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WCW: The Butterfly Effect (1998)

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World Championship Wrestling was a week removed from Slamboree 1998, and after another mediocre 'supercard' several members of the crew were starting to get fed up with the way things were going. Although the association was long gone, WCW was the tattered remnant of everything the veterans had stood for in the their prime; most of the road agents and booking staff had never worked for Vince McMahon and after every Nitro they felt a little bit of the passion that had kept them away from Stamford dying away as the shows got worse and worse with each passing week.


Ric Flair had walked away from his contract with the company, although no resolution had come about as of yet. Bret Hart came to the company little more than six months ago with the potential to bring the hottest angle in wrestling with him; instead he sat home for a while before showing up on Nitro and immediately taking up second fiddle for Hulk Hogan. The egos inside the nWo grew so large that the group had been split in two, and thus their dominance of the main event (and television time) grew even further.


But out of the frustration and growing apathy came a glimmer of hope, from none other than the 'American Dream' himself, Dusty Rhodes; from his idea the veterans began plotting and planning to restore order and tradition to the chaos and egotism of World Championship Wrestling. They pooled every resource, every business contact, and every owed favor they could muster together to set their plan in motion.


Every idea ignites a spark, and every spark has the potential to catch fire. Every word carries meaning, and some words have the potential to sear the soul. Every butterfly has wings, and every flapped wing has the potential to change the world. . .

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Prelude, cont.

"Alright boys, so everythin' is ready ta go with Billy Beherns and tha Dubya-See-Dubya Powa Plant," said the American Dream in that unmistakable drawl. "We gots tha booking plans starting for Monday night's Dubya-See-Dubya Monday Nitro, we all feel like we have a good direction fo' Mista Eric Bischoff. . . and we gots about fiiive days to get this ball rollin' daddy, so lets get to it!"


Most of the crew had been working tirelessly, admittedly letting the televised product slipped further as they worked cohesively on a solid direction for World Championship Wrestling; it was part of the plan, really. All of the 'great' ideas that passed through in the previous weeks had fallen flat with the audience, and that was going to work the to the veterans' advantage.


This 'team' consisted of Dusty Rhodes, Arn Anderson, Bill Beherns, Harley Race, Paul Orndorff, Blackjack Mulligan, Jody Hamilton, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper, and Kevin Sullivan. They planned to go into tomorrow's booking meeting with Eric Bischoff and lay it all out on the table for him; things had to change or this ship was going to sink.


Dusty and Arn headed to the office in Atlanta together that morning, Double A carrying a briefcase full of contract notes and pink slips & Dusty with a leather organizer containing booking notes on every storyline they had put together. The two sat down in area surronded by foliage, speaking to one another without saying much as they finished their cigars in the warm spring air. From a twig on one of the trees, a butterfly emerges from its cocoon and flutters off into the world along with Double A's cigar smoke; the two nod, and head into the office. . .

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"Alright boys, listen up," Eric Bischoff spoke up over the large gathered roster. "Hey, Nash, shut up and listen!" The big man looked over at Bischoff, obviously annoyed but Eric knew he had to prove a point; the veterans had sold him, and there were going to be some big changes around here. "There is no way to sugar coat what this is all about, so I'm just going to be blunt with you all: the gravy train around here has left the station. I'm looking around and, according to our script for tonight, there are about 20 of you who don't even need to be here."


"Script?" Nash asked sarcastically, drawing a low rumble of laughter from some of the boys. There was never a script for Nitro; hell, half of the boys didn't even know they had matches 'til they were told that they were on in five minutes.


"Yes, Kevin, script." Bischoff continued. "I paid for all of you to travel here tonight, and some of you aren't even on televsion tonight! And, to be honest," as he spoke, Arn Anderson stepped forward holding a black leather case, "some of you aren't going to be on TV for WCW again."


That drew a reaction, and the rabble started to turn on Bischoff immediatley. Arn, Dusty Rhodes, and Blackjack Mulligan each grabbed a short stack of pink slips and started handing them out to various wrestlers.


"Anyone that gets a pink slip needs to talk to JJ Dillion before they leave tonight about the terms of their release," Bischoff told them. Steve McMichael started to stand, red in the face and ready to attack whoever the hand holding that pink slip was attatched to, but he sat straight back down when he saw Mulligan's stonecut face staring back at him.


