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WWE - The Age of Orton, the rise of TNA, more bad Cena films? - Look inside for more!

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(Sorry, I couldn't think of a better title :p I hope you like this, criticism appreciated.)


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March 2009, Week 1


To say I was frustrated would be quite the understatement. I was sat here like some naughty schoolkid experiencing the admonishments of angry Headmaster. Vince was ranting about something or other, (Michael) Hayes was wincing and looking as though he was going to breakdown into hysterical tears any moment now, while (Brian) Gewirtz was eyeing the door as though it was Trish Stratus with just a towel on. (Which would be a lovely sight, but that is besides the point.)


The point is, Vince is pissed. Seriously pissed. He's pissed about the ratings, he's pissed about some media outlet's coverage of WrestleMania, and he's really pissed about how the critics had predicted a poor performance for 12 Rounds. I really don't know what he was expecting. Cena is a great performer and all, a lovely guy and one of my friends when it comes to the buisiness, but a Hollywood actor? I watched enough of the Marine to know of Cena's qualities as an Actor.The dude possesses two emotions: ANGRY and NOT ANGRY.


I have been the Head Booker of World Wrestling Entertainment for about two months or so now. It's been by and large rather successful – a few knockbacks here and there but I've accomplished everything I've set out to do. Ratings have been steadily improving, we've been attracting a lot of interest abroad, and we look set to have a very stacked WrestleMania, which is always good.


I suppose I should tell you what has been happening in the 'WWE Universe.' Well, on the RAW side of things, things have been by and large great. Leading into the Royal Rumble, we began to build Randy Orton up as a legitimate threat, not only to the World Championship, but to the company in general. We had him punt Rey Mysterio, run amok with Rhodes and DiBiase and generally act like a pain in the backside for Stephanie McMahon, who is currently acting as the General Manager of RAW.


Then Orton punted Vince in the head. It was actually Vince's idea, and it worked like a treat. Orton has seemed somehow 'otherworldly' since, as though the whole event elevated him to a new level. I know many in the “IWC” loved it, so it was obviously awesome.


Elsewhere, we continued the Michaels/JBL storyline, which was a bit hit and miss, to be honest. It was a good idea, but we booked ourselves into a corner because some smart-ass didn't think of a proper way to end the storyline. Going into the Rumble, we had Cena v Michaels for the World Title, and anyone watching in 2007 will tell you that match always delivers.


On the Smackdown side of things, we went with Jeff versus Edge for the belt at the Rumble. We began teasing the return of Christian (which has led to smarks everywhere fantasy-booking a dream return where he aligns with Edge), and also some tension between Jeff, Undertaker and HHH, which led to some pretty cool angles before all three men were dragged off into other feuds...




<img src="http://www.iwebie.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/wwe-royal-rumble-2009.jpg">


The Royal Rumble Match

(featuring The Undertaker, Triple H, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho amongst others.)

Won by Randy Orton

World Heavyweight Championship

John Cena (Champion) v Shawn Michaels

Won by Shawn Michaels following Sweet Chin Music. Upon the 123, JBL immediately took the championship, citing his contract with Michaels.


WWE Championship

Jeff Hardy (Champion) v Edge

Won by Edge following interference by Matt Hardy

Impromptu Qualification Match for Entry into the Royal Rumble

Randy Orton v The Undertaker

Won by Randy Orton following interference from Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase and the Big Show


WWE United States Championship

Shelton Benjamin (Champion) v MVP

Won by MVP following the Drive-By


WWE Intercontinental Championship

CM Punk (Champion) v John Morrison

Won by John Morrison, who hit Punk with the IC Title while Miz distracted the Referee.




It was a successful pay-per-view, all things considered. Most I think called the Matt Hardy interference, (even though Vince had it spread that he initially wanted Christian to interfere – he is obsessed with shocking the “IWC” these days), as well as the Orton win, but sometimes what is predictable is good.


Sometimes. The next night Cena beat JBL to win back the belt, and then beat Michaels the following week going into the Elimination Chamber match for the World Title. I wasn't too big on the idea of using the Chamber, but Vince insisted. Buyrates, he said. I told him the Chamber wouldn't have that much of an effect. He just looked at me funny and told me to go away.


This led to Michaels/JBL at No Way Out, where, if HBK won, he'd be 'free' of JBL's employment and with a big bag of kayfabe dollars to boot. Not the best solution, but we need Michaels free for WrestleMania. Meanwhile, Shane McMahon has returned to face Orton, which has led to some forgettable angles and one memorable one, where Orton went to punt Stephanie but ended up kicking Shane instead. I am loving the direction we are taking Orton, and the fact it is working like a charm. I'd rather have fed him someone else, but Shane mades for the most logical opponent right now, even if he does look a bit rounder these days.


