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WCW 1997 What If...

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Alright guys no fancy back story here. No rise to power or anything like that. Basically it's December 1997 and we are 4 weeks away from what is suppose to be the biggest show ever!


I'm using the Montreal Aftermath 2.0 data from TEW 07. Oddly I don't have a second show, so at least for the first few month all we have is Nitro...the good news is that Starrcade is just that much closer. Anyway sit back and enojoy, and always feedback is always welcome.

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WCW Nitro comes to you live from Knoxville, TN where Ric Flair of the Four Horsemen will take on Randy Savage of the NWO. Flair recently lost his United States Title to the NWO after some dirty tactics by Curt Henning. Will Flair get his revenge of will the NWO strike again?


Also on Nitro former WWF Champion makes his long awaited WCW debut. Who will Hart face in his first ever match with the big boys? And more importantly who's side will he be on?


Lex Lugar a WCW warrior through and through will battle Buff Bagwell of the NWO. Will WCW reign supreme or will the NWO find another victim?


In Cruiserweight action we Chris Jericho will take on Billy Kidman of Raven's flock. What type of influence will Raven play on this match?


Also in action we have Bill Goldberg, Alex Wright and much much more. All crammed into 2 hours of nonstio action and it's only on WCW Monday Nitro!




Quick Picks:


Ric Flair Vs. Randy Savage


Bret Hart Vs. ???


Lex Lugar Vs. Buff Bagwell


Billy Kidman Vs. Chris Jericho


The Faces of Fear Vs. The Armstrong Brothers


Alex Wright Vs. La Parka


Steven Regal Vs. Bill Goldberg

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Live from the Thompson-Boling Center in Knoxville, TN

Monday Week 1 December, 1997

Attendance: 30,000 (Sold Out)

Aired on: TNT



Pre Show:


Johnny Swinger Vs. Ultimo Dragon


The fans who got to the show early were treated to a bit of an entertaining match. Ultimo Dragon put on an amazing show for the 30,000 in attendance, and Swinger proved that he may be worth the push I’m considering giving him.


Ultimo Dragon defeated Johnny Swinger in 5:31 by pinfall with a Tiger Suplex.

Rating: C-



Main Show:


The show opens with the announcement that Bret Hart will be competing tonight! At this point it’s being kept under wraps who his opponent will be, but Eric Bischoff assures everyone that he will be the newest addition to the NWO

Rating: B+



Bill Goldberg makes his way down to the ring for the opening match and we are reminded he’s currently 19-0.

Rating: B-



Bill Goldberg Vs. Steven Regal


I have to be honest I put this match first hoping it would boost rating right out the gate. Regal came out trying to stand toe to toe with the ex Falcon, but a quick Spear later showed why that was a bad idea.


Bill Goldberg defeated Steven Regal in 5:48 by pinfall with The Spear.

Rating: C-



La Parka Vs. Alex Wright


Bad chemistry hurt this match that I was hoping to be a solid cruiserweight bout. Wright took the lead early with a flying body press , but La Parka would answer with some awesome aerial moves of his own. In the end it was the more experienced Wright however who edged out the victory.


Alex Wright defeated La Parka in 4:59 by submission with a STF.

Rating: D


Faces of Fear Vs. The Armstrong Brothers


This match was actually better than expected. Meng seems to have come a long way since he first started in WCW making me think there is hope for him after all. The Armstrong Brothers…well sadly they will always be jobbers in my eyes.


Faces Of Fear defeated Armstrong Brothers in 7:59 when Meng defeated Scott Armstrong by submission with a Tongan Death Grip.

Rating: C


Billy Kidman W/ Raven Vs. Chris Jericho


This was the cruiserweight match I expected the last one to be. Both these men are loaded with potential and their flying ability is just the tip of the iceberg. Jericho hit a second rope black flip on Kidman, but Kidman answered with a missile dropkick. These two really left it all on the line her tonight, but as in most sports you can only have one winner.


Chris Jericho defeated Billy Kidman in 10:33 by submission with a Lion Tamer.

Rating: B-



After the match Raven entered the ring with what looked like a bamboo stick. As Kidman made it to his feet clearly disappointed in himself, he was brutally assaulted by Raven. The fans cursed Raven as Kidman took shot after shot from the giant bamboo. Then the beating subsided and Kidman once again made it to his feet, however instead of attacking Raven he begged for his forgiveness then the two walked back to the locker room together.

Rating: C


Lex Lugar Vs. Buff Bagwell W/ Eric Bischoff


The first three minutes of this match was nothing more than each man flexing for the other. Once the actual competition started it was Bagwell who surprisingly got the upper hand on Lugar. This didn’t last long as Lugar showed that he was in fact the stronger of the two men by bench pressing Bagwell and tossing him to the outside on top of Bischoff. Lugar would then wait for Bagwell to get back into the ring and put him in the torture rack, however Bischoff leapt onto the apron and pulled Bagwell down. Confused Lugar spun around but was hit instantly with a Yellow Jacket Suplex.


Buff Bagwell defeated Lex Luger in 10:45 by pinfall with a Yellow Jacket Suplex following interference from Eric Bischoff.

Rating: B



Bret Hart Vs. Stevie Ray


Bret Hart makes his long awaited debut in a WCW ring by taking on Stevie Ray. Kevin Nash joined the announce team for this one wanting to be their when Bret dawned the NWO shirt. The fans went absolutely insane when Bret hit he ring and it was no secret who was going to win this one. Stevie put up a great fight and the chemistry between these two was amazing, but the match ended like everyone expected, with Stevie Ray tapping out to the Sharpshooter.


Bret Hart defeated Stevie Ray in 9:45 by submission with a Sharpshooter.

Rating: B+



After the match Bret celebrates with his fans picking up a mic and telling the world that he knows the reason he’s on top today is because of his fans. And unlike that yellowbelly Hulk Hogan Bret Hart would always remain true to them and they will never have to worry about him wearing anything other than pink and black.

Rating: B+



Kevin Nash raises from the announce table beside himself. He calls Hart a has been, and tells him not joining the NWO will prove to be the worst decision in his pathetic career. Bret barely even acknowledges Nash, instead continuing to celebrate with the fans.

