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TNA Impact Preview


Ordered by TNA C.E.O after the match being requested by AJ Styles. Requested for retribution for the end of the Legends Championship match and the beat down from the Mafia on Samoa Joe

Booker T and Sting vs AJ Styles and Mystery Partner


Team 3D and LAX vs Motor City Machineguns and Beer Money Inc


Knockout Battle Royal


Brock Lesnar tells all about signing for TNA and his involvement in the Championship match at Sacrifice


An update on Samoa Joe's Condition



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TNA Impact - Thursday May Week 3






TNA Impact opens another week with the Main Event Mafia coming to the ring and disturbing proceedings in the usual MEM way. All the MEM members taunt to the crowd as Kurt Angle tells everyone that Samoa Joe will not be here tonight as he has been “shelved” thanks to the Mafia Sunday at Sacrifice. Angle tells everyone that the Mafia the closest family in wrestling today and that nobody will ever stop them. Booker takes the microphone and apologises to Sting saying that he could not control his anger at sacrifice and that costing sting the title was a huge mistake that he will rectify. Sting and Booker shake hands but sting chooses to say nothing as Angle takes the microphone back. Kurt says that tonight he will be taking on another TNA Original while Booker and Sting will take care of the business meaning AJ Styles. Lashley says a few quick words directed at Rhino. Lashley tells him that its over for him and that retiring will be the only option unless he wishes to have the rest of his time in TNA made to be miserable. All 6 men then taunt and leave the ring







The Beautiful People vs Christy Hemme and O.D.B



Continuing the animosity between these four knockouts sees the fallout of Sundays Championship match take effect with Angelina Love use the match to become extremely ****y and over confident. We see Christy put up a great fight in this match with lots of offensive moves. Velvet Sky does a great job in helping her partner by saving many close pin falls from both Hemme and ODB. Sky has a short time in the ring before tagging in Love again to battle with ODB. ODB takes control by knocking Sky off the Apron and hitting an impressive Powerbomb on Love to get the victory.



Winner: Christy Hemme and ODB

Time: 6:44

Rating: D-







Sheik Abdul Bashir comes to the ring to greet his doting fans booing him as loud as possible. Bashir comes on the microphone and introduces a challenge to all X-Division stars in the back to turn up next week and take part in a series of X-Division qualifications matches to face him at Slammiversary. Bashir thanks Cornette for his chance tonight to put some fear into his competition by giving him a match against Consequences Creed.







Matt Morgan vs Stevie Richards



This match was relatively short with Morgan and Stevie resorting to weapons and rule breaking moves to try to get the victory. The official for the match calls an end to the match and declares it a draw while both Morgan and Stevie continue to brawl with weapons and leaving the fans in a blood thirsty mood before getting split up by TNA staff members.



Winner: Draw

Time: 6:12

Rating: D+






Backstage we see both Morgan and Stevie get their hands on each other again spilling out into the street where the cameras can’t follow them. This left Don West to say that, I think we just seen a bit of what hardcore is about.









Team 3D and LAX vs Motor City Machineguns and Beer Money Inc.



Two matches from the Sacrifice card spill onto Impact in a huge 8-Man tag team match with the new #1 contenders teaming up with the losers of the TNA Tag Championship match from Sacrifice. Beer Money take it to Hernandez in the early goings in a bid to prove they still have what is takes to be the best tag team in TNA today. Homicide also gets the same treatment as his partner before Brother Ray saves the match laying out both members of Beer Money. The match then sees lots of tags and beat downs before finally we end up with Brother Ray and Chris Sabin in the ring as all the other members are either down or brawling. We see Sabin shock everyone by hitting a Cradle Shock on one half of the TNA Tag Team Champions for the pin. Tenay finishes this by saying “I think the #1 Contenders just laid down their challenge to the Tag Team Champions”.



Winner: Motor City Machineguns and Beer Money Inc.

Time: 9:30

Rating: C+







The Guns take a Microphone from ringside and in a blade of glory announce that there taking the TNA Tag Team Championships and they will take them at Slammiversary.







Knockout #1 Contender at Slammiversary

Knockouts 10 Person Battle Royal

Awesome Kong vs Daffney vs Jacqueline Moore vs Madison Rayne vs Raisha Saeed vs Rhaka Khan vs Roxxi vs Sojourner Bolt vs Taylor Wilde vs Traci Brooks



A match to make the Knockouts proud and the men drool sees 10 Knockouts fight for a chance at the title at Slammiversary will see 1 vs 1 with the looser being replaces by the next in a gauntlet style match. The brackets are as follows

Jacqueline Moore vs Roxxi = Roxxi Wins

Roxxi vs Rhaka Khan = Roxxi Wins

Roxxi vs Raisha Saeed = Roxxi Wins

Roxxi vs Awesome Kong = Awesome Kong Wins

Awesome Kong vs Sojourner Bolt = Awesome Kong Wins

Awesome Kong vs Madison Rayne = Awesome Kong Wins

Awesome Kong vs Daffney = Awesome Kong Wins

Awesome Kong vs Traci Brooks = Awesome Kong Wins

Awesome Kong vs Taylor Wilde

The start of the Gauntlet sees Roxxi pick up wins until meeting an unmoveable object by the name of Awesome Kong who dominates right into the final. In the final we see two former Knockout Champions battle it out in a gruelling match that eventually sees the monster toppled by Wilde who then picks up a pin fall before running for the ramp as Kong comes around.



Winner: #1 Contender at Slammiversary, Taylor Wilde

Time: 9:43

Rating: D








X-Division Championship

Sheik Abdul Bashir© vs Consequences Creed



The defending Champion Bashir opens up the match with Creed by taunting his status as champion and being the top man in the X-Division when were joined by a former Cruiserweight champion Paul London on the announce table. As the match goes on we hear from London at ringside saying that he has signed up to the X-Division Open Challenge on Impact next week. The match continues for a short while before Bashir manages to gain a roll up on Creed. Gaining a good roll into the open challenge we see Bashir taunt in the ring and up the ramp with the Championship.



