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Wow! Almost everyone who predicted got 7 out of 8! Congrats to everyone!


1. Lexa90=27 Wins

2. Hyde Hill=26 Wins

The Mystery=26 Wins

4. FlameSnoopy=20 Wins

5. mcorey=16 Wins

6. Marcel Fromage=14 Wins

7. MikeSensation=13 Wins

8. WrestlingGeek=7 Wins

9. jtnlange=6 Wins

10. SeanMcFly=3 Wins


And a special welcome to 2 new predictors: WrestlingGeek and jtnlange! Thanks to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And before I forget, mcorey, I have actually sort of cheated in that I turned off storylines as being required so up until this point I haven't used any at all.


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Americana is in the books and no titles changed hands at the pay-per-view but will that same thing occur here at American Wrestling as two singles titles will be on the line tonight!


There is no higher title in the world than the USPW World Title and the Jurassic Power T-Rex will be defending the belt against three top challengers! Art Reed, Peter Valentine and Jumbo Jackson will be those three challengers! What a main event as whoever gets the first pinfall or submission will be the USPW World Champion!


The other title that is on the line is the USPW World Television Title as The Future Steven Parker defends against a tough and strong opponent in Jack Avatar!


We will also be seeing the debut of Team America, a brand new team here in USPW featuring Captain USA and The Masked Patriot taking on the Towers of Power.


Plus more action!


USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Jack Avatar

The Debut of Team America vs. The Towers of Power

Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force

Fumihiro Ota vs. Ernie Turner

Joey Beauchamp vs. James Justice

USPW World Title Match: T-Rex defends vs. Art Reed vs. Peter Valentine vs. Jumbo Jackson


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USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Jack Avatar

The Debut of Team America vs. The Towers of Power

Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force

Fumihiro Ota vs. Ernie Turner

Joey Beauchamp vs. James Justice

USPW World Title Match: T-Rex defends vs. Art Reed vs. Peter Valentine vs. Jumbo Jackson

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USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Jack Avatar

The Debut of Team America vs. The Towers of Power

Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force

Fumihiro Ota vs. Ernie Turner

Joey Beauchamp vs. James Justice

USPW World Title Match: T-Rex defends vs. Art Reed vs. Peter Valentine vs. Jumbo Jackson


I'm gonna go with these too :p

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USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Jack Avatar

The Debut of Team America vs. The Towers of Power

Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force

Fumihiro Ota vs. Ernie Turner

Joey Beauchamp vs. James Justice

USPW World Title Match: T-Rex defends vs. Art Reed vs. Peter Valentine vs. Jumbo Jackson

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USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Jack Avatar

The Debut of Team America vs. The Towers of Power

Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force

Fumihiro Ota vs. Ernie Turner

Joey Beauchamp vs. James Justice

USPW World Title Match: T-Rex defends vs. Art Reed vs. Peter Valentine vs. Jumbo Jackson

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USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Jack Avatar

The Debut of Team America vs. The Towers of Power

Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force

Fumihiro Ota vs. Ernie Turner

Joey Beauchamp vs. James Justice

USPW World Title Match: T-Rex defends vs. Art Reed vs. Peter Valentine vs. Jumbo Jackson

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Wednesday Week 1 July 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 3,297

Overall Rating: C-

TV Rating: .50




[The show opens with a recap from Americana, including the victory by James Justice over Jay Chord though it was a short-lived win because of the attack by Technical Execution.]




["Miracle man...your miracle man....your miracle man....your..."


The crowd rose on their feet in loud cheers as 'Liberty' James Justice stepped out from the back still a little hobbled on that leg but here in the building! He paused at the top of the ramp and absorbed in the cheers from the crowd, letting them give him power before he walked down the ramp and slid inside the ring, being handed a microphone.]


James Justice



[A big cheer and echo from the crowd.]


