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DOTM: May Nominations

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Ill second the nomination for eisen-verse's XWA diary. well written, deep characters, strong storylines. he deserves it.


Thank you CZCW! I appreciate the "nod". Writing my diary is a lot of fun when everything seems to "click" and I'm lucky enough that I've found a way to understand most of my characters by now. It makes it ten times easier to write a show with that knowledge behind it all.



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Ill second the nomination for eisen-verse's XWA diary. well written, deep characters, strong storylines. he deserves it.


can you point out the other nom? I can't seem to find it. :(


Oh and for my third nom


nevermore's " MoSC: The Worst Of British Wrestling"

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Can't find another nom for Eisen-verse's XWA diary, apart from CZCW's, so I'll do the honors. It's a very well-written diary in all respects, but the match write-ups really push it up in my opinion - absolutely superb stuff.
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Can't find another nom for Eisen-verse's XWA diary, apart from CZCW's, so I'll do the honors. It's a very well-written diary in all respects, but the match write-ups really push it up in my opinion - absolutely superb stuff.


Thank you, Jaded. It's much appreciated. :)





As for my Rookie DOTM, I will second.... TheSaviour's "WCW 1995 - Making the best of the Worst".


Reason: I enjoy what he's done thus far despite only have 2 shows up. His writing style is a little different, factoring everything together in one long bulk of writing but it reads like a book in that way. Also, he captured the old school "WCW Hotline" approach in his diary as well... Brought back a sense of my childhood. haha. Wanting to call the hotline but knowing my parents would freak out when the bill came.


All in all, that rounds out my nominations! :D



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