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Time: Monday, July Week 3 2009 at 1:28PM


Second Team: Chris Ray Froman and Charlie Speed Froman (2 Fro)




Chris and Charlie are the second team to turn up and grant them a chance in the race for the TNA Tag Team Championships. Chris and Charlie have yet to Debut in TNA but will begin their chase for the championships this week on Impact

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Time: Monday, July Week 3 2009 at 2:41PM


Third Team: Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck (Unholy Alliance)



Tajiri and Whipwreck are the third team to turn up and grant them a chance in the race for the TNA Tag Team Championships. Tajiri and Whipwreck are former ECW Tag Team Champions with a long history of teaming together and will begin their chase for the championships

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Time: Monday, July Week 3 2009 at 2:58PM

Fourth Team: Jay Lethal and Consequences Creed (Lethal Consequences)


Lethal and Creed are the fourth team to turn up and grant them a chance in the race for TNA Tag Team Championship. Lethal and Creed are former TNA Tag Team Champions and will begin their chase for the championships this week on Impact

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Time: Monday, July Week 3 2009 at 3:46PM


Fifth Team: Homicide and Hernandez (L.A.X)





Homicide and Hernandez are the Fifth team to turn up and grant them a chance in the race for TNA Tag Team Championship. Homicide and Hernandez are former Multi-time TNA Tag Team Champions and will begin their chase for the championships this week on Impact

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Time: Monday, July Week 3 2009 at 4:41PM




Sixth Team: BG James and Kip James (The James Gang)





BG and Kip are the sixth team to turn up and grant them a chance in the race for TNA Tag Team Championship. BG and Kip are former Multi-time WWE Tag Team Champions and members of the biggest faction in wrestling history; they will begin their chase for the championships this week on Impact

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Time: Monday, July Week 3 2009 at 4:46PM


Seventh Team: James Storm and Robert Roode (Beer Money Inc)





Storm and Roode are the seventh team to turn up and grant them a chance in the race for TNA Tag Team Championship. Storm and Roode are former Multi-time TNA Tag Team Champions and will begin their chase for the championships this week on Impact

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Time: Monday, July Week 3 2009 at 6:50PM


Eighth Team: Justin Credible and Lance Storm (Impact Players)





Justin and Storm are the eighth team to turn up and grant them a chance in the race for TNA Tag Team Championship. Justin and Storm are former Multi-time ECW Tag Team Champions and will begin their chase for the championships this week on Impact

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Time: Monday, July Week 3 2009 at 9:01PM


Ninth Team: Brother Ray and Brother Devon (Team 3D)





Ray and Devon are the ninth and final team to turn up and grant them a chance in the race for TNA Tag Team Championship. Ray and Devon are former Multi-time TNA, WCW, ECW and WWE Tag Team Champions and will begin their chase for the championships this week on Impact

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TNA Impact Preview






The TNA Front Line has told authority that they are opening up Impact this week. Speculation is rife as the fans begin to wonder what is going to be said by the Front Line.




Sunday at BloodBath RVD and Angle battled it out in a Championship match with Brock Lesnar but became a victim to the unstoppable Lesnar. On Impact RVD will face off with Angle 1 on 1 thanks to Jim Cornette who says he is looking for the next #1 Contender.




Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley have gone from a high as champions to a low where they are waiting to get their hands on each other. Impact this week will host the Contract signing for Sabin vs Shelley in the 6 Sides of Steel at Hard Justice. The contract is rumoured to have the stipulation that neither men will be able to have physical contact until the match or receive a 30-day suspension.




Jim Cornette has a few Announcements to shake up the world of TNA for good. One of those announcements will be about the TNA PPV Gold Rush, the other has been gathering rumours over the past few days and we are expecting the fans to pack into the Impact Zone to hear this big news.