James Justice

"I totally told everyone that I was going to walk out of Americana with a victory and guess what, dudes? I did! Though I also walked out with a bum leg here but that's alright. The doctors said I'm gonna be just fine and I'm even cleared to wrestle tonight. Which brings me to Joey Beaudude! Beaudude, you have been part of an Execution team that thinks they can take out Liberty. Well, Justice never dies, dude! Justice never even knows the word die unless you're talking about craps. But then that's usually played with dice so that doesn't even count, dude! Tonight begins my vengeance on Technical Execution as I pin you in the ring 1 - 2 - 3 and Liberty is served and Justice is for all, dudes!"


['Save Me' kicks up again and Justice heads toward the back, slapping high fives with the fans.]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StevenParker.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JackAvatar.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Steven Parker defends vs. Jack Avatar


[A very good match to kick things off here on USPW American Wrestling with a World Television Title defense. Both men ended up looking like roses as they traded blows back and forth both inside the ring and out. Avatar hit a Moonsault Press off the top of the stairs onto Parker outside the ring! Once they were back inside the ring, though, Parker took control. Eventually he set up Avatar and hit the Future Shock, making the quick cover and getting the pinfall!]


Winner: Steven Parker

Match Rating: C-


[Following the match, Parker went outside the ring and reached underneath, pulling out a t-shirt and sliding it on. The t-shirt was for...TCW! The crowd booed that move as Parker smiled and headed to the back.]




[The ring was empty and the lights went out, darkness filling the arena. A spotlight shone up the top of the ramp as Gregorian chanting began to play. Several men in hooded robes walked out, carrying a large cross symbol big enough to put a body on. They laid the symbol down on the rampway and the sound of thunder could be heard in the background as Anger and Madman Boone stepped out, dragging a struggling Katie Cameron out with them! The crowd booed as they began working to tie her struggling body to the symbol and once that was done, Travis Century walked out from the back and the symbol was raised vertically with the bottom of it touching the ground. Century holds a microphone.]


Travis Century

"Brothers and sisters, we come to you tonight to see the sacrifice of another soul to the land of the dead. It has been said that when there is no more room in Hell, the dead shall walk the earth. And we see here tonight, two specimens who exhibit that theory very well in Brother Boone and Brother Anger. Tonight, we shall all bring forth this very lovely creature to be my Zombie Queen. Together, her and I shall rule the land of the dead and the undead just as Adam and Eve ruled the lands before the serpent got ahold of Eve. Brother Boone, begin the ceremony."


[Madman Boone staggered around the symbol and looked up toward Katie Cameron, who is screaming for some assistance! Boone drew in closer and closer while Travis Century smiled and laughed darkly...]




[Then the crowd cheered as Steve Flash came running in from the back!]


Travis Century

"Brother Anger, stop him!"


[Anger got a clothesline for his trouble, sending him down against the railing as Steve Flash came down the ramp. Flash turned and leaped, tackling Madman Boone before he could bite Katie! Flash threw some punches onto Madman Boone, who is salivating right now because he had been about to eat. Anger came up from behind Flash and caught a back elbow for his trouble. Meanwhile, Travis Century is approaching Katie Cameron. Katie screams for Steve's help and Steve gets up, getting in the face of Travis Century to stop him! Century pushes Flash away and the spotlight goes out. Some noise is heard and when the lights come up, the cross is empty and Travis Century and Katie Cameron are nowhere to be found!


Steve lets out a loud yell of anger and takes out his frustration on both Madman Boone and Anger with punches and kicks, yelling for Katie! He moves toward the back, yelling for Katie and hoping he can find her back there.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CaptainUSA.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BulldozerBrandonSmith_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MickMuscles.jpg

The Debut of Team America vs. The Towers of Power


[Team America got the crowd going with a 'USA' chant though that's about the extent of the crowd involvement in this match. Danny Rushmore was not as smooth as he normally is in this match. The debut of the Masked Patriot went over well enough but it was Captain USA who hit Mick Muscles with the Hail To The Chief and got the three count for a successful tag team debut.]


Winners: Team America

Match Rating: D-




[backstage, Steven Parker is clearing out his locker and still wearing the TCW t-shirt as Sam Strong catches up to him.]