Winner: STILL X-Division Champion, Sheik Abdul Bashir

Time: 10:51

Rating: C







Jim Cornette appears on the stage now with a microphone in his hand with a clipboard in his other hand. Cornette comes out to tell everyone that he has an update on the condition of Samoa Joe. Cornette says that in front of him on paper is the doctor’s report on Sama Joe. Cornette tells everyone that without him going into detail we wont be seeing Joe for a while as he has suffered detrimental bruising, concussion and is still recovering from loosing pints of blood at the hands of the Main Event Mafia.

Kurt Angles music hits and Cornette is ushered to the back under his own will to save himself from a Mafia beat down







Kurt Angle vs Shark Boy



A totally unfair match from the word go sees a former heavyweight champion take on the superstar from 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. Angle takes the fight to Shark Boy who represents the originals of TNA. Shark Boy puts up a fight but not one that matches Angles that subsequently leads to another beat down on a TNA original from a member of the Main Event Mafia. Angle plants a barrage of Suplex’s followed by an Angle Slam finally the Angle Lock leading to the tap out from Shark Boy. Angle continued to hot the lock for a good few seconds longer before releasing and taunting to the live crowd while receiving lots of heat.


Winner: Kurt Angle

Time: 8:12

Rating: B





The music and video play for the New C.E.O and we are greeted by his presence as he makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand. The C.E.O reminds everyone of Sundays Championship match between Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett. Piper tells everyone that he signed the most dominating WWE and UFC Champion in history to save TNA from the control freaks and power hungry member of management and the roster. In a excited voice we hear “Now welcome the newest member of the TNA roster and the man who will save TNA from a mockery BROCK LESNAR”.

Brock’s music hits and the live crowd erupts for his appearance and continues to cheer him on his way to the ring. Lesnar takes the microphone from Piper and then proceeds to say “thank you for the opportunity, but its time to talk business”. Lesnar tells everyone that his mission is to become the first Triple Crown champion holding the WWE, TNA and UFC heavyweight championships. Lesnar also says that his quest is not only for gold but the rest will unfold in time. Piper and Lesnar shake hands and Piper says good luck on his next match, If he wins he will challenge Mick Foley at Slammiversary for the TNA Championship





Brock Lesnar vs Cute Kip


Lesnar owns the match all the way through just toying with Kip James to prove his dominance in his new environment. Lesnar plants lot of big moves followed by taunts and laughter. After a while we see a welcome return for the F-5 as Lesnar plants Kip to the mat before another taunt and raising kip to his feet again to plant another F-5. The live crowd are on there feet all the way through the match and give Lesnar a “Thank You Lesnar” chant after he covers Kip and taunts for the crowd


Winner: #1 Contender at Slammiversary, Brock Lesnar

Time: 8:02

Rating: B-





Booker T and Sting vs AJ Styles and Jeff Jarrett


Jarrett steps up for the originals and teams with Styles to defend their honour in this match. Styles and Jarrett work well in this match while working on the tension between Booker and Sting, which the Mafia clamed doesn’t exist. Booker and Sting keep up a front of being brothers but many cracks show with missed double team moves and tag saves that are also missed. Styles and Bookers feud doesn’t go un noticed in this match with Booker coming close to getting Disqualified by bringing in a chair to strike Styles with. A war of words is then exchanged between Booker and Sting leading to Sting walking out on Booker. Styles then capitalizes by a few kicks and a Styles Clash to the mat for the pin. Impact ends with the TNA Originals finally getting one up on the Main Event Mafia thanks to the issues between Booker and Sting.


Winner: AJ Styles and Jeff Jarrett

Time: 13:03

Rating: B








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_b.jpg

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TNA XPlosion - Saturday May Week 3






Kiyoshi and No Limits vs Lethal Consequences and Shane Sewell


Winner: Lethal Consequences and Shane Sewell

Time: 7:30

Rating: D





Abyss vs Eric Young


Winner: Abyss

Time: 7:53

Rating: D+





Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_dplus.jpg

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TNA Impact Preview




After Impact went off air the crowd exiting the Impact Zone seen the Main Event Mafia arguing outside. With the revelations between Booker and Sting it seems as if the Mafia are starting to crumble. As a result of last week, Kurt Angle has said he is going to open up Impact with an announcement that could rock the Main Event Mafia and TNA for good.




ODB has requested a meeting with Management Director Jim Cornette




AJ Styles will try to capitalise on the Mafia by opening a challenge to any member for a 1 on 1 match for the Legends Championship, The title that caused all the arguments for the Mafia in the first place.




Motor City Machineguns and Team 3D continue there feud to Slammiversary with two one on one matches with Brother Ray vs Chris Sabin and Brother Devon vs Alex Shelley.




The X Division Open Challenge with 9 men and only 3 slots in the X-Division Championship match at Slammiversary



Consequences Creed vs Paul London vs Cute Kip



Jay Lethal vs Christopher Daniels vs Shark Boy



Eric Young vs Kiyoshi vs Homicide




Finally Mick Foley will take on his challenger for the title at Slammiversary when they both have to choose partners for their tag team match on Impact

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TNA News


Last night Main Event Mafia member Scott Steiner was found in his hotel room out cold with a Frontline T-Shirt draped over his face as a calling card. The actual attacker isnt known yet but the fued between the Main Event Mafia and the Frontline is seriously heating up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry to all the fans of this diary for not posting sooner. i have been super busy. i was planning to post Impact tonight before the release of UFC Undisputed tomorrow. In a good shocker it came thru a day early so i wont be posting it for another few days untill i wear out my thumbs.


