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IPW - After the Fall Dynasty

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<p>Note: The diary is based off of the following data: </p><p> </p><p>

<a href="" rel="external nofollow"></a></p><p> </p><p>

Prologue</p><p> </p><p>

Chapter 1</p><p> </p><p>

Nana "Sensational" Ogiwara sat hunched over in front of his desk, his face buried in his palms.</p><p> </p><p>

It wasn't supposed to be this way.</p><p> </p><p>

The IPW owner had prepared for every conceivable eventuality, or so he thought. Jeremy Stone had been set to sign an iron clad non-aggression pact with his promotion the hour after Yoshimi Mushashibo signed an agreement with IPW. It was to be the perfect screw job. Yoshimi - one of the most promising young prospects in wrestling - would join IPW and Stone and BCAW wouldn't be able to do anything about it.</p><p> </p><p>

It hadn't gone that way though. At the last moment Stone had gotten wind of the negotiations. All he'd needed to do was cross the T in his signature and Ogiwaras plan would have been complete. But there was a mole - Ogiwara didn't know who but someone on his roster couldn't be trusted. Whoever it was had told Stones people what was going on and so right at the last possible moment Duane Stone came bursting in with the news. It was a trap, he'd said. Ogiwara was seeking a competitive advantage in this upcoming battle of wrestling supremacy that was to take place after the fall, and wanted to stop any backlash from BCAW for what he was about to do. </p><p> </p><p>

Jeremy Stone had declared war on IPW right then and there, angrily stomping out of the room and leaving the half signed contract sitting there. So close... even now the ink wasn't dry.</p><p> </p><p>

Ogiwara sat in his office chair, staring down at the incomplete signature in disgust. So close...</p><p> </p><p>

So close.</p><p> </p><p>

There would be hell to pay of course. Of all the promotions in the industry, BCAW was the one Ogiwara least wanted a war with. That had been the reason for all of this charade. The Stone/Decolt alliance that had been formed in Canada after the fall was too dangerous - too formidable to go to war with.</p><p> </p><p>

Ogiwara had gone his whole career - had made a name for himself in this business - by avoiding those stronger than him and feasting on those that he was stronger than. He'd come into the wrestling business disguised as a woman. He'd loved the sport since he was a kid, but he'd figured out early on that for all of his talents in some regards that he didn't have the right look (he was just much too small) to go far in the industry. </p><p> </p><p>

So he'd disguised himself as a woman and pretended to be a Joshi wrestler. As a woman in Japan, the small size that made him so unappealing to push in the mens ranks was no longer an issue against the women. And in Japan talent trumped looks for a female competitor. So what if he didn't make a pretty girl? He was the greatest joshi talent the world had ever seen by nearly all accounts. </p><p> </p><p>

And so Ogiwara had thrived as a joshi competitor... until 1991 when his secret came out. He'd failed to adjust a little something before he came out for a match - just a little tuck and no one would have known the difference. There were suspicions of course, but no one could prove anything. Not until that night.</p><p> </p><p>

The scandal rocked the Japanese wrestling industry, and nearly drove the joshi promotion he worked for (5SSW) out of business. Other women on the roster were accused of being men. People's careers were ruined. There was a suicide attempt... So Ogiwara had left the country. He'd had no choice.</p><p> </p><p>

In 1992 he reinvented himself as a male wrestler in the states. He started to go by his birth name of Yo, and using an underdog gimmick where he'd played a small foreigner fighting the giant bodybuilders of SWF it soon became apparent that at least somewhere the small wrestler with effeminate facial features could thrive after all. </p><p> </p><p>

By 1993 Ogiwara had started his own promotion which he named International Pro Wrestling. The promotion wasn't an international one by any means, but the name represented Ogiwaras dream that one day there would be a promotion where if you had in ring skill - regardless of your look or "star quality" or anything - that you could succeed, and be a big star. So Ogiwara made friends, forged alliances and put over wrestlers he saw as future stars. By 1995 IPW had become a regional level promotion, and it looked like maybe his dream would come true after all.</p><p> </p><p>

Then disaster struck. In 1996 the wrestling industry was the focus of a steroid scandal that ballooned further out of control when it was discovered that SWF had done commercials (though they'd never been aired) with subliminal messaging to kids that steroids were in OK. That wasn't the point of the commercials, SWF had said. They didn't want kids doing steroids, and when their focus groups had seen the commercials and responded negatively they'd decided not to air them.</p><p> </p><p>

Maybe that had all been true, but the evidence was damning. There were memos saying to look the other way when it came to steroids, wrestlers saying they'd been pressured... the industry was all but destroyed by the scandal.</p><p> </p><p>

SWF went under, BHOTWG went under. By mid 1996 there were less than a dozen promotions left. Most of the industry was unemployed. Yet Ogiwara and IPW had survived. In the end, Ogiwaras push for valuing in ring talent and not placing emphasis on the big bodied steroid induced look that had made wrestling big saved IPW. Several wrestlers publicly pledged loyalty to IPW, the only "clean" game in town. The young talent that Ogiwara has nourished for years became closer to him than ever, and several of the new promotions (and those still remaining) who were eager to get the IPW rub signed working agreement and non-aggression pacts in order for Ogiwaras public endorsement of their promotions. IPW, who a few years prior had been a mere pebble under the feet of some of the worlds top promotions was suddenly one of the biggest promotions in the world. Ogiwara - once one of the most shamed wrestlers in the industry - was now one of its most revered. He had been redeemed.</p><p> </p><p>

