaks Available]


The X-WA Arena Championship is highly regarded as the most prestigious secondary championship within the X-WA. While in other companies, The most important secondary championship is seen as a precursor to a "Main Event Run"... That's not necissarily the case in this situation. Those within the X-WA have done a lot to project the Arena Championship as a sought-after prize... Something that should be held with dignity and respect. In a sense, creating an aura for said Championship gold independent to the Main Event Title, The X Championship.


The Arena Champion, widely considered to be a "powerful figure" within the company, is none other than the "Silent Assasin"... Stric Lee Bizness.... A man whose made a career out of physically dismantling his opponents in a systematic fashion. He fallen upon a great deal of success since obtaining the Championship Title from it's previous owner (the only person to hold it before him), Ultimate Phoenix... However, has been entangled with the Former Champion on several occassions ever since then. Going back even farther than that, SLB was the final competitor Phoenix had to defeat in which to become the first ever Arena Champion in February of 2008... So, these two superstars have had a very long... storied history behind them. However, tonight's battle isn't set to be a one on one affair... American Elemental, considered to be an extremely talented but reckless international superstar, was on the verge of winning the Arena Gold from SLB this past week on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg"... However, had his victory robbed from him as an interfering Ultimate Phoenix caused the match to end in the favor of SLB via DQ. Needless to say... All three men are focused primarily on stepping over anyone they need to inwhich to obtain, or in SLB's case... Retain, Championship gold.


The match itself was a typical three-way affair... All three men firmly in their own corners... And all three superstars carrying the knowledge that they could not trust anyone else in the match-up. Even Phoenix and AE, who had recently seemed as if they were developing a friendship through mutual hatred of Stric Lee Bizness (the man who injured them both in weeks previously), found their overall tone to be very combative with one another. Early on in the match Ultimate Phoenix silently offered AE a sense of teamwork using his body language to tell the story... However, shortly after they landed a double front-face suplex... AE quickly turned his attention towards his tentative "team member", Ultimate Phoenix, laying him out in the process with a head-rattling upper cut followed by a quick irish whip over the top rope... Slamming onto the cement floor below. While the move garnered a small percentage of the X-WA crowd to boo AE... The reckless youngster shrugged off their advancement... Instead, focusing his attention on the fallen Stric Lee Bizness.


AE, looking rather strong through out most of the match, successfully kept the Arena Champion at bay... Using an array of high impact strikes and an occassional high flying spot as well to keep him guessing. However, as always, it was AE's overly high risk mentality that would prove to be an eventual downfall.... As the youngster was unable to connect with a twisting 360 plancha... Instead... Landing harshly on the canvas below. From there, Stric Lee Bizness gained full control of the match-up using his traditional "suplex and submission" approach... Wearing the high flier down in the process. However, even this would come crashing to an end as the resurgent Ultimate Phoenix found a way to break SLB's momentum... Bringing himself back into the action with a sprinboard spinning heel kick from the aipren... Connecting with the side of both SLB and AE as the Arena Champion attempted a suplex of his own. Upon impact, All three men had taken a slice of the bump... Creating a moment where all three competitors were struggling to get back up to their feet in time to beat the 10 count.


At one point, It looked as if Ultimate Phoenix was on the verge of winning the X-WA Arena Championship for a second time... Exicuting a massive top rope leg drop upon the throat of the fallen Stric Lee Bizness. SLB, upon impact, began to convulse... Grabbing at his neck... Struggling for air. However, Phoenix's pinfall attempt would only generate a 2 count as the eager AE found a way to overcome a limp in his step to leap across the ring and break up the count with a quick drop kick to the back of Phoenix's head. AE, trying to sieze the moment, also went for the pin on SLB... However, by that point... The Champion had regained his composure enough to kick out after 1 1/2.


It was looking extremely bad for Stric Lee Bizness as he took the brunt of a rage-inspired onslaught from the challenging, American Elemental. Even Ultimate Phoenix wasn't enough to stop AE's carnage as the International Superstar shockingly laid out the former Champion with suspended suplex... Ultimately throwing Phoenix over the top rope and to the cement floor below instead of slamming him back down to the canvas. Phoenix, landing very awkwardly upon his right arm, was seen rolling around in a show of immense pain... Attempting to get back up to his feet but ultimately falling back to the cold cement floor below... Obviously in a great deal of pain.