Sam Strong

"What in the hell is that all about, Steven?"


Steven Parker

"Don't you know anything about your own company, Strong? I'm headed where my talent is much more appreciated."


Sam Strong

"Not with my belt, your not."


Steven Parker

"Well, you've got next week to get it off me, Strong. Otherwise, I bring the belt to Tommy and toss it in the garbage where it belongs."


[sam opens his mouth and then closes it. He shakes his head and slaps Steven Parker across the mouth! Parker looks shocked and grabs Sam Strong by the shirt but he is broken up by several officials.]




[in the interview area backstage, Jim Force is standing and looking toward the camera.]


Jim Force

"Giant Redwoooooooood! What is going to happen tonight has already been written! It was written by the power of the FOOOORRRCCCEEEE! Redwood, you do not have the ability to defeat the most powerful entity in the entire universe! All you can do is go out and purchase and buy my merchandise and hope for the day when your body is filled with the might and power that is the FOOOORRRRRCCCCCEEEEEEEE! Redwood, you shall be defeated by the might and power of the FOOOOORRRRRRRCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEE!"


[Jim snarls and paces before walking off.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SiennaDeVille.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JimForce.jpg

Giant Redwood vs. Jim Force


[Not even the hardcore Redwood fans or Forcemaniacs could have appreciated this match. One of the worst that we've had in a very long time. These two didn't even come close to clicking inside the ring and skipping to the end Jim Force hit Redwood with the Full Force and got the pinfall.]


Winner: Jim Force

Match Rating: E


[Following the match, Bruce The Giant came out from the back and began brawling with Jim Force! The two battled back and forth in the ring until security came out to break the two men up! These two will be battling at USPW Independence Slam!]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FumihiroOta_alt15.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ErnieTurner_alt7.jpg

Fumihiro Ota vs. Ernie Turner


[These two showed a fluidity within their moves that looked like they'd been wrestling against each other for a very long time. Turner got in a few strikes but this was mostly a show off match for Ota. Ota hit Turner with the Ninja Strike and got the pinfall.]


Winner: Fumihiro Ota

Match Rating: D


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg

Joey Beauchamp vs. James Justice


[The crowd, of course, was really into Liberty in this match and he came out of the match looking good. Jay Chord came down to ringside and stood in Beauchamp's corner as Beauchamp worked over the leg of James Justice just as they had done at Americana. Beauchamp tossed Justice out of the ring and distracted the official while Jay Chord put the boots to Liberty, slamming his knee down against the thin safety mats. Then he stepped away as the referee began his count on Justice. Justice was nearly counted out of the ring but managed to make it back in at 9.


Beauchamp continued his assault on the knee of James Justice with the crowd getting solidly behind 'Liberty' with chants of 'DUDE' and 'JUSTICE.' Justice managed to use his good leg to kick off a Figure 4 attempt and he began getting powered up by the crowd! Justice shrugged off some blows by Beauchamp and gave him some of his own! Justice hit Beauchamp with a deadly Spinebuster and then got up to his feet and gave a little shimmy, holding his leg while he did it. Then Jay Chord looked horrified outside the ring as Justice sssssssssssssstttttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddd - DUDE KNEE DROP! The crowd cheered as Justice rose up and got into position. Beauchamp was slow getting to his feet but he turned back toward Justice - LIBERATION SLAM! Justice makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: James Justice

Match Rating: C-


[Following the match, Jay Chord came in and clipped the knee of James Justice from behind! Chord put the boots to Justice and then lifted him up - CRADLE PILEDRIVER! Justice hits the mat hard as the crowd boos Technical Execution! Jay Chord helps Joey Beauchamp up and they raise the arms to more boos before they head to the back.]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ArtReed.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg

USPW World Title Match

T-Rex defends vs. Art Reed vs. Peter Valentine vs. Jumbo Jackson


[What a main event! It's a four way match for the USPW World Title belt! Jumbo Jackson and Peter Valentine entered the ring first and automatically started to brawl between the two! Jumbo went for a Jumbo Avalanche early but Valentine avoided it and went to the knees of Jumbo Jackson. As these two fought, Art Reed came walking down toward the ring very casually. Valentine took Jumbo down and made a cover, getting Art Reed to speed up down to ringside. A two count was made only when Reed broke up the pinfall. Valentine shoved Reed and Reed threw a punch! Valentine fired back and these two went at it with Reed gaining the advantage and dropping Valentine with a double leg takedown! Reed threw some punches from the mounted position and the crowd cheered as 'Bad To The Bone' began to play and out came the USPW World Champion T-Rex! The Jurassic Power hit the ring and took down Jumbo with a spear! He clotheslined Valentine over the top rope and then turned into a clothesline from Art Reed!


Reed put the boots to T-Rex as Jumbo Jackson got back up and spilled outside to brawl with Peter Valentine! T-Rex managed to get to his feet inside the ring and continued to fight with Art Reed! It was a brawl both inside and outside the ring! T-Rex sent Art Reed into the corner and met him with a splash there and then hooked on the Jurassic Crush! The crowd got to their feet when they saw that and both Valentine and Jackson slid back into the ring! They both threw forearm shots to T-Rex to break the hold and Jumbo sent Reed into the corner as Valentine brawled with T-Rex -- JUMBO AVALANCHE! Jumbo slides down and makes the cover:










Jumbo Jackson nearly got the three count on Art Reed and we nearly had a new USPW World Champion! Reed slowly rolls out of the ring and Jumbo Jackson turns his attention to Peter Valentine. Jumbo and T-Rex double team Valentine -- double gutbuster! Valentine is down and hurt! Jumbo and T-Rex shake hands - CLOTHESLINE BY T-REX! T-Rex grabs Jumbo Jackson and lifts him up -- EXTINCTION! Jumbo hits the ground hard with that finisher by T-Rex! The USPW World Champion makes the cover, hooking the leg:










Art Reed came out of nowhere with a flying elbowdrop on T-Rex! Reed lifts the Jurassic Power up and clotheslines him over the top rope to the floor! Reed rolls Valentine out of the ring as well and then sets his sights on Jumbo Jackson -- DREAD LOCK! The crowd is on their feet as Art Reed hooked Jumbo Jackson in the Dread Lock! Jumbo tries to fight it but Reed has it locked in tight. The crowd tries to support T-Rex or Peter Valentine getting back in the ring but they don't see it and begin to fight outside the ring.



Jumbo Jackson raises his hand...



T-Rex sees it and shoves Valentine, sliding inside the ring...



Jumbo....taps! Jumbo taps! The match is over!]


Winner: Art Reed (NEW USPW World Champion)

Match Rating: C-


[T-Rex is in disbelief as referee Jay Fair hands the belt to the new Champion! Jay Chord and Joey Beauchamp come down to the ring and raise the arm of the winner as Art Reed celebrates with the belt! The crowd boos the rise of Technical Execution! And that's all we have for you this week with this stunning upset!]

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We had several people get 5/6 with no one predicting the upset in the main event. Lexa90, FlameSnoopy and The Mystery led the pack this week.


1. Lexa90=32 Wins

2. The Mystery=31 Wins

Hyde Hill=30 Wins

4. FlameSnoopy=25 Wins

5. mcorey=20 Wins

6. Marcel Fromage=14 Wins

7. MikeSensation=13 Wins

8. WrestlingGeek=7 Wins

9. jtnlange=6 Wins

10. SeanMcFly=3 Wins


Thanks to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


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We have a brand new USPW World Champion in Art Reed! This week he makes his first appearance with the title belt in hand. What will he have to say? What will Technical Execution have to say?


In our main event of the evening, an injured 'Liberty' James Justice will be stepping back into the ring as he takes on 'Southern Justice' Jack Griffith. Griffith has been around the block a few times so he is no pushover against Justice.


