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AAA - Girls, Girls, Girls!

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[B]AAA[/B]: It’s not auto service, it’s women’s wrestling entertainment. In the Pacific Northwest, we have a decent following. Everywhere else, we may as well not even exist. Me? I’m the booker. I gotta write the storylines, hire and fire, and handpick which lovely hardbodies rise to the top, and which ones end up crying in their mimosas. Brutal job, I know…but we have a limited audience and a small pool of talent to choose from. On the plus side, I've heard that I make a great mimosa. So how did I get this job? Well..you heard of [B]Wendy Anderson[/B]? ‘Course not. She was [B]Catherine Quine[/B]’s secretary, impressed her enough that Quine decided to finally give in to her pleading and let her get in the ring. That was my idea. See, I’ve been seeing Wendy. Just to get to Quine, of course, but that will play out later. At some point Quine decided that if she can let Wendy wrestle, she may as well let Wendy’s boyfriend do some booking. Getting [B]Anne Stardust [/B] to sign off on it was the tricky part. [I]“Who is this chump and why is he in my office?” “Ms. Stardust I am honored to meet one of the most notorious heels in ladies’ wrestling history, and clearly a businesswoman destined for the upper echelon of American wrestling.”[/I] She looked at Quine. [I]“He sounds desperate. Whatever it is had better be free.” [/I] Quine bit her lip and introduced me. I saw Stardust raise an eyebrow when she heard Wendy’s name. This tough old bat knew her way around a scheme or two, and I’m sure she saw through me. I guess she liked what she saw, because her smile was as black as her office décor. [I]“You’re our head booker. Here are the rules: #1 - Don’t fail. #2 – Hands off the talent. #3 – I own you now.”[/I] I kept my mouth shut and tried to look pretty. It’d gotten me this far, after all. We shook hands, she opened the door and I began to walk out. [I]“One more thing -- if you try to double-cross me, I’ll know. And no one will ever find your teeth.”[/I]
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After leaving Stardust’s chilly lair of an office, I returned home to dig out the notes I’d been taking in my DVD reviews for the past few months. Hey, like I said I’ve been planning for this day. [B]Wanda Fish[/B] is the champ, and the company is pretty certain she’s going to be signed by SWF in the next month or so. We’re pretty thin at the top in terms of stars, the only other legitimate champ would be Quine. I pencil them in for a title match at Deadlier than the Male, our December show. The contender’s belt is held by [B]Cherry Bomb[/B], a strong-style type who can light up a promo with her acting ability. A natural heel. She’s a bit edgy for this type of promotion, but that could help us crossover and gain new fans. With some grooming, she could bring a lot of heat to the main event slot. The Tag belts are held by midcard faces [B]Katherine Goodlooks[/B] and [B]Jessica Bunny[/B]. Goodlooks is probably the one who could be a star, she’s better than Bunny in the ring and, err…fills out her costumes better as well. Now I know we ain’t no pure fed, but if we’re going to pick up new fans we have to dispel the idea that women can’t wrestle. That means we’ve got to have good ring matches when we aren’t seducing the camera in skits, music videos and interviews. Problem is, almost all of our decent brawlers can only play heels: [B]Suzue Katayama[/B], [B]Black Widow[/B], Bomb and [B]Gorgon[/B]. [B]Helen Bach[/B] could turn to face, but she’s got a lot of momentum right now that I don’t want to mess up. That, and at 42 years old her best wrestling is behind her. Our only face brawlers are the [B]Brendon sisters[/B] (Michelle and Tracy), and $100 punching bag [B]Ellie May Walton[/B]. We got the same problem on the other side, where all of our high flyers are better off as faces. If we lose Fish, Quine will be the only above-average flyer on the whole roster. I also sketch out new gimmicks for over half the roster…a lot of the current gimmicks were ill-fitting and I’d like my…uh, I mean “our” first show to feel like a new beginning of sorts. I’m hoping Quine’s new gimmick as a “cool” clean-cut face will give her some heat. At the moment she’s still doing the girl-next-door thing, which doesn’t fit a thirty-something main eventer at all. Reluctantly, I promote Widow and [B]Helen Wheels[/B] to main eventers. Widow has no ring ability and isn’t very entertaining, but she is over. Wheels is useless in the ring as well, but she’s hot and people will watch her speak. I pick up the phone and start asking around for unemployed prospects who might help us out…if they settle for signing without a downside we’ll have nothing to lose. I’ll have to wait a day or two to negotiate with them, though. [B]Farrah Hesketh [/B] is pretty amazing, but $1400 is a bit much for a referee. We don’t need her on the mike because Stardust is going to handle color commentary and do some authority angles. I need to get a cheap ref quick, our December show is just days away...
