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TNA - No Limitations "Goodbye Russo"

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Hey sorry Impact wasnt up tonight i'm halfways throught writing but tierdness has set in. It's taken so long to make the new site which has taken away from the time i had to write Impact. I will finnish writing it tomorrow and it should be up reasonably early along with the first version of the new TNANoLimitations website. Ive shocked myself at how much i have done lol, so i hope everyone likes.


In the meantime its time to be cheeky. If anyone wants to write one or 2 biography's for the TNA stars, then please feel free too :D. Save me a little job so i can concerntrate a little more on the other aspects of the site. Pvt message me with them if you fancy drawing one up :-D. i'll make sure to mention everyone:D


Oh it also comes with lots of new Graphics and area's for everything :D.


Bring on Impact. So what does everyone think will happen in the "Do or Die" match? Will Bashir retain and banish Eric Young from TNA? or will Eric Young win the X-Division Championship and gain a new 12month TNA Contract?

Goodbye Eric Young?

Hello New X-Division Champion?

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TNA Impact - Thursday July Week 1





Announcers for tonight’s Impact Broadcasting










Motor City Machineguns vs Beer Money Inc



Opening this weeks Impact, hot off the heels of Victory Road is the Tag Team Champions the Guns and former Champions Beer Money. Sunday at Victory Road it came down to Sabin, Roode and Storm in what everyone thought would be the night for Beer Money. Some how to everyone’s surprise Sabin managed to defeat them single handily in what can only be described as an amazing comeback. Beer Money inc have been hot for the titles for weeks and tonight can only leave you to think is there number one contenders match. If they win then surely they earn themselves a change at the gold. As the match gets underway we see Sabin and Shelley working together very well, some might say dominating the early parts. As the match progresses Beer Money gain back some momentum but run into great teamwork by the Guns. As the match draws to a close we see the Guns line James Storm up for a double team finisher. The audience are then left in shock when Alex Shelley plants the Shellshock on Sabin putting him out cold on the mat. With the fans in shock after seeing them work so well together we see Shelley drag Storm over the lifeless body of Sabin.



Winner: Beer Money Inc

Time: 7:50

Rating: C+







Backstage JB is in the parking lot with Eric Young who has a Do or Die match later tonight. Eric tells us he has been refused entry until his match and that he has to use his car as a locker room. JB then asks what he will do if he doesn’t win tonight. A disappointed Eric says he doesn’t know, but it won’t come to that as he will get his job back. JB wishes Eric good luck and says he hopes to see Eric next week on Impact.







Booker T vs Sabu



The extreme invasion begins as the Mafia goes head to head with the Originals. The Mafia have been on such a roll lately in TNA with the return of Steiner and the beat down of Styles at Victory Road. The new challenge begins tonight though as the Extreme Originals start the first battle of Mafia vs Extreme. The fans go wild for Sabu’s appearance tonight and get the ECW chant going in no time. A rough battle is then fought between Booker and Sabu as the referee is left to bend the rules while the men battle on the outside and even the odd chair shot. The match favours Booker in the end as we see Booker go extreme himself as he plants Sabu in the head with Knuckle Dusters. The referee then counts the 3 without seeing the illegal shot. With the score 1 and 0 for the Mafia it looks as if the extremists will have a challenge on there hands



Winner: Booker T

Time: 11:34

Rating: C+







The new Knockouts Champion ODB makes her way to the ring next with the Championship around her waist and a microphone in her hand. ODB thanks everyone who supported her for her victory at Victory Road and lays a challenge to any Knockout in TNA. ODB says she has always been a fighter and now she’s going to be a fighting Champion. ODB then leaves the ring through the crowd, celebrating with them.








X-Division Championship

Sheik Abdul Bashir© vs Eric Young



A few weeks ago Eric was given his release form and sent packing. But the original took it to the boss and turned up causing havoc just to get his job back. Then last week TNA Founder Jeff Jarrett gave Eric a put up or shut up challenge against Bashir for his job and the title. The Professor, Mike Tenay, tonight labelled the match a “Do or Die” match for Eric. Since last week reports have been saying that Eric has spent 10 hours a day in the gym and has even been to train with Bret Hart just for tonight’s match. Bashir on the other hand has had more than just this on his mind as of late. Since the return of Suicide we haven’t seen the ****iness of Bashir that seems to have died. Bashir may have walked out with the title by the skin of his teeth at Victory Road but tonight he has to do it again. As the match gets underway we see a certain air of ****iness surround Bashir again. Tenay comments by saying its probably due to his victory at Victory Road over his Nemesis Suicide. The match continues for a while seeing Eric have lots of near falls and also a few lucky escapes himself. The final call comes as the Music of Suicide hits which distracts Bashir, allowing Eric Young enough time to roll up Bashir for the 3 Count. Eric Young is announced as the winner and new X-Division Champion and also a member of the TNA roster. Eric Young then goes totally over board and allows some fans into the ring to celebrate with him.




