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This... Is My ECW... ECW 1997(Montreal Screwjob Mod by CarlitoCool)

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Week One-December 1997


//The ECW Arena... The tried, and tested battle ground for anyone looking to be a professional wrestler. Some great wrestler's have performed in this "bingo hall" as some call it. Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Perry Saturn, Raven, 2 Cold Scorpio. And there are those who continue the fight, continue the revolution. Guys like Rob Van Dam, guys like Shane Douglas, guys like Taz, Sabu, and Tommy Dreamer. Too many names to count, and yet, so many more to come.//


//As I stand here in the crow's nest, looking down towards the half assembled squared circle where in mere hours, the wrestlers of ECW take the stage once more, putting their bodies on the line, laying down their lives all for the benefit of the cheering fan. Just one fan. One is just enough as far as we're concerned.//


//But there's more then one, there's always more then one. Tonight, on this my first night, a packed house is expected to cheer, to mock, to demand the very best, and I plan on giving it to them. My name is Don Quinney, and for here on out, this is my show. This is my world. This... Is my ECW...//

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-ECW Newswire-

Week One-December 1997


//Announcement's galore in this addtion of the ECW Newswire which will set the stage for the first ECW Television Taping under the guidence of new ECW figurehead, Don Quinney. But before we get into that, lets take a look into the story of ECW's new found ring leader, and get an inside look into what brought Don "Q-Fresh" Quinney to the Extreme...//



Don "Q-Fresh" Quinney

International Mixed Martial Artist

A Professional Record of 19/0/1

A List of Accomplishment's that span the world of MMA

A Tragic End...


A monster whether it was in the octogon, or between the ropes, Q-Fresh was, and could still be, one of the greatest pure athletes in the world today. Had a devastating knee injury not cut his career short, who knows to what heights he could have risen.


Oringinally slated from Dublin, Ireland, Q-Fresh re-located himself to Toronto, Canada, where he began training with Steven Lin as part of the Lin Martial Arts Team, gaining a reputation as a humble, respectful, even greatful competitor, whose drive, and determination would allow him entry into some of the top tier MMA camps in the world. In addtion to this, Q-Fresh had also looked into training to become a professional wrestler, making the crossover to NJPW. But hence, while performing a simple Double Ax Handle from the top rope during a training session, it would all come crumbling down.


To follow would be months of intense physical therapy, matched with an "extreme" (no pun intended) training regimen. But alas, it would only serve as an anchor, dealing with an injury that would forever haunt any attempt of a comeback. So where do you go from here? most would crumble. Most however, are not Don Quinney. Under the wing of one of the greatest minds in the history of professional wrestling, Paul Heyman, Don Quinney has entered the ranks of the extreme not as a member of the active roster, but from behind the scenes, taking his vision of what ECW can be, and putting it into action. Only time will tell if Paul Heyman's decision will pay off, but knowing Heyman, he's rarely, if ever, incorrect when it comes to seeing potential.



Recent News


It's come down the rumour mill that ECW has been in talks with three brand new workers hopefully making their way to the ECW roster shortly, most noteable Jushin Thunder Lyger. Stay tuned for updates on this.


Upcoming Television

It was announced earlier today that two huge matches have been signed for this weeks addition of ECW Hardcore TV, making true on the promise that Don Quinney is out to change ECW for the better, and with these two matches, his plan is well under way.


The first of the two is a Tag Team Match where the ECW Tag Team Championship will be on the line. The current reigning Champions, The FBI, Tracey Smothers & Little Guido, will take on the team of Jerry Lynn, and Mikey Whipwreck. But the biggest news flying out of ECW headquarters today is the signing of our next main event.


Taz v.s Rob Van Dam for the ECW Television Championship!


These two high profile matches, plus so much more on this week's addition of ECW Hardcore TV.



Make Your Predicitons Now

Chris Chetti v.s JT Smith

The Pitbulls v.s Furnas & Lafon

Jerry Lynn & Mikey Whipwreck v.s The FBI©-ECW Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam w/ Bill Alfonso v.s Taz©-ECW World Television Championship

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Chris Chetti v.s JT Smith

One of my most underrated favorites.