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Hurray! I'm not the only one that plays as AAA. Interesting that both of our diaries have us getting the job through a girlfriend on the roster. In my game, it's Joanne Rodriguez. I'll be reading, and probably stealing ideas. Feel free to do the same with mine: "Gregory's Angels" (I wish I could change the title). Speaking of which, I'm due for an update. I'm way back on the second page. Cheers! I'll be reading.
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thanks, one of the reasons I chose AAA is because I didn't see any dynasties on it...I found yours now and it looks like we're both in the same stage so far. it will be interesting to see how things diverge. I am probably not very good at this game, but I do enjoy it a lot. thanks for dropping a line, I'll be looking for your thread as well!
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Deadlier than the Male was just days away, and I had a lot to get in order. I spent the day writing up new gimmicks up on my PC and express mailed printed copies to the talent. (In show biz, you get to call them "talent" ...I love it!) It was already dark out, and I had to meet with Quine and Stardust in the morning to get approval on the show plans...which I hadn't written up at all. I looked at the pizza boxes and chinese food sitting in my apartment...what a crummy lifestyle. Which reminded me -- I had new workers to call! I needed young, cheap, currently unemployed workers who knew the basics and had at least some star potential. I also needed a referee, because Farrah was on her way to valet in TCW. [B]Ginko Kuroda[/B] was my first call, a talented technical worker in Japan who was dirt-cheap. She'd help keep Katayama company in the locker room, and made Kawamata (who had no other use) expendable. The translator was very nice, unlike my next call... [B]Geena the Warrior Princess[/B] had a great gimmick and some real star potential...but I couldn't stand her. I did a spit take when I heard her demands...then I hung up the phone. Have fun being a nobody in UCR, hon! I got back on track with [B]Melody Cuthill[/B], another young wrestler with some nice physical skills. She was a real sweetheart, and so I didn't mind paying out a little more than I'd planned. Still not sure how I'm going to use [B]Nina the Psycho Ballerina[/B], but the girl is versatile in the ring and can do some very entertaining skits...I told her we'd start her in the midcard. Jez McArthur is a great referee, none too cheap however. Ring product is a big part of the new AAA, so he'll do...for now, anyway. At this point I put the phone down, the other names on my shortlist could wait. We had a crowded roster as it was, and I hadn't cut anyone yet. Hell I hadn't planned the show yet either... I looked at my notepad. It had [B]Quine over Fish[/B] circled...and the rest of it was crude drawings of busty women in wrestling boots and bustiers. I frowned and picked up the pen to add something else: [I]Note to self: do not bring these notes to tomorrow morning's meeting...[/I]
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I staggered into one of Seattle's many, many Starbucks. Hopefully Quine and Stardust hadn't been waiting too long...I had been delayed due to sleep beyond my control. Stardust must have seen me first: [I]"You're late. Where have you been?"[/I] [I]"I signed 4 new workers last night, and redesigned all our crappy gimmicks."[/I] I winced. Stardust had probably created all those crappy gimmicks... Quine elegantly saved my skin by changing the topic: [I]"Wanda is probably going to SWF, you know."[/I] [I]"Yes, she is...but not before you stomp all over that blonde hair of hers."[/I] They both smiled. I was off to a good start. After a few strong coffees ([I]"black?!?"[/I] stammered the wimpy guy at the counter) I had a good outline for our show, and had somehow managed to win Stardust's grudging approval. I had to write her into a lot of angles, though...and it probably didn't hurt that I'd made her the color commentator. Deadlier than the Male would kickstart a few storylines, notably a feud between [B]Good Lookin Bunny[/B] and [B]Wild Times[/B]. I was just hoping that Goodlooks and Bunny could improve their ring skills a bit in this feud, to get them to the point where they can wrestle solo. [B]Gorgon[/B] and [B]Tracy Brendon[/B] in the midcard, couple of young brawlers with a lot of potential. Especially Tracy. Someday that girl is going to make those Quine calendars look like old newspaper. I really should have a sit-down meeting with her...when I get an actual office, anyway. One with a door. That locks. And blinds. That close. A couple more brawlers in a feud: Tracy's older sister [B]Michelle Brendon[/B] and, err...just older [B]Widow[/B]. Stardust and Quine agreed with me that Widow was not very good in the ring, not very good on the mike and not very good in the mirror. But she is over, for some reason...so we'll use her to pump Michelle up a bit. Our small-potatos feud is between [B]Sara Marie York[/B] and [B]Miss Mexico[/B]. The girls really stared at me when I mentioned this one...but they did hear me out. Mexico is an established midcarder who can teach Sara a few things, and she'll put on a decent match. They did agree that Sara was going places, and you've got to start somewhere, why not at Deadlier than the Male?
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