Rating: A*


Ric Flair Vs. Randy Savage


Savage comes out ready to rock already outraged by the disrespect Hart showed towards the NWO. Flair came out strutting around the ring as if he were 20 years old. Flair came out with a chip on his shoulder still upset over the way he lost his title to Henning last month. This match while great, was defiantly about 5 years past itself. And the fans just didn’t seem as into it as they once was. It didn’t help matters when Flair clearly with the victory in hand became distracted by Henning making his way to the ring with his US Title and caused Savage to pick up the huge victory.


Randy Savage defeated Ric Flair in 15:54 by pinfall following interference from Curt Hennig.

Rating: B



After the match the NWO celebrated in the ring proving to the world that they were an unstoppable force. That is until the arena went dark and the sound of a crow echoed in the distance. Suddenly on the titontron flashed the words:

“December 28th, 1997. One man will stand up to the evil. One man will save us from distraction. Are you ready? Are you scared?”


As the lights came back on the word Scared stayed on the screen as if burned in. Back in the ring Hogan and the rest of the NWO had a look of serious concern and fear on their face.

Rating: A*



Final Rating: B+

Notes: I will consider this show a success. With it being the first card I’ve had anything that doesn’t hurt my popularity is a good thing. I have a few plans for Starrcade and am very excited about how things will pan out. Let’s see if they go according to plan.


Nitro Rating: 2.74

Raw Rating: 4.22


Wasn’t this the period where WWF was getting destroyed in the ratings?

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WCW Monday Nitro comes to you this week from beautiful San Diego CA. This week on Nitro Bret Hart will be back in action this time against former Horseman Steve McMichael. Will McMichael be able to prove that his release from the Horsemen was a mistake or will Bret Hart emerge victorious once again?


Also in action Hollywood Hogan will face a giant of a challenge in The Giant. Hogan refused to put his title on the line in this one. Could The Giant spell Giant trouble for the NWO? All this and much much more only on WCW Monday Nitro![/Quote]



Quick Picks:


Bret Hart Vs. Steve McMichael


Hollywood Hogan Vs. The Giant


The Steiner Brothers Vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart


Dean Malenko Vs. Curt Henning


Bill Goldberg Vs. Hugh Morris


David Taylor Vs. Johnny Swinger


Eddie Guerrero Vs. Juventud Guerrera

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Good to see ya back with a WCW diary my friend, look forwad to seeing what you do with them!


Bret Hart Vs. Steve McMichael



Hollywood Hogan Vs. The Giant



The Steiner Brothers Vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart


Dean Malenko Vs. Curt Henning


Bill Goldberg Vs. Hugh Morris


David Taylor Vs. Johnny Swinger


Eddie Guerrero Vs. Juventud Guerrera

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Bret Hart Vs. Steve McMichael

Hollywood Hogan Vs. The Giant

The Steiner Brothers Vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart


Dean Malenko Vs. Curt Henning

Bill Goldberg Vs. Hugh Morris


David Taylor Vs. Johnny Swinger


Eddie Guerrero Vs. Juventud Guerrera

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Bret Hart Vs. Steve McMichael


Hollywood Hogan Vs. The Giant


The Steiner Brothers Vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart


Dean Malenko Vs. Curt Henning


Bill Goldberg Vs. Hugh Morris


David Taylor Vs. Johnny Swinger


Eddie Guerrero Vs. Juventud Guerrera

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Thanks to everyone who left comments and predicted it makes this whole diary writing thing a lit easier.




Live from Cox Arena in San Diego, CA

Monday Week 2 December, 1997

Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out)

Aired on: TNT



Pre Show:

The Public Enemy Vs. High Voltage


I used this match to pretty much gauge each team and how they would be used.


The Public Enemy defeated High Voltage in 6:05 when Johnny Grunge defeated Kenny Kaos by pinfall with a Power Bomb.

Rating: D



Main Show:


WCW Cruiserweight Title Match:

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Juventud Guerrera


Another cruiserweight match that suffered due to lack of chemistry. These two are both amazing athletes and despite the lack of chemistry it showed here. Eddie is the better of these two athletes and the current champ, so he got the rub in this one.


Eddie Guerrero defeated Juventud Guerrera in 8:44 by pinfall with a Frog Splash. Eddie Guerrero makes defense number 1 of his WCW Cruiserweight title.

Rating: C-



Johnny Swinger Vs. David Taylor


The second match of the night, and the second with a lack of chemistry. I haven’t gotten a read on Swinger yet but he got the surprise win in this one.


Johnny Swinger defeated Dave Taylor in 5:09 by pinfall with a quick roll up.

Rating: D-



After the match Gene Okerlund was backstage with Raven and asked him what the current state of The Flock was. Raven assures him that there are big things on the horizon for The Flock and that’s all anyone needs to know at this time. Quote the Raven nevermore.

Rating: D+



Bill Goldberg was next out to the ring where we are told his streak is now up to 26-0. Apparently he had a very busy week.

Rating: B-


Bill Goldberg Vs. Hugh Morris


This match started with Morris getting the upper hand first, but soon it was big boot followed by a spear and the match was over.


Bill Goldberg defeated Hugh Morrus in 7:15 by pinfall with The Spear.

Rating: C


Curt Henning Vs. Dean Malenko


This was actually an amazing technical match. I forgot how truly gifted Perfect was once he joined the NWO but he reminded me in this match. Sadly it had to be tainted or it just wouldn’t be the NWO. With the ref’s back turned Bischoff tossed Henning brass knuckles in which he used to nearly knock Malenko’s head off.


Curt Hennig defeated Dean Malenko in 12:26 by pinfall after using a foreign object.

Rating: B+



After the match we get word that next week on Nitro Henning will have to put his title on the line against the man he won it from…Ric Flair.

Rating: A


The Steiner Brothers Vs. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart


Family vs. Family in this one. These four men used to be among the best, however they are slowly getting up there in age and some wonder if they will ever be as great as they once was. The end of the match came with Rick Steiner hit a running bulldog on Davey Boy and looked like he was going to get the win, until Scott tagged himself in unexpectedly and hit a frankensteiner and get the win, but left his brother looking confused.


