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The Forces of America defend vs. The Dirty White Boys

Steve Flash vs. Peter Valentine

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Hawkeye

Wanda Fish vs. Alicia Strong

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Sara Marie York

Bruce The Giant vs. Jumbo Jackson

Steel Cage Match, USPW World Title Match:T-Rex defends vs. James Justice

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Forces of America defend vs. The Dirty White Boys

Steve Flash vs. Peter Valentine

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Hawkeye

Wanda Fish vs. Alicia Strong

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Sara Marie York

Bruce The Giant vs. Jumbo Jackson

Steel Cage Match, USPW World Title Match:T-Rex defends vs. James Justice

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Forces of America defend vs. The Dirty White Boys

Steve Flash vs. Peter Valentine

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Hawkeye

Wanda Fish vs. Alicia Strong

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Sara Marie York

Bruce The Giant vs. Jumbo Jackson

Steel Cage Match, USPW World Title Match:T-Rex defends vs. James Justice

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Forces of America defend vs. The Dirty White Boys

Steve Flash vs. Peter Valentine

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Hawkeye

Wanda Fish vs. Alicia Strong

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Sara Marie York

Bruce The Giant vs. Jumbo Jackson

Steel Cage Match, USPW World Title Match: T-Rex defends vs. James Justice

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Thursday Week 3 May 2008

Location: Louisiana Auditorium

Attendance: 8,645

Overall Rating: C

PPV Buyrate: .54


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JimForce.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CaptainUSA.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/LeadBelly.jpg

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Forces of America defend vs. The Dirty White Boys


[The show kicks off with the sounds of Steppenwolf's 'Born To Be Wild' and The Dirty White Boys ride their motorcycles down to the ring to boos from the crowd. They circle around the ring before stopping in their corner and getting off, sliding into the ring and hearing even more boos from the crowd. Then 'Born In The USA' by Bruce Springsteen kicks in and the crowd goes wild for Jim Force and Captain USA! The USPW World Tag Team Champions come rushing down to the ring and slide inside, facing off and jawwing at the Dirty White Boys!


The crowd really had a hard time getting into this match with the certain lack of talent within the ring. Luckily, the match was pretty short. Jim Force played the face-in-peril until he began grabbing the ropes and shaking them, getting the crowd behind him as he rose to his feet and dodged a clothesline from Lead Belly and took him down with a clothesline of his own! Jim went over and made the tag and a 'USA' chant fired up from a few members of the crowd as Captain USA went right after both Grease Hogg and Lead Belly. Grease Hogg was tagged in and fell victim to a double noggin knocker! Captain USA went for the Hail To The Chief but it was broken by Lead Belly and in came Jim Force! The referee went over to Jim and began pushing him out of the ring as Lead Belly reached outside and picked up a lead pipe! He cracked Captain USA in the head with it from behind and then tossed it out of the ring as Grease Hogg made the cover: 1 --- 2 --- 3!]


Winners: The Dirty White Boys (via pinfall)

Match Rating: E+


[Jim Force came into the ring to fight off the Dirty White Boys but he got hit with the lead pipe as well and the Dirty White Boys began putting the boots to him...]




[And some scattered cheers come as The Ace Express hit the ring and Rick Sanders sends Grease Hogg over the top rope with a clothesline! Lead Belly gets kicked in the gut and Johnny Martin pulls him in for a piledriver but Lead Belly gets out and quickly rolls out of the ring. Grease Hogg has grabbed the belts and they raise them to boos from the crowd as they walk off being stared at by The Ace Express.]




[backstage, JD Morgan is shown walking down the hallway in a grey business suit. He stops at the USPW Soda Machine and slides a dollar bill out of his pocket when a pair of hands slide up from behind him and brush down his chest. JD turns swiftly to lay eyes on Sienna DeVille. Sienna flashes a coy smile.]


Sienna DeVille

"Hello zer strong handsome man. Jou vould like to join my stable vould jou not?"


[JD smiles and ****s an eyebrow.]


JD Morgan

"No thanks."


[JD turns away from Sienna and puts his dollar in the machine, retrieving a coca cola before walking away, leaving an angry Sienna stomping her foot.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine.jpg

Steve Flash vs. Peter Valentine


['I Am Canadian' by the Arrogant Worms begins to play and the Remarkable Steve Flash walks out from the back. Normally, he would be accompanied by Katie Cameron but she is obviously absent here after being abducted last night by Peter Valentine, the man that Steve Flash will be facing in this match. Steve looks serious and angry as he awaits his opponent. 'Sharp Dressed Man' by ZZ Top brings out Peter Valentine and he is alone as well. That's rather odd, huh? Valentine slid inside the ring and Steve approached him right away.


Steve asked Valentine 'where is she?' and Valentine merely said 'in a safe place.' Steve got up in Valentine's face and Valentine shoved Flash to the mat. Flash hit the ground and stared at Valentine as the bell sounded and he began stalking his opponent, clapping his hands to get the crowd energized and into the match and the crowd responded. A lockup and go-behind by Flash - waistlock takedown brings Valentine to the mat and Flash rides him as Valentine moves to get to the ropes and uses the ropes to break the hold to boos from the crowd. Referee Jay Fair pulls Flash off Valentine and it's back to a vertical base for both men. The two men circle each other and the next several minutes is back and forth for the two wrestlers as neither man gets a distinct advantage over the other one and they both end up back on their feet where Flash stomps on Valentine's foot! Valentine hops on one leg and Flash sweeps out the other leg before making a cover: 1 -- 2 -- KICKOUT! Flash got to his feet and bounced off the ropes as Valentine got up. Flash leaped and caught Valentine - FLYING HEADSCISSORS! Flash was on a roll! He gave a twirl of his fingers, a signal for the crowd...]