"Wait just a minute, brother!" Hulk Hogan growled as Double A handed a pink slip to Ed Leslie, who had been playing The Disciple on television in recent weeks.


"No, Terry, you wait!" Bischoff fired back. "You don't pay these people, I do! And I'm not going to waste money on talent who don't have a direction in the new WCW."


"New WCW? Just what in the hell do you think is going on around here, Eric? Nash interjected again.


"I guess you could say that we're doing some house cleaning, Kevin. Anyone being released tonight is welcome back in the future, but for now we need to cut our losses before Turner sees how much money we've blown away recently." Bischoff explains to them. "Teddy loves his rasslin', but he loves his money more and he won't keep looking the other way when he starts seeing six zeroes in the amount he's lost on us!"


Bischoff took a drink from his bottle of water as the pink slips were handed out. Some people stayed seated, others like Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart stormed out for JJ Dillion's office immediately; one, Renegade, looked on the verge of tears as his mistreatment from WCW came to a close.


"Some of you will be expected to report to the WCW Power Plant tomorrow morning for your reassignment to National Championship Wrestling, our new feeder league."


"Feeder leauge? Do I look minor league to you?!" Lodi snapped at Bischoff, having been handed a blue slip rather than pink; several others, like Scotty Riggs and Prince Iaukea had the same paper.


"Many of you were signed on promise and potential, but you need more polish before we bring you back on TV." Some of them looked alright with that, though Lodi still seemed offended. "National will be run by Bill Beherns, Blackjack, and Jody Hamilton; Greg Valentive, Brad Armstrong, Bobby Eaton, and Rick Martel will also be reporting to the Power Plant as trainers." Martel seemed upset, given his psuedo-push on Thunder recently but Valentine seemed particularly pleased about the decision.


Once things had settled, the booking team came in and started to discuss tonight's Nitro. . .

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This week on Monday Nitro we will determine a new number one contender for the Cruiserweight title, currently held by Dean Malenko! Lucha sensations Rey Mysterio Jr & Psychosis, and international star Ultimo Dragon will face off in a triple threat match to determine who will take on Malenko at The Great American Bash!


In other championship action, Fit Finlay will defend his Television title against Steve 'Mongo' McMichael. Can the Belfast Bruiser put Mongo down for the count? Tune in to TNT Monday night to find out!


With Sting & The Giant managing to take the Tag Team titles away from Scott Hall & Kevin Nash, it seems as if all ties between nWo Hollywood and nWo Wolfpac have finally been severed. But now that they have the belts, can Sting and The Giant coexist? What is going to happen the Monday when Hollywood Hogan, Hall, and Nash are in the arena together? The nWo has always been a highly combustable element, but now that the faction has been torn in two can we expect ANY order in World Championship Wrestling?


Even after losing at Slamboree, Raven continues to be a thorn in the side of Diamond Dallas Page. DDP issued a challenge to Raven this past Thursday on Thunder, but the master of mind games told Page that he would first have to get past Saturn before getting him in the ring again!


All of this, plus Harlem Heat takes on The Faces of Fear, and Chris Benoit goes one-on-one with Scotty Riggs! Also in action: Wrath, Eddy Guerrero, Ernest "The Cat" Miller, Raven, Juventud Guerrera, Bret Hart, and much more!



Diamond Dallas Page vs Saturn

TV- Fit Finlay vs Steve McMichael

Rey Mysterio Jr vs Psychosis vs Ultimo Dragon

Harlem Heat vs Faces of Fear

Chris Benoit vs Riggs

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The idea behind this diary, The Butterfly Effect, is to try and create a rich world for both the player (that would be me) and the readers (which would be all of you). What that means is that everything you read in the backstage segments and that occurs between workers will be reflected in the game after I write those segments.


For example, the pre-Nitro meeting: after I wrote that segment, I re-read it and added several relationships to the game based on how everyone acted (simmering tension between Bischoff and Nash & Lodi, several hate/dislike relationships for Davey Boy and Neidhart, etc.). Some relationships in this high tension enviroment could also spring from 'dirt sheet' rumours and things like that.


I want to make this as much of a treat for wrestling fans from that era as I can, so it took a little bit to decide direction for this diary. I had contemplated the idea of doing WCW with their overbloated roster, and purposely making questionable decisions and catering to all of the egos but I gave up on that before running my second episode of Thunder. I thought about running ECW, but I am, admittedly, one of the old school ECW fans who has put them too high on a pedestal to think I could do it justice. So I finally decided to do WCW the way I thought it should have been booked, but I am trying to keep in line with reality (within my limits, anyway) when it comes to the backstage enviroment.


