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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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Boomer how did you do those pictures? Where they your personal artwork that you cut onto the background or are they something that you found on the web? Either way they have this cool unique look to them.


I think they look pretty badass myself.....


I did them on Hero Machine 3.0. After you are done they have an option to save it as a JPEG or PNG file. The png has a transparent background and its easy to put it on a background in GIMP.


Here is the link:


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One last thing Fullhouse, did you have a chance to look at BWA? If so could you give me feedback on it. I was wondering if you thought that the gimmicks in the promotion were to dumb.


Yes, I looked at BWA. I like the concept of the promotion. It's actually right in line with another promotion I wanted to create a parody promotion where they play up the gimmick aspect. I think all the characters are good. I really liked the following:


Billy Bob Jim Dick

Juan Wayne

Dave Bowen

Witness Protection

John Fitzgerald King

Omar Little

The Nerd Herd

The Bag Boy

The Wild Rednecks


I also liked your other fed BSW just because it's a concept fed that only hires big wrestlers.

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Yes, I looked at BWA. I like the concept of the promotion. It's actually right in line with another promotion I wanted to create a parody promotion where they play up the gimmick aspect. I think all the characters are good.


Cool I just wanted someone else to give me an opinion on it because I was afraid that most people would find it lame.


I also liked your other fed BSW just because it's a concept fed that only hires big wrestlers.


The only problem with that is the AI will not know that it should only higher big wrestlers.

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A brief promotion profile for the O-Dub :D



Name: OUTLAW Wrestling

Short Name: OW

Website: http://www.outlawrestling.net

Size: Regional



OUTLAW Wrestling owned by Buddy Howard is his third promotion. Located in Canada because Buddy can no longer get a license to run a promotion in America. Buddy's first promotion High Octane Wrestling was shut down when it was discovered it's primary funding source was a mafia family that used H.O.W as a money laundering front. Next his popular cult hit CWA was rocked in 2006 when half it's roster brawled with fans on live TV in what is referred to as "The Richmond Riot" shortly after that the NY Times ran "The Steroid Chronicles" a series of articles on the rampant use of steroids in CWA naming 10 wrestlers who careers never recovered. CWA folded 2 months later unable to survive the bad press and losing all TV, PPV & sponsorship deals.


OUTLAW Wrestling opened it doors to those black listed wrestlers, given them a shot at redemption of their careers. A risky product that's home for grizzled veterans and stars of the 90's as well as young talent looking to make a name for themselves.


Opened: June 2008

Location: Ontario, Canada

Prestige (%): 35%

Finances: 1,000,000

Drug Policy: None

Regular or Touring: Regular



Style Name: Face Paced Entertainment


Product Appeal

Key Features: Traditional,Modern

Heavy: Mainstream

Medium: Cult, Hardcore, Daredevil

Low: Comedy

Very Low: Risque

None: Real, Hyper Real, Lucha


Match Intensity: 40%

Match Danger: 60% (probably will lower this to 45%)


Women's Wrestling: Division

T&A Levels: high

Face/Heel Divide: Medium



Owner: Buddy Howard

Head Booker: Bruiser Brown

Founder: Buddy Howard


Play-by-play Announcer: Mark Miller

Color Commentator: Bruiser Brown


OW Tag Team Champions: The Mechanics

OUTLAW Maple Leaf Championship: retired/suspended

OW Women’s Champion: "The Cougar" Sandy Knoxville

OUTLAW Niagra Falls Champion: Kilo-Watt

OUTLAW World Champion:

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Here are some of the workers that I added, most of these are for OUTLAW the last three Ramon Rodriguez, X and Mr.Workrate are free agents. So far I have added 54 workers (mostly wrestlers but some valets/managers, referees, announcers, color commentators, a road agent) and 1 promotion. I have another promotion and possibly 50 workers mostly female wrestlers to import tonight. Thought I'd post a few before I go to work. ;)


