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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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I lied:


Ross Waters:




One of the best I've seen. Looks a bit like Harrison ford to me. Only thing though is everything below the head looks too light to me. makes the head look like it's floating in front of the body

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22990" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Can I ask, I put in a bio ages ago, i was just wondering if he's in, if so I'd be more than willing to put a hi res photo up for it <p> </p><p> Thanks Killian</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Just looked through the data and Kobe put Danny Smith in there. Right now he is a free agent located in England.</p><p> </p><p> And if you have anymore bios keep them coming the more we have the better!</p>
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Also I just wanted to say that if anybody has some bios for Canadian or American wrestlers post them and I will put them in one of my promotions as I am suffering from writers block.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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Getting acclimated to a new city but will be back in full swing this weekend <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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One of the best I've seen. Looks a bit like Harrison ford to me. Only thing though is everything below the head looks too light to me. makes the head look like it's floating in front of the body


Yeah it's based off of Harrison Ford. I did a new version of it that loses a bit of the likeness but looks much better as a render, and is still one of my better ones. Will post it when I get in this evening.


Go ahead and post the Danny picture, btw. :)


P.S. Will post all the renders I've done so far when I get to number 100.

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<p>This is more of a bump then anything else so that this thread does not fade away. Here is a bio of one of my wrestlers that I created:</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22990" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Raul Zayas is known throughout the wrestling world for his hair-trigger temper. This temper has cost Raul his job in more then one company. The last major company to fire Raul was the US-A because he went into the crowd to attack a fan who had been insulting him all night. The smarks know that if you want to get Raul ticked off, all they have to do is start the "Yettttttiiiii" or "Shave Your Back" chants (Raul is sensitive of his significant amount of back hair). <p> </p><p> Due to the US-A incident, Raul was blacklisted from the entire wrestling industry for close to four years. Then in late 2009, he was hired by FWF and he was put in a tag team with Antonio Machado together they called themselves The Cuban Revolutionaries. FWF management felt that if Raul had a tag team partner he would be less inclined to go off the reservation and do the things that he had done in his past. Only time will tell if they are right. </p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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<p>I'll be back Sunday to pump out some new renders, promise. ^_^</p><p> </p><p>

Still have to convert about 50% of renders over but give me some time. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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This is to bump this thread and also I like how UFC-KING did this in the mod that he is working on. So I thought I would borrow his idea to showcase one of the promotions that is in this mod. I would like to thank Kamchatka for the logo.





Name : Top Wrestling Alliance

Short Name : TWA

Website :


Opened : March 1997

Location : New England, USA

Prestige (%) : 61 %

Finances : 2,500,000

Drug Policy : None


Regular or Touring


Touring Months : N/A



Style Name : Sports Entertainment



Match Type Booking for 1 vs 1 : 70 %

Match Type Booking for 2 vs 2 : 25 %

Match Type Booking for 3 vs 3 : 0 %

Match Type Booking for Triangle : 5%

Match Type Booking for 4-Way : 0 %


Match Ratio : 90 % might change this



Match Type Booking for 1 vs 1 : 70 %

Match Type Booking for 2 vs 2 : 25%

Match Type Booking for 3 vs 3 : 0 %

Match Type Booking for Triangle : 5 %

Match Type Booking for 4-Way : 0 %


Match Ratio : 60 % might change this as well


Match Lengths PPV

Minor : 8 Mins

Medium : 15 Mins

Main : 25 Mins


Match Lengths TV

Minor : 6 Mins

Medium : 10 Mins

Main : 15 Mins


Product Appeal

Key Features : Mainstream

Heavy : Traditional

Medium : Comedy, Risque, Modern

Low : Daredevil, Hardcore, Realism

Very Low : Cult


Match Intensity : 20 %

Match Danger : 40 %


Women's Wrestling : Division

T&A Levels : Low

Face/Heel Divide : Strong



Owner : Douglas Bailey

Head Booker : Lefty Gordon

Founder : Douglas Bailey


Play-by-play Announcer: Walt Pardee

Color Commentator: Chuck Bates


TWA Tag Team Champions: Magnum & Revolver

TWA Television Champion: Ariyoshi

TWA Women’s Champion: Kellie Dangerous

TWA World Champion: Death Machine



Top Wrestling Alliance was founded by former referee Douglas Bailey. He felt that there was a void in the New England area for a major wrestling promotion. He decided to make a sports entertainment promotion which would feature wrestlers that he had worked with in the past. The promotion did not start to pick up steam until a newer generation (Led by Reggie Blade) of wrestlers started to show up in the company in 2004.