If there is anything from this era of wrestling that you remember fondly, please send me a PM or post a comment and I'll see what I can do to deliver some 'mark out' moments for some of you. I have an idea for the 'internet rumours' that I hope some people will remember as fondly as I do.


Anyway, hope you all enjoy. :)



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Dark Matches

  • Juventud Guerrera defeated Prince Iaukea (Rating: D)
  • Chris Benoit defeated Riggs by submission (Rating: C-)
  • Alex Wright & Disco Inferno beat Public Enemy (Rating: D-)


As WCW Monday Nitro comes live on the air, the unmistakable music of nWo Hollywood is already playing throughout the arena. Halfway to the ring are Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Scott Hall, and Scott Steiner.


Tony Schiavone: Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro ladies and gentlemen, as you can see the nWo Hollwood is making their way to the ring to start things off.


Mike Tenay: And you know, Tony, I never like to start things off on a bad note but these guys are just bad news!


Bobby Heenan: People used to call me the Weasel, but personally think Bischoff is the heir apparent to that name these days, Schiavone.


As the group plays to the crowd, Eric Bischoff produces a microphone from his leather jacket and struts to center stage of the ring with a large smile on his face.


Bischoff: Lately around here it seems that the inmates have been running the asylum, and I don't mean that in a good way. When this organization started, and I'm talking about the New World Order. . . when this all started there was paranoia, mass hysteria. . . who was the next to join? Who was the next to get assaulted? Tony Schiavone used to say that 'the inmates were running the asylum' anytime the nWo got a victory that put us a step further to taking over WCW. Eventually, this organization, the nWo, got too big for itself and everyone lost track of what we were doing here.


Before he can continue, a familiar howl echoes in the arena to signal the arrival of nWo Wolfpac as the fans errupt.


Schiavone: The Wolfpac is here!


Kevin Nash, Konnan, Curt Hennig, Rick Rude, Lex Luger, and Randy Savage all come out wearing the red & black.


Heenan: Hollywood looks outnumbered, Tony!


Schiavone: I'll say they do, Brain!


As the Wolfpac enters the ring, the wrestlers part with black & white on one side of the ring and black & red on the other. Nash, Luger, and Savage stand at the front of the much larger Wolfpac faction as the two groups staredown. The crowd errupts as the groups charge at each other, a wild brawl breaking out in the ring!


Tenay: Wait a minute! What's happening here?!


Schiavone: Oh no!


The two groups aren't brawling with one another. . . they're all beating down Lex Luger & Randy Savage! Hogan, Hall, and Nash dismantle Randy Savage as Scott Steiner and the rest put the boots to Lex Luger. Luger is eventually rolled out of the ring, and Hogan sends Savage sailing over the top rope soon after as the fans boo. All of the Wolfpac members start to pull their shirts off, revealing classic nWo black & white beneath!




Hogan takes the microphone.

Hogan: No more playing around, brother! THIS is the NEW. . . WORLD. . . ORDER of professional wrestling. Those guys were WCW from the start, so they had to go. nWo is for life, brother, and. . .


The entire group says it with him, Steiner spitting at a cameraman.




Tenay: What a way to kick off Nitro.


Schiavone: This is a dark day for WCW. . . the nWo has regrouped, and refocused. . .


Heenan: What happens now, Tony?


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This was a short, hard-hitting match but unfortunately not even Finlay could make Mongo look any better on a night like tonight; this was his last match, and instead of trying to make himself look good Steve went out of his way to try and make Finlay look bad. Finlay picks up the win to retain his TV title in just under six minutes.




Backstage, Bret Hart is shown walking out of the parking lot and into the arena, dragging a suitcase on wheels behind him. He is wearing a brand new 'Hitman' logo t-shirt beneath his leather jacket, and the fans boo as he leads us to commercial.



Despite coming out with his 'horse' Pepe, Chavo is pretty much all business in the ring. He makes fairly short work of Villano V in this more-typical-than-usual cruiserweight match, picking up the win with a Gory Special.




The familiar chords ripped off from Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" twang distortedly into the arena, signalling the arrival of Diamond Dallas Page! He makes his way to the ring, playing to the crowd as he walks down the aisle before getting in the ring to speak.


