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Hardcore Generation (After The Fall)

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The Extreme was formed a few months after ‘The Fall’. The Fall was caused by Vincent Kennedy McMahon who made his rival World Championship Wrestling -- disappear. So what’s the big conspiracy? When VKM had been the source of many assumptions, the U.S Security and Exchange Commission got involved. During a raid of Vince’s home, the U.S S&EC found a message on his answer; the voice was Jamie Kellner, also known as the AOL Time Warner Executive. This was an transcript used in the court case:


Jamie Kellner: “VINCE! VINCE! There on to me man, they just searched my office, we gotta think of a plan quick -- I mean I don’t know how much of this I can take. I’m freaking out. I think they’ve wired our phones or something. You gotta come up with a plan -- meet me at that fancy coffee shop down the road from the headquarters.”


Obviously, what Jamie Kellner didn’t count on was the authorities hearing the message before Vince got to it. Vince was soon arrested an hour later in the World Wrestling Federation Headquarters. The knock-on affect of the whole conspiracy and the media coverage (who just made the situation worse by deeming ALL wrestling a scam) would stop the function of all promotions in the United States Of America. From the biggest league, World Wrestling Federation to the smallest league East Coast Wrestling Association -- the whole wrestling business in America was stopped. Wrestlers left jobs and forced to find another trade -- most notably AJ Styles was forced to work many jobs including a gardener and an ambulance driver. In July of 2001, Vince McMahon and Jamie Kellner pleaded ‘not guilty’ to fraud and the other crimes they were given. Though the court case billed as ‘the court case of the century’ was thrown out one month into it. Both McMahon and Kellner, fearing for the lives of their surrounding family fled to unknown locations. The reason for the aforementioned fleeing was the fact that wrestling fans had rioted on their exit out of the courthouse, leading to a epidemic in Stamford that lasted several hours into the night until riot police were called in to stop the riot.


A few months after the court case and the riot incident, many wrestling promoters tried to restore whatever prestige was left in the wrestling business in the U.S. And promotions started popping up, the first was Ric Flair’s reincarnation of the NWA followed by Shane McMahon’s Fusion Pro Wrestling (who returned to the public eye exactly two weeks after Flair’s NWA announcement). Many promotions joined the fray and the free-agent signing period was just beginning. Hulk Hogan’s slowly building American Wrestling Federation got the drawing power in the form of The Rock, meanwhile the NWA looked to deliver a technical alternative to the two new Sports Entertainment products by signing technical aspects such as Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit. And Shane McMahon got many of the WWF loyalists such as: Steve Austin, The Undertaker and even Hardcore Holly. Though there was one company that looked to give fans of the old ECW and CZW something to remember.


The Extreme idea was made by John Zandig, and he was then joined by Extreme Championship Wrestling legend: Tommy Dreamer to make the promotion come alive. In September of 2001 weeks after the NWA announcement, they began to promote a show which was claimed to combine ECW with CZW. The show, which was held at Viking Hall was entitled: ‘Prelude To Violence’ and was held in November. The show as a whole delivered what some expected: senseless hardcore brawling, cutting edge promo’s and even the standard wrestling match that didn’t feature any weapons whatsoever, and still was entertaining. The names on the event were both old and new. On one side you had the ECW alumini: Balls Mahoney, Sabu, Justin Credible and of course Tommy Dreamer. But on the other, you got the unknown wrestlers namely The Messiah and Nelson ‘Homicide’ Erazo. Though some were basically unknown to the crowd, little did they know they’d make the future of the company.


The Extreme would enter all-guns blazing into 2002; selling out arenas and making their name on the internet. At the start of the year, they’d make their first World Champion in the form of former WCW employee: Vampiro. Vampiro reign lasted two months until he was beaten by Sabu in a bloody ladder match. Sabu would later face the winner of the first ‘King Of Extreme’ Deathmatch tournament. The winner turned out to be The Messiah, who outlasted Tommy Dreamer, Vampiro and Homicide all in one night. And on a special June night, he faced Sabu and won following a Fall From Grace through a table. From there, the title would be the main point of shows -- trading holders every once and again.


Their first year in business proved successful, but their second year would never match their first. 2003 had many flaws. For one Homicide’s rip-roaring title reign was ousted within a few months, the whole promotion lacked any real product such as new cutting-edge characters, red-hot matches or feuds and finally it was basically just hardcore wrestling every match, every event. A drastic decision was made to make a change in the way things worked in The Extreme -- the idea, produced by John Zandig himself, thought it would be a great idea to integrate all types of wrestling styles into The Extreme. The idea worked, and soon they were back on form in Mid-June in an event called: ‘Extreme Overdrive’. At the start of the event, Shane Douglas beat The Sandman to win the World Title -- but the reign only lasted two hours, as he was challenged by Homicide. ‘The Franchise’ was literally forced out by The Sandman, who sought revenge for earlier in the night -- and ten minutes later, Homicide was crowned champion. Also on the night, Vampiro defeated The Messiah in a match that would later develop into a bitter feud and the debut of Trent Acid saw him fend off Devon Storm. The Extreme would finish the year off with their first show outside the Tri-State area. ‘The Battle Of Los Angeles’ was held in Los Angeles, California -- and drew a sellout crowd. In the main event, Vampiro defeated The Messiah in a 200 Lighttubes Match (The match itself would be used as evidence during a meeting with the Philadelphia State Athletic Comission, as they would not allow the use of lighttubes in future events). Also in the event, Homicide’s title reign was ended as The Sandman beat him following interference from Shane Douglas and Danny Doring would team up with old team mate Roadkill to claim the World Tag Team Titles from New Jack and Norman Smiley.


At the end of 2003, The Extreme was the main target of a talent raid from the American Wrestling Federation, Fusion Pro Wrestling and the National Wrestling Alliance (though the NWA allowed the talent signed to appear on The Extreme’s future shows). Names like Rob Van Dam (who was the only one out of the lot who signed a written contract with the NWA) and the Dudley Boyz who had just arrived in June. The blow and loss of wrestlers had left The Extreme wounded. The signings left The Extreme maimed but it didn’t stop them from producing good quality shows and creating new and fresh ideas like The Overdose, who were formed in controversial fashion during John Zandig’s match with Tommy Dreamer. After the two had beaten each other to near death, Shane Douglas, Justin Credible and Trent Acid ran out and hit all of their finisher’s on both men leading to a No Contest. Terry Funk’s return was also a highlight of 2004, as he beat the current World Champion of that time: Homicide, in a match that proved Funk still had it. Funk won the World Title in their second encounter, but would retire straight after the match vacating the title in the process. he third annual King Of Extreme would crown the new World Champion. And when it was all said and done, ‘The King Of Old School’ Steve Corino who received a bye in the first round thanks to Vampiro’s commitments in Mexico, beat The Messiah in a Texas Bullrope Match and beat Tommy Dreamer in a 200 Lighttubes Match marred by The Overdose’s beat down on Tommy Dreamer. The end of 2004 saw Tommy Dreamer exact revenge on Shane Douglas in a Steel Cage Match, which he left Douglas battered and bloody down on the mat.


2005 was a year that John Zandig made it his mission to get into the Mainstream. He did just that with the development of Extreme TV. The one-hour television show which was shown every Saturday at midnight on ESPN 2. Though the nature of the product would see it’s downfall -- after a controversial angle in which Vampiro tied the Messiah to a cross symbolizing the cross that Jesus Christ was crucified on -- the network pulled it off the air straight away avoiding complaints from the viewers. Without their TV Show and weekly exposure, the Extreme was left without funding, and by the end of the year The Extreme were almost going into bankruptcy until there was growing interest in the Pay-Per-View networks about them. Basically, three Pay-Per-View carriers had the opposite reaction to ESPN 2. What ESPN did not see in them, the three Pay-Per-View companies did as The Extreme were given contracts with InDemand, DirecTV and Urban Xtra (The Extreme have yet to hold their first PPV). All three of them were the main lifelines of the company, whether or not they would keep them impressed with buyrates would remain to be seen. In the wrestling prospect: The Extreme had a good year. The introduction of working agreements with the National Wrestling Alliance, Empire State Wrestling and Pro Wrestling Reborn allowed new, groundbreaking matches to be made. One example of this was at ‘Do Or Die’ where Homicide defended the World Title against NWA’s AJ Styles. New wrestlers would come into the mix; one of those new wrestlers was the Necro Butcher, who’s style immediately got the fans interested. His crazy willingness to do any Deathmatch possible, his ability to create a memorable encounter with men the complete opposite of him and the fact that he’s all out nutty was what made him over with the fans. And that’s what lead him to a ‘King Of Extreme’ tournament win. Chris Parks, also known as Abyss -- entered The Extreme following a year of loitering round on the independent circuit. Parks donned the mask and instantly became an overnight success, destroying everyone in sight at ‘New Year’s Revolution’ and following that was a violent brawl with John Zandig at ‘Extreme Overdrive II’ . Others who had become initiated into the family was Scott Norton, a multi-time IGWP World Champion; the charismatic Jayson Paul, the dark individual Raven who made his debut at ‘Turning Point’ and finally Simon Diamond. Heading into 2006 -- The Extreme seems to be a company which is looking to become a part of the U.S’ most known promotions -- but can it become that successful, even with a PPV deal?

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Posted by Joel Johnson Wednesday, Week One, January


-Hello Extreme fans and this is the first ‘Extreme Blog’ of the year and I am glad to announce we are just weeks away from Winter Warfare.


-The big news coming out of our last event: ‘Battle Of Los Angeles IV’ is the fact that the Extreme World Champion: Homicide, retained his title during an all-out Four Way Dance; involving Tommy Dreamer, Abyss and Shane Douglas. The spectacular match, which never seemed to end, finally did after John Zandig interfered delivering the Discus Clothesline to Abyss and then allowing Homicide to hit the West Brooklyn Lariat. The ending showed that the feud between Zandig and Abyss was long from being over. The Extreme World Champion though at Winter Warfare, which will be live from Collingwood, Ontario and will be our first ever event in Canada.


-Here’s a brief recap of ‘Battle Of Los Angeles IV’:


Battle Of Los Angeles IV

Live From: The Dome, Bakersfield, California

    • Aaron Aguilera defeated The Damaja after a Full Nelson Slam through a table at 7:19.
    • John Zandig versus Steve Corino went to a No-Contest following interference from Abyss at 12:39, afterwards Abyss beat down Zandig.
    • Scott Norton defeated Devon Storm after a series of Shoulderbreakers at 9:11
    • The Spanish Assault Team and Amazing Red defeated Tony Mamaluke, Chris Hamrick and Trent Acid following The Spanish Fly and a Code Red at 14:53.
    • Roadkill and Danny Doring defeated Bam Bam Bigelow and Balls Mahoney after Roadkill hit Bigelow with a Chokeslam at 10:48 to retain the Extreme Tag Team Titles.
    • The Messiah defeated Vampiro in a Fans Bring The Weapons Corffin Deathmatch after locking Vampiro in the Coffin at 26:34.
    • Super Dragon defeated Justin Credible following a Psycho Driver off the apron through a table at 17:00.
    • Homicide© defeated Tommy Dreamer, Abyss and Shane Douglas in a Four Way Dance after hitting the West Brooklyn Lariat on Abyss at 18:09 to retain the Extreme World Title.


