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From the Motor City

Guest codey

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Guest codey

I guess I should give a little background first. My name's Jack Avalon. That's not my real name, of course, just what I go by. And together with my good friend Jake Sawyer, we run Motor City Wrestling. We're a pretty small company, somewhere between SWF and XDW.


Now, me and Jake have been doing this thing for 8 years now, and I'd like to say that we've been doing pretty dang good for ourselves. Even had totalextremewrestling.com name us as their most improved promotion last year. One might look into the stats and say that all we did was pass up PSW and RIPW, but I don't like to nitpick. Going from bad to not so bad is still an improvement, ya know? But lately, things have been going downstream on us. Jake thought it would be a good idea to switch things up and tour, and it's worked to a point. We're more popular and making more money, but the big boys started laying waste to our talent once they started getting more exposure. Swoop, Jean, Kirk, all snatched up. JD retired, and Scythe got offers from some slightly bigger little leaguers and bolted. Erik was supposed to be one of our saving graces, but he jacked his arm all sorts of up two weeks ago, and now he's out for a year.


So here we are, mid tour, and putting on some of our worse shows in years. I guess some of it's my fault. Being a tag team wrestler myself, I've been trying to build up a tag division on the tour shows, but other than Rich and Famous and the Canadian Blondes, all of our teams are inexperienced as all hell. The only other team that is sort of experienced is the Texas Wranglers. And what do all those teams have in common? They're all heels, and can't go up against each other.


Even with all the talent in the main event, we're putting on matches that are just below us. The only guys that are really building momentum aren't available for the tour shows, or I don't want them at the top just yet. Maybe at the next convention Farrah Hesketh can tell me how she does it. Yeah, and maybe she'll even invite me up to her room. I can always have hope, right?


OOC: I tried running this diary about two weeks ago, but I didn't like the way I was writing, and so I'm going to change it up a bit with this one. I've been reading other diaries to see how they write, so hopefully I feel like I'm being a bit more effective this time around. I played forward about a year, so it's the same game, just a little bit further ahead.

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Guest codey

Here's the roster sheet. You all probably know the deal, blue denotes faces, red heels. They do the same thing with the roster reviews on all those dirt sheet sites you all read.



Main Event

Babyface McQueen

Greg Rayne

Jack Avalon

Marc Speed

Nick Booth

Ryan Powell

Tully Angeles


Upper Midcard

Amazing Firefly

California Love Machine

Dazzling Dave Diamond

Dean Waldorf

Jason O'Conner

Marc Mercier




Ash Campbell

Black Bolt

Brady Prince

Flash Savage


Jackpot Jordan

Jake Idol

Lee Rivera

Nelson Callum

Oscar Golden

Rafael Ruiz



Lower Midcard

Bradley Blaze

Canadian Dragon

Regular Joe

Riley McManus

Robbie McNamara

Warren Technique


Crazy Blue

Demon Seed

Felix Harding

Joey Beauchamp



Teams and experience

Joe Campbell: Ash Campbell and Regular Joe: E+

McManus and Demon: Riley and Demon Seed: E-

Rich and Famous: Jackpot and Jake: A*

The Canadian Blondes: Flash and Oscar: A*

The Express: Babyface McQueen and yours truly: E+

The Fighting Irish: Robbie and Jason: E+

The Haunting: Marc Mercier and Misery: F+

The Texas Wranglers: Dazzling Dave and Bradley Blaze: C

Underworld Connection: Antonio and Brady Prince: E+


The Champions: Kinda weak at the moment...

Motor City Global: Greg Rayne

Crippler Invitational: Marc Speed, last winner

Motor City All Star: Babyface McQueen

Motor City Tag: The Express

Motor City Eurocontinental: Riley McManus


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Guest codey

MCW Headstrong Tour in front of a capacity crowd of 543 people in the Michigan Junkyard

Tuesday, Third Week of March, 2016


Nelson Callum vs Wolfsbaine vs Crazy Blue

We open the night with some young faces squaring off. Nelson's been on a bit of slump lately after losing his Eurocontinental title to Riley McManus, and the fresh-faced Crazy Blue is a very recent import from the land down under. Wolfsbaine, the young nephew of Raymond Diaz, however, has been notching up quite a few wins lately. The match had some good back and forth action from all three fighters, but in the end, Wolfsbaine kept his recent run of luck in tact after finishing off Callum with a Boston Crab in a decent enough opener. D-


Adrian Garcia with the Open Challenge

Adrian Garcia is out next, accompanying the monstrous Hellion to the ring.


"Now, to any of you boys in the back there, anyone at all that thinks they even got a shot against this here brick wall, I encourage you, no, I implore you, to please, please come out and give it your best shot. And if you do, then please, try to make the match a quick one, 'cause the smaller the numbe rin minutes, the bigger the number in dollars that I get!"


Hellion just stood off to the side, looking all sorts of menacing and what-not. D+


Riley McManus vs Hellion

It was the 10-year veteran Riley McManus that came out to answer the call. Honestly, this match was going to bad no matter what, so it was kept short to hide Riley leading Hellion around as much as we could. And Riley's not even that good. Anyone, this one ended up quickly with a shock rollup from McManus that left both Adrian Garcia and Hellion stunned, while McManus bounced about the ring. E


The Express vs Underworld Connection for the Motor City Tag Titles

This was a pretty good match considering our opponents didn't have any momentum. I played the face in peril while Antonio and Brady beat on me until Babyface got the hot tag, and we finished off Brady with an Express Train. It was your standard tag match, but it went over well enough I think. D


Black Bolt vs Tully Angelus

Completely forgot about ring rust here. Bolt's coming off of a major concussion, and he just can't do what he used to yet. Angelus, while not great at all, was clearly the better performer in this match, and that's sad for me to say. Angelus wins via Prophecy. E+


Marc Speed and Nick Booth vs California Love Machine and Greg Rayne

CLM and Rayne were both looking for revenge in this match, as Adrian Garcia's goons had jumped them both following their matches last week. Booth, from the heart of Detroit, tried to turn this one into a brawl, taking the champ Rayne down to the floor. While the two of them tore each other to shreds on the outside, Speed was slowly (irony? I'm not too sure. Trying to spice up the whole internet report thing. Maybe TCW'll pick me up as a writer if the read stuff like that!) taking apart CLM on the inside. Stomps, knees, and submissions had taken away CLM's legs, and it was all over once Speed locked in the figure four leg lock. D


Final Thoughts

The show got a D. Completely average. Not much better than what RIPW's putting out now, which pisses me off to no end now that Nero's not even running it anymore. Oh, and apparently Crazy Blue's 7 minutes on-air was overusing him.


MCW Night of the Damned

Riley McManus vs Nelson Callum for the Eurocontinental title

Wolfsbaine vs Oscar Golden

Joe Campbell vs The Haunting

Black Bolt vs Hellion

Lee Rivera vs Dean Waldorf

Rafael Ruiz vs Ryan Powell

Amazing Firefly vs Tully Angelus

The Express vs Rich and Famous for the Motor City Tag titles

California Love Machine vs. Nick Booth

Greg Rayne vs Marc Speed for the Motor City Global title

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I had some business to take care of before the show. Ash Campbell's contract was coming up, and I needed to talk with him about it. Jake liked the kid, and said to give him whatever he wanted, we could afford it. I wasn't so sure. The guy was talented, for sure, but I didn't really have any plans him other than trying to build his team with Joe.


He was already in the locker room when I got there, and he didn't look good. Pretty sad, actually.


"Contract's coming up, kid," I said. "You know I always like to talk about your direction before I let you sign."


"I know," he sort of muttered. "Listen, do you got me doing anything big on the next tour? Going singles, or even getting a bigger tag push?"


"Honestly, kid, I don't know. You've got all the tools to succeed, but you're not over enough right now to tell that far ahead. Look, you've got your USPW contract, right? We'll see how well known you get from that and go from there, alright?"


"Ok, yeah, that sounds good. It's just, my dad is all. I mean, I'm twenty eight. By the time he was my age he had already made it pretty big, working in the SWF and all."