Time: 8:36

Rating: C-






Backstage the Main Event Mafia team for BloodBath is with JB who is trying to get a word from them on the extreme invasion. Sting leads the interview saying that the Extremists are like the Front Line. They both live off old remains of what they had, while the Mafia has continued to dominate over the past 2 decades in every major wrestling promotion in the world. JB gets the opinions of all members of the Mafia before leaving Lashley with the final word. Lashley says that he was the best Champion ECW had ever seen and that he would make sure he got the pinfall at BloodBath to prove why he is the best ECW has ever seen.









Abyss, Shark Boy, Cute Kip and Matt Morgan


Roadkill, Shane Douglass, Masato Tanaka and Kid Kash



TNA hardcore meets Extreme hardcore tonight as 8 of the competitors in the Hardcore Time Limit Title match battle it out in an all out war. The match goes smoothly to begin with no sign of weapons, we even see some mat wrestling going on. As the match progresses we hear Tenay and West at ringside telling us about how the title came to TNA and how this match will work out. They remind us that the winner of the Team 3D vs bWo match will gain the last 3 spots in the match, which could change the match all together. For some unknown reason the match was not declared a hardcore match so the introduction of weapons and the lack of tagging leads the referee to call en end to the match. With the match declared a draw the competitors continue to brawl. Splitting up and brawling to the back.



Winner: Draw

Time: 6:38

Rating: D







Backstage Jim Cornette is in his office when Alex Shelley bursts into his office. Cornette and Shelley get heated with each other, yelling at each other until we get Cornette just telling him to tell him what he wants or get out. Shelley says he wants Sabin in a match next week on Impact. Cornette then asks why does he want to fight his partner and co champion. Shelley says he’s had nothing but attitude from Sabin since getting the #1 contenders slot to the tag titles. Shelley tells Cornette that it’s been all about how Sabin saves the gold and how Sabin helps Shelley. Shelley says he is sick of living in the shadow of Sabin and he wants to prove himself by beating him one on one next week. Cornette gives Shelley a piece of his mind saying Shelley was just the week link who done Sabin a favour. Cornette tells Shelley that he won’t have his match against Sabin next week but he will give him a chance to earn it. Cornette says that next week on Impact, Shelley will face an opponent of Sabin’s choosing. If Shelley wins he can have his match with Sabin at Hard Justice, if he loses he has to publicly apologise to Sabin on the final Impact before BloodBath or he will be indefinitely suspended. Shelley looks Peeved as he leaves the office of Cornette, Slamming the door behind him.







Madison Rayne vs Jazz



The Beautiful People maybe making waves in TNA but they were not always on the scene and back in the ECW days everyone talked about Jazz, Dawn Marie, and Francine who all went on to star in the biggest company of all, the WWE. As for Madison Rayne, tonight she has a battle on her hands against a former Women’s Champion and one of the most feared women in all of wrestling. A woman who wasn’t scared to step up and fight the men. This match goes down well with the TNA crowd who are heavily behind Jazz the whole way through. Following a good back and fore battle we see Jazz begin to take control leading to a devastating modified Fisherman’s Suplex to Rayne for the 3. West Comments by saying the Beautiful People have a lot more on their hands than just making themselves look good in the morning. The ECW Knockouts have made the impact here tonight on Impact.



Winner: Jazz

Time: 6:01

Rating: E






Again we are shown the video of Sonjay Dutts return, Tenay then informs us that Sonjay will be here on Impact in 2 weeks.







Brother Devon vs Stevie Richards



Battling at BloodBath will be Team 3D and the bWo, but tonight we see them battle it out in 1 on 1 competition. Richards and Devon go way back in ECW, the WWE and have yet to cross paths in TNA. With the Dudley Family and the bWo playing a big part in the history of ECW the fans are hot for the battle between the two teams. As the match gets under way we have the fans chanting ECW hard, cheering for both stars as we see Stevie don his blue attire. In a good battle we see both men show us what it will be like at BloodBath with a good bout. In a fun twist we see Stevie getting Brother Ray dancing. The fun and games didn’t last long though as we seen Stevie hit a Superkick to the chin of Devon leaving him out for the count.



Winner: Brother Devon

Time: 6:40

Rating: D+







Back from commercial break we are greeted with Jim Cornette in the ring who says he has an update on the Sabin and Shelley saga. Cornette tells us that he has spoken to Sabin and has found out that it will be Jay Lethal vs Alex Shelley on Impact next week. Cornette then tells us that its time to get to the pressing matter of what’s happening with the TNA Tag Team Championships. Cornette tells us that he is vacating the titles and ordering a tournament to crown new TNA Tag Team Champions. Cornette says more will be announced on the TNA website.







AJ Styles vs Scott Steiner



In a match of swapped opponents we see Styles taking on Samoa Joes nemesis while Joe takes on Styles Nemesis Sting. Styles and Steiner haven’t crossed each other recently other than in Frontline/Mafia wars. With Styles not competing at the BloodBath PPV and Steiner having to defend his Mafia against the Originals it looks like the Frontline have the upper hand on demolishing the Main Event Mafia for good. Styles really takes it to Steiner in this match, giving the ECW Originals an advantage if Styles can hurt Steiner bad enough. As the match goes on we see the final seconds counting down with a Styles Clash from the second rope on Steiner allowing AJ Styles to pick up the win.