The Steiner Brothers defeated Davey Boy & Neidhart in 9:53 when Scott Steiner defeated Davey Boy Smith by pinfall with a Frankensteiner. The Steiner Brothers make defense number 1 of their WCW World Tag Team titles.

Rating: B


Hollywood Hogan Vs. The Giant


The champ refused to put his title on the line in this one, go figure. Hogan would start this one out on top using everything he could on the Giant. He would rake the Giant’s eyes and even resort to a low blow that would bring the Giant to his knees. All of Hogan’s show boating would come back to haunt him however when he got caught by the throat. However, Kevin Nash was there to make the save before Hogan ever went up for the choke slam and the result was a DQ.


The Giant defeated Hollywood Hogan in 5:51 when Hollywood Hogan was disqualified when Kevin Nash ran in and attacked The Giant.

Rating: B+


Bret Hart Vs. Steve McMichael


Nash once again joined the commentators booth in this one. Bret and Steve would prove to have amazing chemistry in this one and really wow the crowd. McMichael was on a mission to prove that he should’ve got to stay in the Horsemen, but everyone knew Bret wasn’t going to lose this one. In fact the only person that seemed surprised was Nash.


Bret Hart defeated Steve McMichael in 12:33 by submission with a Sharpshooter.

Rating: A



After the match Bret again celebrated with the crowd.

Rating: B



While celebrating Nash once again went to trash talking Hart saying that if memory serves Hart was never able to beat the big man in his career.

Rating: B+



This caught the attention of Hart who reminded Nash that he is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be, and if Nash would like to find out for himself all he has to do is say the word.

Rating: A*


Final Rating: B+

TV Rating: 2.84

Raw Rating: 4.15

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WCW Nitro comes to you this week from our nation's capitol in Washington D.C. where we are in for a special treat.


Hollywood Hogan will be in action against the always dangerous Rey Mysterio Jr. Can Hogan defend his title against Mysterio, will a new champion emerge in a small package?


If that wasn't enough we also have a rematch from last month's PPV Curt Henning will be defending his title against Ric Flair. Can Flair take back what was his, or will the tactics of the NWO reign supreme again? Find out all this and more Monday night on Nitro!



Quick Picks:


Hollywood Hogan Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.


Curt Henning Vs. Ric Flair


Harlem Heat Vs. The Faces of Fear


The Ultimo Dragon Vs. Kevin Nash


Masahiro Chono Vs. Bill Goldberg


Glacier Vs. Disco Inferno


Norman Smiley Vs. Super Calo

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Hollywood Hogan Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.


Curt Henning Vs. Ric Flair

Harlem Heat Vs. The Faces of Fear


The Ultimo Dragon Vs. Kevin Nash


Masahiro Chono Vs. Bill Goldberg


Glacier Vs. Disco Inferno


Norman Smiley Vs. Super Calo

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Live from the MCI Center in Washington D.C.

Monday Week 3 January 1996

Attendance: 15,000 (Sold Out)

Aired on: TNT



Pre Show:

Prince Iaukea Vs. Psicosis Vs. Chris Jericho


I used the preshow here for two reasons. One because I’m starting to get complaints I’m not using enough workers and two because I thought it would be a great match to get the fans in the mood.


Chris Jericho defeated Prince Iaukea and Psicosis in 4:34 when Chris Jericho defeated Psicosis by submission with a Lion Tamer.

Rating: C+



Main Show:


Norman Smiley Vs. Super Calo


Another cruiserweight match to get the show started. This one wasn’t nearly as appealing as the last one. The fans were ready to riot about half way through this one.


Super Calo defeated Norman Smiley in 4:40 by pinfall with a Top Rope Rolling Head scissors.

Rating: D-



Glacier Vs. Disco Inferno


The martial artist took on the dancing fool in this one, not a great match by any means, but not a complete waste either. I’m guessing fans used this time to turn on WWF then turned right back when they saw Jeff Jarrett lose to Jesse James.


Disco Inferno defeated Glacier in 7:33 by pinfall with The Last Dance.

Rating: D



Bill Goldberg makes his way to the ring next. His popularity is starting to grow judging by the chants going through the arena for the now 30-0 beast.

Rating: B


Bill Goldberg Vs. Masahiro Chono


Perhaps the best opponent Goldberg has been up against so far. We even got to see a new move for Goldberg as he hit Chono with a vicious scissor kick. While it was a great match it still ended the same as all the rest…with a spear.


Bill Goldberg defeated Masahiro Chono in 8:35 by pinfall with The Spear.

Rating: C



Raven comes to the ring next and says he is ready to prove that the flock is ready to destroy anyone who gets in their way. He then issues an open challenge to anyone in the back who dares step up to them.

Rating: B+



Oddly enough it’s Johnny Swinger who answers the call. I’m not sure if the crowd was shocked or excited but the match was made for Starrcade. The question was who would Swinger be facing.

Rating: C-


Kevin Nash Vs. Ultimo Dragon


Perhaps we went a little out of control on the cruiserweights this week, or perhaps we are smarter than we give ourselves credit for. Ultimo used his agility and speed to his advantage getting Nash to wobble on more than one occasion. Nash never went to the ground however proving the old adage true, Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down.


Kevin Nash defeated Ultimo Dragon in 11:06 by pinfall with a Jacknife Power Bomb.

Rating: B



After the match Bret Hart came down to the ring. He tells Nash it’s time to settle things once and for all and come Starrcade the world will see the Hitman can in fact run with the big boys.

Rating: A



Harlem Heat Vs. The Faces of Fear


The second hour of the show is kicked off with a good old fashioned tag match, Stevie Ray started things off with Meng. These two big men traded punch for punch until Meng was the first one to give. Harlem Heat would control the majority of the match, but it the end it would be the Faces of Fear who pick up the win.


Faces Of Fear defeated Harlem Heat in 7:56 when Meng defeated Stevie Ray by submission with a Tongan Death Grip.

Rating: B-



WCW United States Title Match:

Curt Henning Vs. Ric Flair


I expected huge things from this match and it really left me in a state of shock. Flair would look great in this one hitting Henning with everything he had. However, Flair didn’t have an answer for Bischoff on the outside. Eventually the Horsemen would rush down to the ring to help Flair, but this got the attention of the ref and while he was trying to convince them to go to the back Bischoff was able to slip Henning brass knuckles which he used to lay out Flair and pick up the win.