DDP: You know, I thought that after Slamboree that DDP might be able to get a little piece of mind. I thought that just maybe after I beat Raven in his own little Bowery Death Match that I might just be able to move on with my life, but no! Raven has to keep sticking his nose in my business, and sending all of his little cronies to stick their noses in my business! So if it didn't end at Slamboree, it ends TONIGHT!


The crowd cheers as DDP gets fired up, hopping onto the second turnbuckle and staring down the entryway.




Somewhat predictably, it isn't Raven's music but Saturn's that begins to play as Raven's head henchman saunters out to the ring.


DDP: Oh, lemme guess. . . if I want to get in the ring with Raven, I have to beat you. . . don't I, meathead?


Saturn's response is an amused nod, followed by a charging clothesline as the microphone thuds against the mat. A referee soon comes sprinting to the ring, and signals the timekeeper to start the match.




Saturn starts out with the upperhand, putting the boots to DDP before he starts stretching him with several painful submission holds. Page manages to get the advantage a few times throughout the match but it is only for a short while before Saturn goes on the offensive again. After a brutal, suplex-heavy offensive, DDP finally starts to mount a comeback and looks ready to end it. The crowd starts to stir, Raven slipping over the front guardrail and rolling into the ring. Before DDP can make a move, Raven nails him with a stiff boot to the gut and hooks him for an Evenflow DDT! That draws the disqualification.




The rest of the Flock soon follow, which tonight is just Riggs and Kidman, and they join Raven & Saturn in beating down DDP. After another Evenflow, Saturn locks DDP into the Rings of Saturn and wrenches down tightly. The crowd starts to cheer as Chris Benoit comes running out of the back to make the save! He takes out Riggs with ease, then lays into Kidman as Saturn releases his hold and stands up. Kidman goes sailing over the top, Riggs standing up just in time to catch him and both to go tumbling down again. Benoit sets his sights on Raven next, delivering several hard chops that back him into the corner. Before Benoit can continue, Saturn blindsides him and it isn't long before Benoit is left laying from a devestating Death Valley Driver!



When we come back, Bret Hart is headed out to the ring to a pretty mixed reaction; he is usually showered with boos, but he is also usually at Hollywood Hulk Hogan's side.


Bret: You know, when I got here tonight, people started coming up to me in the back asking what I thought about what was going down around here. And I had to ask myself, after the past half-year or so. . . how did I feel?


The crowd is hot with anticipation, and rife with confusion; was he talking about the nWo? Or was there something else on his mind?


Bret: When I came to WCW, I don't think I have to tell you people what I was leaving behind or what happened to me. But you know, when I did get here, I felt this warm reception. . . and then I hear this little voice, telling me it was all a lie. . . telling me which way I should go, who I should trust. . . that little voice, Hulk Hogan. . . well, its getting on my damn nerves!


The crowd starts to cheer.


Bret: How do I feel about whats going on around here? How do I feel about the slimey, sleazy, gutless coward Hulk Hogan convincing the nWo to protect him again? I feel like. . . like I'm going to put an end to it. . .


The crowd is on fire now, standing and cheering; this is the Bret Hart people have wanted to see for a long time.


Bret: Not just you, Hogan, but the entire New World Order. . . Hall, Nash, Steiner. . . your days are numbered, because the 'Hitman' has got you in his sights!





This match was a real treat for everyone watching, with a bit more psychology than normal worked into the classic cruiserweight formula. Each wrestler got a chance to shine, working one-on-one for various segments and doing some entertaining three-man spots including a breathtaking 'tower of doom' hurricanrana that sees Dragon sliding out of the ring and Mysterio (who was on top of the tower) crawling over Psychosis to make the pin!




JJ Dillion is out to announce that tonight's main event will see the nWo (Hogan, Hall, and Nash) take on some of WCW's best: Bret Hart. . . Sting. . . and. . . GOLDBERG! The arena breaks into a huge 'GOLDBERG' chant, mysteriously on cue as the announcement is made.


When we come back, Harlem Heat are out with Gene Okerlund for a short interview before their match.




The Faces of Fear were their usual, stiff-working-selves tonight against Booker T and Stevie Ray. The match went back and forth until Heat was able to isolate Barbarian long enouhg for Booker to hit the Harlem Hangover and pick up the win.