New USPW World Champion 'Pure Athlete' Art Reed will be in non title action this week as he takes on JD Morgan. Morgan is an accomplished wrestler and it should be interesting to see if he can get a big win over the new Champion.


We will be having a tag team battle royal to determine the top contender to the Dirty White Boys' titles. Participating will be teams like The Hillbillys, The Towers of Power, Team America, The Calamari Kid and Jumbo Jackson and The Ace Express!


This week will be Steven Parker's last match here in USPW as he heads to the South West and Tommy Cornell's promotion so this is the last week to get the USPW World Television Title belt off his waist! Getting the opportunity to do that will be two wrestlers who have grudges against Parker: Hawkeye and Erik Strong. Will one of the two be able to relieve him of the belt?


Plus more action!


Tag Team Battle Royal: The Calamari Kid and Jumbo Jackson, The Ace Express, The Hillbillys, The Towers of Power, Team America

Stephanie Wade vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Erik Strong vs. Hawkeye

Non Title: Art Reed vs. JD Morgan

James Justice vs. Jack Griffith


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Tag Team Battle Royal: The Calamari Kid and Jumbo Jackson, The Ace Express, The Hillbillys, The Towers of Power, Team America

Stephanie Wade vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Erik Strong vs. Hawkeye

Non Title: Art Reed vs. JD Morgan

James Justice vs. Jack Griffith

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Art Reed As USPW Champion!!!! He finally got his big break.


That was unexpected at all. Good job.


I had to think long and hard about who I wanted to take the belt off T-Rex. The fact was that he wasn't getting the job done in match ratings, one reason why I didn't put his matches at the main event.

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Tag Team Battle Royal: The Calamari Kid and Jumbo Jackson, The Ace Express, The Hillbillys, The Towers of Power, Team America

Stephanie Wade vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Erik Strong vs. Hawkeye

Non Title: Art Reed vs. JD Morgan

James Justice vs. Jack Griffith

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I had to think long and hard about who I wanted to take the belt off T-Rex. The fact was that he wasn't getting the job done in match ratings, one reason why I didn't put his matches at the main event.


I understand. He wasn't the best at being the best with his in-ring skills. Good choice anyways with Art Reed. T-Rex, Peter Valentine and Jumbo Jackson doesn't have the skills that Art Reed has. Anways my predictions this week:


Tag Team Battle Royal: The Calamari Kid and Jumbo Jackson, The Ace Express, The Hillbillys, The Towers of Power, Team America

Stephanie Wade vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Erik Strong vs. Hawkeye

Non Title: Art Reed vs. JD Morgan

James Justice vs. Jack Griffith

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Tag Team Battle Royal: The Calamari Kid and Jumbo Jackson, The Ace Express, The Hillbillys, The Towers of Power, Team America

Stephanie Wade vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Erik Strong vs. Hawkeye

Non Title: Art Reed vs. JD Morgan

James Justice vs. Jack Griffith

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Tag Team Battle Royal: The Calamari Kid and Jumbo Jackson, The Ace Express, The Hillbillys, The Towers of Power, Team America

More personal preference really. Could be Team America.

Stephanie Wade vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Erik Strong vs. Hawkeye

Finally gets one over on Parker on his way out the door

Non Title: Art Reed vs. JD Morgan

The new champ to make a good start - champ still not main eventing though, I notice

James Justice vs. Jack Griffith

Unless James Justice thinks Southern Justice is a long lost brother and isn't prepared to fight him, this one's going his way.