We also started what I hope will be a cracking little storyline regarding Jericho and the film 'The Wrestler.' Jericho is really feeling good about it, he has been rather inspired for a while now and you can tell. We had Jericho talk down Rourke and Legends for a few weeks, and then there was a great little battle of the promos between Flair and Jericho. I see good things ahead, if we can do Plan B. (Plan A was to get Rourke himself to compete at 'Mania, but alas, 'Hollywood' got to him first and told him not to enter the ring. It's probably a good thing.)




<img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/3/35/No_Way_Out_(2009).jpg/200px-No_Way_Out_(2009).jpg">


Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

John Cena (Champion) v Rey Mysterio v Chris Jericho v Kane v CM Punk v John Morrison

Won by Edge, who defeated Rey Mysterio after taking Kane's place in the Chamber.


Shawn Michaels v JBL

Won by Shawn Michaels following Sweet Chin Music


Street Fight Match

Randy Orton v Shane McMahon

Match stopped after Shane was deemed to be too far out of it to compete after being demolished by Orton. Stephanie and, curiously enough, HHH amongst others came out to stop Orton from punishing Shane any more.


WWE United States Championship

MVP v Matt Hardy

MVP won after the Drive-By


Four-Way Tag Match for the WWE Tag Team Titles

The Colons (Champions) v Cryme Tyme v Priceless v The Makeshift team of Kennedy and Finlay

Won by the Colons following a Backstabber on JTG


WWE Womens Championship

Mickie James (Champion) v Beth Pheonix v Taker's bitc.. Michelle McCool

Won by Mickie James after a Mickie-DDT on McCool


Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Championship

Edge (Champion) v The Undertaker v Triple H v Big Show v Christian v Jeff Hardy

The Undertaker was victorious after HHH tapped out to the Gogoplata.




I wasn't sure what to make of the quick title switches at first, it was, again, Vince's idea. What he wants happens, 99% of the time, even if I am the only one with the balls to say no. In the end it seemed to go down quite well however, and I like the idea of Edge as Champion, even if my booking sees the poor guy losing the belt almost as soon as he wins it...


I should give him a Cena reign to make it up to him.


The next night on Raw, we announced Austin as the headline attraction of the HoF (which makes me both delighted and depressed, because I remember to this day Austin coming down to the ring and soaking Rocky, Vince and Shane with beer the week preceding WrestleMania :( ), and Jericho proceeded to belittle him before a great little angle with Piper who really outdid himself as the legend trying to talk sense into Jericho. Ever the great heel Jericho then beat them up. Michaels also won a Battle Royal to become the Number One Contender for the World Title Orton didn't go for.


Orton then took centre-stage. Shane had challenged Orton earlier in the night, and to end the show we had Orton pretty much demolishing Shane. He punted him, and then gave a sick RKO to Stephanie, who sold it like a trooper. Que HHH to run out with his rather glorious angry face, with Cena and other faces in tow trying to stop him from killing Orton. The next Smackdown, we had Orton intervene in the Cena/Edge title match, which led to HHH rampaging in, only to inadevertedly cause Edge to lose to Cena.


Now we have Orton/Cena and Undertaker/Michaels booked, but it is going to be a problem building heat for Orton/Cena while keeping the likes of HHH and Edge in mind...


“Are you listening to me you son of a b****?”


Oh look. Vince is shouting at me again. Lovely.


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WWE.com – WWE is well and truly in WrestleMania season! And the Main Event of Raw will could have some major WrestleMania implications, as Raw rolls into Corpus Christi, Texas, only four weeks away from the extravaganza in Houston! With Edge awaiting John Cena in a World Title rematch on Smackdown, the World Heavyweight Champion will team up with the WWE Champion, the Undertaker, against prospective title challengers Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels in a blockbuster Main Event! However, Triple H will also be at RAW, and what will he have to say about Orton and WrestleMania?


Elsewhere, CM Punk will team up with US Champion MVP to face Miz and Morrison, and the qualification matches for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match continue, with JBL, Kane, Rey Mysterio and Mr Kennedy all hoping to join the Big Show and Shelton Benjamin in the Money in the Bank match at the 25th “Anniversary” of WrestleMania!



