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Board effort towards a fictional universe...

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I like the masked renders, my only problem is I do not remember who my masked wrestlers were. And with 500+ characters to go through I am going to have a tough time finding them.


No prob. I'll just assign them to the wrestlers I know of and we can figure it out as I go through the workers. :)

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Teagan Erickson re-do/alts:







Going to re-do some renders I'm not happy with tonight. I'm good with most but there are a few that I think go do with a do over. Really love this iteration. Think I will ret-con her as Donald Hefners neice over Keira Swann, I think. :)




Re-do Veronica Belle and re-size Keira Swann, Brad Durden and Paul O'Connor
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Came up with something for the mask. No preference on skill level, just make it so he'd be Upper Midcard/Main Event in UK Lucha.




Kassidy Keenan


Kassidy Keenan (born February 27, 1987) is a young masked worker from Ireland, and now plies his trade in UK Lucha. Keenan made the somewhat unique choice to wrestle under his own name, rather than a gimmicky name due to the frequency of "Lucha de Apuesta" (Mask vs Mask) challenges early in the promotion, so as to keep his popularity if unmasked. He boasts a surprising 17-0 record in Mask vs Mask or Mask vs Hair matches despite never issuing a challenge.

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Not sure if anybody would like this but I thought I would post it.


I simmed a year of the data to see what the landscape looks like (This is not the most up to date data so Rayelek's new promotions are not in here.).


Wrestler of the Year: Tom Hunt

Young Wrestler of the Year: Gavin Howard

Veteran Wrestler of the Year: James Brosnan

Female Wrestler of the Year: Oni Tomoko Matsumoto

Promotion of the Year: SAW

Most Improved Promotion of the Year: SAW

Match of the Year: Jack Depp/James Brosnan defeated Logan Jackman/Tom Hunt at SAW Glitz and Glamour

Card of the Year: The SAW Mill


Top 25 Wrestlers (note these are the promotions that they were in, at the end of the year):


1. Tom Hunt (SAW)

2. Jack Depp (SAW)

3. James Brosnan (SAW)

4. Logan Jackman (SAW)

5. George Ross (SAW)

6. Brad Durden (SAW)

7. Arnold Brewer (SAW)

8. Orlando Turner (SAW)

9. Bean Bryant (SAW)

10. Sion (EWO)

11. Patrick Booth (SAW)

12. Randy Barnett (EWO)

13. Al Berta (EWO)

14. Cal Gary (EWO)

15. Dan Nolan (EWO)

16. Mr. Magnificent Mario Nasi (LSSWL) (WWA) (FWC: FWF)

17. Matthew Pitt (SAW)

18. Marcus Douglas (WWA)

19. Antonio Cortez (SAW)

20. Ulysses Buchanan (EWO)

21. Terry Tronson (EWO)

22. Blackjack Barrett (WWA) (BSW) (LSSWL)

23. Josh Riendeau (EWO)

24. Will Quade (WWA) (BSW)

25. Ben Wade (EWO)


Oni Tomoko Matsumoto was the only female wrestler to make the top 100 coming in at 93.


The highest ranking non-WWA, EWO, SAW wrestler is Ross Waters who came in at 26. He works for US-A.


It seems like the wrestlers of SAW are dominating this mod which make sense because they are the number one promotion in the world. EWO and WWA also have a decent showing and they are the second and third major promotions in the world. WWA has nobody in it at the start of the mod as Fullhouse did not have a chance to fill it up yet, so all of WWA's wrestlers came from the various indy leagues or free agents that were in the data.

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I just hopped into the game to see how this worked with my promotions/workers in and realized I forgot to do contracts/power structure for all the guys I added, and the main details on the promotions (primary location being the big issue). So if whoever has the data could make the following changes:


Captain Kingdom signed to UK Lucha and the owner of.

UK Lucha situated in South (UK).

SHH situated in Scotland (UK).

Kyren stats finished (below average anything else)


The following workers signed to SHH: James Ridley, Bradley Syles


Pretty sure that's all I missed. I also need to add the owner/booker of SHH, Alexander Q Hanson, and the head booker for UK Lucha, Paul Ganador.

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Any idea how FLI did and how its wrestlers are going (I know it has 2 of my more specific wrestlers in it which is how I asked)


FLI is currently the 13th ranked promotion in the game that I simmed (they started at 15th) they are currently at E+ Prestige (They start out with E- Prestige).


Which wrestlers would you like for me to tell you about?


As of right now FLI is still mostly filled with your workers, there is are some of my characters there, some of Kobe's and some of Rayelek's in there as well.

