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Hello..........Im a long time TEW, EWR player and have always wanted to post a diary...........This story is me at the helm of WWE starting just before Wrestlemania 25...........all of the results happened just as they did in real life. I also played through the draft and basically right up to Backlash as in the real WWE.


I am choosing not to do a backstory as i am more concerned about the promotion and the on screen stories ........


My focus will be on maintaining as realistic as a product that resembles WWE as it now, but I will also be focusing on building good storylines and new stars for the future.........



As this is my first attempt at something like this, any feedback is more than welcome........I am by far not a pro with visual arts, but will attempt to make the look of my story apealing

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<p>I thought I would post my Backlash card to give everyone an update as to where I am within the game. In my current game I am just about up to Judgement Day. So I will post a briefing as to what has happened between Backlash and Judgement Day. After Judgement Day I will post for all shows.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/9806088</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

In Pre Show matches on wwe.com</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Carlito & Primo </strong>defended their WWE tag Team Championship against <strong>Kenny Dykstra & Paul Burchill</strong></p><p>

<strong>Kane</strong> defeated <strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MVP</strong> defeated <strong>The Brian Kendrick </strong>to retain his WWE United States Championship: Kendrick had challenged MVP to a match following the draft, claiming that he was The pick of the draft. The match was a fast passed affair which saw MVP pick up the win following with the play maker</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho</strong> defeated <strong>Rey Mysterio</strong>, <strong>CM Punk </strong>and <strong>John Morrison</strong> in what was built as a Smackdown showcase: Teddy Long had booked this match as a way to show off the new talent drafted to Smackdown . In the end Jericho scored the pin on Mysterio after hitting the code breaker.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Swagger</strong> defeated <strong>Finlay</strong> to retain the ECW title: Finlay had previously one the ECW chase, however the Irishman was no match as Swagger scored the pin to keep his title.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jeff Hardy</strong> defeated <strong>Matt Hardy </strong>in an I quit match. These two brothers had a brutal match which saw the use of tables, ladders and chairs. Jeff eventually duct taped Matt to a table then climbed a “20 foot high ladder”. Matt then begged Jeff not to jump as he said “I quit”. Jeff then hit a Swanton off the ladder after picking up the win.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels</strong> defeated <strong>The Undertaker</strong>: In what was billed as a Wrestlemania rematch. HBK had come out to challenge Taker saying “He could not rest until he avenged his Wrestlemania loss”. This match was everything the epic battle at Wrestlemania was, however this time Michaels was able to score the win after hitting sweet chin music after multiple false finishes. After the match the Undertaker was then brutally attacked by Umaga.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Edge</strong> defeated <strong>John Cena</strong> in a Last Man Standing match to win the World Heavyweight Championship: As usual with this rivalry, this match was both entertaining and devastating. The finish saw the Big Show attack Cena and throw him through a spot light on the stage, which he could not get up after causing Edge to win the title.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>HHH</strong>, <strong>Batista</strong> and <strong>Shane McMahon </strong>defeated <strong>Randy Orton, Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes </strong>: This match was for the WWE title. The finish saw HHH hit the Pedigree on Rhodes to retain the title.</p>

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<p><span style="font-size:24px;">WWE Present Judgment Day : Live from the Allstate Arena in Chicgao</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Preview</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

WWE World Title- Triple H© vs Randy Orton: After months of attacks on both his family and friends, Triple H has decided to give Randy Orton one last shot at his title, with the stipulation being that if Orton looses, he will never challenge Triple H for the title again.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

World Heavyweight title: Edge© vs CM Punk: CM Punk, who had recently won his second straight Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania 25 has decided to cash in his guaranteed title shot while he has the home court advantage in Chicago. Will this be enough for the hometown hero to defeat the Rated R Superstar?</p><p> </p><p>