Curt Hennig defeated Ric Flair in 15:55 by pinfall with a Hennig Plex. During the match we also had Eric Bischoff run in and attack Flair. Curt Hennig makes defense number 1 of his WCW United States Heavyweight title.

Rating: B-



This would let to a huge brawl between the Horsemen and the NWO the ring was filled with absolute chaos, and in the end the NWO would win with their strength in numbers over the four, or rather, three horsemen.

Rating: A



WCW Heavyweight Title Match:

Hollywood Hogan Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.


Hogan booked this match after the JJ Dillon threatened to strip Hogan of the title if he didn’t defend it. Hogan thought this would be an easy victory, but it was anything but that. Mysterio proved to be more than a worthy opponent taking Hogan down in a hurry and keeping him down. He got a near fall on more than one occasion, and despite Hogan’s pleas for a timeout Mysterio wasn’t letting up. Hogan would go to the outside and regain his composure then come back into the ring a new man. Mysterio would continue to put up a hell of a fight, but in the end it just wasn’t enough.


Hollywood Hogan defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. in 7:50 by pinfall with a Big Leg Drop. Hollywood Hogan makes defense number 1 of his WCW World Heavyweight title.

Rating: B



After the match Hogan would continue to beat on Mysterio. He would then grab a mask from Bischoff and put it over top of the mask already on Mysterio’s face. A closer look reveals it’s the same mask that Sting wears and Hogan would continue to taunt Mysterio acting as if he were Sting himself.

Rating: A*



This would continue for several minutes until the fans erupted and the real Sting was shown coming from the rafters bat in hand. Hogan continued his assault on the Sting dressed Mysterio until he felt the cold wood of Sting’s bat on his shoulder. The sheer terror on Hogan’s face said it all and without even turning around Hogan jumped from the ring out of harm’s way.

Rating: B



Final Rating: B+

TV Rating: 2.80

Raw Rating: 4.17

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We are just one week away from Starrcade, but the action is still red hot. In today's main event we have The Outsiders of the NWO taking on two of WCW's finest Lex Lugar and Diamond Dallas Page.


Also in action we have the over 7 foot tall Giant taking on Saturn.


If that isn't enough we also have Chris Benoit of the Four Horsemen taking on Buff Bagwell of the NWO. All this and more Monday night on Nitro.



Quick Picks:


The Outsiders Vs. Lex Lugar and Diamond Dallas Page

The Giant Vs. Saturn

Buff Bagwell Vs. Chris Benoit

Virgil Vs. Chris Jericho

Bill Goldberg Vs. Fit Finlay

Billy Kidman Vs. Juventud Guerrera

Scott Norton Vs. Ray Traylor

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Guest KingOfKings

The Outsiders Vs. Lex Lugar and Diamond Dallas Page

The Giant Vs. Saturn

Buff Bagwell Vs. Chris Benoit

Virgil Vs. Chris Jericho

Bill Goldberg Vs. Fit Finlay

Billy Kidman Vs. Juventud Guerrera

Scott Norton Vs. Ray Traylor

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Live from the Moody Coliseum in University Park, TX

Monday Week 4 December, 1997

Attendance: 10,000 (Sold Out)

Aired on: TNT



Pre Show:

Alex Wright Vs. Silver King Vs. El Dandy


A quick cruiserweight match to get the fans amped for the last show before Superbrawl; these three are all solid workers and one great storyline away from being big.


Alex Wright defeated Silver King and El Dandy in 5:40 when Alex Wright defeated Silver King by submission with a STF.

Rating: C



Main Show:

Scott Norton Vs. Ray Traylor


Two big men who don’t know how to sell a punch very well. Bubba would go for the Bubba Slam early, but Norton would power through it. This match would go back and forth with Norton pulling out all the stops, but in the end he was no match for Traylor.


Ray Traylor defeated Scott Norton in 6:17 by pinfall with a Bubba Slam.

Rating: C-



Billy Kidman Vs. Juventud Guerrera


These two had some chemistry problems, but were still able to put on a good match due to their flying abilities. I really like Kidman and think he has a very bright future in this business.


Billy Kidman defeated Juventud Guerrera in 6:53 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press.

Rating: C-



Bill Goldberg makes his way to the ring next with a perfect 35-0 record.

Rating: B+



Bill Goldberg Vs. Fit Finlay


Finlay is a great athlete and against another man could probably put on a hell of a match, but as it stands the man he was in the ring with today was an undefeated monster and his fate was predetermined.


Bill Goldberg defeated Fit Finlay in 6:48 by pinfall with The Spear.

Rating: C



After the match Konnan came down to the ramp and told the world that it was time Goldberg faces real competition. He says at Starrcade Goldberg will suffer his first loss…to the hands of the NWO

Rating: B-



Goldberg laughs off the petty threat made by Konnan and says that at Starrcade Konnan is next!

Rating: B-


Virgil Vs. Chris Jericho


This match caught me a little off guard. Virgil has allowed himself to get pretty out of shape and about midway through the match he was gasping for air. Jericho did a good job of holding the match together, but it was obvious Virgil was exhausted.


Chris Jericho defeated Virgil in 10:02 by submission with a Lion Tamer.

Rating: C



Buff Bagwell Vs. Chris Benoit


The horsemen made it a point to accompany Benoit to the ring on this one. Bagwell spent more time flexing and kissing his arms than he did wrestling and Benoit made it a point to take advantage of it. In the end it looked as if Bagwell was looking for his friend to bail him out, but with the horsemen at ringside the NWO made no attempt to interfere.


Chris Benoit defeated Buff Bagwell in 12:06 by pinfall with a Dragon Suplex.

Rating: B



After the match Ric Flair climbed into the ring. He said last week an injustice was done. The whole world knows that The Nature Boy should be the United States Champ, but he was cheated out of it yet again. He goes on to say that at Starrcade he’s demanding another shot at the title.

Rating: B+



J.J. Dillon makes his way down to the ring and grants Flair his rematch telling him this is his last chance at Henning. If he doesn’t win the title this time he won’t be given a third chance.