"Look, you're dad was special. He was doing stuff that no one else was doing at the time. That's why he got big. If he did the exact same things now, he wouldn't stand out at all. But you, you stand out. You're gonna make it, kid."




When I left the locker room, Jake was waiting.


"Well, how did it go?"


"Uhh, I just lied to him about his insecurities a little bit. He wanted $100 more and some gas money."


"Well, uhh, good job, I guess."


"Yeah, you know us wrestlers. There's always something whacked out about us. Me, I don't like beetles. Hellion watches Sex in the City. Ash...well, he's just trying to make his dad proud, and feels like he ain't. I've seen worse. Beetles for instance..."

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MCW Night of the Damned live from the New Mexico Armoury, in front of 615 fans

Thursday, Week 3, March 2016




Riley McManus vs Nelson Callum for the Eurocontinental title

This match was a standard opener, showcasing McManus' technical skills and the ever-improving high flying of Nelson Callum. Callum thought he had the match one after a low blow, but McManus was able to stop him from going to the top, and finished him off with a belly to belly suplex. McManus wins, E+




Jake Sawyer, hype man

Jake came out next, to debut one of our new hype videos the production team (me) have been putting together. This one focused on the lead up to the main event of the night, Marc Speed vs Greg Rayne. Speed bloodying Rayne with his own title was a highlight of the video. D-




Oscar Golden vs Wolfsbaine

Wolfsbaine seemed to be channeling his uncle, Raymond Diaz, in this match, as he tore into Golden from the start with a flurry of elbows to the temple. He controlled most of the match, using throws, strikes, and submissions all until Golden mounted a comeback. When he went for the Golden Shower, however, Baine slipped out, tripped Golden, and locked in a tight Boston Crab for the win to the fans delight. Wolfsbaine wins, D




The Haunting vs Joe Campbell

I told Black Hat that when he laid out this match to try and keep Ash looking strong, and I think it turned out well. Misery and Marc Mercier hounded on Regular Joe for a bit, but once he got the hot tag to Campbell things picked up, and Ash tore into The Haunting. Once he got Marc Mercier alone in the ring, he finished off the former Masked Patriot with a Nemesis Arrow. Joe Campbell win, E+




Adrian Garcia comes out with Hellion

"Look, everyone of you people know that what happened in that McManus match was a fluke. I only manage the stars, and I guarantee you that Hellion is just that! No one in the back can beat him when he's at his best, and tonight he's gonna prove it by destroying one of your 'fan favorites.'"


Hellion just stood to the side growling. It was very menacing. D




Black Bolt vs Hellion

This match was a disaster. Hellion's improving, but in no way, shape or form can he carry his own weight through a match yet, even when he's booked to just destroy someone with power moves. Black Bolt, the man formerly known as Roddy Remus, while skilled, is still rusty as hell, having wrestled just a few matches since being forced to take a year off. Anyway, Hellion finishes this one off mercifully with a Devolution Bomb. E




Lee Rivera vs Dean Waldorf

Lee's a former champion here in MCW, and one of Jake's best friends.But it seems like every match he has, he goes out to prove that that's not why he was the champ, and puts on an incredible performance, no matter who he fights. Tonight was no different, as he and Dean Waldorf put together an awesome match, with the technician Waldorf trying to take the legs out from under the high flying Rivera. Rivera, however, fought through the pain, and finished Waldorf off with a beautiful moonsault. Rivera wins, D+




Rafael Ruiz vs Ryan Powell

Powell's another former champ here, and he put on a great show with the Mexican star Ruiz. Powell finishes off Ruiz with a Star Treatment. Powell wins, D+




The Amazing Firefly vs Tully Angelus

The next match pitted our other Mexican star against the walking messiah complex. Firefly looked great out there, flying around the ring with reckless abandon, but he was unable to escape the grasp of Angelus, who finished him off with a Prophecy. Angelus wins, D+




The Express vs Rich and Famous for the Motor City Tag titles

Me and Babyface took on our long time rivals and several-time title holders, Rich and Famous. Thanks to them, this match turned out great. While babyface and myself aren't that experienced working together, they're one of best teams on the planet right, with about as much experience as you can get, and they really brought the match up a notch. I'm trying to build up Babyface, though, and had him pick up the win over Jackpot with a Q-Ball. The Express wins, D+




CLM Express Himself

California Love Machine was out next for his match, but took the ring mic before Nick Booth could make his entrance.


"Nicky B, baby, I'm not much of a brawler. I guess you could call me more of a finesse character around here. But after what you and Speed have been doing to me and my good friend Greg Rayne for the past few weeks, I'm willing to tape up fists and go. Now get on out here, so I can show you a little bit of California Love!" E Segment




CLM Vs Nick Booth

These two tore into each other from the start, and CLM showed that he's much more beyond his usual high flying antics, going fist for fist with the man from the streets of Detroit. Both men were busted wide open early on in the match, and they kept going harder and harder for the next 12 minutes, until Nick Booth drilled CLM with a Lake Michigan Plunge. Booth wins, D+




Greg Rayne vs Marc Speed for the Motor City Global title

This match was one of our better ones in recent memory. Marc Speed was his usual slow, calculating self, and Rayne was acting as the face in peril. Speed would control the match until Rayne would get a short burst of offense to show that he was still in the match, but Speed would continually regain control of the match. Finally, when one of Rayne's bursts showed the potential to finish the match off, a freshly stitched up Nick Booth ran in and attacked Rayne, ending the match in a DQ. Speed and Booth would continue the beatdown until a chair wielding CLM ran in for the save. Draw by DQ, C






Final Thoughts

The show ended with a D+ rating. Not bad, we're getting back to the shows we used to put on. At least the last match indicates so.


Both the McManus/Callum and Wolfsbaine/Golden matches produced chemistry. In the former's case, it was bad, while the latter's was good.


I need to stick to using Black Bolt in dark matches for now, he's too rusty. Hellion continues to prove while he's still stuck as a midcard monster, despite being incredibly menacing. At least he's only 21, he's still got time on his side. And since pairing him with Adrian Garcia his entertainment value has skyrocketed. So who knows, I might have the new Big Smack Scott on my hands.


Rafael Ruiz and Amazing Firefly are two of my best workers, but I can't really do anything but throwaway matches with them since their MPWF commitments keep them from working on my tour shows. I might change the tour days for the next one to get better use out of the two.


This is our largest crowd in the mid south to date. It doesn't touch the mid west attendances yet, but it's still good. We might try running in a new region soon.

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"Alright, Jackie Boy, the Invitational's coming up next month. What do you have planned?" Jake was asking me, for the third time this week.


"Yeah, Jake, I got some plans." I said. "I'm gonna keep the storylines we have now going, and start some littler ones to add spice to the tournament. We'll have qualifier matches on every show leading up, and make that the main focus of the last leg of this tour. This shows gonna end our tour with a bang, boss man."


Two qualifiers per show on every tour show should be a good balance. Get some more people some spots on the shows, and I'll be able to test the water with some of the newer guys I haven't used much yet.




MCW Headstrong Tour

Jason O'Connor vs Jake Idol in a CI qualifier match

The Express vs Joe Campbell vs Underworld Connection for the Motor City Tag Titles

Warren Technique vs Dean Waldorf in a CI qualifier match

Greg Rayne vs Nick Booth

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MCW Headstrong Tour live from The Junkyard in front of 363 fans

Tuesday, Week 4, March 2016




Jason O'Connor vs Jake Idol in a CI qualifier match

Jason O'Connor and Jake Idol are both part of the tag team division, but one of them is going to get a chance to shine in singles competition. O'Connor tried to use his technical knowledge to tie up Idol, but Idol suprised everyone when he used his own ever-improving technical skills to counter. Still, he just couldn't resist, and finished off the match with a low blow and a roll up despite doing quite well in a straight wrestling competition. Idol wins, D-





Adrian Garcia still thinks Hellion's the best

Adrian Garcia is out again with the monstrosity known as Hellion, who's looking as mean and menacing as ever.


"Last week when the American Hellspawn massacred everyone's favorite masked loser, the Black Bolt, he proved why he's the most destructive force in professional wrestling today!" Garcia exclaimed while patting the giant on the back. "There's not one man in this company that stand toe to toe with Hellion, and certainly not anyone that can come close to sizing up with him. So step up if you want to, but be ready to be put back down, because the Hell Train's gonna be runnin' wild!"