From there the challenger was fortunate enough to reverse a belly-to-back suplex attempt from SLB... Instead... exicuting a neckbreaker of his own... SLB's head looking as if it was about to snap off upon impact. Again, it looked very bad for the Arena Champion as American Elemental pulled himself up onto the top rope in a show of pure athleticism... On the verge of changing the course of his career with one major high spot. The X-WA crowd, anticipating the moment, began to raise to their feet... Their light roar turning into an all out celebration.... Then he jumped....


AE quickly tucked himself inward... Flipping his body in tight rotations... Falling back to the canvas with his signature "Inferno Splash" (A 450 splash).....


BUT... The "Silent Assasin" was waiting for him upon his descent... Pulling his legs inwards and using his knees as a weapon of sorts against AE's momentum. As American Elemental landed across SLB's boney knees... He instantly bounced off of the Arena Champion... Holding his stomach in extreme pain... Gasping to catch his breath.


However, he was never really given the chance to do so... As the crafty Champion quickly jumped onto the downward facing AE... Locking in a rear-naked choke in the process. In one swift move, SLB quickly rolls himself over onto his back... Wrapping his legs around the injured American Elemental... Squeezing with all of his might... Cutting off the airflow to AE's brain. It only took a matter of a few seconds for the challenger to flail his right arm around... Displaying his discomfort with a resoudning tap of the canvas below him.


Winner: Stric Lee Bizness over American Elemental and Ultimate Phoenix in 16:01 via submission. Stric Lee Bizness retains his title after forcing AE to submit via a rear-naked chokehold.

Grade: C



Angle: Words from a battle tested youngster...

Grade: C-



[... Remarks from behind the curtain ...]


[shortly after we witnessed the "Silent Assasin", Stric Lee Bizness, successfully defend his X-WA Arena Championship... We quickly cut to a live feed of the backstage area... A live feed focused primarily on the challenger for the X Championship in tonight's Main Event, Vicente Marquez. The battle tested youngster looks battered and bruised, however, what else is new? Marquez has been highly documented as Jack Griffith's personal "punching bag" for the last 3 months now and there doesn't seem to be much evolution in this matter following this last Thursday's telecast of "Blitzkrieg".]


[Marquez, as focused as a great war general, delivers a string of aggressively natured statements directed squarely upon the "Alliance from Hell" (Jack Griffith and Acid)... Proclaiming...]


"You may have broken me physically this last week, you may have have torn me apart mentally over the last three months, however, one thing remains in tact... And that's my heart. My love for this business... My adoration for this company... And my defiance of those who believe that I should just "stay down". You (Acid) can add all of the psychos you want into your corner... Bring an army of monsters... but the truth of the matter is this... I will overcome... I always do."


[With that lasting image in all of our minds... Marquez would close his promo with one final verbal blow directed primarly at Jack Griffith.]


"You want for me to feel your pain? To understand your downward spiral? Good luck... Because while you've beaten me down, broken my bones, abducted the love of my life, and forced me to the brink of insanity... I'm still standing... I'm still breathing... And I'm still leaps and bounds away from the Hell in which you reside."


[The segment comes to a close now as Marquez stairs deeply into the camera lens... His deadened eyes tell the story of his recent struggles.]





Kill Switch w/ "The Circus" vs. Steve Flash


When a young superstar needs to show that they are "ready for the limelight" the first thing that must come to pass is a solid victory over a big time superstar. So, when the "Circus Ringmaster", Kill Switch, found a way to defeat the "King of New York", Steve Flash, a month ago now... The X-WA, as a collective unit, was rocked straight off of it's theoretical chair. Steve Flash had developed a career out of consistently coming away with victory after victory... Doing so in a purely professional manor. Kill Switch, on the other hand, is a relative newcomer to the wrestling industry.... A self-proclaimed Anarchist whose main goal in life is to inflict copious amounts of pain upon others. So, needless to say... Their pairing was quite an exchange between polar opposites. With that being said, however, their match-up was nothing less than a technical wrestling clinic of sorts.


