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Jobber to the Gods: DaVE in the Real World

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We interrupt your regularly schedueled youtube video for a word from Ken Anderson.


Ken Anderson is shown in his living room playing FPW, as himself beating down what looks like RVD.


"To all those who feared I was lost in the shuffle, fear not Ken Anderson




will wrestle at ReVVeD. As an apology for this overlook, management has allowed me to book 1 non title match at Danger and Violence Extreme. What will it be? I don't know yet, but I will after I whip ... Tomko ... wait, Tomko ... again.




Ken looks dissapointed as the shot fades.


-Ken in Control is a weekly web series found at YouTube.com keyword DaVE.

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Finalized the names of all my monthly PPV's:


Jan: Back in Black

Feb: Diamond in the Rough

Mar: Dogs of War

Apr: King of Extreme

May: Heaven and Hell

Jun: Happy F**king Birthday

Jul: Devour

Aug: ReVVeD

Sep: Danger and Violence Extreme #

Oct: Hardcore Hangover

Nov: Elevation

Dec: Fade to Black


I'll post that to the first post soon.


Also, show is written, will go up tomorrow.

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Welcome to JobberToTheGods.BlogMe.com, the official Blog of professional wrestler Diamond Dangerous.


1.7 DaVE ReVVeD


The screen shows a dirt road. A motorcycle is heard revving up, then driving over the dirt. Some cheers are heard as a splatter of blood covers the tracks. The DaVE ReVVeD logo fades onto the screen.






We have no “dark matches” as the arena is dark until the show starts to build excitement. With all the lights off, everyone is getting settled when a loud “crash” is heard. The spotlights go to the source of the sound, RVD in street clothes. He is standing near the ring steps holding his dragon chair and looking over the shocked crowd. Smirking he takes a mic off of the apron and climbs in the ring.


“Do I have everyone’s attention? Did I scare you?”


RVD rears back and throws the chair at the steel barricade, causing a few front row fans to scatter, including Sign Guy, who drops his Year of DaVE Dragon sign.


“Where you going? It’s me, R- V- D” The sarcasm is dripping at this point, as he goes to collect his chair and psyche out a few fans. He then grabs Heyman by the jacket collar, as Tazz and I tell him off.


“Everyone point and laugh at the performing monkey. The Owner claps and RVD must fight. The same owner who shows complete disrespect to the Ultimate Extremist RVD. The same owner who put himself in the six way title match instead of the Ultimate Extremist. The same owner who was the balls to use the Van Daminator, my move…”




He swings the chair back and Heyman cringes, but RVD simply drops the chair and reenters the ring. He looks almost sedated.


“But … I’m R- V- D. I’m Mr. Monday Night, the Whole Damn Show, One of a Kind… the Ultimate Extremist. There is no one I’m afraid of, and Mr. Owner you will get yours.”





Elijah Burke © vs. PJ Extreme

DaVE Brass Knuckles Championship

Hardcore Match


Anyone who thought this would be a fair fight is sadly mistaken. The EX7REME MONS7ERS come down to the ring (to there new theme, Scream by Avenged Sevenfold) together. All of them are carrying a chair. Burke comes down, and immediately sees he is outnumbered. His usual swagger is quickly replaced by doubt and quick calculation. That single moment of hesitation is all Extreme needs, rushing Burke with a flurry of kicks, with a swift chair shot landing as an exclamation point.


Despite Burke’s attempts to fight back, he was kept in control up to the point where he got a lucky shot in on Extreme. As the crowd encourages, Burke lands punch after punch. He looks like he might be getting some momentum, when Se7en distracts the ref whil REDRUM climbs in the ring, spins Burke around and double handed chokeslams him onto a chair. The dazed Extreme is able to roll over onto Burke and get the three count.


Winner: PJ Extreme




After the match Extreme sets up a table on the outside. During this time, Se7en sets Burke up on the ropes and hits the Kiss of Death. With the table set up, REDRUM lifts a unconscious Burke up and Double Handed Chokeslams him to the outside, through the ring. The MONS7ERS pose in the ring, as PJ Extreme holds the Brass Knuckles title high.


E+ (OW!)



Balls Mahoney and Chris Harris vs. Broadway and Compton


To be honest, this was a time waster match to put a bubble between the title matchs. The two faces played to the crowd a lot, while Broadway and Compton played the young heel well. In the end, Balls hit the Nutcracker Suite on Broadway to get the victory.


Winner: Balls Mahoney and Chris Harris





MONS7ERS vs. Texans

DaVE Tag Team Championship


Once again, to think the EX7REME MONS7ERS would play fair would be a foolish mistake. The Texans didn’t realize what they where getting into, but looked less rattled than Burke was. The match started with Se7en fighting Murdock. It was a brawl early, with Se7en being beating pillar to pillar. He was able to make a tag, and REDRUM plodded into the ring. Murdock and REDRUM brawled there way to Murdock hitting a sloppy looking Texan Spinebuster on the larger REDRUM. Feigning injury from lifting the big man, Murdock was able to distract the ref long enough for Cade to wail two or three times on REDRUM with brass knuckles.


As the ref turns back, REDRUM is staring at his hand. It is red, from the blood dripping down his face. After staring for a few minutes, Murdock hits a stiff punch to the jaw, but REDRUM in unphased. Another big punch, and REDRUM takes it. Finally, REDRUM screams, and grabs Murdock by the throat. Lifting him high, he hits a huge double handed chokeslam. He lifts Murdock again, and casually tosses him towards Cade who tags in.