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Its great to see FLI doing alright actually :)


Umm could I get updates on Zack Richard Arnold and Sean Anderson and also on a character called The Edge Of Reason (cause that render was just kick ass)


Thanks :)


Also wondered if the rest of FLI I created ever got a render as I never saw them posted on the board and would love to know how they turned out

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Sean Anderson's Stats are:


D Rumble

E+ Technical

C+ Flying

C Entertainment

C+ Performance

C- Physical


He is D- in popularity across the United Kingdom


And he currently holds the FLI tag team championship with Zack Richard Arnold.


Zack Richard Arnold stats are:


Rumble: E+

Technical: E

Flying: D

Entertainment: C-

Performance: C-

Physical: C


He is D- in popularity across the UK


And as stated above he currently holds the FLI tag team championship with Zack Richard Arnold.


The End of Reason


Rumble: D-

Technical: D

Flying: C

Entertainment: B-

Performance: C

Physical: C


E across the USA execpt for Tri-State and New England where he is E+


In Canada he is E across the board.


As far as renders go, none of them have renders anymore (yes even that awsome End of Reason render) even though all three of them used to have renders. Sadly when all the other renderers left the project, Kobe was forced to take on the job of sole render and therefore any render with the blue background was no longer part of this mod.


Also, if you still have characters that you would like to add to FLI, by all means give us the bios for them. Or you could add them in yourself if you want the data. After all it is your promotion.:D

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I never wanted SAW to be the dominant promotion in the game world. I personally always figured that as other users tookup interest in various regions that the UK, another western region (Europe or Canada), Mexico, and perhaps Japan and would all have 1-2 national level or so promotions, and that they would be in a race to reach international/global status and dominance in the game world. North America, meanwhile would be a territorial war zone that offered a different take on American wrestling than other mods and game worlds.


I figured that one western region and maybe Australia would be relatively blank slates because of lack of interest/delieberate direction, but so far there has been a lot of attention played to America/Canada and not much else, since most people on the forums are indigenous to those regions and want to play them.


I'm personally planning a high cult Australian promotion as well. Before I add anything to Europe I want to see what sort of direction Comradebot is planning for the area. I have some ideas for the other regions as well, but I don't want to put such a huge stamp on the game world and so am mostly sticking to the UK for now and then waiting to see what other users do with other regions. I might add promotions to other areas, but want to do it around other peoples ideas rather than shaping the way the regions operate because I'm the first person to make a promotion in them. The way that different areas of the game world develop will really be determined by the first people to create for them, so in the spirit of this being a community project I think that if different users are shaping the direction of different areas that will really open it up to a very high level of creativity.


I'm just throwing ideas out for how I envisioned things, but really I think that whatever different users come up with for various areas will be awesome.


Should be interesting to see how the data changes when Stennick adds his promotions to Mexico (which seem to me like they will be 2 of the 3 dominant promotions in the game). A big time Japanese (and maybe also European promotion) would also go a long way to create parity and diversity in the game world.


Side Note:


While I don't think the game world needs a Tommy Cornell type figure, it would be cool to see a few big time guys in the data. As it stands, Tom Hunt and Jack Depp occupy the one and two spots but if you look at Hunts stats he isn't really quite good enough to be the number 1 guy in the game world. I figured in a few years he could occupy that place as he develops, but what the data could use is a few other national promotions with some veteran, established super duper stars.


Obviously these are just my thoughts on the way things should pan out, and the game world might end up totally differently. I just think SAW occupies a very specific niche market and I intend to ultimately balance them out as a promoition that stays a strong national but never really goes global/international. If the other promotions in different regions maintain that same sort of balance then it will really fall on the player to push promotions in given regions over the edge, which could be a fun/challengning experience. :)


I think that I probably made some guys like David and George Ross a little better than they should be, or maybe the data just doesn't have a lot of stars right now because SAW shouldn't have such a glut of stars in the top 100. Outside of the young future stars in Hunt/Durden/Orlando base and Gray Jordan/Depp/Brosnan as veteran stars their isnt really supposed to be much in the way of actual wrestling talent within the promotion. I think I skewed high in a lot of places, which I'll address as I work on the data over break. SAW is supposed to be a looks based promotion that gets carried by a few legitimate talents in the form of fading veterans like Jordan/Brosnan, good looking/entertaining but bad in ring guys like Ross, and super over celebrity-like figures like the MMA guy whose name escapes me :o. Durden/Hunt/Bryant exist as future building blocks to build the promotion around, but all the other males are supposed to be either too old to get much more use of, over but hopeless in the ring, or good looking but little else. I think Durden/Hunt/Bryant start off a little too good, Depp a little too young, and some other guys a little too good in the ring and not over enough outside of it.