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Tag Team Battle Royal: The Calamari Kid and Jumbo Jackson, The Ace Express, The Hillbillys, The Towers of Power, Team America

Stephanie Wade vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Erik Strong vs. Hawkeye

Non Title: Art Reed vs. JD Morgan

James Justice vs. Jack Griffith

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Tag Team Battle Royal: The Calamari Kid and Jumbo Jackson, The Ace Express, The Hillbillys, The Towers of Power, Team America

Stephanie Wade vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Erik Strong vs. Hawkeye

Non Title: Art Reed vs. JD Morgan

James Justice vs. Jack Griffith

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Tag Team Battle Royal: The Calamari Kid and Jumbo Jackson, The Ace Express, The Hillbillys, The Towers of Power,Team America

Stephanie Wade vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Erik Strong vs. Hawkeye

Non Title: Art Reed vs. JD Morgan

James Justice vs. Jack Griffith

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Wednesday Week 2 July 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 3,296

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: .56


Pre Show: Jack Avatar defeated Joey Beauchamp in 4:03 by pinfall...C+


Pre Show: Fumihiro Ota defeated Steve Gumble in 3:05 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike...D


Pre Show: A music video is shown to promote Sam Strong...B-


Pre Show: Jay Chord defeated Suzanne Brazzle in 3:58 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver...C-




[The show begins with a replay of the four way match last week for the USPW World Title. In the end, Art Reed hooked on the Dread Lock and it was enough for Jumbo Jackson to submit and we have a brand new USPW World Champion!]


[Following that video, the cameras catch up with a limousine arriving at the arena. The door opens and out walks a member of Technical Execution: 'The Pure Athlete' and USPW World Champion Art Reed! The crowd goes wild with boos for the new Champion, who flashes a smile and the belt toward the camera before he heads inside the arena.]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StevenParker.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ErikStrong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/NickyChampion_FIN5.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Steven Parker defends vs. Erik Strong vs. Hawkeye


[The show kicks off with the USPW World Television Title defense in just one of many shakeups within the lineup this week on American Wrestling. Steven Parker is wearing a TCW t-shirt while Erik Strong has on a USPW t-shirt!


This one had Strong and Hawkeye mostly double-teaming Steven Parker, sending the Future outside the ring where Strong hit him with a cross body off the top turnbuckle! The crowd definitely favors either Strong or Hawkeye coming away with the title. Parker and Strong both got back in the ring and Parker actually started to fire back against both men. He hit Hawkeye with the Future Shock and clotheslined Strong outside the ring! He made the cover on Hawkeye:










The crowd popped huge as Hawkeye got his shoulder up! Even the announcers are pulling against Parker because they don't want the belt going to TCW. Parker went for another Future Shock on Hawkeye but he was thrown off and then nearly decapitated with the Hawkeye Hammer! Hawkeye looked to the crowd for a moment as he might finally get the pinfall win over The Future! DROPKICK BY ERIK STRONG! Hawkeye was dropkicked over the top rope by Strong! Erik goes to the top rope -- STRONG SAULT ON PARKER! Erik makes the cover and hooks the leg:










Winner: Erik Strong

Match Rating: D+


[sam Strong heads down to the ring following the sounding of the bell. Baby Jamie raises his son's hand and Sam is handed the USPW World Television Title belt. Erik kicks Steven Parker out of the ring and then hugs his father! What a scene inside the ring as Sam Strong puts the belt around the waist of his son! Outside the ring, Hawkeye stares up at the scene, grabbing his baseball bat. He just stares for several moments and then exits through the crowd as Sam raises the arm of his son.]




[The camera cuts backstage to show the man with the power of the force ready to give an interview.]


Jim Force

"Bruce The Giant, you have always been a powerful man to be reckoned with but you have lost to the power of the FOOORRRRRCCCEEEEEE! I pinned you 1-2-3 in the middle of the ring with my Full FOOORRRRRCCCCEEEEEE so what makes you think I will not do so again at Independence Slam? Even the mighty giants of the past could not match strength for strength with those holding the might of the FOOORRRRCCCCEEEEE! At Independence Slam, I shall beat you down with the might of my Jim Force Merchandise and then you will be forced to buy it! BUY MY MERCHANDISE!"


[A few snarls and growls come next and then it's back to the ring.]


