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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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Hmm I guess I'm not really fussed for most of them as long as whatever render doesn't conflict with their bio/gimmick/age/race etc


I would like a normal picture for Johnny Crayotic and an alt for his jewish persona, but i'm *guessing* that would need props for the alter-ego to look like a jewish stereotype so may be best left to someone who can do both the worker and alt (FYI: for whoever who does the johnny crayotic normal render: black hair, stubble and a moustache if you can :p)


Oh and Tim Littleton would need some hiphop gear for his Tim Dawg alter-ego as well


Anyone else can look like whatever.. I'm guessing Fa'ah-however I spelt it The Typhoon is going to be a hard one to pull off without looking silly




*Edit: don't worry about doing Johnny Crayotic, I just found out that Trell is already at work on him :p



if anyone wants to give it a shot, be my guest, not sure when I'm going to have free time to mess with daz(I'm hoping tommorow)

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I am talking Clash Of The Champions 1 Sting.:D


But like I said that is just a guide he does not have to look anything like Sting. Just as long as he has face paint on I will be happy.




^^ Like this? :)


If Trell/machine/jt/someone else wants to do it they can. Otherwise I'll do it. It should be fun tbqh. ^_^

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The picture did not come through on my computer. But thinking about it maybe NWO Wolfpac Sting might better fit this character. I have never personally been a fan of the "Crow" Sting. However, the All Red Face Paint Sting might be cool. Yeah either the picture posted above or the red Wolfpac Sting would be cool. And thank you once again for doing these.
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The picture did not come through on my computer. But thinking about it maybe NWO Wolfpac Sting might better fit this character. I have never personally been a fan of the "Crow" Sting. However, the All Red Face Paint Sting might be cool.


Cool. I tried another picture. If you'd prefer wolf pack sting sure. I think a facepaint render will be fun though so whichever :)






^^ I'm going to base it off of this.

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I forgot to mention that my first favorite wrestler was George "The Animal" Steele! He was awsome! I would have loved to have watched him as a heel in the 1970's (I started to watch wrestling between Wrestlemania II and III)! By the time I saw him he was doing that whole thing where he was in love with Miss Elizabeth (another one of my favorties).


I also liked Buzz Sawyer a lot as well.


Okay I will get back on topic now!

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Fair enough. It's been at least 3 years since I saw a wrestling show all the way through tbqh. :o I was big on it in the early 90s through the early 2000s but I just don't love HHH and Jericho enough to tune in every week. :)


I'm a bigger TEW fan than wrestling fan. :D






I got a feeling that would be kind of fun so I wanted to do it tonight. :)


And because I never get sick of rendering AJ Starlight:




p.s. Almost to the testing phase with SAW.

p.p.s. Night

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Cool I like that render a lot!


Fair enough. It's been at least 3 years since I saw a wrestling show all the way through tbqh.


Yeah I mainly watch just TNA now as I find WWE very boring. I have become much more into MMA in recent years. All though I still love 1980s and 1990s wrestling. Give me Flair vs Steamboat any day of the week over Cena vs HHH.

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Fair enough. It's been at least 3 years since I saw a wrestling show all the way through tbqh. :o I was big on it in the early 90s through the early 2000s but I just don't love HHH and Jericho enough to tune in every week. :)


I'm a bigger TEW fan than wrestling fan. :D






I got a feeling that would be kind of fun so I wanted to do it tonight. :)


And because I never get sick of rendering AJ Starlight:




p.s. Almost to the testing phase with SAW.

p.p.s. Night



ok, I gotta ask this again, are you using the lights that everyone else is doing, cause your skins look nothing like anyone elses?. I was under the impression that you wanted them to all look the same, well me,jtlant and machine have the covered but yours are totally different from ours?

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Alright guys, I took a little Chat with UFC-KING, and it seems he's been fairly busy lately, and hasn't gotten much work on the project lately, and he's passed NUNCHAKU, DARKNESS and LLPR off to me for the time being, and he's told me to void the three previous bios that we're written earlier, as we've talked about re-vamping the 3 promotions that we're created.


Here are some new bios.


Richard Nottingham


Richard Nottigham is a brawler from the 1990's hailing from Nottingham, England. Born Richard Winchester III, he came from the Early Winchester legacy, who took the throne according to historical archives. When he told his parents about his dream about being a professional wrestler, he was thrown out, and was forced to live on the streets, with no connection whatsoever with his royal family. After dominating the Indy circuit, he jumped up to the pros and was quickly spotted as a dangerous wrestler, and was snatched up by DARKNESS, who intended to use him as an International Invader, thus adopting the name Richard Nottingham. Once he started with DARKNESS, he got a monster push, and made it up the ranks and got a title shot, where he shone in the main event, and took the Hardcore Championship with a devastating show of talent and power, which he's held ever since.