Buddy Howard

Prior to 1998 say the name Buddy Howard and what came to mind were the words champion, heart, dedicated, wrestling icon. Say the name after 2006 and the words are steroids, sexual harassment, law suits, mafia connections, money laundering, Richmond Riot. Buddy Howard owner of OUTLAW Wrestling is not afraid to push the boundaries with risky angles, T&A, and violence. Also a semi-retired wrestler who was a superb technically skilled brawler that could make anyone look great. Sammy Knight once said "Buddy Howard could carry a can of corn to a great match." A two time world champion with wins over legends like Guerilla Kawasaki and Papa Brown. As celebrated as his in ring career was, questionable business practices as a owner and booker has only tarnished his legacy. Howard from time to time can still step in the ring hence his status as being semi-retired. His last fed, CWA was quickly rising to national prominence when it all came crashing down in spring 2006.



Taboo (Lance Reid) was a 4 year nationally-ranked amateur wrestler in college Taboo reached his peak in the late-90s when he was used by US-A as a masked heel. His height, however, kept him from receiving a better push. By 2002 he was forced to work small independents where he was often used as comic relief with clowns and midgets. He eventually found his way to Japan where he worked for Rising Sun Grappling until it closed in 2008. In RSG he added a wild Japanese hardcore brawler style to his technical skills and earned a respectable following as an American big man. Though he's now in his late thirties but with more moves to better market himself, he has re-entered the North American independent scene, hoping to start a second career in the West.


Rob Stone

"Untouchable" Rob Stone is a savvy veteran that has done it all, he's wrestled in numerous north American promotions, in the UK and Japan. Stone can always get a job because he's great at making his opponents look good. He's never been a star, though he did have a good run in CWA winning the tag titles once. Stone has either been a career enhancement talent to midcard wrestler. While getting a job is no problem for Stone, his personality and personal issues often prevent him from keeping jobs very long as many bookers quickly grow tired of his act.


Jelly Belly

Jelly Belly a big burley menacing figure, should be headlining events for a major promotion as a monster heel or lovable giant instead he's just a tale of wasted youth, talent and opportunity. Jelly Belly a former professional football player who had short lived career in the NFL, eventually being cut by 5 teams in 3 years all cited his laziness as the reason. That same laziness has prevented him from living up to the enormous potential that he has. Now time is running out as his wrestling career seems to mirror his football career as he has been signed and released from as many as 4 promotions in 3 years.


Steamboat Sanders

Steamboat Sanders aka, Frank Sanders career began in Japan for the defunct Rising Sun Grappling. Trained at Rising Sun Dojo by the legendary Akira Shinju he spent 5 years with RSG often teaming with Shinju's son Akira II. In 2003 Steamboat brought his incredible strength and brawling to America signing with TWA. American fans loved the way he steamrolled through his opponents, but his TWA stay was cut short after a falling out and physical altercation with Hilton Rosen. Industry insiders believe Rosen's influence got Sanders blackballed as he went jobless for 8 months before signing with Buddy Howard's CWA promotion in it's last year. Then the "Richmond Riot" another ugly event that marked Steamboat's career when he went into the stands and beat down a college student, which lead to a wrestlers vs. fans all out brawl. After CWA closed down no US based promotion wanted to touch Steamboat. When OUTLAW wrestling opened in 2008 he was one of the first that Buddy Howard reached out to.


"The Cougar" Sandy Knoxville

Sandy Knoxville is a jaded vet of the ring that sometimes puts herself on a pedestal and has is known to break kayfabe from time to time in interviews often lacing them with shoot comments. Knoxville maintains that the younger generation of female wrestlers doesn't appreciate the sacrifices that her and other vets have made for them. She done work lately as a color commentator, road agent as well as some other roles as she can see the end of her active career is on the horizon. That doesn’t mean she's ready to walk away just yet, as in her own words she still has 2 or 3 dozen great matches left in her.