The Undertaker vs Umaga: With Umaga attacking The Undertaker directly after his match at Backlash with Shawn Michaels, the Samoan Bulldozer has been on a rampage , not only demolishing any opponent in his path , but has also laid a handful of brutal beatdowns on the Phenom. The Undertaker vowed that Umaga will meet his make and Sunday will be his Judgement DAY.</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Tag Team Title Match: Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes © vs Batista & Shane McMahon: These four have been at the center of a months long battle for RAW supremecy that also includes Triple H and Randy Orton. Since defeating the Colons for the titles, both Dibiase and Rhodes have found anyway possible to one up the Animal and the Boy Wonder. Will they finally get the justice this Sunday?</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Jericho vs Jeff Hardy: New Smackdown GM Ric Flair has a bone to pick with Jericho that goes deeper than just a match. Flair seems to be determined to ruin Jerichos professional life as much as possible. Has he picked the perfect opponent for Jericho with his fellow Nort Carolinian Jeff Hardy?</p><p> </p><p>

ECW Title Match: Jack Swagger © vs Christian vs Vladimir Kozlov: Swagger has been on a roll since becoming ECW Champion. Christian has been determined to dethrone him since arriving in ECW. New draft pick Kozlov has looked dominant since his arrival in the land of extreme, and has added an ace up his sleeve. No one knows ECW and the ECW title better than his new manager, former ECW Boss Paul Heyman. How and will Heyman effect the outcome of this explosive three way dance?</p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Michaels vs Matt Hardy: Since arriving on RAW through the draft, Matt Hardy is out to prove to the world that he is the future of the WWE. After receiving some advice from someone who has between around once or twice, Shawn Michaels, Hardy has decided that he would rather fight Mr Wrestlemania than heed his words. Will youth and determination overcome, or will the expierence of HBK be too much for Hardy?</p><p> </p><p>

Big Show vs John Cena: After costing Cena the World Heavyweight title at Backlash, the Big Show has stopped at nothing to destroy John Cena for good. Although Cena seemingly overcomes the odds every week, will this match up be too much for one man to overcome?</p>

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WWE Presents Live on PPV : Judgment Day

Live from the Allstate Arena in Chicago



Judgment Day Opens with a video package highlighting the feuds between Triple H and Randy Orton, CM Punk and Edge, Jeff Hardy and Chris Jericho and Big Show and John Cena


Pyro Explodes and we are welcomed:


Jim Ross: Welcome everyone we are live in Chicago Illinois, and tonight well will see which men have passed their final Judgment, tonight we welcome you to Judgment Day. I am here at the Smackdown announce table with my new college Theodore Long.


Teddy Long: Thank you playa and what a wonderful night to begin my Pay per view announcing career JR. And on Smackdown, you know we always produce the most intense matchup in the entire WWE Universe!

JR: That’s right Teddy, we are going to see one Hell of a Slobber Knocker as The Deadman, the Undertaker goes one on one with the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga!

Teddy: JR those two playas are gonna beat the holy hell out of each other. But not only that, we will see the Charasmatic Enigma Jeff Hardy go one on one with the over inflated Chris Jericho.

JR: By orders of our new Smackdown General Manager the Nature Boy Ric Flair, we will one of Smackdowns newest stars face off against one of our mot popular. But how about this for a Main Event. CM, cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase, here in his home town of Chicago against the Rated R Superstar Edge!

Teddy:Well JR CM Punk has the home court advantage, but you can never count out Edge, he always has something up his sleeve.


JR: Lets throw it over to our friends at ECW, Joey Styles and Matt Striker.


Styles:Well Matt once again ECW shows the WWE Universe what a title match is all about

Striker: Joey you are so right, tonight we see not two but three of ECW’s finest compete for the ECW Championship. Christian, Vladimir Kozlov and Jack Swagger

Styles:Right Matt and now with Kozlovs “business partner” the diabolical Paul Heyman in the picture who knows what will happen tonight. Lets throw it over to the RAW side of things with Jerry the King Lawler and Michael Cole


Cole: well Jerry tonight there will defiantly be Judgment for our RAW Superstars. Tonight we have a huge set of matches.

King: Youre right Cole, and it doesn’t get more huge than the Big Show as he and John Cena look to blow the roof off this place.

Cole:And when you think of explosive, Jerry what will happen when the tag champs are finally in the ring with Batista and Shane McMahon

King: I don’t know Cole, but it doesn’t look good for Legacy tonight. Triple H is granting Randy Orton his final shot at the WWE Title tonight.

Cole: Lets go to ring side for our first match.


