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MMA Tycoon


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Although i have the largest roster in the world everyone is booked in a fight in the next 3 weeks! They are getting AT LEAST as much action as other Orgs are giving them.


The advantage of having a large roster is that you can book 3 weeks in advance, so there is no last minute fight approvals, you do not have a problem booking an arena on the weekends (which is a huge issue in Las Vegas as we have already 18 Orgs, so getting an good sized arena on the weekends 1 or 2 weeks ahead is IMPOSSIBLE) also allot of the fighters can go inactive, so with a larger roster you can rotate.


One other key point allot of you are not getting here, the game moves REALLY slow, currently 16 weeks = 1 game year, so your 18 year old rookie will be still 21 years old in a year from now!!! You only really need to have him in 1 match per month or at the very most 2 matches (as i plan it my fighters will get around 3 fights every 2 months) this allows for time to develop more and plan your next fight properly.


Fighters need to earn money though... at this stage of the game spending 100 a week on a gym (for example) means that they probably NEED to fight a couple of times a month in order to be able to train full time. If you aren't training full time then you are missing out on getting better... and so only having 1 fight per month isn't enough. Not to mention if your fighters aren't fighting they then aren't improving their hype/reputation and as I understand it, an organisation really WANTS to build that up in order to make money.


Having a HUGE roster means you'll find it hard to develop any stars and in the long run that means you'll slip a step behind your competition. Targetted development of your top guys into stars will mean you can put more asses in seats and make more money. At this stage everyone is still pretty even.... but 6 months down the line the guys who have had 8 fights will be stars while your guys who have had only 5 or 6 will be a step or two behind.


On the flipside though... having a LOT of guys signed up means that you can fitler through a lot more talent and potentially find out more guys who will become stars. So while you may be a little behind now you might actually have a LOT more talented guys down the line. You'll just need to hope they stay loyal to the organisation that offers them rarer fights... which is something I wouldn't trust the average person to do. :)

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Fighters need to earn money though... at this stage of the game spending 100 a week on a gym (for example) means that they probably NEED to fight a couple of times a month in order to be able to train full time. If you aren't training full time then you are missing out on getting better... and so only having 1 fight per month isn't enough. Not to mention if your fighters aren't fighting they then aren't improving their hype/reputation and as I understand it, an organisation really WANTS to build that up in order to make money.


Having a HUGE roster means you'll find it hard to develop any stars and in the long run that means you'll slip a step behind your competition. Targetted development of your top guys into stars will mean you can put more asses in seats and make more money. At this stage everyone is still pretty even.... but 6 months down the line the guys who have had 8 fights will be stars while your guys who have had only 5 or 6 will be a step or two behind.


On the flipside though... having a LOT of guys signed up means that you can fitler through a lot more talent and potentially find out more guys who will become stars. So while you may be a little behind now you might actually have a LOT more talented guys down the line. You'll just need to hope they stay loyal to the organisation that offers them rarer fights... which is something I wouldn't trust the average person to do. :)


First of all by signing more fighters i can get to know more people, getting people into the stadium is not difficult from what i see, i am packing the arena at 750 seats and i just started, what my goal is to keep a good flow of fighters coming in and filter out the dead wood, if i have 3 shows per week, which is my goal, that means at least 60 fighters per week, so for 3 weeks i need 180 fighters, take away some which are injured or inactive i need at least 220 fighters on the roster + 10 which are mine, so that is around 230 fighters.


The gym is not a problem because we have one at 75$ per, even if they have just one fight per month that will cover that cost. About hype, you actually have to win the fights to increase hype;) Loose it it will drop, there is always the QFC option for fighters which really want to get a fight,


Either way i do not think my fighters will get less fights, often there will be injuries, with my schedule it won't matter as the maximum injury length is 20 days by which time he will be in a new fight again anyway. I predict at best lets say a super active Organization will get you 20-22 fights in a year (this takes into account injuries), i will get them a guaranteed 18 fights per year, plus i will have far less cases of them fighting unprepared, less cases of them not cutting weight, in fact by using my system of 1 fight every 3 weeks, you can train 2 weeks full training, lay off before the fight and get back to training again, if you have one every 2 weeks you won't be able to train to your fullest as you will be out of energy before the fight, so my fighters will actually be better trained as well;)

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As long as you know what you are doing then all the power to you. If you can actually sell out the arenas and make money (the main things I assumed you would struggle with) then you should be doing fine. I just hope you are making money and continue to do so, because you're gonna need to spend a LOT of money re-signing people to bigger contracts... and I doubt you are going to be able to get many loyal fighters, especially in an area as heavily populated as Vegas.