TNA Tag Team Championship, Point gaining Tournament will begin this week on Impact with 3, 2v2v2 matched every week for the next 5 weeks. Cornette has had the 9 teams turn up to his office and gain themselves the opportunity but its now down to the following 9 teams to make themselves #1. The teams are: FBI, 2 Fro, Tajiri and Whipwreck, Lethal Consequences, LAX, James Gang, Beer Money Inc, Impact Players and Team 3D




At BloodBath the former X-Division Champion and former Knockout Champion Sheik Abdul Bashir and Angelina Lover were humiliated by the hands of the Extremists. In a bit to gain some respect back the two will face off against Eric Young and ODB. If they win they will earn themselves the #1 contenders spot at TNA Hard Justice.




Jazz dominated proceedings at BloodBath and came to the TNA Authority to get herself a chance at becoming a full time TNA Knockout. Cornette told Jazz to be at Impact this week where she can earn herself a chance at being a Knockout. What can Cornette have planned.




Confirmed Matches


Kurt Angle vs RVD


FBI vs 2 Fro vs Tajiri and Whipwreck


Lethal Consequences vs LAX vs James Gang


Beer Money Inc vs Impact Players vs Team 3D


Sheik Abdul Bashir and Angelina Love vs Eric Young and ODB










For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit






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TNA Contract Signings



Total Non-stop Action Wrestling has come to terms on the contract extensions of ECW Originals:



Rob Van Dam – Written Contract

Guido Maritato – Written Contract

Justin Credible – Written Contract

Mikey Whipwreck – Short Term Contract

Tazz – Written Contract

Tony Mamaluke – Written Contract

Yoshihiro Tajiri – Short Term Contract

Dawn Marie – Short Term Contract






TNA Thanks the following Extreme Originals and wishes them the best on future ventures



Paul Heyman

Shane Douglas

Bob Holly

Tracy Smothers


Blue Meanie



Johnny Swinger


Brother Runt


Kid Kash

Masato Tanaka

The Sandman




For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit


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2 Fro in tha hizzouse! Please book the Naturals in this tourney! AND ONE BIIIIIGGG SUGGESTION!!! MAKE XPLOSION AN X-Division SHOW AND BRING UP X-DIVISION DEVELOPMENT GUYS TO FIGHT ON IT!!!!!!


HAHA 2Fro are here. The beginning of the new faces. As for the naturals I’m sorry but there not in the tournament but you might see them soon. I have big plans for the Tag Team division and where would it be today without the old days of AMW and the Naturals.


X-Plosion I’m going to give nothing away here but just stay tuned to Impact which i hope to post tomorrow. There are a few announcements which will include something to do with X-Plosion, Impact, X-Division, Knockout Division, Hardcore Division, Tag Division and much more. My lips are now sealed until I post Impact:D

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Impact SHOULD be posted tonight. its been booked and i am starting to write it after i post this message. Its one of the strongest cards for storylines to date so it might take a little longer than usual. :)
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TNA Impact - Thursday July Week 3






Announcers for tonight’s Impact Broadcasting















TNA Impact kicks off with the TNA Front Line already in the ring with each member holding a Microphone. Jeff Jarrett kicks off proceedings telling everyone its time that the Mafia would get shut up once and for all. Jarrett goes on to talk about the Mafia victory at BloodBath and the constant bragging ever since that the Mafia is #1. Jarrett talks about how he and AJ Styles have been in TNA from day one and have given everything they have to the company. The story continues of the history of TNA until Jarrett brings us up to date and talks about how the Mafia are trying to claim the rights to something they didn’t sculpt or even own.


AJ then takes the floor and talks about how Angle and Styles stood side to side just a few years back. He then tells us how he and Angle fought over Angles wife when nothing was going on and then he tells us about how the Mafia have screwed him over and over again.


Rhino now cuts a short piece on how he is a former TNA Champion back in the days when it meant more that power and money, it represented respect. Rhino says the Mafia has now made holding the title a business accusation and not a sign of great wrestling.


Joe then takes over and take the floor. Joe tells everyone that TNA was his big break, it’s the place he became a Samoan Submission Machine and created the Nation of Violence. Joe tells the Mafia members it’s a matter of time before his Nation of Violence takes out the Mafia.


Once again Jarrett comes back on the microphone and says he used his powers to putt some strings in the TNA office. Jarrett tells us that he’s got a Main Event Mafia vs Front Line match at Hard Justice but their 1 man short. Jarrett opens the spot to any man on the TNA Roster who hates the Mafia just as much as he does. The four men then shake hands and leave the ring together.