Shawn Michaels vs Matt Hardy:

These two put on one hell of an opening match. Neither could get the advatange. The finish saw HBK counter a twist of fate attempt by Matt into a very quick Sweet Chin Music. After the match , a very frustrated Matt Hardy looked on as HBK celebrated up the ramp.

Winner Shawn Michaels


We are then taken to the parking lot where Legacy show up. They look ready for a big night


We are then shown a video of the events that have lead to the Triple Threat ECW title match. The number one contenders match between Kozlov and Christian, then the arrival of Heyman as Kozlovs new manager.

We are then taken to the ring where Paul Heyman and Vladimir Kozlov are there with a mic

Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, you are about the witness the changing of the times in ECW! Call it a rebirth, call it a changing of the guard, call it a revolution. It doesn’t matter. What matters is tonight, my new client Vladimir Kozlov will win the ECW title, and I can take back the company which is rightfully mine! With my superior intellect, and this mans superior fighting skills it is only a matter of time before ECW is mine once again.


ECW title Match: Jack Swagger vs Christian vs Vladimir Kozlov


It appeared early as if Christian and Swagger were going to be working together as they spent the opening minutes teaming up to throw Kozlov out of the ring. After this they went to work on each other until Kozlov regained his composure to re enter the match. The finish saw Swagger get thrown over the top rope and just as Christian looked to have the match won against Kozlov, Heyman hit him in the back of the head with the ECW title belt. The crowd the erupted into a chorus of boos as Heyman and his new client celebrated in the middle of the ring with his newly won ECW title


Winner and New ECW Champion: Vladimir Kozlov


We then see Chris Jericho burst into Ric Flairs office backstage.

Jericho: Look Flair, I know what your up to. You think because you have some stupid GM title, that you can control me. Well youre wrong, my name is Chris Jericho and I will not take orders from an over the hill has been like you.

Flair:Wooo! Jericho, you have realize that now,and for the forseeable future the Nature boy is your boss. And wether you like it or not. It’s the best damn thing going today. So Jericho, I suggest you march down to that ring right now, or I may have to review your contract. Your match is next WOOOOO.

Jericho leaves with a disgusted look on his face


Jeff Hardy vs Chris Jericho

In what was a very entertaining match saw these two trade every move in both of their arsenals. Towards the end of the match, Flair made his way to ring side. As Jericho was distracted by his presence, this gave Jeff Hardy a moment to turn Jericho around and nail him with a Twist of Fate. As Hardy had his arm raised and very upset Jericho looked on at the Nature Boy.


Winner: Jeff Hardy


We are then shown a video highlight the numerous attack of Umaga on the Undertaker in recent weeks.


Umaga vs The Undertaker


This was a hard hitting affair which saw the Samoan Bulldozer go toe to toe with the Deadman. In the end the Undertaker was able to nail a tombstone on umaga, however the savage kicked out. Only to be nailed with 2 more tombstones to secure the win for the Undertaker

Winner: The Undertaker


As Umaga comes to. He snaps and physically destroys referee Rudy Charles


Backstage we see John Cena


Cena: Show….tonight isn’t about wreslting. Tonight isn’t about who is the better man. No tonight is my night for justice. Not only did I beat you at Wresltemania, no no you couldn’t accept that . so what do you do, you throw me through a 7000 watt light! Show, the scars will heal, my organs will mend but what cannot be fixed is how you cost me my World Heavy Weight title! Show you better make sure that you kill me tonight because if you don’t, I will make sure you permantly cant see me!


John Cena vs The Big

This match was hard hitting. It looked as though Cena would not even last as it seemed the effects of the Backlash attack were still lingering. In the end these two spilled out to ringside where they used everything from chairs to monitors to beat each other senseless. Referee Jack Doan had no choice but to rule this a draw



We are backstage where Randy Orton is with Todd Grisham

Todd: Randy, tonight is your final chance as you go one on one with Triple H……….

Orton: Get out of here

Orton Pushes Grisham out of the way

Orton: Triple H, tonight we do battle once again. Do you not think this is all part of my plan. Ive kicked your father in laws head in, I’ve driven your wifes pretty little head to the ground! And tonight I take the last thing you have left, your WWE title. You think using a sledgehammer at Wrestlemania would end this? Triple H I will not stop until that gold is around my waist. And tonight, I will make sure my plan is complete. And when all is said and done, the King of Kings will bow down at my feet.