Winner: AJ Styles

Time: 10:55

Rating: C+







Mike Tenay and Don West begin to run down the card for BloodBath the music of Rob Van Dam hits and the crowd goes wild. RVD makes his way to the ring and picks up a microphone. RVD says its great to be back in the ring and its great to be in the home of the greatest wrestlers of all time. RVD then talks about his reason for coming back to wrestle at BloodBath. He says its been to long since he held gold and that the ECW revival PPV was the perfect comeback. RVD days he’s faced both his opponents before in the WWE days and he knows there no easy feat. The music of Kurt Angle then hits as we are greeted by Angle with a Microphone who begins to talk as he walks down the ramp and into the ring. Angle reminds the fans that RVD was a fly by night in ECW and WWE by not being seen as good enough to be Champion. Angle takes us on a history lesson of RVD’s career, reminding us that he never held the ECW Championship in the first run of ECW because Heyman didn’t think he was good enough. In the WWE days Angle reminds us that although WWE gave him the ball to run with after year of being there, it went sour for RVD as he dropped the ball on drugs Charges. Before Angle can berate RVD anymore, the TNA Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar comes out holding a microphone of his own. Lesnar says that Angle needs to shut up while RVD needs to prove himself. Lesnar says he didn’t take kindly to being attacked at Victory Road after his hard fought match but he can understand that RVD needed to make the Impact. Lesnar says although he understands he will still kick the holy hell out of RVD when he gets his hands on him. The usually pro-Lesnar fans begin to boo the comment a little but get right back behind him as he then insults Angle once again. The whole thing leads to Angle Challenging RVD to a match next week on Impact. Angle tells RVD to ring a partner and they will meet next week in an Extreme Rules match. Lesnar spoils Angles fun though as he tells them he will offer to be Referee. The music of Lesnar then hits as all 3 men leave the Impact Zone.







Sting vs Samoa Joe



Headlining this weeks Impact is two of TNA’s hottest stars hot off the heels of Victory Roads big wins. Sting and Joe have had a heated past with Sting even beating Joe last year for the TNA Heavyweight Championship. The Mafia and Samoa Joe have never seen eye-to-eye with many beat downs including the infamous parking lot brawl beat down by the members of the Main Event Mafia at Sacrifice during his match with Kurt Angle. With Joe and Angle having their history along with Joe and Steiner and now the Sting/Joe battle it seems that the war is firmly on between the two major rivalling factions in TNA. With the Mafia rolling into BloodBath to Battle the Originals and the Frontline left to watch from ringside you can only imagine Samoa Joe’s thirst for Mafia blood at the BloodBath PPV. This match kicks off with a PPV atmosphere and the crowd red-hot. The battle gets everyone on their feet and chants breaking out all over the crowd. We see lots of great moves and attacks from Joe who takes it to Sting in a way the fans never thought they would see. As the match wears on we slowly start to see Sting gain some more control over the match. The ending then comes as Booker appears on the stage with a microphone calling Joe to come up and fight him. The distraction allows Sting to wrench Joe back and plant him with a Scorpion Death Drop to the canvas. Sting then covers Joe leaving the Mafia still charging on all cylinders through the competition. The show ends with Booker and Sting on the stage celebrating another Mafia mastermind.



Winner: Sting

Time: 14:07

Rating: B






Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_bminus.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit


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TNA XPlosion - Saturday July Week 1






Announcers for tonight’s XPlosion Broadcasting


















Crowbar vs Matt Morgan




Winner: Matt Morgan


Time: 5:20


Rating: D+












Paul London vs Christopher Daniels




Winner: Paul London


Time: 13:13


Rating: C+










Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_c.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit



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TNA Impact Preview



RVD and Angle got heated on Impact this past week with a chance to battle it out in a tag team match on Impact. The bigger matter of the equation comes from the World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar who said he would be the official in the match. Only time will tell how the match pans out and it Lesnar has ideas to do more than count the 3 count.


Last week the huge opening to the show seen Alex Shelley turn on his Motor City Machinegun partner, Chris Sabin. With Shelley demanding a match with Sabin it was left to Jim Cornette to sort out the chaos. With Cornette telling him the only way he would get the match is to face an opponent of Sabin’s choosing its now down to this weeks Impact to seal the fate of the Guns when Shelley takes on Lethal.


Brother Ray this week will try to avenge the loss last week to Stevie Richards of the Blue World Order. With less than 2 weeks till BloodBath it seems every Original is trying to grain the one ups.


The Vacated Tag Team Championships will be addressed this week when Jim Cornette announces the plans to crown new TNA Tag Team Champions.


More Extreme vs Mafia confrontations are expected and the TNA Hardcore Division looks to heat up even more with just a week until the first Champion is crowned.





For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit


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TNA No Limitations website has been updated once again with:

TNA Tag Title History

TNA Sacrifice PPV History

TNA Slammiversary PPV History

TNA Victory Road PPV History

OVW and SHIMMER Champions and History

OVW and SHIMMER Tag Teams

OVW and SHIMMER Results from the beginning of the diary untill now


Plus the all new http://tnanolimitations.freeforums.org the BRAND NEW forum. im not expecting much posting but its nice to have it if people want to post. I will be using it to explain the whole Tag Team Championship plan and how the GoldRus PPV and Match will work. my pvt forum = non Kayfabe, the GDS diary post = Kayfabe. If anyone is confused i do apologise:D


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the link within the text doesn't work btw the TNA Forum one does.



thanks buddy, i did notice there was a problem. if you click forum on the "HOME" page it works. any other page and its faulty. i've just found the problem and it should be sorted shortly. I'm writing Impact at the moment so i will get on to it as soon as i can :-).