Kevin Watson

"The Infamous" Kevin Watson (aka K-Watt, Kilo-Watt, K-Dub) the most hated man in sports. K-Watt once had it all. A former college football and wrestling All-American, a former pro football all-star, a unbelievable natural talent in the ring and a popular with the fans. Then it all came to a crashing halt, arrested and charged with two counts of murder, 18 months in jail while he awaited trial, the evidence was overwhelming against him, he got off on a technicality. Returned to wrestling just in time to take part in the Richmond Riot and be named as one of the "Steroid Ten" in the "Steroid Chronicles". The only job he could find in the industry was in Canada with Buddy Howard and OUTLAW.


Ramon Rodriguez

Ramon Rodriguez is an egomaniacal, young kid with tons of potential who has a lot to learn about the wrestling business. Possessed of a cunning brilliance cleverly disguised by playful arrogance he is electrifying both in the ring and on the mic. He has an easy confidence coupled by an animal magnetism that simply demands attention. He is competitive, scary capable, and dependable. The only thing bigger than his ego is his ambition to rise to the top. Has enjoys taunting and trash talking his opponents with quasi-shoot comments, often forgetting that there is a line people aren't supposed to cross until he's already crossed it. Years of success touring the indy feds especially in (IXWA) Independent Xtreme Wrestling Alliance has earned him a cult like following of disenfranchised youth hungry for his custom brand of vibrant charisma and fearless aggression.


"Mr.Workrate" Derek Hightower


Derek Hightower aka; "Mr.Workrate" aka; The Man of a Thousand faces aka; the Million Gimmick Man, in his career has had more gimmicks than anyone. Once he wrestled in up to 7 different indie promotions concurrently with separate gimmicks for each. Dubbed "Mr. Workrate" by his fellow wrestlers because of his uncanny ability to wrestle a high volume of matches with out the use of rest holds. In the ring he's nonstop wrestling action on the mic he's nonstop verbal assaults. Although he's wrestled in many large promotions the world over Hightower earned his name and achieved the most popularity on the indie circuit. He's been called the King of the Indies. Whenever a promoter needed a sell out he would call up "Mr. Workrate". If a wrestling promotion was on the verge of going bankrupt then "Mr. Workrate" would work a couple of cards and just like that the promotion was in the black. Hightower most successful stint was in US-A where "Mr. Workrate" was the World Champion for a short run.



X (pronounced Chi) is a innovative high flying wrestler who incorporates a surprisingly potent hardcore brawling attack into his jaw dropping risk-taking style. X has wrestled all across the globe in the smallest bingo halls to some of the largest sold out arenas. X once billed as a homicidal madman has taken some of the sickest bumps ever witness in wrestling. His feud with Freakshow had been called the greatest hardcore feud of all time. He most recently wrestled for SAW but as a result of a contract dispute he sat out the last 4 months of his deal. Now he's a free agent looking for his next contract.

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First I would like to say Kobe, that Erin Shea is one of your best works yet. She looks so realistic. Great job!




I love the Outlaw Wrestling bio! I really love the "Richmond Riot" incident, that would be awsome if it happened in real life! Granted I would not want to be involved in it but I would have loved to watch it on TV


All the bios were great but the two that stuck out to me as being wrestlers that I can not wait to use are: "The Infamous" Kevin Watson and Steamboat Sanders.


I love the way you wrote the bios, they are a lot like crayon's where you focus more on the characters and less on the background of the wrestlers. My bios are the opposite, now you got me thinking maybe I should redo my bios so they fit in with yours, Kobe and crayon's. Just so when people play the mod the bios will have a more uniform fit to them.

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First I would like to say Kobe, that Erin Shea is one of your best works yet. She looks so realistic. Great job!




I love the Outlaw Wrestling bio! I really love the "Richmond Riot" incident, that would be awsome if it happened in real life! Granted I would not want to be involved in it but I would have loved to watch it on TV


All the bios were great but the two that stuck out to me as being wrestlers that I can not wait to use are: "The Infamous" Kevin Watson and Steamboat Sanders.


