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MMA Tycoon


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New post... I'm curious to know the numbers behind the BJJ belt system. Should be easy to work out if people look at their various belt colours and the corresponding word in stat. Here's the normal list for those who don't know, just copy and paste in anything new you can add and don't worry if a word has 2 colours next to it, that just means the change is somewhere in that level. :)


Useless (0-9.99)

Abysmal (10-19.99)

Woeful (20-29.99) - WHITE

Feeble (30-39.99) - BLUE

Mediocre (40-49.99)

Competent (50-59.99) - BLUE

Respectable (60-69.99) - BLUE

Proficient (70-79.99)

Strong (80-89.99)

Superb (90-99.99)

Remarkable (100-109.99)

Wonderful (110-119.99)

Exceptional (120-129.99)

Sensational (130-139.99)

Elite (140+)

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There is a white,blue, purple, brown, black, and red according to the help file and the highest I have seen a fighter have is brown.


Proficient is where purple kicks btw


Yeah, I read the help files too but they say the BJJ belts are on a non-linear scale... I like to know what I'm up against so a little extra help for scouting opponents is always helpful. Decided I'd fill in the logical gaps, but would love to be able to work out exactly where the changeovers are. For scouting and winning purposes. :)


Useless (0-9.99) - WHITE

Abysmal (10-19.99) - WHITE

Woeful (20-29.99) - WHITE

Feeble (30-39.99) - BLUE

Mediocre (40-49.99) - BLUE

Competent (50-59.99) - BLUE

Respectable (60-69.99) - BLUE

Proficient (70-79.99) - PURPLE

Strong (80-89.99)

Superb (90-99.99)

Remarkable (100-109.99)

Wonderful (110-119.99)

Exceptional (120-129.99)

Sensational (130-139.99)

Elite (140+)

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Dammit, I went to open an Animal Cage Vegas but you're allowed one company :-(


edit: this could be because my one company is currently in the red :-P


double edit: you are only allowed to create one company per type of company and you can have 2 companies total

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EDIT: Also on the topic of a seperate MMA Tycoon thread... it should only be started up if it's going to have a first post that is able to be kept up to date with all the business ventures we GDSer's have. Would be VERY handy to have all our fight orgs, gyms and so on in one easy to read place, as well as a list of any places that should be avoided. Basically, one simple post for all new players to look at and find out what resources we have at our disposal. I'd be willing to run such a post, I like having a little manager oversight when possible... though I might go get the details for "The Curator" in charge of updating the TEW Diary Hall of Fame. Keep it simple... ish.. :)


That would be really awesome, it is pretty likely that at some point or other players will make more than one Org, gym etc, so if you could just keep this updated on the front page that would be great, i am pretty certain that in the future when the game progresses we will see fighters moving around the world more often

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My first fight went down:


Haruki is giving the impression that he's looking to ground and pound but he switches suddenly into a beautiful far side armbar! Fairtex is forced to tap! Great finish!


Ladies and gentlemen, after 4:34 of round 1, we have a winner by way of Submission (Armbar). Kazuo Haruki! :D


Granted he is listed as being injured but a solid win. Based on the PBP he dominated the entire fight. My two guys based in London are set to fight within the hour.

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2 of my guys have their first fights today.


As for the organizations we can keep it all in this thread. It is called MMA Tycoon not EWB MMA Tycoon. Just make sure that Montreal is the #1 choice for us and we make that dominant. We should try to take over each region in this game. I know I am going to be having 10 fighters and they wont all get fights in only 1 organization.


However Capelli please help support my clothing brand out of Montreal.

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That would be really awesome, it is pretty likely that at some point or other players will make more than one Org, gym etc, so if you could just keep this updated on the front page that would be great, i am pretty certain that in the future when the game progresses we will see fighters moving around the world more often



I'm just trying to work out what it is we'll need for it. So far I've got that we'll need a listing by area for what we have access to, a player (GDS)/manager (MMA) listing and then some general advice for everyone. If anyone wants to look at fighters or anything they can do that through the game... but is there anything else anyone thinks I should include?


Here's a quick example, obviously I've got to go and actually fill it out properly too. :)




LOCATION: Montreal


Fight Organisation: Extreme Warfare Battleground (run by Richard Wilbon/ACCBiggz)

will offer contracts to any GDS created wrestlers as long as they are based in Montreal


ACTIVE PLAYERS (alphabetical by GDS name)

ACCBiggz (Richard Wilbon)

derek_b (Derek B)



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I'm just trying to work out what it is we'll need for it. So far I've got that we'll need a listing by area for what we have access to, a player (GDS)/manager (MMA) listing and then some general advice for everyone. If anyone wants to look at fighters or anything they can do that through the game... but is there anything else anyone thinks I should include?


Here's a quick example, obviously I've got to go and actually fill it out properly too. :)




LOCATION: Montreal


Fight Organisation: Extreme Warfare Battleground (run by Richard Wilbon/ACCBiggz)

will offer contracts to any GDS created wrestlers as long as they are based in Montreal


ACTIVE PLAYERS (alphabetical by GDS name)

ACCBiggz (Richard Wilbon)

derek_b (Derek B)




This would help us to know which gyms, clothing companies, etc are GDS owned. That way we can keep things within the family.

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I almost forgot, has everyone in Montreal that wants to joined The Animal Cage? Cuz I most likely going to lower its capacity to keep things in house since if theres too many sessions per trainer your training gets affected


I have three guys who are supposed to be relocated to Montreal today. If there is room I'd like to bring them to the Animal Cage.


Jerald Wilson [8392]


Derrick Sandford [8415]


Kazuo Haruki [8408]

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That's fine were currently at 59 and I changed the max to 75 for anyone that wants to join.