John Cena and The Undertaker v Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels

CM Punk and MVP v The Miz and Morrison

Amazing Kong v Michelle McCool

Mr Kennedy v John "Bradshaw" Layfield

Kane v Rey Mysterio

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You know, I can't help but get a buzz when it comes to booking Monday Night Raw. It's WrestleMania season, so the entire roster is here – and while Smackdown and ECW can be fun, this is RAW, where it's live, where anything can happen, where the true testing of a WWE superstar takes place.


It is also where the true testing of a booker takes place. Being a booker for the WWE isn't easy – it's a damn hard job that consumes your attention every hour of the day. There are countless superstars who feel they're under-utilised, even though some of them are on television every week, which is something I know a fair few in this company can only dream of. Then there is the greatest critics of them all: the fans themselves. It is nerve-wracking, for all the excitement of Monday Night RAW. If the show goes down well, then great. If it doesn't, well...


I'm told it is more than worth all the hell when WrestleMania rolls around, though. Only four weeks away!


<img src="http://www.rbccenter.com/resources/images/spotlight/Raw_logo_branding.jpg">



“I just want to be, want to be loved!”


The explosive pyro starts as 10,000 Texans rise to their feet in excitement to start off another episode of Monday Night Raw, only four weeks away from WrestleMania! JR, who has been the Voice of RAW ever since Michael Cole left in January, welcomes us excitedly, telling us that tonight, it will be John Cena and the Deadman, the Undertaker in a tag team about against their prospective opponents, Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels!


And speaking of Michaels! The Heartbreak Kid comes out to a massive pop as his classic theme echoes around the erena. He dances around for a bit before grabbing a microphone, smirking as the crowd chant “HBK! HBK!”


“So it turns out that Mr WrestleMania, The Icon, the Main Event, the Showstopper, the HEARTBREAK KID, is facing, at WrestleMania, the Undertaker.” Michaels pauses as the crowd pops at the mention of the Deadman. “I haven't faced him in over ten years. Since then, we've... both changed, quite a bit. We've evolved, as competitors. We've even taken, different personal choices. And the last time we faced, it was for the WWE Championship, and I just so happened to receive a back injury that would keep me out for over four years.”


Michaels pauses again.


And then, there is the streak. The Undertaker is undefeated at WrestleMania! He steps up his game, at WrestleMania! The very best in the business, have been beaten by the Deadman at the spectacle. Most would say that the Undertaker winning at WrestleMania is a certainty... but nothing is a certainty when you have the.. Heart...Break...Kid in the opposite corner. Streaks are made to be broken! And the Undertaker has never defeated me...


Wait a minute! The arena has suddenly becomes shrouded in darkness! The crowd cheers as the bell tolls! The lights turn back on and sure enough, the Undertaker is standing in the ring with the WWE Championshp in his hand. Michaels, however, is unfazed.


Deadman, good for you to join us.


HBK turns round to see the Deadman standing there, looking furious. Michaels only grins.


Michaels...” 'Taker stares a hole through Michaels as he pauses, his voice cold. “ You have already experienced what I can do. The last time I faced you I took you out of this business for four years. I cannot help but to respect you, but you are foolish to speak so brazenly. I take souls. I have took sixteen souls at WrestleMania. You, will be no different.


You Undertaker, have never defeated me. We're at a crossroads, Deadman. And you should know, you should really know by now, that I'm not like anyone else you've faced at WrestleMania. I'm the one who revolutionarised the ladder match. I'm the man who had the Iron Man Match, the man, who, yes, even screwed Bret Hart. I am also the man, who retired, Ric Flair, but most importantly of all, I am the man who steals the show every single time WrestleMania comes around! And in a months time, I will be remembered for something else. As the man who defeated the Deadman at the Granddaddy of them...

“You will be remembered as another victim. You concern yourself with stealing the show. You concern yourself, with beating me. At WrestleMania, Michaels, you should be worried about yourself. About what I will do, to your body and to your soul. I am the most dangerous entity this business has ever seen. I take souls for a living. And you have opened Hell's Gates. At WrestleMania, like the 16 that have come before you, you will REST... IN....”


I will rest, quite comfortably, thank you very much!” The crowd gasps in surprise as the Deadman glares furiously. “Knowing, Deadman, that I have done what no man has done before me. I revel in doing the impossible. Just know this. You have never defeated Shawn Michaels. And you never will!


With that, the HBK leaves and walks up the ramp as the Deadman stares at his retreating figure.