X-Division #1 Contender


Paul London vs Sonjay Dutt




Sonjay Dutt made a huge impression last week by taking out the X-Division Champion on his return to TNA. Sonjay wasted no time in getting himself a #1 contenders match and Paul London was happy enough to be put in the match thanks to Jim Cornette. Tonight’s match will decide who faces Eric Young for the Championship at Hard Justice. Sonjay and London have yet to meet in the ring but put on a great crowd-pleasing match with lots of Arial moves and the fast pace action. The match gives both men time to shine and the match ends up coming down to draw as both men fail to enter the ring before the 10 count leaving the match at Hard Justice under question.




Winner: DRAW


Time: 8:54


Rating: C-










The fans are now on the edge of their seats as the Director of Authority Jim Cornette makes his way to the ring for tonight’s big announcements. Cornette starts by thanking everybody for helping TNA progress into a Global federation. Cornette says first up he is going to explain TNA’s newest most revolutionary PPV, Gold Rush.


Cornette tells us that every championship will be on the line but the challengers will have to prove themselves to the fans and not authority as each challenger will have to be voted in by the TNA Fans. Cornette also explains that the PPV will hold the Gold Rush match where 5 men fight it out for 5 Championship matches at a later date and that the winner earns a shot at main eventing Bound for Glory against the Heavyweight Champion. We are told that starting at Hard Justice the 5 men for the Gold Rush match will begin in a 10-man battle royal.


Cornette then draws out attention to the second of his announcements tonight. Cornette tells us that X-Plosion will be getting a face-lift in 3 weeks after Hard Justice. Cornette tells us that every X-Plosion will feature a Championship match. We are also told that it will be the home of the TNA divisions, Hardcore, X, Knockout and Tag Team Divisions. Cornette further tells us that X-Plosion will be going to a 1 hour show and will feature a new announce team.


Finally the Big announcement of the night is TNA Impact is going live following TNA Hard Justice. The first live Impact will be kicked off by a 3 hour Special featuring two 10-man battle royals, a Champions face off match and a new member of the TNA Impact Announce Team TAZZ.

















Round 1 Tag Team Tournament


FBI vs 2-Fro vs Unholy Alliance




The tag team division has been lost without the championships over the past few weeks but that’s to the ingenuity of Cornette we are starting the road to crown new Tag Team Champions. The first match of the tournament kicks off with the new guys on the block, Charlie Speed Froman and his brother Chris Ray Froman who were the second team to show up in Cornette’s office earning them a chance at the championships. The following 2 teams were first and third to turn up but are more importantly both former ECW Tag Team Champions which would give them a heads up in this match. In a fun but disappointing match for the former extremists we see the brotherly alliance of the Froman Brothers pick up the action pact win with there double team finisher on Whipwreck




Winner: 2-Fro


Time: 8:18


Rating: D+










Backstage Kip James is with JB who asks him about his recent reunion with BG James. Kip is more than happy to answer and tells JB that they are like brothers, they go way back and he was just sick of being the lackey for the pretty girls oops I mean Beautiful People. JB then asks if Kip still wants to be with the Beautiful People to which he replies with he is no longer Cute Kip, he is Kip James the ass kicker and he would much rather ass whoop with BG James. The camera pans to BG who is standing out of camera view as he spits water everywhere in a small comedy moment. BG tells Kip the James gang is back together but there will be no whooping of his ass. As the both men walk off laughing. JB closes up the segment telling us the James Gang would be back in action later tonight in the Tag Team Tournament.










#1 Contender


Sheik Abdul Bashir and Angelina Love vs Eric Young and ODB




Tenay and West kick off the match calling still laughing at the previous segment. Tenay then informs us that tonight is a #1 contenders match but only 1 person can leave as #1 contender meaning that Bashir and Love might want to stab each other in the back. Young and Bashir battle it out for most of the match with the knockouts anxious to get in the ring. The knockouts get there chance and go at it fiercely getting the crowd pumped up before handing it back to the men. Bashir and Eric fight it out until Bashir hits a devastating piledriver. Before Bashir can get the win, the lights out and come back on to find Bashir out in his partner’s corner. Angelina tags herself in and covers Eric picking up the shock victory and gaining the #1 contendership to the Knockout Championship.




