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Stupid Richard Eisen. . .!!!

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wont let me resign Jack Bruce, because Bruce want $70,000 and Richard will only let me go up to $65,000 thats not including the fact that Bruce want no less than a 30% ppv and merchandise bonus, creative control, a Main Event title run AND travel expenses.



Eisen will let me give him all that but wont dish out an extra 5k for on of the Top Stars In The Company. what an idiot. :mad:

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i plan on it, I just dont get how he is willing to give bruce 30% of both the PPV and Merchandise revenue which could and probably would equal out to well over 5k, instead of just giving him the 5k. and less of a bonus
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Guest Bolton
You'd think ol' Rick Eisen would be happy splashing cash around for one of his top workers. Hey Bull, is the economy in your game weak? If it is, I think your problem may have something to do with that.
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