Rating: B+



The Giant Vs. Saturn


The Giant has been unstoppable as of late. Saturn came to the ring looking very confident, but as soon as the bell rang all that confidence was lost. The Giant pummeled his much smaller opponent knocking him clear across the ring at times. It was only a matter of time before he hit the choke slam for the win.


The Giant defeated Saturn in 8:05 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.

Rating: A


The Outsiders Vs. Lex Lugar and Diamond Dallas Page


Page and Lugar took control of this match early on cutting the ring in half and keeping Hall away from making the tag. However, Hall would dodge a clothesline by Page and the big man would come in. He and Hall used frequent double teams to wear their opponents out, and an Outsider’s Edge later it’s all over.


The Outsiders defeated Lex Luger and Diamond Dallas Page in 9:45 when Scott Hall defeated Lex Luger by pinfall with an Outsider's Edge.

Rating: B



After the match Nash grabs a mic and says at Starrcade Bret Hart will be begging him to let him put on the NWO colors after Nash beats him to an inch of his life. He says Hart was given a choice and at Starrcade he’s going to realize he made the wrong choice.

Rating: A*



Final Rating: B+

TV Rating: 2.77

Raw Rating: 4.21

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O.O.C. Sorry for the lack of posts days. I just got back from a much needed week long vacation.






http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/HollywoodHogan.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Sting.jpg


http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/BretHart.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/KevinNash4.jpg


WCW United States Title Match:

http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/CurtHennig.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/RicFlair-1.jpg


http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/RandySavage4.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/LexLuger2.jpg


WCW Tag Team Title Match:

http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/ScottSteiner-1.jpghttp://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/RickSteiner.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/TheBarbarian.jpghttp://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Meng2.jpg


http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Konnan.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Goldberg2.jpg


WCW Television Title Match:

http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/PerrySaturn3.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/ReyMysterio.jpg


http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/BuffBagwell2.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/DiamondDallasPage2.jpg


WCW Cruiserweight Title Match:

http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/EddyGuerrero2.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/UltimoDragon.jpg


http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/JohnnySwinger.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Lodi.jpg


http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/RobbieRage.jpg Vs. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/Wrath.jpg



Quick Picks:

Hollywood Hogan Vs. Sting

Bret Hart Vs. Kevin Nash

Curt Henning Vs. Ric Flair

Randy Savage Vs. Lex Lugar

The Steiner Brothers Vs. The Faces of Fear

Konnan Vs. Goldberg

Saturn Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Buff Bagwell Vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Ultimo Dragon

Johnny Swinger Vs. Lodi

Robbie Rage Vs. Wrath

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Hollywood Hogan Vs. Sting

Bret Hart Vs. Kevin Nash

Curt Henning Vs. Ric Flair

Randy Savage Vs. Lex Lugar

The Steiner Brothers Vs. The Faces of Fear

Konnan Vs. Goldberg

Saturn Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Buff Bagwell Vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Ultimo Dragon

Johnny Swinger Vs. Lodi

Robbie Rage Vs. Wrath

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Live from Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, FL

Sunday Week 4 December, 1997

Attendance: 50,000 (Sold Out)

Aired on: PPV



Pre Show:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. Vs. Norman Smiley


The norm for me as of late is to run cruiserweight matches for the preshow. I figured there was no reason to break tradition here, and these two put on a decent match to start off the biggest event of the air.


Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Norman Smiley in 5:53 by pinfall.

Rating: D+



Main Show:

Robbie Rage Vs. Wrath


The battle of two big men here as we welcome the millions of viewers watching at home. This match started off slow, but did have some decent action to get things started.


Wrath defeated Robbie Rage in 4:51 by pinfall with a Pump handle Slam.

Rating: C-



Johnny Swinger Vs. Lodi


While I expected this match to be bad I had no idea I was in for the waiting that I got. The fans were turned off from this since the opening bell, and thankfully no one threw trash into the ring.


Johnny Swinger defeated Lodi in 6:52 by pinfall with a fast roll up.

Rating: F



As Swinger celebrated in the ring, Raven looked on horrified. He quickly ordered his men to take out Swinger, and it wasn’t long until Swinger was in a world of pain.

Rating: D+


Billy Kidman suddenly turns on his Flock mates and begins to try and save Swinger. At first no one was sure what to do, but eventually even with the help of Kidman Swinger still got pummeled.

Rating: D



WCW Cruiserweight Title Match:

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Ultimo Dragon


Ultimo Dragon had the advantage from the start of the match, but Guerrero fought back briefly by attacking Dragon's left leg, but Dragon regained the advantage. This continued until Guerrero countered a suplex, and targeted the knee with the use of the ring post and ring steps. Guerrero performed a missile dropkick and a frog splash to the knee, Dragon in obvious pain still managed to kick out of the pin. This infuriated Guerrero who once again climbed to the top rope and performed a second from splash onto the injured knee of Dragon, but Dragon again kicked out of the pin. Outraged Guerrero goes to the outside and grabs a chair placing Dragon’s leg inside the chair then climbing to the top and performing a third splash on the leg. Instant pain shot into Dragon’s eyes and the ref immediately called for the bell.


Ultimo Dragon defeated Eddie Guerrero in 13:49 by disqualification.

Rating: C+



After the match paramedics rushed to the ring and attended to the injured Ultimo Dragon.

Rating: C-



Diamond Dallas Page Vs. Buff Bagwell


Page had the early advantage until a distraction from Bischoff allowed Bagwell to fight back. Bagwell then dominated Page. Bagwell had Page in the sleeper hold, and Page fought out with a belly to back suplex. Page then blocked a big splash with his knees, and fought back. Page hit Bagwell with a Diamond Cutter out of nowhere to get the win.


Diamond Dallas Page defeated Buff Bagwell in 10:31 by pinfall with a Diamond Cutter.

Rating: B



WCW Television Title Match:

Saturn Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.


Mysterio started things off by diving off the top rope and hitting the champ on the outside. The ref lost control of this one early, Saturn whipped Mysterio into the steal steps then smashed his head on them. Once back inside the ring Mysterio would hit a Hurricanrana but only get a two count on the champ. Raven would then hop onto the apron and receiving a running drop kick for his troubles. However, this would give Saturn the advantage he was looking for.