Good luck to you though, one day my LA based fighters may wander over to your direction... heck, maybe Derek Blackley will move over from London if you ever create his weight class. :)

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Battleground Blitz - 20th

Main Event: John McGee vs. Adam Schmidt

Jake Donnelly vs. Kristofer Burdis

Umaro Kong vs. Malachi Thomas

Damien Kale vs. Zack Latus

Deangelo Chaille vs. Kevin Storm

Thrilhouse Van Houtten vs. Danny Lewis


EWB V: Semi-Finals 24th

Main Event: Julian Subatoi* vs. Jimmy Albright*

Chris Davis* vs. Sean Damon*

Murilo Pele* vs. Jackk Griffith

Matt Machado vs. Daniel Plude

Jack Lightning vs. Travis Fitzgerald*

Travis Vordorn vs. Dave Zero

Gunner Haze vs. Karsten Black

Tyrone Jackson vs. Jacque Bouchard

Race Williams vs. Kyle Brown*


* = Fighters who are low on energy.



That should be enough time to get energy up for those who are somewhat low in semi-final bouts.

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I've offered some small sponsorship deals. I can't give much right now, so hopefully you guys get on board!


Yuber Nutrition still needs sales!


I just spent like 1500 bucks on your company so you should hook me up with some buget sponserships...



Also ACC is there a reason Nate Fitzgerald isn't fighting or the other 2 guys I have?

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Any suggestions on a Gym for a couple of my fighters since the AC is full?


Yeah, I sent you a PM. I also sent you some small sponsorships to two fighters. Shoot me a message in game though, because once I get my balance back up I'll give you some serious sponsorship thanks to your generosity today!

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Don't forget Capelli that your first show in a week you will get 100% of its potential. 2nd show run in a week you get a fraction of that, and 3rd show a smaller fraction.


As for sponsorships... come to Juce Wear (299) and PM me on there if you think you DESERVE a sponsorship. The more hype and popularity you have the better. Be sure when asking for a sponsorship for a certain fighter that he is wearing Juce Wear to be considered.

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Also, if anyone is having trouble making weight, Yuber Nutrition will have a badass weight loss supplement in the coming days.


The Little Red Pill.


Just so you guys know, the development costs for these drugs is outrageous. I don't recommend anyone start a supplement company!

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Don't forget Capelli that your first show in a week you will get 100% of its potential. 2nd show run in a week you get a fraction of that, and 3rd show a smaller fraction.


As for sponsorships... come to Juce Wear (299) and PM me on there if you think you DESERVE a sponsorship. The more hype and popularity you have the better. Be sure when asking for a sponsorship for a certain fighter that he is wearing Juce Wear to be considered.


Don't I get sponsership just for desiging a kick ass shirt....I could make more...

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Don't forget Capelli that your first show in a week you will get 100% of its potential. 2nd show run in a week you get a fraction of that, and 3rd show a smaller fraction.



yes i know, 75% for the 3rd event, which should still be enough in a couple of weeks to fill up a 1000 seater arena

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Also ACC is there a reason Nate Fitzgerald isn't fighting or the other 2 guys I have?


Yes, I hate you. Just Kidding.


There are multiple reasons for this:


EWB has a large roster thanks to the huge support by the two forums. This gives us an incredible loyal base for the future to propel us forward, however, with this many people it's tough giving everyone fights in such a short period of time. I understand that everyone is eager to have a fight, but just like real organizations it's tough to continually book people and some have to sit on the sidelines longer than others - it's not a slight on anyone, it's just how it goes.


Out of three shows we have made a profit on two of them, 900 and 1500, however out of the 50,000 loan EWB only has 18,000 left (paying various things). Signing bonuses themselves were $11,000, and the cost of venues we have not put our next three cards in are in the expenditures too.


And as posted above running shows back to back will not be good for the second and potentially third shows as the potential goes down. So technically I could put on 7 consecutive shows, but no one is going to benefit from running EWB into the ground, you have to run it like a real promotion.


I have a list of fighters who have yet to debut inside EWB, and I'm working on getting them fights. EWB 1-3 were all debuting fighters, EWB IV has only one fight that is with fighters who have already fought inside the cage, which is a semi-final bout. The EWB Fight Night (Battleground Blitz) is designed to put these debuting fighters in a fight to make their money. EWB V will have the remaining nine semi-final bouts.


It's tough to make sure 120 fighters get a fight in the span of 2-3 weeks, that's just unrealistic. I've had others complain about fights on EWB too - and as I said above I understand and appriciate the enthusiasm - but this also gives you time to train your fighter so he is more well rounded or dangerous in one aspect for his debut inside the cage, so it's still not a terrible thing not to have a fight yet (outside of running low on cash). You can train part time which, iirc, gives your fighter $200 a week.



One thing I am looking at for the renewals of contracts is to offer a $400 signing bonus (should pay for a months worth of training; and hopefully will get a fight inside that month to make more). But I have to make money off these events first and foremost in order to offer this for the next set of contracts.