On paper this match should have been good, but something awful happened here. Guerrero was all over the place, and Malenko couldn't get a feel for his timing so the two seemed to be working the same match several seconds apart in different spots. The longer the match went, the more out of it Eddy seemed which must've been a blessing in disguise because it allowed Malenko to pull off a decent-looking finish to retain his title with a Texas Cloverleaf submission.




Backstage, Sting is standing a dark room with his WCW Tag Team title belt. He talks about The Giant and their strained partnership, threatening that he will take on the nWo with our without a tag team partner at his side.




A short squash by the big man, ending with a Meltdown.




The Giant is out to talk to Gene Okerlund about Sting; he says that he won't make a single defense of the belts until Sting proves that he is man enough to beat him one-on-one!







The tensions were high for this match, nWo looks to stay strong after their regrouping at the start of the show and Bret Hart looking to make good on his promise to take out the nWo. Hall and Hart start things off and what follows is a long ego stroking by the nWo members while Sting & Bret try to work a match and Goldberg keeps the crowd hot as he snarls for a tag until the ten minute mark of the match.


He eventually comes in and clears house, taking down the legal man Kevin Nash with a spear before doing the same to Scott Hall. As Goldberg charges for Hogan, Bischoff pulls him out of the way and Goldberg runs shoulder first into the steel ringpost! Sting is soon to follow, taking Hogan and Bischoff both to the outside as Bret Hart and Kevin Nash are left alone in the ring.


Hart goes to look in the Sharpshooter, but Big Sexy kicks him off and starts fighting to his feet. From literally out of nowhere, Nash nails Bret with a big boot and picks him up for a vicious Jackknife Powerbomb and gets the pin!




Before the nWo music can even hit, the rest of the members come running from the back. Scott Steiner has a steel chair in his hand, Konnan a can of spraypaint in each.


All looks dark for WCW until Goldberg starts to power his way up, taking Rick Rude and Konnan out of the equation as they tumble to the outside. Bret Hart is next to his feet, still tussling with Kevin Nash after the pinfall. Sting and Scott Hall are brawling on the outside as Goldberg & Steiner come face-to-face in the ring! The brawl rages on as we start to head off the air!



Schiavone: We'll see you Thursday on Thunder!




nWo Elite reforms

TV- Finlay vs Mongo

Chavo Jr. vs Villano V

DDP challenges Raven; gets Saturn instead

DDP vs Saturn (Saturn is disqualified after interference by Raven & The Flock)

Benoit tries to save DDP from a beatdown

Bret Hart turns face via promo

CW #1- Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Psychosis vs Ultimo Dragon

Harlem Heat vs Faces of Fear

CW- Dean Malenko © vs Eddy Guerrero

Wrath vs Ernest Miller

Giant challenges Sting for Great American Bash

nWo vs Sting, Bret Hart, and Goldberg

Huge brawl ends the show

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Bill Behrens (owner & head booker), Bert Prentice (non-WCW employee; announcer), Gary Michael Capetta (non-WCW employee; announcer), Teddy Long (manager); Rock Austin & Tom Conway (referees); Blackjack Mulligan, Bob Armstrong, and 'The Assasin' Jody Hamilton (road agents)




Bobby Eaton, Brad Armstrong, Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine, Rick Martel, and Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker




Brad Anderson, Caprice Coleman, Christian York, Gregory Helms, Hotstuff Hernandez, Jerry Tuite, Joey Matthews, Kid Dynamo, Lenny, Lodi, Prince Iaukea, Riggs, Sick Boy, Steve Corino




Joey Abs, King Kong Bundy

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posted 11:02 AM

Early this morning, news of the fallout from last night's WCW Monday Nitro is spreading like wildfire. After some speculation about the financial stability of the company, and years of egos running wild backstage, the company seems to be making a focused effort to take control again. This included releasing a fair chunk of wrestlers under contract to save money on travel & booking costs.


Among those released were a large group of veterans, including Marty Jannetty, Barry Darsow, Jim Duggan, Barry Horowitz, and two of Hulk Hogan's close friends in Ed Leslie (better known as Brutus Beefcake among a myriad of other names) and Brian Knobbs. Several of WCW's own 'failed experiemnts' were released, including The Renegage and major flop Glacier, along with many of the luchadors who were considered 'too generic' (which seems to indicate they plan on giving some storylines to the cruiserweight division) such as Silver King, Hector Garza, and El Dandy.