Danny Rushmore



[steve looked up and on the big screen stood the Towers of Power! They've got Katie Cameron! Mick Muscles is holding Katie while the crowd boos and Steve Flash yells toward the screen. Flash leaves the ring and rushes toward the back, leaving the referee with no choice but to count him out.]


Winner: Peter Valentine (via countout)

Match Rating: C




[in an obviously different area backstage, James Justice is sitting on a bench and the crowd cheers at seeing him. He looks up and looks into the camera.]


James Justice

"DUDES! So you want an interview with James Justice, Mr. CameraDude? Tonight is a major match for Liberty, dudes! Tonight, I regain the USPW World Title for every dude out in the crowd cheering me on! T-Rex only beat me before with help from Bruce The Giant, dudes, so tonight inside the cage it's going to be one on one. Tonight, dudes, justice is going to be served!"


[James poses before the cameras cut away.]




[back in another area backstage, Hawkeye is sitting on a bench with Alicia Strong sitting up on a table looking down at him. Hawkeye hits the tip of his black baseball bat against the ground over and over again.]


Alicia Strong

"So tonight we have two very awesome matches, Hawkeye! I get to beat that unawesome girl Wanda Fish and you get to beat the totally unawesome Steven Parker."


[Hawkeye looks up at the mention of that name. He sneers for a moment and then goes back to focusing on tapping the end of the baseball bat. Alicia drops down from the table, looking at Hawkeye.]


Alicia Strong

"So, I was thinking, that maybe later on tonight, we could celebrate?"


[Hawkeye gets up and looks at Alicia Strong for a moment without a sound or a word or even a gesture. He turns and just walks off, leaving a very confused Alicia Strong.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StevenParker.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion_FIN5.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Steven Parker defends vs. Hawkeye


['Phantom of the Opera' by Nightwish begins to play within the arena as Hawkeye walks out to a good crowd ovation. Hawkeye heads right inside the ring and drops the baseball bat in his corner, waiting for the arrival of his opponent. 'Right Now' by Van Halen kicks up to replace the music and out comes the USPW World Television Champion, The Future Steven Parker! Boos resound within the crowd as Steven poses for a moment and then walks out to the ring, handing the belt to referee Baby Jamie for this USPW World Television Title defense.


A brawl starts out early as these two go back and forth in the opening several minutes, showing that this is going to be a long bout as both men settle in. Parker knocks Hawkeye out of the ring - DIVING SENTON BY PARKER! He took Hawkeye down out of the ring! The brawl continued outside the ring. Hawkeye blocked a post attempt by Parker and sent Parker into the post! Hawkeye rolled Parker in for a 2 count. Hawkeye put a couple of knees to the ribs of Parker and continued an assault as the crowd cheered him on. Late in the match, Hawkeye went for a Hawkeye Hammer but Parker ducked the move and tripped Hawkeye up, sliding out of the ring and grabbing his belt! The Future pushed the referee out of the way and set up - BELT SHOT - DUCKED! Hawkeye hits the Hawkeye Hammer! Parker hits the mat hard and the referee crawls over as Hawkeye makes the pin - and calls for the bell! He's DQed Parker! Hawkeye will get the win but NOT the belt!]


Winner: Hawkeye (via DQ)

Match Rating: C




[The cameras quickly cut backstage, catching the Towers of Power putting the boots to Steve Flash! Flash is trying to cover up but it isn't doing him any good as Katie Cameron watches horrified! Katie tries to get them to stop but they shove her down! Mick Muscles sends Steve Flash through a window! The crowd 'ooooo's and the Towers grab Katie and walk off with her, leaving Steve Flash lying bloody, beaten and bruised.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/WandaFish.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AliciaStrong.jpg

Wanda Fish vs. Alicia Strong


[both women are already in the ring as we come back to it. One of two women's matches here on Declaration Of Independence. The match was definitely better than the lead-off match here and was a very good women's bout. The crowd was solidly behind Alicia Strong and she gave them a lot of good reason as she was definitely in control for a large portion of this match. She went for the Angel Driver but Wanda Fish was able to get out of it. Wanda sent Alicia into the corner with a catapult and then dropped down in a far corner for a moment. She got back up and went over to Alicia throwing a hard punch to the face! Alicia went down hard and Wanda made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! The cameras zoomed in on Wanda's fist, showing the brass knuckles that she had slid on in that corner!]


Winner: Wanda Fish (via pinfall)

Match Rating: C-




[A can of coke goes flying across the screen and as the camera focuses in it shows Giant Redwood giving a headbutt to JD Morgan! Morgan falls forward and Redwood slams him into the wall! Sienna DeVille cheers on Redwood - BIG BOOT! JD Morgan hits the ground hard and Sienna smiles, finally calling off Redwood as security and officials come to check on JD Morgan.]




[A pre-taped interview begins with T-Rex standing in front of a dark background.]