Keyword: Had.</p><p> </p><p>

The implications of the double crossing of Jeremy Stone would be felt beyond tonight. BCAW would let it be publicly known what Ogiwara had tried to do, and in this era of clean, fair play and honor within the industry IPW would take a big prestige hit. Pacts might be lost. Already, IPW poster child AJ Starlight (the winner of the promotions "Star Search competition", a 12 week TV show created with the intent of finding a person talented enough to eventually build the promotion around) had found out what Ogiwara had done and stormed into his office demanding to be let out of his contract. Only god knew how he had found out so fast...</p><p> </p><p>

Ogiwara wouldn't let him out of the contract. He meant too much to the promotion, and Ogiwara hoped that given enough time the simmering tension between the two would boil over and he would calm down. If not Ogiwara didn't know what he would do. He supposed he'd bury him, maybe put Rich Money or someone else over him.</p><p> </p><p>

But Starlight would be difficult - maybe impossible - to replace.</p><p>

Yet Ogiwara was a survivor, and he was confident that IPW would be a power player in the industry for many years to come. For now, meetings were to be had, alliances to be reaffiirmed and more wrestlers needed to be signed (if anyone still wanted to work with IPW after what had just happened). </p><p> </p><p>

IPW started their Geneis tour in 28 days, and there were only 14 wrestlers under contract for the promotion including himself. They would need many more than that between now and February 1. Ogiwara looked up at the BCAW/IPW contract still lying on his desk - now a symbolic promise of war and an albatross around the fledgling promotions neck. At least they'd gotten Yoshimi - Ogiwara had gotten a call saying the contract was OKed shortly after the meeting with Jeremy Stone had abruptly ended.</p><p> </p><p>

There was a lot of work to be done now...</p><p> </p><p>

But Ogiwara was a survivor.</p><p> </p><p>

He sat up, removed his face from his palms, and got to work.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Week 1 Coming soon</span></p>

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Surprised that you're not using the Kobeverse.. guess we'll have to wait for someone else to do that diary :)


I'm going to do a Kobeverse diary one day, but it's not finished as a mod yet. Every time I start a game I see some bio that needs to be edited or want to add in another title lineage etc. Maybe TEW 2009. My ideas for it have gotten a lot more expansive lately. CVerse 75' and 97' have inspired me to flesh out the back story with all the older wrestlers, (finding old people pictures is kind of tough), promotions, title lineages and also to have new workers at replacement level through 2025ish at least. Lot of work to do yet... ^_^

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It had been a busy month, but non-aggression pacts had been preserved with NWF, NECW and TEW. Spokespeople UWA and UKPW had wondered if IPW could be trusted, but in the end they'd consented to keeping there working agreements in place.


The roster was quite a bit larger after a month, and Ogiwara was confident that the tour would be a successful one:




The announcing team was going to be Magnum, Erika Zaramova, and new talent Emma Chase who Ogiwara hoped to move into the booth to replace Magnum as the color commentator once he retired.








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With regards to those last six or so images that are hosted on Imagevenue - you REALLY need to warn people that if they click on them they will be bombarbed with adverts about GET SEX IN YOUR LOCAL AREA and various other porn adverts.
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With regards to those last six or so images that are hosted on Imagevenue - you REALLY need to warn people that if they click on them they will be bombarbed with adverts about GET SEX IN YOUR LOCAL AREA and various other porn adverts.


Thanks for pointing that out. Guess I'll image shack in the future. ^_^


Also, I see that I was supposed to list the card (via other dynasties) so people could pick matches. So I'll leave this card up another day even though I'm several cards in/have written a lot already :)


Corporal Doom vs Dragon Agakawa

Ogiwara vs. Richard Coleman vs. Razor Valentine

Lanny Williams vs. Rafael Ruiz vs. Feliciano Macho

Yoshimi Mushashibo vs. The Hype vs. Decimalo

Eiji Hamacho vs. Stuart Ferdinand vs. Rich Money

Craig Prince vs. AJ Starlight vs. Joel Bryant

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Corporal Doom vs Dragon Agakawa

Ogiwara vs. Richard Coleman vs. Razor Valentine

Lanny Williams vs. Rafael Ruiz vs. Feliciano Macho

Yoshimi Mushashibo vs. The Hype vs. Decimalo

Eiji Hamacho vs. Stuart Ferdinand vs. Rich Money

Craig Prince vs. AJ Starlight vs. Joel Bryant

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Corporal Doom vs Dragon Agakawa


As it is still Doom's time, for some reason


Ogiwara vs. Richard Coleman vs. Razor Valentine


Go Coleman! Oh, he hasn't got a chance


Lanny Williams vs. Rafael Ruiz vs. Feliciano Macho


Perhaps. Perhaps not.


Yoshimi Mushashibo vs. The Hype vs. Decimalo


If you aint going to book him to win you may as well give him back.


Eiji Hamacho vs. Stuart Ferdinand vs. Rich Money


Can move up the card pretty quickly, and you need help in the Main Event.


Craig Prince vs. AJ Starlight vs. Joel Bryant


Try and keep him happy until that Simmering Tension wears off, hey?

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