Hellion slapped his chest a few times, and growled. Scarily, I might add. D





The Express vs Joe/Campbell vs Underworld Connection for the Motor City Tag titles

Babyface started the match off with Regular Joe, with the heel team of Antonio and Brady Prince trying to avoid getting tagged in as much as possible. Babyface, however, was able to get to Antonio and tag him in, allowing the two of us to sit on the side and enjoy the show. Ash Campbell and Regular Joe put Underworld Connection through the ringer before I finally got involved, getting tagged in be Brady Prince. Our strategy ended up working, as Joe/Campbell had tired themselves out, and fell as easy victims to the Express Train. The Express win. D





Playboy Jake, getting the crowd hyped

Jake's up next, and he stand up from his spot at the announce table.


"Last week, we saw one of the best matches in our companies eight year history end in a draw, because one man decided to get into the ring when he shouldn't have. Well, tonight, we're going to see him in the main event, and he's not going to be interfering this time. No, he's going to be competing, against none other than Global champion, Greg Rayne!" D-






Warren Technique vs Dean Waldorf in a CI qualifier match

This was another technically minded match, as the relatively unknown Warren Technique took on "Big Time" Dean Waldorf. I think that the fact that Technique is so low on the card compared to Waldorf hurt this match, as the fans just didn't buy into Technique's offense, despite the two putting on a very watchable match. In the end, Waldorf pulls out the win with a Texas Cloverleaf. Waldorf win. E+





Greg Rayne vs Nick Booth

Rayne tore into Booth from the start. Booth seems to have a habit of turning ordinary wrestlers into mean brawlers, as he's shown with two of our top stars so far. The two men battled all around the ring, with Booth attempting to cheat as much as possible. Rayne, however, was able to thwart him every time, and eventually busted Booth open again by attacking the stitches in his forehead. Rayne eventually finished him off with a Rayne Drop, eliminating one of his foes. Rayne wins. D+





Final Thoughts

The final show got a D rating.


The attendance for this show was about 200 people less than expected. Weird.


Technique/Waldorf shouldn't ahve gone on second to last. Technique's too low on the card to have a match there.


The Express and Joe/Campbell have both cracked "D-" in experience. Joe Campbell wrestle together nearly every show, whether they make it on the main one, or they're just a dark match, so they're improving quickly. Me and Babyface are going quite a bit slower, since we also do the singles thing a little bit. Hey, we're good wrestlers, what can I say?

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Hellion slapped his chest a few times, and growled. Scarily, I might add.


Having not heard of Hellion before this, having checked his pic I can see where your coming from now. Certainly wouldn't wanna meet him down a dark alley.


Enjoying this, especially loving the fact that its revolving around a lot of lesser known stars. Being set so far in the future certainly gives it a bit of a unique edge (might be a interesting to have a brief recap of the game world).


Oh, and don't give up on Technique yet ;)

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Guest codey

Here at MCW, we kind of pride ourselves on using the stars of tomorrow. Guys who you won't see headlining just yet, but certainly will eventually.


Ok, so we don't pride ourselves on that. We just do it because everytime we get someone that's popular he's gone in a few weeks. Hell, Swoop basically used us as a brush to clean up his ring rust. He was gone a week after to greener patures in the SWF.


Anyway, some of you might not have heard of some of our roster.


First we have Babyface McQueen. You might know him better as Quentin Queen, the Q Man. We brought him in when he debuted with a 50's style gangster gimmick. That's where the name change came in. Turned out that he was such a natural face that we kept the name when turned him and teamed him up with me.


Black Bolt is more commonly known as Roddy Remus. I felt he was kind of bland, so we put a mask on him and made him a heel. He put on some stellar matches with Lee Rivera when Lee was champ, so when he went down with a concussion, I decided to keep him, and turned him face when he came back.


Crazy Blue and Felix Harding you've probably heard of, but it seems a little strange seeing them wrestle outside of Australia. Well, they're two of the only Aussie's smart enough to broaden they're horizons to get work after APW shut shut down.


Greg Rayne everyone knows, but is probably surprised to see him here, of all places. Especially when Aaron Andrews of TCW, starting in a very similar position with similar skills, is now main eventing TCW. I always thought he would go to the top, especially with younger faces like Hell's Bouncer, Remmy Sky, Nevada Nuclear, and Ernest Youngman topping off many of SWF's cards lately. Sadly, he didn't make it, and wound up with us, giving us a legitimate player to work with.


Hellion. I guess Hellion's a project of mine. Ever since Scythe lift over wanting a low level title(he's in the damn main event! I'm not having someone I'm building up lose so he can have a worthless run), we've been without a monster. Then Hellion debuted. Just as menacing, but not nearly as talented. That's why I've paired with Garcia. His entertainment skills have skyrocketed since then, and his psychology has gone from an E- to an E. He's still very young as well, so he's got years to improve. For now, he'll squash much more talented midcard acts in the hope that they can teach him how to perform in-ring.


Jason O'Connor and Robbie McNamara have worked elsewhere under these names, but they're much more well known as CH Threepwood and Crockett Tubbs. I brought them in when I noticed that my tag division was lacking in faces.


Marc Mercier. He works elsewhere as Masked Patriot, but he got his start with us, working as a face version of a psychotic Joker. Think Whippy the Clown, but a little more violent. I had him turn heel when I brought in Misery out of Australia, and put the two together, with Mercier losing the jokester act for the most part and becoming more sadistic. He still jokes, but it's a bit more morbid now.


Nick Booth. Nicky B. He grew up coming to our shows in the Detroit area, and now, at 21 years young, he's one of the top brawlers on the scene, and he's ours. This kids going to be a star someday, but for now, he's just getting his name out there.


Wolfsbaine, known as Logan Wolfsbaine in other, smaller feds **coughRIPWcough**. This kids got the same fire and drive as his uncle. He doesn't work as stiff, but the brutality in his work still shines through, and you can tell that he's going places. I'm keeping him in the midcard for now, despite my spreadsheets telling me he should be a bit higher. Don't want to give him a big head before he can even drink, right?




In more worldwide news, the global war on drugs that began in 2008 is still waging, and the good guys have been winning the entire way. Only three wrestlers have passed before their time since the war began, them being Warlord Pain, Yuichi Fukao, and Sessue Kawate. It's sad to see them go, but the yougner guys now look at them and they know what not to do.


The Gilmore family of Jessie and Tom may be the most famous family in wrestling now, each of them living double lives as movie stars these days. They've passed up the Stones and DeColts, who for the most part have their respective promotions behind and now work for other people.


The SWF is still the tops promotion in the world, and GCG has regained all of it's former glory and is now number two. TCW was formerly number 3, but a fall to cult when the industry went sour rocked them, and any prestige they ever had is now gone.


The Hall of Immortals is exclusive as ever, with only 5 men being named to it in the past 8 years. Dread, Sam Keith, Haruki Kudo, Jeremy Stone, and Yosuke Narita have all etched their names in history. Though with Christian Faith retiring only a month ago, it shouldn't be long before he takes his rightful place in history.


Speaking of retirements, someone who many view as the top womens wrestler in the world today retired at the age of 29 recently. Alicia Strong, still contracted by her father's USPW, appears to be pursuing the business side of wrestling.


Ol' Rip finally retired in 2014 and passed along MAW to his son Jay, who left TCW to run the promotion. He still wrestles elsewhere, however, having already toured with EXODUS, WLW, and working under a PPA contract for CGC





MCW Headstrong Tour

Tuesday, Week 1, April 2016


Canadian Dragon vs Tully Angelus in a CI qualifier match

The Fighting Irish vs The Haunting

Riley McManus vs Ryan Powell in a CI qualifier match

California Love Machine vs Marc Speed

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"And you're sure about this?"


"I've thought about it a lot over the past few days, and I want it. I'm getting older, and I really think this could be my shot."


"Well, I know we're the little leagues, and this is kind of our purpose until we get bigger, but I'm really gonna miss having you here. You've been one of our top performers since we brought you in way back when."