Just so everyone knows... In the TNA Forum, under Gold Rush you can find out all about the PPV.



Anothe small... Well major note. I've brought forward the bloodbath ppv to the Sunday comming. Booking 3 weeks for an ecw reunion then only having 2 weeks untill hard justice seemed wrong. So it's even less time untill we crown the first ever TNA Hardcore Champion. I'll get Impact written up by tomorrow and give everyone time to then to leave there predictions on the BloodBath mtaches

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TNA Impact - Thursday July Week 2






Announcers for tonight’s Impact Broadcasting













Kurt Angle and Raven vs Rob Van Dam and Rhino




Tonight’s main event kicks off the show with the TNA Heavyweight Champion playing the middleman in this battle as Brock Lesnar will play the Referee for this match. Before TNA came around the names of RVD, Rhino and Raven were huge with the wrestling audience and still carry the respect that they had in the price of ECW. RVD made his debut 2 weeks ago at Victory Road after the match Lesnar and Angle had for the Championship. A man flying across the ring using the 5 Star Frog Splash on both Lesnar and Angle then over shadowed the main even of the PPV. Just last week things got a little more personal between Angle and RVD that led to them having tonight’s match. Heading into the most Extreme PPV in wrestling today you can only imagine that the winning team will have the momentum when it comes to winning their matches at BloodBath. This match plays into the hands of the Referee Brock Lesnar who watches his challengers this Sunday beat each other to a pulp. The match shows some great spots from all competitors including Raven hitting his famous Even Flow to RVD from the second rope. The match has the crowd bussing through out, thanks to Mr Thursday Night Rob Van Dam. Raven and RVD then take it to the outside allowing the opportunistic leader of the Mafia to plant Rhino in an ankle lock from which he cannot escape. Rhino is forced to tap out as RVD rushes to the ring trying to save him. The bell is then called before RVD can make the save. The so far fair official Lesnar then meets eyes with RVD before lifting him up and F5’ing his face to the canvas. Leaving the crowd mixed with boo’s and cheers. The cheers then come flooding in as we see Lesnar F5 Angle as his partner Raven retreats to the back leaving the champion looking dominant over his challengers for this Sunday at BloodBath




Winner: Kurt Angle and Raven


Time: 12:21


Rating: B-










Backstage JB is with a former ECW Champion The Sandman. JB thanks the Sandman for his time to share his views on the match against the Main Event Mafia on Sunday. Sandman talks about how ECW wasn’t just about bloodshed the violence or winning over the fans. Sandman says it was all about respect for the business and the 3 letters E,C,W. To be Extreme would mean you put your body on the line every night you had to and give the best match possible. Championship meant that the gold was more important that having an ego, having a big paycheck or even shaking the bosses hand, it meant you were number one. Wrestling, It’s a sport of respect and loyalty to fellow wrestlers. Sandman says that the Main Event Mafia stands for none of those qualities, there greedy, money grabbing, control freaks that need taking to the extreme. JB then quickly asks who does the Sandman personally want to beat. Without a doubt the Sandman says he wants to take out the so-called best ECW Champion in history, the man who thinks he was the real ECW Champion, Bobby Lashley.










Brother Ray vs Nova




Team 3D and the Blue World Order fight it out for the last 3 spots in the TNA Hardcore Championship match at BloodBath, but to night its man on man and its all about hurting your opponent so much that your team has the advantage heading into the PPV this Sunday. Again both side play the face with some great comedy stints from both men and even a “DEVON!!!. Get The Tables” moment from Nova who imitates 1 half of the greatest tag team in the world Brother Ray. The match gives us a good few minutes of action before Ray plants Nova with a Brother Cutter.




Winner: Brother Ray


Time: 6:50


Rating: D+








A Video airs hyping a brand new tag team who are heading to TNA calling themselves 2-Fro.











Back at ringside we cut to Mike Tenay and Don West who are arguing over who will become the first ever TNA Hardcore champion. Tenay then informs us that the competitors of the Hardcore match have been given the night off to play with presents than TNA has sent them. West tells us that TNA has sent each competitor a hamper of hardcore goodies that they can bring on Sunday. Tenay and West Begin to argue again over who will win, West bets Tenay $1,000 that Matt Morgan will walk out the first ever Hardcore Champion.










Alex Shelley vs Jay Lethal




Last week was the shocking turn of Alex Shelley who totally lost his mind when he took out his partner Chris Sabin and inevitably got them stripped of the TNA Tag Team Championships. In a bit to get his hands on Sabin once again the man known for being the back stabber has to take on Jay Lethal who is representing Chris Sabin tonight. The rules set out to Shelley were, If you win then you face Sabin at Hard Justice, Loose and you apologise to Sabin live on Impact. Shelley and Lethal put on one of the best matches of the night, using lots of reversals and high spots, including some great mat wrestling. Shelley manages to eventually beat down Lethal and hit him with a new finisher which West tells us is called “Facing Facts”, a powerbomb facebuster. Jay Lethal is left out for the count by Shelley who earns himself a match at Hard Justice with Chris Sabin.