Both men, highly proficient in mat-based wrestling, left nothing to imagination as almost every hold, suplex, and maneuver, in the book was used. Hell, you could go even farther than that as both superstars found a way to deliver a string of innovative variations to the mix. The Evanovich Riverside Arena almost blew its lid following a top rope "Electric Chair" from Steve Flash... Slamming Kill Switch's face square into the mat below and potentially knocking him out in the process. However, the grizzled veteran would not attempt a pinfall... In a break from his traditional "another day at work" approach... Steve, instead, continued his impressive assault with an array of submission holds... Keeping the "Ringmaster" grounded and ultimately pushing him to the edge and back. Despite all of this, Switch found a way to overcome the submission attempts (Sometimes the breaks came from "Circus" members helping out)... Even at one point regaining his composure enough to sucsessfully exicute a lightning quick superkick across the chizzled jaw of the Indy Wrestling Legend.


With "The Circus" always a step away, Kill Switch continued his assault... Mowing over Steve Flash with a string of moves that would put any average superstars away for a standard three count... However... Flash always found a way to kick out. Even following a snap suplex into the corner turnbuckle... Flash's body mangled upon impact... Twitching every once in awhile as X-WA fans stood along with their mouths wide open. In the end, though, Kill Switch would take too long following impact to make a pinfall attempt... Only achieving a 2 count.


Kill Switch, sensing that it would take more than what's been done thus far to "finish the job", began to throw a semi-concious Flash out of the ring on a few occassions... Distracting X-WA referee, Ryan Holland, enough to allow his fellow Trio-mates (Whippy the Clown & Snap Dragon) to lay into the grizzled veteran... Breaking his body down even more so with quick, however heavy, strikes. While it looked like a great plan in the first place... Flash began to regain control of the situation towards the end of the match... Fighting back and eventually rocking both "Circus" members on the outside of the ring... Turning his attention back towards his opponent in the ring and delivering a hellacious beatdown.


In the end, Steve Flash began to wear Kill Switch down.... Finally placing him in a rear seated position on the top rope... As he motioned for a Top Rope "Flash Bang". (Side Belly-to-Back Suplex). Both Whippy the Clown and Snap Dragon, sensing that their "Ringmaster" was in dire need of interference, tried to stop the carnage... However... Were instantly thrown out of the ring the second they climbed in by a suspecting Flash. This opened the door for Steve Flash to land a few heavy right hands across the temple of the still seated Switch... Lifting him off of his seated position... And landing a Top Rope "Flash Bang"!


Both men look like they've gone through a car wreck following the impact... Neither making a move. However, in a slowly dramatic fashion, the "King of New York" found a way to regain his senses enough to roll over onto Kill Switch... picking up a standard three count from senior X-WA referee, Ryan Holland.


Winner: Steve Flash over Kill Switch in 13:58 via pinfall.

Grade: B-



Angle: Nemesis falls victim... Again...

Grade: C



[... The "Silver Spoon Superstar" is attempting to exit the Evanovich Riverside Arena ...]


[As we grow near to the final moments of tonight's explosive PPV event, "eXtreme Decimation", there is a sense of grandeur floating in the air. Various X-WA superstars are seen huddling around small TV sets in the hallways of the backstage area.... Everyone anticipating tonight's Main Event... All knowing that Vicente Marquez has the transcendent ability to "shock the world" and ultimately capture the X-WA X Championship based upon his amazing skill set. With that being said, No one was expecting to see an altercation like this develop... Especially with everyone fixated on the upcoming war between Vicente Marquez and the X Champion, Acid. ]


[William Kingsbury III, seen with his family owned bodyguard Vladimir at his side, is slowly meandering towards the large exit doors leading to the parking lot area as he practically pushes the X-WA camera man out of his face... Proclaiming that his life is not a "degrading Reality Show". The camera lens staggers slightly as Kingsbury keeps on walking by... talking under his breathe about how much of a "sh*t hole the X-WA is"... Meanwhile, the ultra menacing Vladimir has stepped within inches of the camera man... Instructing him to "step away... if you know what's good for you". With such a proclamation coming from a truly scary individual... The X-WA camera begins to leave the scene... Dejected and saddened that he wasn't able to obtain an exclusive soundbyte from the "Silver Spoon Superstar". However, within a few seconds... He was given exactly what he was looking for... An exclusive...]