TWA has also recently received the benefit of signing some talent that the US-A has let go due to budget problems. The US-A dropped a lot of their female wrestlers which led to TWA signing them and starting up a women’s division of their own. And most importantly the TWA has picked up the US-A's old television spot which has caused them to gain popularity at a rapid pace.

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Very interested in this mod and thread....


However, how do I find out what is already in and complete as far as where this mod currently stands, with out going through and reading all 48 pages? Is there a list somewhere on the number or workers, promotions, etc... ? If someone wanted to help how would they know where to jump in at?

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Very interested in this mod and thread....


However, how do I find out what is already in and complete as far as where this mod currently stands, with out going through and reading all 48 pages? Is there a list somewhere on the number or workers, promotions, etc... ? If someone wanted to help how would they know where to jump in at?


I will repost the promotions in the game in a few minutes. As far as workes go I am not sure how many have been created thus far at the very least we are at 300.


As far as wanting to help out your best bet is to PM Kobe who is in charge of the mod. You would be a welcome addition and anything that you can do to help out would be great!:D


These are the promotions in the game thus far.



SAW - National - South

FLI - small- Ireland

UK Wrestling Council- Midlands



USSR - Regional - Eastern Europe




EWO - National -Ontario

PEIPW- small - Maritimes



US-A - regional - Mid Atlantic

PUSA - small- Midwest

TWA - cult - New England

LSSWL - regional - Mid South

iNY - regional - Tri State

CLAW - regional - Great Lakes

LLPR - regional/small - Puerto Rico

DARKNESS - small - Tri State

BWA - small- South West

FWC: HIW-regional- Hawaii

FWC: FWF-regional-South East

Unnamed Stennick developmental company- Mid South




KP-1 - regional - Hokkaido



Australia/New Zealand

AWE-New Zealand





Tijuana Battle Zone Northern-it is a developmental company.


The two promotions in bold are promotions that I am not sure of they might have been pulled from the game. So as you can see we need promotions in Japan right now. Stennick might be making a promotion based in Canada not sure on that.

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I will repost the promotions in the game in a few minutes. As far as workes go I am not sure how many have been created thus far at the very least we are at 300.


As far as wanting to help out your best bet is to PM Kobe who is in charge of the mod. You would be a welcome addition and anything that you can do to help out would be great!:D


These are the promotions in the game thus far.



SAW - National - South

FLI - small- Ireland

UK Wrestling Council- Midlands



USSR - Regional - Eastern Europe




EWO - National -Ontario

PEIPW- small - Maritimes



US-A - regional - Mid Atlantic

PUSA - small- Midwest

TWA - cult - New England

LSSWL - regional - Mid South

iNY - regional - Tri State

CLAW - regional - Great Lakes

LLPR - regional/small - Puerto Rico

DARKNESS - small - Tri State

BWA - small- South West

FWC: HIW-regional- Hawaii

FWC: FWF-regional-South East

Unnamed Stennick developmental company- Mid South






Australia/New Zealand

AWE-New Zealand



GLLM-National-northern region?

MPWA-National-not sure of the region

Tijuana Battle Zone not sure of size or region it is a developmental company.


The two promotions in bold are promotions that I am not sure of they might have been pulled from the game. So as you can see we need promotions in Japan right now. Stennick might be making a promotion based in Canada not sure on that.


KP-1 is still in, just not the other two Japanese promotions I had planned. I haven't been able to put too much time in lately, but when I get back to work it should come together in good time.

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KP-1 is still in, just not the other two Japanese promotions I had planned. I haven't been able to put too much time in lately, but when I get back to work it should come together in good time.


Okay cool, sorry about that jtlant I just put it back on the list.

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These are the promotions in the game thus far.



US-A - regional - Mid Atlantic

PUSA - small- Midwest

TWA - cult - New England

LSSWL - regional - Mid South

iNY - regional - Tri State

CLAW - regional - Great Lakes

LLPR - regional/small - Puerto Rico

DARKNESS - small - Tri State

BWA - small- South West

FWC: HIW-regional- Hawaii

FWC: FWF-regional-South East

Unnamed Stennick developmental company- Mid South



Are any of these US promotions women only?

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Are any of these US promotions women only?


I do not think any one of them is a pure women's promotion. There is a women's division in TWA, US-A, and FCW-HIW. I think Kobe's two promotions (SAW and PUSA) have at the very least a women's division (PUSA might be a womens only fed, I have not seen the final copy so do not quote me on that).


If you want to do a wome's promotion in the United States it can not be higher than Cult as that is the backstory for America, that the number one company has fallen due to mismanagement and now all the other companies are trying to claim the top spot in the United States.


Also, Stennick great job on the logo I thought you said you were new to making logos. If so you are already doing great work.

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