Other News


-The Extreme: Winter Warfare is held live from the Collingwood Colegiate Institute in Collingwood, Ontario; you can buy tickets off http://www.theeXtremewrestling.com or at the door, though you may not get the best seats/.


-The Extreme will soon hold their first Pay-Per-View in conjunction with UrbanXtra, InDemand and DirecTV. Though it is unknown what will headline the event or where the event is going to be held, the event is going to be heavily hyped.


-John Zandig’s feud with Abyss will continue at ‘Winter Warfare’ as the two are going to spill blood in Collingwood. Though a match type is uncertain from now, it is guaranteed that this feud which started back in October will still continue.


-Sabu and Raven are scheduled to return to The Extreme for Winter Warfare along with Sylvester Terkay.


-Finally -- Scott Norton will take on STAMPEDE’s B.J Whitmer at Winter Warfare, in what promises to be a hard hitting match-up. Norton, who came off a monstrous win over fellow former WCW star Devon Storm -- looks to continue his win streak by adding Whitmer’s name to the list.


-Finally, I’ll leave you with an updated card for Winter Warfare; though remember, the card is subjected to change:


Winter Warfare '06

Live From: Collingwood Colegiate Institute, Ontario, Canada

    • John Zandig versus Abyss - Match Type Still To Be Announced
    • Scott Norton versus B.J Whitmer


Thank you, and I’ll see you next week for the next ‘Extreme Blog’.



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Posted by Joel Johnson Tuesday, Week Two, January


-Hello Extreme fans and we are just one short week away from Winter Warfare, as we are proud to announce that we are coming to Canada for the first time ever. Collingwood, Ontario to be precise. And to be more precise in the Collingwood Collegiate Institute. Next week Friday, you can come along and pay for tickets on the door or better yet buy tickets online to reserve the best seats in the house. Anyway, news has reached me about the final matches added to the card…


-The first of the matches announced is Extreme World Champion: Homicide’s next title defense. The man, who ousted three other men last month will come face to face with Simon Diamond. Corino, the favourite in this match due to his Canadian nationality, looks to prove that the World Title belongs to him -- and only him come next week.


-Secondly, after ending his feud with Vampiro; The Messiah has made it his mission to regain the Extreme World Title. The journey, in order for him to complete his mission begins next Friday as The Messiah takes on the returning Raven. The dark soul, who has recently been beaten on the grandest stage of them all: Starrcade, in a bloody Bullrope Match. At Winter Warfare, the two face off for the first time ever in this company’s history -- and one of them looks to score a pinfall in front of this Canadian crowd.


-Southern Comfort were at it again at ‘Battle Of Los Angeles IV’ as they laid down a challenge to the Extreme Tag Team Champions: Roadkill and Danny Doring. The duo recently defended their titles at the ‘Battle Of Los Angeles IV’ against Bam Bam Bigelow and Balls Mahoney in a good match. When Tracy Smothers and Chris Hamrick team up once again in their latest bid to become Extreme Tag Team Champions -- but can they overcome the strong team of Roadkill and Danny Doring?


-The crazy, insane and down right brutal Necro Butcher returns to The Extreme after nearly two months off with an injury, following his psycho performance at the ‘King Of Extreme’ tournament, which he won after beating Vampiro in the finals. Necro once again, will meet Vampiro -- who lost the final match in his rivalry with The Messiah. Vampiro had a great 2005, but also seeks to make 2006 better by miles by beating everybody’s favourite wrestler.


-Tommy Dreamer has had problems with The Overdose since the start of 2005, but next Friday he might be able to take one more step into making his problems with them vanish. ‘The Heart and Soul of The Extreme’ at Winter Warfare looks to take control of the situation by teaming with Sabu and Balls Mahoney to take on the triumvirate of Shane Douglas, Trent Acid and Justin Credible. Will Tommy Dreamer and company win this battle? Or will it be another Overdose win?


-The final match added is a unique one as Steve Corino; returns to Canada. Corino, looks to deal with high-flier NOSAWA, who is without Sabu’s guidance next Friday after dealing with Zandig at ‘The Battle Of Los Angeles’. The crazy NOSAWA returns just two months after he showed how crazy he could be when he went against Jayson Paul, performing a Moonsault off the Announcer’s Booth onto Paul. Will NOSAWA’s crazy stunts prevail over Corino -- or will Corino outsmart his opponent with the Old School style?


-Finally, before I rap this edition of ‘The Extreme Blog’ up; John Zandig and Abyss have finally come to terms on what match they will be participating in. The match is scheduled as a Taipei Deathmatch. Both men will have glass glued onto their fists and will have the use of glass. When these two come ahead, will they finally settle the score, or will issue continue?


Winter Warfare

Live From: Collingwood Collegiate Institute, Collingwood, Ontario, Canada

    • Homicide© versus Simon Diamond - Extreme World Title Match
    • John Zandig versus Abyss - Taipei Deathmatch
    • The Messiah versus Raven
    • Scott Norton versus B.J Whitmer
    • Roadkill and Danny Doring© versus Southern Comfort - Extreme Tag Title Match
    • Necro Butcher versus Vampiro
    • Tommy Dreamer, Sabu and Balls Mahoney versus The Overdose
    • Steve Corino versus NOSAWA


-Next Friday, these men will engage in warfare -- Winter Warfare. Join us next Friday to see who comes out as winners and who comes out as losers.



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The Extreme


Friday, Week 3, January 2006


The show opened up with Eric Garguilo and Joel Gertner’s introduction being interrupted by none other than The Overdose. The triumvirate of ‘The Franchise’ Shane Douglas, Justin Credible and ‘The International Superstar’ Trent Acid hop the guard rail and get inside the ring, to only endure boos from the surrounding crowd. Shane Douglas, with a gargantuan smile on his face made remarks about the Canadian crowd, and he even name drops The Mountie, Jacques Rougeau, whilst doing so. The crowd continue jeering as Justin Credible starts to take shots at the Canadians in the crowd. But when the microphone was passed to Trent Acid, who had stolen the Canadian flag from a crowd member, the crowd went ballistic and nearly caused a riot as Acid laid the flag down, and started to unzip his jeans. He claimed that he was going to piss on the flag, but before he could do such a thing -- “Enter Sandman” blares over the speakers, as the crowd starts singing along. Metallica’s legendary song means that there would be only one man coming out -- and The Sandman was that man. Coming out, guzzling beer and wielding the Singapore cane; Sandman enters the ring, caning everybody BUT the man who threatened to urinate on the Canadian flag: Trent Acid. A referee runs down the small entranceway and slides into the ring calling for the bell (despite knowledge of Acid having a match later on tonight), as Sandman starts smacking Acid…


The Sandman defeated Trent Acid in 7:43 after a Singapore Cane-assisted White Russian Leg Sweep. Though to everyone’s note, Justin Credible and Shane Douglas remained on the outside -- causing trouble deliberately. However, that didn’t stop Sandman in the opening seconds laying some pretty nasty right and left hands to his face. Eventually, the Singapore cane almost came back into play but Shane Douglas snatched it from Sandman. This minor distraction, allowed Acid to hit a Reverse DDT. From there on ‘The International Superstar’ took control of the match. The match sprawled out to the outside where Sandman was held by Douglas and Credible, allowing Trent to perform a death-defying Corkscrew Plancha. Acid thought he had the match won however, Sandman kicked out by a small margin. Acid tried to apply the Sharpshooter to the crowd’s displeasure, but it was blocked. Acid called for the cane, only to let it fall into the hands of Sandman not him, leading to a Singapore Cane-assisted White Russian Legsweep -- giving Sandman the win to the crowd’s delight.


‘King Of Old School’ Steve Corino defeated NOSAWA in 12:03 as Corino hit an Old School Expulsion. NOSAWA interrupted Steve Corino’s jog around the ring with a Topé Con Hilo, before tossing Corino inside in an attempt to get a three count -- Corino kicked out at one. ‘The Japanese Juggalo’ was all over Corino until he missed a Moonsault that it, allowing Corino’s old school style to kick in. Corino worked over the legs; a key part to NOSAWA’s arsenal as he needs them to fly about. But it didn’t stop Corino. The Canadian eventually set up for the first of three attempts to hit the Old School Expulsion, but it was reversed into an Inside Cradle as NOSAWA looked to steal one here in front of the Canadian crowd. His opponent kicked out at two as he watched Corino bail out to the outside, looking for a quick breather. He made a mistake, setting himself up for whatever crazy dive ‘The Japanese Juggalo’ had in store for him. Though the Topé Con Hilo missed as Steve side-stepped it, allowing NOSAWA to crash and burn. Minutes later back inside the ring, Corino tried to hit the Old School Expulsion but it was reversed into an Inside Cradle again. This time, Corino rolled through and dropped the Japanese native with the STO and swiftly follows that up with the third Old School Expulsion for the victory. After the match, it was announced that this was NOSAWA’s last night in The Extreme as he will be going back to Japan to wrestle for All-Japan Pro Wrestling. NOSAWA received a handshake from his leader throughout his trip here: Sabu, as he walked off with his head held high.


Vampiro defeated Necro Butcher in 13:59 following a Nail In The Coffin off the apron to the arena floor. This match, before it even begun was predicted to be a wild match (if you could call it that). Before the match begun, Necro Butcher, on his way down to the ring was intercepted by Kevin Sullivan -- Sullivan, who tried to attack Butcher ended up getting a steel chair to the face. Finally, the match between these two begun as the crowd got behind the cult favourite: Necro Butcher. Cheering each time he punched Vampiro in the face, and booing when Vampiro returned the favour. The two exchanged some grapples as well, Butcher hitting the Tiger Bomb early and Vampiro hitting a big time Suplex, sending Butcher into the corner. Soon -- Necro egged the fans on to chuck their steel chairs. They done what he said to do. And soon, the ring was littered with steel chairs. ‘The Most Insane Man On The Planet’ used the ring to his advantage, just chucking chairs at ‘The Vamp’ and even burying him with the chairs before hitting a Senton, crushing the vampire opponent underneath. The two would finally go for the final stages of the match, exchanging punches on the apron -- until Kevin Sullivan hit Necro from behind with a low blow, allowing the Nail In The Coffin to hit from the apron to the arena floor for the victory.