Feel free to post all you opinions on the diary so far and where you would like me to take it. this diary is not dead as there is no chance of me stopping before Ending the reign of the Mafia and crowning a shocker of a World Champion. i'll say no more on that for now:eek:

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  • 2 weeks later...



TNA Internet Gossip


Since last weeks Impact there has been roomers on the internet that Sting has secretly joined the Front Line.


Sting has said he will open Impact this week and explain all

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TNA Impact - Thursday May Week 4





Announcers for tonight’s Impact Broadcasting










TNA Impact goes live and the lights come on in the Impact Zone and we see “The Icon” Sting in the ring holding a microphone. Sting begins to talk and says tonight he is addressing the Main Event Mafia in public. Sting talks about how the past few weeks he has tried to put the issues with Booker behind him but yet Booker still cant see that there is blame on his side. Sting tells the Mafia that he hasn’t turned his back on the Mafia and that it was all just roomers spread by the Front Line that he was going to join them. Stings last words are that Booker may be walking on thin ice but his Loyalty to the Mafia is still Strong. Sting drops the microphone and leaves the Impact Zone.







Consequences Creed vs Paul London vs Cute Kip



The first of the 3 matches tonight set to decide 3 challengers for the X-Division Championship at Slammiversary. The X-Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashir joins at ringside at the star of the match giving his predictions on this match. Bashir informs the announcers that he gave Suicide his last match 3 weeks ago on Impact and tonight he would give all 3 challengers 1 last chance at Slammiversary before he declares himself as the best X-Division Champion of all time. Meanwhile in the ring a great opening bout is underway with 3 great potential contenders. Throughout the match we see Kip taking most of the offence. Creed and London then decide to team up and double-team Kip. Once Kip has been beaten down and rolled out of the ring we see London hit an amazing spin kick and then go to the top rope to his a huge 450 splash for the pin fall



Winner: Paul London

Time: 10:12

Rating: C+







A Mysterious music is played in the Impact Zone and the lights go out. The Screen shows a video of dripping blood before panning to the face of Samoa Joe. On Screen the words “Thought You Got Me?” appear and the crowed erupts.







Brother Ray vs Chris Sabin



Leading up to Slammiversary we have Team 3D and the Guns have a game of one ups leading into the PPV. Ray takes control in the early stages trying to ground the high flyer Chris Sabin. Sabin and Ray battle for a while and have a double knock down. On there way back to there feet Alex Shelley stands at the top of the ramp to distract Brother Ray. As Ray concentrates on Shelley, Sabin manages to get his composure back and spins Ray around and into a Cradle Shock leading to a 3 count and the Motor City Machineguns celebrating on the ramp.



Winner: Chris Sabin

Time: 9:49

Rating: B-







Backstage the camera is in Jim Cornette’s office as there is a knock on the door. ODB enters and sits down with Management Director Jim Cornette. ODB starts off by saying she has been proving herself week after week and yet she was left out of the Knockout Gauntlet last week and missed her chance to face Angelina Love for the knockouts Championship at Slammiversary. Cornette tells her that is not up to her who faces Angelina because the Gauntlet did that. ODB tells Cornette that even though she wasn’t in the Gauntlet last week she did have a Pin Fall victory over the knockouts Champion and she should Automatically be granted a shot at the title at Slammiversary. Cornette tells her that he cant change what went down last week but he will grant her a shot for the title at Victory Road if she can beat the Loosing Knockout from the title match at Slammiversary in a 1 on 1 match the week after the PPV on Impact. ODB thanks Cornette and says she will take the opportunity but she wont sit back in the meantime.







Eric Young vs Kiyoshi vs Homicide



The second of the X-Division match qualifiers begins once again with Champion Bashir at Ringside. Bashir gives his predictions in this match saying no matter who wins they wont stand a chance as Eric cant keep hold of a title, Kiyoshi cant speak English and Homicide without Hernandez is a washout. With Bashir insulting everyone all the way through we see Young and Homicide put on a great show with some fast pace wrestling. A lot of reversals and takedowns occur before Kiyoshi storms the ring and slows the pace down a little. All three battle it out in the ring until a quick roll up out of nowhere on Kiyoshi sees LAX Member Homicide pick up the victory



Winner: Homicide

Time: 6:44

Rating: D+







Jeremy Borash is backstage with Taylor Wilde and begins to ask her what it feels like to have beaten the unstoppable Awesome Kong and 8 other Knockouts last week to become #1 contender. Taylor tells JB that it’s about time she got back into the title picture and that last week began the count down for Angelina Loves days as Champion. JB thanks Taylor and hands us over to Jim Cornette in the Ring.








Reece Piper greets us in the ring with a table set up, 2 chairs and a contract in his hand. Piper tells us that we are here to witness the big contract signing of Brock Lesnar vs Mick Foley for the TNA Heavyweight Championship at Slammiversary. Foleys music hits and he comes to the ring wearing yesterday’s clothes and drinking alcohol. Foley picks up a Microphone and babbles on making no sense other than he doesn’t fear anyone. Piper reminds him what he is doing out here tonight and Foley sits in his seat. The music of Brock Lesnar hits and the fans are on there feet for the UFC Heavyweight Champion. Lesnar enters the ring and picks up his microphone. Lesnar apologises to the fans for the state of the TNA Champion and chat the TNA Championship as become to represent. Lesnar says the title is coming home with him at Slammiversary and there is nothing within Foleys power that he can do about it. Lesnar signs the contract and tells Foley to sober up and that he will see him in the ring later. Foley Drunkenly signs the contract before being helped backstage by officials. Piper says the match is official and that Foleys wild Brawling and drinking antics will face the Unstoppable takedowns of Lesnar at Slammiversary