We then go back to ringside for the next match

WWE tag Team title Match Dibiase & Rhodes vs Batista & Shane McMahon

What was a glorified brawl between both teams end when. Rhodes had hit Shane with a chair after a ref bump that saw Shane clearly have Dibiase pinned. Rhodes then rolled his partner over on McMahon as the ref came to. Batista who was laid out side of the ring was too late to make the save.

Winners and Still Tag Team champions: Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes.


CM Punk is backstage just minutes before his World Heavyweight title match with Todd grisham Standing by


Todd: CM Punk, you are just moments away from your match in front of you hometown with Edge.

CM Punk: Todd, tonight will be the defining moment in my career. Last year when I won the World Heavyweight title, many said I was a fluke. That I didn’t deserve to be champion. Well tonight , beyond a shadow of a doubt. I will make sure that CM Punk is no fluke, and in front of my friends, in front of my family Edge I will make you go to sleep. You see Edge I have your number, I cashed my briefcase in once and beat you and tonight I will do it all over again. Tonight there will be a party the likes of which Chicago has never seen.


World Heavyweight Title Match: Edge © vs CM Punk

In what was the match of the night, we saw CM Punk more aggressive than ever. At any point where Edge seemed to have the advantage, Punk would counter. The finish came as Edge, who was almost at the point of defeat, had reached in his tights for a set of brass knucks. When Punk set him up for the GTS, Edge cracked him right in the temple with the ref not seeing it. Edge then hit a spear to retain this title. As the bell rang the ring was then littered with garbage as Edge defiantly held his title high for all to see.


Winner and Still World heavyweight Champion:Edge


We then see Triple H alone backstage

HHH: Orton tonight is the night I end this. Tonight I will have you out of my life! Not only will I end your attempts at my title, but tonight I will end your career. Orton you have tried to take everything from me. My family, my wife. And tonight I will end everything you hold near the WWE title. Orton I will do what I said I would and tonight I will break your neck.


WWE Title Match: Triple H © v Randy Orton

A much more brutal match than their Wrestlemania match. These two constantly spilled out to the floor where they brawled all over ringside. HHH looked to be more concerned about hurting Orton as he did keeping his title. After a ref bump HHH looked to hit Orton with his sledgehammer, only to have Orton counter into an RKO. With HHH and the ref down , orton decided to punt the champ right in the skull. As the ref counted we see an unconscious champion pinned. Orton then called his Legacy teammates to the ring as they celebrated with all their gold


Winner and new WWE Champion: Randy Orton

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RAW Week 4 May 2009, From Columbus Ohio[/color]


We see a video recap of Randy Orton winning the WWE title and the devastating punt to HHH head


We open RAW with Legacy coming to the ring, gold around all three of their waists. They stand in the ring soaking the sea of boos up when Orton grabs the mic.

Orton:Last night…..I did exactly as I said……….last night not only did I become WWE Champion, but I may have ended the career of Triple H! Hunter I warned you……..I told you what would be the end result of your actions. And last night was your Judgment Day. And now I stand before all of you. The new WWE Champion.

As Orton rises his nose in the air Cody Rhodes takes the mic. You see not only did Randy destroy Triple H, but once again we defeated the “boy wonder” Shane McMahon, and that over grown Gorilla Batista! You think you can just walk into the ring and defeat the Legacy? Better think again boys

Then the mic is handed to Dibiase: “Shane….Batista………….Triple H. Take a good long look. Take a long look at the present and the future of this business. You see we now all hold gold. We are the most dominant group in the history of RAW and we are just getting started”.

Orton then grabs the mic again: “And let this be a warning for the entire WWE, if want to get into the Legacys busniness. Just take a look at what we did to the McMahon – Helmsley family.


Cole: Strong Words King. A

King:Yeah and a lot of them cole. But Legacy can back it up. They have all the gold.

Cole: Well folk we will see one of those Legacy members in action tonight as ted Dibiase goes one on one with Batista.


WWE United States title: MVP © vs William Regal

Regal took the advantage early with his technical ability. However MVP displayed his supieror strength and hit the playmaker in what was a good opening bout.