A short intermission followed the match, as the fans were getting prepared for Zandig’s encounter with Abyss in a Taipei Deathmatch. The match was soon to begin, and Zandig came out -- to inform the fans about a few things. The first being The Extreme’s first Pay-Per-View will be in three months time. Secondly, he thanked the Canadian fans for coming out to see The Extreme’s first event in Canada; before he could continue he is rudely interrupted by ‘The Monster’ Abyss. With both men’s hands already in the gloves covered in glue, a referee runs down and the match is started…


Abyss defeated John Zandig in 15:55 after a Chokeslam off a raised platform through two tables. Crazy match. Crazier than Butcher and Vampiro’s match minutes prior. Match started off on the entranceway, as John Zandig opened up Abyss early after a knockout right hand. The two soon entered the ring as the ring staff had finally put in buckets of glass, and a few glass panes. The first glass pane was broken over Abyss’ back as Zandig assaulted him on his way inside the ring. The founder of The Extreme took control for another few minutes, until Abyss managed to escape a Mother F’N Bomb attempt. ‘The Monster’ started to pound away at Zandig, as he staggered back into the corner. Left and rights followed, opening a huge gash across the forehead of John as he bled heavily. A second glass pane was broken seconds later as ‘The Monster’ overpowered the founder of The Extreme with a Sidewalk Slam through a glass pane laid against the turnbuckle. The shattered glass in the buckets scattered around the ring, came into play as Abyss emptied every bucket’s contents into the middle of the ring -- before adding his own personal thing: thumbtacks. As ‘The Monster’ tried setting up for the Black Hole Slam, Zandig was trying his best to keep on top of his nemesis -- though after a few close shaves, the Black Hole Slam finally hit onto the pile of glass and thumbtacks. Luckily for Zandig, Abyss didn’t make the pinfall straight away; this of course lead to more brawling and eventually the two went into the crowd as fans witnessed Zandig tossing Abyss into many chairs. Finally, the two reached a raised platform where the announcer’s were. Tables were already set up below as Zandig and Abyss brawled. Failed finisher attempts followed as John had seemed to have Abyss up for the Mother F’N Bomb -- but Abyss slid down behind Zandig, turned him around and then threw him off the raised platform with a Chokeslam. Thus putting Zandig through the two tables, a three count later and Abyss took the win.


Doring & Roadkill© defeated Southern Comfort in 9:03 after a Buggy Bang, Doring & Roadkill retain the Extreme Tag Team Titles. Though the match was good throughout, this was simply the least exciting of the night. After Tracy Smothers’ monthly rant about people not down with the ‘confederacy’ -- we kicked off with Roadkill and Smothers exchanging wrestling holds. Though Smothers’ sluggish rest holds didn’t do much to affect Roadkill, it was damn entertaining watching how much he sucked in the technical department. Roadkill broke a headlock and started tearing away at Tracy. The amish man chopped away at Tracy, before tossing him around and forcing him to make the tag. The more athletic Chris Hamrick, ran circles around the much bigger Roadkill. A couple of big time strikes later, Roadkill was down for the Moonsault -- but he made the tag to Doring who came in and gave a even match to Hamrick. The match eventually broke down with all four men inside the ring, but after Tracy Smothers was literally thrown out; Doring and Roadkill took advantage and nailed Hamrick with the Buggy Bang for the win.


Scott Norton defeated B.J Whitmer in 17:17 after a Powerbomb on the guard rail. Hard-hitting, strong style match-up between Scott Norton and STAMPEDE’s B.J Whitmer did not disappoint. The match which innocently started off with both men locking up and then trading chops, erupted into a violent forearm exchange. The first sign of blood came from Norton as Whitmer busted his nose -- this of course awaked the sleeping dragon within the former IWGP Heavyweight Champion. Norton hit a big time Exploder, but Whitmer immediately returned the favour with an Exploder of his own. Whitmer then followed up with a series of chops, leaving welts all across the chest of Norton. The fight continued and a turning point came when Norton hit a sickening Lariat, turning Whitmer inside out -- and somehow Whitmer kicked out. Norton, desperately seeking to end the match, pulled out seven consecutive Shoulder breakers -- and still Whitmer kicked out. B.J soon got his revenge as the two took it to the outside, and in a sick and awesome type of move; Whitmer used an Exploder on Norton directly onto the guard rail. Though the move only got a two count, Whitmer set up for Adrenaline Spike -- but Norton blocked it, and got Whitmer in position for the Powerbomb, just tossing him into the guard rail with the move for the victory.


The Messiah versus Raven never officially started thanks to Shane Douglas and Justin Credible -- who just stormed the ring and beat them both down, before kicking them out of the ring like pieces of trash. Douglas and Credible then grabbed the microphone, claiming that their Six-Man Tag Team Match was to take place next. Douglas informed the crowd that since Trent Acid was in no condition to wrestle, someone would be taking his place -- that someone was Sylvester Terkay who walked out to a mixed reaction; but he was followed by Tommy Dreamer and co as the match begun prematurely…


Tommy Dreamer, Sabu and Balls Mahoney defeated The Overdose and Sylvester Terkay in 12:21 after Tommy Dreamer hit the Dreamer Driver on Sylvester Terkay. This match was out of the control of the referee, Jim Molineaux, as the six men went into different parts of the crowd. They eventually returned to put on some decent action. Sabu had a near death experience after missing the Triple Jump Legdrop onto Justin Credible on the outside through a table, as Credible had been pulled off by Shane Douglas. ‘The Franchise’ was met by Tommy Dreamer and a baseball bat, as ‘The Heart and Soul of The Extreme’ beat the living daylights of Shane, but he’d soon lose possession of the bat as Sylvester Terkay snatched it off him and started swinging for the opposition. Terkay set Dreamer up for the Face Paver; but was blindsided by a steel chair and hit with the New Jersey Jam, courtesy of Balls Mahoney. The match would come to an end as Sabu took care of Credible, Douglas and unintentionally Balls Mahoney thanks to a selfless flip off the raised platform used by Abyss to put John Zandig through tables. The stunt left Dreamer and Terkay in the ring, and seconds later Dreamer hit the Dreamer Driver for the victory.


Homicide© defeated Simon Diamond in 29:42 after a West Brooklyn Lariat to retain the Extreme World Title. ‘The Notorious 187’ headed out for one of the most exhausting matches with one of the best men on The Extreme’s roster -- as Simon Diamond took Homicide to the limit. Diamond, who was very smart throughout the match, outwrestled Homicide in the opening minutes and even dodged an early West Brooklyn Lariat attempt. Homicide obviously struggled in the first half of the match, not being able to hit his big moves in successive fashion like he had done to previous opponents. And to make it worse, Diamond just worked over his right (and left) arm to stop the West Brooklyn Lariat from happening. Into the tenth minute, Simon hit a Superplex and nearly got the three which would’ve gave him the biggest win of his career. Diamond continued his dominance, but ‘Cide turned the tables, escaping the dreaded Gem Cutter and hitting the 187 Cutter for a two. Homicide finally got back on top of the match, and getting some near falls. Several Cop Killer attempts failed, as Simon had scouted them beforehand. But Simon didn’t scout a Yakuza Kick in the corner which nearly scraped the skin off his face. That, opened a small cut on the forehead. Homicide kept on trying to wear Simon down for the Cop Killer, various Suplexes and even the Sit-Out Powerbomb couldn’t wear Simon down enough for him to hit it. Simon put Homicide in trouble at the twentieth minute, reversing a West Brooklyn Lariat into a Armbar -- wearing Homicide down and leaving him prone to the Simon Series. The two Snap Suplexes which were then proceeded by a Bridging Northern Lights Suplex got a near fall. Simon called for the end, as he set ‘The Notorious 187’ up for the Simonizer -- only for Homicide to break out of it and hit a kick to the gut, which was followed by the Cop Killer. The move was just enough for Homicide to successfully hit the West Brooklyn Lariat to gain the win, retain his title and send the Canadian fans home happy.