Perhaps most surprising were the releases of Jim Neidhart and Davey Boy Smith, who both signed with the company around six months ago after the already infamous incident in Montreal. Word going around backstage is that Smith will not be welcome back in the company after his departure.



posted 11:49 AM

UPDATE! I am also able to confirm that former Horsemen Steve 'Mongo' McMichael was given his release, as was Ray Traylor. There were said to be several more releases, and I'll be working all day today and tomorrow to try and bring you a complete list!



posted 12:21 PM

UPDATE! I've gotten word that every nWo member, excluding the injured Buff Bagwell, that did not appear on Nitro last night has been released. In addition to the already confirmed Ed Leslie (who was playing The Disciple as part of nWo Hollywood) that adds Mike Jones (aka Vincent), Mike Rotunda (aka Michael Wallstreet), Ted DiBiase, and Scott Norton to the list.

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After what happened between them this past Monday on Nitro, JJ Dillion wasted no time in booking this big tag team main event for Thunder! You'll see Raven & Saturn taking on the team of Diamond Dallas Page and the 'Canadian Crippler' Chris Benoit! Also see #1 contender to the Cruiserweight title Rey Mysterio Jr. in action against Eddy Guerrero!


Also in action this week: Chris Jericho, WCW TV champion Fit Finlay, Wrath, Scott Steiner, and Sting!!

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  • Kurrgan defeated Val Venis
  • King Mabel defeated Ricky Morton
  • There was a great segment that seems to build a triple threat match with The Undertaker, Kane, and Mankind
  • Mark Henry beat The Quebecers in a handicap match
  • TAKA Michinoku retained his WWF Light Heayweight title over Flash Funk
  • The Rock beat X-Pac in a non-title match
  • 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin beat Owen Hart to retain his World title in the main event





  • Robert Gibson beat Phil Lafon
  • Sable & Jaqueline got involved in a catfight, but Stephanie McMahon showed up and got the better of them both
  • The Patriot squashed Jeff Hardy
  • Edge confronted King Mabel backstage, and talked about becoming this year's King of the Ring
  • Bodacious Bart beat Funaki
  • Los Boriquas defeated The Quebecers in the main event





  • Wrath beat Kanyon with the Meltdown
  • Harlem Heat beat Public Enemy
  • Raven delivered a taped promo against DDP
  • Super Calo defeated La Parka
  • The Giant issued a promo, refusing to defend the tag team title until Sting beat him one-on-one
  • In an nWo 'paid' advertisement, the group advise Bret Hart that it is better to join the herd then to get caught under the stampede
  • Scott Steiner squashed Disco Inferno
  • Lord Steven Regal issued a promo reminiscent of his early 90's WCW TV title reign
  • Alex Wright gets beaten almost as bad as his partner did previously, submitting to Lord Steven Regal's Regal Stretch
  • Eddy Guerrero beat Kidman
  • Faces of Fear squash Jim Powers & Kendall Windham
  • Chris Jericho complained about not getting a Cruiserweight title shot
  • Chris Jericho made Chavo Guerrero Jr. tap to the Lion Tamer after Eddy interefered
  • Sting reluctantly accepts The Giant's challenge
  • Rey Mysterio Jr & Dean Malenko teamed up to defeat Psicosis & Juventud Guerrera; afterwards they shook hands, but Rey motioned that he wants the belt
  • Konnan beat Rick Steiner
  • Konnan was announced as the #1 contender to the US title after the match
  • Sting beat Fit Finlay
  • The Giant attacked Sting after the match, chokeslamming him over the top rope through a ringside table
  • Diamond Dallas Page & Chris Benoit lost to Raven & Saturn in the main event



(Note: I don't plan on skipping Thunder as an actual show all of the time, but I want to find my legs with writing Nitro for a few 'weeks' first while I develop the stories on screen and backstage.)

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"Alright everyone," Eric Bischoff spoke, taking a drink from his glass of water; he sat at the head of a long table that included seats for Dusty Rhodes, Arn Anderson, Kevin Sullivan, Harley Race, Paul Orndorff, Sonny Onoo, Blackjack Mulligan, Larry Zbyszko, JJ Dillion, and an unfamiliar face at Bischoff's opposite end. "Thanks to your dedication and retooling of our brand, the buzz around the industry about Nitro has been good. However, before we can continue our booking plans, I felt it neccesary to come together with. . . " Eric paused, and took a breath; he didn't seem happy about this, "our new rep from Turner."