"Where the hell do you think you're going?"


[...is the phrase that resonates through out the large docking area... Bouncing around the cement walls like a wayward bullet looking for it's final resting place.]


"What does it matter to you? You didn't even book me tonight anyways..."


[The aggressive verbal return sends chills down the X-WA camera man's back as he slowly spins around... Hiding behind a mountain of crates used to store ringside equipment. As he lifts his camera back upwards... Focusing ever-so-slightly to relay his live feed to the viewing public we are treated to the sight of the X-WA Owner, Nemesis, standing before the exit doors... Blocking both Kingsbury and Vladmir from leaving the premesis. Kingsbury, calling for Vladimir at his side, reiterates his message... vowing to add this altercation to the listing of problems he cites in his lawsuit against the X-WA. However, Nemesis doesn't budge...]



[... The Vengeful Owner sets his sights on his Arch-Rival ...]


[The X-WA Owner is hell-bent for answers... Aggressively challenging the young rich snob to "man up" and relay the information he's seeking...]


"You know who did it... Kingsbury... You know who attacked me... Tell me what you know."


[Despite his demands... Kingsbury attempts to walk right past the X-WA Owner... However, that's not what Nemesis had in mind. Instead, he quickly lunges forward and decks Vladimir square across the jaw with a thunderous right hand. The towering bodyguard quickly drops down to his right knee... Holding his jaw in pain... A little shocked about what had just happened. However, before he could regain his composure... The Hardcore Icon lands another vicious right hand square to Vladimir's jaw once again... This final strike absolutely floors the Russian.. Sending him to his back and seemingly struggling to stay concious following such an unexpected assault.]


[Kingsbury, now well aware that Nemesis means business, attempts to run past the Owner now... Ditching his bodyguard in the process... However, Nemesis leaps upon him like a predatory feline... Shoving him forcefully up against the wall, and just like those he's questioned before hand, circling his hands around the neck of the "Silver Spoon Superstar"... Choking him in the process.]


"Now are you going to talk? huh?"


[Nemesis, lifting Kingsbury off of the ground now with both of his hands clasped around the neck of his disgruntled employee, becomes increasingly demanding... Informing the youngster that he will be glad to "put him out" if he's unable to give him any information.]


[Who knows if it was the fact that Kingsbury was on the verge of passing out and became deathly afraid or if he finally felt as if the information should be made public... But... Kingsbury starts to mutter something to the hell-bent X-WA Owner... However, struggling to make any sort of noise due to being choked in the process. As the "Silver Spoon Superstar" begins to formulate a response... The X-WA camera man, hiding behind the mountain of crates, is unexpectingly assaulted from behind! A loud grunt is heard as if he was blugended in the back of the head by some sort of object of weaponry...The X-W camera tumbling to the floor... Just enough out of reach that you can see the feet of both Nemesis and Kingsbury... However, nothing much more than that.]


[From there, we witness an unknown figure swoop past the camera lens and instantly ascend upon the chaotic altercation between Kingsbury and the X-WA Owner. All that can be seen of this mysterious attacker is the fact that he was wearing dress shoes and a pair of black dress pants. That's it. So, needless to say, no one has any idea of his true identity.]


[The unknown attacker is now seen striking the X-WA Owner from behind... The only reason we know this for sure is that Kingsbury falls back to the ground prior to being choked as Nemesis slowly staggers up against the wall. The mysterious man then seemingly lays into the X-WA Owner, his back to the attacker the entire time as it seems, finally knocking him out with what sounds like an object hitting Nemesis's skull forcefully.]


[The, now unconcious, X-WA Owner is seen laying face down on the cement... Only a few feet from the fallen camera as his motionless face peers straight towards the un-maned camera lens. Blood slowly begins to trickle from the back of the head of the fallen Owner... Forming a pool on the cold cement below. Meanwhile, the unknown attacker is now seen walking off with William Kingsbury III... Both men exiting the scene at a rapid pace as even his bodyguard, Vladimir, still resides on his back... Laying only a matter of a few feet from Nemesis himself.]


