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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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Welcome to the project Boomer. :)


DVDwarrior, your bios have inspired me to breathe more life into my own and make them less biographical ^_^


BHK, love how great you've been for the project. :D


Fullhouse has the data right now, so if anyone want it they should ask him for it when he's done.


Should have a few renders up this week. :)


Notes to self:


Re-do Gray Jordan, touch up Sweet Destiny
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Thanks for having me and the awesome welcomes from DVD (a good friend of mine and my old tag partner from the IWE era) BHK and Kobe.


Here are my promised bios just so I don't make my self out to be a liar lol.


Japanese Puro League-


JPL was founded in 1997 by Riki Kabyuki and is backed by Kagoshima Hamada, the owner of Hamada Computer Systems. Kabyuki previously owned Golden War Wrestling but folded GWW after running out of funds in 1989. Early JPL featured alot of the stars of GWW and also students of the Kabyuki owned Puro Dojo.


JPL employees some of the best of the best in Puroresu including Yomogashi, Hayato Yuu, Hiroto Shiro and Kabyuki himself.



Riki Kabyuki-


A famed figure of Puroresu, Riki Kabyuki, better known as Great Kabyuki , is one of the most popular Japanese wrestlers in history. Along with being one of the best highfliers in the world, he trained many of the top Puro workers for his now defunct GWW promotion and JPL. His top students include Tamu Ryami, Hyrozen Hyabuki, Inferno, Rikuto Takeshi and Riki Juro. In 1997 he founded Japanese Puro League, which is now the top promotion in Japan..


Hiroto Shiro-


One of the most experienced and popular figures in Puro history, Hiroto Shiro has headlined many big shows over the past 20 years. Famous for his blistering chops and his awesome Samurai Brain Buster, Shiro is one of the top heels in JPL.


Shiro was trained by Korean legend Wook Sung in 1986 and has held multiple titles in Japan, China, Korea, Russia and United States.




Yomogashi is known as the most feared man in professional wrestling today, and brutalizes opponents with devastating kicks and suplexes. Yomogashi was a huge star in Iron Japan Wrestling until it folded, holding the IJW Heavyweight title 8 times. His on camera feud with Kim Lia became personal during a match that Lia was scheduled to lose, when Lia began to "shoot" on Yomo which led to a legit fight in the ring. In the following months the locker room became virtually split in half, with the roster picking sides. After a few tension filled months IJW officially folded. When Riki Kabyuki founded JPL, Yomogashi was his first signee.



Speaking of the IWE, we need to get cooking on the Rise and Fall of IWE dvd Mr. Arizona......

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Speaking of the IWE, we need to get cooking on the Rise and Fall of IWE dvd Mr. Arizona......


There might be a little trouble there.... I dunno how he did it exactly, but somehow or another Altar Boy ended up with the controlling rights to all our IWE properties, (think it had something to do with a ladder match with Maniak and Nutso though - it was either that or a game of Connect Four). We could try negotiating with him, but you know how he is: we'd need A LOT of Oreo Ice Cream to meet his price.


Nifty bios btw... I dunno what it is exactly, but for some reason the name Kabyuki just reeks of Japanese coolness to me.



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There might be a little trouble there.... I dunno how he did it exactly, but somehow or another Altar Boy ended up with the controlling rights to all our IWE properties, (think it had something to do with a ladder match with Maniak and Nutso though - it was either that or a game of Connect Four). We could try negotiating with him, but you know how he is: we'd need A LOT of Oreo Ice Cream to meet his price.


Sounds like something he'd do....Man just you mentioning those three names takes me back... IWE was so much fun....


Nifty bios btw... I dunno what it is exactly, but for some reason the name Kabyuki just reeks of Japanese coolness to me.





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In our mode are we staying true to the rules of TEW and the Cornellverse, regarding promotion size and the benefits and restrictions that come with each? Mainly the worker contract system, where written contracts are only allowed at National? I realize that once a game is started it's programmed to only allow that to happen anyway but are we sticking to that with the original rosters we create for each promotion? I noticed that some regional and cult promotions in the Cornellverse have select number of wrestlers that are under written contracts at the start of each game.
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In our mode are we staying true to the rules of TEW and the Cornellverse, regarding promotion size and the benefits and restrictions that come with each? Mainly the worker contract system, where written contracts are only allowed at National? I realize that once a game is started it's programmed to only allow that to happen anyway but are we sticking to that with the original rosters we create for each promotion? I noticed that some regional and cult promotions in the Cornellverse have select number of wrestlers that are under written contracts at the start of each game.