REDRUM runs strait at Cade, but Cade keeps away from the MONS7ER, looking to tire him out. It seems as if the strategy works, because after a few minutes REDRUM looks sluggish. Cade seizes the opportunity and begins to beat REDRUM down. Extreme jumps in the ring, but Cade clotheslines him out of the ring. Se7en jumps in, but Cade clotheslines him as well. REDRUM is up, and a clothesline for him in the center of the ring! Behind Cade slips Rob Van Dam, and RVD nails a vicious chair shot. Then another! And again. Cade falls, as REDRUM stirs and the ref forces RVD out of the ring. REDRUM hits the double handed chokeslam on Cade, and pins the fallen foe.


Winner: MONS7ERS




Boos rain down apon the four men who stand in the ring, Se7en, REDRUM, PJ Extreme and RVD. They each hold there title belts high, as I ramble on about whether RVD is really the forth member of the EX7REME MONS7ERS. (He is.)





Ken Anderson vs. Tomko


As a bit of a twist, this is a normal 1 on 1 match. Anderson does his normal introduction, while Tomko scowls in the corner. Tomko starts this match like a man with something to prove. He knows this is his best chance to get a win over Anderson, as the Hardcore environment negates size advantages. Tomko hits a bunch of body shots and a couple of suplexes, leaving Anderson in a bad way. The crowd tries to rally behind there favorite, but to no avail. Tomko keeps building offense, and looks to put it away.


Except Anderson rolls to the outside. Using Tomko’s overconfidence and as much of the ten count as he can, he recouperates. Once back inside, Anderson is on fire. A flurry of punches, followed by “The Move That Got Me Fired”. With Tomko down, Anderson surprises everyone by trying to get an armbar. He locks it in, but Tomko is to close to the ropes, and gets the ropebreak. As Tomko rises, Anderson hits a running forearm. With Tomko down, Anderson quickly rises, and hits a big Kenton Bomb to keep Tomko down long enough for the pin.


Winner: Ken Anderson




http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/DAVE/ColtCabana.jpghttp://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/DAVE/D-LoBrown2.jpghttp://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/DAVE/vs.jpghttp://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/DAVE/UltimoDragon.jpghttp://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/DAVE/MontyBrown.jpg W/http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/DAVE/HirokoSuzuki.jpg

Colt Cabana and D-Lo Brown vs. Dave Dragon Jr. and Monty Brown w/ Hiroko Suzuki

Hardcore Tag Match


A pretty good match between some people who are right on the cusp of being Main Event. We start with Cabana taking on Dragon. Much to the surprise of everyone, Cabana is able to hang with the veteran, almost going punch for punch. After a series ending with a DDT by Dragon, Monty Brown is tagged in. Cabana gets up slowly, and Brown sees the advantage for the Pounce! Brown hooks the youngsters legs, but Dragon runs in and breaks up the pin.


Monty gets in Dragons face, but Dragon simply points at D’Lo Brown. Monty looks at D’Lo and clearly not impressed hewaves D’Lo off dismissively. However, in the time the pair spent arguing, Cabana gets to D’Lo, and tags him in. As Dragon exits the ring, Monty is blindsided by D’Lo. D’Lo slaps Monty around a bit, and shows him up.


D’Lo goes to the top rope, but as he is on his way down Hiroko reaches in and pulls Monty out of harms way and into Dragon’s corner. Dragon tags in and runs over the downed D’Lo. When he reaches the ropes he springboards and hits a crisp Dragonsault onto the downed D’Lo.


Winner: Dave Dragon Jr. and Monty Brown




As D’Lo collects himself, he hears a familiar sound.




Ken Anderson walks out from behind the curtain.


“D’Lo, D’Lo, D’Lo. That’s three losses in a row. Meanwhile, I have three wins. Three! That’s how many losses you have. I wasn’t kidding when I told you that the person who would dominate DaVE is Keeeeeeeen Anddeeeeeeeeeerson.”


D’Lo looks unamused.







Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu

DaVE Ultimate Extreme Championship

Hardcore Match


Once again, not a fair fight. Flanked by his cronies, RVD shows why “there is none he is afraid of”. Sabu is a great fighter, with a great heart, but Van Dam doesn’t even fight for the first ten minutes of match. Sabu is busy contending with the three other EX7REME MONS7ERS while RVD joins us on commentary. (Actually we berate him while he calls the action). Eventually Sabu looks like he is getting the upper hand, so RVD grabs his chair and enters the fray.


Sabu feels him coming though and ducks the swing. RVD hits PJ Extreme so hard Extreme becomes a non issue for the rest of the match. Sabu then takes it to Rob, RED and Se7en. Hitting the Arabian Facebuster on Se7en, Sabu looks to ride the momentum and go after Rob. However, REDRUM has his title belt, and cleans Sabu’s clock with it. A dazed RVD climbs to the top rope and hits a desperation Frog Splash. He hooks the legs.


1 …


2 …


Kickout! Sabu just will not quit. REDRUM lifts Sabu for the double handed chokeslam, but Sabu intelligently counters by kicking RED between the legs. With all four EX7REME MONS7ERS down, Sabu looks to set up a table between the ring and the baracade. He beats Rob with a chair twice, then rolls him onto the table. Climbing the top rope he stares at his friend. After a nod and a point to the sky, he leaps and legdrops through RVD and the table.