Winner: Alex Shelley


Time: 10:38


Rating: B-










In the corridor backstage in the Impact arena we see Dawn Marie and Francine chatting and chatting up on ECW Nostalgia. The mood then goes sour as the 3 members of the Beautiful People walk up to the ECW originals and begin to bitch with them before attacking them. Love, Sky and Rayne then continue to beat down Marie and Francine until we see Jazz run to the rescue as the Beautiful People scarper.










The camera backstage following Chris Sabin who enters Jim Cornette’s office. Sabin thanks Cornette for making the Shelley match tonight and says he is glad Shelley won. Sabin says he badly wants to get his hands on him and doesn’t want him to run away crying. Cornette asks Sabin if he just came in to say thank you and if it was then he says it was all part of business. Sabin says he has 1 more thing, Sabin asks to make his match with Shelley at Hard Justice a 6 Sides of Steel match. Cornette says he will give Sabin the same opportunity he gave Shelley last week. Later tonight Sabin can face a person of Shelley’s choosing and if Sabin wins he will have himself a 6 Sides of Steel match at hard Justice. Sabin shakes Cornette’s hand and leaves his office to go and get ready.










Sting vs Al Snow




As this match between Mafia and Extremists kicks off, the professor Mike Tenay tells us that we have already seen one Mafia member battle opposition tonight and this following match wont be the last of the battles tonight. Tenay informs us that Bobby Lashley will take on Samoa Joe in tonight’s Impact Finale. This match gets underway as we see Sting and Snow have a great battle early on. But the former TNA and WCW Champion proves to much for Al Snow. Sting then begins to play dominance with Snow. Sting then plants the Scorpion Death Drop and gains the pinfall.



Winner: Sting


Time: 6:29


Rating: C








The video of Sonjay Dutt plays again, hyping the fact that Sonjay Dutt will be here very soon.











Backstage the camera’s rush to some noise. The camera finds EMT’s looking after the brand new X-Division Champion Eric Young. As the Camera continues to roll it catches a glimpse of Sonjay Dutt peering out of a doorway at what’s going on. Tenay and West are stunned at ringside at what they just seen and tell us that Sonjay isn’t due to be here yet and begin to question who actually left Eric Young out in the back.










Terry Funk vs Lance Storm




Two names who are well known for there days in ECW and WCW battle it out in this match just days before they reunite there teams at BloodBath. Both these men have had great success ad single and tag competitors over the years in ECW, WCW and WWE the 3 major giants of the 90’s. This match is great nostalgia for the live crowd who are wrapped up and transformed back a decade to watch what would have surely been a main event for an ECW TV edition. With the fans in their awe the match goes all out with both men putting on a true show. The 65-year-old Funk makes a few mistakes throughout the match but the live crowd are still hot for two great historic ECW names. The match continues to get the crowd on their feet until a missed opportunity for Funk leads to Lance Storm grounding Funk and making him tap out to the Canadian Maple Leaf.




Winner: Lance Storm


Time: 6:42


Rating: D










The Camera is backstage once again getting ready for JB to host another interview when the camera man pans to see BG James and Cute Kip talking in the corridor once again. Both men are seen joking but split when the cameraman tries to get closer. As they split we see them shake hands.










JB now has the attention back on him as he gets his guest at this time, AJ Styles. AJ is with the 5-man team who will face the Main Event Mafia this Sunday at BloodBath. Styles tells them of his history with the Mafia and begins to talk the men into putting together a strategy. They all agree that the Mafia needs to be taken down a few pegs and agree to watch each others backs until the match as the Mafia has a habit of singling out and destroying opposition.










Chris Sabin vs Kevin Nash




Earlier tonight Sabin asked for his match with Shelley to be a 6 Sides of Steel match. Sabin was they given his chance to earn the match by facing a person of Shelley’s Choosing. In what is a huge shock, Shelley chooses a member of the Main Event Mafia and former WCW and WWE Champion “Big Sexy” Kevin Nash. In the battle of his life the former TNA Tag Team Champion Chris Sabin takes it to Nash with everything he has inside. The match battles on for some time, with Nash taking most of the control, leaving Sabin very littler opportunity to gain offence. Sabin does however get the opportunity to hit the Cradle Shock but fails to lift Nash. Giving Nash another opening we see more of the beat downs on Sabin. The end then comes out of nowhere as we see Sabin take Nash out from the knee’s and climb to the top rope to hit a devastating Shooting Starpress. Sabin picks up the shocking win, the crowd are on there feet and West admits that he totally didn’t see that coming.




Winner: Chris Sabin


Time: 13:31


Rating: C










Jim Cornette comes out and informs us of the situation with the TNA Tag Team Championships. Cornette tells us that we will have to wait until TNA Gold Rush to crown new tag team Champions. Starting next week Cornette tells us that we will see 3 tag team matches a week with 3 teams in each match. Every week for 5 weeks we will see 9 teams battle it out to gain the most points. Cornette talks us through how the points system and how it works.