Good little tag-match between these two teams, with Punk constantly going after Morrison who tags out whenever Punk comes close. JR and King mention how much Miz wants the US Title to match up with Morrison, and how Punk has challenged Morrison twice already but been knocked back both times. MVP plays the beaten-down face as Miz and Morrison play the heel tag team down to perfection. CM Punk gets the hot tag and cleans house, with a knee to the head of Morrison. However, with MVP down, Miz distracts the referee, which allows Morrison to hit Punk with the IC belt and get the 123 via shenangans.


Winners: Miz and Morrison


Afterwards, Punk comes to, and demands a rematch for the Intercontinental Championship. Morrison finally relents, saying that he'll see Punk at WrestleMania, so that he can finally shut “his greasy mouth up.”




We go to the back after the commercial to see Junkyard Smokes is waiting with the manacing Amazing Kong. Grisham looks terrified of her, which is probably making some smark laugh out there. Smokes hypes up the menace of Kong and says it won't be long before Kong is the Women's Champion.






McCool puts up a good defence but this is little more than a glorifed squash match. Kong tears right through McCool and gets the 1...2...3... after five minutes.


Winner: Kong




The cameras then go to the back, where Cena is walking to the ring with the belt in tow. He has his 'serious face' on.




“Brapp-Brapp-ado! Brapp-Brappado!”


It is to a typically mixed reaction that Cena comes out with the belt, and after the usual goofiness, he enters the ring and grabs a microphone, taking a pause to smile a little at the mixed reaction that has followed him for years.


In this business, there is nothing like the buzz you get, when you are fighting, at the spectacle that is, WrestleMania. You work your ass off all year just for that one night, that one night where the world is watching, that one night where the lights are on brightest! I've been lucky enough to face the very best at WrestleMania. The Big Show. Triple H. Shawn Michaels. And it seems, as though this year, like the last, I find myself facing possibly the best in this business today. Randy Orton.


Cena pauses at this point, his eyes darting around the arena as some fans boo, and some fans, as ever trying to be different, cheer. He has suddenly become much more serious. “I've seen, what he's been doing. I've seen him punt people left, right and centre. Rey Mysterio, Vince McMahon, Shane. I've seen him walk around like he owns the place. Doing disgusting things...”


“I haven't forgotten what Orton has done to me. I haven't forgotten what he did to my father. He kicked my dad in the head. He took me out for months. I haven't forgotten, AND I DAMN SURE HAVEN'T FORGIVEN! I never got Orton back for that! The way I see it, with all due respect to Triple H, this is my chance for revenge! I try not to hate people, but Randy Orton.. well, It is damn hard not to hate him.”

Just as Cena is getting into his stride, he is interupted. The crowd erupts into another 'mixed reaction' as “Voices” echoes around the American Bank Center. Randy Orton is on the big TitanTron (remember when it was called that?), staring at Cena with Rhodes and DiBiase at either side. Noticeably, it seems as though Legacy have some security stationed at the locker-room door.


My My Cena, that's some powerful words from you there.” Orton smirks as Cena watches on, his expression no where near as goofy as it usually is. “You're right though, there is some unfinished business between us two. We were just getting into our stride when I went and took you out for months, weren't we? The good old days. How is your father by the way?


Rhodes and DiBiase begin to chuckle as a signifcant section of the crowd boo at the smirking face of the Number 1 Contender.


“The way I see it, Cena, there really is no-one better to face at WrestleMania than you. Yeah, there's Triple H, and it would have been wonderful, to have kicked in his head at his family's greatest pay-per-view. It would be like I'd have gone full-circle. But you Cena, you are the 'face' of the McMahon's company. You are their golden boy. You've been Champion longer than anyone else in recent memory. You've beat them all.”


Cena interupts him at this point. “Even you.”


Orton doesn't look too happy to be reminded of that. “Exactly, even me. And I need to remedy that. I need to beat you, Cena. I need to prove my own talent, my own skill. I need to prove my dominance, by beating you at WrestleMania. 'Superman' John Cena who takes on all comers and beats them all! Except you won't beat me. It is my destiny, Cena. My destiny, to cement my legacy. My destiny to win the World Heavyweight Championship. My destiny to punt you in your head!”


Orton's good looks are now marred by a very ugly expression. Cena in return just stares up at Orton, his eyes uncharacterisally cold, as Orton slaps the camera to the ground and walks away. Cena keeps staring, before leaving the ring as RAW goes to yet another commercial.






Mister Kennedy (Kennedy!) v John “Bradshaw” Layfield in a qualification match for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at WrestleMania 25.