The Pitbulls v.s Furnas & Lafon

One of ECW's most dominant and physical tag teams get my vote.


Jerry Lynn & Mikey Whipwreck v.s The FBI©-ECW Tag Team Championship

Champs retain.


Rob Van Dam w/ Bill Alfonso v.s Taz©-ECW World Television Championship

What a match to main event your first event!!! Tas to choke the mess out of RVD.

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ECW Hardcore TV


//The voice of ECW, Joey Styles, stands in front of the all too familiar ECW Logo Backdrop when he begins to speak, opening up the show.//


.:Joey Styles:.

Hello fans, and welcome to ECW! I'm Joey Styles, and tonight, we have two ground breaking ECW Championship matches that are sure to change the face of ECW. First, in Tag Team action, with the ECW Tag Team Championship on the line when The Full Blooded Italians, Little Guido, and Tracy Smothers defend against the unlikely team of Jerry Lynn, and Mikey Whipwreck. Then, with the ECW Television Championship on the line, "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam, takes on the defending "Human Suplex Machine" Taz. Two huge matches on this addition of EC...


//Cutting Joey Styles off, a disgruntled ECW Champion Shane Douglas storms in along with Chris Candido, and Lance Storm, grabbing the mic from Joey Styles.//


.:Shane Douglas:.

Taz, Taz, Taz, I'm tired of hearing about "The Human Suplex Machine", and how great he is. Taz thinks he can come into the house that The Franchise built, and demand a shot at my ECW Championship, I don't think so. So being as I'm in such a giving mood tonight, I'm putting out a $100,000 bounty on Taz's head. Lets see how Taz deals with that. $100,000 to man that takes Taz out for good.


//Douglas then walks off, Lance Storm, and Chris Candido follow, both glareing at Shane Douglas. We then hit the ring for our first match.//


--Chris Chetti vs JT Smith--

A good match to start off the card, with Chetti putting on a clinic.


JT Smith looks as if he's lost a step.


Chetti wins using The Amettyville Horror at 3:57


.:Joey Styles:.

Chris Chetti picks up the win here tonight over JT Smith, and when we come back, the most dangerous tag team in ECW, The Pitbulls, take on Doug Furnas, and Phillip La Fon.





--The Pitbulls vs Doug Furnas & Phillip La Fon--

Furnas & La Fon try to out wrestle The Pitbulls, with some success.


The Pitbulls eventually take control using a series of Powerful Double Team moves.


Pitbull 1 picks up the win with a Powerbomb at 8:45


.:Joey Styles:.

The Pitbulls pick up yet another victory, showing once again why they are one of the great teams in wrestling. Coming up next, the ECW Tag Team Championship is on the line.


//Before cutting the break, we see Chris Candido, and Lance Storm attacking Taz backstage. Candido holds Taz as Storm smashes a steel chair over the head of Taz, busting him open. Candido, and Storm ditch the scene, leaving a bloodided Taz sprawled out backstage.//





.:Joey Styles:.

Taz was just brutally attacked backstage by two of the three members of The Triple Threat, Chris Candido, and Lance Storm. Such a hayness attack, once has to believe that this will have something to do with the $100,000 Bounty put on the head of Taz by Shane Douglas earlier tonight. What does this mean for tonight main event? Will Taz be able to defend the Television Title, and if not, does that mean he'll have to forfeit the championship?


-ECW Tag Team Championship-

--Jerry Lynn & Mikey Whipwreck vs The FBI©--

Jerry Lynn, and Tracy Smother start the match off with an exchange of mat wrestling, which the fans appreciate.


The FBI cut the ring in half after taking control, and single out Jerry Lynn.


Jerry Lynn is finally able to make the tag to a hot Mikey Whipwreck who cleans house of the FBI.


Tommy Rich gets up on the apron, only to be knocked back down by a Whipwreck Dropkick.


Mikey Whipwreck hits the Whipper Snapper on Little Guido, but only a two when Tracy Smother breaks the count.


All four men are in the ring now, Whipwreck, and Smothers take the battle to the floor.


Tommy Rich tries to get involved for the second time when Jerry Lynn ducks a running forearm that connects accidentally with Little Guido.