"And I thank you for the opportunity. Look...I know I've been kind of a **** around here, what with the pranks and the fights and everything. I'm sorry for all of that. You didn't deserve that. Any of it..."


"I don't got any hard feelings, man. Just think of it as a trade off for having one of the top wrestlers around in this nothing company of ours."


Jake and I both stood facing the man in front of us. "You're gonna be a star, brother. People are gonna look back 20 years from now and watch your matches. They're gonna see you and know where their favorite wrestler got it all from. The name 'Ryan Powell' is gonna be in the history books," I told him.


"Thank you for everything. I mean it, too," Powell said, shaking my hand. "Look, I'm really sorry, but my match is up soon, and I gotta get ready."


"Hey, don't worry about. Now get going, star," Jake told him. Powell grabbed his gear, and hurried out. Probably felt awkward.


Jake looked at me after he left. "You don't really mean that, do you? You don't think a real wrestler's gonna break out in the SWF?"


"I hope so, Jake. He sure as hell deserves it."

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Guest codey

MCW Headstrong Tour live from The Junkyard in front of 614 fans

Tuesday, Week 1, April 2016



Canadian Dragon vs Tully Angelus in a CI qualifier match

Angelus made short work of the much smaller Canadian in this one. Not much of note except for some stiff shots from Angelus that looked particularly brutal. Angelus finished it off a Prophecy for the win. Angelus wins, D-





The Fighting Irish vs The Haunting in a number 1 contender match

These two newer teams each knew that this was their shot, and tore into each other from the start. Misery's strategy to beat on the Irish outside of the ring backfired on him when he couldn't make it back into the ring in time for the 10 count. Draw, E+





Riley McManus vs Ryan Powell in a CI qualifier match

Powell seemed to underestimate the champ here, and that proved to be his downfall. While he kept the offense of McManus to a minimum, Riley was able to get on his back and lock in the spider clutch for the win. McManus wins, D





Hellion's gonna knock you out!

"Anyone in the back there that thinks you can go against the American Hellspawn himself, please, come on out, and let a star make you see more!" Adrian Garcia proudly proclaimed. Hellion, for his part, looked scary as ever.


Black Bolt's music played and he came sprinting to the ring before getting in the moster's, err...chest. After a moment of mouthing off, Hellion reeled back and layed Black Bolt out flat with a haymaker from hell! Bolt was out, and Hellion roared while Garcia patted him on the back in approval. D+





Marc Speed vs CLM

CLM came out to show the all-business Speed a little bit of the California love. Speed focused on CLM's legs to keep him from going up top, but CLM still found it in him to fly a bit. The match end came when CLM went up top for his LAX Departure and missed, knocking himself out cold and allowing Speed to cover him for the win. Speed wins, D+





Final Thoughts

D+ show. Hellion makes for a good angle, and Powell put over McManus without complaint. A solid build up show. I just wish Powell's last match was better, but I want McManus to move up the card.

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MCW Headstrong Tour live from the Colorado Springs Bar in front of 241 fans

Tuesday, Week 2, April 2016


Wolfsbaine vs Jackpot Jordan in a CI qualifier match

Wolfsbaine used his power in this to smother Jordan. Jordan, the tag team expert, seemed completely out of his element, and looked to be going to tag a partner in at one point. Wolfsbaine takes the win with a Boston Crab. D





It's for the title as well!

Before Flash Savage and Babyface McQueen came out for their CI qualifier match, Jake stood up from his position at the announce table.


"Now, I know both of the next two wrestlers here focus primarily on their tag team duties, but they're gonna try to branch out into some 1-on-1 action. That being said, one of them is a singles champ around here, and he's been, how do you say, neglecting his responsibilities with that title. That being said, this match is going to have double-stakes: a place in the tournament, and one of those shiny belts we have around here!" E+





Babyface McQueen vs Flash Savage for the All Star Title and a spot in the Crippler Invitational

McQueen has been neglecting his duties, and it showed. There were no hot tags here to save him from the underhanded tactics of the Canadian Blonde, and when Savage's partner, Oscar Golden, showed up, the match took a nose dive in Savage's favor. Savage picks up the win with a handful of tights. Savage wins, and the title changes hands. D





Hellion will dominate anyone

Adrian Garcia and Hellion are out next.


"Tonight, we're not here for a fight. I mean, really, what would be the point? No one can put up a good one." Hellion snarled. "No, tonight we're here to make an announcement. We are here to formerly announce that next week, Hellion will be entering his name into the qualifying pool for the upcoming Crippler Invitational. And after he goes all of the way and wins, he will have proven to the world that no one can stand up to the star power and hell fire of the American Hellspawn, Hellion!"


Hellion flexed, and looked awfully mean doing it. C-





Jason O'Connor vs Marc Mercier

O'Connor's tactics were to tie up Mercier, while Mercier tried to brawl his way to victory. Unfortunately, the two styles didn't complicate each other this time around, and the two put on a lackluster match. Mercier wins with a Ghost Touch. Mercier wins, E+





Greg Rayne and CLM vs Marc Speed and Nick Booth

This is the second time these four men have clashed in tag team action. Speed and Booth have been antagonizing the roster on this tour, Booth through viscous attacks, and Speed by steamrolling through any competition put in his way. They finally met their matches in CLM and champion Rayne, who decided that it was time for the two partners in crime to be put behind bars. This match turned out differently than their match, which ended with Speed submitting CLM. Instead, Rayne finished this one off with A Rayne Fall delivered to Nick Booth for the win. Rayne and CLM win, D+





Final Thoughts

The show got a D rating.


We're getting higher 100+ more people in the mid south than we were at the beginning of the tour. Feels pretty good to see some growth.


Mercier and O'Connor, while both good wrestlers, suffered from a lack of momentum, resulting in a poor match.


The tag division is developing some much needed experience via dark matches, and it may be ready to really break out soon.



MCW Headstong Tour

Tuesday, Week 3, April 2016

Riley McManus vs Joey Beauchamp for the Eurocontinental title

Felix Harding vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

Lee Rivera vs Hellion in a CI qualifier match

??? vs Nick Booth in a CI qualifier match

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MCW Headstrong Tour live from the Junkyard in front of 576 fans

Tuesday, Week 3, April 2016


Riley McManus vs Joey Beauchamp for the Eurocontinental title

McManus may have already secured his place in the Crippler Invitational, but he still has responsibilities as a champion to attend to, and Joey Beauchamp was here to make sure he did so. Beauchamp fought hard, but in the end McManus locked in the Spider Clutch for the win. McManus retains, E+





Felix Harding vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

Harding hasn't been featured much on tour, instead wrestling dark matches to shave off ring rust. Now that he's got it all cleaned off, the young Australian proved that he still needs something else: experience. The grizzled veteran DDD, who normally focuses on tag team competition, brutalized the young man from bell to bell, and picked up the win with a Dazzle Blast. DDD wins, E





Hellion's opponent is revealed

Adrian Garcia escorted the American Hellspawn to the the ring, where he took the house mic.


"Now, I know that anyone can put their names into this tournament, but does it really matter?" Garcia asked the crowd. "Don't answer, idiots. I already know the answer, and for you simpletons out there, the answer's NO! If you haven't already been blinded by the sheer star power in this ring, just take a look at the man standing next to me: 6'8, 340 pounds. This man is a brick wall that can't be moved!"


A guitar riff later, and the crowd goes crazy when they see Lee Rivera standing at the top of the ramp. "A brick wall, huh? Well, I guess it's a good thing that I brought my sledgehammer today, cause I plan on bringing you down!" D





Lee Rivera vs Hellion in a CI qualifier

Rivera didn't actually use the sledgehammer, but it looked as though he would need to at times. Hellion battered the former champ throughout the match, but Rivera continually fought back. Finally, following a dropkick to the back of Hellion's knee, the giant finally fell, and Rivera was able to deliver a running knee shot to the face of the monster for the win. Rivera wins, E+





The final entrants are revealed

Detroit's own Nick Booth stood in the ring awaiting his opponent, when the "Feeling Good" by Muse hit the speakers. The crowd erupted as I made my way out to the ring, mic in hand. Booth looked less than excited.