Alex Shelley vs Brother Devon



A great match on the cards to keep the one-ups man ship heating into the Tag Title match at the PPV. Shelley and Devon take it to each other both putting on an unexpectedly great match for the live crowd. West informs us that both Sabin and Ray have been banned from ringside after the earlier mishap. Shelley shows great wrestling skill and brings out the best in Devon for this match. Both men using big moves and scoring some great right hooks. Shelley goes to the top rope to hit a Standing Moonsault but misses and gets caught in a reverse DDT death drop and gets pinned to the matt for the 3 giving Team 3D and The Guns 1 all in the lead up to Slammiversary



Winner: Brother Devon

Time: 13:09

Rating: C+







Backstage we see cameras rushing to the outside of the arena where Hernandez, Abyss, Matt Morgan and Stevie Richards are brawling heavily and using lots of weapons. Slamming each other into the parked cars, the brick walls and slams to the floor. We are interrupted and the cameras leave them fighting.







Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley are in the locker room arguing over Shelley’s defeat saying he hasn’t been carrying himself the past few weeks and that he needs to step it up for Slammiversary. Sabin says step it up or the dream of the Motor City Machineguns being Champions will be over. Shelley and Sabin shake hands and put their differences aside and begin to plan their celebration after winning the titles.







Jay Lethal vs Christopher Daniels vs Shark Boy



The third and final match to gain the last spot in the Fatal 4 Way at Slammiversary for the X-Division Championship sees three of TNA’s colorful wrestlers battle it out. Again we are joined on ringside by Bashir who puts down all the Contenders again saying it’s a Wannabe vs Curry vs Canned Fish. In the ring we see one of the best battles of the qualifiers with everybody putting in a great performance and keeping the speed flat out. Bashir at ringside says he has his eye on the returning Daniels as he hasn’t been seen for a while and he might just put up a great returning victory. No sooner had he said it when Lethal comes off the top rope with a huge diving elbow to Shark Boy for the victory and sealing his place as the last person in the Fatal 4 Way at Slammiversary



Winner: Jay Lethal

Time: 10:21

Rating: C+







Jim Cornette comes to the ramp and tells the live fans he has a solution for the Main Event Mafia’s Queries over Sting loyalty to them or the Front Line. Cornette says he has made a match at Slammiversary where AJ Styles, Rhino and the Returning Samoa Joe will take on Booker T, Kevin Nash and Bobby Lashley. Cornette says, “wondering where Sting fits in?” Cornette then tells everyone that Sting will be the Referee in the match at Slammiversary and he can decide once and for all if the roomers are true or false.







Brock Lesnar and Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle and Mick Foley



Jarrett and Angle start it off in the ring with Foley on the outside trying to stand on the apron without falling off. Tenay informs us that Jarrett and Angle will face off again at Slammiversary to find out who the #1 contender will be for Victory Road. Back in the match Angle and Jarrett Brawl it out with Angle getting the upper hand. With Jarrett down the fans start cheering for Lesnar at ringside and start to shake the Impact Zone, Waking up the King of the Mountain Jarrett from the beat down. Jarrett manages to get an opening and tags in Lesnar to a huge Roar from the crowd in attendance. Lots of Suplex’s, Slams and Take downs see Angle and Lesnar go into a semi wrestling and semi MMA mode with Angle coming off the worse. Lesnar then drags Angle 2 tag Foley. Without giving him time to enter the ring, Lesnar drags Foley in over the top rope and stands him in the ring. Foley wobbles and falls to a knee and then to his back, Lesnar smiles sadistically and picks up Foley and planting him with an F5 before pinning him.



Winner: Brock Lesnar and Jeff Jarrett

Time: 10:41

Rating: B







The music of Booker T his and he along with Sharmell make there way to the ring with a look of disgust. Booker take the microphone and proceeds to bash Cornette and his match for Slammiversary saying it will be 4 on 3 in favour of the Front Line and that its just Cornette’s big plan to take out the Mafia. Booker then talks about how he and sting were friends for so long and how Sting gave him great support in WCW. Booker says that the old Sting who was loyal to his friends has gone and now its just Sting the ego. Booker says the Mafia will be better without him and that the day he does leave the Mafia will be his last active day wrestling because he will personally make sure they retire him. Booker throws the microphone to the floor, grabs Sharmell and leaves the Impact Zone.







AJ Styles vs Kevin Nash



Front Line vs Main Event Mafia continues with two of TNA’s longest employees fighting it out in an open challenge match accepted by the 7footer “Big Sexy”. Contrasting styles in this match sees a lot of different paces action when each man has there share of control. Nash holds a great fight to the younger man, even managing a top rope axehandle. Styles has some great speedy offence and you can see in his eyes that he is fighting for fellow Front Line members and the TNA fans. The match continues for some time before Nash makes a mistake of missing a Big Boot and loosing track of Styles. Nash turns around to find a kick to the head and a Styles Clash.



Winner: AJ Styles

Time: 10:52

Rating: B-






Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_b.jpg




For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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TNA Contract Release



Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has come to terms on the release of Cassandro as of today. TNA wishes Cassandro the best in all future endeavours.




For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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TNA XPlosion - Saturday May Week 4






Announcers for tonight’s XPlosion Broadcasting














Sojourner Bolt vs Daffney




Winner: Sojourner Bolt


Time: 6:30


Rating: E










Matt Morgan vs Hernandez




Winner: DRAW, Double DQ


Time: 4:50


Rating: C-










Beer Money Inc vs Christopher Daniels and Shark Boy




Winner: Beer Money Inc


Time: 6:39


Rating: C-










Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_cminus.jpg







For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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TNA Impact Preview






Last week the contract for the Heavyweight Championship was signed along with a #1 Contenders match as Slammiversary. This week C.E.O Reece Piper made a Triple Threat match between #1Contender Brock Lesnar and the Two fighting it out on PPV to become the next #1 Contender.


