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WWE vs ECW vs WCW 2009 - The New War

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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">August 29th 2009</span></p><p> </p><p>

It had been a tough week building up to Summerslam, WWE had been on an extensive promotion push for the event. Mr. McMahon was exhausted as he drove his rental car along the busy streets of Los Angeles heading for LAX.</p><p> </p><p>

"Damn air conditioning!" He shouted, banging his fist hard against the dashboard.</p><p> </p><p>

The heat was making Vince feel drowsy, he angrily wound down his window the cool air immediately hitting him revitalising him instantly.</p><p> </p><p>

He'd thought the show was a success. Months of build towards the culmination of the drawn out Orton vs McMahon Family feud had, in his mind been a complete success. HHH had made his return at Great American Bash destroying Legacy (Orton, DiBiase, Rhodes and Joe Hennig), single-handed, during Orton's WWE Title defence against MVP causing the match to end with a DQ victory for Orton. Hunter had destroyed Porter on RAW the night after and then in the following weeks took out each member of Legacy, bar Orton, in the weeks leading up to Summerslam. The match itself had been overbooked, and included run-ins from Legacy, a returning Shane and Stephanie, Batista and Vince himself who'd exacted his revenge, eight months in the making, by delivering the punt to the head that left Orton prone to the Pedigree.</p><p> </p><p>

In reality the bout left the crowd disappointed. In fact the whole angle had bored them to tears. Randy Orton had been white hot since his return from injury in late 2008 and had remained so until HHH had become involved in the story of Orton's vicious attacks on members of the McMahon family. Their Wrestlemania main event was one of the most underwhelming matches in recent memory at the "Showcase of the Immortals" and the tale had got staler and staler since then. The whole feud had no one's benefit but HHH and the McMahons, Legacy ended up looking like fools at almost every turn, Orton's heat had more or less evaporated, and even MVP's seemingly best chance to hang with the champ and finally cement his place in the upper echelons of the RAW roster, had amounted to nothing but burial at the hands of the now fourteen time World Champion, Triple H.</p><p> </p><p>

It probably didn't help that the shows other main event, a ladder match between World Heavyweight Champion Edge and CM Punk, had been almost a legitimate five star encounter. Punk won, much to the fans jubilation, possibly draining them of all enthusiasm towards the ongoing saga of "Hunter The Barbarian".</p><p> </p><p>

That's what Vince blamed the heatless crowd in the main event on anyway.</p><p> </p><p>

He had been considering giving Mike Knox a title run after an undefeated streak on the blue brand. He was much more his kind of worker; big, strong and monstrous, and after his win against Jeff Hardy earlier in the night Vince felt that the time was right. He started to plan how he was going to get the title off internet darling Punk, Vince hated the internet fans, they illegally stream his shows, criticise every aspect of his work and in generally they're too clever for their own good. "I'll teach them" he uttered to himself just before drifting off to sleep.</p><p> </p><p>


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A reporter stands in front of a scene of an overturned lorry lying next to an obliterated car. Paramedics and members of the fire department scurry around in the background trying to salvage the wreckage. Over the reporters left shoulder the blue lights of the LAPD can clearly be seen, as police office survey the wreck before them.


Reporter - The chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment, Vince McMahon, seems to have been involved in head-on collision here on his way to LAX. Police are speculating that he might have fallen asleep at the wheel and careered straight into oncoming traffic. Mr. McMahon is said to be in a critical state and has just been cut from his car by the Fire Department and is currently en-route to Los Angeles County Medical Center. We'll keep you up-to-date with the situation as more news comes in.





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I want to give just a small piece of advice just stick with this.It looks like you won't this first part It's really good.


PS:You have a fan here!


now this is hilarious!




Great intro I will keep my eye on this.


constructive critisim, watch out for wall of text syndrom if you are choosing not to use graphics to break things up.

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I want to give just a small piece of advice just stick with this.It looks like you won't this first part It's really good.


