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USPW: American Made

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[The scene opens within a board room with several pieces of electronic equipment and a round table within the center of the room. Sitting around that table are USPW Owner Sam Strong, Former USPW Owner Danny Jillefski and USPW Head Booker Jack Avatar.]


Sam Strong

"Everyone here knows about how the economy has been going here lately and the wrestling industry is not much better. Therefore, we are looking to cut costs wherever we can in order to make a profit. Jack and I have spoken about several cuts that we have decided need to be made in order to field that profit. Those cuts are: Sgt. Bubba Lee West, Eric The Bull and Corporal Doom. Jack has also brought up the intended releases of two other wrestlers in the forms of Java and Tribal Warrior, the tag team known as Savage Fury. As I am sure you are aware, Danny, Java no-showed our last pay-per-view to work in a six man tag over in Japan in a losing effort. And without his partner being within the mix, Tribal Warrior does not do us any good. Therefore, I have authorized both of these cuts to be effective today."


Danny Jillefski

"I understand, Sam. Our scouting department has also made the recommendation of not signing anyone at the moment as there seems to be no one available right now that really fits our style or need on the free agent market."


Sam Strong

"Agreed. Now, Jack, we have a major pay-per-view coming up next month in USPW's Freedom Fight. We have some major matches planned for that card. What can you tell us about what you have planned?"


Jack Avatar

"The card as it stands right now has Bruce and James one on one, T-Rex defending the belt against Jumbo and Peter Valentine and Steve Flash taking their feud into the ring. Now, I have several plans for some matches coming forward for that card. We need a team to take on The Forces of America. I might say the Dirty White Boys but they just made their on-camera debut at the last ppv and it might be pushing them a little too hard to put them automatically in a title match. There's also the Towers but they have wrestled the Forces far too much in the last six months so that the fans are starting to get a little sick of them. We might need to look at a heel and have him pick his own partner in a match with them just to get it on the card. There's other things I could suggest as well but we will speak about that at length later on."


Sam Strong

"What about the Lex Appeal and Happy Elwood match?"


Jack Avatar

"That is still scheduled to take place though it's more of a novelty match than anything else at this point."


Sam Strong

"Alright, now let's get back to this tag title match..."


[Fade Out]

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We are continuing on the road toward Freedom Fight with a blockbuster main event! As announced last week, two members of the Sneer Corporation: Bruce The Giant and Jumbo Jackson will be taking on USPW World Champion The Jurassic Power T-Rex and Liberty James Justice! What a match that should be as these four men will be fighting at Freedom Fight as well!


In other action, we will see two of the top high flyers in the world go at it with the debut of American Elemental here in USPW as he takes on Steve Flash! Peter Valentine just might be lurking somewhere around there.


We will be seeing another debut as Larry Wood steps into the ring for the first time after all those videos and he takes on Happy Elwood, who might have a chance to respond to the challenge made by Lex Appeal last week!


Plus we're going to have some women's wrestling and more right here on USPW American Wrestling!


Suzanne Brazzle vs. Wanda Fish

Happy Elwood vs. the debut of Larry Wood

The debut of American Elemental vs. Steve Flash

Jack Avatar vs. Rhino Umaga

James Justice and T-Rex vs. Bruce The Giant and Jumbo Jackson


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Suzanne Brazzle vs. Wanda Fish

Happy Elwood vs. the debut of Larry Wood

The debut of American Elemental vs. Steve Flash

Jack Avatar vs. Rhino Umaga

James Justice and T-Rex vs. Bruce The Giant and Jumbo Jackson - Draw

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Suzanne Brazzle vs. Wanda Fish

Happy Elwood vs. the debut of Larry Wood

The debut of American Elemental vs. Steve Flash

Jack Avatar vs. Rhino Umaga

James Justice and T-Rex vs. Bruce The Giant and Jumbo Jackson


hope i got it "right" this time get it? get it????? not lol.