Winner and still United States Champion: MVP


We are then showed a recap of the brutal John Cena vs Big Show match from last night

Big Show vs Sonny Siaki

The Big Show was obviously still agitated from his match with Cena last night and wasted little time destroying the much smaller Sonny Siaki.

Winner:Big Show


Right after the match Cena hit the ring and the two brawled all the way to the backstage area.


We are back from commercial and we see Cena in Vickies office.

Vickie: Cena you cant just show up here and attack the Big Show whenever you want

Cena:”well your hineness, I believe I just did”

Vickie:”Cena you think you can do as you please, well this is my show and my rules. Tonight you will be in a match. But it wont be against the Big Show. No you have to face Legacy member Cody Rhodes”

Cena smirkes and walks off.


Back in the ring we see Matt Hardy and The Miz both with mics in hand

Hardy:HBK…..you think you one upped Matt Hardy last night? Last night was a fluke. If everyone must know, Matt Hardy has been struggling through a bout of the flu. And Shawn Michaels just took adavantage of me in a weaken state. But don’t worry HBK , im feeling a lot better tonight. And to show you, me and The Miz are gonna kick you and that Jamacian freaks butt.


Miz:Tonight, The Miz makes a name for himself. As everyone out there knows, the chick magnet was the most important pick of the draft. And tonight, my future of dominance begins when I make an example out of you Shawn Michaels.


Shawn Michaels & Kofi Kingston vs Matt Hardy & The Miz

Hardy and the Miz took control early on Kofi. But eventually he made the hot tag to HBK who ended up hitting sweet chin music on The Miz for the win. Again after the match, Matt Hardy had an extreme look of frustration on his face as HBK and Kofi celebreated up the ramp.

Winners: Shawn Michaels and Kofi Kingston


Carlito vs The Brian Kendrick

Kendrick used many cheap tactics to get the upper hand and in the end he hit the sliced bread # 2on Carlito for the win.


Winner: The Brian Kendrick



We see Randy Orton back stage telling employees that RAW is his show and no one can do a thing about it. Vickie over hears this and approaches Orton

Vickie: “Just to remind you, you may be the WWE champion, but this is my show. And next week you will be in the ring with another champion. The United states champion MVP”


Orton changes he facial expression turns from a smirk to a glare as Vickie Walks off


John Cena vs Cody Rhodes

Cena was dominating early on until Rhodes got control. Cena made his comeback and looked to win when the Big Show entered the ring and nailed Cena with a choke slam.

Winner via DQ: John Cena


Kelly Kelly vs Beth Phoenix

Beth dominated most of this match until Kelly hit a school girl to win the match by surprise

Winner: Kelly Kelly


Maryse then stormed down to the ring and nailed Kelly face first into the steel steps. She through some insults out in French and then left.


Batista is backstage

Batista: “Legacy, you may have the gold. But I have something you don’t! For months ive seen the worst in people through you punk. Well tonight im goning to do my worst. Dibiase get ready boy. Because all it takes is one Batista bomb and its lights out for you.”


Batista vs Ted Dibiase

Batista was a house of fire and even fended off interference from both Orton and Rhodes. He eventually hit a Batista bomb to win a highly entertaining bout.



After the match Legacy attempted to take out Batista until Shane McMahon came from the back wielding a kendo stick sending Legacy scurrying through the crowd as RAW went off air.

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Not a bad read. I think your shows need abit of colour though just to make it alittle easier to read


Good luck with this Ill be reading lol





Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to attempt to spruce up the way the posts looks for my next show. I've never really used anything like this, so its going to be a trial and error period. If anyone has any tips on how to make things more appealing to the eye, I am all for it!

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Well adding pictures can take a lot of time, but it certainly adds the overall feeling. Also using bolded text makes things easier to see, and use something to separate your segments. Like this:


Batista is in backstage

Batista: “Legacy, you may have the gold, but I have something you don’t! For months I've seen the worst in people through you punk. Well tonight im goning to do my worst. Dibiase get ready boy. Because all it takes is one Batista bomb and its lights out for you.”



Batista vs Ted Dibiase

Batista was a house of fire and even fended off interference from both Orton and Rhodes. He eventually hit a Batista bomb to win a highly entertaining bout.