The crowd is going crazy as Sabu rolls RVD in the ring and limps over to pin. However he is met with a big boot from REDRUM. RED lifts Sabu high up and this time hits the double handed chokeslam. REDRUM runs to Rob and slaps his face. Rob snaps to attention and climbs to the top rope.


Five Star Frog Splash.








Winner: Rob Van Dam





J-Mal Ekmo vs. The Owner



The Owner comes out in the same garb as last month. Meanwhile, J-Mal looks like he has a lot of pride, as the match starts with him destroying the Owner indiscriminately. Luckily for the Owner, J-Mal cared little for the man underneath the mask, as he had several opportunities to unmask the Owner but focused on attacking him. The Owner took tons and tons of punishment, but J-Mal never seemed to put him away. Eventually J-Mal tired as the Owner looked to just be getting going. Punch after punch hit as J-Mal staggered. A huge dropkick finally felled the large Samoan. The owner goes to the top rope and hits a big Five Star Frog Splash on J-Mal, keeping him down for the three count.


Winner: The Owner




RVD comes out mock clapping.


“Okay, big shot, you want to disrespect me? RVD vs. the Owner, for the DaVE Ultimate Extreme Championship at Danger and Violence Extreme 1! I will massacre you!”


The Owner simply nods and makes the “I’m taking the belt” motion as he walks to the back.




Overall: B-

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Colt Cabana and D'Lo Brown vs. Dave Dragon Jr. and Monty Brown

You'd never know it from my picks, but I'm actually a big Colt fan. Suzuki having Hiroko by his side tips the balance, and the Dragon wins again. Big build up until Ultimo Dragon storms the scene.


Elijah Burke © vs. PJ Extreme - Brass Knuckles Championship

This one should be messy, but I don't see Elijah losing the title just yet.


MONS7ERS vs. Texans © - Tag Team Championship

However, I can see PJ coming back and helping Rellik and Se7en win some gold. Not saying he will, but it could happen. :p


Rob Van Dam © vs. Sabu - Ultimate Extreme Championship

He's Suicidal, he's homicidal, he's genocidal, he's ... just had a chair kicked in his face. lol


J-Mal Ekmo vs. The Owner

This eliminates Joey Styles, Paul Heyman, and Eric Bischoff from the potentials list. Is it Jim Force? It's Jim Force, isn't it?


4/5, and I bet if you knew Burke signed a written with TNA you'd have gotten a perfect.


Colt Cabana and D'Lo Brown vs. Dave Dragon Jr. and Monty Brown

Elijah Burke © vs. PJ Extreme - Brass Knuckles Championship

MONS7ERS vs. Texans © - Tag Team Championship

Rob Van Dam © vs. Sabu - Ultimate Extreme Championship

J-Mal Ekmo vs. The Owner


2/5 Lots of unpredictability as I try to focus on the EX7REME MONS7ERS holding all the titles.

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Welcome to JobberToTheGods.BlogMe.com, the official Blog of professional wrestler Diamond Dangerous.


1.8 Approaching the Summit

  • Brother Devon takes the Legands belt off of AJ Styles on Impact.
  • Impact will now be shown on Mexican station are.
  • MONDAY NIGHT WAR! ROH ThROHdown will debut soon, late evenings on Monday. Let the WWE Universe be invaded by ROHbots.
  • Finlay and Dave Taylor retire.
  • DaVE held ReVVeD in Las Vegas. This B- show was headlined by the match of the night, The Owner, still a mystery even to us at TEW, went over J-Mal Ekmo in a B rated match. Also on the card was RVD retaining over Sabu(C+), REDRUM and Se7en winning the tag titles over the Texans (D+), and PJ Extreme winning the Brass Knuckles title over the departing Elijah Burke in a D+ match. Also the owner will face RVD for the title at Danger and Violence Extreme. Word is he will wrestle unmasked.
  • TNA signed Elijah Burke to an exclusive contract.
  • WWE held Summerslam in Rupp Arena. It received a B+. Carlito and Primo defeated Haas and Benjamin for the unified titles(B-), Tommy Dreamer defeated The Brian Kendrick for the ECW title(B-). Maryse defeated Kelly Kelly for the Divas title(C-). MVP defeated Kofi Kingston for the US Title (B). Christian defeated Finlay for the WWE Heavyweight title (C+). In the match of the night and Main Event, CM Punk defeated Kane for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship (A)
  • WWE sign Ken Doane and PJ Extreme (PJ Polanco) and send them to FCW.
  • WWE signs Paul London.
  • TNA held Hard Justice, which rated a disappointing B-. Angelina Love defeated Ayako Hamada to retain the Knockout’s Title (D-), Team 3D defeated Dainiels and Suicide to retain the TNA World Tag Team Titles (B-), and Kevin Nash defeated Bobby Lashley to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Title (B-). Match of the night was buried in the first hour, when Booker T defeated Mick Foley (A).
  • Cody Rhodes won the ECW title on RAW over Tommy Dreamer.
  • Nobuko Takada retires.
  • Morrison and Helms turn heel.


Well, looky there, it seems as if our big show did just as well as TNA's big show. Although, I must admit our arguement for being the number 3 company went out the window with ThROHdown. Ah well, we will grow and prosper.


We lost a lot to the Big Two, with Burke, Doane, London and our Brass Knuckles Champion PJ Extreme all leaving.


Still, Danger and Violence Extreme is shaping up to be an epic night.