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Wednesday Week 3 March 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 3,217

Overall Rating: C-

TV Rating: .51




[The show opens up backstage where Shane Sneer, Bruce The Giant and Jumbo Jackson are arriving via limousine. All three of them get out and take a slow look around before Shane motions for them to head to the arena. They have a major tag team battle later on this evening!]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SuzanneBrazzle.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/WandaFish.jpg

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Wanda Fish


[both ladies are inside the ring when the cameras cut back inside and Danny and Sara welcome everyone to USPW American Wrestling as the match gets started. The crowd are just getting settled into their seats as these two ladies have a back and forth matchup to kick things off. It's not the best match in the world and not the worst. It's just a little below average and Wanda finishes things off with a Dish Of The Day and a pinfall.]


Winner: Wanda Fish

Match Rating: D




[The cameras go backstage to the office of USPW owner Sam Strong. Sam is pushing papers at the moment and looks up when his door swings open and hits the wall and in staggers two rather drunk individuals...]




[Jack raises his paper bag covered bottle to Sam, giving him a winning smile as he staggers over and leans over the desk.]


Jack Griffith

"Sammy, Sam, Sam, bo bam. Sam, my boy. I tell you what I think you should do. I think that you should give me and my Alcohol - Alkaline - Alcoholic Ninja here a shot at the tag titles. After all, we have a lot on common, you and me. You shee, I'm a legend and you're a legend. We both still have our hair."


[Jack bursts into a fit of giggles at that and Sam rolls his eyes, glancing toward the Alcoholic Ninja, who reaches out to keep Jack from falling.]


Sam Strong

"I tell you what, Jack, you have yourself a deal. A tag title match for Jack Griffith and the Alcoholic Ninja. But only if you leave my office within the next ten seconds."


[Alcoholic Ninja's eyes go wide as Sam looks at his watch and he practically drags his partner out of the office, barely making it out in time. Sam just rolls his eyes and goes back to work on paperwork.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/HappyElwood.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/LarryWood.jpg

Happy Elwood vs. the debut of Larry Wood


[Happy Elwood is already within the ring when the opening to 'Monster' by Disturbed begins to play. Larry Wood steps out from the back with a singular focus and runs toward the ring with a low growl. Happy Elwood slides out quickly and Wood follows him! The bell sounds and the match inside the ring is dominated by Wood and the fans don't really seem to care. Wood hits Elwood with the Running Big Foot and makes the pinfall victory in his debut.]


Winner: Larry Wood

Match Rating: E-




[The cameras cut backstage to show Giant Redwood walking down the hallway. He pauses for a moment, taking a slow look around and then he turns a corner...]






[Redwood got tackled and falls to the ground! Des Davids stands over him and does a victory dance. Then Des turns and walks down the hallway like nothing happened while Redwood groans as he tries to pick himself up.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AmericanElemental.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/KatieCameron.jpg

The debut of American Elemental vs. Steve Flash


[American Elemental was already within the ring, stretching and waiting for Steve Flash...


'I know this place is where I am

No other place is better than

No matter where I go I am

Proud to be Canadian!'


'I Am Canadian' by The Arrogant Worms begins to play and the crowd is not exactly sure how to take it as Steve Flash and Katie Cameron come walking out from the back. Flash still high fives some fans as he heads down to the ring and slides inside. He offers American Elemental a handshake, which he takes and the match begins.


The match was a bit of a crowd-downer, which was surprising given the level of talent within the ring. The opening bit was some good quick high flying between the two and the match kept a good quick pace. The fans thought it went a little long though with American Elemental being on the screen too much. The match ended with Peter Valentine coming down to the ring and attacking Steve Flash to cause the DQ!]


Winner: Steve Flash

Match Rating: D-


[Valentine gave Flash some stomps after the match and then picked him up and hit the Heart Breaker to more boos as 'Sharp Dressed Man' by ZZ Top began to play as Valentine celebrated with his arms raised and he headed to the back.]




[The cameras head backstage where USPW World Television Champion 'The Future' Steven Parker is standing within the interview area.]