PS:You have a fan here!


now this is hilarious!



Not sure if that is a typo from Mattitude, but if it isn't, exactly what grounds does he have to suggest the author won't stick with this diary. It's his first diary, so he hasn't got a past of starting diary after diary and not getting past 2 shows (similar to someone who I won't name but is ironically the one making the suggestion).


There is absolutely nothing to suggest he won't stick with it. So I'm hoping it is a typo.

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On the morning of August 30th 2009 WWE.com bore only one image:


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WWE programming had been canceled for the rest of the week. The shows that were already scheduled were to be replaced with tribute shows and highlight packages.


An emergency board meeting had been called for later that day.

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Thanks for the comments so far. It's early days yet but I got some good ideas for this diary that are being worked on, and I don't intend on giving it up just yet.


mistaken - Thanks for the advice about the text, I was kind of conscious of it whilst writing, but it's something I'll try to curb. I will be trying to use some images as well though, thanks for the tip.


jw_forever - Unfortunately, you snooze you lose I'm afraid. It's kind of an obvious storyline to go with I think, I apologise if I'm stealing someone elses idea.

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Not sure if that is a typo from Mattitude, but if it isn't, exactly what grounds does he have to suggest the author won't stick with this diary. It's his first diary, so he hasn't got a past of starting diary after diary and not getting past 2 shows (similar to someone who I won't name but is ironically the one making the suggestion).


There is absolutely nothing to suggest he won't stick with it. So I'm hoping it is a typo.


True sebsy I don't have any room to talk but when I did try this before with WWE,WCW and ECW and it didn't go very well.Oh I also love the personal shot.Because if you check (The Brand Wars) each show was bulit with good flow also there were more than two shows on that why don't you check it out.

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True sebsy I don't have any room to talk but when I did try this before with WWE,WCW and ECW and it didn't go very well.Oh I also love the personal shot.Because if you check (The Brand Wars) each show was bulit with good flow also there were more than two shows on that why don't you check it out.



The fact that you didn't do very well with a diary of the same premise has absolutely no bearing on how well it will go for anyone else, and to come right out and say "I want to give just a small piece of advice just stick with this.It looks like you won't" is insulting.


Anyway, I'm not going to mention this any more, it isn't fair on ScottMulhern.


Scott, very interesting start to this diary, I'm intrigued to see exactly where WCW will come back form and fit in to things, and also obviously intrigued and interested by Vince McMahon being killed off in the opening posts.


I'll be checking back in.

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The fact that you didn't do very well with a diary of the same premise has absolutely no bearing on how well it will go for anyone else, and to come right out and say "I want to give just a small piece of advice just stick with this.It looks like you won't" is insulting.


Anyway, I'm not going to mention this any more, it isn't fair on ScottMulhern.


Scott, very interesting start to this diary, I'm intrigued to see exactly where WCW will come back form and fit in to things, and also obviously intrigued and interested by Vince McMahon being killed off in the opening posts.


I'll be checking back in.


sorry I'll admit I wrote a major typo and didn't spot it. I'm sorry to you and Scott.

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The Board Meeting (Part One)


August 30th, 14:31


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Shane was an hour and a half late for the meeting, he didn't want to leave his mum alone until her sister had arrived from North Carolina. He straightened himself up in the elevator on the way to the boardrooms on the eleventh floor.


As the doors popped open he was greeted with the sight of a distraught Stephanie crying, alone, in the plush reception area.


He approached his sister who flung herself into him, she immediately let out a whimper and broke down in his arms.


Shane: Hey.


Stephanie: ...but Dad...


Shane: I know... I know...


They stood for a moment as Shane held his sister in complete silence. After a moment Director of World Wrestling Entertainment, David Kenin, step into the room.


David Kenin: Ah, Mr. McMahon, so glad you could make it. I am deeply sorry for your loss.


Shane: Thanks David, sorry I'm late...I...Well you know?