Should be sort of your typical british male, maybe based off of this man http://z.about.com/d/menshair/1/0/P/0/-/-/beckham.jpg


El Gordo


El Gordo is a fat, unspectacular Lucha wrestler, who gets by with the fans on comedy alone, due to the fact that most people enjoy laughing at him, not with him. His size, a whopping 400 lbs, and height, a small 5'11" make him a short and tubby wrestler that the fans just love. Surprisingly enough, he's had enough of a big break to get him a title shot, which he won, but lost after failed medical exam. It wasn't steroids, and he loved his bacon. LLPR noticed him after his success in winning the title, but did not notice him fail the test, thus leading them to signing him in 2007, where he's stayed ever since.




Should be a Fat Lucha Libre fighter, with a half mask that covers the top of his head, and have a big fat mustache.

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Just to update the running list that Kamchatka had a few pages back:


Now this is to my knowledge if anything has changed please say so. That way we can keep the list current. The current count for promotions is..



SAW - National - South

UK Wrestling Council- Midlands

FLI - small- Ireland



USSR - Regional - Eastern Europe




CAW - Not sure if this fed is still being worked on

EWO - National -Ontario

PEIPW- small - Maritimes



US-A - regional - Mid Atlantic

PUSA - small- Midwest

TWA - cult - New England

LSSWL - regional - Mid South

SCW - regional - North West

iNY - regional - Tri State

CLAW - regional - Great Lakes

LLPR - regional/small - Puerto Rico

DARKNESS - small - Tri State

BWA - small- South West



KP-1 - regional - Hokkaido

GRCG - cult - Kinki

RSWA - cult - Kanto

Nunchaku - National


Australia/New Zealand

AWE-New Zealand






I love this version of Sion as well! Thanks machinesxe!





Thank you Trell, I will update the list.

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ok, I gotta ask this again, are you using the lights that everyone else is doing, cause your skins look nothing like anyone elses?. I was under the impression that you wanted them to all look the same, well me,jtlant and machine have the covered but yours are totally different from ours?


Ever since I've started doing guys (as opposed to girls) I'm using the lights you posted, actually. (I've said in my post on the few occasions I wasn't) :o



^^ I've been deleting all other lights and merging that lighting file directly into the scene.


The only thing I can gander regarding any differences you might be talking about is that it's because I'm using my own facial textures + morph loader wear as you guys are using default M3/M4 textures with morphs? :confused:


I dunno. Even when I look at the renders from others users alone there is such a big discrepancy in render style that I just stopped worrying about it.


Renders (Mine, yours, jtlants, machines are all in there.)






Different users just seem to have more cartoonish/realistic styles and different lighting so meh. :o


These all use the exact same lighting (http://rapidshare.com/files/245754908/Light_scene.rar), but different models yield different results, I guess - left to right, (V4vittorio, V4victoria, M3michael, M4michael) :



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Wow, that's pretty crazy. M3michael looks quite natural, but there's such a huge difference between that one and the others, given they're all using the same lighting. Only thing I could put it down to (without knowing how much you can alter in Daz3d) is that it's down to the texture settings. Such as the M4michael texture looks like it's got it's specularity pushed way up in contrast to the others.


I dunno, just my idle thoughts on it

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Renders (Mine, yours, jtlants, machines are all in there.)






Different users just seem to have more cartoonish/realistic styles and different lighting so meh. :o


These all use the exact same lighting (http://rapidshare.com/files/245754908/Light_scene.rar), but different models yield different results, I guess - left to right, (V4vittorio, V4victoria, M3michael, M4michael) :


yes, I knew there was a difference between all the renders but you can put me,jtlant,and Machines next to each other and can actually believe that they could fit together. but for some reason yours doesnt fit with ours in looks.If that is a home made texture then you might need to find another one cause it looks really pale and almost dead.



Also I dont know how you can get your last M4 pic to look so pale either if you are using the lights, I've renders just M4 with the basic texture and he doesnt come out like that, are you using postwork still?

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yes, I knew there was a difference between all the renders but you can put me,jtlant,and Machines next to each other and can actually believe that they could fit together. but for some reason yours doesnt fit with ours in looks.If that is a home made texture then you might need to find another one cause it looks really pale and almost dead.


Not using any post work at this point - definitely not on any of the renders I posted in the post above. About half of the textures are homemade though - most all of the SAW renders are my homemade textures, while the others are done using textures from other sources.




1. Trell, are you using the same texture for all of your renders? machine? jtlant? I don't really think that's the issue so much as me using various different models (all of my M3 males look like they belong together as do most V4 females), but then again from what trell is saying (and I'm presuming it's the case as I'm biased and no one is disagreeing) none of my models really resemble the others.