Week 1 the 3 winning teams from the 3 Triple threat tag team matches will earn 10 points for there team. Each week the points will go up 5points, at the end of the tournament the points will be added up and added to a special viewers vote. The 3 teams with the most points will then battle it out in 1 final Triple Threat tag team match to crown new TNA Tag Team Champions.










Bobby Lashley vs Samoa Joe




The Finale of the show sees the Main Event Mafia defend their honor once again when they face off with the Front line. The Mafia have there sights set on the Extremists this Sunday but the Mafia also know to keep there eye on the Front Line who are still hunting down the Mafia. The Front Line and Mafia war has raged on for months here in TNA but the end seems far away. With the Front Line out of the picture this Sunday you can imagine the Mafia are breathing a sigh of relief. Coming hot of the heels of last week’s huge main event with Sting we see Samoa Joe give Lashley a lasting memory of the Front Line heading into the PPV with an early hard kick to Lashley leaving him reeling. Showing great determination from both sided is a true blessing for this match as we see both competitors fight it to the death, using big moves at a fast pace. The match continues going at full speed throughout leaving the crowd on there feet almost all the way through. As both men are on the verge of collapse we see Lashley go to the top rope for a big move. Lashley then rushes at the ropes and crotches Lashley right down onto the turnbuckle. Samoa Joe takes advantage of the situation and heads to the corner and lifts Lashley into a Muscle Buster. The Impact has Lashley in pain on the floor as Joe covers him for the Front Line victory.




Winner: Samoa Joe


Time: 13:10


Rating: B-








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_cplus.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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TNA XPlosion - Saturday July Week 2






Announcers for tonight’s XPlosion Broadcasting


















Guido, Mamaluke and Smothers vs Blue World Order




Winner: Blue World Order


Time: 6:21


Rating: D-










Sabu vs Shane Douglas vs Bob Holly




Winner: Sabu


Time: 10:28


Rating: D+:p>:p>








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_d.jpg








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TNA BloodBath – Preview






TNA Heavyweight Championship


Brock Lesnar© vs Kurt Angle vs Rob Van Dam




Raven vs Rhino




Main Event Mafia vs Extremists


Lashley, Nash, Sting, Booker and Steiner vs Sabu, Sandman, Snow, Tajiri and Balls




20 Man Time Limit Title

TNA Hardcore Championship




Bob Holly


Shane Douglas


Mikey Whipwreck


Tracy Smothers


Masato Tanaka


Kid Kash






Matt Morgan


Christopher Daniels


Cute Kip




James Storm


Samoa Joe


Shark Boy


Brother Ray or Stevie Richards


Brother Devon or Nova


Brother Runt or Blue Meanie




Mick Foley and Terry Funk vs Justin Credible and Lance Storm




Beautiful People vs Jazz, Francine and Dawn Marie




FBI vs Diamond and Swinger




Team 3D vs bWo




*** Who do you have you’re money on? Get Predicting ***

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Brock Lesnar© vs Kurt Angle vs Rob Van Dam

Raven vs Rhino

Lashley, Nash, Sting, Booker and Steiner vs Sabu, Sandman, Snow, Tajiri and Balls

20 Man Time Limit Title Samoa Joe

Mick Foley and Terry Funk vs Justin Credible and Lance Storm

Beautiful People vs Jazz, Francine and Dawn Marie

FBI vs Diamond and Swinger

Team 3D vs bWo

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Brock Lesnar© vs Kurt Angle vs Rob Van Dam

Raven vs Rhino

Lashley, Nash, Sting, Booker and Steiner vs Sabu, Sandman, Snow, Tajiri and Balls

20 Man Time Limit Title; Abyss

Mick Foley and Terry Funk vs Justin Credible and Lance Storm

Beautiful People vs Jazz, Francine and Dawn Marie

FBI vs Diamond and Swinger

Team 3D vs bWo

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Halfway through the BloodBath write up, it should be posted in the next 2 hours. The writeups wont be as in detail as other PPV's as its a Nostalgia show and not a show packed with storylines.


Also some HUGE news will follow the PPV.

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TNA Heavyweight Championship

Brock Lesnar© vs Kurt Angle vs Rob Van Dam

Raven vs Rhino

Main Event Mafia vs Extremists

Lashley, Nash, Sting, Booker and Steiner vs Sabu, Sandman, Snow, Tajiri and Balls

20 Man Time Limit Title:Abyss

Mick Foley and Terry Funk vs Justin Credible and Lance Storm

Beautiful People vs Jazz, Francine and Dawn Marie

FBI vs Diamond and Swinger

Team 3D vs bWo

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TNA BloodBath 2009






TNA BloodBath - Sunday July Week 2











Announcers for tonight’s PPV Broadcasting















The announcers welcome us to the show as the Music of Paul Heyman hits. Heyman makes his way into to the packed Hammerstein Ballroom pushing a shopping cart dull of weapons. Heyman leaves the weapons at ringside but enters the ring and grabs a microphone. He proceeds to thank all the fans for the support over the years and the support for tonight’s event. After a quick rundown of tonight’s card, Heyman tells us to expect nothing short of the most extreme battles in wrestling history tonight. Heyman points to the shopping cart and says it’s a Heymans “Lucky Dip”. Heyman then mentions Tommy Dreamer and Joey Styles who can’t be here because of the “E”. Heyman then hands the show over to Tazz and Cyrus at ringside.