"Glad all ya'll are happy to see me tonight," I said. "Ya see, last week, Babyface tried his hand at the whole single's competition thing, and he ain't lookin so good. Lost his title, ain't even made it a round deep in this here tournament. So I decided that I was gonna give her a shot, see how I do." D





Jack Avalon vs Nick Booth

We put on one hell of a brawl here. I mainly wanted this match to see for myself how Booth's gonna do. Being so young, I can tell that already that he's going to be a star someday. Some of his shots were a little on the stiff side, but you need that a little these days. A lot of the younger guys pull their shots too much. Not Booth. He doesn't pull at all a good bit of the time. CLM came out midway through this one, and he jawed a bit at Booth. When Booth went to use a chair on me, CLM grabbed it out of his hands, allowing me to nail him with a super kick to the back of the head for the win. I win, C-





Final Thoughts

The show ended with a D rating.


I thought that Rivera, who oozes with talent, could drag Hellion up to a decent match, but unfortunately I was wrong. The two have awful chemistry together. I think aside from that, the match could have been decent. Hellion is by no means horrible at all. A D in performance skills and a C in entertainment is not bad at all. I think the only things really holding him back are a low psychology and not gelling with anyone he fights. He's still young enough for me to consider one of my projects, though.


McManus, another one of my projects, is finally starting to get some momentum on his side. He may soon be able to move up the card.





The Crippler Invitational


Riley McManus vs Flash Savage

Jack Avalon vs Jake Idol

Lee Rivera vs Dean Waldorf

Wolfsbaine vs Tully Angelus


Joe/Campbell vs The Texas Wranglers

The Fighting Irish vs The Haunting

??? vs Hellion

Rafael Ruiz vs Oscar Golden

CLM vs Nick Booth in a Last Man Standing Match

Greg Rayne vs Marc Speed for the Motor City Global title

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The Crippler Invitational</strong> live from War Memorial Auditorium in front of 1,682 fans!</p><p>

Thursday, Week 3, April 2016 </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joe/Campbell vs The Texas Wranglers</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

We open the show up with two of our more experienced mid-level teams, and they showed everyone the improvements they've been making over the past few weeks. Both teams showed excellent teamwork together, but in the end it was the Wranglers that took the win via a Lasso Whip. <strong>Wranglers win, D-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Riley McManus vs Flash Savage in a quarterfinal match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

The first tournament match pitted two champions against each other. Savage flew around the ring, using his speed to try and overtake the technician McManus, while McManus grabbed a hold of the wiry Flash every chance he could. McManus surprised everyone here when he locked in the Spider Clutch to submit Savage, who holds a position and title much higher up the card. <strong>McManus wins, D</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>A love interest</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

"Feeling Good" by Muse hit the speakers, and the crowd erupted as I came out, with a leggy blonde attached to my arm. </p><p> </p><p>

"I know all of you are wonderin who this lovely lady here is, and I'll tell ya now: she's Dharma Gregg, my new lady-friend, if ya will." I said.</p><p> </p><p>

"Dharma Gregg of BSC fame?" questioned Erik Strong on commentary.</p><p> </p><p>

"Now ya'll best get used to seein her out here, cause she's my new lucky charm. She's gonna take me to the finals in this here tourney-ment, and she's gonna help me and Babyface keep those shiny belts that keep our pants from fallin down round our ankles!" <strong>D-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Jack Avalon vs Jake Idol in a quarterfinal match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Jake Idol seemed to be in rare form in this match, going move-for-move with me. The two of us tore into each other pretty hard. It may have been excessive for a match so far down the card, but it felt kinda right. I ended up taking Jake down, but when I leaned down for a kiss from ol' Dharma, he got me with a roll up for the win. <strong>Idol wins, C-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The Fighting Irish vs The Haunting</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

These two teams have had problems recently, with them ending their first tag match in a draw, and Mercier defeating Jason O'Connor using underhanded tactics. This match ended much in the same way, with Misery throwing salt into the eyes of O'Connor, allowing Mercier to hit the Ghost Touch lariat for the win. <strong>The Haunting win, E+</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Tully Angelus is a god</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

Angelus was out next for his match with the young Wolfsbaine, but took the mic before the youngster could make his entrance. </p><p> </p><p>

"Some of you may be wondering why one so beautiful as myself would subject myself to the horrors of allowing oneself to be touched by such ordinary men night in and night out, and the answer is but a simple one," Angelus said. "After rising from depths of hell, also known Puerto Rico, my beauty was restored to me, and I have been guaranteed that not even the touch of common men can do anything damage it ever again. So tonight I enter the ring with a new fire, one that will lead to me certain victory. I enter as the phoenix incarnate, a messianic figure making his resurrection, and Logan Wolfsbaine will be the first to find that he can do nothing to harm the skin of a god!" <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Wolfsbaine vs Tully Angelus in a quarterfinal match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Angelus may have been speaking out of ass, as Wolfsbaine proved that he could very easily do harm to a god. The youngster entered the ring with a goal, to punish the egotistical Angelus, and that's exactly what he did. Unfortunately, he was not able to put him away as well, as Angelus pulled a Prophecy out of no where and drilled Wolfsbaine down for the win. <strong>Angelus wins, D+</strong> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Lee Rivera vs Dean Waldorf in a quarterfinal match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Piss-poor match, this one was. The two men were all over the place with their timing, and the fans hated seeing the match as well, having seen it three other times recently. Rivera mercifully ends it with a moonsault. <strong>Rivera wins, E</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Hellion's got a new challenger</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Adrian Garcia and Hellion were out next. </p><p> </p><p>

"Well, seeing as how the American Hellspawn was cheated out of a spot in the Crippler Invitational, he's looking to take out his anger on someone," said Garcia. "Now, if you think you can even come close to this man and not be blinded by his star power, then I suggest that you come out here, before he goes back there to find someone on his own." Hellion looked livid, snarling and flexing. Truly scary.</p><p> </p><p>

"Burn the Fleet" by Thrice was heard in the arena, and the Mexican star Amazing Firefly hit the ring as the crowd went wil for the fan-favorite. <strong>D</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Amazing Firefly vs Hellion</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Fly used his speed this entire match to keep the monstrous Hellion from getting a hold of him, and for the most part it worked. For the most part. Hellion was able to grab him by the neck, and proceeded to pound his into his face over and over again with straight punches. After the ref hit the 5 count, Hellion still continued his beating, and didn't stop until Fly's mask was left bloodied and stained. <strong>Fly wins by DQ, D</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rafael Ruiz vs Oscar Golden</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

Golden didn't put his name into the invitational pool, but he still ended up with a match on the show, and seemed determined to do better than his partner did earlier in the show. He had his hands full with the veteran luchador, who used a combination of submissions and aerial attacks to throw the Canadian off-guard. However, Golden wasn't put off for long, and nailed Ruiz with a Golden Shower for the win. <strong>Golden wins, C-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Riley McManus vs Jake Idol in a semi-final match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Idol has a habit of bringing out the best in people, despite only being and average wrestler himself. It's going to make him a star someday. McManus seemed to have tired himself out earlier trying to beat the much quicker Flash Savage, and Idol used that to his advantage, wearing out McManus by keeping him constantly on the move. Idol took the win via a Reality Check, and secured himself a spot in the finals. <strong>Idol wins, C-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Lee Rivera vs Tully Angelus</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Rivera seems to be having bad luck tonight, as this match failed to live up to the standards of past matches between the two men as well. Rivera, however, still carried this match to a watchable standard, and was rewarded with a win and spot in the finals following a moonsault. <strong>Rivera wins, D</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Let's end this</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

"Californication" hit, and out came CLM, distinctly lacking his trademark smile. Once in the ring, he took the mic.</p><p> </p><p>

"Nicky Booth, we've had our problems," he said. "You don't like me, and I damn sure don't like you. So let's do it. Let's finish this. I want to make sure that after this match, it's done. That the loser's down for good. So what I want to do is make this a last man standing match!"</p><p> </p><p>

"Seven Nation Army" hit, and Nick Booth was standing at the top of the ramp.</p><p> </p><p>