Brock Lesnar vs Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle








TNA Champion Mick Foley has something to say this week and said he will open Impact to explain all. C.E.O Piper, Director Cornette and President Dixie Carter have apparently told Mick Foley that he can remain in power as long as he doesn’t turn up drunk again. The threat from Dixie Carter was backed up by legal ramifications of loosing his power and his share, as she would take him to court.








The last Impact before Slammiversary will see X-Division vs Tag Team Division in a match vs match contest. The 4 competitors in the X-Division Championship match will take on the 4 competitors from the Tag Team Championship match.


Sheik Abdul Bashir, Jay Lethal, Homicide and Paul London




Brother Ray, Brother Devon, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin








With Steiner still out and the Main Event Mafia still unsure on Sting, it will be interesting this week as it’s the last stop before the PPV where Stings loyalties will be revealed. With Angle focusing on a #1 Contenders match at Slammiversary it seems its up to remaining MEM members Booker T, Lashley and Nash to keep a close eye on “The Icon”. Can the Main Event Mafia overcome the Front Line offence and games? Find out on Impact.









For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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Nobody leaving comments... is that a good or bad thing:confused: lol. Well i hope the fall out of Slammiversary gets you all commenting.


Just Impact and XPlosion to go before Slammiversary and 4 Championship Matches.


I will post the full Slammiversary line up for the predictions after this weeks XPlosion:D

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TNA Impact - Thursday June Week 1





Announcers for tonight’s Impact Broadcasting











The Pyro’s open Impact with a bang for the last stop on the road to Slammiversary. Mick Foleys music hits and he makes his way to the ring to open the show. A sober Foley in a suit and tie gets on the Microphone and apologises to the Management of TNA. Foley says he is going to take some responsibility, He then says that now we are over with the apologies its over to business. Foley tells everyone that he is here to announce something and that’s what he is going to do. Foley proceeds to say that he is a hardcore icon and that he loves to see chairs swinging, blood pouring and barbed wire mangled around someone’s body. The fans begin to cheer and Foley says that’s just the beginning. Foley said TNA has seen some Hardcore action lately and now he want to see more. Foley says that coming to TNA soon will be a whole new Division, The Hardcore Division and that we would crown a hardcore champion in a brutal, bloody fashion. Foley drops the microphone and taunts to the crowd before leaving up the ramp doing the Cactus Jack guns, Bang! Bang!.

Ringside Mike Tenay comments on the announcement saying Foley has lost his mind and just wants to see everyone in TNA bleed and suffer. Tenay and West both agree and say Foley Sober is just as insane as Foley Drunk.







Rhino vs Robert Roode



Opening the wrestling on Impact is Front Line member Rhino in a battle with one half of Beer Money Inc, Robert Roode. Rhino uses this match to war up for Sundays 6man tag team match against the Main Event Mafia. Roode Gets some offence but ultimately runs into a pumped up Rhino. The match continues until a devastating Gore takes down Roode. Tenay says, “That wasn’t a gore to Roode but a Gore to Lashley”.



Winner: Rhino

Time: 8:07

Rating: C







The C.E.O Reece Piper makes his way to the ring next and proceeds to talk about the actions of Mick Foley. Piper tells everyone that the contract for the Hardcore title has been signed and therefore cannot be taken back but from here on out the authoritarian power that Foley has will be removed by TNA Management. Piper says that he will have his own big announcement at Slammiversary that will get the fans appetite boiling over. Piper leaves by just saying “Blood Will Run”









Sheik Abdul Bashir, Paul London, Homicide and Jay Lethal


Brother Ray, Brother Devon, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin



Two Slammiversary matches collide here with opponents becoming partners and having to coexist to head into Slammiversary with some momentum. The match sees Bashir stay at ringside and out of the match not wanting to work with his partners. Surprisingly the Guns and Team 3D work together quite well working over the opposition. With lots of near falls we finally see Bashir get tagged in and run towards Brother Devon. Out of nowhere Bashir is lifted into the air and hit with a 3D before being pinned just seconds after being tagged in.



Winner: Team 3D and the Motor City Machineguns

Time: 9:21

Rating: C







The music of the Beautiful People hits and all 3 knockouts make there way to the ring prior to Angelina’s match. Velvet Sky takes the microphone and begins to talk about Slammiversary and how Taylor Wilde has no chance to become the champion against the Amazing Angelina Love. Sky tells everyone that later tonight her and Madison would pick apart Wilde before her match this Sunday on PPV. Up next is Angelina thanking Sky for her support while being Champion. Angelina asks Taylor Wilde to watch the next match when she takes on Daffney as it’s going to show Wilde how her match will end at Slammiversary.







Angelina Love vs Daffney



With Angelina hyped to the max she seems invincible going into the match but its turns to ****iness as she faces a barrage of attacks from Daffney. Daffney takes it to Angelina in the start of the match making Angelina’s promise seem worthless. Suddenly the match changes back in the favour of the champ as an illegal eyepoke behind the referees back sees Angelina back in control. Angelina then beats down before hitting devastating DDT from the top rope. And driving her point home to the fact that Wilde has a fight on her hands at Slammiversary.



Winner: Angelina Love

Time: 6:04

Rating: E+







JB is backstage with the #1 Contenders for the TNA Tag Team titles Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin. Sabin and Shelley use this time to drive home the fact that they are the best wrestlers in TNA today and that as a tag team they are simply perfection and the Titles are coming back to Michigan. JB asks if their problems from last week are sorted and Sabin says as long as Shelley is on the ball he has no problems. Shelley and Sabin share a silent moment staring each other and then do the MCM pose to the camera and walk off.