Steven Parker

"Nicky, Nicky, Nicky. Can I call you that? I guess we don't know what you're calling yourself now that I own the rights to your name and I've retired that name. It's pretty sad, isn't it? A man with no name? How about I just call you the latest victim of the Future? Just another man who's Future came calling far too soon. Because when you get into the ring with Steven Parker, you're destined to lay on the mat and have your shoulders pinned: 1 - 2 - 3. And I don't care whether it's one man, two men, three men, you can bring on everyone on the roster here at USPW. It won't matter because I am going to walk away with this television title belt. This isn't SWF. This isn't TCW. This is USPW and I am the World Television Champion Steven Parker. The Future is now!"


[steven pats the title belt and it's back to the ring.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JackAvatar.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/RhinoUmaga.jpg

Jack Avatar vs. Rhino Umaga


['You're The Best Around' by Joe Esposito is playing as the cameras cut back to the ring and Jack Avatar walks out from the back, high fiving the fans and looking focused as he walks to the ring and steps inside, stretching on the ropes. 'Tribal Drumming' begins to overlay the other song and out comes the beast Rhino Umaga. Rhino looks fierce as he walks out to the ring and steps inside to face his opponent.


Another match that brought the crowd's mood down here though it was back and forth with a few fun spots. Once when Avatar had control he knocked the referee on top of Rhino and dropped down, counting a 1 -- 2 count before Rhino kicked out. It was no laughing matter though when Rhino hit Avatar with a chair, causing a DQ!]


Winner: Jack Avatar

Match Rating: D-


[Following the match, Rhino pushed the referee away and hit Avatar with another chairshot! Rhino hit Avatar with a Rhino Charge in the corner with the chair involved as well! The crowd booed as Rhino Umaga left the ring, growling.]




[The cameras cut backstage to a locker room where the former USPW World Champion and the current USPW World Champion come face-to-face for the first time.]


James Justice




"Cut the crap, Justice. Tonight has got to be serious because I don't want to have to carry your ass."


James Justice

"You don't have to worry about that, T-Rex."


[The two glared at each other and Justice looked down at T-Rex's title belt before meeting T-Rex's eyes again and T-Rex shoves his way past Justice down the hallway.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg

James Justice and T-Rex vs. Bruce The Giant and Jumbo Jackson


['Miracle man...your miracle man...your miracle man...your miracle man'


'Save Me' by Overkill begins to play over the P.A. system and out walks Liberty James Justice! The crowd cheers for Justice as he high fives the crowd and walks to the ring, waiting for the entrance of his partner. The opening guitar riff to 'Bad To The Bone' by George Thurogood and the Destroyers begins to play over the last song and T-Rex comes out with the USPW World Title belt around his waist. He walks right to the ring, tossing off his bandana and staring at James Justice.


'A Welcome Burden' by Disturbed signals the entrance of Bruce The Giant and Jumbo Jackson. They come out together, joined by Shane Sneer. The Sneer Corporation showing a united front as they walk toward the ring. Bruce stands over the top rope to get into the ring while Jumbo helps Shane Sneer in and moves in through the ropes.


Jumbo Jackson and James Justice start and Justice hits several power moves early on in the match, looking back toward T-Rex as though he was showing off. Justice tags in T-Rex and T-Rex throws Jumbo around with several suplexes before Justice tags himself back in. Justice and T-Rex glare, giving Jumbo enough time to tag in Bruce! Bruce is dominant in this early-going and into the middle of the match as well as James Justice is cut off from his partner. Bruce and Jumbo make frequent tags to keep the fresh man in the ring. Bruce slips Justice into a bear hug in the middle of the ring and Justice fights though he is getting squeezed out. The crowd begins their chant of 'DUDE, DUDE, DUDE' and Justice responds with claps to the ears of Bruce The Giant! Justice manages to fight off Bruce and hits him with a clothesline! A second clothesline! A third finally knocks Bruce backward and onto the ropes. Justice hits a flip to get close enough and makes a tag to T-Rex!