And I know I am not the right guy to say this, but you have a lot of typos, which you can avoid by reading your own text a few times, then fix 'em.

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ECW on Sci-Fi Week 4 May, 2009



The show opens with a recap of the ECW title match at Judgment Day and Vladimir Kozlov becoming the new ECW Champion




We see Paul Heyman and Kozlov are already in the ring as Heyman has a huge smile on his face as Kozlov is as stoic as he has ever been. The crowd is booing like crazy at the man who now wears the ECW title belt.

Heyman: I hate to be the one to say “I told you so”, but “I told you so”. I told each and every one of you that my mission, since I’ve come back to ECW was to take control of what is rightfully mine. And now with my new client, Vladimir Kozlov, I have done just that. On Sunday night a new era of Extreme Championship Wrestling was ushered into the WWE and you are now all looking at your new ECW Champion Vladimir Kozlov.

The crowd boos as Heyman hands the mic over to Kozlov, who yells something in Russian and hands the mic back to Heyman.

Heyman: What my client so eloquently stated was that he is the most dominant force to ever hit ECW, and there is not one man in that locker room that can stop him. Now that we have stated our mission, myself and your ECW champion are going to take the rest of the night off and watch what is a poor excuse competition.

The crowd boos as both Heyman and Kozlov make their way to the back. We then go to commercial




Finlay vs. Elijah Burke:

A back and forth match that saw Finlay hit the Celtic Cross to score the pin

Winner: Finlay




After the match, and large man not seen before, with a red beard and hair hits the ring and nails Finlay with a Shillelagh. Finlay is out cold as this mysterious man drapes a flag or Ireland over Finlay


We then go backstage where Tiffany makes an announcement



Tiffany: it is my duty as ECW General Manager, to appoint a new number one contender for the ECW title, which will be challenged at Extreme Rules in just two weeks. And while I have thought long and hard about which ECW superstar should challenge Vladimir Kozlov, I have decided that we will determine the number one contender tonight in a Four Way Elimination Match. The winner of this match will then face Vladimir Kozlov. The men who will fight to be number one contender are the two men who battled for the title at Judgment day, Christian and Jack Swagger. Also joining them will be Tommy Dreamer and Mark Henry.


Evan Bourne vs. Tyson Kidd:

These two displayed why they are the future of ECW as they had a fast paced action pack match. After a series of high flying moves, Evan Bourne was able to hit a 450 splash on Kidd to score the victory.




After the match a dejected Kidd sought retribution as he attacked Bourne after the bell as Natalia cheer him on.


Number One Contenders Match: Four Way Elimination

Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Mark Henry





[ATTACH]3585[/ATTACH] MARKHENRY7.jpg.34b9a79ab6abf55a339a32e8ef12538a.jpg

Swagger and Christian went after each other and spent the majority of the first part of the match on the outside brawling. Henry controlled things inside as he dominated Dreamer. The first elimination happened as Henry attempted an Avalanche on both Swagger and Christian and missed both. Christian then hit the Killswitch on Henry and scored the first pin. However as Christian took his eye off the ball Swagger nailed him with a sit-down power bomb and scored the second pinfall. This left Dreamer and Swagger. Dreamer who spent most of the match being dominated by Henry looked to be easy pickings for Swagger. However Dreamer was able to make a come back and hit a double arm DDT to become the new Number One Contender!


Winner: Tommy Dreamer


After the match a physically drained Dreamer had his arm raised. Dreamer, who seemed to be in shock, crashed to the canvas.


Joey Styles: Folks we have seen the unthinkable. An ECW Legend Tommy Dreamer will now move to Extreme Rules, where he looks to win the ECW title against quite possibly the most dominant champion in ECW history, Vladimir Kozlov.

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ugh............here i thought i was able to put in pics................damn it..........if there is anyone who can help put pics in to this i would greatly appreciate it ............i just spent over an hour trying to do it and no dice:mad:
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ugh............here i thought i was able to put in pics................damn it..........if there is anyone who can help put pics in to this i would greatly appreciate it ............i just spent over an hour trying to do it and no dice:mad:


Use the tags.