If you have a good storyline reason behind a worker(s) signing a written deal with a cult or smaller promotion I say go for it. :)

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The No. 2 Promotion in Japan:




Super Puro Tradition, formerly World PT, is a Japanese promotion that was founded by former Iron Japan Wrestling superstar Kim Lia. Lia started World PT to be a direct competitor to Riki Kabyuki's Japanese Puro League, which employees Lia's real life rival Yomogashi. In 2006 Super PT made news in the puro world by stealing Takeshi, who was one of JPL's top super juniors and creating the Red Tiger character to copy JPL's Tiger Kid.


and a few of the top stars....


Akita Takahashi


Takahashi is a powerful striker from Fukuoka, Japan who currently works for Super PT. As menacing as he is tough, Takahashi runs through opponents like a bulldozer. Using powerslams, back breakers and viscous suplexes to soften up the back and neck, his ultimate goal is to plant his foes with his Thrown Powerbomb.


Though he is still very inexperienced in the ring, many think he will be a huge star for years to come. Takahashi was trained at the Kokoro Dojo in 2003.



Kim Lia


Lia began competing in and winning Judo tournaments when he was fourteen and began training for a career in Puroresu when he was seventeen. Lia debuted in Japanese Wrestling Spirit in 1983 and stayed until 1986. He was signed by Iron Japan Wrestling later that same year, and began feuding with Yomogashi. In what has become a much discussed series of events, Lia began to shoot on Yomo leading to a legit fight in the ring. In the following months the locker room became divided, leading to the closing of IJW.


After IJW Lia found World Puro Tradition, which later became Super PT. Lia also trains new workers in his Kokoro (Warriors Heart) Dojo.


Cheveyo (Warpath)


Cheveyo is an American wrestler who currently works for Super PT as Warpath. Cheveyo, who is full Hopi Indian, brings degree of fire and passion to the ring that most workers cannot. Before coming to Japan, Cheveyo carved a path of destruction through the US winning titles in his wake.

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Is it too late to be in this project, just realized I was invited to be in this a long while back.


And, do you guys have a fed in Montreal, Quebec?


I can handle it if there isn't any, I have a fictional fed and roster all ready for this :-)


Welcome man. The more the merrier. :)


No feds in Quebec yet, I don't think. Fullhouse has the data right now so you can get it when he's done if you like. :)

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If it sparkles with the board i'd like to add some of my favorite workers from my Boomerverse as free agents or something along those lines.


Off the top of my head


'Punisher' Mike LeBay

Lucky O'Doyle (and yes, he does rule)

Alec 'The Law' Marshall

Lance Sizemore

Manny Martini and others


What do you guys think?

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Welcome man. The more the merrier. :)


No feds in Quebec yet, I don't think. Fullhouse has the data right now so you can get it when he's done if you like. :)


That's great!


I'll do some stuff in an empty database on my end and see how it comes together.


Here's the story plus a little hype thrown in....uhhh....look out, text wall!


My fantasy universe in Quebec centers around an age-old hermit promotion that has remained conservative and closed to the outside world since the rise of "Sports-Entertainment" type wrestling in the 80's. Its talent is mostly home grown, trained by the fed's owner Jack Reddy since the 1993 re-launch of the promotion in its current form. It remains the only Montreal promotion with a presence in the local media, being on television every Saturday night.


However, with time, many wrestlers sought a different style of wrestling and more freedom in traveling the world looking for new places to visit and new talent to work with. Cracks began to show in the walls of the Reddy Familly's Hermit Kingdom. People left and started their own promotions. People were pushed and failed. Others stabbed people in the back.


Their names are Reddy, Martin, Gen, Fabulous, Raven, Gadaski, Williams, DiStasio, Choquette, Tell, Shemin, Moskau, Parvi, Sundae, Desireless, Frenette, Chicoine, CAYO! & Amin. Men & Women of honor. The Sons & Daughters Of Tradition.


This is their story. Coming Soon!