Abyss vs Stevie Richards



From the word go the referee has trouble containing this match and eventually calls for the bell. Foleys plan to introduce the Hardcore title and the Hardcore division was obviously meant for these two guys as they continue to brawl in the ring before having security separate them and drag them to the back.



Winner: Draw, Double DQ

Time: 1:50

Rating: D+







Sheik Abdul Bashir makes his way to the ring now and cuts a promo saying that earlier tonight he has nobody watching his back but at Slammiversary he has worse competition as he will be on his own against 3 men and defending his title. Bashir continues to gloat about how he will overcome all odds and retain his title. Suddenly the lights go out for a few seconds before coming back on with Bashir laid out cold I the ring. EMT’s rush to the ring and carry Bashir out on a stretcher leaving Tenay and West to question what just went on.







We follow the camera backstage to the Ambulance before we hear a commotion in the parking lot. The camera goes towards the noise and finds Richards, Abyss, Morgan and Hernandez battling again.









Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne and Sojourner Bolt


Taylor Wilde, O.D.B and Christy Hemme



The threat made by Sky earlier seems evident in the early rounds as she starts the match with Wilde and starts picking her apart. Throughout Wilde seems weakened but manages to fight back and leaves Sky running scared to her partner Bolt. As the match goes on we start to realise the impact the TNA Knockouts have on the audience and the worldwide. The battle rages between all 6 Knockouts before both ODB and Wilde hit a double powerbomb to Bolt allowing Wilde to get the pin.



Winner: Taylor Wilde, O.D.B, and Christy Hemme

Time: 6:36

Rating: D-







Backstage we are taken into the changing room of the Main Event Mafia where Booker T is seen Arguing with Sting as Nash, Lashley and Angle are sat round talking. Booker begins accusing Sting of attacking Steiner as a way to weaken the Mafia before he screws them all over. Before giving Sting a chance to speak Booker continues to put down Sting calling him a coward and a waste of the Mafias time. Sting buts in and tells Booker he had nothing to do with who attacked Steiner and that he wanted to get his hands on who ever did it. Booker accuses Sting of putting on a great show and that no matter what Sting said Booker knew it was him. Sting then calls over Nash and asks him to tell booker what he was doing on the night of Steiner’s attack. Nash proceeds to tell Booker that he and Sting were in a nightclub in New York when the attack happened and Steiner was in a Miami hotel. Booker looks irate and storms out of the dressing room without a word of apology.








Legends Championship

AJ Styles© vs Bobby Lashley



A last stop before the Mafia vs Front Line match at Slammiversary sees both teams looking to gain the Momentum and carry the gold for their team. The match undoubtedly steals the show with both men putting there all in as they battle from side to side and all around ringside. With so much on the line in this match it almost overlooks the Match at Slammiversary where it’s not about titles but bragging rights and the decision of loyalty from Sting, Main Event Mafia or Front Line? It’s just down to a 3 count where Sting will decide the winner as the official for the match. Both Lashley and Styles put there all into the match but the outcome gives the Front Line a huge momentum shift heading into Slammiversary as Styles gets a roll u on Lashley to retain his Legends Championship/



Winner: Still Legends Champion, AJ Styles

Time: 18:43

Rating: C







Kurt angle makes his way to the ring for the following Triple Threat Main Event with Double J and Brock Lesnar. Angle gets in the ring and begins to cut a promo. Angle tells everyone that it should be him facing Foley at Slammiversary and not the C.E.O’s boyfriend. Angle says Lesnar might be UFC champion but TNA is a whole new ball Game. The WWE has nothing on TNA and that its just a stepping stone to TNA these days. Angle then warns Jarrett that he will take no prisoners as Slammiversary and that he will break Jarrett’s ankle in the process if he needs to. Angle puts his mouth guard in and waits for his opponents.







Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar vs Jeff Jarrett



Its time for the Main Event with 3 of TNA’s top men battling it out for pride and bragging rights. With Lesnar facing Foley for the title at Slammiversary this match has no leverage for his match at the PPV. For Angle and Double J they have everything to fight for in this match with both men trying to gain the early advantage and possibly hurt there opponent heading into the PPV to make the win a more easier victory. The match gets the crowd on there feet with Lesnar, Angle and Jarrett each having there own dominating spots in the match. The final second of the match count down as Jarrett hits a Stroke on Angle. Then before he can get the pinfall on Angle, Lesnar spins Jarrett round into a devastating F5 for the victory



Winner: Brock Lesnar

Time: 16:13

Rating: B








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_bminus.jpg






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TNA XPlosion - Saturday June Week 1





Announcers for tonight’s XPlosion Broadcasting











Shane Sewell vs Shark Boy



Winner: Shark Boy

Time: 4:17

Rating: C-







James Storm vs Christopher Daniels



Winner: James Storm

Time: 6:24

Rating: D+







Cute Kip vs Paul London



Winner: Paul London

Time: 9:02

Rating: C








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_c.jpg








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TNA Slammiversary – Preview





TNA Heavyweight Championship

Mick Foley vs Brock Lesnar



#1 Contender TNA Heavyweight

Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett



Main Event Mafia vs Front Line

Booker T, Kevin Nash and Bobby Lashley vs AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Rhino

Special Referee: Sting



TNA Tag Team Championships

Team 3D vs Motor City Machineguns



TNA Knockout Championship

Angelina Love vs Taylor Wilde



TNA X-Division Championship

Sheik Abdul Bashir vs Paul London vs Jay Lethal vs Homicide


Reece Pipers Announcement



*** Who do you have you’re money on? Get Predicting ***



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<p>TNA Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Mick Foley</strong> vs Brock Lesnar</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