David Kenin: That's no problem at all, I completely understand. Now you will be pleased to hear that I have just received a call from Mr. Laurinaitis and he will be with us shortly. Could I get you a drink Mr. McMahon?


Shane: I'll have a whisky on the rocks please David.


David Kenin: Excellent, and you Mrs. McMahon-Levesque?


Stephanie: No... Thanks.


David Kenin: Okay, I will see you shortly.


David leaves the room leave Shane and Stephanie alone.


Shane: So how're you bearing up?


Stephanie: I still can't believe it... I mean... I used to joke with Paul that he would never die. It just seems like a dream.


Shane: Yeah, I know. How are the girls?


Stephanie: Oh, they're fine. They are too young to understand what's happened. Paul's at home with them now, I just want this out of the way so I can get home to them.


Suddenly, the elevator doors opened revealing a rather dishevelled John Laurinaitis.


Laurinaitis: I'm so sorry you guys.


He greeted both of them with a handshake, and put his arm gently on Stephanies shoulder.


Laurinaitis: I just got in from LA. Had to clear some things up there before I left. Have you been in yet?


He nodded towards the open board room door.


Stephanie: No, they wanted to wait for you before getting started, they say that this greatly concerns you too...


She said, a slight annoyance at John's lateness was noted, but she quickly tried to retract those sentiments.


Stephanie: ...but, you're here now.


The receptionist walked over with a tray bearing Shane's whiskey. He took the drink and as he lifted it to his mouth he was reminded of his father. Shane had been introduced to whiskey by him as a young man, they'd spent many a drunken night on the town together, Shane felt his throat shrink at the thought that he'd never see those times again.


Receptionist: Mr. Kenin is ready for you to go through now.


Shane took Stephanie by the hand as they headed through into the board room...

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Thanks for the positive comments so far eveyone. I'm sorry if it's been a little slow moving so far, I've been trying to iron out some cracks behind the scenes.


Above is one more little taster for you before we really get moving. The final part of the backstory, The Board Meeting, will be posted tomorrow and I'll be looking to start the diary part straight away coz I'm itching to get this thing started.


Oh yeah, and Mattitude, don't worry about anything, I'm not offended at all. I hope you enjoy the diary.

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The Board Meeting (Part Two)


Stephanie, Shane and John Laurinaitis enter the room and take seats at the massive table opposite board members David Kenin, Joseph Perkins and Kevin Dunn.


Joseph Perkins: Okay. Thanks for coming today. On behalf of the board I would like to start by saying sorry for your loss, Mr. McMahon was great man.


Shane McMahon: Thank you Joseph. If you don't mind I would like to get straight to the point me and Stephanie are anxious to get home.


Joseph Perkins: Of course Mr. McMahon, I understand.


Perkins picks some papers up from the desk in front of him, shuffling them uncomfortably.


David Kenin: Obviously we have called you here today to discuss how we move forward from these tragic events, as you know business has been down for a while now...


Kenin spoke the truth, ratings have been falling for all of WWE programming for a while now. At first it'd had been assumed this was because of the financial meltdown of the last few years, however rating at TNA and ROH had at worse remained the same with minor increases suggesting that it was something wrong with the WWE's own product that was causing the rot.


David Kenin: ...the financial crisis has hit us hard. Our competitors, who we don't regard as a threat to our popularity, are blossoming whilst we seem to have really hit the skids of late. People are not purchasing our PPVs, or buying merchandise, whilst TV ratings have been decreasing since Wrestlemania. The tragedy that has befallen us may be exactly what we need to rejuvinate, not only our own product, but the industry in general.


Stephanie McMahon-Levesque: I'm sorry David, how can the death of my father benefit this company? He created this industry, it took this business from a regional pass time to a totally global phenomenon. How could his passing be of any benefit?


Stephanie was agitated, she took David's words as a slur on her father's name. Shane sensed her annoyance.