In the Main Event, a culmantion of an on going four month struggle, the Owner will go one on one with DaVE Ultimate Extreme Champion Rob Van Dam. I may be the only man who knows who the owner is, and let me tell you, this is a match you don't want to miss. Oh, and one thing. The owner has made sure that Paul Heyman books this as a hardcore match.





That's not all the owner did. I have news strait from the man that he hired two men that "where not easy to convince to join him" however "when I showed them the recent actions of Rob, they listened." Even I have no idea who these men are, but with the entire EX7REME MONS7ERS against them, they had better be prepared for a hellacious table match, a match tht plays right into the monsterous size and number advantage of the EX7REME MONS7ERS.




In a huge edition of Ken in Control, Ken Anderson named the match he booked for Danger and Violence Extreme 1 this last week. He calls it the Extreme Rising Glory match, and it is based off of his shining moment in Connecticut. Six men in the match, with the ring surrounded by tables, ladders and chairs. In the middle of the ring is a highly secure scaffold over ten feet high. The goal is to use a ladder to get to the scaffold, and leap and grab the two by four hanging about eight feet above the scaffold. All this for a guaranteed title match at the time of your choosing.




We here at DaVE management call this a something to prove match. Both men have something to prove after losing in the dual Main Event at ReVVeD. Will the Hardcore Icon, the Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal Maniac Sabu take a big step foward, or will J-Mal use this huge stage to prove he should be in the title hunt?





Although Nick Dinsmore has seemed ... off lately, he is a fine wrestler. Management saw fit to put him in this match, and to be truthful, the man debuting asked to face Dinsmore. So, instead of making it a throw away match, we made it a title match. So it'll be Nick Dinsmore vs. a debuting former Connecticut wrestler for the DaVE Brass Knuckles Championship in a regular match.


((Yes, I did kind of spam the page today, and I'm sorry, but I got a lot on my plate for the next few days, and today is the best time for me to dynstize. Also, Danger and Violence Extreme 1 will be the end of Chapter 1. As always, feedback = appreciated :) ))




??? vs. Nick Dinsmore

DaVE Brass Knuckles


J-Mal Ekmo vs. Sabu

Hardcore Match


Dave Dragon Jr. vs. D'Lo Brown vs. Ken Anderson vs. Monty Brown vs. Texan Cade vs. Texan Murdock

Extreme Rising Glory Match



??? and ??? vs. EX7REME MONS7ERS (REDRUM and Se7en)

Tag Team Championship

Table Match


The Owner vs. Rob Van Dam ©

Ultimate Extreme Championship

Hardcore Match

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Wow, you were pillaged. Vince must've read the thread, thought "well, he likes these guys, lemme steal them and Sign Guy will follow." Devious! And poor Burke is gonna end up jobbing to Kong. Silly Burke! lol


??? vs. Nick Dinsmore

DaVE Brass Knuckles

Not sure who the former Ct. wrestler is, as I don't recall any recent releases, but that might be on purpose. Either way, Dinsmore is still finding his footing, and my guess is he's gonna slip a little on this climb.


J-Mal Ekmo vs. Sabu

Hardcore Match

Sabu lost a heartbreaker to RVD, and I don't think he's done with his chasing for the gold just yet.


Dave Dragon Jr. vs. D'Lo Brown vs. Ken Anderson vs. Monty Brown vs. Texan Cade vs. Texan Murdock

Extreme Rising Glory Match

It'd be silly to pick against Mr. Anderson in his own match, and if he ever hopes to be the face of DaVE, he's gonna need to look stellar in these matches.


??? and ??? vs. EX7REME MONS7ERS (REDRUM and Se7en)

Tag Team Championship

Table Match

They just won the titles, and with Credible jumping back to the `E to wrestle 19 year olds, and a floundering Jesse, a chunk of momentum has been stripped away. This match against the unknowns help them regain said momentum.


The Owner vs. Rob Van Dam ©

Ultimate Extreme Championship

Hardcore Match

`cause he's the whole flippin' show? :p I might hit him with my "I'm The Owner!" sign, though.

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Prophet, I keep seeing messages about rumors of Burke getting a big push in TNA. Also, Kong's busy jobbing to Love and Ayako in TNA. Makes me want a woman's division, just to set things strait.


Found out today that'll I'll be working tomorrow. That was my only day off this week, so it may be a bit o' time before the show is posted. I do have a Ken in Control to post first, and with luck that'll go up tomorrow.


Predictions and feedback welcome :)

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Prophet, I keep seeing messages about rumors of Burke getting a big push in TNA. Also, Kong's busy jobbing to Love and Ayako in TNA. Makes me want a woman's division, just to set things strait.


I'll believe it when you post Burke winning a title. :p


And Kong jobbing to Angelina Love makes me cry a little. lol

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Ken Anderson sits on a couch, behind him a Danger and Violence Extreme 1 poster.


"Extreme. Rising. Glory."


He smiles, proud of himself for the match he thought up.


"Tables. Ladders. Chairs. Scaffolding. An all important 2 by 4. Oh, and the participants...


Ken Anderson ... Anderson. The greatest talent in the world today.


The Texans, Cade and Murdock, two big ole' boys who can brawl with the best of them, and are bitter over the way they lost last month.


Dave Dragon Jr. The strong and silent type who dominated D'Lo two months in a row now.


D'Lo Brown. Big talk, no walk. Only in this match so I can kick his ass.


Finally Monty Brown, a man on the verge of ..."