[All in all, the mysterious deepens as it seems that Nemesis's mysterious attacker has, once again, floored the Wrestling Legend.]








Acid © vs. Vicente Marquez

[X-WA X Championship Match]


We live in a day and age where everyone is trying to characterize each and every match-up as an iconic affair... But really... How many times can we be subjected to Christian Faith vs. Runaway Train before our relentless gagging turns into a full-on oral cleansing? No matter how much you hype an exchange... The only way it will ever transcend all boundaries is if the competitors within said match absolutely give it their all... Coming close to breaking their bodies, and ending their careers, just to potentially come away with the victory. That's exactly what came to happen in tonight's Main Event as two obsessively hungry superstars put their lives on the line for a golden possession, and the crown jewel of the X-WA,.... The X-WA X Championship.


The match itself started off in an extremely unique fashion as both men rushed eachother as the bell began to chime. Fists of fury would follow as the overall tone thus far was that of pure animalistic warfare. The brawling exchange would continue for the first minute, or so, of the match until Vicente Marquez gained the upper hand with a string of highly impactful low-grade aerial strikes. With each and every blow, Acid was falling back on his heels... Trying to find a way to regain his composure and spin the momentum back in his favor. However, through-out most of the match... Vicente Marquez was really the stand-out performer. This was glaringly evident as the Mexican-native was fortunate enough to catch a flying Acid off the tope rope with a, almost, "heat-seeking" missle drop kick to the jaw on the descending Champion. Acid's knees buckled severly under his weight upon impact as it was obvious that the challenger had found a way to keep the tide in his favor.


Acid would work his way back into the match...at one point scored a 2 1/2 count pinfall following a top rope shoulder breaker on the semi-concious Marquez. However, it was this very move that would also set the X Champion backwards as his right knee took the brunt of the top rope manuever. Despite both reeling from potential injuries... The match-up would spill to the outside following a "sky high" plancha over the top rope by Marquez on a unsuspecting Jack Griffith. Why such a move? Well, the supposed ally of the X Champion had made it his personal goal to see to it that Marquez would lose the match... So, at every turn, Griffith was seen grabbing at Vicente's legs as he hit the ropes and Wildly swinging at him as leaped up on the aipren... These facts pushed the youngster to attempt to take the raging psychopath out of the match-up with one major high spot. Griffith crashing to the floor with Marquez's full body weight on top of him was taken out of the action for quite a bit... Even allowing Marquez and Acid to brawl around the ringside area with no interference.


The biggest impact of the night came towards the end of the match though as Vicente Marquez caught a staggering Acid with a belly to back suplex... Throwing him over the top rope and through a table which has been positioned between the ring and the steel guadrail below. Upon impact, Acid's body goes completely limp... A sign that the X-WA X Champion was in a "world of hurt" at this point... All it would take was for Vicente to drag the unconcious Champion into the ring to pick up the momentus victory... However... That never came to happen... As following the Impact Jack Griffith was seen climbing into the ring with a steel chair and wildly swinging in the direction of Marquez... The ever-aware Vicente quickly moved out of the way at the last second... however the cold steel chair would connect across the forehead of the mentally occupied referee, Ryan Holland, knocking him out in the process. Vicente, knocking the chair out of Griffith's hand, sparks a massive brawl between the two now as both men go straight over the top rope with a Griffith levied hangman's closeline.


While Griffith and Marquez brawled on the outside... Acid was seen slowly staggering his way back to his feet and climbing into the ring (unaware that the referee is currently struggling to regain his own conciousness). While in the ring, Acid pulls himself back to his feet.... only to have himself knocked out once again with his own finishing move... "The Acidity Test". How so? The "Acid Copy-Cat" had mysteriously appeared from underneath the ring... Sliding into the ring under the nearest bottom rope and laying out the X-WA X Champion with his own finishing move, a reverse DDT, in the process. Despite having his anticipated rival out cold at his own choice... The "Acid Imposter" is seen slowly exiting the ring... Stairing down the true Acid as he quickly blinks his eyes (another sign of a potential concussion).