Saturn defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. in 11:42 by pinfall with a Death Valley Driver following interference from Raven. Saturn makes defense number 1 of his WCW World Television title.

Rating: C



After the match Goldberg makes his way to the ring hoping to improve to an even 41-0.

Rating: C+



Bill Goldberg Vs. Konnan


Not the match I was expecting, strangely there was no outside interference in this one. Makes you wonder if the NWO is afraid of the man with the streak. This one like all the other was very one sided. And of course ended in a spear.


Bill Goldberg defeated Konnan in 7:54 by pinfall with The Spear.

Rating: C+



WCW Tag Team Title Match:

The Steiner Brothers Vs. The Faces of Fear


This match started the second the bell rang and had Scott Steiner surprisingly dominate Meng. Then in a bit of a surprise move he allowed Meng to make the tag to The Barbarian while ignoring the tag himself. This nearly cost the Steiners the title as The Barbarian began getting the advantage on Scott. However, Steiner would battle back and get the win without ever making even one tag.


The Steiner Brothers defeated Faces Of Fear in 9:38 when Scott Steiner defeated Meng by pinfall with a Frankensteiner. The Steiner Brothers make defense number 2 of their WCW World Tag Team titles.

Rating: B



After the match Scott celebrated his victory while Rick walked off looking disgusted.

Rating: B-



Randy Savage Vs. Lex Lugar


This match was slow to start, but Savage proved that even at his age he still has pretty good speed. We all know the strength Lugar possess and Savage made sure not to get caught in a bad position. Luger had Savage in the Torture Rack, but the referee was knocked down. Scott Norton then attempted to interfere. Luger tried to fight him off, but Norton punched Luger with a foreign object. Savage then pinned Luger to win the match.


Randy Savage defeated Lex Luger in 13:26 by pinfall.

Rating: A



The next match is the Ric Flair Curt Henning match and a video is shown telling the story of how we got here.

Rating: A



Ric Flair Vs. Curt Henning


This was the last chance for Flair to get his title back and he wrestled like it. He had Henning on the ropes all night long making Henning look like an amateur. Henning would strike back however and when he had Flair on his back he really looked deadly. This match would go back and forth for nearly twenty minutes, until Henning decided he had enough and walked away from the ring losing by count out but not losing the title.


Ric Flair defeated Curt Hennig in 19:59 by count out.

Rating: B+



After the match Ric Flair grabbed the mic. He said Henning leaving proves that the NWO is full of cowards. The Four Horsemen will forever be the most dominate stable in wrestling history. It’s because of that the four horsemen are coming back. Everyone knows Ric, Arn and Chris have been looking for a fourth member, and they have found him, but the announcement won’t be made until the time is right…WHOOOO!!!

Rating: B



The next match of the night is Bret Hart Vs. Kevin Nash and a short video is played showing the events that have led up to this match.

Rating: B+


Bret Hart Vs. Kevin Nash


The Sting match is right around the corner and the fans are fired up. These two helped keep the fans on the feet by delivering a great match. Bret Hart can make anyone look amazing and that is what happened in this one. I’m not saying Nash sucks in the ring but… Nash started the show by dominating Hart and posing for the crowd. Bret showed he could take a beating and keep coming back for more and that’s exactly what happened here. The fight would go to the outside where Nash would beat the hell out of Bret using the steps and ring post to his advantage. He would then stand Hart up with his head against the ring post and grab a steel chair. With Hart out of it Nash would swing for the fences, but Bret ducked at the last second and the chair bounced off the ring post and nailed Nash in the head.


Bret Hart drew with Kevin Nash in 15:27 following a double count out.

Rating: B+



The moment every was waiting for was next, a video was shown showing the one year it took to get to this point.

Rating: B+



WCW Heavyweight Title Match:

Hollywood Hogan Vs. Sting


The match started with Hogan delivering attacks. Sting fought back with dropkicks, and applied the side headlock. Hogan sent Sting out of the ring, and attacked him with the ring post and guard rail. Hogan performed a big boot, and attempted to pin Sting after a leg drop. However, Sting somehow managed to kick out after only a two count. This would send the crowd into a frenzy and Sting would pop up causing Hogan to cower in fear. Sting performed a Stinger splash, and applied the Scorpion Death lock causing Hogan to submit in the middle of the ring. It’s also worth noting WCW actually beat the NWO 4 matches to 1.


Sting defeated Hollywood Hogan in 12:29 by submission with a Scorpion Death lock. Sting wins the WCW World Heavyweight title.

Rating: A



Sting would get rushed by the WCW locker room after the match and holstered onto their shoulders holding his WCW Heavyweight Title.

Rating: A*



Final Rating: B+

Buy Rate: 11.59

WWF Buy Rate: 9.97

WWF Rating: A*



Fred Ottman better known to the world as Tugboat has opened a new wrestling promotion called IWR. What’s odd about this you ask? How about the fact that it’s a Lucha Libre promotion? This must be where Nacho Libre got its motivation from.

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WCW Monday Nitro comes to you live from Atlantic City New Jersey, just one day removed from the biggest event in history. We have an amazing show in store for you this week with Kevin Nash taking on Davey Boy Smith. How will Nash and the NWO handle Davey Boy after last night's embarrassment. Also in action Chris Benoit of the Four Horsemen will take on Steven Regal in what's sure to be a truly amazing technical match-up. All this and much much more tomorrow night on Nitro!



Quick Picks:


Kevin Nash Vs. Davey Boy Smith

Scott Hall Vs. Rick Steiner

Chris Benoit Vs. Steven Regal

Chris Jericho Vs. Eddie Guerrero

Disco Inferno Vs. Billy Kidman

Lex Lugar Vs. Scott Norton

The Armstrong Brothers Vs. Chono and Tenzan

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Kevin Nash Vs. Davey Boy Smith

Scott Hall Vs. Rick Steiner

Chris Benoit Vs. Steven Regal

Chris Jericho Vs. Eddie Guerrero

Disco Inferno Vs. Billy Kidman

Lex Lugar Vs. Scott Norton

The Armstrong Brothers Vs. Chono and Tenzan

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Live from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, NJ

Monday Week 1 January, 1998

Attendance: 9,325

Aired on: TNT



Pre Show:

Silver King Vs. La Parka Vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.