A voice is barely audable from off screen.


"He what? WWE? FCW? Out of the match!?!





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1.9: Danger and Violence Extreme 1




Danger and Violence Extreme 1


??? defeated Tomko ? D


Motor City Machine Guns defeated Balls Mahoney and Chris Harris - D+




The show starts with a roar, as Ken Anderson makes his way down to the ring in Atlantic City.


"How are we in Atlantic City? Ready to see some ****ing amazing wrestling?"


The crowd approves.


"How about that Rising Glory Match? How about six men going at it in the ring to get to the scaffold to get to the two by four, to have a shot at the champion, whenever they choose?"


The crowd approves again.


"Now we got the Texans, two big men who know how to fight on the big stage, and are not afraid to fight a bit dirty. We got D?Lo Brown, who has been put in this match simply so I can put him in his place. Dave Dragon Jr, a hell of a competitor. And... wait ?"


Anderson stops as if thinking.


"Oh, right ... this man...


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj_UKal5AOQ&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj_UKal5AOQ&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

"Still, no matter how good they are, they stand no chance against Keeeeeeeeeeeeen Anderrrrson!




Rob Van Dam's music starts up and he marches to the ring with a mic.


"Cute, Ken, cute. I should sue you for stealing my gimmick." He points to himself and mouths his name.


"Also glad to see DaVE becoming a Philadelphia retirement home. Makes it easier to hold onto my belt here. How's your belt holding up? Oh right ..."


"After I win my match tonight..."


"Nothing. After you win you will have to get through layers of MONS7ERS just to get to the EX7REME!"




After both Van Dam and Anderson walk to the back, a newcomer walks out... it.s Sensational Sean Morley. With a boa around his neck and a fancy robe he struts to the ring.


"Ladies and Gentlemen ... especially the ladies ... savor this day, because you got to see Sensational Sean Morley win the Brass Knuckles Championship. Even myself, in all my magnificence, could not have imagined debuting with a title shot. Just shows how smart DaVE management is. I mean I obviously have the looks, the skills and the ... experience."


As he says experience he leers at a young lady in the crowd.


"... to be a huuuuge star in DaVE. I demanded to face Nick Dinsmore. He's pathetic, a joke.'Sorry for Eugene' how about sorry for existing. Dinsmore, you will be the first of many to fall to the Sensational Stretch, and it couldn't happen to a more pathetic guy."






Nick Dinsmore vs. Sensational Sean Morley

Brass Knuckles Championship


Dinsmore comes out looking angry. It seems as if he doesn?t enjoy being mocked, but it also seems as if Morley doesn?t care. They start off with some real wrestling take downs, arm drags and the like. Dinsmore seems to be coming out the better, so Morley switches it up to a brawling style. Slowly, Morley takes apart Dinsmore with some heavy-handed punches. A big old sidewalk slam and Dinsmore is down.


With Dinsmore down, Morley takes the boots to the downed man. After spinning Dinsmore on his stomach he clubs into the back of the head and back. In a seated position above Dinsmore's back Morley grabs his right leg and pulls it out away from Dinsmore's body and up. Not wanting to take the pain, Dinsmore taps and Morley is our third Brass Knuckles champions. Fun Fact: All three were former WWE Superstars.


Winner: Sensational Sean Morley







Tag Team Championship

Table Match


The crowd goes crazy for Team 3D as they walk to the ring. They smirk, knowing that whatever advantage the EX7REME MONS7ERS had in a table match is now gone. RVD leads his monsters out to the ring, but the three stop when they see Bubba Ray and Devon inviting them to the ring. They continue on, but slower now. Less confident.


The match begins with TNA Legands champ Devon going blow for blow with Se7en. Se7en seems to be much improved, being able to trade shots and stay standing. A slight distraction by RVD give REDRUM enough time to throw Se7en a chair. Se7en chairshots Devon, and all hell brakes loose.


Bubba Ray decides he doesn't need to wait for a tag to enter the ring. With a huge clothesline he downs Se7en. REDRUM enters the ring, but he too is downed. Meanwhile RVD sets up a couple of tables ringside. Soon he jumps into the ring and blindsides Bubba Ray. With a big Irish Whip he sends Bubba into the ropes, and with a huge spinning jump kick he sends Bubba over and through a table! With the rules being the team whose member goes through a table first loses, the EX7REME MONS7ERS eek out a cheap win.






Van Dam calls for a mic as the Dudleys walk angrily away.


"That's it, Mr. Owner, Mr. Mysterious Owner, that's the best you got? The Dudleys? More washed up Philadelphia has beens. Legands title holder ..."


RVD spits.


"I am Mr. Monday Night, the ... Ultimate ... Extremist ... Rob ... Van ... Dam.


I personally hope you are some failed Phily guy. Sandman. Dreamer. Raven. I don't really give a flying ****. I carried all you guys."


Van Dam looks directly at Tazz.


"ALL of you guys, and the only reason I'm here in DaVE is to prove that to you. Mr. Owner, when I defeat you tonight I will prove why they call me the Whole ... Damn ... Show!"





J-Mal Ekmo vs. Sabu

Hardcore Match


Both men look intense as the match begins. They circle around each other, neither flinching or backing away. Sabu is the first to act, rushing J-Mal and surprising him with a series of punches. After brawling J-Mal into a corner, Sabu climbes to the top, probably to do a bulldog. I say probably, because J-Mal simply shoves him off the top rope.