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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23058" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>THE EXTREME BLOG</strong><p> Posted by <span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Joel Johnson</span></span> Wednesday, Week Four, January</p><p> </p><p> -Hello Extreme fans and welcome to ‘The Extreme Blog’ written by yours truly. And only five days ago, you fans in Canada witnessed a lot of things that went down at Winter Warfare. If you didn’t see the show; here’s the quick results:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Winter Warfare</strong></p><p><strong> Held: Collingwood Collegiate Inst., Collingwood, Canada</strong></p><ul><li><ul><li><strong>The Sandman</strong> defeated <strong>Trent Acid</strong> after a Singapore cane-assisted White Russian Legsweep (7:43)<br /></li><li><strong>Steve Corino</strong> defeated <strong>NOSAWA</strong> after a Old School Expulsion (12:03)<br /></li><li><strong>Vampiro</strong> defeated <strong>Necro Butcher</strong> following a brutal Nail In The Coffin off the apron to the floor (13:59)<br /></li><li><strong>Abyss</strong> defeated <strong>John Zandig</strong> in a Taipei Deathmatch after a Chokeslam off a raised platform through two tables (15:55)<br /></li><li><strong>Danny Doring</strong> and <strong>Roadkill</strong>© defeated <strong>Southern Comfort</strong> to retain the Extreme Tag Titles following a Buggy Bang (9:03)<br /></li><li><strong>Scott Norton</strong> defeated <strong>B.J Whitmer</strong> after a Powerbomb into the guard rail (17:17)<br /></li><li><strong>The Messiah</strong> versus <strong>Raven</strong> went to a no-contest after Shane Douglas and Justin Credible interfered to announce Trent Acid’s replacement in the Six-Man Tag.<br /></li><li><strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong>, <strong>Sabu</strong> and <strong>Balls Mahoney</strong> defeated <strong>Shane Douglas</strong>, <strong>Justin Credible</strong> and <strong>Sylvester Terkay</strong> after Dreamer hit the Dreamer Driver on Terkay (12:21)<br /></li><li><strong>Homicide</strong>© defeated <strong>Simon Diamond</strong> to retain the Extreme World Title following a West Brooklyn Lariat (29:42)<br /></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p></p><p> </p><p> -The fallout from Winter Warfare will be ‘Motor City Massacre’ which is scheduled to take place on Friday, Week Three, March and will be held live from Detroit, Michigan -- the home of where the best cars are made: Ford. </p><p> </p><p> -At ‘Motor City Massacre’ revenge is on the mind of The Messiah who at ‘Winter Warfare’ suffered a brutal beating thanks to Justin Credible. Credible, who struck Messiah with a light tube across the head -- proceeded to then beat down the former Extreme World Champion. And after ‘Winter Warfare’ was said and done, Messiah wanted Credible. And John Zandig -- had given what Messiah asked for. So after a false start in getting his World Title campaign started; will The Messiah get a brilliant second try -- or is Justin Credible way to incredible to top?</p><p> </p><p> -Scott Norton beat B.J Whitmer at ‘Winter Warfare’ in one of the most hard-hitting encounters seen in an event promoted by The Extreme. We saw both men nearly tear each other apart, but it was Norton that emerged victorious. Norton will be looking to continue his recent winning streak when he goes up against ‘The Monster’ Abyss at ‘Motor City Massacre’ in a couple of weeks time. Will Norton make Abyss the next victim to his lethal Shoulderbreakers? Or will Abyss bounce back from his win over Zandig, and beat Norton?</p><p> </p><p> -Finally -- Trent Acid will be scheduled to take on The Sandman, in a rematch from their impromptu encounter at ‘Winter Warfare’. This time, their scheduled match will have a consequence if one was to lose. The loser would have to endure 10 strikes from the Singapore cane. Sandman, who gave Tommy Dreamer 10 strikes back in ECW looks to do the same to Acid -- but Acid will be putting up a fight at ‘Motor City Massacre’. </p><p> </p><p> -That’s it from me -- I’m off on holiday next week, but don’t worry I’ll be back in two weeks time to give you another edition of: ‘The Extreme Blog’.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ...</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23058" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>THE EXTREME BLOG</strong><p> Posted by <span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Joel Johnson</span></span> Monday, Week One, February </p><p> </p><p> -Hello and welcome to the first ‘Extreme Blog’ of the month -- and yes, I am back from my holiday in Jamaica. And we are only three weeks away from ‘Motor City Massacre’ and since I’ve been away, John Zandig has announced YET more matches to go onto the card.</p><p> </p><p> -Super Dragon returns to The Extreme after Curb Stomping the hell out of Justin Credible at ‘Battle Of Los Angeles IV’ but this time, he is going to be going against Steve Corino. ‘The King Of Old School’ bested NOSAWA in his farewell match last month at ‘Winter Warfare’ and looks to repeat his success, but against the hard-hitting Super Dragon.</p><p> </p><p> -Motor City’s own, Sabu, will be at ‘Motor City Massacre’ and for a good reason as he will be going toe to toe with Vampiro in a rematch of their iconic one on one match at ‘King Of Extreme’ where Vampiro emerged victorious. ‘The Vamp’ dusted off Necro Butcher last month in what was no doubt a violent contest, but this is most likely to top that encounter as the stakes will be much high as the winner will take on the winner of the World Title Match next month.</p><p> </p><p> -Two teams will be coming into the spotlight at ‘Motor City Massacre’ -- both with a hungry passion to work full time with The Extreme. The two teams are none other than the Spanish Assault Team and The Havana Pit bulls (whom of which debuted last year in March, only to never come back…That is until now); both teams with very different styles. The SAT with the high-flying offence, and the Havana Pitbulls with the strong style method of wrestling. But when two worlds collide, there is guaranteed to be an explosion -- but what type of explosion will emerge? Find out when The Extreme comes to Detroit!</p><p> </p><p> -The Extreme will be live with ‘Motor City Massacre’ at the Fox Theatre in Detroit. Tickeets are available online or you can purchase at the door, but remember you are not guaranteed a decent place if you buy a ticket at the door.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>MOTOR CITY MASSACRE</strong></p><p><strong> Held: Fox Theatre, Detroit, Michigan</strong></p><ul><li><ul><li>The Messiah versus Justin Credible<br /></li><li>Sabu versus Vampiro<br /></li><li>Super Dragon versus Steve Corino<br /></li><li>Scott Norton versus Abyss<br /></li><li>Trent Acid versus The Sandman - <strong>Loser Gets 10 Strikes from a Singapore Cane</strong><br /></li><li>Havana Pitbulls versus The Spanish Assault Team - <strong>Tag Team Showcase</strong><br /></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p></p><p> </p><p> -That’s it from me folks, I’ll be seeing you next week with another edition of ‘The Extreme Blog’, so until then stay extreme.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ...</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23058" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>THE EXTREME BLOG</strong><p> Posted by <span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Joel Johnson</span></span> Thursday, Week Two, February</p><p> </p><p> -Hello, and it’s me: Joel Johnson, writing to you with another edition of the ‘Extreme Blog’ and what a brilliant edition we got for you. </p><p> </p><p> -So let’s start off big with our first ever Pay-Per-View which will be held in April. We can now confirm a date and title for the upcoming PPV; and the PPV will be called: ‘Do Or Die II’. This is a follow up from last year’s ‘Do Or Die’ event which featured a fantastic main event between Raven and Homicide -- in which Homicide was the victor. It is uncertain what the main event will be in The Extreme’s first pay-per-view but it’ll sure be a cracker.</p><p> </p><p> -Alright, onto ‘Motor City Massacre’ as we have a major celebrity debuting in the wrestling ring. ‘Bollywood’ Sonjay Dutt -- as you can tell by his nickname, is from the heart of ‘bollywood’: Mumbai, India and is a huge film star over there. And the fact he will be debuting in The Extreme for his wrestling debut makes ‘Motor City Massacre’ that much bigger. Dutt, who according to his agents trained with the best in the business in order to get to his eventual debut, looks to score a big debut win over his opponent; and it won’t be an easy challenge. The man Dutt will be going against is fiery Italian: Tony Mamaluke. Mamaluke’s wrestling style is a tough style to compete with and Dutt will have to try his best not to fall victim to his submissions or his aerial techniques come ‘Motor City Massacre’.</p><p> </p><p> -Tommy Dreamer will be able to finally get his hands on Shane Douglas -- but doing so in the match of his choice; and when Zandig asked Dreamer what kind of match he wanted; Dreamer responded with a Steel Chain Match. Dreamer and The Overdose leader would be held together with 15 foot steel chain, and neither will be able to escape. With ‘The Heart and Soul of The Extreme’ looking to close the book on this seemingly never-ending rivalry, could he just accomplish the aforementioned -- and actually end the feud? Find out at ‘Motor City Massacre’.</p><p> </p><p> -The Extreme’s resident madman: The Necro Butcher will be in town and looking to move up in the ranks by teaming with Balls Mahoney to take on ‘The Predator’ Sylvester Terkay and Simon Diamond (who had came so close to winning The Extreme World Title last month). Will the team of Diamond and Terkay prevail over Balls and Butcher or will it be the other way round? Find out next week!</p><p> </p><p> -I wrap this edition of the ‘Extreme Blog’ with news of Homicide’s next World Title defence. ‘The Notorious 187’ who on foreign land took on and defeated Simon Diamond as Diamond succumbed to his West Brooklyn Lariat, will take on one of the most difficult of challenges he’s encountered. Michigan’s own Rob Van Dam will be making his return to The Extreme, for one night only. The two-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion will be coming to The Extreme to take on the World Champion, after Homicide claimed recently on his myspace that he was the best wrestler ever in the history of The Extreme. Disagreeing entirely, Rob Van Dam contacted John Zandig and told him that he wanted to come back to The Extreme to correct ‘The Notorious 187’ on his claim of being the best -- and in what better way to do it than in your own home state, with your fans watching you. </p><p> </p><p> -Remember; you can buy tickets online for ‘Motor City Massacre’ or even buy tickets at the door for the event, but don’t expect the best seats. ‘Motor City Massacre’ will be held live from the Fox Theatre in Detroit, Michigan next week Friday and the belltime is at 8PM. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>MOTOR CITY MASSACRE</strong></p><p><strong> Held: Fox Theatre, Detroit, Michigan</strong></p><ul><li><ul><li>Homicide© versus Rob Van Dam - <strong>First Time Ever, Extreme World Title Match</strong><br /></li><li>Tommy Dreamer versus Shane Douglas - <strong>Steel Chain Match</strong><br /></li><li>Necro Butcher and Balls Mahoney versus Sylvester Terkay and Simon Diamond<br /></li><li>The Messiah versus Justin Credible<br /></li><li>Sabu versus Vampiro<br /></li><li>Super Dragon versus Steve Corino<br /></li><li>Scott Norton versus Abyss<br /></li><li>Trent Acid versus The Sandman - <strong>Loser Gets 10 Strikes from a Singapore Cane</strong><br /></li><li>Havana Pitbulls versus The Spanish Assault Team - <strong>Tag Team Showcase</strong><br /></li><li>‘Bollywood’ Sonjay Dutt versus Tony Mamaluke<br /></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p></p><p> </p><p> -Thanks for reading, and make sure your there next week!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ...</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23058" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The Extreme</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">MOTOR CITY MASSACRE</span></strong></p><p><strong> Friday, Week 3, February</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Super Dragon (Pinfall -> Curb Stomp 14’32) Steve Corino</strong> - A nice little opener for the fans inside the Fox Theatre. Corino tries to outwrestle Dragon, but instead gets a bunch of stiff kicks and chops in return followed by a Snap Suplex. A couple of short exchanges later, Corino takes control, reversing a Psycho Driver II and nailing a big time Neckbreaker for the two count. Steve now tries to finish the match with a Piledriver and it hit’s; but before he could get up and gloat about the move he just hit but is met with a ferocious forearm to the face, followed by a nice stiff kick to the chest and the move named Dragon’s Fire (Spin-out Powerbomb). Seconds later, Corino was trapped in the STF and was struggling to move anywhere. Luckily, the ropes were near by and ‘The King Of Old School’ grabbed the ropes. After some back-and-fourth action Corino strikes with a bridging Northern Lights Suplex; only for a two. Close falls accompany the result of the near-fall until Dragon hit’s the Psycho Driver II followed by a Curb Stomp for the victory.</p><p> </p><p> The fans were treated to a first look of the newcomer: ‘Bollywood’ Sonjay Dutt as he came out. Sporting nice Indian flag coloured trousers and matching elbow pads along with one black glove on his right hand. Dutt slid into the ring and got a hold of a microphone. Before he could even speak, suddenly he pulled out a lavish cell phone and started speaking -- Dutt was apparently talking to his ‘agent’ and was still trying to negotiate terms for a new movie over in Mumbai. Dutt keeps on arguing back and fourth with his agent until the subject changes onto his debut match. Dutt deemed the fans in attendance ‘not good enough’ to view his first match, he also called The Extreme a low-budget promotion and expected more. Dutt is interrupted after a minute of disrespecting the crowd; and by his opponent Tony Mamaluke.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sonjay Dutt (Pinfall -> Bollywood Press 8’09) Tony Mamaluke</strong> - Sonjay clearly got the better of Mamaluke in the early going, showing his speed -- but Mamaluke eventually caught on to Sonjay’s game and slowed him down before tackling him down to the mat, and applying various restholds. Mamaluke eventually pulled off a set of big moves to boost momentum (namely a dropkick and a couple of snap suplexes) until he locks in the Spaghetti Bender (grounded octopus stretch). It was only a matter of seconds until Dutt would tap out, however Sonjay (who was trained by the best may I remind you) turned the submission into a cradle for a two count. ‘Bollywood’ fell victim to another submission, this time a Fujiwara armbar. Dutt squirmed on the canvas, but once again broke the pinfall, though this time he grabbed the ropes. When the two got to their feet, it looked like it wasn’t Dutt’s day as he was getting prepared for a Tornado DDT. Scouting it early, Dutt hit a uppercut whilst Mamaluke was sitting on the top rope before hitting an arm drag from the top eventually leading to his spectacular Bollywood Press (corkscrew 450 splash) for the victory. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Havana Pitbulls (Pinfall -> Cuban Missile Crisis 5’59) The Spanish Assault Team</strong> - A quick but entertaining match from both teams as they didn’t bother going by the normal rules, instead they went by tornado rules. Joel Maximo and Ricky Reyes took on each other on one side of the ring, whilst José Maximo and Rocky Romero duked it out on the other. Some big moments followed as both Maximo’s threw their opponents to the outside and performed a stunning dive onto them. Reyes and Romero struck back though giving both brothers Exploder Suplexes simultaneously. The quick all-out match soon came to an end when the Pitbulls hit the Cuban Missile Crisis (Backbreaker/Diving Knee Drop combination) on Joel for the victory.</p><p> </p><p> Trent Acid walked out after that quick tag team encounter as he had a microphone in hand -- and immediately, within nanoseconds irked the fans. Acid had called the surrounding fans ‘idiots’ for going to ‘Motor City Massacre’ believing that he would get caned by the man who wields the weapon himself: The Sandman. And Trent guranteed that Sandman would get some of his own medicine after what he did last month. And coming out right on cue, Sandman’s drunken festival of an entrance began. Before Sandman could even reach ringside, Trent Acid got on the assault kick-starting the match…</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Trent Acid (Pinfall -> Yakuza Kick into steel chair 11’19) The Sandman</strong> - The loser of this match was guranteed to get 10 cane shots from Sandman’s Singapore cane…Acid’s attack on Sandman during his entrance begun as Acid managed to get in some lucky shots before tossing Sandman into one of the guard rails followed up by giving the former ECW World Champion an all expenses paid trip to…Wait for it…Wait for it…Here it comes…The girders that support the screen on the entrance stage. Trent dragged Sandman back to the ringside area where he tried to hit the Suplex, but Sandman still proved that he was in the match by blocking the attempt and delivering a Suplex of his own, which allowed Acid to crash onto the concrete floor. Sandman followed up by grabbing a chair from the crowd and bringing it down onto the prone body of ‘The International Superstar’. As Trent rolled across the floor, Sandman was chucking the chair that he just used inside the ring and tossed in Trent. Once the two were inside the ring, business started to pick up. Sandman tried using the chair again, but had it kicked in his face leading to Acid’s beautiful Acid Burn (Inverted Brainbuster) for a two. Acid started to use the chair against ‘The Hardcore Icon’ and soon ended up giving him a small cut. The small cut seemed to awaken Sandman as punches started to fly. Acid soon found himself in a predicament of which he could not escape. Bent over a guard rail, helpless. And Sandman was on the apron ready to hit the Leg Drop across the back of Acid’s head. The crowd held their breathe for a short moment and then ‘The Hardcore Icon’ jumped, smashing his leg across Acid’s neck and flipping him over the said guard rail at the same time. The match started to wind down as Sandman grabbed a hold of the steel chair and before he could bring it down, one member of the triumvitrae known as The Overdose: Justin Credible, appeared -- distracting Sandman and allowing Acid to hit the Yakuza Kick, booting the chair into the face of Sandman for the victory.</p><p> </p><p> The crowd booed the finish but Trent Acid was far from caring as he was overjoyed at getting his chance to level Sandman with a Singapore cane. Justin Credible reached into his pocket to reveal a pair of handcuffs; as Credible entered the ring -- he tried to apply Sandman’s hand to the top rope but Sandman forced him to struggle. But when Acid delivered another Yakuza Kick, Sandman dropped down to his knees and was presumed knocked out. Before the beating could continue, Tommy Dreamer ran down the ramp way and slid inside the ring, Clothes lining ‘The Incredible One’ over the top rope. Dreamer doesn’t realize that behind him was Acid mocking Shawn Michael’s ‘tuning up the band’ technique. As Dreamer turned around, Acid tries for the Yakuza Kick but it is blocked allowing Dreamer to hit a Dreamer DDT. With both Overdose members out, Dreamer helps his friend Sandman up and gets him to the back as the show cuts to an intermission…</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Necro Butcher and Balls Mahoney (Pinfall -> Nutcracker Suite {Mahoney} 12’31) Simon Diamond and Sylvester Terkay</strong> - Much like the Six Man Tag last month, this match was a wild brawl with both tag team partners battling their nemesis’ all over the place. Terkay and Butcher stay inside the ring as Terkay takes the King Of Extreme 2005 down with a Harai Goshi before mounting him to deliver MMA style punches. In the crowd though, it was a different story. Simon Diamond was trying to run away from Balls Mahoney’s onslaught. After steel chairs had been used against Diamond’s will, and soon he found a trash can full of rubbish aimed at his head. Back inside the ring, the crazy action continued as Butcher had begun to use his stiff punches and had Terkay cornered. Lining him up for a Clothesline, Butcher runs across the ring but the madman runs into a boot to the face followed by a STIFF Lariat; turning him inside out in the process. Simon Diamond somehow has gained control of Balls Mahoney, as the two reach the balcony of Fox Theatre. Diamond threatens to pull Balls overboard -- but Balls elbows him in the head and tries to throw him. Suddenly, a bunch of ring staff members crowd below the balcony in an attempt to pursuade Balls not to do it -- but Balls doesn’t listen and throws Diamond off the balcony down below! And like bowling pins, the staff drop down onto the floor after Diamond landed on them. A minute later, Mahoney made his way back inside the ring to see Terkay looking to deliver a Tiger Suplex to Butcher; but a quick clubbing blow to the back prevented that from happening and Balls followed up with a Powerbomb. Butcher made fun of Hulk Hogan, and done the signature flexing of the muscles and cupping the ear before heading to the ropes and back to hit a BIG TIME Leg Drop. ‘The Chair Swingin’ Freak’ pulled up the dazed Terkay and then tried to hit him with the Nutcracker Suite; but is ambushed from behind by Simon Diamond. Diamond sees the oncoming Necro Butcher and almost out of nowhere hit’s the Gem Cutter. The first pinfall of the match was broken up at one, and Diamond was lifted up and dropped with the Nutcracker Suite! ‘Captain Caveman’ followed up with the academic three-count to secure the victory. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sabu (Pinfall -> Triple Jump Moonsault 17’59) Vampiro</strong> - The man who won this match would go onto become the challenger next month for the World Title. And what a better way to start off, than exchanging holds from the Greco-Roman Knuckle Lock to the standard wrestling lock-up. And the much lighter of the two, Sabu, tosses Vampiro across the ring with an Arm Drag. ‘The Vamp’ reaches his feet and falls victim to yet another Arm Drag but counters the next with an Arm Drag of his own and transitioning it into a armlock. Slowly but surely, Sabu took back the control throwing Vampiro overhead and applying an unlikely Bow and Arrow lock. Vampiro broke out of it and booted Sabu in the gut before nailing a quick but effective DDT, he covered by ‘The Suicidal, Genocidal, Homicidal’ Sabu kicked out. ‘The Vamp’ started to perform some ground work on Sabu’s legs, keeping him from going airborne. To do this, he locked in a Single Leg Crab. Though Sabu clearly struggled, he reached the bottom rope. More mat action followed but soon the match picked up the pace as the fans watched the two counter each other’s moves ending with Vampiro hitting a Powerbomb into the corner reversing Sabu’s Hurricanrana attempt. The whiplash effect helped Vampiro a great deal; as he was eventually going to hit the Nail In The Coffin and with Sabu’s weakened back, it would ensure he couldn’t fight back. Kicks to the lower back proceeded that Powerbomb, and Sabu soon found himself on the outside in an attempt to retreat. ‘The Vamp’ followed Sabu to the outside and picked him up, before sending him across into the guard rail with force. Vampiro re-entered the ring and awaited for ‘The Extreme’s Evel Knievel’ to get to his feet. And though Sabu rose to his knee, Vampiro ran across the ring and back to dive over the top rope in a Suicide Dive attempt. Sabu dove out of ‘The Vamp’s’ path which allowed Vampiro to crash head first into the guard rail. It took several seconds for Sabu to take advantage as he pulled out a table and rolled Vampiro onto it before climbing onto the apron. ‘The Arabian Machine of Destruction’ hopped on the middle rope and spring boarded off to perform an Asai Moonsault onto Vampiro putting him THROUGH the table! As the match picks up pace two minutes later, Sabu has Vampiro set up for the Triple Jump Moonsault but as he ran to the chair, Vampiro performed a Drop Toe Hold which caused Sabu to hit the seat face first. And the one to take advantage of the situation; Vampiro sets up for the Nail In The Coffin. But Sabu drops down behind, but ‘The Vamp’ catches him out with a back elbow before following up with a Tombstone Piledriver. The move, dropped Sabu directly on his head and it seemed that Vampiro was going to finish him off with the Vampiro Spike. Going up to the top rope and leaping off. The Vampiro Spike Double Knee Drop missed as Sabu quickly hit the ropes, hopped on the steel chair and the top rope before completing the Triple Jump and hitting the Moonsault for the three count. Sabu will face the winner of the World Title match next month for the World Title.