I love the way you wrote the bios, they are a lot like crayon's where you focus more on the characters and less on the background of the wrestlers. My bios are the opposite, now you got me thinking maybe I should redo my bios so they fit in with yours, Kobe and crayon's. Just so when people play the mod the bios will have a more uniform fit to them.


Thanks. It's nice to see all the extra work paying off. :)


So excited to see what Fullhouse has done with the data ^_^

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I love the Outlaw Wrestling bio! I really love the "Richmond Riot" incident, that would be awsome if it happened in real life! Granted I would not want to be involved in it but I would have loved to watch it on TV


All the bios were great but the two that stuck out to me as being wrestlers that I can not wait to use are: "The Infamous" Kevin Watson and Steamboat Sanders.


I love the way you wrote the bios, they are a lot like crayon's where you focus more on the characters and less on the background of the wrestlers. My bios are the opposite, now you got me thinking maybe I should redo my bios so they fit in with yours, Kobe and crayon's. Just so when people play the mod the bios will have a more uniform fit to them.




I dont think you need to do much to your bios, I read alot of them and think they work just fine. If you notice in the C-Verse there is a mix of bios that talk about the "wrestler's background" and some that talk about the "gimmick/character". That is what I was going for when I did mine. I have some that are actually blending together the wrestlers story and the character. Of the 10 I listed, actually 8 of them are focusing on the background or backstory of the wrestler and only 2 a character focused.



By the way anyone creating a wrestler and working on their backstory feel free to say they were involved in CWA and the "Richmond Riot" if you desire.

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Can I go ahead and at least import the gimmicks from the default C-verse data? Or are we holding off on that for now? I just wanted to go ahead and add the wrestlers gimmicks to the profiles and alter-egos while I was inside.


I don't have a problem with you doing that but it is up to everyone else involved. I vote yes.


I was actually thinking about making some arenas but I remember awhile back it was decided that we would hold off until we had more promotions.


And I am probably going to take you up on your Richmond Riot offer.:D

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The one thing about the gimmicks is, I am not sure if Fullhouse is like me. I have taken gimmicks from the various mods and added them to the default data. So I have some from the C-Verse 75 mod, some from the DOTT mod, etc.


My point being if Fullhouse has done the same thing how do we know who created what gimmick? Because those people may want to be given credit. Maybe this is a bit of over thinking on my part.

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The one thing about the gimmicks is, I am not sure if Fullhouse is like me. I have taken gimmicks from the various mods and added them to the default data. So I have some from the C-Verse 75 mod, some from the DOTT mod, etc.


My point being if Fullhouse has done the same thing how do we know who created what gimmick? Because those people may want to be given credit. Maybe this is a bit of over thinking on my part.


Hmmm.... I understand your thought process there and it's the same reason that I intend to revamp all the gimmicks in Kobeverse in the future.


My personal opinion is that everything from CVerse is okay to import without worrying (Adam has said as much) and that the rest of the gimmicks you want to use from other mods I would import but then just use as examples to create your own gimmick? :o


I butchered that sentence, but I hope my point got through. :p

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What is everyone's opinion on the subject of making some arenas? Is it to soon? Or should we start this part of the project as well? And if everybody feels that it is time to start on the arenas we also have to decided each area's preference as to what style they like to see in said area.
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What is everyone's opinion on the subject of making some arenas? Is it to soon? Or should we start this part of the project as well? And if everybody feels that it is time to start on the arenas we also have to decided each area's preference as to what style they like to see in said area.


I've always maintained that I think it's a good idea to add arenas as we think of them. :)


As for style preferences I think that the popular promotions in various regions should do a good job of shaping things, initially. :D

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As for style preferences I think that the popular promotions in various regions should do a good job of shaping things, initially. :D


That is my thinking as well, so that means we should probably hold off until everybody has had a crack at the data before we make any decisions.

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