T-Rex attacks Bruce The Giant, pulling him in and lifting him in a snap suplex! T-Rex makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- kickout! T-Rex pulls Bruce up but Bruce grabs him by the throat and tosses him in his corner! Bruce tags in Jumbo Jackson and the two double-team T-Rex in the corner. T-Rex fights back and in comes James Justice! James and Bruce brawl, spilling outside the ring and distracting the referee! Shane Sneer slips up behind T-Rex and hits him with his shoe! Jumbo makes a cover and the referee turns around: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Jumbo Jackson just pinned T-Rex!]


Winners: Bruce The Giant and Jumbo Jackson

Match Rating: C-


[bruce and James continue to brawl, fighting into the crowd! Jumbo pulls T-Rex up and moves him into a corner and charges - JUMBO AVALANCHE! - MOVES! T-Rex moved out of the way and he grabs Jumbo Jackson - Jurassic Crush! - NO! Jumbo fights out of it! Jumbo with a low blow! He grabs T-Rex and press slams the champion down to the mat, beating his chest as the show comes to a close.]

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A bit of a short week this week but still got a lot of time.


1. DeBones=21 Wins

2. Hyde Hill=17 Wins

3. Lexa90=16 Wins

4. Marcel Fromage=12 Wins

5. tristram=10 Wins

6. supershot=8 Wins


Still a fairly even contest so far. Thanks to everyone who has predicted thus far!


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We are one week away from USPW's Freedom Fight and we've got some great action coming for you tonight!


Our main event will feature Liberty James Justice stepping inside the ring with a fiercesome foe in Giant Redwood. This is a bit of a tuneup match since next week Justice will be facing Bruce The Giant.


We have a USPW World Television Title defense as 'The Future' Steven Parker defends against Des Davids. Will Parker still have the title going into Freedom Fight?


Plus more right here on USPW American Wrestling!


Bruce The Giant vs. Freddie Datsun

Rhino Umaga vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Des Davids

The Hillbillys vs. Jack Griffith and Alcoholic Ninja

Non Title: T-Rex vs. Madman Boone

Giant Redwood vs. James Justice


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Bruce The Giant vs. Freddie Datsun

Rhino Umaga vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Des Davids

The Hillbillys vs. Jack Griffith and Alcoholic Ninja

Non Title: T-Rex vs. Madman Boone

Giant Redwood vs. James Justice


Keep up the good work! :)

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Bruce The Giant vs. Freddie Datsun

Rhino Umaga vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Des Davids

The Hillbillys vs. Jack Griffith and Alcoholic Ninja

Non Title: T-Rex vs. Madman Boone

Giant Redwood vs. James Justice

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Bruce The Giant vs. Freddie Datsun

Rhino Umaga vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Television Title Match: Steven Parker defends vs. Des Davids

The Hillbillys vs. Jack Griffith and Alcoholic Ninja

Non Title: T-Rex vs. Madman Boone

Giant Redwood vs. James Justice

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Wednesday Week 4 March 2008

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 3,540

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: .50




["miracle man...your miracle man...your miracle man...your"


The P.A. plays that oh-so-familiar music, Overkill's 'Save Me', the official USPW entrance theme of the former USPW World Champion 'Liberty' James Justice, as the man himself emerges from behind the curtain. James pauses at the top of the ramp, soaking in the cheers from the crowd for a moment before he heads right down to the ring, taking the stick.]


James Justice

"DUDES! Tonight we are so totally preparing for a great main event as I take on the evil Giant RedDude!"


[boos for Redwood!]


James Justice

"RedDude, I am so totally gonna bring you down to my size tonight. I may not be as big as you, dude, but we're all the same size lying on the mat and I intend to put you there for the 1 - 2 - 3. Then it's on to Freedom Fight where I face my former friend, Bruce The Giant. Dude, you and I used to be friends. We used to fight the same fight and you used to be honorable. Now, dude, you're gonna find out what it's like for Liberty to come crashing down on you and for Justice to be served, dude!"


