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ROH "Supercard Of Honor IV" Results


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Just got back from the show. First ROH show and it was great.









McGuiness dropped the belt to Jerry Lynn. They really played up the injured arms. Rumors are that his arms were in very bad shape, so it may not have been acting so much as legit pain. Seems like a lot of people expected. Still cool to be there to see an epic title reign like that end.


The top rope broke during the Kevin Steen, Jay Briscoe, & Magno vs. Chris Hero, Eddie Edwards, & Incognito match. Right near the start of the match. which really screwed things up for the luchadore guys, but they actually worked through it and made it pretty cool.


The Strong-Nakajima was really good, and Richards-KENTA was even better.

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lynn? Really? Lynn........i don't know.........To me he is not roh champion style. I don't know what it is, maybe his age, his style or what. I know age should not matter but in roh they are a young company in my view and there champion should reflect that.
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Jerry Lynn is the balls. Been a fan of his for ages and the fact that, in his somewhat 'twilight' years he can obviously still go and has got the faith of the company to be champion is awesome to hear! ROH are probably taking a risk but I think Jerry's got it in him.
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Oh come on guys, you don't think a 45 year old man is going to have a 2 year title reign, do you? Let him have this moment before he puts over Claudio or Tyler Black or whomever.




Besides, look at some of the positives about this card: KENTA/RICHARDS! STRONG/NAKAJIMA! And it should be a good mark-out moment to see Lynn win the gold.

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The crowd loved Lynn winning. Seemed like a lot of people expected it. I think the change really came down to need. With the McGuiness injury, he couldn't keep going for long. The guy seemed legimiately in pain through the match. The problem is that a lot of guys he could drop it to are involved in something else. Plus, he's beaten them all when he was at his best, so it makes their reign look questionable. So he drops it to Lynn, with everyone knowing he's injured. Lynn gets a "thank you" regin of a couple months, then drops it to someone like Tyler Black.


KENTA-Richards was pretty awesome. Easily the best match I've ever seen live, but that's not saying that much. Strong-Nakajima was very good as well.

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I was there as well... KENTA vs. Richards ruled so hard... best match I've ever seen live as well. Lynn vs. Nigel was good to... excellent psychology. Saturday's show was good too with the Main Event of Aries/Nakajima vs. KENTA/Tyler ruled.


Davey Richards took it to the next level on Friday.

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