However a note to all of you that aren't in my gym or dont want to be, when looking for a gym stay away from ones that have coaches skills in only one area, according to the help file that lists all of the training activities most of them require two skills, meaning things like strike defence requires both boxing and MT so look out for that when choosing your gym wherever it may be

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How does this look so far? I think I've got everyone who has posted in the thread though I don't have a couple of manager names/confirmations of playing from a couple of people. I think this covers it so far though, so we should be okay for a while.




Last edited: May 31st 2009


LOCATION: Montreal


Fight Organisation: Extreme Warfare Battleground (run by ACCBiggz/Richard Wilbon)

Will offer contracts to any GDS created wrestlers as long as they are based in Montreal



Training Camp: The Animal Cage (run by jesterx7769/Xander Rhodes)

High quality trainers for quality all round training (Cost: $100 per week, paid Thursdays)



Clothing Company: Juce Wear (run by juggaloninjalee/Ben Richards)

Affordable clothing for GDS users





Fight Organisation: Global Association of Mixed Martial Arts (run by Capelli King/Mentor Guruland)

Will offer contracts to any GDS created wrestlers as long as they are based in Las Vegas and are Middleweight+ (exact weight needs confirmed but I believe it's 171+)





GDS name (manager name)



ACCBiggz (Richard Wilbon)

BHK1978 (Walter Hill)

Capelli King (Mentor Guruland)

chris caulfield (Chris Caulfield)

derek_b (Derek B)

Devil_Bingo (Tommy Vores)

FlameSnoopy (Eddie McCloud)

i effin rule (Austin Ryles)

jesterx7769 (Xander Rhodes)

juggaloninjalee (Ben Richards)

justtxyank (Mike Larson)

machinesxe (Sean Wilson)

masterded (Egon Begone)

mjdgoldeneye (Mark Wellz)

praguepride (Gabriel Mossack)

Prophet (Simon Storm)

sabataged (The Sabataged)

Samoa Joe ROH (Matthew Bisping)

smurphy1014 (Scott Andrews)

SuperOwens (Ralph Strader)

supershot (Corey McVeigh)

Tyler Gadzinski (Trevor Dontae)



darthsiddus2 (???)

trypio (???)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="derek_b" data-cite="derek_b" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22995" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Gah!<p> </p><p> Two organisations won't hurt, they are in different parts of the world and not in direct competition with each other. An extra place to go is always nice to have, just in case. The delivery was far from perfect but the actual competition issue isn't even an issue. Personally, I welcome having more options even if I'm not in a position to take it.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am 100% fine with him making his own promotion, that's his prerogative.</p><p> </p><p> My problem is that this thread is for EWB and having GDS/EWB members in the same organization to have a complete roster and have fun together. He comes in to the thread and says, "Sign with me". That's why I said for him to make his own thread, that's fine, just don't come in here and say that. It's the same principle as going into someone else's dynasty and saying, "Hey, read mine instead".</p><p> </p><p> I created EW Battleground with the sole purpose of having one organization for us to compete in against one another. Instead of having a free-for-fall and never knowing if we'll meet another person from the boards in the organizations.</p><p> </p><p> Also, about being in different parts of the world, after some time if we grow then of course you branch out and start running shows elsewhere and what not. Just for the time being to have everyone in one place is why he is moving us to Montreal. After such, we can branch out once we have enough money.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> And tonight I should have a chance to sit down and organize everything into a spreadsheet and/or the boards. Also, I'll be working on setting up the second EWB card (and possibly third).</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ACCBiggz" data-cite="ACCBiggz" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22995" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>And tonight I should have a chance to sit down and organize everything into a spreadsheet and/or the boards. Also, I'll be working on setting up the second EWB card (and possibly third).</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Just Binky will have his QFC match tonight so will be available for the next card if you want him. If there isn't space for him then I'd like to be made available for another QFC. Afterall, wins will help us all in the long run. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p><p> </p><p> I also didn't realise that you'd be able to hold shows elsewhere in the world down the line. That's handy to know.</p>
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<p>It just costs money, which is the reason why contracts are low right now. As I keep telling everyone, after I see our profit margin I'll adjust contracts as such. I just need to see what money will come in.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22995" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If there isn't space for him then I'd like to be made available for another QFC.</div></blockquote><p> There is a certain time you are not able to take QFC's... I think he basically said 4-0 and under you could, after that you can not - iirc.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ACCBiggz" data-cite="ACCBiggz" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22995" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>There is a certain time you are not able to take QFC's... I think he basically said 4-0 and under you could, after that you can not - iirc.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> As long as we have a hype rating of below 75 then we can take QFC fights. But once contracted (as I am) then you need the owner of the organisation to do something to make it possible for you to fight a QFC. Assuming Just Binky doesn't pick up an injury of more than a few days AND assuming he doesn't have a match with you in the next 7 days... then I'm asking to me allowed to take another QFC fight. I don't know what you have to do, but I might as well be active, picking up wins and making money than... not. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p>
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<p>I lost my first QFC with Mike Pain. He is now hurt. He went to a decision though so not like he was submitted or knocked out.</p><p> </p><p>

1 of my other guys has a QFC at 9pm tonight cuz he is located in LA. I am going to move him to Montreal after this fight though.</p><p> </p><p>

Also I am trying not to sponsor anyones fighters right now because I want to turn a profit a well. I promise though if you are loyal customers of mine I will return the favor and when I am in a position to sponsor people I will choose you first. I am not going to just try and sponsor the top fighters in the world.</p><p> </p><p>

My top customers are #1 priority. Scratch mine and I will scratch yours.</p>

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