Winner: Angelina Love and Sheik Abdul Bashir


Time: 8:04


Rating: D










Backstage we see Bobby Lashley looking irate and pumped up as the camera pans to he feet where we see the lifeless body of the homicidal Sabu. Lashley continues to stomp on the body of Sabu before being pulled off by officials. Lashley then talks directly into the camera saying, “ECW is nothing compared to me” followed by “I am the real Extreme Champion”. As Lashley is dragged off by the officials, Don West comments by asking what Lashley is up to and will there be more from him tonight.


















Round 1 Tag Team Tournament


Lethal Consequences vs L.A.X vs James Gang




The second tournament match of the night sees all former tag team champions from multiple federations. The match sees the return of the James Gang who prank around throughout the match leading Tenay to mention the D-X blood in both of them. As the match goes on we continue to watch some great action will all three teams pulling out all the stops in the first round battling for the first 10points to get them started on the leader board. The match proves to be a strong one for the James Gang who may not pick up the victory but dominate throughout. The match does have an ending to please the crowd though as we see Hernandez hit the Boarder Toss on Creed to pick up the victory and elevate them up the leader board.




Winner: L.A.X


Time: 9:16


Rating: C-










Jazz vs Taylor Wilde




Jazz has a chance here tonight to gain a spot on the TNA roster thanks to Cornette who at BloodBath told her to show up tonight to ain her spot. Wilde and Jazz really hold the crowd’s attention with some gritty wrestling action. Throughout the match both knockouts keep up the strong offence with neither woman looking to be failing. As Jazz then gets hit in the face and temporary blinded by the shot the referee goes to her aid. As the Referee is tending to Jazz we see Awesome Kong come to the ring and annihilate Taylor Wilde with a huge Powerbomb. As Jazz comes to we see her crawl for Wilde and gain the victory and a job. But for the announcers the bigger question is why Kong showed up.




Winner: Jazz


Time: 6:59


Rating: D-










As the arena is being prepared for the final Tag Team Tournament match we are greeted by Stevie Richards and Raven who come to the ring and take the microphone from Penzer. Richards says he is speaking on behalf of Raven tonight who wishes to challenge Abyss for the Hardcore Championship. Richard tells us that Raven returned with a bang and has yet to be beaten. Stevie reminds us that the original hardcore superstar was Raven who left his blood all over the ring and still picked up the wins. As Stevie is talking Raven is sat in the corner swaying back and fore talking to himself. Stevie then Slaps Raven and says “Abyss, let the countdown begin”. Stevie then slaps Raven again leading to Raven hitting the Even Flow on Stevie and leaving the ring.










A video now airs on the Titantron from Brock Lesnar who is at his home in Minneapolis. Lesnar tells us he would love to team up with the Front Line to once again get his hands on Kurt Angle. Lesnar says he would happily team up with them to eliminate the Main Even Mafia for good but that it was in the hands of the Front Line. Lesnar apologises to the fans for not being there this week but says he will see them next week when he finds out if the Front Line accepts his offer.

















Round 1 Tag Team Tournament


Beer Money Inc vs Impact Players vs Team 3D




The final of the first round kicks off with the last 10points on offer tonight. This match holds some of the biggest names in tag team history with each wrestler holding tag team titles multiple times over the past 2 decades. This match really shines for the tag division as we see come great wrestling from all the participants in the match. From a 3D to a double Super Kick to some beer smashing bottles, the fans see it all. Beer Money Inc look practically strong in this match though as the tourney turns in their favour thanks to a well planted Beer Bottle ricochets off the head off Lance Storm courtesy of James Storm. A Storm pinning Storm ends the match and gives the final 10points of the night to Beer Money Inc