</p><p> </p><p> John Zandig, owner and founder of The Extreme walks out after the ring was cleared from the last match. John took a microphone from one of the ring staff and thanked the crowd in Detroit for coming out to support The Extreme. The owner of The Extreme begun to talk about the Pay-Per-View in less than two months time and asked for the support of the fans in order to make their first Pay-Per-View a successful one; and then promised the show wouldn’t be a let down. Zandig continued and moved onto the subject of the Pay-Per-View as he promised that he would end his differences with ‘The Monster’ Abyss. He didn’t know how, but he would. And right there and then he called out Abyss. Abyss, right on cue, walked out -- the cold stare with his eyes, looking through his mask told the story. ‘The Monster’ stepped inside the ring and came face to face with Zandig. The owner of The Extreme had asked Abyss not to pull any stunts, and instead listen to what Zandig had in mind. And what the man had in mind was a sort-of match where, both could inflict pain on each other and where both could settle their differences. And the only match that could effectively do that was…The Squared Circle Of Fear Match. Abyss was a man of few words, and gave Zandig a nod. “So then it’s settled. Zandig versus Abyss. At ‘Do Or Die’, live on pay-per-view, in a Squared Circle Of Fear Match. And Abyss -- if I’m going down. I’m taking you with me.” Those were the final words uttered by John Zandig, who left the ring -- and whilst he did that -- Scott Norton’s theme played, and Norton walked out…</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Scott Norton (Pinfall -> Powerbomb 12’32) Abyss</strong> - Another hard-hitting match to add to Scott Norton’s Extreme career as he took on ‘The Monster’ Abyss. Both big men invited each other to take stiff chops. Returning each other’s favours, they then turned to punches and then forearms until Abyss totally caught Norton off guard, feigning a punch and then just kicking Norton is the stomach. Norton had been cornered, and it was Abyss who delivered the big strikes. He Irish whipped Norton across the ring, to the ropes and tried to nail him with a big boot -- but Norton ducked and took him from behind before hitting a German Suplex. He held on for another, but failed to throw Abyss overhead, and instead had Abyss perform a standing switch in which he tossed Norton overhead. The big men collided in the middle of the ring seconds later with a failed Lariat attempt; but it didn’t ground them for long as the two stood and tried to make a move on each other: Abyss clasped his hand around Scott’s throat before propelling him into the air and slamming him down with a Chokeslam for a two count. Abyss signalled for another, and this time he was wanting to slam Norton down with excessive force -- but the former IWGP Champion proved why he was a IWGP Champion by countering the Chokeslam mid-air and getting behind Abyss before nailing him with a German Suplex. It was Scott’s time to take control, and what perfect way to do it with the Suplex Powerslam followed by a Canadian Backbreaker lift transitioned into a Shoulderbreaker for a two. The match entered it’s dying moments, and when Norton tried to go for a running Lariat he was caught by surprise with a Black Hole Slam; but before Abyss could make the cover, John Zandig entered the ring with a steel chair and belted him behind the head. The blow, was enough for Scott Norton to recover from the Black Hole Slam and pick up Abyss to hit him with the match-winning Powerbomb. Immediately from the result of the match, John Zandig re-entered the ring and looked down on Abyss before telling Abyss ‘good luck’ because he’d need it. Before walking off…</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Messiah (Pinfall -> Fall From Grace 15’20) Justin Credible</strong> - A grudge match between the two after Justin Credible’s assault on Messiah (with Shane Douglas) caused his one on one match with Raven to be ruled a No Contest. Messiah didn’t start the match normally, instead, he dove onto Justin Credible with a incredible Plancha before he started to punch away at his face. A trip to the steel steps and a steel chair shot later; both were inside the ring, and The Messiah looked to go for the Godsmack (Spinning Fireman’s Carry Stunner), but Justin Credible countered with a Tornado DDT. The man from New York carries on from there before trying to set up for the Superkick; though ever alert The Messiah blocks it and hit’s a nice Belly to Belly Suplex. Justin Credible stands to meet a Dropkick and then is on the receiving end of a Leg Lariat. The Messiah makes the fall, but Credbile kicks out at two. Both go back to the vertical base and as expected Messiah makes the first move and it’s a right hand, which stunned Credible. As Credible stumbled around Messiah hit him another few times before going downstairs with a DDT. ‘The Incredible One’ scurried into the corner for safety but met Messiah’s foot as The Messiah performed a series of Facewashes. Justin saw himself on the outside, and leaned on the guardrail before looking up in the sky to see Messiah coming down at him with a Plancha -- but Credible moved allowing Messiah to crash down neck first on the guard rail. Credible took advantage and when the two got back inside the ring, Messiah fell victim to a Superkick. Credible covered ‘God’s Gift’ to get a two count. Justin thought it was time to end the match; and what better way to do it than the That’s Incredible! Credible tried to pick Messiah up, though the Messiah managed to perform a quick low blow and scoop Credible up to hit him with the Fall From Grace for the three count.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tommy Dreamer (Pinfall -> Dreamer DDT 23’02) Shane Douglas</strong> - This was a Chain Match and pun intended; it was off the chain! As Chain Match rules state; both men had to be tied together at the arms with chains. And the fifteen foot chain was used in the early going as both men started to tug away at the chain, but Dreamer took control and threw Douglas into the corner. The two longtime enemies started to punch away at each other until Douglas made a quick low blow and then followed up by performing a Suplex. The man from Pittsburgh soon wrapped the chain around Dreamer’s neck, effectively choking him out -- but ‘The Heart and Soul of The Extreme’ fought back and quickly tried for a Dreamer Driver; but the attempt was failed instantly as Douglas wrapped the chain around his hand and punched Dreamer in the back of the head. ‘The Franchise’ resumed control and threw Dreamer to the outside and then followed him. This lead to Douglas taking a few cheap shots at Dreamer whilst he was leaning against the guard rail. Dreamer rallies back with punches of his own and a little chair shot before hitting a Falling Neckbreaker. Dreamer started to pull chairs out of the crowd and lay them down on the outside flooring as ‘The Franchise’ was recovering from the Neckbreaker. And when Douglas eventually did; he was at a loss. Both men were on the apron, and it seemed that Dreamer was getting the advantage until Douglas just dropped off the apron and threw Dreamer off using the steel chain. Dreamer hit the steel chairs on the floor as Douglas covered him for a two. Douglas dragged Dreamer by the chain up onto the stage where there were tables on the left down below. Shane’s attempt of stunning Dreamer with a Pittsburgh Plunge went awry when Dreamer hooked onto the leg. This mistake helped Dreamer in tossing Douglas off the stage and onto the tables which didn’t break. That lead to Dreamer’s suicide leap off the stage with a Flying Splash to put Douglas through the tables. A two-count followed and it seemed both men; within the first twelve minutes had nothing left in the tank. But when Dreamer dragged Douglas to ringside -- a whole ‘nother match between the two started. The Overdose leader had the chain wrapped around his neck in Dreamer’s attempt to choke him out; but Douglas wouldn’t go down without a fight as he broke out of it thanks mainly to the turnbuckle pole. The two entered the ring once again, and Dreamer was recklessly tossed from corner to corner as Douglas finally hit The Franchiser. Though he was slow to react and a minute later; he finally hooked the leg for a two. Dreamer fired back with a Dreamer Driver; and like Douglas previously he had trouble pinning Douglas -- and when he eventually did he got a two. The dying seconds of the match saw Douglas try for yet another Franchiser, but getting kicked in the gut, Dreamer going for a second Dreamer Driver but Douglas slipping behind and finally Douglas trying to imitate the Dreamer Driver but having Dreamer drop down behind, turn him around…KICK! WHAM! DREAMER DDT! And that was all she wrote as Dreamer picked up the pinfall in a major step to put an end to the hostilities between him and The Overdose. </p><p> </p><p> The main event of the night was preceded by hype videos and interviews with both wrestlers. The first video to pop up was Homicide; and he made his thoughts perfectly clear about Rob Van Dam -- he called RVD a traitor for leaving the company that he loved for more money, and he also said RVD’s going to be needing a coffin after the match was done. When Rob Van Dam’s video popped up; he had the same hatred over Homicide, but he told the camera’s that he respected Homicide’s wrestling. Then it was time for the two to come out -- Homicide made his entrance first getting disrespect from RVD’s home state crowd. But then when the challenger for the World Title came out; the crowd blew the roof off the Fox Theatre. Rob Van Dam took exactly 10 minutes to get down the ramp, as he was involved with the crowd. When RVD finally entered the ring, the crowd atmosphere was intense…</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Homicide© (Pinfall -> Cop Killer 30’32) Rob Van Dam</strong> - Another excellent match performed by the World Champion and challenger as it had all aspects from wrestling including the technical aspect, high-flying aspect and of course the hardcore aspect Starting off with a slow exchange of resthold, Rob Van Dam set the pace after a series of Arm Drags and a Monkey Flip. ‘The Whole Damn Show’ made ‘The Notorious 187’ seem out of his league for a brief second until Homicide countered a Northern Lights Suplex attempt with a DDT for a one. Both men got back on a vertical base, and after several failed takedown attempts -- Homicide finally took RVD by the legs and attempted to lock in a Sharpshooter; but the much experienced of the two proved to be too smart by breaking it and rolling to the outside. Van Dam done the trademark ‘Rob. Van. Dam’ thumbs taunt but kept his eye off the ball, which allowed Homicide to perform the Topé Con Hilo which got the crowd on their feet. Action returned to the ring and ‘The Notorious 187’ got back on the legs of RVD and managed to lock in a STF, which had RVD trapped momentarily. But Van Dam’s home field advantage allowed him to crawl a considerable distance before grabbing the bottom rope forcing a break. Both men reached a vertical base, but Van Dam was first and managed to springboard off the middle rope and perform a neat Leg Lariat; he followed this up with a Rolling Thunder which was the penultimate move before the Five Star Frog Splash. Van Dam’s aerial offense, is renowned for it’s impact and this was one of the reasons why. Van Dam leapt off in an attempt to hit the Five Star Frog Splash, but Homicide got the knees up allowing Van Dam to land on nothing but knees. ‘The Notorious 187’ was back in control and stalked Van Dam to his feet in an attempt to hit the 187 Cutter but it was a no go thanks to RVD’s alertness -- pushing ‘Cide into the ropes and allowing him to come back to meet a nice Back Body Drop and seconds later a Moonsault Splash. Both men traded moves for a couple of more minutes until Homicide saw an opening whilst Rob Van Dam was trying to go for the Split-Legged Moonsault. ‘Cide surprised Van Dam from behind and took him down from the top in position for the Cop Killer; but Homicide’s opening closed up as Van Dam rolled out of the attempt and pushed ‘The Notorious 187’ in the corner. ‘Mr. Wednesday Night’ followed up with shoulder thrusts before performing a back cartwheel and then running towards the cornered Homicide and flipping him overhead with a Monkey Flip -- but Homicide landed on his feet and measured RVD up…WEST BROOKLYN LARIAT! The WBL came out of nowhere as Homicide made the pinfall attempt; but got a two count in return. Rob Van Dam would later hit big with his finisher. Minutes after receiving the West Brooklyn Lariat, Homicide was once again looking to get the better of Van Dam on the top rope as the two traded blows. But it was a blow to the head that knocked Homicide off leaving him prone to the…FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH! The Frog Splash connected, and it seemed like the end -- but at the last possible moment the World Champion kicked out. Van Dam was left wondering what else he could do, and pulled Homicide to his feet but was surprised by a 187 Cutter. The move only got a count of two, but it gave Homicide the advantage. And the end was edging near as he made it clear that it was time for the Cop Killer. Homicide pulled ‘The Whole F’N Show’ to his feet before slowly getting him in position for the Cop Killer -- and it connected. Exhausted, Homicide wanted this match to end and went for the cover: 1...2...3...It was over.