Shane McMahon: So what do you propose David? How is THIS going to rejuvenate the company?


He spoke with a sarcastic tone.


David Kenin: Well, here's what we propose. Mr. McMahon and myself had discussed how he wished for the company to be taken forward upon his retirement on a number of occasions, the three of you are the companies biggest share holders. Mr. McMahon believed that each one of you would be perfect to take the reigns once he'd hung up his boots.


He turns to John Laurinaitis.


David Kenin: Mr. Laurinaitis he was a great fan of your booking style, you have been of great service to this company for a number of years. Stephanie, he believed that you had the creative ability to push this company forward for years to come, whilst he believed that Shane you possess the market ability and know how to really push this industry into the mainstream again.


Kevin Dunn: However on saying that, Mr. McMahon couldn't decide between the three of you on who he wished to take over. So our proposal to you is that each of you take full control of one of our already established brands and run it as a separate entity from the other two brands. You will sign your own contracts, run your own PPVs, TV shows and house shows, hire your own staff and be ultimately responsible for the performance of that brand.


Joseph Perkins: We know you are all busy people, and the running of a company the size of the WWE is a large undertaking, so we figured that the splitting of the brands would equal less work for each of you, whilst this would also introduce a sense of competition that we are quite frankly not getting from the companies that are already out there, you'd be competing with each other. This, we believe, will stop the stagnation that we feel in currently infecting the company.


John Laurinaitis nodded his head, he seemed to like the idea. Shane and Stephanie sat looking stunned, Stephanie in particular seemed especially uncomfortable.


Stephanie McMahon-Levesque: I'm not sure how my dad would have felt about this.


Kevin Dunn: With the greatest possible respect Mrs. McMahon-Levesque, your father is no longer with us. We feel that this is the best solution available to push the company forward given the recent sad news. As the three majority shareholders you are each entitled to a share of the company, and the board feels that each of you possess the qualities to run it, so we feel that this is the best way to go.


Joseph Perkins: Stephanie we would like you to take control of the RAW brand, John you take ECW and Shane you get Smackdown.


Shane turns to Stephanie and John, he nods at them seemingly in agreement with the boards suggestions, the nod is reciprocated by John, but Stephanie still seems somewhat wary of the whole issue.


Kevin Dunn: Ah, good. I see that we are in agreement, As you know, programming has been canceled for the following week, so we have until next Monday to arrange the draft. Stephanie we would like for you to take the RAW brand starting then.


Stephanie nods her head in anxious agreement.


Kevin Dunn: And Mr. Laurinaitis, ECW?


John shakes his head enthusiastically.


Kevin Dunn: And Mr. McMahon, you get Smackdown.


Shane McMahon: To hell with Smackdown...


He exclaims,


Shane McMahon: I'm bringing back WCW!

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Okay, so there's the final bit of backstory for you.


This diary was originally supposed to be a three person thing, with one person taking each brand. Showing the Wars from all three (WWE affiliated) perspectives.


Unfortunately, two people showed interest in joining, only to let me down. A third man, Stennick, has offered his assistance so it will be a two man thing now, with comprehensive regular updates on the third brand, as compensation for having nobody in charge. Saying that if anyone wants to join as the third brand, let me know.


We'll be doing the draft tomorrow (it's difficult as I'm in the UK whilst Stennick is is the US), and we'll have some shows up soon.


Each brand gets 12 PPVs for the year (WWE retain theirs, except for GAB which will return to WCW along with their old PPV names, whilst ECW resurrect their old names). Each brand will start with the same popularity, image, money etc, although their product may be altered slightly. This way we can easily gauge how well they are doing.


Thanks for reading so far eveyone, and thanks to those that have left comments and advice. I hope you enjoy The New War.