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You must know... how else did you get that Backlash banner to show up? :confused:

Note quite sure how I did that. Lol I think I just copied the URL from wwe.com. I guess the real problem is how to take the pics from my pic pack and place them into my show reports. I apologize guys I'm just realy new to all this

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upload your images to somewhere like photobucket or image shack and they generate your img tag code, outside of that, find the image you want, right click it and select properties, get its url then go into your post, click the little image icon and paste your link in there and it should come up :)
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Thanks. That mmakes a lott of sense! I will try that for smackdown!


Besides the visual stuff, how does everyone find the diary so far? From a story side of things?


Anyone that pushes Tommy Dreamer is a great writer IMO, tee-hee! KUTGW!

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Smackdown Week 4 May 2009


Smackdown opens with a video recap of the Umaga/Undertaker, Jeff Hardy/Chris Jericho and Edge/CM Matches from Judgment Day






We go right to ringside as Chris Jericho’s music plays. Jericho than makes his way to the ring with an absolute look of distain on his face.



Jericho: This past Sunday at Judgment Day, I was to avenge in injustice that is Smackdown and that is the “New GM” Ric Flair. I was to walk into Chicago, and put Jeff Hardy down; I was to show to everyone, why I am the greatest WRESTLER today, why I am better than Ric Flair and why I do not need any of you hypocrites.

But last night once again, Flair you just had to steal my thunder. You had to have the spotlight again, just like you have throughout you career. Why couldn’t you just stay retired Flair? Huh? Why couldn’t you jut sit back and relax like every other old geezer at your age? Flair, I say this, you cost me my match at Judgment Day, I say the only right thing to do, is to grant me a title match and grant me it right now



Then the music of CM Punk interrupts Jericho as Punk made his way out

CM Punk: Jericho, you want to talk about injustice, Sunday, in front of my friends and family I was humiliated as our so called Champ hit me with a set of brass knucks. That’s injustice, what happen to you was just deserved. I would say if anyone deserves a title match it would be me.



From there the music of Rey Mysterio is heard and he makes his way to the ring

Mysterio: With all due respect to you Punk and none to you Jericho. I believe that as the Intercontinental Champion if there is any talk about a title match, it should involve me.

Then the music of Jeff Hardy is played and me makes his way out.

Hardy: Well don’t we have a situation here. Three men and everyone want a title shot. Well if memory serves me correct, didn’t I just beat you Jericho?

Jericho: Shut up Hardy, you no full well …………….



WOOOOOO…………….Ric Flair then makes his way to the ring

Flair: In case any one has forgot, this is Smackdown, and this is the Nature Boys show. Now if anyone gives out title matches it is me. Rey Mysterio, you are a great Intercontinental Champion, and yes you deserve a title shot. CM Punk, if you ask me, you were screwed out of you match at Judgment day and you deserve a title shot. Jeff Hardy, you have been on a roll and you did beat Jericho, and you my friend defiantly deserve a title shot.

Now you Jericho. You are one slimy delusional son of a bitch. But you are one of the top stars of Smackdown. And as much as I hate to admit it you deserve to have your shot at the World Heavyweight title.

Now with all that said, there is a pay-per-view coming up, Extreme Rules. So as GM I have decided to determine our new Number One Contender by a tournament starting tonight. We will have a rematch of Judgment Day with Jeff Hardy going one on one with Chris Jericho…………

The crowd pops for Hardy and boos for Jericho

And……..We will also see Rey Mysterio versus M Punk

The crowd pops again

And the winners of these two matches will then face each other next week and the winner will go to Extreme Rules to face Edge. Now that should settle all of this.


Flairs music hits and all four remain in the ring staring each other down as we go to commercial.


We come back as graphics are shown for both tournament matches and also that we will see later tonight The Undertaker vs. Mike Knox.




We then go to ringside for our first match

Shelton Benjamin vs. R-Truth

R-Truth came out to his normal “What’s Up” entrance. This was a decent bout that saw neither man able to get a large advantage. Towards the end of the match, out of the back came Charlie Haas. Haas began cheering on R-Truth as his former partner looked on surprised to see Haas out there. Truth had Benjamin reeling as he set up for the axe kick, how ever as he bounced off the ropes, he was tripped up by Haas. Benjamin then hit the T-Bone Suplex and scored the win.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin



Benjamin & Haas then disposed of Truth over the top rope and Haas grabbed the mic.