Guido, dazed, turns right into The Cradle Piledriver.




Jerry Lynn & Mikey Whipwreck are the new ECW Tag Team Champions!


.:Joey Styles:.

Jerry Lynn, and Mikey Whipwreck have just become the ECW Tag Team Champion's, OH MY GOD! But fans, the bigger story here is will Taz be able to defend his title tonight after that ambush from Chris Candido, and Lance Storm? We'll find out when ECW Hardcore TV returns.





//Upon returning, Shane Douglas is sitting in his locker room when Storm, and Candido enter, smiles on their faces, giving each other high fives.//


.:Shane Douglas:.

Well, well, look who it is. I guess you two didn't do to bad. And as promised, $100,000...


//Just as Shane is about to hand out the cash, as loud as can be, this is heard throughout the arena.//





//Taz steps from behind the entrance curtain, head bandaged, but mad as all hell. He walks down to the ring//


~Coming to ring the ring, from Brooklyn, New York.

Standing 5'9" tall, and weighing in at 240lbs.

He is the current reigning, and defending ECW Television Champion.

This... is TAZ!!!~


//We cut back to Shane Douglas watching Taz enter the ring on a monitor in the backstage. His face goes tomato red before smashing the monitor, and storming off down one of the corridors. We cut back to Taz standing in the ring waiting for his opponent.//





~And his opponent, from Battle Creek, Michigan.

He stands 6'0", and weighs in at 237lbs.

Being accompanied to the ring by his manager, "The Manager of Champion's" Bill Alfonso

He is "The Whole F'n Show". He is "Mr. Pay Per View".

He is Rob Van Dam!!!~


-ECW World Television Championship-

--Rob Van Dam vs Taz©--

Taz looks noticably woobly in the early stages of this match, and Van Dam takes full advantage with his unorthodox offence.


RVD uses a fast paced offence to take control early on, only to be stopped short by a belly-to-belly suplex from Taz that came out of nowhere.


Taz continues his assault of powerful slams, and suplexes, rendering RVD helpless. T-bone Tazplex! Cover! 1...2... RVD gets the shoulder up in the nick of time.


Taz continues his assault when his injuries start to get the better of him. He stands dazed, trying to catch his composure. RVD takes advantage.


With Taz out on the floor, RVD takes to the sky with a Sommersault Plancha over the top out to the floor. the crowd begins to chant "HOLY S#IT, HOLY S#IT, HOLY S#IT".


The action heads back into the ring, with RVD still on the offensive. RVD goes for a roundhouse kick, that Taz ducks underneath, Tazmission!


RVD is starting to black out when Bill Alfonso hits the apron. Taz being no stranger to Alfonso, immediately stands, and grabs hold of Alfonso, bringing him in the ring. Tazmission on Alfonso!


Shane Douglas comes out from the back, and stands in the entrance way. Taz see's him, and releases Alfonso. Alfonso rolls out to the floor.


Taz, and Douglas scream at each other, Douglas taunting his way towards the ring, and Taz inviting him in.


The fans are going crazy, throwing garbage at Douglas, whose complete focus is on Taz.


Alfonso is back up on the apron, this time with a steel chair. Douglas points out Alfonso to Taz.


Taz goes to attack Alfonso once more, but Alfonso has other plans. He tosses the chair at Taz.


Taz catches the chair, realizing whats about to happen, but before he could retaliate, RVD comes out of nowhere with The Vandaminator!


Taz has been busted open again, his face a crimson mask. RVD then signals to the top rope.


The fans are on their feet, as RVD climbs the ropes. Using his trademark Thumb Point, RVD launches himself off the top, and comes down with a 5-Star Frog Splash!


1...2...3!!! Rob Van Dam has become the new ECW Television Champion!


.:Joey Styles:.

RVD is the new ECW World Television Champion! Taz just couldn't overcome the odd's. The Vandaminator, followed by a 5-Star Frog splash spelt too much for "The Human Suplex Machine". What's going to happen next week between Taz, and Shane Douglas! Tune in to find out!