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The draft has been completed, the new rosters are as follows:


Extreme Championship Wrestling


Brian Kendrick

Charlie Haas

Chavo Guerrero

Cody Rhodes

Curt Hawkins

DJ Gabriel

Evan Bourne

Ezekiel Jackson



Great Khali


Hurricane Helms

Jack Swagger - ECW Champion

Jeff Hardy

Joe Hennig



Mark Henry

Mike Knox

Randy Orton

Sheamus O'Shaunessy

Vladimir Koslov

Ted DiBiase Jr.

Tommy Dreamer


Dave Kapour - Manager (Khali)

Goose Mahoney - Referee

Jack Doan - Referee

Joey Styles - Announcer

John Cone - Referee

John Laurintis - ECW Owner

Josh Matthews - Announcer

Matt Striker - Announcer

Michael Hayes - Road Agent

Tony Atlas - Manager (Henry)

Tony Garea - Road Agent




World Championship Wrestling


Chris Jericho - Heel

Christian - Face

CM Punk - Face - World Heavyweight Champion

Dolph Ziggler - Heel

Edge - Heel

Eric Escobar - Heel

Harry Smith - Heel

Jimmy Wang Yang - Face

John Morrison - Face

JTG - Face

Montel Vontavious Porter - Face - United States Champion

Paul Burchill - Heel

Rey Mysterio - Face

Ricky Ortiz - Face

R-Truth - Face

Shad Gaspard - Face

Shelton Benjamin - Heel

Tyson Kidd - Heel

Umaga - Heel

Undertaker - Face

Zack Ryder - Heel


Alicia Fox - Heel

Gail Kim - Face

Katie Lea Burchill - Heel

Layla - Heel

Maria - Face

Melina - Face - Womens Champion

Michelle McCool - Heel

Natalya Neidhart - Heel


Arn Anderson - Road Agent

Brad Armstrong - Road Agent

Charles Robinson - Referee

Dean Malenko - Road Agent

Jim Ross - Announcer

Scott Armstrong - Referee

Shane McMahon - WCW Owner

Teddy Long - WCW GM

Todd Grisham - Announcer

Tony Chimel - Announcer


WCW have the reactivated World Tag Team Titles which are vacant at the current time.




World Wrestling Entertainment



Big Show

Carlito Colon - WWE Tag Team Champion



Jim Duggan

John Cena

Kofi Kingston

Matt Hardy

The Miz

Mr. Kennedy

Primo Colon - WWE Tag Team Champion

Santino Marella

Shawn Michaels

Sim Snuka

Triple H - WWE Champion

William Regal


Beth Pheonix

Brie Bella

Candice Michelle

Eve Torres

Jillian Hall

Kelly Kelly

Maryse Quellet - WWE Divas Champion

Mickie James

Nicole Bella

Rosa Mendez


Chad Patton - Referee

Hornswoggle - Manager

Jerry Lawler - Announcer

Justin Roberts - Announcer

Lilian Garcia - Announcer

Marty Elias - Referee

Michael Cole - Announcer

Mike Chioda - Referee

Pat Patterson - Road Agent

Ricky Steamboat - Road Agent

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley - WWE Owner


The WWE has the Intercontinental Title which is vacant at the current time.




The developmental talent in Florida Championship Wrestling has been divided between three and talent has been sent to Ohio Valley Wrestling and Deep South Wrestling, who were today announced as the new develop territories for WCW and ECW respectively. Their rosters are as follows:


Deep South Wrestling (ECW):


Aiden Frost

Alex Riley

Andrew Vain

Bo Rotundo

Brett DiBiase

Caylen Croft

Johnny Curtis

Justin Angel

Lance Hoyt

Lupe Santiago

Maverick Darsow

Sebastian Slater

Sweet Papi Sanchez

Tank Rotundo

Troy Jackman

Tyler Reiks


Florida Championship Wrestling (WWE):


Abraham Saddam Washington

Fletcher Chase

Jenny Cash

Kip Christianson

Kris Logan

Lawrence Knight

Lennox McEnroe

Norman Smiley (Trainer)

Tavita Fifita

Trent Barretta

Vic Adams

Wes Brisco


Ohio Valley Wrestling (WCW):


Angela Fong

Byron Sexton

Danny Davis (Trainer)

Derrick Bateman

Drew McIntyre

John Layfield (Trainer)

Johnny Prime

Jon Cutler

Joseph Canterbury


Mr. Tarver


Sicodelico Jr.


