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Steve Austin-HOF


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In case you missed it, at the HOF last night Steve Austin basically said goodbye to the wrestling business.


When the fans chanted "One more match" he said something like "I don't know about that" but it was dismissive. Then at the end of his speech he said something like "Now that I close the chapter on the wrestling business I hope you will still support me in whatever I do" and then went on to talk about movies.


It's sad really. I was never a huge Austin fan when he was a worker, but I began to really like him in 2001ish and I miss him now that he's gone. I feel like he could still do so much for the company as an on screen character, even if he wasn't a wrestler.

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I liked that speech. It was nice and simple, but it was kinda funny when he couldn't talk from that "Austin" -chant in the beginning (whatever chant it was, cant remember). And yeah, he could do amazing things as an on-screen character, but why should he, when he can do movies? And don't gimme that same crap everyone talks about Rock. He made a wise decision, so did Austin.
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Problem is, Austin's acting peak was Nash Bridges. At least The Rock has a charisma that goes beyond wrestling.


he is actually supposed to be working in the new sylvester stallone movie with a pretty solid line up, from what i've read the script is really good. so i'd tap the breaks on this.

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i was so angry my dvr did not record all of it. I worked last night so i watched it this morning. It showed all the steamboat introduction *i was a little upset he talked in charactor a little bit with jericho but it was still good*. I laughed when flair held up his rolex when last week jericho "borke it" lol it was funny. I got the first two words of austins speach and it ended :( i will have to catch the replay
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Problem is, Austin's acting peak was Nash Bridges. At least The Rock has a charisma that goes beyond wrestling.




he is actually supposed to be working in the new sylvester stallone movie with a pretty solid line up, from what i've read the script is really good. so i'd tap the breaks on this.


Wait a minute. Is someone really citing a Stallone movie in the present day as something worth paying attention to? Stallone hasn't been relevant since well before the turn of the century. That's not the star I'd be looking to hitch my wagon to, personally.


Honestly, Austin needs a role (or roles) that separate him from every other bald-headed action oriented actor (see Jason Statham, Vin Diesel, etc) out now. Maybe he can steal the show from Stallone (wouldn't be hard, I'd think) or maybe he'll end up like Triple H in Blade Trinity (who? Precisely!). Rock had his with 'Be Cool'. Here's hoping Austin gets one quick (he's not nearly as young as Rock was when he crossed over).

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Austin was great at the HOF, it seemed like he's finally closing the chapter on the business and I don't blame him. And at least he's managed to come back a few times before, provide us with a bit of entertainment which doesn't require him to risk breaking his neck.


He had to call it quits someday. I'll miss him. And apparently he gave a beer to Cena in the audience, which many see it as a passing of the torch. Nice touch.

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I didn't watch hall of fame and only really heard the commentary at wm saying stuff like "austins farewell" and JR saying "i remember the birth of 3:16 and now im seeing the end of it"


Im guessing Austin announced retirment from wrestling?

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he is actually supposed to be working in the new sylvester stallone movie with a pretty solid line up, from what i've read the script is really good. so i'd tap the breaks on this.


I think Austin has some potential but I do think he is more of character actor. He will never be accepted in many roles. He will always be best cast as the bad guy bodyguard or something.

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