Will have to re-balance things ^_^

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I'm personally planning a high cult Australian promotion as well. Before I add anything to Europe I want to see what sort of direction Comradebot is planning for the area. I have some ideas for the other regions as well, but I don't want to put such a huge stamp on the game world and so am mostly sticking to the UK for now and then waiting to see what other users do with other regions. I might add promotions to other areas, but want to do it around other peoples ideas rather than shaping the way the regions operate because I'm the first person to make a promotion in them. The way that different areas of the game world develop will really be determined by the first people to create for them, so in the spirit of this being a community project I think that if different users are shaping the direction of different areas that will really open it up to a very high level of creativity.


Should be interesting to see how the data changes when Stennick adds his promotions to Mexico (which seem to me like they will be 2 of the 3 dominant promotions in the game). A big time Japanese (and maybe also European promotion) would also go a long way to create parity and diversity in the game world.


Side Note:


While I don't think the game world needs a Tommy Cornell type figure, it would be cool to see a few big time guys in the data. As it stands, Tom Hunt and Jack Depp occupy the one and two spots but if you look at Hunts stats he isn't really quite good enough to be the number 1 guy in the game world. I figured in a few years he could occupy that place as he develops, but what the data could use is a few other national promotions with some veteran, established super duper stars.


I think that I probably made some guys like Brosnan and Gray Jordan a little better than they should be, or maybe the data just doesn't have a lot of stars right now because SAW shouldn't have such a glut of stars in the top 100. Outside of the young Hunt/Durden/Orlando base and Gray Jordan/Depp/Brosnan their isnt really supposed to be much in the way of actual wrestling talent within the promotion. I think I skewed high in a lot of places, which I'll address as I work on the data over break.


Once Comradebot, dvdWarrior, and Stennick add in their promotions the data should not be skewed so much to one or two promotions. Also, Fullhouse has a Cult promotion coming in that should break up the monopoly that EWO and SAW have over the rest of the game world.


SAW was only really dominate at the TOP of the 100 list, the rest of the list was mostly my workers (Due to the fact that I created 13 promotions so of course my workers would hold the majority of the positions on the list.).


I agree we could probably use some more Mega Stars, I know that I did not make any of my wrestlers uber good because we are going to have capped stats and I did not want to make people with all A's for stats.


Also despite the fact that we have two women only promotions and several promotions with women divisions, our women wrestling scene is pretty weak.

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Yeah, I didn't want to make any Top-Tier stars either. I've got another promotion in mind and if it's cool, I'd make a top-level guy the owner of it for a little twist. I've always liked having high level workers who the biggest companies wanted but couldn't get.
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Rayelek that sounds good. ^_^


BHK, I understand your premise and honestly that's fine. If when the game world is complete we are short on top tier talent then we can just as easily scale up certain workers skills when we balance the data. The stats aren't really that important at this point, but having been working on the Kobeverse the past few years I understand that stats are one of the most time consuming/hard things to balance in a big mod so I'm always thinking about how they work within the game world. :)


Merry Christmas everyone. Just checking in on things before heading off to family functions. ^_^

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Once Comradebot, dvdWarrior, and Stennick add in their promotions the data should not be skewed so much to one or two promotions. Also, Fullhouse has a Cult promotion coming in that should break up the monopoly that EWO and SAW have over the rest of the game world.


SAW was only really dominate at the TOP of the 100 list, the rest of the list was mostly my workers (Due to the fact that I created 13 promotions so of course my workers would hold the majority of the positions on the list.).


I agree we could probably use some more Mega Stars, I know that I did not make any of my wrestlers uber good because we are going to have capped stats and I did not want to make people with all A's for stats.


Also despite the fact that we have two women only promotions and several promotions with women divisions, our women wrestling scene is pretty weak.




I'm really curious to see how the women's wrestling scene will unfold going forward. I think that I naturally trended torwards designing a weak women's wrestling promotion in PUSA because it essentially serves as a development terrirtory. For Australia, however, I was thinking that it could serve as something of a women's wrestling hub. I'm planning some interesting things for the promotion I have in the works there.

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I was just thinking are we going to put a cap on the number of promotions we have? Because I still think the US could use more, now I am not going to make anymore but I do think we could add more into the data.


I don't think we really need a cap right now. I agree the US could use more promotions. My statement was moreso basically saying that it's where people have been focused for the most part so far, is all. ^_^

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I don't think we really need a cap right now. I agree the US could use more promotions. My statement was moreso basically saying that it's where people have been focused for the most part so far, is all. ^_^


I was thinking that each region in America should have a promotion, I am not sure if that is a little excessive though. Right now I think that PR is the only region in the US without a promotion.

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Ran a quick test game tonight, and noticed some... peculiarities.




Odd, the way those internet stories just clip off like that. I haven't encountered this in my own universe, or in the default data, so what's up with that? Does my puter have a bug or something? Or is this something with the data?


Curiouser and curiouser.



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