"Tonight's the night. James Justice, I've got goosebumps just thinking about it. James Justice versus T-Rex inside a steel cage for the USPW World Title. James, you're gonna get a shot at the only title worth anything on pay-per-view. Tonight, I know I'm gonna bleed. I know I'm gonna feel the steel of the cage. I know it's gonna hurt but tonight it's gonna hurt you even more, Justice. It's gonna hurt you to know that even in a cage with nobody interfering you can't beat me. No one can beat me because I am the USPW World Champion. One man, 4 letters: T-Rex. Tonight, you're going to become extinct!"


[T-Rex runs a thumb across his throat in a slashing motion and the cameras fade out.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CherryBomb.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SaraMarieYork.jpg

USPW Women's Title Match

Cherry Bomb defends vs. Sara Marie York


[The crowd was solidly behind SMY in this match for good reason: they don't like Cherry Bomb. Though the match was definitely not the equivalent of the earlier Fish/Strong match. SMY got in some pretty good moves though, hitting Cherry Bomb with a flying headscissors and then a victory roll for a 2 count. Cherry Bomb came back though and was able to hit SMY with the Cherry Bomb and got the three count.]


Winner: Cherry Bomb (via pinfall)

Match Rating: D+




[As the ring emptied, the lights within the arena went out and the arena was filled with the sounds of Gregorian chanting. Madman Boone, Playboy Jake Sawyer, Anger and a reluctant Freddie Datsun came down toward the ring, filling up the aisle. Then a throne was carried out by six robed men with a hooded man sitting on top of the throne and his head down so that no one can see who it is. The zombies looked up toward him in worship and they made it to the ring and the hooded man climbed from the throne and stepped into the ring. He tossed back the hood to reveal...]





Travis Century

"Good evening my flock. Tonight, the final seal has been opened. The streets will run red with blood and the dead shall rise as though there was no more room in Hell."


[Freddie moved up and into the ring and Travis' lips curled in a sneer. Freddie approached him on his feet but Travis made a motion and Datsun dropped down to his knees. Travis turned his head to the side for a moment and ran his fingers through Datsun's hair.]


Travis Century

"You will be one of my generals one day. But for now you are just another member. So be gone!"


[A crash is heard and Datsun falls back, sliding out of the ring.]


Travis Century

"Now everyone here knows who is running the show here with my zombies. Tonight is only the beginning."


[Century brings his head back in dark laughter and then drops the microphone, heading back to his throne and being carried out as the zombies follow behind.]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg

Bruce The Giant vs. Jumbo Jackson


['Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap' by AC/DC kicks in as the crowd raises up in cheers for the appearance of Jumbo Jackson! Jumbo has become a fan favorite here in USPW since he is the one who cost Shane Sneer his job. Jumbo slides in the ring and awaits his rather large opponent. 'A Welcome Burden' by Disturbed is what brings out Bruce The Giant! Bruce steps over the top rope when he gets down to the ring and he comes face to face with the large Jumbo Jackson!


The crowd is not surprised that this is a rather large brawl in the middle of the ring. Jumbo Jackson takes the first minute to chop Bruce The Giant down! The crowd cheers on the punches of Jumbo Jackson! Forearm shots bring Bruce back into a corner! Jumbo gets a few knees in and pulls Bruce in, trying to lift him for a suplex! Jumbo hits a snap suplex on Bruce The Giant! Jumbo makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- KICKOUT! Jumbo puts the boots to Bruce The Giant on the ground and drops an elbow and then heads up top! Jumbo leaps off the top rope - INTO THE KNEES OF BRUCE! Bruce got the knees up, blocking the splash. Bruce uses the ropes to pull himself up and grabs Jumbo - BODY SLAM! Bruce signals for the Choke Slam. Jumbo slowly gets to his feet and gets caught around the throat! - GIANT CHOKE SLAM! Bruce makes the cover and hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (via pinfall)

Match Rating: D+


[bruce rises and puts the boots to Jumbo, pulling him up - GIANT CHOKE SLAM! Jumbo goes down again hard! Bruce makes the Choke Slam motion again to boos from the crowd!]




[A video begins to play highlighting the past between T-Rex and James Justice! That match inside a steel cage...is next!]


Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg

Steel Cage Match

USPW World Title Match

T-Rex defends vs. James Justice


[With the cage set up, the crowd is eagerly anticipating this main event and USPW World Title match...


"miracle man...your miracle man...your miracle man...your"


The crowd looks off toward the top of the entranceway and explodes as Overkill's "Save Me" plays and 'Liberty' James Justice walks out from the back. He stops at the top of the ramp and looks toward the crowd, gathering in their strength as pyros go off all around him! Justice walks the rest of the way down toward the 15 foot high steel cage and then steps inside, testing the cage with his hands before looking toward the entrance ramp...


'Bad To The Bone' by George Thurogood and the Destroyers begins to play and the crowd has a mixed reaction for the USPW World Champion. The Jurassic Power ignores the crowd as he walks right down toward the ring and instead of stepping inside, he climbs the cage on the outside and then down into the cage, playing a few mind games here with James Justice as this match can end three different ways: pinfall, submission or escaping the cage. The referee for this match is Jay Fair.