Night Re-Cap

Chris Chetti def. JT Smith

The Pitbulls def. Furnas/La Fon

Jerry Lynn/Mikey Whipwreck def. The FBI to become new Tag Team Champions

RVD def. Taz to become new Television Champion

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Great first show. The RVD/Taz match definitely would be a classic.


Biggest surprise of the night came with Lynn and Whipwreck winning the ECW World Tag Team Titles. Always been a fan of the Full Blooded Italians, myself. But Lynn and Whipwreck against the Pitbulls or maybe if you can get some old school tag teams like the Gangstas or the Eliminators would be great!

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-ECW Newswire-

Week Two-December 1997


Coming off the heals' of the first showing of ECW Hardcore TV with our new figure head, Don Quinney, the response has been very well received. With two ECW Championships changing hands, and a heated rivalry well under way, what more could you ask for when watching an ECW program.


With Jerry Lynn & Mikey Whipwreck becoming the new ECW Tag Team Champion's, what does this mean for ECW's tag team division, and which team will step into the spotlight, and try to take the gold from the newly crowned champions?


But the biggest news coming out of the event is the fact that Rob Van Dam has become the new ECW Television Champion, something that not one person in the ECW Arena saw coming. But when you factor in a $100,000 Bounty placed on the head of Taz, and a brutal backstage assault by both Chris Candido, and Lance Storm, not to mention the antics of Bill Alfonso at ringside, some may say that RVD was destined to be ECW Television Champion. But what happen's next? What will Taz's retaliation be against The Triple Threat? And will Q-Fresh give Taz the championship match he's asked for? So many answers to find in the coming weeks, be sure to tune in for the next addition of ECW Hardcore TV.


Recent News


We're pleased to announce the signing of two new young athletes from the carolinas joining the ECW roster. Both Shane Helms, and Shannon Moore finalized their contracts earlier today, and will more then likely be showcased as soon as the next episode of ECW Hardcore TV.


Upcoming Television

Earlier today, we received news of the next Main Event to take place on the next edition of ECW Hardcore TV, a huge Tag Team Match that will have "The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer teaming with one time nemisis, The Sandman to take on "The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal" Sabu, and his partner, none other then the new ECW Television Champion, Rob Van Dam!


Make Your Predictions Now

The Pitbulls vs OMEGA (Shane Helms/Shannon Moore)

Justin Credible vs "Angry Amish" Roadkill

Chris Candido vs New Jack

Rob Van Dam & Sabu vs Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman

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I don't usually post predictions but I love me some 97' ECW!



The Pitbulls vs OMEGA (Shane Helms/Shannon Moore)

No chance the new ECWer's win this match


Justin Credible vs "Angry Amish" Roadkill

JC is just too Incredible not to win this one


Chris Candido vs New Jack

Taz makes an example out of Candido!


Rob Van Dam & Sabu vs Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman

RVD & Sabu win with a little help for Alphonso.

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-ECW Newswire-

--Breaking News--


In a shocking move today that has rocked ECW at it's foundation, both Little Guido, and Lance Storm have left the company. As their departure comes as a surprise, we wish them the very best in their future endevours.


In related news, ECW has finalized a deal with a new up, and coming young athlete by the name of Dave Batista. Trained by Afa The Wild Samoan, the future seems bright for the young man, and ECW welcomes him with open arms.



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A great start to this diary. Been thinkin of starting an ECW 97 diary myself. KUTGW!


The Pitbulls vs OMEGA (Shane Helms/Shannon Moore)

One of my favorite tag teams pick up the win here


Justin Credible vs "Angry Amish" Roadkill

Credible for World Chamion!!!


Chris Candido vs New Jack

Interference from Taz gives theOriginal Gangsta the win


Rob Van Dam & Sabu vs Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman

A tough choice, but I gotta go with my boy Dreamer

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The Pitbulls vs OMEGA (Shane Helms/Shannon Moore)

Super Bomb!!!!


Justin Credible vs "Angry Amish" Roadkill

The better wrestler of the two gets the duke.


Chris Candido vs New Jack

Same as the Credible/Roadkill match, the better wrestler gets the win.


Rob Van Dam & Sabu vs Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman

I see RVD/Sabu as the better team.

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