</p><p> </p><p> As the show came to an end, Homicide took his belt and held it whilst Rob Van Dam remained on the other side standing tall and receiving a great round of applause. But the two would face each other before delivering a handshake, which got the crowd going wild as the night came to a close.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ...</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23058" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>THE EXTREME BLOG</strong><p> Posted by <span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Joel Johnson</span></span> Monday, Week Four, February</p><p> </p><p> -Hello Extreme fans and welcome to the ‘Extreme Blog’, I am Joel Johnson writing to you on behalf of The Extreme to inform you about latest news, events and more. And I can honestly tell you, last week at ‘Motor City Massacre’ the fans were on the edge of their seats all throughout. Here’s the quick results:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Motor City Massacre</strong></p><p><strong> Held: Fox Theatre, Detroit, Michigan</strong></p><ul><li><ul><li><strong>Super Dragon</strong> defeated <strong>Steve Corino</strong> after a Curb Stomp (14:32)<br /></li><li><strong>Sonjay Dutt</strong> defeated <strong>Tony Mamaluke</strong> following a Bollywood Press (8:09)<br /></li><li><strong>The Havana Pitbulls</strong> defeated <strong>The Spanish Assault Team</strong> after a Cuban Missile Crisis (5:59)<br /></li><li><strong>Trent Acid</strong> defeated <strong>The Sandman</strong> following a Yakuza Kick into a steel chair; as a result sandman had to take 10 cane shots -- however this did not happen as <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> chased Acid and partner Justin Credible off. (11:19)<br /></li><li><strong>Necro Butcher</strong> and <strong>Balls Mahoney</strong> defeated <strong>Simon Diamond</strong> and <strong>Sylvester Terkay</strong> after Mahoney hit the Nutcracker Suite on Diamond. (12:31)<br /></li><li><strong>Sabu</strong> defeated <strong>Vampiro</strong> after a Triple Jump Moonsault, as a result Sabu will have the chance to take on the World Champion next month in a World Title Match. (17:59)<br /></li><li><strong>Scott Norton</strong> defeated <strong>Abyss</strong> following a Powerbomb (12:32)<br /></li><li><strong>The Messiah</strong> defeated <strong>Justin Credible</strong> after a Fall From Grace. (15:20)<br /></li><li><strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> defeated <strong>Shane Douglas</strong> in a Steel Chain Match after a Dreamer DDT. (23:02)<br /></li><li><strong>Homicide©</strong> defeated <strong>Rob Van Dam</strong> in a World Title Match after a Cop Killer (30:32)<br /></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p></p><p> </p><p> -All in all, the event as a whole was great one and we are pleased to announce that later on this year we will be returning to the Motor City for a future event. And speaking of future events, our next event: ‘Hardcore Reborn’ will be held live at the New Alhambra on Friday, Week 2, March. And that’s only a few weeks away. Tickets will be available online or you can buy at the door, but remember you are not guaranteed a decent seat. </p><p> </p><p> -One of the matches already confirmed for the event is of course the World Title Match between champion Homicide and #1 Contender Sabu. Both had scored impressive victories at ‘Motor City Massacre’, Sabu managed to pin Vampiro in a heated match-up while Homicide outlasted Rob Van Dam’s onslaught. A lot of factors immediately come into this match, one being Sabu’s well-being after that crazy match at ‘Motor City Massacre’. ‘The Extreme’s Evel Knievel’ somehow has so much still left in the tank, and when he takes on Homicide we are guaranteed a damn fine performance. Another factor in this match is Homicide’s stamina. His unbelievable cardiovascular energy is somewhat unrivalled in the upcoming match as in past performances we’ve seen Homicide get better as the matches push the fifteen minute mark. There’s a whole lot of other factors going into this match -- and we can definitely say that Homicide’s reign as champion may be numbered…</p><p> </p><p> -‘Bollywood’ Sonjay Dutt last week made his debut; and he was cheered for a couple of minutes -- before he came across as an arrogant prick. The movie star insulted the fans on a phone call to his agent. Despite that, he managed to put on an impressive performance against Tony Mamaluke in which he won with the amazing Bollywood Press. ‘Bollywood’ will be back in action come next month as he will be raring to go against anyone in the world. Yes, that’s right. He is issuing an international challenge. Anyone from around the world can face Dutt at ‘Hardcore Reborn’ and Dutt is expecting to make an example of him. Will this big-headed movie star get a taste of his own medicine, or will he prove that he is the best wrestler in the world? Find out at ‘Hardcore Reborn’.</p><p> </p><p> -We will be moving onto our first ever pay-per-view: ‘Do Or Die’ (which will be live from the Manhattan Center in New York City) as already one match is confirmed for the event: John Zandig’s final encounter with ‘The Monster’ Abyss. The two men have been tearing each other apart for months, and it’s all boiled down to the Squared Circle of Fear. What is a Squared Circle of Fear? Well, it’s when the ring mat is stripped and replaced with a wooden barbwire canvas. Then there are four pits stretching from the ring canvas to the guard rail. Each filled with something dangerous and likely to hurt. These two men are looking to end each other careeers, and what better way to do it than on pay-per-view!</p><p> </p><p> -Before I leave, I am pleased to announce the return of ‘EXTREME TV’. Yes, after our short dispel from cable, we return and with bigger ambitions. This is all thanks to the TV network: Bravo! We will bring you more information on when we return and other information in a separate newsletter. And on behalf of the team here in The Extreme: Thank you for your support, without you fans we wouldn’t of been able to return to cable.</p><p> </p><p> And that’s it for this week’s ‘Extreme Blog’ be sure to join us next week!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>HARDCORE REBORN</strong></p><p><strong> Held: The New Alhambra, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania</strong></p><ul><li><ul><li>Homicide© versus Sabu - <strong>Extreme World Title Match</strong><br /></li><li>Sonjay Dutt versus ??? - Sonjay Dutt’s International Challenge<br /></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DO OR DIE</strong></p><p><strong> Held: Manhattan Center, New York City, New York</strong></p><ul><li><ul><li>John Zandig versus Abyss - <strong>Final Encounter, Squared Circle of Fear</strong><br /></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="www.bravotv.com/03947810" data-cite="www.bravotv.com/03947810" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23058" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_QrMhc_j1JeE/SVpxkVpqxII/AAAAAAAAA-U/kE1t5qMvgbE/s400/ETV_TC_bravo_logo.jpg</span><p> <strong>THE REBIRTH OF EXTREME TV</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>New York, NY</strong> - As you all most probably know; Extreme TV will be returning. But not under ESPN2 oh no. This time, it will be resurrected by Bravo. The TV Network owned by cable television network: NBC. </p><p> </p><p> The original run of Extreme TV was cancelled back last year thanks to a controversial angle which saw Vampiro tie The Messiah to a cross, which symbolized Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. This echoed memories of that one Extreme Championship Wrestling event where Raven tied Sandman to a cross. Though the incident avoided complaints thanks to ESPN2’s quick thinking, pulling the TV show right on the spot and replacing it with Sports Center. </p><p> </p><p> The Extreme was left to go back to standard monthly events and without the help of ESPN2’s pay for showing it’s TV show. The Extreme would’ve gone bankrupt on it’s fourth birthday if it weren’t for InDemand, DirecTV and UrbanXtra who are now paying The Extreme to deliver Pay-Per-Views on their networks. Though they narrowly avoided bankruptcy, The Extreme were looking to go back on cable television - and when Bravo were looking for new TV channels which was ‘very different’ from their usual airings; they took up on the opportunity to take on Extreme TV.</p><p> </p><p> <em>“Our motto is: ‘watch what happens’, and that fits in perfectly with wrestling and The Extreme in general”</em> said Jason Turner, representative for Bravo. <em>“When we saw the product The Extreme was offering, we said to ourselves that this was the cutting-edge programming we needed. And the way it attracts crowd’s from whatever venue their at; it seems the company is pretty successful -- and to imagine, the promotion will be in different towns whilst fans in other towns will be watching them.”</em> Bravo, who are impressed with their contractual agreement with The Extreme, looks forward to airing the first episode of Extreme TV.</p><p> </p><p> Another, impressed with the result is none other than owner of The Extreme: John Zandig. <em>“I think it’s great that all these companies are showing interest in us”</em> said the owner/wrestler. <em>“After about a year of trying to find a TV company that will take us, we’ve found one and it’s with a company that’s a sister of NBC. I mean, how big can you get than that.”</em> Though Zandig was having doubts about The Extreme’s future. <em>“After ESPN2 cancelled our show on the spot, some of the boys were like: ‘We ain’t gonna make it on television no more.’ And as I said before, we’d tried to get into negotiations with other TV companies; most notably MTV who was willing to give us a contract -- but we had to abide by ‘their terms’ which was basically a half-an-hour show with rockstar performances and stuff like that. And I said to MTV: ‘Nice offer, but it’s something we’re not into. We don’t do mainstream’. And up popped Bravo, ready to take us on.”</em> </p><p> </p><p> Extreme TV will be on Bravo, every Friday from 10PM and will feature some of The Extreme’s top talent such as: Tommy Dreamer, Homicide and ‘The Franchise’ Shane Douglas. Their first showing of Extreme TV will be on Friday, Week 1, April.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ...</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23058" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>THE EXTREME BLOG</strong><p> Posted by <span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Joel Johnson</span></span> Monday, Week One, February</p><p> </p><p> -Hello folks! And welcome to the ‘Extreme Blog’ and I am Joel Johnson, writing to you about the latest news and results in The Extreme. And I would like to gladly say; springtime is approaching us much like our inaugural pay-per-view, our return to television and ‘Hardcore Reborn’. But let’s deal with our return to television first…</p><p> </p><p> -Extreme TV returns and will be on Bravo at 10PM every Friday. And you will be able to see an hour of fast-paced, cutting-edge extreme action. And we will kick-off our television return with a big-time match-up. ‘The Notorious 187’ and Extreme World Champion Homicide will take on Raven in a one-on-one contest for The Extreme World Title. And if that’s not enough, we here at The Extreme are ready to introduce a new title into our company. The Extreme Television Title. Yes; The Extreme Television Title will have a holder by our first Pay-Per-View because we’re going to have a tournament. Twelve men will battle it out to see who gets to be the first title holder -- and we will find out who those participants are by the start of Extreme TV. Finally; in the main event -- we will be seeing Scott Norton go toe to toe with #1 Contender to the Extreme World Title: Sabu. Join us Friday night to see all of this and more!</p><p> </p><p> -With ‘Hardcore Reborn’ just overall a week away -- John Zandig has added matches to the already awesome looking card. And one of those matches that has the potential to be a classic is The Messiah versus the returning Thorne. Thorne, who went out at the ‘King Of Extreme’ back a few months ago with a torn rotator cuff; and it seems that he is ready and willing to return. But ‘The Devil of Tennesee’ will have to deal with a man on a warpath: The Messiah, who is definitely hellbent on getting a World Title shot. Which of the two will prevail in an attempt to get further to their goals?