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Tournaments (great new feature)


Roster analysis (similar to TEW)


Reputations (better and more detailed to popularity)


Expanded Roster (more = better)


Profiles (gives life to each fighter)


Child Promotions (huge plus, similar to TEW)


Speed (this was a minus of the past one, not any more)


Fighter Reports (love this one, great for quick copy paste for posting in dynasties or forums)




Matchmaker (although i have to say the new system is not bad, just the old one you could see at a glance all the hype + if someone fought someone else in the past)


Scouting (the new system is tough to look at, liked the simplicity of the previous system, although it was often repetitive)


Regional size (cannot edit this, so i am forced to stick with the default regional sizes, think it is hard coded)


Depth (I was expecting much more depth in the form of history and key fights of the past, without this the fighters are just a bunch of stats, maybe something like the Cornellverse can be added where you can see key events + profiles of the great fighters, this way although they will not be added in the data, a record will be kept, title histories is a 100% must though)


Editing Heath (this is a real pain, i cannot edit a fighters health to retire him, often there is allot of dead weight and i want to get rid of some of them, but now i cannot do that)




I am also split on the play by play, i actually do not think it is worse than the previous system, now that i have played through a year, got used to it, works fine by me.


Also about the business module, what people do not get is that this is more of a booking game now, so nurturing your talent and placing the right fights is what it is all about, i support Adam 100% on this one, made the game more simple and to the point.




End review i would say i would most like to see the depth expanded most of all, similar to TEW with all the history in titles and at least all the key matches of the past, title defenses and so on, if we can get that sorted out i think this game will be pretty much complete, i can live without the other features. WMMA2 is a superior game to WMMA1 period

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id like a freeatyle mode where you cant get fired or at the very least some forewarning from the owner.


Thats probably the biggest thing that bugs me about WMMA 2. I have already went through a couple games and both times I got fired, the most recent time it happened when I just starting to get really into the game. Its pretty frustrating to put that much time and effort into planning stuff out and then getting fired. :mad:


At this point I don't have the motivation to start up a new game and play the entire first year or two over again. I'll probably give it another shot in a few days.

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Thats probably the biggest thing that bugs me about WMMA 2. I have already went through a couple games and both times I got fired, the most recent time it happened when I just starting to get really into the game. Its pretty frustrating to put that much time and effort into planning stuff out and then getting fired. :mad:


At this point I don't have the motivation to start up a new game and play the entire first year or two over again. I'll probably give it another shot in a few days.


With that latest tweaks in the temp patches (see the tech support forum) it should be easier to build stars and therefore avoid dropping in popularity when you make the big jumps from level to level. You'll still need to make sure to build stars though, so building up unbeaten streaks for a few people in each division is still the best way to ensure that you've got enough stars to spare. :)

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With that latest tweaks in the temp patches (see the tech support forum) it should be easier to build stars and therefore avoid dropping in popularity when you make the big jumps from level to level. You'll still need to make sure to build stars though, so building up unbeaten streaks for a few people in each division is still the best way to ensure that you've got enough stars to spare. :)


That is good, but it would still be nice to be able to disable human firings.

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Thats probably the biggest thing that bugs me about WMMA 2. I have already went through a couple games and both times I got fired, the most recent time it happened when I just starting to get really into the game. Its pretty frustrating to put that much time and effort into planning stuff out and then getting fired. :mad:


It sounds like you are not playing with the latest patch - you can only get fired for either getting into a massive financial hole or for dropping in size at least twice, so if you'd only been playing a short while and still got fired you were either using an old patch or were genuinely doing a horrible job to have triggered one of the two conditions.

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