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Glad to have you on board Phil! So far there are two promotions based in Canada. One in Ontario which is the Sports Ent. fed EWO and the other is their developmental league Prince Edward Island Pro Wrestling. Which is located in well Prince Edward Island.:D I think Stennick and Fullhouse are both working on Canadian promotions. So with your promotion we should have a healthy Canadian wrestling scene.


Boomer, the more free agents you can bring in the better. Everytime I get the data I try and add one or two. However, the mod does not really have that many free agents so like I said make as many as you want because it will only enhance the mod.


Fullhouse, I am the one that is guilty of the contract thing. When I was making the promotions, in my mind I could not justify having a promotion owner under a PPA contract. To me it did not seem realistic, but if everybody else feels like it does not work then I will change it. I mean I realize by having them under a written contract the are a financial drain on the company and said contracts are against game rules but I just did what made the most sense to me.

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New Renders (Left to Right):


Famine, Nollie Belle (Future Worker), Gina Lopez, Cary Anne Swindell, Pestillence, Melissa Carter:






I have 3 or 4 request in the que from BHK plus some new community renders for sometime this week.


Unused community Render:




Closing in on render 100 (92 done so far).

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Unused community Render:




Closing in on render 100 (92 done so far).

Might be overstepping my bounds a bit, going after two in a row and all, but that unused community render there looks like it just might make a decent pic for The CLAW's hot young thang, Kaylee Troxler.....



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Might be overstepping my bounds a bit, going after two in a row and all, but that unused community render there looks like it just might make a decent pic for The CLAW's hot young thang, Kaylee Troxler.....


Please if anybody has done that it is me, I have pretty much claimed every community render that Kobe has done for us.:D


Kobe, I really like the Gina Lopez render that is something of what I pictured her looking like when I wrote her bio up.

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Might be overstepping my bounds a bit, going after two in a row and all, but that unused community render there looks like it just might make a decent pic for The CLAW's hot young thang, Kaylee Troxler.....




Kaylee Troxler it is. ^_^


BHK, glad you like the Gina Lopez render. :)


Big Bertha/Celine Richards/Hot Holly/Jospehine Demers/Jenna Pappas etc. are on my list to render in the near future. I'm basing the new renders off of the first ones I did, but if you would prefer me to make them look like someone else just give me a reference picture or description. ^_^


I'm making the community renders so that they get used so whoever wants to use them, it's fine. All of the workers eventually need renders. :D

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So excited for Stennick/DVD Warrior/Phil/Boomer to get their hands on the data after full house is done.


And like I have told Kobe if anybody wants to add stuff into any of the 9000 unfinished promotions that I have made by all means do so. Also, US-A's title history is an open book for anybody to drop some of their wrestler's in. So if you want to add a title to one of your characters by all means do so.

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Glad to have you on board Phil! So far there are two promotions based in Canada. One in Ontario which is the Sports Ent. fed EWO and the other is their developmental league Prince Edward Island Pro Wrestling. Which is located in well Prince Edward Island.:D I think Stennick and Fullhouse are both working on Canadian promotions. So with your promotion we should have a healthy Canadian wrestling scene.


My Canadian promotion is in Ontario, Canada. It's a regional promotion, that is a sports entertainment product.


Boomer, the more free agents you can bring in the better. Everytime I get the data I try and add one or two. However, the mod does not really have that many free agents so like I said make as many as you want because it will only enhance the mod.


I was planning to add several myself, or add them to some of the promotions that seem to be low on workers. I have way more wrestlers than are needed for my 4 promotions.


Fullhouse, I am the one that is guilty of the contract thing. When I was making the promotions, in my mind I could not justify having a promotion owner under a PPA contract. To me it did not seem realistic, but if everybody else feels like it does not work then I will change it. I mean I realize by having them under a written contract the are a financial drain on the company and said contracts are against game rules but I just did what made the most sense to me.


Well in the C-verse from what I've seen all owners no matter the size of the promotion are under written contracts so that's a given. I was more so refering to actual wrestlers. For instance in the C-verse USPW which start at cult have about 8 wrestlers under written contract. I played a demo game with our mod a few weeks ago, just to see how some of my data was going to fit into the world. I notice that in our mod TWA which is also cult has everyone signed to written deals.

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Well in the C-verse from what I've seen all owners no matter the size of the promotion are under written contracts so that's a given. I was more so refering to actual wrestlers. For instance in the C-verse USPW which start at cult have about 8 wrestlers under written contract. I played a demo game with our mod a few weeks ago, just to see how some of my data was going to fit into the world. I notice that in our mod TWA which is also cult has everyone signed to written deals.