This match had fast pace action written all over it. Chavo would start things off in control but Silver King and La Parka would work together to get the more talented Guerrero out of the picture. This would allow La Parka to get the advantage on Silver King working him with lefts and rights. However, just as he was about to go for the win Chavo would make his way back into the ring and steal the show.


Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Silver King and La Parka in 6:02 when Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Silver King by pinfall.

Rating: C-



Main Show:


The show kicks off with Hogan going absolutely berserk. He’s standing with Hall, Nash and Bischoff and demanding something be done.


Hogan: Listen up dudes, this isn’t the way I envisioned the NWO playing out. We’re getting weak brothers and something has to be done.”


Bischoff: “Hulk baby, the heavyweight title doesn’t even matter. I have a plan we can get it back.”


Hogan: “No way dude not this time, the NWO is going to change, we need a face lift brother.”


Hall: “Wait a minute chico, what do you mean a face lift?”


Hogan: “I’m not sure yet brother, but something is going to change.”


Hogan storms off leaving the rest of his squad speechless.

Rating: B+



Chono and Tenzan Vs. The Armstrong Brothers


A bit of a lopsided match in this one, with NWO Japan completely dominating their opponents. Chono looked specifically deadly out there finishing off Scott Armstrong with an STF.


Chono & Tenzan defeated Armstrong Brothers in 4:44 when Masahiro Chono defeated Scott Armstrong by submission with a STF.

Rating: C-


Lex Lugar Vs. Scott Norton


Lugar demanded this match after what happened last night on Starrcade. Lugar wasted no time getting the advantage in this one. Norton would battle back setting Lugar up for an Electric Chair Drop, but Lugar would slide out of it and amazingly get Norton up in a Torture Rack.


Lex Luger defeated Scott Norton in 7:46 by submission with a Torture Rack.

Rating: C+



After the match Savage hit the ring running and him and Lugar began an instant brawl that lasted several minutes before officials were able to pull them apart.

Rating: B+


Billy Kidman Vs. Disco Inferno


Disco as always hit the ring dancing and Kidman was all business. Billy Kidman looks more and more impressive with each match and Disco did a nice job taking him to his limit, but in the end Kidman was to much even for the dancing fool.


Billy Kidman defeated Disco Inferno in 6:38 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press.

Rating: D+



Eddie Guerrero Jr. Vs. Chris Jericho


Guerrero started this one off in full force, taking Jericho to the ground immediately. Jericho would get back on the offensive after a missed Frog Splash from Guerrero. He would use this opportunity to stomp and eye gouge Jericho every chance he could. Jericho would once again battle back but Guerrero would throw some sort of powder into the eyes of Jericho causing him temporary blindness and costing him the match.


Eddie Guerrero defeated Chris Jericho in 9:54 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.

Rating: C+



After the match the cameras flash to a hospital where a doctor is sitting with Ultimo Dragon. He tells Dragon he will be out of action for at least a month and he doesn’t recommend any action until after that time. Dragon vows to get his revenge on Eddie Guerrero as soon as he is healed.

Rating: C


Chris Benoit Vs. Steven Regal


This match was in instant classic which is exactly what I was hoping for. This match went back and forth more times to count and neither man had control for more than just a couple minutes at a time. These two left it all on the line for the fans and after nearly 15 minutes of fighting both men tumbled to the mat unable to beat a ten count by the ref.


Chris Benoit drew with Steven Regal in 14:55 after a double count out.

Rating: B



After the match the camera goes backstage where Hogan is arguing with Bischoff.


Hogan: “There is no strength in numbers brother. The NWO has gotten weaker the bigger we have got. We got embarrassed at Starrcade dude, and the joke stops now.”


Bischoff: “But what you’re suggesting, it’s not right. What happened to NWO for life?”


Hogan: “These are hard times brother, some people just don’t have what it takes to be in such an elite organization brother.”


Bischoff: “But how do we decide who will stay and who will go?”


Hogan: “I’ve got a plan for that to brother, but first let’s rally the troops.”

Rating: B+



The camera then flashes to another locker room where Rick Steiner is preparing for his match. He tells Scott that what happened last night is in the past and tonight he needs Scott to ensure nobody from the NWO is going to interfere in his match. Scott seems distracted curling weights and flexing in the mirror. Scott assures Rick he has his back, but doesn’t seem enthusiastic about.

Rating: B-



Rick Steiner Vs. Scott Hall


Rick made it clear early he was the better wrestler of the group, but Scott was able to hang around and keep himself in the match with a series of questionable attacks. Rick went for a running bulldog early on but Scott weaseled out of the attack. Konnan would make his way down to the ring and attack Rick Steiner after Hall tossed him to the outside and distracted the ref. A quick look backstage revealed Scott Steiner still lifting weights oblivious to what was going on. After Konnan finished pummeling Steiner he tossed him back into the ring where he was at the mercy of Scott Hall. Hall would then go for an Outsider’s Edge, but Rick slid down Hall’s back and started to regain his momentum. Hall tossed Steiner into the ropes where Konnan was waiting for him, however Scott Steiner made his way to the ring and began to assault Konnan. Unfortunately Rick would run into the back of Scott Steiner injuring both men and setting Rick up for the Outsider’s Edge.


Scott Hall defeated Rick Steiner in 9:07 by pinfall with an Outsider's Edge following botched interference by Scott Steiner.

Rating: B+



After the match Scott and Rick got into a heated argument in the middle of the ring that eventually led to Rick walking away before things escalated and got worse for the brothers.

Rating: B



Kevin Nash Vs. Davey Boy Smith


Nash couldn’t defeat Hart last night so he decided to take it out on his brother in law tonight. Davey Boy would show flashes of his former self really taking it to Nash, but in the end the bigger Nash was just to much for Davey Boy to handle and the match ended in a Powerbomb.


Kevin Nash defeated Davey Boy Smith in 11:05 by pinfall with a Jacknife Power Bomb.