In the end, Marquez found a way to finish off his brawl with Griffith for long enough to slide back into the ring and attempt a pinfall....












Acid kicked out in dramatic fashion. Vicente, lifting up the semi-concious Acid, attempts his signature Brainbuster DDT maneuver... however... Jack Griffith once again made his presence felt... Diving into the ring and slamming the same steel chair he knocked out Ryan Holland with across his exposed back. Marquez, wincing in pain, quickly spins around to go after Griffith... However... It was this very situation that would give Acid the chance to jump in and exicute "The Acidity Test".... Just when he goes for it.... Marquez pulls himself up and over Acid's shoulder... landing behind him... Exicuting his own version of "The Acidity Test" much to the crowd's enjoyment. As Holland comes back to... Vicente goes for the pinfall....














A, now, frustrated Marquez continues his assault... Trying to, once again, lift Acid back up for his signature Brainbuster DDT... This time with no Jack Griffith in sight (as Ryan Holland had thrown the psycho out of the ringside area following his steel chair attack). He sets him up.... Lifts him high into the air....


However, Acid slips out... and lands behind Marquez... Goes for ANOTHER "Acidity Test".... Marquez breaks free.... Vicente swings wildly with a right hand but is met with a kick to the stomach... "THE ACID RAIN BOMB"!!! (Sit-Down Powerbomb) Acid exicutes his signature powerbomb maneuver in the middle of the ring... Finally pinning Marquez's arms down to the mat with his exposed legs...













With that, Acid had done it again... Defeating the "Up and Coming" Vicente Marquez fair and square in the middle of the ring. The X-WA crowd in attendance, in awe of what they had just witnessed, instantly rises to their feet despite a "heel" coming away with the win. In fact, showering both men with a rousing round of applause... In complete shock over the level of competition displayed in tonight's Main Event.


Winner: Acid over Vicente Marquez in 17:57 via pinfall.

Grade: B



Angle: Potential Equals?...

Grade: C



[... Foreshadowing a Future Match-up ...]


[The chimes of victory resonate through out the Evanovich Riverside Arena for a final time tonight as the X-WA X Champion continues his path of dominance, successfully defending his championship once again. Acid, seen pulling himself off of the mat, is quickly handed his championship gold... meanwhile his eyes seem fixated on another figure... The "Acid Copy-Cat" standing in the enterence way just a few steps from the ringside area. Their eyes are glued on one another... Never a moment to flinch... As the X-WA crowd continues to roar at the possibility of these two mysterious figures squaring off one-on-one.]


["eXtreme Decimation" comes to an exciting close as both men continue to stair eachother down... The X-WA camera crew zooming in on both of them through out the process and ultimately setting the stage for a future showdown between the two "Acids".]









Overall Show Grade: C+

Popularity Status: Increased!

Evanovich Riverside Arena Attendance: 8,194

"Blitzkrieg" PPV Buyrate: 0.30

X-WA Buyrate Status: Lowest purchased PPV thus far.

Prediction Winner(s): smurphy1014 (6 out of 6)!!

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* The Cyclone (known as Donnie J to many indy fans) was noticeably agitated during last night's PPV Event, "eXtreme Decimation", after being "forced" to make the debuting Dreamweaver look good. It's been reported that the indy veteran, and former TCW Stand-out, was seen having a hissy fit backstage following his loss & it took company owner, Nemesis, to settle him down.


* Silver Shark, a final four member of the Chaos Championship Battle Royal, was also heard griping about his recent string of losses as of late. While it's not truly known if this is true or not... It's been rumored that the international star may be asking for his release soon due to the "weak showing" as of late.


* X-WA Officials seem to be VERY HIGH on Francios Cartier and that may be why the "Next-Gen-Trio" has been altered. Cartier, increasingly becoming more popular with the X-WA crowd despite being a heel, has the talent and the persona to potentially transition into becoming a major threat in the singles division.


* William Kingsbury III was in great spirits backstage at "eXtreme Decimation" despite not being in a match-up. It's been noted that he recently resigned a decently lengthened PPA contract with the X-WA following, what he's described as, a very strong showing in the first 6 months with the company.


* X-WA Officials are very happy to have had a major event come to pass without any sort of problems backstage or in-ring. No injuries, no fights, an all around success!