Match #2



Tag Team Battle Royal:

The Calamari Kid and Jumbo Jackson, The Ace Express, The Hillbillys, The Towers of Power,Team America


[This match was a bit of a cluster inside the ring with all of these teams. It's pretty much every man for himself inside this tag team battle royal as it is the last man standing whose team will come away with the tag team title shot. The final four wrestlers inside the ring ended up being: The Calamari Kid, Al The Hillbilly, Captain USA and Johnny Martin. All four of which are fan favorites, well as much as some of them can be. Al was the first eliminated by Captain USA. Johnny Martin and The Calamari Kid were doing battle in a corner. Martin tried to eliminate The Calamari Kid but to his credit, the Kid held on to the ropes! Captain USA came over and began helping Johnny Martin! The Calamari Kid was eliminated by both of them, leaving only Johnny Martin and Captain USA. The Masked Patriot and Rick Sanders returned to ringside during this battle. Captain USA sent Johnny Martin against the ropes and charged with a clothesline -- DUCKED! Martin elevates Captain USA over the top rope and -- he hits the floor! It's over! Ace Express wins the match!]


Winners: The Ace Express

Match Rating: D+


[Team America left ringside looking dejected while The Ace Express celebrated inside the ring. The celebration was short-lived though as they were blindsided by lead pipe wielding Dirty White Boys! The USPW World Tag Team Champions beat down The Ace Express with those pipes and then stood up, raising the belts to boos from the crowd!]




[The cameras cut to a backstage area where Travis Century is holding Katie Cameron by her hair. He holds her kneeled at his feet and tells Steve Flash that he is going to give him one more opportunity to win her back. That opportunity will come at Independence Slam in a match of Century's choosing. If Flash does not win, Katie Cameron will become a member of the Undead forever.]




[backstage, JD Morgan is standing within an interview area. He speaks about his non title match tonight with Art Reed and how he is going to prove he is worthy of a title shot by beating the USPW World Champion! Tonight shows that he is not just that extreme performer, he is also a wrestler.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StephanieWade.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AliciaStrong.jpg

Stephanie Wade vs. Alicia Strong


[This was a non title match here tonight as Alicia Strong takes on 'The Superstar' Stephanie Wade. These two women did not click inside the ring and it really hurt the overall match flow. Yet, Wade began to get a little bit more of a following because of her performance against Alicia Strong. But it was a Strong Arm Tactic that got Alicia the victory.]


Winner: Alicia Strong

Match Rating: D+


[Following the match, Cherry Bomb attacked Alicia from behind! Cherry Bomb set up Alicia and hit the Cherry Bomb to boos from the crowd! Cherry covered her and made her own 3 count before smiling and walking away. These two women will meet at USPW Independence Slam one on one.]




[And what would a USPW American Wrestling show be without an interview by 'Liberty' James Justice?]


James Justice

"DUDES! Last week, I put the pinfall on Beaudude of Technical Execution. I scratched one dude off the list of dudes that I plan on defeating. Tonight, I step away from Technical Execution and I take on the dude known as Southern Justice. Griffith, you may have Justice within the south, dude, but my Justice is universal! Tonight, when we step inside that ring, I can assure you that Justice will be served, dude!"


[Justice flexes and then it's back to the ring.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JackGriffith_alt3.jpg

James Justice vs. Jack Griffith


[Griffith actually put up a great fight here, surprising many of the fans within the Huntsville Fairgrounds. Griffith went right after that hurting knee of James Justice. He ripped off the brace that Justice wears now and dropped an elbow and a few stomps on the knee, causing Justice to cry out in pain. Griffith definitely looked a little less like his old alcoholic self in this match. Maybe he beat the habit? But as he held the advantage, instead of going for a pinfall he slid out of the ring and reached underneath it. From underneath he pulled out...a bottle of Jack Daniels??? Oh no! He takes a drink from it and flashes a drunken smile toward the fans before sliding back inside the ring, having set the bottle down at ringside.