[James flexes as "Save Me" kicks up again and he drops the microphone, heading out of the ring and to the back.]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FreddieDatsun_alt3.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg

Bruce The Giant vs. Freddie Datsun


['A Welcome Burden' by Disturbed kicked up and the crowd rose in boos for the entrance of Shane Sneer's man: Bruce The Giant. Bruce made threats to the crowd as he walked out and stepped inside the ring. The music changed to 'Smoke On The Water' by Deep Purple and the crowd cheered for the American Everyman Freddie Datsun, who had to be helped to the ring by Blonde Bombshell. Datsun isn't looking so hot and hasn't been since he and Bombshell were kidnapped by Madman Boone.


Datsun and Bruce put on a pretty good match once they got inside the ring with Datsun managing in several punches, much to the crowd's surprise. But Bruce was definitely the more overwhelming of the two and took Datsun down with a big boot and a clothesline before stepping on top of his throat and getting boos from the crowd at that. Bruce lifted Datsun to his feet and grabbed him around the throat - GIANT CHOKE SLAM! Bruce put his foot on the chest of Datsun and got a three count.]


Winner: Bruce The Giant

Match Rating: C-


[shane Sneer climbed into the ring and had a microphone in hand.]


Shane Sneer

"You see what we talked about, Bruce? These fans don't respect you. And James Justice doesn't respect you either! You heard what he said earlier about beating you. He doesn't know what he's talking about, though, because at Freedom Fight, you'll beat the respect into him and all these fans won't have any choice but to appreciate your dominance here in USPW!"


[The crowd boos even more as 'A Welcome Burden' kicks back up and Sneer escorts Bruce to the back.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/RhinoUmaga.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/KatieCameron.jpg

Rhino Umaga vs. Steve Flash


[The sounds of the tribal beat bring down the monster Rhino Umaga from the back. He makes some threatening gestures toward the crowd and gnaws on the guardrail before finally making it into the ring. 'I Am Canadian' by the Arrogant Worms cuts into the tribal drums as Steve Flash comes out, escorted by Katie Cameron. Flash high fives the fans and shakes their hands as he walks out and Katie looks all prim and proper as she stands at ringside.


These two contrasting styles made for a slightly awkward bout within the ring though there were no chemistry issues. Flash sold like a champ for Rhino Umaga's moves though and avoided a Rhino Charge in the corner, beginning his comeback late. The comeback was only haulted by an assault by Peter Valentine, causing the DQ.]


Winner: Steve Flash

Match Rating: D


[Valentine continued the assault inside the ring with stomps and a Heart Breaker and then made a threat to slap Katie Cameron as she climbed into the ring. Katie stumbled backward and slipped and fell to the mat. Valentine went slightly wide-eyed and headed out of the ring, leaving Flash and Katie to help each other.]




[The cameras cut backstage where the Future Steven Parker is...walking! He pauses for a moment and flashes a smile toward the camera.]


Steven Parker

"Everyone wants to follow a Champion, don't they? After all, I am the greatest USPW World Television Champion that has ever existed since they instituted this belt and I'm going to make this belt mean even more than the World Title, unlike that man who shall not be named, that loser boy. Hey loser, still hanging out in the rafters? Well, it could be worse. You could be named Des Davids and be facing me tonight. Des, I've seen tapes of you in the ring and based on those tapes I'm thinking it's going to be another victory for yours truly: The Future Steven Parker."


[steven flashes an arrogant smile and continues on down the hall.]




[The cameras cut back to ringside and then high up in the rafters where the former Nicky Champion stands, this time decked out in a black trenchcoat. He is pacing back and forth with a black baseball bat in hand. He smashes the bat against a couple of empty seats and then turns stoic eyes toward the camera in silence.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StevenParker.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DesDavids_alt2.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Steven Parker defends vs. Des Davids


[This will be our only title match of the evening. 'Run To The Playoffs' by NFL Network begins to play as Des Davids comes walking out, jumping all around. He gets about midway down and drops in a three point stance before running the rest of the way into the ring. He drops and does pushoffs inside the ring as the music cuts to 'Right Now' by Van Halen, the music of the World Television Champion and out walks the arrogant Steven Parker. Parker smiles and soaks in the boos, flashing a look toward the former Nicky Champion before heading to the ring to meet his opponent.