The crowd is super-heated for this match as the two men square off with each other. There is no chance of a handshake to begin this match. The two men lock up with T-Rex pushing Justice back into a corner and the referee seeking a clean break. T-Rex throws a punch, catching Justice in the jaw. Justice fires back! T-Rex with a punch! Justice with a punch! They're going back and forth and the arena is rocking with every punch! T-Rex goes to the eyes and then kicks Justice in the gut. He pulls him in and then lifts him up - Power Bomb - NO! Justice reversed the Power Bomb attempt into a DDT! Great counter! Justice springs up and bounces off the ropes - leg lariat onto T-Rex! Nice shot! Justice sends T-Rex across the ring and then lowers his head - boot by T-Rex! T-Rex grabs Justice - Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex! Justice goes flying and the crowd is awed! T-Rex moves over - Legdrop! He makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- SHOULDER UP!


T-Rex rolls Justice over onto his stomach - Camel Clutch! He hooks in the submission hold as Justice grimaces in pain! He wrenches back but Justice is NOT going to give up that easily. T-Rex finally releases the hold and he pulls Justice to his feet - sends him into the ropes - Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker by T-Rex! Justice holds his back in pain. T-Rex makes another cover: 1 -- 2 -- KICKOUT! The crowd begins to solidly get behind James Justice with their chants of 'DUDE, DUDE, DUDE' and the professional machine T-Rex ignores the crowd as he pulls James Justice to his feet. He grabs him by the hair and runs toward the steel cage but Justice grabs the cage! T-Rex tries to force Justice into the cage but he won't budge! T-Rex tastes a couple of elbow shots, splitting his lip in the process, meaning that blood can be seen in his mouth and Justice sends T-Rex to the cage! T-Rex staggers away from Justice and 'Liberty' slides in behind him - German Suplex with bridge! The referee drops down to count: 1 -- 2 -- KICKOUT! No new World Champion yet!


Justice shakes his head and gets to his feet, grabbing T-Rex and sending him into the cage again! Justice soaks in the cheers of the crowd and the 'DUDE' chants! The crowd loves him! Justice grabs T-Rex and hooks him - LIBERATION SLAM - NO! T-Rex reversed it into a DDT like Justice did with the Power Bomb earlier! Both men lie on the mat but this match cannot end with a countout! It will go until a pinfall, submission or cage escape is made! T-Rex stirs first and then Justice. The two trade punches on their knees. Justice dodges a punch and gets to his feet first. He bounces off the ropes - clothesline! He grabs T-Rex - HANGING VERTICAL SUPLEX! He held T-Rex up there for about 10 seconds! Justice bounces off the ropes and does a little shimmy - STTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS - DUDE KNEE DROP! He hit one of his finishers on T-Rex. Justice makes the cover and hooks the leg as the crowd counts along: 1 -- 2 -- NO! T-Rex got the shoulder up!


Justice gets to his feet and goes for the cage! He begins to climb the 15 foot high steel cage as the crowd get on their feet in anticipation. Justice is about halfway up when T-Rex gets to his feet. T-Rex stumbles over and begins to climb. The two meet at the top of the cage and begin exchanging punches! Just who is going to go over?!?! Justice slams T-Rex's head into the cage! T-Rex and Justice grab each other - BOTH SPILL INTO THE RING! The crowd is absolutely stunned as both men lie on the mat inside the ring. Neither man is moving. Referee Jay Fair checks on them and they're both breathing so the match must continue! It takes a short time before either man is able to pull himself up. Justice gets up on one side and T-Rex on the other. T-Rex charges with a clothesline - DUCKS - LIBERATION SLAM! James Justice hit the Liberation Slam on T-Rex but he's too tired to make the cover! Justice finally crawls over and puts an arm over T-Rex:










HOW IN THE HELL?!?!?! How in the world did T-Rex get that shoulder up? It must have been instinct. James Justice shakes his head, looking as shocked as everyone else. Tonight, T-Rex has proven himself the main event player that he is. Justice gets to his feet and pulls up T-Rex, hooking him for a second Liberation Slam - T-Rex elbows out of it! There's still some gas left in the tank! T-Rex grabs James Justice and lifts him - EXTINCTION! T-Rex hits James Justice with the Extinction! The crowd is on their feet, applauding this match and T-Rex looks toward the door. He begins crawling toward it. He reaches out, pulling himself, working, trying to do everything while James Justice doesn't move at all! The door opens and T-Rex manages to slide out of the ring and the bell sounds. What a great main event!]


Winner: T-Rex (via cage escape)

Match Rating: C+


[T-Rex lies on the ground outside the ring, exhausted from the match when a series of wrestlers come out from the back...]




[Most of the fans only recognize one man, that being USPW World Television Champion 'The Future' Steven Parker. Parker being there draws them boos, especially after what happened earlier. All three put the boots to T-Rex and then bring him back inside the cage. Parker hits the Future Shock on James Justice while one of the two unknowns hooks T-Rex and drops him with the Cradle Piledriver! The second unknown has both the first unknown and Parker hold T-Rex and he slaps the taste out of his mouth! T-Rex just lies there limp and the two men drop him and the three raise their arms in victory. Just who are these three men? We'll hopefully find out on American Wrestling! See you then everyone!]

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And after the pay-per-view, it's still a six win differential for the top 2 with Hyde Hill in the lead.