What you have to understand is I am not looking to make EWB the "richest" promotion, I created this so members of the two forums can put their fighters in one organization and fight against one another. And once EWB makes money I am going to reward the fighters with signing bonuses and bigger contracts. I'm not out to screw anyone or hold anyone out, but everyone involved with EWB needs to first and foremost make sure we succeed as a company so your fighters evolve and make cash.


All of our fighters are 18-22, they aren't about to retire. Training part-time right now, or something similar is not the end of the world. I have a few of my fighters training part-time, and I'm not even focused on them as much as I am more concerned with running the organization for everyone else.


Hopefully EWB IV this weekend will make a decent profit so that I can continue to grow. Expect a Battleground Blitz almost every Wednesday if possible, and EWB VI and possibly VII to feature all debuting fighters (sans a Main Event so we can potentially draw better).





Also, to all, I am trying to think of a fair way to do contract renewals (finances have to be in order first ;)). 3-0 fighters get X, 2-1 fighters get Y, and so on. I haven't finalised anything, but I am working on coming up with something fair, and as mentioned above if I can make some money before the contracts run out I want to at least give most of everyone a $400 signing bonus to pay for a months worth of training.

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Out of three shows we have made a profit on two of them, 900 and 1500, however out of the 50,000 loan EWB only has 18,000 left (paying various things). Signing bonuses themselves were $11,000, and the cost of venues we have not put our next three cards in are in the expenditures too.


Well i stopped the sign on bonuses, so i do not have the -11k and i made MUCH more profits out of 2 shows so far



And as posted above running shows back to back will not be good for the second and potentially third shows as the potential goes down. So technically I could put on 7 consecutive shows, but no one is going to benefit from running EWB into the ground, you have to run it like a real promotion.



As i said i am making more money anyway, so consecutive shows is not a problem (as i am about to prove in next few days ;)



It's tough to make sure 120 fighters get a fight in the span of 2-3 weeks, that's just unrealistic.



I have 190 fighters, 140 are already booked for next 3 weeks, the rest will get booked once i make the profit on the weekend, so believe me it is realistic



this also gives you time to train your fighter so he is more well rounded or dangerous in one aspect for his debut inside the cage, so it's still not a terrible thing not to have a fight yet (outside of running low on cash). You can train part time which, iirc, gives your fighter $200 a week.



I agree with this one, as long as you are making enough money to pay for the gym and supplements, there is no need to get a fight every 2 weeks



One thing I am looking at for the renewals of contracts is to offer a $400 signing bonus (should pay for a months worth of training; and hopefully will get a fight inside that month to make more). But I have to make money off these events first and foremost in order to offer this for the next set of contracts.



Yeah i plan to have something like this, basically the ones which prove to be loyal will get a sign on bonus depending on how long their new contract will be



Also, to all, I am trying to think of a fair way to do contract renewals (finances have to be in order first ;)). 3-0 fighters get X, 2-1 fighters get Y, and so on. I haven't finalised anything, but I am working on coming up with something fair, and as mentioned above if I can make some money before the contracts run out I want to at least give most of everyone a $400 signing bonus to pay for a months worth of training.



I am also thinking of what to do here, i think what i will do is have a small basic pay which covers the bills and have a large win bonus, i am actually thinking of having a democratic pay system so all get paid the same, if you are good you will make more money anyway as the win bonus will be MUCH higher, but i still have time to think of this one:cool:

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Well i stopped the sign on bonuses, so i do not have the -11k and i made MUCH more profits out of 2 shows so far




As i said i am making more money anyway, so consecutive shows is not a problem (as i am about to prove in next few days ;)




I have 190 fighters, 140 are already booked for next 3 weeks, the rest will get booked once i make the profit on the weekend, so believe me it is realistic

The point of posting all of this? I wasn't even talking to you. Just seems like you are posting this to seem better than someone; which is petty and pathetic.

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The point of posting all of this? I wasn't even talking to you. Just seems like you are posting this to seem better than someone; which is petty and pathetic.


His org has had more events than ours and barely has more hype. All but 1 of his events have been rated in the 20's. And he hit me up for advice on turning a bigger profit like 3 days ago, so I wouldn't worry so much about it. :)

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If anyone is in a need of a new guy, here is one (not mine) with 2 - 0 record:




Just go to free agents list and search him there.


EDIT1:Then there is this too:




Last one is in the last part of the list. He sounds decent.


EDIT2: http://mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=9626


Here is a 3-0:



Every of the last three can be found by putting the hype rating in the search to 65 - 9999.

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If anyone is in a need of a new guy, here is one (not mine) with 2 - 0 record:




Just go to free agents list and search him there.


Then there is this too:




Last one is in the last part of the list. He sounds decent.


They should hire my dude first!


Davis Wayne Newton :http://mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=10781

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