Justice took advantage of the breather and fired back to Griffith, who stumbled a few times, definitely showing he can't hold his drink. Justice managed to hit Griffith with the Liberation Slam and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: James Justice

Match Rating: C


[Following the match, James Justice was attacked from behind by Jay Chord, who hit him in the knee with a chair! The crowd booed Chord as Chord laid the chair on the mat and hooked Justice -- CRADLE PILEDRIVER ON THE CHAIR! The crowd booed heavily, crying out 'JUSTICE, JUSTICE, JUSTICE!' Jay put his hand to his ear, egging on the crowd before shaking his head and pointing down toward James Justice before walking away as EMT's came out to check on Justice and help him to the back.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ArtReed.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JDMorgan.jpg

Non Title

Art Reed vs. JD Morgan


[Main event time does indeed feature the USPW World Champion in non title action against JD Morgan. JD started out the match trying to match Art Reed hold for hold but the Pure Athlete definitely seemed to hold the advantage there and eventually JD started brawling out of pure frustration! The crowd was definitely in the favor of Morgan as he held control during the beginning and middle parts of the match, wearing down the USPW World Champion. Morgan sent Art Reed into the steel post at ringside and then tossed him back inside the ring, joining him inside. Morgan whipped Reed into a corner but the referee was in that corner and got squished! Morgan charged in with a big clothesline in the corner and the referee and Art Reed both fell to the mat.


JD looked down at the fallen referee and gave a hard stomp to the back of Art Reed's head. JD slid outside the ring and reached underneath, tugging a table out from underneath the ring. What is he doing?!?! Not here in USPW! JD Morgan slid the table inside the ring and followed in, beginning to set the table up. Once it was set up, he grabbed Art Reed and dropped him with a hard DDT on the mat! Morgan got back up and pointed to the table, getting a good crowd reaction. He grabbed Art Reed and set him up on the table, moving around and heading to the top turnbuckle. Morgan ran his thumb across his throat and leaped:









Art Reed moved out of the way! JD Morgan's splash took HIM through the table and Morgan looked really hurt! Art Reed used the ropes to pull himself up and moved over to the referee, waking him up before hooking JD Morgan in the Dread Lock! It only took about thirty seconds for Morgan to give up!]


Winner: Art Reed

Match Rating: C+


[Following the win, Reed released the hold and stood up, waiting to receive his USPW World Title belt but someone else had come through the crowd! Someone who is not very happy with Art Reed holding the title...]



[it's the Jurassic Power T-Rex!!!]


[T-Rex slid into the ring behind Art Reed with the belt and he began putting the belt around the waist of the Pure Athlete. The belt was placed on and then T-Rex grabbed Art Reed -- EXTINCTION!! He hit Reed with the Extinction and stood over him, growling angrily and beating his chest! The crowd cheered the appearance of T-Rex as the show came to a close.]

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5/5 for Lexa90 and The Mystery! Congrats!


1. Lexa90=37 Wins

2. The Mystery=36 Wins

3. Hyde Hill=34 Wins

4. FlameSnoopy=25 Wins

5. mcorey=24 Wins

6. Marcel Fromage=18 Wins

7. MikeSensation=13 Wins

8. jtnlange=10 Wins

9. WrestlingGeek=7 Wins

10. My Name is Not=4 Wins

11. SeanMcFly=3 Wins

UFC-King=3 Wins


Thanks to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


Lexa90 and The Mystery now receive this official Jim Force t-shirt created by Phantom Stranger! Congrats!



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It's our last show before Independence Slam and what a show we have as we will see several wrestlers in action who will be fighting at Independence Slam!


Our main event will see a non title bout between 'The Pure Athlete' Art Reed and 'The All American Boy' Jack Avatar! Should be technical wrestling at it's finest!


James Justice will be in action as well as he takes on a man coming here from the tough streets of Mexico. He is a Champion down there and should make for a tough match with James Justice. His name is Antonio Maxi Marquez!


We will also see a match to determine the top contender to the USPW World Television Title as Hawkeye steps into the ring going one on one with Fumihiro Ota.


Plus more action!


Captain USA vs. Bruce The Giant

Top Contenders Match: Fumihiro Ota vs. Hawkeye

Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord

Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. James Justice

Non Title: Art Reed vs. Jack Avatar


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