#1 Contender TNA Heavyweight</p><p>

Kurt Angle vs <strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Main Event Mafia vs Front Line</p><p>

Booker T, Kevin Nash and Bobby Lashley vs <strong>AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Rhino</strong></p><p>

Special Referee: Sting</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

TNA Tag Team Championships</p><p>

<strong>Team 3D</strong> vs Motor City Machineguns</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

TNA Knockout Championship</p><p>

<strong>Angelina Love</strong> vs Taylor Wilde</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

TNA X-Division Championship</p><p>

Sheik Abdul Bashir vs <strong>Paul London </strong>vs Jay Lethal vs Homicide</p>

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<p>TNA Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

Mick Foley vs <strong>Brock Lesnar</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

#1 Contender TNA Heavyweight</p><p>

<strong>Kurt Angle</strong> vs Jeff Jarrett</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Main Event Mafia vs Front Line</p><p>

Booker T, Kevin Nash and Bobby Lashley vs<strong> AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Rhino</strong></p><p>

Special Referee: Sting</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

TNA Tag Team Championships</p><p>

<strong>Team 3D</strong> vs Motor City Machineguns</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

TNA Knockout Championship</p><p>

<strong>Angelina Love</strong> vs Taylor Wilde</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

TNA X-Division Championship</p><p>

<strong>Sheik Abdul Bashir</strong> vs Paul London vs Jay Lethal vs Homicide</p>

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Great predictions so far. Its nice to see people torn on some matches including the Heavyweight Championship match.


Keep the Predictions comming in and i will try to post Slammiversary tonight.


Any idea on the announcement?



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TNA Slammiversary 2009





TNA Slammiversary - Sunday June Week 1





Announcers for tonight’s Impact Broadcasting











Fatal Four Way

TNA X-Division Championship

Sheik Abdul Bashir© vs Paul London vs Jay Lethal vs Homicide



We kick off Slammiversary with a TNA X-Division Championship match set up by Champion Bashir to get himself some competition. Each of the Challengers won their Triple Threat match on Impact to earn their shot in this match. With Homicide only recently turning up in X-Division he seems to be the favourite as he is still unknown in the X-Division. The match gets underway with lots of great moves to wow the fans at the beginning of the PPV. The match has lots of near falls and sees London in control for a lot of the match. London gets the crowd on there feet in a speed brawl with Lethal leading to a lot of reversals and high flying moves. The match then comes to an abrupt end when the referee calls for the bell as the Lights go out and we see Suicide attack Bashir leaving him out in the ring. Suicide lays the X-Division title over the face of Bashir before the lights go out again and Suicide vanishes.



Winner: STILL CHAMPION, By DQ, Sheik Abdul Bashir

Time: 13:32

Rating: C+







A video airs on the Titantron with Scott Steiner hyping the fact he will be back at the Victory Road PPV and gunning for the front line







TNA Knockout Championship

Angelina Love© vs Taylor Wilde



The Knockout Championship match has been highly contested over recent weeks with new challengers and demands for championship matches. ODB has been given a chance at Victory Road and a match against the looser of tonight on the coming Impact. Meanwhile Wilde earned her shot in a 10 Person Gauntlet match beating former Knockout Champion Awesome Kong and the other top females in TNA. During the match we see the Beautiful People Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne sent to the back after trying to interfere. As they leave the Impact zone they are greeted by ODB who makes her way to the stage to watch the match. The Knockouts Battle it out in the ring before Love rolls up Wilde for the Win. ODB is seen clapping her hands then leaving the Impact zone.



Winner: STILL CHAMPION, Angelina Love

Time: 8:37

Rating: D







The music of the C.E.O Reece Piper hits and he greets us in the ring. Piper thanks everyone for coming to the 2009 Slammiversary PPV and said tonight wasn’t any night, it’s a night of change in TNA. Piper says he has a huge announcement to make but first he just wants to wish the Front Line and Brock Lesnar luck for tonight. Onto the Announcement. Piper tells everyone he’s been talking to some people in the back after Foley made the announcement on Impact that there would be a Hardcore Championship coming to TNA. Piper says up next we will see a preview of that title when we have a fatal four way hardcore rules match. Thought that was all? Piper continues by saying he’s brought together a PPV which will be more than Hardcore, its going to be EXTREME. He continues to say that in just 6 weeks we will see TNA BloodBath, the most Extreme PPV in history with the Most Extreme wrestlers on the Planet. That’s right, for one night only the ECW Originals will be back, fighting in some of the most extreme matches in history. Piper has everyone chanting ECW before he drops the biggest bombshell of all. PAUL HAYMAN. Heyman makes his way down the ramp to an erupting crowd chanting ECDUB. Heyman thanks Piper and says there is only 1 place in the world that the real ECW would be appreciated and that’s here in TNA. Heyman says he’s brought every Original possible in for the PPV and its going to be Extreme to the Max. Heyman and Piper shake hands before leaving the ring and laughing there way up the ramp and out of the Impact Zone







Fatal Four Way Hardcore

Abyss vs Matt Morgan vs Hernandez vs Stevie Richards



Just announced before the huge ECW announcement we get a Preview of the new Hardcore edge of TNA. All four men come to the ring in street gear as weapons surround the ring. The match from the word go becomes an all out war zone with Thumbtacks, Chairs, Barbed Wire, Tables etc. being used to punish there opponents. With a former ECW member in the match Stevie teaches a few of the others how to take yourself to the extreme by bleeding all over the ring but still not quitting. The Match eventually comes to an end with all 4 men beaten to within an inch of there life as Abyss hits a Black Hole Slam to Morgan on thumbtacks for the sadistic brutal victory. The fans are chanting TNA and ECW as the men are helped to back



Winner: Abyss

Time: 10:41

Rating: C







Backstage Samoa Joe shows his is back for the first time since the beat down at Sacrifice. Joe talks to JB in the back about how he is back for one reason and one reason only, to destroy the Main Event Mafia. Joe confesses to being the man who took out Steiner and opens the challenge to Steiner at Victory Road saying he will finish the job to good and make the Mafia one member short for his next attack.