This match was a little better than the last match though not by much. Parker showed some great athletic ability but so did Des Davids. Davids got several near falls throughout the match but just couldn't hit that one move to put Parker away. Parker though was able to hit Des with the Future Shock and got the successful title defense.]


Winner: Steven Parker

Match Rating: D+




[The sounds of Van Halen were interrupted by James Brown's 'Living In America' and the presence of USPW Owner Sam Strong! Sam gets a large section of the crowd cheering his presence as he stands at the top of the ramp.]


Sam Strong

"Listen up, Steven. I am sure you're wondering just who you're going to be facing at Freedom Fight for that USPW World Television Title, huh? Well, I got to thinking about it and I got to remembering what you said before about it not mattering how many people are in the ring with you so I decided not to give you one opponent, but two opponents at Freedom Fight! You will be defending that World Television title against both Ernie Turner AND Anger! Good luck!"


[Living In America kicks back up as Steven yells obscenities toward Strong but Strong just heads toward the back while The Future kicks the bottom rope.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/KatieCameron.jpg


[The crowd gives some cheers as we head backstage to a locker room where Katie Cameron is checking on Steve Flash.]


Steve Flash

"I can't believe he just shoved you down like that."


[Wait...Steve can talk?]


Katie Cameron

"I know but you'll get your revenge at Freedom Fight by pinning him live right on pay-per-view. Then he will know what it's all aboot."


[steve nods and then sees the camera, pointing toward it and Katie turns. Katie walks over and shoves the cameraman]


Katie Cameron

"This is private!"


[Katie shoves the cameraman right out the door.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/AlTheHillbilly.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeteTheHillbilly.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JackGriffith_alt3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FumihiroOta.jpg

The Hillbillys vs. Jack Griffith and Alcoholic Ninja


[The sounds of Dueling Banjos brings the good-natured Hillbillys down to the ring, shaking hands with the crowd and Al even takes the time to get his picture taken with a fan before they enter the ring. Then the music cuts to 'One Bourbon, One Scotch And One Beer' by George Thurogood as Jack Griffith stumbles out to the ring, hanging on to the Alcoholic Ninja. They make it down to the ring and slide inside.


This was a very poor match between all four men with the crowd using this time as a bathroom break. Alcoholic Ninja mostly dominated for his side and Jack only tagged in near the end. He hit Pete with the Jack In The Box and got the three count.]


Winners: Jack Griffith and Alcoholic Ninja

Match Rating: E+




[Thankfully, the cut is backstage where Shane Sneer is standing by in the interview area alongside Jumbo Jackson.]


Shane Sneer

"USPW's Freedom Fight is going to be a red letter night for the Sneer Corporation. Not only is Bruce The Giant going to grind James Justice into a bloody pulp but the man standing beside me: Jumbo Jackson is going to become the new USPW World Champion! Take a look at this man: he's got everything that a Champion should be and is the complete opposite of some dinosaur named T-Rex. At Freedom Fight, Jumbo is going to make T-Rex look like Barney en route to taking his title and you can take that to the bank!"


[Jumbo just stares at the camera angrily and we head back to the ring.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MadmanBoone_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PlayboyJakeSawyer_F3.jpg

Non Title

T-Rex vs. Madman Boone


['Re: Your Brains' by Johnathan Coulton played first and out came Madman Boone and Playboy Jake Sawyer calling for brains! Sara made the crack about them not being able to find them with T-Rex. Once Boone and Sawyer made it to the ring, the music shifted to 'Bad To The Bone' by George Thurogood and the crowd got into the music, wildly cheering for the formerly hated World Champion T-Rex! The Jurassic Power came out and headed right for the ring, sliding inside and tossing off his bandana.


T-Rex started the match quickly, grabbing Boone and he sent his opponent flying with several different suplex variations. The crowd really got into the Champion's moves and did an 'oohh' when he hit a wheelbarrow suplex. T-Rex grabbed Madman Boone and hooked in the Jurassic Crush with enough force to even make the zombie tap out!]