2. That said, open question: Do any of my renders look like _____s? I don't think I'm objective enough to say. :o i.e crayon said the M3 render looked natural. Is that to say it looks like everyone elses models, or just that it looks good compared to the other posted renders.


3. If none of that is helpful to getting to the bottom of it, if you guys are unhappy with my style I don't mind discontinuing rendering for the project and/or deleting any/all of my renders that people don't think fit. I can contribute to the data in other ways. :)



Also I dont know how you can get your last M4 pic to look so pale either if you are using the lights, I've renders just M4 with the basic texture and he doesnt come out like that, are you using postwork still?


I used the M4 Beck texture.



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I have no problem with you doing renders, I'm just trying to figure out why yours look so much different if were all using the same lighting. I dont know how much longer I'll be contributing to this project since I've started a 2nd job and have even less time. so there isnt a problem from me so much about them, just wasnt sure how they were being done :)
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I have no problem with you doing renders, I'm just trying to figure out why yours look so much different if were all using the same lighting. I dont know how much longer I'll be contributing to this project since I've started a 2nd job and have even less time. so there isnt a problem from me so much about them, just wasnt sure how they were being done :)


Edited my post because I wasn't long winded enough the first time. :o


I don't think the issue is the lighting as I imported it directly. I honestly think it's likely that because you're all using the same model (M4?) wear as the majority of my male renders have been M3 there is a discrepancy. I say that because my renders that are using M3 (example:



) look identical to one another. So I think it's the models I'm using and not the lighting

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Just to update the running list that Kamchatka had a few pages back:


Now this is to my knowledge if anything has changed please say so. That way we can keep the list current. The current count for promotions is..



SAW - National - South

UK Wrestling Council- Midlands

FLI - small- Ireland



USSR - Regional - Eastern Europe




CAW - Not sure if this fed is still being worked on

EWO - National -Ontario

PEIPW- small - Maritimes



US-A - regional - Mid Atlantic

PUSA - small- Midwest

TWA - cult - New England

LSSWL - regional - Mid South

SCW - regional - North West

iNY - regional - Tri State

CLAW - regional - Great Lakes

LLPR - regional/small - Puerto Rico

DARKNESS - small - Tri State

BWA - small- South West



KP-1 - regional - Hokkaido

GRCG - cult - Kinki

RSWA - cult - Kanto

Nunchaku - National


Australia/New Zealand

AWE-New Zealand






I love this version of Sion as well! Thanks machinesxe!





Thank you Trell, I will update the list.


I'm a bit swamped with work at the moment, so I think I'm going to have to pull RSWA and the associated renders from the mod as I doubt I'd get around to finishing it. GRCG I decided to pull a while back as well. KP-1 is pretty close to being done though, so that will definitely be finished up. This means that Nunchaku is the undisputed biggest promotion in Japan, and whoever ends up working on that has free reign to create some backstory for Japan.


Not using any post work at this point - definitely not on any of the renders I posted in the post above. About half of the textures are homemade though - most all of the SAW renders are my homemade textures, while the others are done using textures from other sources.




1. Trell, are you using the same texture for all of your renders? machine? jtlant? I don't really think that's the issue so much as me using various different models (all of my M3 males look like they belong together as do most V4 females), but then again from what trell is saying (and I'm presuming it's the case as I'm biased and no one is disagreeing) none of my models really resemble the others.


2. That said, open question: Do any of my renders look like _____s? I don't think I'm objective enough to say. :o i.e crayon said the M3 render looked natural. Is that to say it looks like everyone elses models, or just that it looks good compared to the other posted renders.


3. If none of that is helpful to getting to the bottom of it, if you guys are unhappy with my style I don't mind discontinuing rendering for the project and/or deleting any/all of my renders that people don't think fit. I can contribute to the data in other ways. :)





I used the M4 Beck texture.




I've been using Apollo, M3 and M4 for this, so switching between models shouldn't be too much of an issue. I'd say your problem (if you want to call it that) lies with the skin textures you're using, or maybe the surface settings for the model. Without looking at your setup pre-render it's hard to say, but that would be my guess.

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This is an update of the update above. And once again if there are any changes the list will be updated again. The current count for promotions is..



SAW - National - South

UK Wrestling Council- Midlands

FLI - small- Ireland



USSR - Regional - Eastern Europe




CAW - Not sure if this fed is still being worked on

EWO - National -Ontario

PEIPW- small - Maritimes



US-A - regional - Mid Atlantic

PUSA - small- Midwest

TWA - cult - New England

LSSWL - regional - Mid South

SCW - regional - North West

iNY - regional - Tri State

CLAW - regional - Great Lakes

LLPR - regional/small - Puerto Rico

DARKNESS - small - Tri State

BWA - small- South West



KP-1 - regional - Hokkaido

Nunchaku - National


Australia/New Zealand

AWE-New Zealand




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