Haas: it has been way too long. And as all of you can see, once again the World’s Greatest Tag Team is back to take Smackdown by storm.

Benjamin: That’s right Charlie. The two best technical wrestlers are back together and will take Smackdown by storm. So let this be a warning for everyone in the back. The World’s Greatest Tag Team is back and better than ever.



We are then taken backstage where Ric Flair is in his office when Edge arrives

Edge: Listen Flair, in case you’re too old to remember I’m the World Heavyweight Champion, you don’t request to speak to me. I demanded when to speak with you.

Flair: And the last time I checked I’m still the GM of this show, so that makes me your boss. So listen up, I saw what happened Sunday, and if you think you’re going to get away easy, well you got another thing coming Jack. Tonight, you will be in the ring , and it wont be against CM Punk or Jeff Hardy or Rey Mysterio, it wont even be with Chris Jericho. Tonight you will be in the ring with the Great Khali. So you better get ready champ, you going up soon. WOOOOO

Flair leaves as Edge is furious.


CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio: In what was an amazing technical and high flying match, these two gave everything they had in a back and forth affair. Mysterio looked to go up top after hitting a huge hurricanrana. As climbed the turnbuckles, John Morrison ran out and nailed him with a chair, this went undetected by the ref as he was focused on CM Punk. As Punk came to, he saw a laid out Mysterio, made the cover, and scored the win as Morrison made his way to the back.

Winner: CM Punk


We go to commercial with a puzzled CM Punk having his arm raised



Edge vs. The Great Khali: Edge, who was over powered many times, looked out of his element against the much larger Khali. Khali had moments where he looked to rip Edge apart; however the champ would counter and use hit and run strategy. The finish saw Edge duck a big boot and nail the Spear for the win.


Winner: Edge


We then go backstage to Maria who is with Chris Jericho

Maria: Chris Jericho, what are your thoughts going into your tournament match tonight with Jeff Hardy?

Jericho: Well unlike you I do have thoughts, many of them. Tonight I will beat Jeff Hardy, and I will move on to Extreme Rules, where I will become the World Heavyweight Champion. And if that dinosaur Ric Flair even thinks about sticking his nose in this match, I have no problems knocking him into a retirement home where he belongs.


Jericho then storms off


We go ringside with for our next match


The Undertaker vs. Mike Knox: In what was a surprisingly good match, Mike Knox proved his worth by going punch for punch with the Deadman. In the end the Undertaker was able to hit a tombstone and pin Knox for the win.


Winner: The Undertaker




As the match ends, the lights go blue and the Undertakers haze fills the ring. From behind Umaga attacks the Deadman hitting a vicious Samoan Spike, that leaves the Undertaker gasping for air. Umaga looks down at his foe yelling out something in Samoan.


We then go to commercial




WWE Women’s Title Match

Melina vs. Michelle McCool: A back and forth match with a couple of false finishes sees Melina score the win via pin. After the match a frustrated Michelle looks on as Melina holds her title high.



John Morrison is shown walking in the back as Maria, with a mic in hand runs to catch up with him.

Maria: John, just why did you attack Rey Mysterio tonight during his match with CM Punk?

Morrison: Let me tell you something. The Friday Night Delight should have been given a spot in this so called tournament. Everyone knows that the Shawman of Sexy is the uncrowned Champion of Friday Nights. I merely let Rey Mysterio understand that you cannot get the best of John Morrison. And Rey, I will see you in the ring soon. And as far as you are concerned sweetheart this interview is over.


Morrison then walks away as we go to ringside




Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Jericho: Another great bout, very similar to their match at Judgment Day. These two ended up on the outside of the ring almost as much as the inside. The finish saw both men get disqualified as first Jericho hit Hardy with a chair, which saw Hardy then hit Jericho with the ring bell. This left the referee no option but to call this one a draw.


Result: Draw


We were then left with Smackdown going off the air with JR saying

JR: What a night it has been, but what does this mean for the World Heavyweight title, is CM Punk the new Number One Contender? We may need a whole week to figure this mess out

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