1. Hyde Hill=67 Wins

2. Lexa90=61 Wins

3. DeBones=42 Wins

4. Marcel Fromage=24 Wins

5. supershot=14 Wins

6. tristram=10 Wins

7. Astyn=11 Wins

8. TakerNGN74=5 Wins

9. MikeSensation=4 Wins

The Mystery=4 Wins

11. mcorey=2 Wins


A big welcome to all the new predictors for the pay-per-view! Thanks for reading and feel free to leave any comments you have. I'm always up to hear anything, both good and bad.


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With Declaration Of Independence officially in the books, we have new USPW World Tag Team Champions and the rest of the belts remained with their respective holders in well-fought contests.


In action this week, we are going to have the man who came up just inches short in his match against T-Rex last week: James Justice taking on a newcomer to USPW action. He is a Japanese import by the name of Fumihiro Ota, not to be confused with the other resident ninja in Alcoholic Ninja.


Due to the attack last week at DoI, JD Morgan has challenged Giant Redwood to a match and Redwood has accepted! These two will go head to head right here on American Wrestling!


The first title defense will come for the new USPW World Tag Team Champions The Dirty White Boys as they take on Stuart Ferdinand and a mystery partner.


Another title will be defended here as Steven Parker steps into the ring to defend his USPW World Television title against American Elemental in a match that is sure to light up the crowd!


Plus more action!


Giant Redwood vs. JD Morgan

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Dirty White Boys defend vs. Stuart Ferdinand and a mystery partner

Mystery Partner Guess:

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. American Elemental

Steve Flash vs. Danny Rushmore

James Justice vs. Fumihiro Ota


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Giant Redwood vs. JD Morgan

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Dirty White Boys defend vs. Stuart Ferdinand and a mystery partner

Mystery Partner Guess: Nathan Coleman

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. American Elemental

Steve Flash vs. Danny Rushmore

James Justice vs. Fumihiro Ota

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Giant Redwood vs. JD Morgan

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Dirty White Boys defend vs. Stuart Ferdinand and a mystery partner

Mystery Partner Guess: Nathan Coleman

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. American Elemental

Steve Flash vs. Danny Rushmore

James Justice vs. Fumihiro Ota

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#1 Supreme Wrestling Federation