The whole group seemed a little upset about the man's presence, and he seemed to be aware of it. He didn't say anything, just nodded at Bischoff, who took a piece of paper out of a manilla folder in front of him and began again.


"Our two sides have come to terms on a few bullet points we need to keep in mind when it comes to our hiring and booking stratgies; World Championship Wrestling has to stay on top, and we HAVE to capitalize on our new momentum before the old bull**** catches up with us.


"Now, we all agree that two of our biggest stars are Hogan and DDP." The group grumbled a little bit; Hogan and DDP were two of Bischoff's close friends. "They need to stay strong to remain marketable likenesses for us; that means if Hogan loses to Bret Hart, it better damn well mean something because Bret is still from the 'other guys' as far as our fans are concerned. And that means, despite continuing their fued, I don't want to see DDP getting pinned by that jackass Raven.


"And, speaking of people with questionable future employment, we absolutely can not afford to have our wrestlers looking bad publically; I don't want anyone around here gettings themselves arrested or doing some tabloid-worthy garbage out in public. WCW, and Time Warner, can't have any bad publicity right now."


The group all knew he was hinting at something, and the few that glanced to the other end of the table knew that this other guy knew what Bischoff was hinting at; none of them bothered to ask right now, though; not with this Time Warner guy around. Bischoff took another deep breath, groaning as he shook his a little.


"And, finally, we need to make it our goal to create our own superstars here in WCW; as I mentioned Bret Hart being from the 'other guy' so will be just about anyone else we could bring in at this point. Time Warner feels we should focus on creating new, charasimatic characters for people to follow rather than creating controversy around our product."


Bischoff said it just like he was reading a line, and the Time Warner rep stood up with a satisfied smile before nodding to everyone and leaving.


"Who was that jackoff?" Larry Zbyszko asked in classic Larry delivery.


"And what makes him think he knows anything about our industry?" Kevin Sullivan snarled, already red in the face for several minutes.


"Well, you know what I say. . . controversy creates cash. If we're 'outlaws' with our own parent company, and it gets out. . . people are going to keep paying attention," Bischoff explain with a smug grin comparable to the Time Warner suit. "Anway, about next week's Nitro. . ."

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Bischoff took a drink from his bottle of water as the pink slips were handed out. Some people stayed seated, others like Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart stormed out for JJ Dillion's office immediately;


It is implied there that Davey Boy and Neidhart were upset, and wound up leaving on very bad terms. Davey had been signed by WCW around six months prior and promised a main event push with Bret; he languished on Thunder and upper/midcards and was released which, when you factor in his constant personal demons, makes it assumable that he would be pissed.


(That, and he developed a disliking for me after I canned him; the idea with my diary, the butterfly effect, is to use a lot of the forming relationships to tell the backstage story.)

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  • 7 months later...








With the nWo regrouped, what does Monday hold in store for Nitro? When the group first emerged, every Monday was pure chaos and paranoia; who is next? That question could mean many things; the next to join the nWo, the next to be attacked by the nWo? Going into this Monday, the only question is this: who will fire the first shot?


Raven continues to be a thorn in the side of Diamond Dallas Page, and this Monday he has set Kidman in front of DDP. Can DDP overcome the numbers game again and dispatch Kidman, or will The Flock fly high?


#1 Contender to the United States title Konnan will be in action, taking on Chavo Guerrero. US Champion Goldberg will also be in attendance, and with the two on a collision course for The Great American Bash, we could see some fireworks.


New WCW figurehead Bret 'Hitman' Hart will be in action against "Lionheart" Chris Jericho. The Hitman has also promised to deliver an ultimatum to the entire New World Order.


Booked for the main event by JJ Dillion, it will be an nWo vs WCW war as "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash takes on "The Total Package" Lex Luger! After Luger and Randy Savage were caught in the middle of the nWo's reformation last week, you can be sure Luger is out for revenge!


In addition to all of the in-ring action, this week will also see the announcement of several more matches for the upcoming Great American Bash! Tune in this Monday, live on TNT to catch Monday Nitro!!!



TV- Fit Finlay vs Kendall Windham

Rey Mysterio Jr vs Eddy Guerrero

Diamond Dallas Page vs Kidman

Konnan vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Booker T vs 'Crippler' Chris Benoit

Bret 'Hitman' Hart vs 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho

'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash vs 'The Total Package' Lex Luger

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