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NYCW 2010: Where the past meets the future (and kicks it's @ss)

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I realise this is pretty much already a fact, but I'm taking an official hiatus from posting updates to NYCW 2010 for a couple of weeks.


Quite simply, the writing is taking a lot of time (I've got two shoot interviews on the go, plus at least one show, just to make progress), and in any case my laptop's dissapearing for a few dyas next week to get some upgrades. So, I'm taking an official break from the pressure of getting stuff up whilst I work on getting up to date. I'm currently aiming for two weeks so that I can finish the two shoots I've got on the go, but if I get them both done before then I'll go back to posting.


So, this isn't dead, just sleeping whist I get caught up. Expect something as soon as I'm finished.

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