"God dammit, boy, you've finally had yourself a good idea. Let's do this!"</p><p> </p><p>

"I hope you're ready for this, 'cause I'm gonna show your Detroit-ass what it is to have a little California Love!" replied CLM. <strong>D-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>California Love Machine vs Nick Booth in a last man standing match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

These men have had bad blood brewing for almost the entire tour, and this was the boiling point for it. By the 6 minute mark, both men were bloodied from chair shots, straight shots to wounds, and, in Booth's case, biting. Both men nearly had the win at multiple points in the match, but it wasn't until Booth brought out the baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire that the finish came. Booth wound up while waiting for CLM to stand before delivering a devastating shot to the temple for the 10-count. <strong>Booth wins, D</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Raayne finally speaks his mind</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

"Sweet" Tabitha Darlin caught up with the champ backstage during his warmup routine.</p><p> </p><p>

"Greg, I know we haven't been able to catch up with you much, despite being involved in a high-profile feud with Marc Speed, and I was wondering if I could get some of your thoughts on the man that's threatening to take your title tonight."</p><p> </p><p>

Rayne, stopped his hindu squats mid-set, and looked at the interviewer thoughtfully. "Tabitha," he said, "I came into this company with something to prove. I was nothing before MCW, and all I've ever wanted was for everyone to know that I could be something. Tonight, fighting Marc Speed, that's my chance. It's my chance to finally prove to all the doubters that Greg Rayne is for real. I've never beaten Speed, and he's never beaten me. But tonight, I'm the one with everything to lose. And if I do, then I guess they're right. But if I don't, if I win, then I'm right. Nothing else is gonna matter, cause I'm gonna prove that I belong here, that I'm someone." D-</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Lee Rivera vs Jake Idol for the Crippler Invitational Cup</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

An excellent match to crown the winner of the tournament. Both competitors were worn down from their previous matches, and compensated in different way. Rivera did this by slowing down and taking a more technical approach to the match, and Idol by trying to cheat his was to victory. At one point, Jackpot Jordan, who failed to make it into the tournament himself, came out and attempted to distract Rivera, but Rivera climbed to the top and delivered his trademark Thriller Killer to Jordan. The end came with Rivera countering an Idol superplex and leaping off the top to deliver a devastating Daredevil Drop. <strong>Rivera is the the new Cripple Invitational Cup holder, C-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Greg Rayne vs Marc Speed for the Motor City Global Title</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Two of the very best wrestlers on the MCW roster were out next to do battle of the Motor City Global title. This is both men's second appearance at the Crippler Invitational. The last time they were both here saw Rayne defeat JD Morgan and The Machine for the title, and Speed take the Cup in fantastic matches against Teddy Powell, Amazing Firefly, and myself. The two started the match easy, chain wrestling to get a feel for the othe rman. The match soon escalated, with Speed throwing some stiff forearm shots at Rayne following a takedown. Rayne wasn't going to take it lying down, though, and quckily fought back. The usually technically minded Speed found himself brawling with the champion, in a match that was proving to be more comfortable for the champ. Speed changed that soon, though, following a quick takedown and an arm bar. He almost got the submission, but Rayne was able to reach the ropes.</p><p> </p><p>

Speed would proceed to focus on the arm of Rayne, who was now favoring it and only able to deliver weak strikes with it. The match would continue back and forth for several minutes like this until Speed finally took Rayne to the ground and locked in a Straddle Arm Breaker. Rayne, however, finding himself alone in the middle of the ring, would not tap. After about a minute of what looked like excruciating pain, Speed looked to grow tired of the wait, and finally applied enough pressure so that a sickening crack came from Rayne's arm. The champ had no choice but to reach around with his good arm and tap out, the result being Speed winning the Motor City Global title in convincing fashion, having broken the former champ's arm. <strong>Speed wins the Global title, C-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Final Thoughts</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

We finished the tour with a D+ show. I was sure we would have done better with so many C- matches, but I guess the Rivera/Waldorf match hurt us too much. </p><p> </p><p>

Jake Idol's gonna go far. He may not be the most talented guys on the roster (though most of his stats are solid C's) but he has good-great chemistry with so many guys, it's hard to ignore.</p><p> </p><p>

Riley McManus putting out a C- match was completely unexpected, but I like it nonetheless. </p><p> </p><p>

Firefly gave Hellion his best match to date. I guess if our matches were rated more on popularity he would put on those kinds of numbers more often. </p><p> </p><p>

Our last man standing matches are more hardcore-based, and I guess the fans just didn't dig that. I'll try to book them differently next time, if there is one.</p><p> </p><p>

Marc Speed is extremely talented, and I think on the next tour I'm going to try and bring in stars from other countries and develop a true world title.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>And so concludes the Headstrong Tour!</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>The party was in full swing by the time I got off the phone. Pee-Wee Germaine, Jackpot Jordan, and Bradley Blaze were all standing around Jake Idol congratulating him on being the MVP of the show. Marc Mercier and Misery had taken off their make up and were cutting up with Crazy Blue and Felix Harding. The Australian's had banded together since coming to America, and Mercier has acted like an ambassador for them.</p><p> </p><p>

I looked up from my spot on the bench, and saw Jake deep in conversation with Lee and Greg. Most likely promising Lee a big push, which wouldn't be much of a problem, for once. I stood up and made my way over to him to give him the news. </p><p> </p><p>

"That's a great trick you can do with your arm, there Greg. Little on the creepy side though...Jacky boy!" he shouted loudly as I approached. "Great show tonight, brother!"</p><p> </p><p>

"Thanks, Jake, thanks," I replied. "Look, I just got off the phone with them, and they said they would do it. All they want in return is first dibs on the results for all of our shows."</p><p> </p><p>

"Great! Looks like someone finally recognizes the importance of our little company. I can see it now, 'Exclusive MCW Update, Only on totalextremewrestling.com!' It's a great headline." </p><p> </p><p>

"I agree, boss. It's gonna keep our name out there while we're off, and that's something we definitely need at this point." I stopped, and looked around, noticing the absence of a man. "Hey, have any of you seen Marc around?"</p><p> </p><p>

"Speed?" asked Lee. "He's in the boiler. Guy's kinda quiet, goes down there to think."</p><p> </p><p>

"Thanks, Lee. Hey, I'll talk to ya'll later," I said as I walked off.</p><p> </p><p>

---</p><p> </p><p>

Marc was sitting in silence, studying his new belt.</p><p> </p><p>

"Hey, champ."</p><p> </p><p>

He looked up slowly. "Hey, Jack."</p><p> </p><p>

"There's a party going on up there. Why don't you head on up with me?"</p><p> </p><p>

Marc looked back down at the belt. "I like it more down here. I can think down here." He looked back towards me. "You know, you're the first one to really ever give me a chance. I wanted to say thank you. I...I just didn't know how."</p><p> </p><p>

"It's alright. I understand, man," I said. "But I want you to know that there's a reason you have that title right now. You are the hardest working, toughest son of a bitch in this company, and you deserve it. And I promise you, I'm going to do you good. You're going to have a reign to remember around here."</p><p> </p><p>

"...Thank you. Thank you so much."</p><p> </p><p>

"I told you not to worry about it. Now let's get on up to that party."</p>

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<em>OOC: Does anyone have any feedback on this? I'm going to continue no matter what, but as this is really my first diary, I'm still trying to develop a good writing style for it. I'm really just looking for suggestions and critiques on the writing. I know the match write-ups are a bit week, but how about the angles? I plan on using them much more extensively this coming tour, so any advise is welcome! </em><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<p>I'm still enjoying this (even if I don't always give regular feedback).</p><p> </p><p>

I'm also really looking forward to seeing where this goes on the next tour. No longer is it Speed who'll be chasing the title (a role he seemed well suited to). Now he falls into the category of being chased which will be interesting to see how you handle him from here. I guess his first natural challenger would be Rayne looking to get his title back and there would be some milage in that feud.</p><p> </p><p>

Would also like to see Hellion get a proper feud going rather than just squashing all the lower card (although unleashing him on some foreign stars might be quite fun to see).</p><p> </p><p>

Will be interesting to see how Dharma fits in and whether Rivera fulfills your faith in him (he seems kinda hit and miss at the moment).</p><p> </p><p>

Only thing that hasn't captured the imagination so much is the tag division as that's probably the area that needs the most work.</p><p> </p><p>

All in all keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing the new guys come onto the roster.</p>

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Motor City Insider for Sunday, Week 4, April 2016

by Mark Smart


Hello, everybody! I'm Mark Smart, and I'm bringing you the very first edition of the Motor City Insider, totalextremewrestling.com's new and exclusive look at MCW, the hottest fed in America right now.


