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Question about mixing pics

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Sorry if this has been answered but I didn't spot anything while searching around...


If I have downloaded the KYR2009 mod for my game and the pic pack associated with that, can I not mix in any other pics from another pic pack maybe? Would it screw up the files somehow?


There are some pics missing on the pack I have, like the PWG Title for instance, I know another pack has a pic of that title, so if I were to put that single jpg pic inside the same folder as all the other pics would it do anything to the pack on the whole, or will it just show up along with all the others in that folder as I want? I just wonder if I can mix some missing pics like that.


Also if I wanted to put a jpg pic of myself in the game to go with the character I've created, is there anything I have to do to my pic to use it in the game?


Thanks in advance :)

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You can pick and mix the picture files up as much as you like. The only thing you have to look out for is files with the exact same name, but that really isn't much of an issue since you can always rename them... just remember that there is a limit on how long a file name can be, as TEW won't show one in game if it is too long, though you'll still be able to see it in the list of pictures. :)


EDIT: Ideal size for picture of people in game is 150*150. The game will stretch smaller pictures though, and I imagine it shrinks bigger ones to fit too. And of course, they have to be in jpg format.

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