20 Man Hardcore Qualifier


Team 3D vs blue World order




In a match where a chance to battle for the Hardcore Championship is up for grabs, the who teams have a lot more to fight for that ECW nostalgia. These two factions played a huge part in the history of ECW and created many memorable moments, from comedy, to multiple time champions and even showing up in the WWE. This match really gets the crowd on there feet to open up the show with an even battle throughout. The return of Brother Runt to the Team 3D family really heats up their game and brings them right up to the win as we see the 3D on Nova and Brother Devon dive for the cover and earn the team a place in the Hardcore Championship match.




Winner: Team 3D


Time: 11:59


Rating: D+










Diamond and Swinger vs F.B.I




The F.B.I has played a huge part in ECW and WWE over the years with a string of new members and managers but tonight original members Tony Mamaluke and Little Guido team up once again with their manager Tracy Smothers who is at ringside for the match. Diamond and Swinger on the other hand have been a successful team in both ECW and TNA. This match gets the crowd even more pumped as we work our way slowly to the bigger matches on the card. With the FBI firmly in control we see Guido pin Swinger flat to the mat after a Sicilian Slice leaving the FBI victorious




Winner: F.B.I

Time: 9:24


Rating: D










The fans are now greeted by Sheik Abdul Bashir who makes his way to the ring ranting and raving about the PPV. Bashir gets in the ring and continues to berate the PPV, ECW and the extreme hardcore wrestling fans. Bashir tells everyone that tonight should have been about TNA, a PPV where he could take on Eric Young and Suicide for the X-Division Championship and beat them both. Bashir then continues to talk about what ECW used to be, Glorified backyard wrestling with bloodthirsty fans. Bashir asks who actually watched ECW and who is just living on a pathetic revival of the hardcore breed. As Bashir continues to run down the legacy of ECW we hear Tazz at ringside say he has had enough and slams down his headset. Tazz enters the ring without catching Bashirs attention. From behind Tazz plants on the Tazzmission and drops to the floor until Bashir passes out. Leaving Bashir out on the floor, the former ECW Champion picks up the Microphone and says “oh well, Just Another Victim”. The fans go wild as Tazz makes his way back to the announce table.










The Beautiful People vs Jazz, Francine and Dawn Marie




The Beautiful People have been angered by the appearance of the ECW Knockouts, even attacking and beating down Francine and Dawn Marie this past week on Impact. With the BP dominating TNA it seems that the arrival of the ECW Knockouts, the BP have lost some control over the proceedings in the TNA Knockout Division. In a hair pulling bitch fight we see the former WWE Women’s Champion Jazz dominate the proceedings thanks to the backup of her teammates throughout. Although Love, Rayne and Sky put up a great fight it proves too much for the dominant Knockout Jazz who pins Velvet Sky following a devastating Sitout Powerbomb.




Winner: Jazz, Francine and Dawn Marie


Time: 6:38


Rating: E










Mick Foley and Terry Funk vs The Impact Players




Foley and Funk go back many years as partners and opponents with many hardcore, gruelling battles. With lots of blood shed and flesh torn the two created a legacy of their own as the meanest toughest sons of B’s on the planet. As for the Impact Players, Storm and Credible along with Dawn Marie who have held the ECW Tag Team Championships multiple times creating great memories and matches for the fans of ECW. This match gives the fans a great show with Funk n Foley making it all out hardcore warfare. Barbed Wire, Tables and a Mr Socko wrapped in chain. The match goes on in an extreme fashion until a Double Arm DDT to a Chair allows Foley to pick up the 3 count over Lance Storm.




Winner: Mick Foley and Terry Funk


Time: 12:43


Rating: C-










Backstage a pumped up Jazz walks into the office of Paul Heyman and Jim Cornette who are over seeing tonight’s show. Jazz goes straight to Cornette and tells him that she needs a spot in TNA and that she is still on top of her game. Jazz says she will do anything to get he spot, Heyman cuts in to back her up saying she’s a mean lady who can dominate the Knockout Division and bring in big bucks for the company. Cornette tells Jazz to be at Impact on Thursday where he will give her a chance to become an official TNA Knockout. Jazz shakes both men’s hands before leaving.