Rating: A



After the match Nash would deliver two more devastating Powerbombs on Smith calling out Bret Hart to stop him.

Rating: B+



Bret would make his way down to the ring just as Nash was calling for a fourth Powerbomb. He tells Nash to let Davey go and they would settle it like men, however before the two could go at it officials were there to break them up.

Rating: B+



Final Rating: B

TV rating: 2.87

WWF Rating: 4.09

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This week on Nitro "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair will go after yet another member of the hated NWO, this time he will try his luck against Buff Bagwell. Will Flair be able to retain, and will we get any more information about who the fourth member of the horsemen will be?

Also in action Bill Goldberg looks to keep his streak alive against The Barbarian, and Chris Benoit will be in another technical battle this time against Fit Finlay. All this and more Monday night on Nitro.



Quick Picks:


Ric Flair Vs. Buff Bagwell

Bill Goldberg Vs. The Barbarian

Chris Benoit Vs. Fit Finlay

Super Calo Vs. Alex Wright

Steven Regal Vs. Jim Duggan

High Voltage Vs. Public Enemy

Norman Smiley Vs. Sick Boy

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Live from the US Bank Arena in Cincinnati, OH

Monday Week 2 January, 1998

Attendance: 11,085

Aired on: TNT



Pre Show:

Johnny Swinger Vs. Steve Armstrong


The crowd hated the match between jobbers, but I don’t know why they would expect more in a dark match. These tow showed some basic skills and Steve looks to possibly be the best Armstrong yet.


Johnny Swinger defeated Steve Armstrong in 4:52 by pinfall with a Swing Thing.

Rating: E-



Main Show:

Sick Boy Vs. Norman Smiley


A decent match to kick things off. We haven’t seen a lot of Raven’s Flock that is something I want to start getting into more shows. I always enjoyed the flock, and of course anything with Raven is pure gold.


Sick Boy defeated Norman Smiley in 4:31 by pinfall following interference from Raven.

Rating: D-



After the match Raven calls Kidman to the ring, and surprisingly Kidman comes. Raven then asks Kidman why he has disobeyed him and ultimately turned his back on The Flock. Kidman responds by saying The Flock meant everything to him, but there is one thing that means even more than that…his family. He then admits that Johnny Swinger is his brother! Raven looks touched and seems to understand where Kidman is coming from, he tells Kidman he can leave, but as soon as Kidman turns his back he is attacked by every member of the flock.

Rating: D+



The Public Enemy Vs. High Voltage


Some tag team action here to change things up a bit. High Voltage seem to work pretty well as a team, but Public Enemy used the double team every chance they could and that was the true difference maker in this match.


The Public Enemy defeated High Voltage in 6:12 when Johnny Grunge defeated Robbie Rage by pinfall with a Power Bomb.

Rating: D-


Steven Regal Vs. Jim Duggan


Regal was in involved in an absolutely unbelievable match last week against Chris Benoit. This week he got Jim Duggan, a much easier opponent. He made quick work of Duggan coming out like he had something to prove in this one.


Steven Regal defeated Jim Duggan in 5:42 by submission with a Regal Stretch.

Rating: C-



Alex Wright Vs. Super Calo


A cruiserweight match that was pretty decent here. Super Calo has some really great moves in his arsenal and its my hope that one day he gets over with the fans. Alex Wright came out looking as smug as always and was pretty surprised when Calo get the early advantage on him, but it wasn’t meant to be in this one and Wright would pull off the victory.


Alex Wright defeated Super Calo in 4:58 by submission with a STF.

Rating: C-



Chris Benoit Vs. Fit Finlay


Benoit was involved in another great one here. I think him and Regal are both out to prove they are the best technical wrestlers in the game. Fit Finlay came out of this match looking really good but in the end the technical expertise of Benoit was just to much for him.


Chris Benoit defeated Fit Finlay in 7:39 by pinfall with a Dragon Suplex.

Rating: C



After the match Bill Goldberg made his way to the ring with a 62-0 record.

Rating: B-



Bill Goldberg Vs. The Barbarian


Goldberg against one half of the faces of fear, at first this looked a little bleak for Goldberg. The Barbarian proved how he got his name pummeling the former Falcon getting the near fall on a few occasions. However, Goldberg would battle back and eventually end the match with his famous spear.


Bill Goldberg defeated The Barbarian in 6:33 by pinfall with The Spear.

Rating: C-


Rick Flair Vs. Buff Bagwell


Flair has made it his personal mission to take out the NWO after Henning screwed him out of the US title. He took it to Bagwell right from the start here and while Bagwell put up a great match Flair is still very much out of his league in this one. He would finish the buff one off in just under 11 minutes.


Ric Flair defeated Buff Bagwell in 10:51 by pinfall.

Rating: B+



After the match Flair talked about how the Horsemen are gaining momentum while the NWO continues to fall. He tells the world to be ready because at Souled Out the fourth member of the NWO will be revealed.

Rating: A


Randy Savage Vs. Bret Hart


Another man on a mission when it comes to the NWO Bret Hart came out firing on Savage. However, Savage has never been one to back down from a fight and he fired back on Hart. These two went back and forth neither wanting to give the other an inch. Suddenly, Kevin Nash made his way down to the ramp and immediately went after Hart however this prompted Lugar to his the ring. The ref would lose control quick in this one after Hogan and then even Sting hit the ring and the 6 man brawl ensued.


Randy Savage drew with Bret Hart in 14:35 after a double disqualification.

Rating: B+



After the match the brawl continued spilling over onto the floor as the camera faded black.

Rating: A



Final Rating: B+

TV Rating: 2.85

Raw Rating: 4.06


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WCW Monday Nitro comes to you live this week in Greenville South Carolina where Sting takes the ring for the first time since winning the WCW title. His opponent will be none other than NWO stable mate Konnan. Will the tactics of the NWO get to the champ or will he prove to the world him winnnig the title was destiny?




Quick Picks:


Sting Vs. Konnan

Randy Savage Vs. Chris Jericho

Disciple Vs. Lex Lugar

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Alex Wright

Chris Benoit Vs. Steve McMichael

Hammer and Sick Boy Vs. Billy Kidman and Johnny Swinger

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