That was something that I had thought about, I was not sure if I should give them all written contracts or PPA contracts. My problem was when I was simming the game a lot of the PPA wrestlers ended up going to EWO or SAW. So my first thought was to make them all American exclusive. However, that just did not seem right to me either so I put them all under written contracts.


My thoughts are that once the game world is fleshed out a bit more, and thanks to everyone who will be getting the data it looks like that will be happening soon, I would rework the contracts, stats, and popularity (as well as complete BSW, PEIW, FWF, and HIW). So by no means are any of my promotions set in stone in regards to what is in the data right now.


The popularity will probably stay the same for the most part as the people who are in their positions on the card are there because that is where I want them to be. Contracts were more of a placeholder thing until I could take a look at what other people had done. Stats, well I was always under the impression that Kobe or someone else was going to balance the stats somewhere down the road. So as far as my stats go I would like them to be good in the areas that they are already good in but if they need to be bumped up or down I am fine with that.

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That was something that I had thought about, I was not sure if I should give them all written contracts or PPA contracts. My problem was when I was simming the game a lot of the PPA wrestlers ended up going to EWO or SAW. So my first thought was to make them all American exclusive. However, that just did not seem right to me either so I put them all under written contracts.


My thoughts are that once the game world is fleshed out a bit more, and thanks to everyone who will be getting the data it looks like that will be happening soon, I would rework the contracts, stats, and popularity (as well as complete BSW, PEIW, FWF, and HIW). So by no means are any of my promotions set in stone in regards to what is in the data right now.


The popularity will probably stay the same for the most part as the people who are in their positions on the card are there because that is where I want them to be. Contracts were more of a placeholder thing until I could take a look at what other people had done. Stats, well I was always under the impression that Kobe or someone else was going to balance the stats somewhere down the road. So as far as my stats go I would like them to be good in the areas that they are already good in but if they need to be bumped up or down I am fine with that.


That all sounds great. :) I have about 8 renders in the que that I've laid the prep work for (custom graphics etc.), I just need to get to them at some point this weekend. Tomorrow is REALLY busy, but after that my Friday is wide open and I should have a bit of time Sunday as well. :)

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That was something that I had thought about, I was not sure if I should give them all written contracts or PPA contracts. My problem was when I was simming the game a lot of the PPA wrestlers ended up going to EWO or SAW. So my first thought was to make them all American exclusive. However, that just did not seem right to me either so I put them all under written contracts.


I noticed this also a few weeks ago during my test runs. It seems that EWO signs up alot of workers at the very begining of the game. I even reset TWA wrestlers to PPA in my experimenting and it seemed EWO and to some extent SAW basically steal away a good chunk of their roster as well as other regional feds. I had 3 possible theories as to why. #1 There wasn't alot of free agents in the database at that time so they had no choice but to sign wrestlers from the regionals. #2 EWO's owner's business skills has him as prefering a very large roster, again because of the lack of wrestlers at the time to comply with his preferences EWO needs to sign alot more wrestlers at the begining of the game. #3 More wrestlers need to be added to EWO's rosters, possibly the easiest solution. Since they prefer very large rosters then their default roster probably should have more than the minimum 32 needed for national promotions. My guess would be 40-42. It'll be interesting to see how it works once I and others add our promotions and additional wrestlers to the database.


My initial alarm with this was if someone playing our mod picks TWA or any promotion with a smaller than national roster because they like the backstory and default wrestlers in the promotion, then start the game and EWO comes in during the first month (sometimes first few weeks) of play and takes 8 of your workers. Then it essence they never get to play with the promotions default roster.


My thoughts are that once the game world is fleshed out a bit more, and thanks to everyone who will be getting the data it looks like that will be happening soon, I would rework the contracts, stats, and popularity (as well as complete BSW, PEIW, FWF, and HIW). So by no means are any of my promotions set in stone in regards to what is in the data right now.


Dont get me wrong I dont see anything wrong with any promotions. I asked about the contract thing because of the same reason you set all of TWA's to written to keep EWO from signing away the PPAs. It was either make them written or create a non-agression pact. I definately will make some of mine written because I think certain wrestlers are vital to the background story of some of my promotions.

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