Now, MCW hold's the unique distinction of being the only promotion in America to use a touring schedule, so they're on a two month hiatus for now, but they'll soon be back with all the stars you loved from before and some fresh meat trying to make a splash in the American wrestling scene. The last ended with a bang, as Marc Speed finally captured the Motor City Global title, Lee Rivera won the Crippler Invitational, and some younger stars stepped up and proved that they could go if given the chance.


Speed is far from a fan favorite, but he proved in his decisive victory over Greg Rayne that he was definitely a force to be reckoned with. He's going to have to watch out, though, as now he's the one with the target on his back. As the old saying goes, it's easier to win a title than keep it! He's going to have a lot of new opposition as champ, and Rayne is sure to try and win back his title, eager to prove himself to the wrestling community.


The Crippler Invitational, named after the Ray "The Crippler," Kingman, went over in an excellent manner. Aside from a good Waldorf/Rivera matchup that suffered from "been there, seen that" syndrome early in the night, all of the matches were great. Even though Lee Rivera was the eventual winner, Jake Idol was the surprising star. After an upset victory over Jack Avalon, he went on to have great matches with Riley McManus, another surprising wrestler, and Lee Rivera himself. Even though he lost in the end, look for Idol to make a splash and break out of the tag division more than ever before when the next tour starts.


Nick Booth's going to be another one to look out for. Starting his career in the Detroit area and MCW, he quickly saw an opportunity to align himself with Marc Speed, and the two made life hell for the good guys in MCW in Speed's quest for the title. However, he didn't just play in the background, as he soon foud an enemy of his own in CLM, and the two had some brutal brawls throughout the tour. Booth brought out a different side of the high flying CLM, who was forced to fight tooth and nail against the less refined Booth. The two ended their feud in a last man standing match at The Crippler Invitational, with Booth taking the win in a match that many saw as being too hardcore for the more traditional MCW.


Jack Avalon debuted a new lady in his life this tour as well. It seemed, however, that bringing her to the ring with him was a bad idea, as she ended up costing him his match against Jake Idol, and crushing and Invitational win hopes he may have had. We'll so just how this goes when he returns to tag team action with Babyface McQueen, and how his partner feels about having a lady in Avalon's corner and not his.


And for those of you that are interested in some statistics, here's some poll results of how many people in area are actually getting into MCW:



Mid South: 26.9%

Mid West: 41.6%

South West: 5.1%



The Prairies: 17.1%


Any other areas were a flat 0%, as sad as that sounds. It looks like there's a market beginning to develop down in Florida. The Canadian's, who are also clearly wrestling connoisseurs, appear to be getting turned on to MCW more and more. News that the fan base is getting so large up there is surprising, considering growth in America isn't spreading so well.


Well all, that's it for the first edition of the Motor City Insider. I'm Mark Smart, you're #1 smark, and I'll bring you more MCW news as soon as we get it in!

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Guest codey

"What the hell do you mean, you won't resign!?" I yelled across the table.


Erik looked calmly across the table, as if this was nothing to him. His ass of a lawyer stood at his side. "The clause in Mr. Gohlke's contract guaranteeing a championship run of at least a low level has not been met, Mr....Avalon," the suit said. "As such, Mr. Gohlke has decided that he will not sign another contract with your company, one that has shown little integrity by failing to fulfill your end in a clearly written, agreed upon stipulation."

"Little integrity?" I exclaimed. "I paid for his damn knee surgery in the hope that he could come back and I could give him his damn title! I kept paying him at every show, gave him the kind of money the top guy in the company isn't even seeing, so that he could announce. And now he's using my generosity to pay for you, so he can screw me over!" I screamed.


Erik began to open his mouth, but the suit laid a hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Avalon, you should consider yourself lucky that Mr. Gohlke is being kind enough to only not sign a new contract. The injury that he suffered under your employ prevented him from plying his trade elsewhere, and he sees your act of continuing to employ him as one done out of guilt. You are responsible here, sir, and this is why Mr. Gohlke will not be working under you any longer."


I could feel my face turning red as the suit gestured to Erik that it was time to leave. As they stood up my fingers clenched around the letter opener on my desk, and when the door closed behind them, that same object found itself buried in the hardwood of my desk.



"I wish you guys could have kept him, but I guess in there wasn't much you could have done with him," Mark Smart said.


"Oh yeah," I replied. "Ruiz as a great guy, and having a lucha libre legend on the roster was awesome in print, but when he's got Mexican commitments for every tour show, it's hard to do anything with him at all."


"At least he put over Golden without a problem when it came down to it."

"Yeah, that's one thing about the guy. Never once complained about putting other guys over. I guess he realized that was his place here, which is great. I wish more guys in the back thought like that."


"Is that why the rest of them are leaving?" Smart asked me.


I shuffled in my chair a bit. "Yeah. The Irish I'm not gonna miss. Complained about losing entirely too much." That was a lie. Both of them were two talented technicians, a style that was seemingly dying off in the US. "But Erik let his big expensive lawyer's get into his head about some contractual clause that we can't do anything about. I had big plans for bringing back that little ****."

"But this line-up you have coming in, I'm impressed," remarked Smart. "There's no way at least one of these guys won't be a star here."

"I'm glad you think so. You're sure you know how to put that tape up?" I asked, nodding towards the DVD Smart held in his hand.


"Jack, I've been doing this since I was with USPW. I know how to put a segment online."


"Right, right," I said. "I guess I keep thinking of you as one of the guys in the back. You know none of them can work a computer to save their lives."


"I know, Jack, I know. But I ain't a wrestler anymore. It's been what, seven years since my last match in an actual promotion?" he asked me.


"Roundabout," I answered. "You shoulda stuck with it. You could've been real good."


"We both know that my only good matches came when I was wrestling real talent, ie: you. No, I'm better off now. I'm happy working behind the scenes."


"You are damn good at what you do. I can't tell you how happy I was when I found out that it was you that was gonna be doing these columns for us."


"Hey, thanks man. Look, I'll talk to ya in a few days, see how you liked the next column."

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Motor City Insider for Friday, Week 2, May 2016

by Mark Smart

Evening all you Motor City Maniacs! I'm Mark Smart, bringing you another edition of the Motor City Insider! The past two weeks have seen some new developments from Detroit's little promotion that can, and the roster's seen a bit of a shake-up as a result.


Let's start off with the bad news. I'm sure that all of you, like me, hate to see these fine young wrestlers depart, but that's the business for you. The first loss is definitely going to hurt the developing tag division, as the team of Robbie McNamara and Jason O'Connor, the Fighting Irish, have left the company. Apparently, the two had become frustrated with the company when they could not find a way to come out on top of the other, more experienced teams in the company.


Joey Beauchamp will also be leaving. After speaking with Jake Sawyer on the matter, it became apparent that Beauchamp departed the company on good terms. Both parties agreed that while certainly talented, Beauchamp was not a great asset to the company, though they left the door open to bring him back someday.


Rafael Ruiz, much like Beauchamp, left the company on good terms. Apparently, the feeling back stage is that he could have been a great asset to the company had his Mexico commitments not fallen on the same day as the tour dates. As the schedule fell, he was only able to attend the bigger, monthly shows, due to him understandably wanting to work in his home region instead. Like Beauchamp, the door has been left open for a possible return down the road, and he would be welcomed back with open arms should he decide to return to the motor city.


Finally, Erik Strong has left the company due to a contract dispute. The exact details of the matter are unknown at this time. Reese Paige will be replacing him on commentary, alongside Rob Miskovsky and Jake Sawyer.


Now to announce the new additions to the roster.




Kid Fantastic


This young high flyer has found success in the fast paced environment of CZCW, but can he make an impact in the more traditional MCW?