With J-Mal in control the pace of the match slows down slightly. J-Mal uses power move after power move, trying to drive the fight out of Sabu. He even goes to the outside and grabs a bag, and sprinkles thumbtacks on the ring. Hoisting Sabu onto his shoulders, he delivers a brutal Samoan Slam onto the tacks. As Sabu screams, J-Mal drags him over to table set up by RVD in the tag match. A worker is quickly sweeping the tacks away, but J-Mal intimidates him away, grabs the broom and breaks it over Sabu the keep him down. He climbs to the top rope and jumps to deliver a huge Samoan Splash ... but Sabu moved!


Sabu looks to recover, but J-Mal is too quick with his own recovery. Sabu tries to overwhelm J-Mal, but the big man simply overpowers the Extremist as they brawl back into the ring. J-Mal catches Sabu by the hair and delivers a quick and deadly Samoan Spike. With Sabu down, J-Mal drags him to a corner. Standing in the other corner J-Mal looks ready to run, but stops. He exits the ring and grabs a chair. Positioning the chair in front of the lifeless Sabu, he walks back to his corner. Running full speed, he kicks though the chair, sending it into Sabu's face. The pin is acedemic.


Winner: J-Mal Ekmo





Dave Dragon Jr. vs. D'Lo Brown vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Ken Anderson vs. Texan Cade vs. Texan Murdock

Extreme Rising Glory Match


Cade and Murdock look like they are going to work together this match, taking a lesson from there defeat at Devour. Dragon and D'Lo seem to be at each others throat before the match begins, so Anderson looks to Jerry Lynn to help him hold off the Texans. The bells rings and chaos ensues. Dragon and D'Lo immediately begin beating on each other, going blow for blow. Meanwhile the Texans race towards the two faces and clothesline them both down. Lynn and Anderson recover quickly, and we have a real brawl going. Jerry starts getting a huge advantage over Murdock, while Anderson and Cade go back and forth.


D'Lo gets Dragon down and goes to set up a table. Dragon doesn?t stay down long though, and he turns D?Lo around and kicks D'Lo around. Lynn picks up where D'Lo left off, setting up not one but two tables. Dragon gets the first ladder set up, but D'Lo doesn't let him begin to climb. After some big clotheslines, D'Lo begins to climb. The Texans are begin to lose their advantage to Anderson and Lynn, but neither twosome notices D'Lo climbing. Dragon however, does and climbs quickly up after him.


D'Lo and Dragon get to the scaffolding and begin to battle for the two by four. Lynn and Anderson both notice D'Lo and Dragon fighting, but have different responses. Anderson rushes to a ladder, while Lynn smirks and puts Murdock on a table. D'Lo beings to pull the advantage over Dragon, and grabs him by the shoulder accessories. With a shove he throws Dragon off of the scaffolding and onto Murdock and through the table. Anderson is almost up the ladder when D'Lo sees him. D?Lo eyes the 2 by 4, and eyes Anderson. With a running start D'Lo runs towards Anderson, and leaps. The ladder falls and both men collapse on the ground clutching their backs.


The two men remaining are Cade and Lynn. Lynn starts off by reseting the ladder, not thinking Cade is up yet. Cade blindsides Lynn and starts to rise up the ladder. Lynn begins to follow. It's a race up the ladder, and Cade wins. Lynn is almost up when the lights go off. A few screams are heard around the arena, and finally the lights kick back on to show the ladder down, Lynn on the ground and Texan Cade holding the two by four high above his head.


Winner: Texan Cade




Anderson is retreating to the back when D'Lo hits him right in the shoulder tattoo with a chair. D'Lo stands over the fallen Anderson.


"Kenny, baby, what happened? You can't even win your own MATCH? Meanwhile I can still win mine, see I consulted DaVE management and told them I?d like the power to book a match, seeing how I hadn't been in a title match recently, and was screwed out of my shot by a pale haired Dwane Johnson wannabe. So, at Danger and Violence Extreme 1 we will have D'Lo Brown vs. Ken Anderson in a falls count anywhere match ... starting now!"




D'Lo Brown vs. Ken Anderson

Falls Count Anywhere


D'Lo immediately begins beating the downed superstar, punishing him for weeks of verbal abuse. While doing this he doesn't see Dave Dragon Jr. blindside him with a chair, inadvertently evening the odds for Anderson.


Anderson is first to his feet. He asks the fan nearest him for his chair, and the fan obliges. Ken takes a second to sign it, then nails D?Lo with it once, twice ... three times. He returns it to the fan, and lifts a staggering D'Lo up onto his shoulders. Ken slowly walks his way to the stage. He walks to the edge of the stage, and jumps. Green Bay Plunge onto the concrete! D?Lo?s not moving! Ken hooks the leg.


Winner: Ken Anderson



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Chapter 1 Grand Finale


Rob Van Dam comes out with his dragon chair, surprisingly alone.


"So, Mr. Owner … no more games. No more shrouds. Just you … and me. I promise no interference. However, before you reveal yourself, I wanted to say something."


RVD holds the Ultimate Extreme Championship high.


"It’s ironic you named this the Ultimate Extreme Championship. It foreshadows the domination I would have over DaVE. DaVE is the new home of the brave, land of the extreme, the new Philadelphia. Mr. Owner, you should have known there is no one more extreme than Rob Van Dam."


