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They just wont sign/resign ...

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Well, I guess some of you must have had the same problem, but on some negociations (and I'd like to say MOST of them), no matter what I can put on the table, the fighter just won't sign.


I can dig it for smaller companies, but as I run GAMMA at the moment, I just dont understand why an unemployed young fighter would refuse even 500,000$ a fight, just because of the base pay.


Same thing happen when renegociating contracts (which there becomes a major issue if my own roster wont resign with (and I treat everyone well).


Any suggestions/tips on how to deal with it please ?

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From the technical support FAQ


No matter what offer I make to a fighter he won't accept \ money doesn't seem to be working correctly...


This is because you are using a non-English language setting with Windows. Please download the full version of the game and read the help file; there is a section on how to get around this.


Also, since I assume you didn't look there already, make sure you are playing the game with the latest patch, which can be downloaded from the tech support forum too. It'll make sure you have as few errors as possible in the game, especially ones that are likely to have already been fixed if you do turn out to be using an outdated version of the game. :)

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did you try doing this yet?


Foreign Language Copies Of Windows


When using Windows under certain non-English language settings, WMMA2 can have trouble processing financial values. This is because some languages are set to interpret a comma as a decimal point, turning “$1,000” from “one thousand dollars” into “one point zero, zero, zero dollars”. If this effects you, please go to the WMMA2 \ System folder. You will see a file called “nolanguage.mm2”; please rename this to “language.mm2”. This will inform WMMA2 of the problem, and allow it to remove commas from within financial values, fixing the issue.

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did you try doing this yet?


Foreign Language Copies Of Windows


When using Windows under certain non-English language settings, WMMA2 can have trouble processing financial values. This is because some languages are set to interpret a comma as a decimal point, turning “$1,000” from “one thousand dollars” into “one point zero, zero, zero dollars”. If this effects you, please go to the WMMA2 \ System folder. You will see a file called “nolanguage.mm2”; please rename this to “language.mm2”. This will inform WMMA2 of the problem, and allow it to remove commas from within financial values, fixing the issue.


Thanks a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot


No 'nolanguage.mm2' file in the system folder, but I'll edit the Language settings to turn the comma off for a point instead, I guess this will do it :)

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Thanks a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot


No 'nolanguage.mm2' file in the system folder, but I'll edit the Language settings to turn the comma off for a point instead, I guess this will do it :)


here just put this in your system folder and follow the instructions in my last post. it should fix it if that is indeed the problem.

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