SWF North American Champion

Rich Money

Reign Began: Week 1, December 2007

Defences: 10


SWF Shooting Star

Marc DuBois

Reign Began: Week 1, August 2007

Defences: 12


SWF World Heavyweight

Jack Bruce

Reign Began: Week 1, August 2007

Defences: 10


SWF World Tag Team

Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee

Reign Began: Thursday, Week 2, March 2008

Defences: 3


#2 Total Championship Wrestling


TCW All Action

Edd Stone

Reign Began: Tuesday, Week 1, April 2008

Defences: 5


TCW International

Wolf Hawkins

Reign Began: Week 1, August 2007

Defences: 10


TCW World Heavyweight

Tommy Cornell

Reign Began: Week 1, December 2006

Defences: 6


TCW World Tag Team

John Anderson and Brent Hill

Reign Began: Week 1, April 2007

Defences: 4


#3 Pride, Glory, Honor, Wrestling


PGHW Glory Crown

Yoshimi Mushashibo

Reign Began: Week 1, August 2006

Defences: 9


PGHW Glory Tag Crown

PRIDE Koiso and Kozue Kawashima

Reign Began: Tuesday, Week 1, March 2008

Defences: 14


PGHW Historical Japan

Raymond Diaz

Reign Began: Friday, Week 2, April 2008

Defences: 9


#4 Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods


Burning Junior Championship

Hyosuke Kokan

Reign Began: Friday, Week 3, May 2008

Defences: 1


Burning Junior Tag Team

Kenko Takemitsu and Silver Shark

Reign Began: Tuesday, Week 3, April 2008

Defences: 4


Burning Openweight Championship

White Samurai

Reign Began: Tuesday, Week 4, April 2008

Defences: 7


Burning World Championship

Kinnojo Horri

Reign Began: Week 1, November 2007

Defences: 13


Burning World Tag Team

Chuichi Sanda and Eiji Hamacho

Reign Began: Week 1, April 2007

Defences: 8


#5 Golden Canvas Grappling


GCG Openweight Championship

Yasuhide Tayama

Reign Began: Friday, Week 4, May 2008

Defences: 0


GCG World Heavyweight

Hiroyasu Gakusha

Reign Began: Friday, Week 2, May 2008

Defences: 3


GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team

Shotaro Ikina and Yasuhide Tayama

Reign Began: Week 1, June 2007

Defences: 12


#6 Inspire Diversity Group International


King Of Fighters

Tadiyuki Kikkawa

Reign Began: Week 1, February 2007

Defences: 15


#7 World Level Wrestling


World Level Show Stealer

Bairei Yasujiro

Reign Began: Sunday, Week 2, May 2008

Defences: 5


World Level Streetfighting

UK Dragon

Reign Began: Sunday, Week 4, May 2008

Defences: 0


World Level Tag Team

Haru Kurofuji and Koji Kojima

Reign Began: Week 1, April 2007

Defences: 14


World Level Tap Out

Fox Mask

Reign Began: Friday, Week 4, May 2008

Defences: 0


World Level Universal

Awesome Thunder

Reign Began: Friday, Week 2, April 2008

Defences: 9


#8 5 Star Supreme Wrestling


5 Star All-Asian

Suzue Katayama

Reign Began: Monday, Week 4, April 2008

Defences: 13


5 Star Tag Team

Saori Nakadan and Saeko Hiroyuki

Reign Began: Sunday, Week 3, April 2008

Defences: 9


5 Star World

Kit Hatoyama

Reign Began: Friday, Week 4, May 2008

Defences: 1


#10 North of the Border Pro Wrestling


NOTBPW Canadian

Johnny Bloodstone

Reign Began: Week 1, July 2007

Defences: 9



The Natural and Owen Love

Reign Began: Wednesday, Week 1, January 2008

Defences: 5



Stephanie Hazel

Reign Began: Wednesday, Week 3, April 2008

Defences: 4

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Franchise Players

#1 James Justice

#2 Bruce The Giant

#3 T-Rex

#4 Jumbo Jackson

#5 Madman Boone


Hot Prospects

#1 Jay Chord

#2 Kirk Jameson

#3 Joanne Rodriguez

#4 ???

#5 ???


Talk The Talk

#1 Sam Strong

#2 Alicia Strong

#3 James Justice

#4 Wanda Fish

#5 Sara Silver


Show Stoppers

#1 Alicia Strong

#2 Wanda Fish

#3 James Justice

#4 Joey Beauchamp

#5 Jay Chord


Ring Generals

#1 Steve Flash

#2 James Justice

#3 JD Morgan

#4 Jay Chord

#5 Freddie Datsun


Who's Hot

#1 T-Rex

#2 James Justice

#3 Bruce The Giant

#4 Peter Valentine

#5 Alicia Strong


Who's Not

#1 Pete The Hillbilly

#2 Larry Wood

#3 Rick Sanders

#4 Johnny Martin

#5 Al The Hillbilly


Time Decline

#1 Travis Century

#2 Giant Redwood

#3 Stuart Ferdinand

#4 Anger

#5 Captain USA


Hidden Gems

#1 Mainstream Hernandez

#2 Derek Frost

#3 Joey Poison

#4 Jaime Quine

#5 Grace Harper

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Jimmy Cox (GCG)

Sustained a Semi-Severed Spinal Column on Tuesday, Week 1, January 2008 and will be out for 13 months.


Beetle Kimura (WLW)

Sustained a Herniated Spinal Disc on Sunday, Week 4, February 2008 and will be out for 12 months.


Yasuhiko Taira (BHOTWG)

Sustained a Herniated Spinal Disc on Tuesday, Week 4, March 2008 and will be out for 12 months.


Sensational Ogiwara (5SSW)

Sustained a Broken Neck on Monday, Week 1, April 2008 and will be out for 12 months.


Tomoko Nagatsuka (5SSW)

Sustained a Shattered Knee on Friday, Week 1, May 2008 and will be out for 14 months, 3 weeks.


Nissho Yuasa (BHOTWG)

Sustained a Shattered Knee on Saturday, Week 1, May 2008 and will be out for 12 months, 3 weeks.


Dan Stone, Jr. (NOTBPW)

Sustained a Semi-Severed Spinal Column on Wednesday, Week 4, May 2008 and will be out for 13 months, 2 weeks.

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Giant Redwood vs. JD Morgan

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Dirty White Boys defend vs. Stuart Ferdinand and a mystery partner

Mystery Partner Guess: ???

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. American Elemental

Steve Flash vs. Danny Rushmore

James Justice vs. Fumihiro Ota

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[Declaration Of Independence had come and gone and it had been a good card but it got the lowest buy rate of all the pay-per-views since I have been here. There were several solid matches though and that was something to build on. I was sitting within my office in USPW towers when there was a knock on the door. I looked up slowly..]


Jack Avatar

"Come in."




[Des Davids walked in and took a seat in front of my desk.]


Jack Avatar

"What can I do for you, Des?"


Des Davids

"I came in to give my notice, Jack."


[This was a surprise and it probably registered upon my face because Des spoke up again.]


Des Davids

"I've been in contact with Tommy Cornell and he has plans to bring me in to TCW. They are heading toward being the top wrestling promotion in the world. I think they have a chance to beat Richard."


Jack Avatar

"Des, you have a lot of talent. You have all the physical tools to go very far in this business. If this is where you feel you need to go with your career then I won't stand in your way. You're not booked for this upcoming show but the show after we will have your going away match."


[Des rose to his feet and offered his hand to me and I took it, rising as well and looking Des in the eyes. I was not happy about his leaving USPW but what could I do?]


Des Davids

"Thank you, Jack. And thank Sam for me."


[i nodded and Des turned and exited the office. Apparently he had not told Sam about his leaving and expected me to do his dirty work for him. Ah well. That would be nothing new, right?]




[The door opened after Des left and in came Sam Strong, giving me a look.]


Jack Avatar

"Des is going with Tommy, Sam."


[sam nodded, a dissapointed look within his eyes.]


Sam Strong

"You know, Tommy has been stealing quite a few of our wrestlers."


Jack Avatar

"I know, Sam. But we're not his developmental league."


Sam Strong

"What can we do about it?"


Jack Avatar

"I will work on it, Sam, and get back to you."


[No one would sign a written contract with our company right now. And I know that there are several wrestlers just looking and hoping to sign with either Tommy or Richard. Right now, I think I'd rather that they sign with Richard...]