Keep you in the dark you know they all … pretend


The Pretender by Foo Fighters is quickly overpowered by the revving of a motorcycle. The Owner, in his all black get up powers the lime green motocross bike out the curtain and down to the ring. He revs it again before kicking down the stand and hoping off. Taking off his helmet he reveals …





























Jeff takes off the black hoodie to show his trademark armbands. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and gives the crowd “the gunz”. Rob looks a bit tentative now, and Jeff just stares him down.






Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam

Ultimate Extreme Championship

Hardcore Match


Jeff starts the match aggressively, taking the fight to Van Dam. A couple of quick forearms shots leave RVD dazed. Jeff quickly goes to the second rope and leaps, hoping to score an early leg drop. RVD rolls out of the way, leaving the ground bare for Hardy’s landing. RVD is up quickly and lands a quick kick to the head of Hardy. Hardy is struggling to get up as RVD’s kicks keep raining down. Eventually rising, with a bit of desperation, Hardy hits a small clothesline that barely knocks Rob off his feet.


Rob is quick to his feet, but the move gave Jeff time to get away. He slides out of the ring and grabs a chair, all the while RVD is chasing him. Jeff turns and swings, but Van Dam ses it coming and leaps atop the barricade. Utilizing great balance, Rob is able to lunge at Jeff, with the chair sliding innocently away. Both men are down and dazed, and the fans begin to pull for Jeff to get up. Despite all this, Rob gets up first, and he gets to the chair. Quickly he throws the chair at a now standing Hardy, but Hardy swats the chair away and catches RVD’s kick attempt. With an elbow to the thigh Hardy is back on the offensive, with RVD reeling in pain from the leg.


Hardy continues his attack with an elbow to the temple, followed by a quick jab. RVD is reeling back towards the announcer’s desk. Grabbing a monitor from the desk, Hardy lines up the shot and smacks Van Dam right in the head. Van Dam goes down grabbing his head, blood coming out. After a couple of forearm shots, Jeff rolls Van Dam onto the announcer’s table. Paul, Tazz and I scatter as Jeff Hardy goes to the top turnbuckle.


Paul: No!


Tazz: Yes!


Diamond: Swanton … missed!


As Jeff was in midair, RVD barely found the strength to roll out of the way. Hardy crashed through the unforgiving wooden structure and strait to the concrete floor. Sensing he had an opportunity, RVD wiped the blood from his eyes and stumbled to a table. Dragging it to Jeff, he begins to set it up. Taking a steel chair, he bashes Jeff in his famous multicolored hair and drags him to the table. After pointing to himself he runs to the top turnbuckle.


Paul: Rob … Van … Dam!


Tazz: No, come on Jeff! MOVE!


Diamond: Frog Splash … missed!


Jeff to was able to avoid the big move. After regaining his sense, Hardy picks up the groggy Van Dam and rolls him into the ring. In the middle of the ring he picks up Van Dam. Twist of Fate! Twist of Fate! Hardy covers!











Jeff is stunned that Van Dam is still going. He picks up RVD, but his Twist of Fate is reversed into an atomic drop. A quick spinning heel kick and Hardy is down. Van Dam makes the signal for Rolling Thunder. He hits the big move, and immediately goes for the cover.













Van Dam wastes no time. He climbs to the top rope and leaps. In seemingly a second, Van Dam is airborn! Five Star Frog Splash connects! Van Dam hooks the leg.










3! No! Kickout! That close!


Van Dam once again goes to the top, but Jeff found his second wind. Following RVD closely Hardy grabs RVD when he jumps up to the top turnbuckle. With RVD getting up, Jeff climbs quickly. Beautiful looking Whisper in the Wind drops RVD. Jeff climbs to the top again.


Paul: C’mon Rob! Don’t let this freak win!


Tazz: Jeff leaps!


Diamond: RVD moves!


Hardy crashes hard, but bounces up as if he didn’t feel the pain. He runs to a now standing Van Dam … clothesline. Van Dam gets up, and Hardy sets up the Twist of Fate. Van Dam shows his ring presence by pushing Hardy away. Hardy counters by hitting the ropes and nailing Van Dam with another clothesline. Hardy climbs to the top.


Paul: Move! Move, Rob!


Taz: What’s this?


Paul: Completely disrespectful, that’s Rob’s shtick.


Tazz: Jeff Har Dy! Ha Ha! Jeff jumps!


Diamond: Five Star Frog Splash connects!


1 …













3! We have a new champion!


Winner: Jeff Hardy




Hardy grabs the belt and holds it high over his head. After Rob exits the ring area, the ring help invites the fans to the ring and Jeff shakes each and every one of there hands, takes a picture with them and signs it. Every fan goes home happy.




Show: B-


End of Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Epilouge


Yeah, Jeff Hardy. I'm a huge mark, I know.


In actuality the whole idea for this dynasty started in the dog pound. Whilst reading on the firing of Ken Anderson and Umaga someone mentioned the Big E might lose Jeff Hardy too. My mind started spinning. What if some small company got Jeff, Umaga and Ken. They'd be set for a main event.


For a few days I pondered on this and that is how DaVE was born.


I made a few wrestlers and personalities on written, but other than those I pulled the rest from free agency.


As for the future, well as you can probably see works been a life sucking sucubus recently. I want to play throw the entirity of Chapter 2's story before begining Chapter 2.


So, for a bit I'm probably going to take a break from writing.


In that time, perhaps some feedback on the shows. Presentation, storylines, writing quality (which has gone down a pathetic amount since I wrote my novel :(). I know it's kind of ... sad to beg for comments, but I'm using this dynasty to entertain you all, make my DaVE game more realistic and improve my writing. The final reason beihg why I'd like comments.