Hardcore Championship


20 Man Time Limit Title Match


Crowbar vs Bob Holly vs Roadkill vs Shane Douglas vs Masato Tanaka vs Mikey Whipwreck vs Kid Kash vs Abyss vs Hernandez vs Matt Morgan vs Christopher Daniels vs Cute Kip vs Homicide vs James Storm vs Samoa Joe vs Shark Boy vs Brother Ray vs Brother Devon vs Brother Runt




The Hardcore Division of TNA has heated to boiling point over recent weeks with hardcore battles, backstage attacks, bloodshed, dq’s and more. The Championship was created in a state of madness by Mick Foley who wanted more carnage in TNA. After some legal battles the TNA Hardcore Championship became recognised and brought here to the most Extreme PPV on the Planet where 20 Extremists battle it out. This match really shows off the hardcore capabilities of each wrestler with people such as Christopher Daniels using a kendo stick with lethal force to the head of Brother Runt. As we get nearer to crowning the first Champion we see the final seconds counting down with Samoa Joe, Abyss and Matt Morgan battling in the ring as Abyss still hold the last count for the title. Abyss is then hit with a axe kick to the face by Morgan who turns round into a Muscle Buster from Joe. Joe then covers Morgan for the 1… 2… The bell rings and the match is ended before the 3 count can be made leaving Abyss the winner.




Winner: NEW Hardcore Champion, Abyss


Time: 15:00


Rating: C-










Main Event Mafia vs Extremists




This match has had a lot of build up over the past few weeks with even the Front Line putting their 2cents into the mix. The match only came around thanks to Paul Heyman but it seems to have gotten a little personal with all the extremists disliking the Mafia and having a big issue with Bobby Lashley who things he was the best thing to happen to ECW. The Main Event Mafia has looked strong throughout even with the Front Line backing the Extremists. The match proves to be a solid match as we see competition from all the stars involved. The match has a very bitted ending though as Lashley picks up the pinfall victory over the Sandman after a Dominator. Truly rubbing salt in the open wounds of the Lashley/Extremist battle.




Winner: Main Event Mafia


Time: 13:55


Rating: C-










Raven vs Rhino




These two have been in more ECW main events than we care to remember and can still hold the crowd as we hear solid ECDub chants throughout this match with neither men picking up the heel of face chants here in the Hammerstein Ballroom. Raven and Rhino really go hardcore in this match when we see Rhino bring a security railing into the ring and set it in the corner before Goreing Raven through it. The match continues after that sick move thanks to the determination of both men who are former ECW Champions. The match wares on and more blood is spilled until Raven manages to hi the Even Flow DDT to a staggered Rhino who gets hit face planted to a steel trashcan. Raven pins Rhino and gains himself a huge victory and the huge cheers from the red hot crowd.




Winner: Raven


Time: 16:35


Rating: C+










TNA Heavyweight Championship


Brock Lesnar© vs Kurt Angle vs Rob Van Dam




This match has received the most hype and has been declared the fans favourite for the night. This match came about as a simple headliner for Paul Heymans PPV spectacular but became almost personal at Victory Road when RVD came in at the end of the show and hit both men with his 5 Star Frog Splash leaving the Victor Brock Lesnar down and out after earning himself a hard fought victory. This past Impact we seen a tag match between the two men, Kurt Angle and RVD where we seen the Olympic Gold Medallist pick up the victory over Rhino who was there to back up RVD. Lesnar played the official in that match and called it right down the line until the final bell when he took things to a new level and planted both Angle and RVD with and F5 as a thank you for what went down at Victory Road. This match really steals the show tonight as the live crowd in the Ballroom are HOT for RVD throughout just chanting his name almost every chance they get. As for Angle, He gets booed out of the building on his arrival and pelted with empty beer cans. The crowd is not to warm for the Face Lesnar who gets a 10/90% split in favour of the boo’s. The match is extremely solid throughout though as we see lots of high impact moves and some great wrestling, not forgetting a little hardcore play from RVD who hits Angle in the face with a Vandaminator to the chair which angle is holding. Brock Lesnar wastes no time in taking back control though. After a barrage of suplex’s to Angle and RVD we see Lesnar F5 Van Dam and cover him for the 3count almost as a payback for the attack at Victory Road. The fans cheer slightly for the Lesnar win, but ultimately boo him out of the building in favour of the ECW Original RVD




Winner: STILL Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar


Time: 24:45


Rating: B








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_cplus.jpg










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TNA Rise to Global




Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has achieved the greatest possible in wrestling today as a Global Wrestling company. TNA is now recognised alongside its rival the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). The news comes just months after TNA appointed a new C.E.O of the company. TNA President Dixie Carter has been highly supportive of the new management in TNA given them the freedom of the company. When Dixie heard the recent news she was said to be ecstatic and immediately contacted the C.E.O Reece Piper to find out the future plans for TNA.



In a Web interview after the news broke, the TNA President let slip that there would be another huge announcement on Impact this week concerning the future of TNA. She described the announcement as a huge step forward for TNA.








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TNA Tag Team Championship Tournament




TNA Management Director, Jim Cornette has opened up the chance for 9 different teams in his Tournament to crown new TNA Tag Team Champions. Tag Teams have been asked to come to TNA HQ in Orlando, Florida to make themselves eligible. Cornette as said the first 9 who show up get the chance. Those first 9 will be the Hungriest. Cornette has told us that he will announce every candidate as the turn up in his office.








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Time: Monday, July Week 3 2009 at 1:03PM


First Team: Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke (Full Blooded Italians)




Guido and Mamaluke are the first team to turn up and grant them a chance in the race for the TNA Tag Team Championships. Mamaluke and Guido are former ECW Champions and will begin their chase for the championships this week on Impact

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