"Entertaining" Garry Green and pet monkey Bubbles


The man from D.C. drove a hard bargain, apparently demanding that his monkey (obtained by somewhat shady means, I've been lead to believe) be paid a box of Nilla Wafers per show to act as his manager. He didn't ask for much himself, though, and the talented young brawler was picked up for the On Edge tour.









The origins of the second man to bear the toxic mask are unsure and surrounded by controversy, but one thing's for sure: the man is talented, making him a perfect fit for MCW. He's been absent from the US for a few years, having been plying his trade in Japan, so expect for him to bring out a new bag of tricks upon his debut!







Kashmir Singh


The Bollywood Bomber is back in MCW, and he's looking to the top already! He's issued a challenge to champion Marc Speed right off the bat, showing he has no fear of the man who broke Greg Rayne's arm the last time we saw him. One thing's for sure: Singh is one man that does not look tacky in gold, as he's shown us before!



And now we unveil an exclusive video debuting the final new signings for the On Edge tour!




A lavishly decorated office is shown. The room is dimly lit by candles and roaring fireplace. An expensive looking rug is laid out in front of a richly stained mahogany desk, and a woman is shown sitting behind it, flanked by three chairs with their backs to the camera.


"Hello, everyone," the woman said. "I welcome you into my home. My name is Haley Elizabeth Buck, but you will refer to me only as Ms. Buck."



"Yes, my name is Ms. Buck, and I'm what you might call an entrepreneur," she continued. "I see an opportunity to make money, and I take it. When I heard of the gains that a smale small..." she wrinkled her nose up. "...Wrestling company had been making, that's just what I saw. An opportunity. Unfortunately, the owner of the company, one Mr. Jake Sawyer, didn't see the same thing, and he refused to sell me this company. I didn't undercut him...much. That's when I decided to make this interesting. I convinced Mr. Sawyer that it would be in his best interest that he hire three men, three men I happen to have contracted ahead of time. And now, with these three men, I'm going to take this company within!"


"The first man..." the first chair spun around.




"...Is Mr. Robin DaLay, my personal bodyguard. He has what I like to call pedigree, an attribute I admire very much. Next, we have..." The second chair spun around.




"...Mr. Jared Johnson. He's my inside man, so to speak. Having worked with the company before, I had to convince Mr. Sawyer that I saw a chance to make money off of him that he had ignored before, and I had. And last..." The final chair slowly turned, revealing a man's silhouette before his face finally came into full view.




"...Is Mr. Joss Thompson. Mr. Thompson is an expert in this particular type of operation, having already successfully spear headed one very similar one in England. I saw in him a golden opportunity, and I personally secured his services. Together, we are Buck Enterprises..."


"And we're taking over," Joss Thompson finished.




Wow! Looks like Buck Enterprises is going to be a force to be reckoned with in MCW. That team Haley...er, Ms. Buck put together is looking impressive already, and they haven't even wrestled a match yet!


That's it for this edition of The Motor City Insider. Keep an eye out for the next column, as it's sure to have more of that Motor City news you all love! I'm everyone's favorite smark, Mark Smart, and I'll write ya next time!

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Guest codey

The Motor City Insider for Wednesday, Week 3, June 2016

By Mark Smart


Greetings all you Motor City Maniacs out there! I'm Mark Smart, and I've got some big news concerning the card for next month's What What WHAT!?!?!? show. I just got off the phone with my contact backstage, and I've now got my hands on the official card for the very first show of the On Edge tour!


First off, we've got Riley McManus defending his Eurocontinental title against the wacky Australian Crazy Blue and former champ Nelson Callum in a triple threat match. McManus is coming off of a good showing at the Crippler Invitational, so he should be in top form. The ever-improving Callum, however, is going to be looking to give McManus a tough time in keeping his title, and the wild card Crazy Blue is never one to be counted out.


Buck Enterprises make their debut in a six-man tag match, taking on the team of Warren Technique, Black Bolt, and the debuting "Entertaining" Garry Green(with manager, Bubbles the Monkey). They won't be taking over anything by defeating these men, but they could very well use the match to send a message to the rest of the roster.


The Haunting, Marc Mercier and Misery, are going to be cashing in on their title shot they won from The Fighting Irish as the take on The Express. jack Avalon's new found lady-friend cost him his last match against Jake Idol via distraction, so we'll see how well he can keep his head in the match as he and Babyface McQueen look to protect their titles.


The debut of Kid Fantastic is going to be in a title match, as he takes on Flash Savage for the All Star title belt. Savage will have a tough time defending against the new comer from the west coast, but then again, that's where the perks of being in a tag team with another cheating Canadian will probably come in.


CLM is going to be taking on a fellow Californian in Jake Idol. The two charismatic performers are both coming off of losses at the Crippler Invitational, so it should be interesting to see who wants the win more!


In tag team action, former champ Greg Rayne will be teaming with yougster Wolfsbaine to take on the team of Nick Booth and Tully Angeles. Rayne has had problems with Booth recently, and Wolfsbaine will be looking for revenge on Angeles after knocking him out of the Crippler Invitational. Rayne is also apparently frustrated that he's not getting his rematch against Marc Speed yet, so expect him to take out those frustations on Booth and Angeles. His arm, broken by Speed at the Crippler Invitational, will definitely be a target, though.


In Lee Rivera's first match since winning the Crippler Invitational, he'll be taking on the dangerous man known as ACID II. The second incarnation of the hated character, when asked who he wanted to fight most, pointed at a picture of Rivera. Rivera's going to need to watch out, though, as he's now got a target on his back.


Finally, to top the show off, the Motor City Global title will become the MCW World Heavyweight Championship. Marc Speed will defend against the first international star, India's own Kashmir Singh, in what looks to be an awesome match. Singh is making his return to the company with this match, and he's looking to make a splash by becoming MCW's first World Heavyweight Champion!


This is looking like a stacked show, and should set the standard for what fan's should expect from MCW! I'm Mark Smart, and this has been another edition of The Motor City Insider!


MCW What What WHAT!?!?!?

Riley McManus vs Crazy Blue vs Nelson Callum for the Eurocontinental title

Buck Enterprises(Johnson, Thompson, and DaLay) vs Black Bolt, Garry Green, and Warren Technique

The Express vs The Haunting for the MCW Tag Team titles

Kid Fantastic vs Flash Savage for the MCW All Star title

CLM vs Jake Idol

Greg Rayne and Wolfsbaine vs Nick Booth and Tully Angeles

Lee Rivera vs ACID II

Kashmir Singh vs Marc Speed for the MCW World Heavyweight title

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Riley McManus vs Crazy Blue vs Nelson Callum for the Eurocontinental title

Buck Enterprises(Johnson, Thompson, and DaLay) vs Black Bolt, Garry Green, and Warren Technique

It saddens me that Green's been put on the team of jobbers :(

The Express vs The Haunting for the MCW Tag Team titles

This could go either way due to Dharma's presence. I just have a feeling they'll cling onto the titles for now.

Kid Fantastic vs Flash Savage for the MCW All Star title

Lets go with a debut win and title change

CLM vs Jake Idol

Greg Rayne and Wolfsbaine vs Nick Booth and Tully Angeles

Really tough one. Rayne was the man but with his injury and coming up against two workers on a roll with a weaker partner the odds are stacked against him. Of course he'll probably win because of these reasons...

Lee Rivera vs ACID II

Rivera is coming off a big win but he's not up against any old wrestler. Head says Rivera builds on his momentum. Gut feeling is telling me to back Acid to shake things up. I'll go with my head for a change.

Kashmir Singh vs Marc Speed for the MCW World Heavyweight title

Speed isn't losing at the first time of asking.

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Guest codey
OOC: Sorry for the delay! I've been working 12 hour shifts due to a base exercise we have going on now, so MCW slid down my priority list for the past few days. There is good news, however. I ran the show, and it turned out well. Expect it to be up tomorrow evening(I'm stationed in California, so if you're really looking forward to this, then you can plan accordingly ;). Until then, you'll just have to wait, because as short as my matches are, they take a hell of a long time to write up, so be patient!
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