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Wednesday Week 4 May 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 3,619

Overall Rating: C-

TV Rating: .57




[The show begins with the crowd booing as 'Right Now' by Van Halen plays over the loud speakers and out from the back walk the three men who attacked James Justice and T-Rex last week! The USPW World Television Champion Steven Parker pats his belt as they walk into the ring and one of the unknown men has the microphone first.]


Unknown Man

"First of all, you all need to shut your mouths if you want to hear what I have to say."


[The boos get even louder]


Unknown Man

"You would think that the fans would pay respect to a second generation superstar. That's right, my father wrestled in front of bigger crowds than any of you could ever imagine. My name is Jay Chord and I am part of the future of USPW."


[He hands the microphone over to the other unknown man.]


Unknown Man #2

"And for those of you who do not know me, my name is 'The Breeze' Joey Beauchamp. For those of you who DO know me, prepare to feel the breeze!"


[And the microphone is finally given to Steven Parker]


Steven Parker

"When I first came to USPW, I told each and every one of you that the Future is now. Take a look at these three men standing inside the ring and I think that everyone will agree that the future lies with Technical Execution. I came into this group with the World Television Title and my other partners here will win gold soon as well, whether T-Rex or James Justice like it. Now, we have better things to do than to stand here in front of these idiots here in Huntsville. Gentlemen, let's go."


['Right Now' kicks up again as the crowd boo the newly formed Technical Execution. They just smile and head out of the ring to the back.]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SiennaDeVille.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JDMorgan.jpg

Giant Redwood vs. JD Morgan


[Our opening match definitely wasn't what it was cracked up to be. The two had no chemistry going back and forth within the match. Sienna DeVille made a little interference toward the end of the match against JD, leading to Giant Redwood hitting the Standing Splash and Redwood got the victory.]


Winner: Giant Redwood

Match Rating: D-




[The cameras go backstage, catching Jumbo Jackson talking on his cell phone.]


Jumbo Jackson

"Hey. I know you've been busy down in Mexico but I need your help with something. Yeah, Bruce has been a big pain and I need your help in stopping him. You've always been a good friend and partner. Thanks."


[Jumbo hangs up the phone and looks up, smiling.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/LeadBelly.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StuartFerdinand_FIN2.jpg

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Dirty White Boys defend vs. Stuart Ferdinand and a mystery partner


[stuart Ferdinand came down to the ring and stood and motioned toward the back. From the back, his tag team partner is...]





[The crowd cheered for the former TCW star as he made his way down to the ring in his cowboy outfit. The Champs got booed when they came down to the ring and what resulted was a decent match for the first title defense. Gumble looked pretty good in his first match here in USPW but he was the man pinned when Grease Hogg hit the Grease Spot.]


Winners: The Dirty White Boys

Match Rating: D




[in the backstage area, Hawkeye and Alicia Strong are in the same locker room again.]


Alicia Strong

"Things definitely didn't turn out the way that we wanted them to last night, I know, Hawkeye. They were sooo not awesome! But you know what would be awesome? If you and I went out tonight after the show..."


[Hawkeye turns his head to look toward Alicia as she smiled nervously. Hawkeye rose to his feet and smacked his baseball bat against one of the lockers. He just stared at Alicia and then turned and walked away, leaving Alicia confused once again this week.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StevenParker.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AmericanElemental.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Steven Parker defends vs. American Elemental


[The best match of the night so far, seeing a charter member of Technical Execution defend his USPW World Television Title against American Elemental. Elemental got some good shots in but this was mostly a showcase for Parker to show his skills. He mostly dominated the encounter and Parker got the big win with the Future Shock.]


Winner: Steven Parker

Match Rating: C




[The cameras cut backstage where James Justice is standing within an interview area. He gets a big crowd pop.]


James Justice

"DUDES! T-Rex, you beat me fair and square in the middle of the cage match and for that I have to give you your respect. But enough about that, dudes, because I need to talk about my match tonight. Fumihiro Ota, dude, you are a japanese sensation. But tonight I need the win and I need to prove to those Technical Execution dudes that Justice will always be served!"


[James poses and then the camera cuts back to the ring.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpg

Steve Flash vs. Danny Rushmore


[steve Flash as definitely not in the mood for talking as he came into the ring to face Danny Rushmore. Katie Cameron was still nowhere to be found and Flash took out his anger on Danny Rushmore. This was a fairly even bout until toward the end when Flash took full control. Flash hit Rushmore with the Flash Bang and the pinfall was broken up by the boot of Mick Muscles, causing a DQ!]


Winner: Steve Flash

Match Rating: D+


[The Towers of Power double-teamed Steve Flash in the ring and they even hit him with a top rope bulldog! Flash was left down in the ring as the Towers left and headed toward the back.]




[backstage, Travis Century is sitting upon his throne looking on as Freddie Datsun tries to approach him. Datsun tries to throw a punch but he's stopped by Madman Boone! Boone brings Datsun down to his knees and Century slaps him! Century smiles down at him with a wide smile and looks up toward the camera.]


Travis Century

"He'll learn."


[Travis turned his eyes back down toward Datsun, who struggled looking at him and it was back to the ring.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FumihiroOta_alt15.jpg

James Justice vs. Fumihiro Ota


[Our main event of the evening! Fumihiro Ota showed that he could possibly be a main event player this evening as he gave James Justice all that he could handle. The match went back and forth and was fairly clean. Justice was able to dodge a mist shot by Ota. He gave Ota a kick to the gut and then hit the Liberation Slam! Justice made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: James Justice

Match Rating: C+


[Technical Execution came down to the ring following the match and attacked James Justice! They took turns beating him down. Steven Parker hit Justice with a Future Shock and then Jay Chord dropped him with a Cradle Piledriver. Technical Execution stood tall in the ring as the show came to a close.]