Rumours of JBL retiring soon are obviously not unfounded, as JBL is becoming noticably slower in the ring. Still, JBL is more than decent enough to have a good televsion match with Kennedy, playing the heel to Kennedy's face. JBL has been promising to make history in his native state, but it won't be in the MITB match, as Kennedy picks up the 123 with the Mic-check. JBL kicks the ring ropes in frustration as Kennedy, in a post-match interview, promises to become, once again, Mister Money in the Bank! Bank...

Winner: Mr Kennedy




The cameras than transition to the back, where Kane is standing in a shadow, a demented grin on his face. He promises to unleash Hell if he qualifies for Money in the Bank.






This two had several matches at the end of last year which did not attract universal love, but these two put on a very good match this time around, playing the obvious underdog v Monster match that suits both workers down to a tee. Mysterio gets in a lot of offence, but jumps straight into a devastating chokeslam. Kane is going to WrestleMania.


Winner: Kane.




Raw returns from the millionth commercial of the night, only for the viewers to see Dusty Rhodes coming down the ramp to an impressive pop! Dusty gets a microphone and calls out Jericho, who promptly comes out to massive boos from all around the arena. He walks down in a very nice-looking suit and with a sour expression on his face, as Dusty eyes him warily.


Dusty, with his lisp and all, proceeds to verbally attack Jericho for his actions these past weeks towards Ric Flair and Rowdy Roddy Piper. He tells Jericho that they laid the foundation for the modern day WWE, that they paved the way for the workers of today. Where would Jericho be if Rhodes and Flair hadn't sold out arenas across the country twenty years ago?


Jericho says that's the point. It was some twenty five years ago when Rhodes and Flair would face in the NWA. Now it is 2009. Jericho says Rhodes is just like the rest of them – always coming back for that one last pop, always returning so that “you can feel as though you mean something that one last time, so that you can look at yourself in the mirror and lie to yourself that those ugly scars were all worth it.”Jericho refers to Cody and Goldust, and calls Dusty a failure, citing that the former will have nothing to do with him and the latter is a 'freak.'


Dusty reminds Jericho of Flair's retirement the year before, and how Jericho was so involved in the events that occurred on the RAW the night after WrestleMania 24. Jericho says he was different then. He tells Rhodes that the film 'The Wrestler' has opened eyes for many people. It also opened eyes for him. It has opened his eyes to how disgusting it is that these legends parade around hogging for the spotlight. It's shown him how truly pathetic people like Flair and Piper really are.


Dusty then tries to respond, but Jericho then cheapshots him, before beating down on the legend inside the ring as the crowd voice their disapproval. Jericho takes Dusty outside the ring and throws him into the steps – and now Rhodes is bleeding from his forehead. Jericho screams at him all the while, rolling his sleeves up as he kicks Rhodes about the ringside area, before leaving to a chorus of boos as officials help Rhodes out the arena.






These four proceed to have a great tag match with Cena and the Deadman proving to be a better team than Orton and Michaels, who seem distrusting of each other. Undertaker but mainly, Cena, work on Michaels, who attempts to tag Orton but fails when Orton refuses to come into the ring until Michaels gains the upper-hand. However, the match descends into chaos when Triple H finally shows up at last, to a major pop!


He runs down the ring and goes straight for Orton, tackling him down punching every bit of Orton he can land a punch on. The referee goes for the disqualification, but wait!




Michaels hightails it out of there as the Deadman sits up, glaring furiously at the retreating Michaels. Meanwhile, HHH and Orton are brawling, but then Orton pushes HHH into the way of Edge! Edge has come out of no where and he lands a massive spear onto Triple H! The crowd don't know what to make of it as Undertaker goes after Michaels, but then Cena comes back into the ring and gives a massive Attitude-Adjustment to Edge! Cena and Orton get into a massive staredown as RAW ends amidst chaos!





Criticism of any sort much appreciated, tell me what you think. I know there is a lack of pictures at the current moment but I'll look at fixing that.

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so you're getting yelled at for your ratings even though they are improving?


Its Vince McMahon. He gets angry. A lot. :D Nah, ratings have been improving but pretty slowly, and it's a struggle to keep my popularity in America up at times, so sometimes the ratings fall one week and then drastically improve the next when there's a big main event.. And I imagine Vince is a harsh critic, as well as a good businessman. Cheers for reading. :)

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Its Vince McMahon. He gets angry. A lot. :D Nah, ratings have been improving but pretty slowly, and it's a struggle to keep my popularity in America up at times, so sometimes the ratings fall one week and then drastically improve the next when there's a big main event.. And I imagine Vince is a harsh critic, as well as a good businessman. Cheers for reading. :)


very true:D

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