Winner: Beer Money Inc


Time: 11:25


Rating: C










Cornette once again makes his way to the ring where a table is set up in the middle of the ring surrounded by 3 chairs. Cornette enters the ring with a briefcase and lays it on the table in front of him before pulling up a seat. Cornette then introduces both Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin who make there way to the ring separately. Both men take there seats before Cornette runs them through the contract. Cornette tells them that Physical contact outside of a match is forbidden and will carry the punishment of 30 days minimum suspension. Cornette also tells them that the contact also contains a non-liable clause where neither man can hold TNA responsible for any injuries that may occur inside the 6 Sides of Steel at Hard Justice. Both men then proceed to stare each other out, as former partners become bitter rivals wanting the blood of the other man. Both men sign the contract and stand up. Cornette reminds them of the no contact rule and asks them to shake hands. Shelley turns his back and walks to the ropes when Sabin tackles him down to the mat and starts hitting him before lifting him up and hitting a modified Future Shock through the table. Cornette then screams at Sabin that he is indefinitely suspended for not obeying the rules of the contract. Sabin then smiles and reveals that he didn’t sign the contract but signs it there and then. Cornette then leaves the ring with the contract while Sabin taunts Shelley saying he is the smarter man and that Hard Justice is what’s coming to Shelley.










Kurt Angle vs Rob Van Dam




The biggest main event ever on Impact not takes place as we see former WWE Champions fight it out for a chance to prove there the man to become the number one contender. Weeks and weeks have gone by with Angle trying to get his hands on the TNA Championship with every obstacle possible in his way. From the founder Jeff Jarrett to RVD and the Champion himself Brock Lesnar. This match truly shines for the level that Impact has become over recent months, showing fans that there is nowhere better to watch in ring wrestling than TNA Impact. The match continues to go strong with all the stops being pulled out and every move from their arsenals being used. Angle and RVD take it to the brink of exhaustion when an unbalanced RVD missed Angle and hits the Referee with a spinning wheel kick. Both men continue to battle as the Referee is out until the “Annihilator of Extreme” Bobby Lashley makes a beeline for the Extremist RVD in the ring. Lashley take a hold of RVD and hits him with a devastating dominator before reviving the Referee and dragging Angles battered body over the lifeless RVD. Lashley retreats to the back as we see the injured Referee count a slow 1…2…3 leaving no doubt to who won.




Winner: Kurt Angle


Time: 17:58


Rating: B








Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_cplus.jpg








For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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amazing impact dude! ive been reading diarys on this website for years and yours is my favorite one ever:D


love this and good impact


Double thanks to u both, getting great feedback makes writing it even more exciting. As for being you're favourite diary ever... *gulps* i have alot to live up to then lol.


Right ive got some graphic work to do for a fellow diary member but once im finnished i will get onto updating the TNA Website. I will hopfully get V1.1 up later. I will post when its complete:D

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TNA XPlosion - Saturday July Week 3





Announcers for tonight’s XPlosion Broadcasting











Alex Shelley vs Shark Boy



Winner: Alex Shelley

Time: 11:02

Rating: C+







Bobby Lashley vs Sabu



Winner: Lashley

Time: 7:58

Rating C-






Show Rating: http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp142/bwauk/Ratings/grade_cminus.jpg






For more info on the Roster, Championship History, Tag Team Experience and Who is in Development Visit




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haha great diary. tna is my preffered wrestling promotion right now after living my entire life putting the wwf/e in the driver's seat as my favorite promotion. consider this subscribed.






Backstage JB is in the parking lot with Eric Young who has a Do or Die match later tonight. Eric tells us he has been refused entry until his match and that he has to use his car as a locker room. JB then asks what he will do if he doesn’t win tonight. A disappointed Eric says he doesn’t know, but it won’t come to that as he will get his job back. JB wishes Eric good luck and says he hopes to see Eric next week on Impact.







lmao "use his car as a locker room" i laughed so hard at the complete and utter alienation of eric young but i'm glad he's getting his push. reminds me of jericho in wcw around 1998-1999

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Hey everyone sorry for not posting anything or getting the graphics to the people I promised. I was in a car crash and I have been in a little too much pain to carry on with the diary.

No fear I am back now. TNA No Limitations is still active and there is plenty more to do, give me a few days and I’ll get the next Impact rolling.

Thanks to everyone for your support so far and bring on the action

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