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And with the win here, Hyde Hill picks up the win in this prediction contest!


1. Hyde Hill=72 Wins

2. Lexa90=66 Wins

3. DeBones=42 Wins

4. Marcel Fromage=24 Wins

5. supershot=14 Wins

6. tristram=10 Wins

7. Astyn=11 Wins

8. The Mystery=8 Wins

9. TakerNGN74=5 Wins

10. MikeSensation=4 Wins

11. mcorey=2 Wins


Congratulations, Hyde Hill! Look for your prize in your pm box soon! Beginning with the next show, the prediction contest will start over.


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[back within the offices of USPW Towers, I am sitting at his desk and looking over some paperwork. The last show had done well in the ratings though a storyline was squashed when it was found that Giant Redwood and JD Morgan don't have any chemistry inside the ring. I looked up as I heard a knock at the door and in walked my boss, Sam Strong...]




[sam walked over and took a seat.]


Sam Strong

"Well, what did you come up with, Jack?"


[i had to think for a moment about what he meant and then realized he was speaking about the TCW situation.]


Jack Avatar

"First of all, I'm going to give Richard a call and see if he will work with us. We both have a common enemy and the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? Then I think it's going to be time that we declare war on Tommy and TCW."


Sam Strong

"War? We're already there, my friend. We're already there."


[i saw Sam nod solemnly and I knew he wasn't very thrilled about everything that was going on but the fact of the matter is that Tommy has been aggressive toward us so it's about time we toss a blow in his direction, right? We got Steve, who made his debut at the last show but that's merely a glancing blow since Tommy had already released him. But after our next show, it looks like we'll be going to full-scale war.]

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Ah I am back..


It's been one month. I got too sucked into WMMA 2 back then, that I didn't play TEW for like maybe a week, which is a record. Now I'll try to read this along the tons of other diaries, and I am waiting how the war turns out etc. etc.


Welcome back, FS. Back just in time for the start of a new prediction contest, which will be starting soon. Glad to see some interest in the war. Tommy's been taking my guys left and right. It's time to work on some revenge!

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I have noticed that none of the teams in my diary have a tag finisher yet. So I am reaching out to you, the fans, to select some tag finishers and I'll use what I think are the best.


Here are the tag teams up for grabs:


The Ace Express (Johnny Martin and Rick Sanders)

The Dirty White Boys (Grease Hogg and Lead Belly)

The Hillbillys (Al The Hillbilly and Pete The Hillbilly)

The Towers of Power (Mick Muscles and Danny Rushmore)

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We have a brand new stable here in USPW. It's called Technical Execution and all three members of that stable will be in action here tonight!


Also here tonight will be The USPW World Champion The Jurassic Power T-Rex! He was attacked by Technical Execution two weeks ago. What will he have to say about that?


James Justice will be within our main event, taking on the zombie madman: Madman Boone!


Plus more action!


Larry Wood and The Dirty White Boys vs. JD Morgan and The Ace Express

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Des Davids

Freddie Datsun vs. Suzanne Brazzle

Kirk Jameson vs. Peter Valentine

Technical Execution (Jay Chord and Joey Beauchamp) vs. Jack Avatar and Steve Flash

Madman Boone vs. James Justice


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Larry Wood and The Dirty White Boys vs. JD Morgan and The Ace Express


I think you'll have Ace Express win this match to set up new challengers for the belts.


USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Des Davids


Des Davids is on his way out which means Parker retains


Freddie Datsun vs. Suzanne Brazzle


Don't really know where you're going with this matchup but I'll still take Datsun.


Kirk Jameson vs. Peter Valentine


Two words: Creative control.


Technical Execution (Jay Chord and Joey Beauchamp) vs. Jack Avatar and Steve Flash


You're going to spend too much time on Technical Execution to have them lose in their debut match.


Madman Boone vs. James Justice


James doesn't lose to the zombie.

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Larry Wood and The Dirty White Boys vs. JD Morgan and The Ace Express

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Des Davids

Freddie Datsun vs. Suzanne Brazzle

Kirk Jameson vs. Peter Valentine

Technical Execution (Jay Chord and Joey Beauchamp) vs. Jack Avatar and Steve Flash

Madman Boone vs. James Justice


For the tag finishers look up wrespri 2 and some of the older tew games sure there are some mentions of them.

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Larry Wood and The Dirty White Boys vs. JD Morgan and The Ace Express

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Des Davids

Freddie Datsun vs. Suzanne Brazzle

Kirk Jameson vs. Peter Valentine

Technical Execution (Jay Chord and Joey Beauchamp) vs. Jack Avatar and Steve Flash

Madman Boone vs. James Justice

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Larry Wood and The Dirty White Boys vs. JD Morgan and The Ace Express

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Des Davids

Freddie Datsun vs. Suzanne Brazzle

Kirk Jameson vs. Peter Valentine

Technical Execution (Jay Chord and Joey Beauchamp) vs. Jack Avatar and Steve Flash

Madman Boone vs. James Justice

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