TNA Tag Team Championship

Team 3D© vs Motor City Machineguns



In a highly anticipated Tag Team Championship match the team or the Guns plan to win their first ever tag team titles in TNA. Recent weeks have seen Shelley and Sabin argue, have slip-ups and generally not work on the same page. Both shook hands last week and agreed to put things aside for tonight but only time will tell if they can work together or if Team 3D can capitalise on the problem. The match kicks off and we see a great tag team bout between two of the top teams in TNA. Team 3D take it to the Guns who no matter how hard they try still have problems. After gaining control of the match again and knocking Team 3D out of the ring both Shelley and Sabin have words in the ring before going back after Team 3D. Both teams work their way back into the ring and battle. A miscommunication between the Guns sees Shelley missing Brother Devon with a diving forearm and hitting Sabin leading to a 3D from Team 3D. Sabin Manages to Save Shelley from the 3 count and gets a small package on Brother Ray for the Pinfall.



Winner: NEW TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, Motor City Machineguns

Time: 17:24

Rating: C-







Main Event Mafia vs Front Line

Bobby Lashley, Kevin Nash and Booker T vs Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Rhino



The Main Event Mafia came onto the scene last year and ever since it has been a thorn in the side of all the originals and the youth of today’s TNA. Along came the Front Line trying to shut the mouths of the Mafia but until now they have failed. Recently its started to heat up with the beat downs and most importantly the status of Sting. Lately Sting and Booker T have been having issues leading to roomers of Sting Joining the Front Line which have been categorically denied by Sting. Jim Cornette eventually made this match with a stipulation of Sting being the Referee. Sting Makes his way to the ring in white and black stripes to call the match. The match is very heated and often hard to control, Sting plays no favourites as he threatens to DQ both sides through out the match for trying to use weapons and not breaking submissions. The match goes on and gives the fans the match of the night with all 6 men battling each other. The end comes as a shocker to fans as Sting is taken out by a missed chair shot to Styles from Booker that hits Sting across the back of the head as he deals with things behind Styles. With Sting out and Booker in a state of oh crap Styles hits the Styles Clash to Booker. Senior Official Earl Hebner comes running to the ring and counts the 3 for the Front Line leaving Sting to be helped out of the Impact zone by officials and Booker T to go ballistic in the ring.



Winner: Front Line

Time: 22:17

Rating: B-







Backstage JB gives us a rundown on the Championship main event when someone hits him across the back with a steel chair. The camera pans to Foley as he picks up the microphone. Foley says he has a short message for Lesnar. Foley says its going Extreme tonight and that Lesnar will be running back to UFC with blood pouring from the tattered flesh of his body. Foley does his line of “have a nice day” and begins to walk off pulling at his hair.







TNA Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender

Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle



Two bitter rivals with a long storied history meet here tonight to fight it out for the chance to be crowned TNA Champion at Victory Road. The past few weeks has seen these men fight it out in tag matches, triple threat matches and tonight they go at it one on one. The two former champions fight tooth and nail in this match giving each other a hard time. Angle and Jarrett give the fans a great spectacle with good mat wrestling and submissions. The match takes a downer for Jarrett when Lashley comes to ringside to help his fellow MEM member. Angle hits the Angle Slam and Locks in the Ankle Lock leading to Jarrett Taping out and Angle Celebrating in the ring with Lashley



Winner: #1 Contender at Victory Road, Kurt Angle

Time: 18:40

Rating: B







TNA Championship

Mick Foley© vs Brock Lesnar



The Sadistic Mick Foley opened up a can of worms earlier this evening threatening to leave Lesnar leaving Slammiversary pouring with blood and limping back to UFC. Lesnar on the other had been brought in by C.E.O Piper to change the ways of TNA for the better and rid the company of the egomaniacs and control freaks. Lesnar and Foley take the fight to each other with Foley using a lot of closed fists in the early round. The match quickly turns and goes down hill for the Champion as Lesnar begins to dominate in only a way that “The Next Big Thing” can. Lesnar knowing he has won begins to lay out the law for TNA as he plans Repeated Suplex’s to Foley in the ring. Stumbling back to his feet every time Foley continues to walk into the slams and suplex’s until Lesnar plants an earth shattering F5 and covers him for the victory.




Time: 13:54

Rating: C+






The new #1 Contender Kurt Angle rushes to the ring as Lesnar is celebrating his victory leading to a battle back and for before beating Lesnar down and taunting over his body with the gold. This leaves Tenay to close the show saying “Victory Road is now a Road to hell for one of these men”.










Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_bminus.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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TNA Contract Release


Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has come to terms on the release of Eric Young as of today. TNA wishes Eric Young the best in all future endeavours.



TNA Contract Release


Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has come to terms on the release of Kiyoshi as of today. TNA wishes Kiyoshi the best in all future endeavours.




TNA Contract Release


Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has come to terms on the release of Yujiro as of today. TNA wishes Yujiro the best in all future endeavours.




TNA Contract Release


Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has come to terms on the release of Naito as of today. TNA wishes Naito the best in all future endeavours.




TNA Contract Release


Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has come to terms on the release of Shane Sewell as of today. TNA wishes Shane Sewell the best in all future endeavours.




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Thanks buddy always great to have feet back. Im glad the graphics are going down well :D.


More instore for upcomming PPVS


Working on the new Hardcore championship at the moment. i'll give a preview at Victory Road:)

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