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My diary is about to hit the Six month mark, "in game", and a lot has changed over that time period. This post is 100% focused on what my X-WA diary looks like from a TEW stand-point... grades, momentum levels, etc. I hope that this helps new readers (as well as consistent readers) to visualize what the current landscape of the X-WA looks like... As I know it can get hard to follow a diary after there has been a considerable amount of change to the original database (I didn't change anything in the beginning but after 6 months things have evoloved on their own.) So, with that being said, here is small review of the X-WA as it stands in my game.





X-WA Top 4 in Popularity

Superstars from Left to Right: Nemesis, Acid, William Kingsbury III, and Steve Flash

Diary Note: Kingsbury has gone from a "D" popularity level all the way up to a "C" without really picking up any major victories during that time frame. All in all, It was his match with Nemesis at "Reckless Ascent" in May that pushed him up over the "C-" mark. Now i just have to keep him from getting signed away at some point.



X-WA Top 4 in Momentum

Superstars from Left to Right: Nemesis, Acid, Stevie Grayson, and Steve Flash

Diary Note: I don't know how Stevie Grayson got here as he just debuted a few shows ago as part of "The Boys of Huntington Beach". I was shocked to see him with such high momentum straight out of the gate.



X-WA Top 4 Franchise Players

Superstars from Left to Right: William Kingsbury III, Acid, Fumihiro Ota, and Steve Flash

Diary Note: Kingsbury has really benefited from his 3-4 month long storyline with Nemesis as he was 4th on the list when my game started. At this point, he's considered, by my TEW game, to be more important than the Main Event Champion, the X-WA X Champion, Acid. I also was pretty shocked that Fumihiro Ota still held a spot on this list as he had put up some great matches with Acid but recently has been delegated to his "teaching" duties in his new Trio. Overall, though, I'm happy with what the game has projected.




X-WA Product Knowledge


Key: Cult and Modern

Heavy: Mainstream

Medium: Daredevil, Traditional, Risque, and Realism

Low: Hardcore and Comedy

Very Low: Lucha Libre and Pure


The Typical X-WA Superstar


Your typical X-WA superstar is a lightweight with some sense of flying, or chain wrestling, ability. The largest competitor on my roster is a middleweight... So... In-ring action is more based upon high speed, fast paced, aerial filled moments versus your traditional slow paced wrestling style. Also, I typically try to create unique characters for each of my superstars as it makes it more intersteing in the long run. As of right now the bulk of the roster could be labeled as a "Psycho", however, I've done this on purpose as I want the X-WA to seem like a rebel promotion... A company with one foot stuck in the underground culture of wrestling and the other trying to entertain the masses in a darker manor.


When you fuse a darker overtone along in with lighter workers looking to make an impact through fast paced action... That's what the X-WA is all about.






Below is a listing of the X-WA roster as it stands right now. Beside their name is a collection of a few of their "grades"... The first grade is their overall popularity and the second grade is their momentum at this time. This way, going forward, there is a visual on where people reside within the fabric of the company thus far.


Red = Heel

Blue = Babyface

Grey = Tweener


Main Eventers


Acid ... (C+)... (B-)

"Acid Copy-Cat" ... N/A for Storyline reasons

Fumihiro Ota ... (C-)... ©

Steve Flash ... (D+)... (C+)

Stevie Grayson ... (D)... (C+)

Vicente Marquez ... (D+)... (C-)

William Kingsbury IIII ... ©...©


Upper Midcarders


American Elemental ... (D-)... (C-)

Jack Griffith ... (D-)... (C-)

Jay Chord ... (D-)... (C-)

Kill Switch ... (D)... ©

Silver Shark ... (D-)... (D)

Stric Lee Bizness ... (D)... ©

Ultimate Phoenix ... (D)... (C-)




Francios Cartier ... (E+)... (D+)

Hell Monkey ... (D-)... (D+)

Joss Thompson ... (E+)... ©

P-Phunk ... (E+)... (D-)

Snap Dragon ... (D-)... (C-)

Teddy Powell ... (E+)... (D)

The Dreamweaver ... (E+)... (E)