</p><p> </p><p> -Another match added is a World Tag Team Title Match. The match itself already looks to be a great one as Danny Doring and Roadkill have to defend their titles against the team of Bam Bam Bigelow and Balls Mahoney; the duo who came up short in December. These two teams look raring to go, but so do two other teams. After their impressive showing last month at ‘Motor City Massacre’; The Havana Pitbulls will take on another tag team yet to be announced. But Zandig has ensured us it’s going to be one hell of a team.</p><p> </p><p> -Moving on from ‘Hardcore Reborn’ we look forward to ‘Do Or Die’, our first pay-per-view. And a match that is surely going to get your taste buds tingling is the most dominant man in The Extreme right now: Scott Norton, taking on Raven. Norton, who has thus far this year been undefeated may need to look at the undefeated streak long and hard before going against possibly the only person that could end his streak; and the former Extreme World Champion: Raven, looks to do just that. Raven, the dark individual looks to give the fans a helluva show when he goes against the former IWGP Champion in a one-on-one match that will shake Manhattan or possibly the whole of New York!</p><p> </p><p> -I’m afraid that’s it for The Extreme Blog for this week. Join us next week to hear more news and action. Remember, you can buy tickets for our future television appearances, our pay-per-view: ‘Do Or Die’ or even ‘Hardcore Reborn’ on our website or at the door of the event. But remember: if you buy tickets at the door, you are not guranteed a decent seat in the event. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>HARDCORE REBORN</strong></p><p><strong> Held: The New Alhambra, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania</strong></p><ul><li><ul><li>Homicide© versus Sabu - <strong>Extreme World Title Match</strong><br /></li><li>The Messiah versus Thorne<br /></li><li>Danny Doring and Roadkill© versus Balls Mahoney and Bam Bam Bigelow<br /></li><li>Sonjay Dutt versus ??? - <strong>Sonjay Dutt’s International Challenge</strong><br /></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DO OR DIE</strong></p><p><strong> Held: Manhattan Center, New York City, New York</strong></p><ul><li><ul><li>John Zandig versus Abyss - <strong>Final Encounter, Squared Circle of Fear</strong><br /></li><li>Raven versus Scott Norton<br /></li></ul></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ...</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23058" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Extreme TV</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"> Friday, Week One, March</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"> Live From: Lynah Rink, New York</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> -Night kicks off with Rage Against The Machine’s “War Within A Breath” playing throughout the arena as Joel Gertner and Eric Garguilo introduced us to the show before handing us to our ring announcer: Ed O’Mac. The first match of Extreme TV’s return is a Extreme World Title Match, and right on cue of confirmation, the Extreme World Champion made his way out. The crowd cheered as he entered the ring, and pretty much done the same for Raven as the two had their introductions and finally got the title match underway.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Homicide© (Pinfall -> Cop Killa 10’23) Raven</strong> - Homicide retained his World Title in a tough match which at times seemed to be Raven’s victory. At the start, Homicide managed to outwrestle Raven and even lock him in the STF -- but Raven fought back and eventually hit a big time Knee Lift sending Homicide down on the canvas. Raven took control and kept on Homicide with many moves and submissions. ‘The Notorious 187’ thought he had gotten out of trouble when he reversed an Evenflow DDT attempt, but only got caught in the Cobra Clutch. Homicide eventually, after a minute, reached the ropes and battled back as the two ended up on the outside. Chair shots from Homicide followed and finally a Cop Killa on the outside ended it for Raven as the World Champion took the three count.</p><p> </p><p> -A commercial break followed the match, but afterwards, John Zandig is in the ring with eleven wrestlers: Trent Acid, Justin Credible, Super Dragon, Roadkill, Necro Butcher, Chris Hamrick, Simon Diamond, Sonjay Dutt, Sylvester Terkay, Julio Dinero and The Damaja. Zandig starts to ramble on about the television deal and such before moving onto the subject of the Television Title Tournament. He announced that these eleven out of the twelve men would be involved, but he quickly got on the case of one missing. Zandig announced that he had a surprise for the twelfth man. Soon, Zandig pointed the eleven men’s eyes to the screen and there was tournament brackets. And in Round 1 the matches would be: Trent Acid versus Chris Hamrick, Necro Butcher versus Roadkill, Sonjay Dutt versus Super Dragon, Sylvester Terkay versus Justin Credible, The Damaja versus Julio Dinero and Simon Diamond versus the mystery man. The first three matches were announced to be held live on this episode of Extreme TV. And the first match on the bracket was Trent Acid versus Chris Hamrick. A referee rushed down as Zandig and the other nine left the ring and the first round of the Television Title Tournament officially kicked off…</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Trent Acid (Pinfall -> Yakuza Kick 5’18) Chris Hamrick</strong> - A quick, high-flying encounter. Both men didn’t waste time in locking up, instead Acid made the first move trying to go for the Yakuza Kick but Hamrick blocked and hit a DDT. The other half of the Southern Comfort tag team went for the Dixie Drop but much like Acid’s attempt at the Yakuza Kick, it was reversed. ‘Confederate Currency’ caught ‘The International Superstar’ off guard with a Springboard Missile Dropkick seconds later before going for the Confederate Spike. Acid, who knew full well what was coming (after his many encounters with Hamrick) managed to hit a low blow and hit the Frankensteiner off the top rope. Acid then ‘tuned up the band’, yet again mocking Shawn Michaels, before hitting the match-ending Yakuza Kick.</p><p> </p><p> -Post-match, Acid grabbed a microphone and started to talk about ‘Motor City Massacre’. He claimed that The Sandman didn’t get his punishment for losing the match (10 strikes with the Singapore cane) and it would only be right that he’d get his punishment live on national television next week. We went to a commercial break and came back to see Roadkill inside the ring. The Amish wrestler waited for Necro Butcher to make his entrance, and when “Mental Health” hit the Lynah Ice Rink the crowd went crazy and Butcher ran out, slid inside the ring and started to brawl with Roadkill.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Necro Butcher (Submission -> Asiatic Spike 9’36) Roadkill</strong> - Brawling and only brawling. These two men remained on the outside for most of the match; they went into the crowd brawling. Butcher and Roadkill ended out in the ticket receiving area and Butcher threw Roadkill against everything before trying to attempt a Suplex. Roadkill broke out of it and threw Butcher into a wall before throwing him into the snack stand. Both men re-entered the ice rink and Butcher managed to fight back, and slammed Roadkill headfirst into the concrete steps. Finally, they reached ringside and the ring. Both men gave it their all in the final minutes, and Butcher received a Chokeslam. It looked to be it but when Roadkill brought a chair into the equation, Butcher moved out of the way from a shot to the face and got himself up before punching Roadkill in the face, snatching the chair and hitting a wicked chair-shot. The submission followed as Butcher raised Roadkill to a seated position and locked in the Asiatic Spike for the victory.</p><p> </p><p> -Once again, we returned from a commercial break and Shane Douglas (along with Trent Acid and Justin Credible) was in the ring. Douglas acknowledged the fans that at ‘Motor City Massacre’, he made a brutal mistake in taking Tommy Dreamer lightly. And as a result he lost the Steel Chain Match. ‘The Franchise’ reminisced about the match itself and how he nearly had Dreamer before telling everybody that he won’t let their little feud end.</p><p> </p><p> -A fade into the next segment happened, and Sonjay Dutt was backstage in the hallway. Once again on the phone to his agent. Apparantly, Sonjay tried to get a new deal in a much bigger wrestling company (American Wrestling Federation) but they wouldn’t hire him. This lead Sonjay to go on a rant about wrestling in bingo halls, ice rinks and on the outside with all the bugs in the grass and whatnot. His agent tells him that he can’t do nothing about it, and the Bollywood superstar throws his phone against the wall before walking to his next match which is the third and final match of this week’s Television Title matches. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Super Dragon (Pinfall -> Psycho Driver II 10’40) Sonjay Dutt</strong> - The actor got more than he bargained for when he took on Super Dragon. The crowd being obviously against the Bollywood superstar made it worse. Both men started off with the lock-up and then transitioned into a few short groundwork exchanges until Dragon completely outsmarted Dutt (who thought he had total control over him). Dragon lit Sonjay up with many stiff chops before sending his Bollywood drearier to the ropes. Dutt came back and met the Dragon’s Fire for a two. Dutt returned the favour with a Titl-a-Whirl DDT for a two. ‘Bollywood’ showed everyone his athletic side, hitting a Standing Moonsault; and when it hit he got a standing ovation, when he got up and bowed -- he was greeted with: ‘You Still Suck!’ chants. Dutt got the crowd on their feet once again, locking in a front facelock and lifting Dragon into the Suplex position, twisting him and then dropping him face first on his knee. It seemed to be it for our Californian wrestler as Dutt climbed to the top rope in hopes of hitting the Bollywood Press -- but Dragon moved at the last possible second, allowing Dutt to eat the canvas and allowing Super Dragon to set up for the Psycho Driver II and hit it for the victory and a trip to the Semi-Finals. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Scott Norton (Pinfall -> Powerbomb through a table 12’36) Sabu</strong> - The main event immediately followed the last match and both men got applause from the crowd. From the get go, Sabu ran circles around the much heavier Norton and at every corner knocked him down with offence only he can do. Norton on the other hand managed to knock Sabu out of the sky at every opportunity. Both men brought weapons into the match, and Sabu obviously brought the steel chair to the ring -- set it up and tried to hit the Air Sabu on the cornered Norton. But Norton caught him and dropped him on his shoulder with a Shoulderbreaker. Norton destroyed the steel chair by using Sabu’s body as he hit a Sidewalk Slam into the chair itself. A table was brought into the equation and set it up in the middle of the ring. Sabu hit him in the face by throwing the steel chair which sent Norton onto the table. ‘The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal’ Sabu grabbed another chair and set it up in the ring. He went for the Triple Jump Moonsault but Norton recovered, got off the table and sent him flying off the top rope to the outside. Norton took some time to regroup as Sabu entered the ring and then almost received a Lariat, but luckily he ducked and hit a Slingshot Crossbody. Sabu seemed to have the match going his way, and placed Norton on the table before going once again for the Triple Jump Moonsault. It didn’t happen. This time, he was stopped by Homicide who came from the crowd and took a cheap shot on Sabu whilst he was balancing on the top rope ready for the Moonsault. The shot itself was enough for ‘Extreme’s Evel Knievel’ to lose his balance and get crotched on the top rope. Taking advantage of this, Norton pulled Sabu from the top rope and hit the Powerbomb through the table for the victory.</p><p> </p><p> -The return of Extreme TV ended with Homicide speaking into a microphone about how he will kill Sabu at ‘Hardcore Reborn’ and how he would retain his title. The show ended on this note: ‘Sabu. You don’t scare me, your nothing but a punk ass bitch! Yeah, I said it. The great ECW legend is nothing compared to me. Your just a bitch! And I’ll embarrass your mother****in’ ass right in front of these fans at ‘Hardcore Reborn’ just watch me’.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ...</p>
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