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MMA Tycoon


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To be fair, the 10,000 bonuses I've been offered are from big and established Vegas companies for me to relocate from London to Vegas. And I don't think I'm going to take them because I really don't need that much cash. But at the same time, I DO want a title shot and I'm not sure the guy at Honor FC is offering me one. Which is a shame... I'd like to be a big fish in a comparitively small pond. :D


Ultimately, this game will turn into a big ladder. Big promotions at the top with all the big fighters... small promotions at the bottom with the rookie fighters and not so good ones. And the biggest money makers will be fight orgs, top fighters and the elite training camps who will charge 1000 per week for top fighers to pay for the top coaches they want. I wish I was VIP... I'd make sooo much money. :)


Find me once your next contract is up if you want a title shot in Rio :) FFB should be able to make it worth your while by then.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="derek_b" data-cite="derek_b" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22995" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Ultimately, this game will turn into a big ladder. Big promotions at the top with all the big fighters... small promotions at the bottom with the rookie fighters and not so good ones. And the biggest money makers will be fight orgs, top fighters and the elite training camps who will charge 1000 per week for top fighers to pay for the top coaches they want. </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This is the general picture and it has already started to happen, the only solution is to offer long contracts to the new fighters to begin with and the admin will need to offer the extension contract option, as it is now you cannot offer a contract until it expires, when it does expire the big orgs jump on him offering huge cash, unless he is loyal he will leave.</p><p> </p><p> The extension feature could be added soon though (within 2-3 weeks) i think that is the only way out for the little guy, by the way all those big owners were seriously fighting the decision to add this feature, but seems the masses eventually won the admin over on this subject.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Capelli King" data-cite="Capelli King" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22995" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This is the general picture and it has already started to happen, the only solution is to offer long contracts to the new fighters to begin with and the admin will need to offer the extension contract option, as it is now you cannot offer a contract until it expires, when it does expire the big orgs jump on him offering huge cash, unless he is loyal he will leave.<p> </p><p> The extension feature could be added soon though (within 2-3 weeks) i think that is the only way out for the little guy, by the way all those big owners were seriously fighting the decision to add this feature, but seems the masses eventually won the admin over on this subject.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> To be honest, I'm kinda against it myself. If a player wants their figher to be loyal, they'll be loyal. Loyalty isn't being tied into a contract without being able to court offers... </p><p> </p><p> I turned down 3000/3000 for a 1200/1000 because I think it's good for my fighter. He won't get crushed by top Vegas competition and he can pretty much become the top fighter in London with another couple of wins. And then... huge offers will roll in. And I'll probably turn those down because there's no point in fighting dream fights I'm only gonna lose. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p><p> </p><p> Extensions just seem to encourage some of the less smart players to take bad deals by not being able to hear out other offers. But then... that's their loss, so it's up to them I suppose. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p>
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I have an offer to make. I will spend $1,500 in your nutrition or clothing store if you promise to send my manager a chunk of money. Then you can still claim some profit and my manager will get some money. That or you buy a lot of clothing from my store tonight Juce Wear (299).


Sound like a deal? I figure you get money in the process and since I can't transfer money from my fighter to my company thats the best way to do it.

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I want to have 75% of what your profit would be on however much I buy. I want the money sent to my manager though. Do we have a deal?


Im just gonna buy a bunch right now. This is a one time deal not something prolonged. I just cant transfer money from a fighter to my manager so this is my best solution.

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I want to have 75% of what your profit would be on however much I buy. I want the money sent to my manager though. Do we have a deal?


Im just gonna buy a bunch right now. This is a one time deal not something prolonged. I just cant transfer money from a fighter to my manager so this is my best solution.


No don't do it if you need me to transfer money to your manager because I don't have any right now. If I can spend money in your store I can do it.

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Joining the big fight clubs sucks. I joined one with one of my best prospects and am fed to their big names right away as a garbage fight.


allot of people which approve those huge contracts do not think about that option, they think it is all flashy lights and glitter and then they find out that the real reason they wanted them there in the first place was to feed their hype to their top Terminator guy

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allot of people which approve those huge contracts do not think about that option, they think it is all flashy lights and glitter and then they find out that the real reason they wanted them there in the first place was to feed their hype to their top Terminator guy


You speak the truth there. :)


I had the two big money offers from Vegas but knew I'd be used as a can to their bigger and significantly more experienced guy. Instead I negotiated myself a good money deal, a title shot promise and short deal with a promise of a better contract when that comes up. If I'm lucky, I'll be one of the top fighters in London within 2 more fights and become the rock around which Honor FC can grow. Which means they'll get better fighters, and make more money for me. :D


Well... sorta. I was tempted by the money, but ultimately it's about the wins and protecting my fighters from losing their potential value.

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You speak the truth there. :)


I had the two big money offers from Vegas but knew I'd be used as a can to their bigger and significantly more experienced guy. Instead I negotiated myself a good money deal, a title shot promise and short deal with a promise of a better contract when that comes up. If I'm lucky, I'll be one of the top fighters in London within 2 more fights and become the rock around which Honor FC can grow. Which means they'll get better fighters, and make more money for me. :D


Well... sorta. I was tempted by the money, but ultimately it's about the wins and protecting my fighters from losing their potential value.