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RAW Results (Live)(Monday, Week 1, September 2009)


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Santino Marella and Big Show defeated Sim Snika, Matt Hardy and Hacksaw Jim Duggan. B-


Batista and HHH get into an argument backstage, Batista thinks he deserves the first shot at his newly won WWE Title. They will meet later tonight. A


The Miz defeated Jesse. C-


Carlito defeated Primo Colon. C


Skit involving Shawn Michaels, John Cena and Mr. Kennedy. A


Maryse defeated Nikki Bella to retain the Divas Title. D-


John Cena defeated Mr. Kennedy. B


Triple H defeated Batista. B+


The show drew 12,785 fans to the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island. HHH was said to have been the star of the show, the show got an overall B+ rating. The show got a 4.15 rating on the USA Network


In other news WWE have announced that they have made several contract offers in the past two days, as they look to expand their roster. It's not clear who contracts have been offered to, but it is expected that they may start making announcements very soon.




TNA Impact (To Be Aired on Thursday)


<a href="http://s571.photobucket.com/albums/ss154/ScottMulhern/?action=view&current=tna.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss154/ScottMulhern/tna.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Shane Sewell defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir. C-


Awesome Kong defeated Madison Rayne. C-


Sting and Kurt Angle get into a confrontation in the ring. A


Team 3D defeat LAX. C+


MCMGs defeated Lethal Consequences. C+


Beer Money Inc. defeated Styles and Daniels to retain the TNA Tag Titles. B+


Kurt Angle defeated Rhino. A


The show, which was held at the Mid-South Colliseum (South East) drew 9,256, and got an overall B+ rating. Performance of the night went to Kurt Angle.


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TNA also announced the releases of Tetsuya Naito, Brutus Magnus, Andromeda and Yujiro today.

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Shane was impressed with what Stephanie had done on her first show in charge of the WWE. He was baffled by the Santino Marella and Big Show vs. Sim Snika, Matt Hardy and Hacksaw Jim Duggan match, but the fans seemed to lap it up.


He switched his TV off and sat for a moment contemplating his next move. It had been an extremely long day, and he was exhausted. He'd been up since the crack of dawn for a creative meeting with Arn Anderson and Dean Malenko.


Arn and Dean advised him that they'd probably need around 20 or so new wrestlers due to the relatively small roster, they'd also noted that they should probably get contracts out sooner rather than later as Stephanie and Johnny Ace (Laurinatis) would be thinking exactly the same thing.


They spent the rest of the day making calls.

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Okay, I have decided to go it alone on this diary now. I'll be trying to provide as much detail on WWE and ECW as well as ROH and TNA as I can.


ECW will now be on Wednesdays, just to space the week out a bit. I have arranged each of the ECW, WCW and WWE PPVs so that that don't fall on the same weekends for now. I have conveniently placed WCW's first PPV, Fall Brawl, on the forth week of September, giving me a chance to build up some stories (and to sign some more workers). Unfortunately this might mess up WWE and ECW but the AI books at random anyway, so I'm sure they won't mind.

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News (Tuesday, Week 1, September 2009)


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World Championship Wrestling have announced three matched for Mayhem (Friday):

World Heavyweight Title match: CM Punk vs Edge - Rematch from Summerslam where Punk won the belt.

Number One Contender Tournament Semi-Final:

Undertaker vs United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter

Chris Jericho vs Christian


Mr. Fuji signs for ECW. ECW report that there will be more signings "to fill the gaps in their roster".


Gabe Sapolsky takes over DSW.


WWE sign Nick Patrick.

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