The Mean Machine ... (E+)... (D+)

Whippy The Clown ... (E+)... (C-)


Lower Midcarders


Ares ... (E)... (D)

Jacob Jett ... (E+)... (D-)

Mathew Flash ... (E+)... (D-)

Mikkel Drago ... (E)... (D-)

The Cyclone ... (E+)... (E+)




Burning TAKA ... (E-)... (D-)

Mainstream Hernandez ... (E-)... (D+)

Mr. Electricity ... (F+)... (D)

Sebastian Jameson ... (F+)... (D+)


Enhancement Talent


Velocidad ... (F-)... (E)




"eXtreme Decimation", the latest X-WA PPV Event, is a few posts back if you're still looking to give it a read!



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just finished your last show and all i have to say is awesome man. it would have made for a great ppv in real life. tna could really use someone like you. :D


looking forward to the acid vs. acid copycat storyline. youve done a great job of clouding who it could be but making it less about who it is versus who he is going after. great work.


also i would have expected that you would have named nemesis's attacker by now but im happy you havent. if the storyline ends up being anything like some of your previous ones im sure it will come out masterfully.


great work chief.

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just finished your last show and all i have to say is awesome man. it would have made for a great ppv in real life. tna could really use someone like you. :D


looking forward to the acid vs. acid copycat storyline. youve done a great job of clouding who it could be but making it less about who it is versus who he is going after. great work.


also i would have expected that you would have named nemesis's attacker by now but im happy you havent. if the storyline ends up being anything like some of your previous ones im sure it will come out masterfully.


great work chief.


Thank you, CZCW.


Wouldn't it be nice to be able to make a living off of writing storylines? ha. :cool:


I'm pretty happy with how things have come together with my X-WA diary. To be honest, though, there are some points where I question whether or not it would be fun to write for a company that's already in the Cornellverse. It seems that those kind of diaries do much better from a standpoint of consistent readers, however, overall, I'm pretty happy with how things have developed.


All in all, Thanks for the kind words man!

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STORY: "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" Card is Released!

[4th Week of June 2008]

[1st Show Following the X-WA PPV, "eXtreme Decimation"]





This past Saturday we were all witnesses.... Witnesses of a new breed of superstar.... A new level of competition.... An ever-evolving collection of some of the best and brightest superstars on the indy scene. The event, "eXtreme Decimation", will forever go down as "ground zero" of the "Age of Chaos".... An era built exclusively by the X-WA.


While the "Big Three" continue to deliever the same "safe"...PG Friendly... Kind of wrestling entertainment. We stand above the rest. We, the X-WA, will be the voice of a new generation... A physical personification of "modern wrestling".


With that being said, Here is the card for this week's episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg".




"The Circus" vs. "The WAY of OTA"

[X-WA Trio Division Match]

[Non-Title Match]


Francios Cartier w/ Jacob Jett vs. Joss Thompson

["eXtreme Decimation" Fallout Match]


Hell Monkey vs. Jack Griffith

[Non-Title Match]


American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix

["eXtreme Decimation" Fallout Match]


|| "Blitzkrieg" Main Event ||


Nemesis vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir




* Nemesis looks to unearth the identity of his mysterious attacker following a second attack!

* Mathew Flash is set to emotionall confront his Father, Steve Flash, about his "place" in the X-WA.

* Joss Thompson is given the opportunity for payback upon his former Trio leader, Francios Cartier.



The X-WA is currently in the process of working through a mysterious turn of events. The Wrestling Legend, and Owner, Nemesis has become a victim of a hanious sneak attack on two different occassions now.... With the most recent taking place this last Saturday at "eXtreme Decimation".


It's been reported that the hell-bent authority figure has booked himself into the Main Event in which to, and I quote, "beat some answers out of Kingsbury". There are rumors floating around the company that Kingsbury III may have knowledge of the identity of Nemesis's mystery attacker....


With that being said, This weeks episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" is setting up to be an absolute powderkeg.




*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


"The Circus" vs. "The WAY of OTA"

Francios Cartier w/ Jacob Jett vs. Joss Thompson

Hell Monkey vs. Jack Griffith

American Elemental vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Nemesis vs. William Kingsbury III

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