And there's only so much money you need. If you can pay for training, supps, and gear with a little nest egg to sit on if you want to take some time off from fighting, then what are you gonna do with that money anyway? Plus, if your fighters are winning, and you're active in seeking sponsors you can stay afloat almost on sponsors alone.

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it has been calculated that anything above 1500/1500 is silly anyway, you do not need all that cash and what is worse you cannot spend more that that anyway. You cannot transfer money from one fighter to another either, so having some fighter walking around with a 3000+ contract for the sake of it is lame.


Also what some people are forgetting is that a 1500/1500 contract is much better than a 2000/2000 or 2500/2500 in a smaller organization because you will actually be winning fights;)

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Last edited: July 21st 2009


LOCATION: Montreal


Fight Organisation: Extreme Warfare Battleground (run by ACCBiggz/Richard Wilbon)

Will offer contracts to any GDS fighters as long as they are based in Montreal



Training Camp: The Animal Cage (run by jesterx7769/Xander Rhodes)

High quality trainers for quality all round training (Cost: $110 per week, paid Thursdays)



Clothing Company: Juce Wear (run by juggaloninjalee/Ben Richards)

Affordable clothing for GDS users


Clothing Company: OdessieFIGHT (run by ???/Michael Frazier)

Affordable clothing for GDS users



Nutrition Company: Yuber Nutrition (run by justtxyank/Mark Larson)

Cheap suplements for GDS users

ThunderGod (Q100 conditioning)

Little Red Pill (Q117 weight loss)

Yuber Strength (Q65 strength)





Fight Organisation: Global Association of Mixed Martial Arts (run by Capelli King/Mentor Guruland)

Will offer contracts to any GDS created wrestlers as long as they are based in Las Vegas and weigh in at 170+



Training Camp: Prestige MMA Academy (run by treton/Dicky Fossum)

High quality trainers for quality all round training (Cost: $75 per week, paid Thursdays)



Clothing Company: Bad 2 The Bone MMA (run by Bonedigger/Bonedigger Karl))

Affordable clothing for GDS users




LOCATION: Rio de Janeiro


Fight Organisation: Fury Fight Brazil (run by Tag01/Lioneld Methworth)

Will offer contracts to any GDS fighters as long as they are based in Rio de Janeiro







Fight Organisation: Shogun MMA (run by Sons of Kohral/Colton Mitchell)

Will offer contracts to any GDS fighters as long as they are based in Tokyo




LOCATION: Los Angeles


Fight Organisation: Tourney Takedown Championship (run by Boble/Boble Lineman)

Will offer contracts to any GDS fighters as long as they are based in Los Angeles




GDS name (manager name)



ACCBiggz (Richard Wilbon)

Anderz (Andrew Barrowcliff)

Arrows (Gary Jennkins)

BHK1978 (Walter Hill)

Boble (Boble Lineman)

Bonedigger (Bonedigger Karl)

Capelli King (Mentor Guruland)

chris caulfield (Chris Caulfield)

ChrisWest (Chris West)

derek_b (Derek B)

Devil_Bingo (Tommy Vores)

FlameSnoopy (Eddie McCloud)

Greek (Tyrone Edwards)


i effin rule (Austin Ryles)

infinitywpi (William Peers)

Jason Cash (Rich Amsterdam)

jesterx7769 (Xander Rhodes)

juggaloninjalee (Ben Richards)

justtxyank (Mike Larson)

Krazy Killian (Killian Macardie)

machinesxe (Sean Wilson)

masterded (Egon Begone)

mjdgoldeneye (Mark Wellz)

nZane (Steve Charles)

pepper 2008 (Pepper Valera Pepper Vasquez)

petecrimson00 (Rex Gylette)

praguepride (Gabriel Mossack)

Prophet (Simon Storm)

QFresh (Johnny Applebottom)

randomfreeze (Jay DeeBee)

sabataged (The Sabataged)

Samoa Joe ROH (Matthew Bisping)

smurphy1014 (Scott Andrews)

Sons of Kohral (Colton Mitchell)

SuperOwens (Ralph Strader)

supershot (Corey McVeigh)

Synticha (Heikki Knihti)

Tag01 (Lioneld Methworth)

The Masked Orange (The Masked Orange)

tjfla (TJ Charles)

treton (Dicky Fossum)

trypio (Kris de Maesschalck)

Tyler Gadzinski (Trevor Dontae)

ya_its_me (Yancey Martin)


darthsiddus2 (???)

randomfreeze (???)

??? (Michael Frazier)




If I've missed anything, and I'm pretty certain I have by now, then let me know so that I can add you to the list. :)

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If any of you guys have any slots left to create new fighters, please consider creating a 145er in Rio. Fury Fight Brazil is about to host its first Neo Blood Tournament. We're signing 8 0-0-0 Featherweights for a tournament. The winner gets a title shot and a 2500 signing bonus on their next contract. Find me on MMAtycoon or PM me here if interested.
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