Thanks and hope you all enjoyed Chapter 1,


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Darn rumor mills misled me! lol


I didn't expect Hardy, and the match with RVD was really well done. The only thing I'd like to see a little more of is the world outside. Like did the `E steal people from other organizations or free agency, or was it purely pilfering from the pool of DaVE? Other than that, I think it's great. :D

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Darn rumor mills misled me! lol


I didn't expect Hardy, and the match with RVD was really well done. The only thing I'd like to see a little more of is the world outside. Like did the `E steal people from other organizations or free agency, or was it purely pilfering from the pool of DaVE? Other than that, I think it's great. :D


No, mostly us. I think the only steal from TNA was Jay Lethal. I don't think they stole from ROH, who by November is a major player.

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Welcome to JobberToTheGods.BlogMe.com, the official Blog of professional wrestler Diamond Dangerous.


2.1 The Worst Part is Always the Hangover


WWE sign Monty Brown and send him to FCW.


Bryan Danielson turned heel for ROH.


BG James has passed away. He was 40.


Sting announces his retirement in a months time.


WWE held Breaking Point, which was the epitome of a throw away PPV. The only non MOTN title defense was Christian defeating MVP to retain the WWE Heavyweight (B). Match of the Night was CM Punk defeating John Morrison to retain the World Heavyweight title in an A match. The show still rated a B.


ROH matched WWE’s B with Death before Dishonor. The American Wolves defeated Up in Smoke to retain the Tag Titles in a C+ match, and in the match of the night, Roderick Strong went over Jerry Lynn and Jimmy Rave to retain the World Heavyweight title. A fantastic way for ROH to segway into the new weekly TV show, ROH ThROHdown on HDNet Fights, Mondays at 11.


WWE signs Petey Williams and sends him to FCW.


Bob Holly retires without getting that one last run.


TNA held No Surrender, a C+ rated show. Suicide retained the X Division belt over Eric Young (D+), Angelina Love retained over Sojourner Bolt (E+), Brother Devon retained the Legands belt over Doug Williams (C+) and Kevin Nash retained over Brother Ray ©. Match of the night was Lashley defeating Kurt Angle and Booker T, in an A match. Sting got in a win in likely his final PPV match, with Rhino over The Motor City Machine Guns (B).



We failed to make the news ... I wrote a kind e-mail to TEW.com hoping to have this situation rectified, as we are at least as big as RoH. I mean we are both Cult, even if they have a TV Show and PPV deal and we don't.




Anyway, basic shilling of the next show here.


Here at DaVE we know something about a good Hangover! (except for me of course, xXx) All the fallout of Danger and Violence Extreme 1 will unfold here at Hardcore Hangover!


At DaVE 1 Texan Cade (Now demanding to be called Lance Cade) won the rising glory match. However it has been said loudly that Jerry Lynn would've won had the lights not mysteriously gone out. To answer this growing ... concern ... DaVE management has put the two in a match, winner keeping the 2 x 4 that signifies victory and opportunity.


DaVE management looks for every opportunity to find new stars in its undercard, pitting them against each other to see who rises and who falls. This match is no different as we shall all see a four way Hardcore Match between Cliff Compton, Delirious, Shannon Moore and Tomko.


In an odd match requested by J-Mal, he and the Motor City Machine Guns will face Balls Mahoney, Chris Harris and Homicide. We at DaVE Management have no idea what the Samoans intentions are, but we are keen to find out at Hardcore Hangover!


The MONS7ERS got a cheap victory over Team 3D with a big assist to former champion Rob Van Dam. We decided to bring back the DaVE Extreme Cage Match for the champions and legandary challangers, and to keep RVD from sticking his nose in this fight.


Sensational Sean Morley... what can be said about him. ****y. Lewd. Arrogant. Immature. Obviously not a crowd pleaser, but definetly a good wrestler. To prove this he demanded that his title defense be against someone of Guido's quality in a submission match.


Three men involved in the Rising Glory match still have a bone to pick with each other. Actually Dave Dragon Jr and Ken Anderson have a bone to pick with D'Lo Brown, and D'Lo has agreed to kick both there asses at the same time in a hardcore environment. Should make for a great match!


JEFF HARDY! Now the world knows the genius who created DaVE, and all of DaVE knows the level of wrestling that exists at the top. It is my opinion that no one in DaVE is more deserving of the title, after all the hard work behind the scenes. Of course, if you ask RVD, he was robbed, and will regain what's his by any means necessary.




Colt Cabana vs. Diamond Dangerous


Jerry Lynn vs. Lance Cade

Rising Glory Grudge Match


Cliff Compton vs. Delirious vs. Shannon Moore vs. Tomko

Hardcore Match


Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin and J-Mal Ekmo vs. Balls Mahoney, Chris Harris and Homicide


MONS7ERS vs. Team 3D

DaVE Extreme Cage Tornado Tag Match

DaVE Tag Team Titles


Guido vs. Sensational Sean Morley

Submission Match

DaVE Brass Knuckles Title


Dave Dragon Jr. vs. D'Lo Brown vs. Ken Anderson

Hardcore Match


Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam

Hardcore Match

DaVE Ultimate Extreme Championship






Would the readers like to see a break down of shows done by the WWE, TNA and RoH in Chapter 1, or should I wait until the Year in Review for that?))

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