Winner: T-Rex

Match Rating: D+


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson_alt7.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg


[With T-Rex's arms occupied with the hold, he wasn't able to fend off a shot to the ribs by Jumbo Jackson, who came in out of nowhere! Shane Sneer stood ringside, directing the shots for Jumbo, who was able to hit T-Rex with the Jumbo Avalanche and send him down to his knees and then a running knee lift sends T-Rex to his back! Jumbo raises his arms in celebration but will he be doing that next week?]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg

Giant Redwood vs. James Justice


['Welcome To The Jungle' by Guns N' Roses begins to play, showing it's time for our main event as Giant Redwood comes out to major boos from the crowd! The redheaded man yells at the crowd and nearly comes to blows with a fan, who is escorted away by security. Redwood steps over the top rope to get inside the ring...


"miracle man...your miracle man...your miracle man...your"


The crowd nearly blows the lid off the joint as Overkill's 'Save Me' begins to play and the man known as Liberty James Justice walks out from the back! Justice stops at the top of the ramp to soak in the cheers and takes off his shirt, tossing it into the crowd as he walks by on his way to the ring. He pulls off his sunglasses as well and puts them on a child at ringside, looking up toward the ring at his much larger opponent.


Once Justice is in the ring, the bell sounds for this pretty average main event here on the go-home show. Justice gets in a few early moves against Redwood but it's Redwood who fires in the comeback and begins pounding on the back of Justice. Redwood slams Justice back into the corner and then hits a high belly to belly suplex on the former champion and makes a cover:










Justice is not to be outshined early on though Redwood continues with his momentum on Liberty. Redwood hits Justice with a backbreaker and then tosses him over the top rope to the outside. Referee Jez McArthuer tries to stop Redwood from following him out there but Redwood doesn't stop, stepping over the top rope and stalking Justice outside the ring. He whips James into the guardrail and then lifts him up in a massive bear hug that ends when Redwood rams Justice into the ringpost! Justice falls to his knee and Redwood lets out a 'TIMBER!' to boos from the crowd! Redwood rolls Justice back into the ring and then follows him in. Redwood bounces off the ropes - elbow drop! Redwood makes another cover:










Redwood looks frustrated at that and gets up in the face of the referee but Jez tells him it was only a two count. Redwood turns back toward Justice and is caught in the gut with a punch! Justice throws a second punch! A third! James slowly pulls himself to his feet - CLOTHESLINE! He's rocking the big man! A second clothesline sends Redwood against the ropes and Justice clotheslines Giant Redwood over the top rope and to the floor! Justice absorbs in the cheers and goes to the turnbuckles, climbing up. What is he doing?!?! Justice measures Redwood:








James Justice dove off the top turnbuckles, connecting with an elbow to the heart of Giant Redwood outside the ring! The crowd goes wild here in Huntsville! Justice grabs his back as he pulls himself to his feet, rolling Redwood into the ring and following him in. Justice bounces off the ropes - DUDE KNEE DROP CONNECTS! Justice pulls Redwood up and hooks him - LIBERATION SLAM!! It CONNECTED on Redwood! He makes the cover and the crowd counts along:










Winner: James Justice

Match Rating: C




[James 'Liberty' Justice pulls to his feet and gets his hand raised by referee Jez McArthuer but he's holding his back from the damage it took and out from the back walks Bruce The Giant! Bruce is headed right down to the ring and he gets halway over the top rope when Justice rushes him! Justice throws haymaker after haymaker to the face and head of Bruce The Giant, shaking the ropes but the momentum is stopped with a double sledge from behind by Giant Redwood! The two former enemies work together here, grabbing James by the throat and lifting him up -




[The crowd cheers as chair-wielding Des Davids comes running from the back to make the save - but he's too late! Bruce and Redwood hit their double Choke Slam on James Justice and then turn toward Des when he enters the ring. Des catches Redwood with the chair but Bruce gives him a big boot! Bruce grabs Des Davids around the throat - GIANT CHOKE SLAM! He then motions toward Des and Redwood hits the Timber Standing Splash! Bruce and Redwood shake hands in the center of the ring! This is disgusting! Fans, we're out of time but we'll see you at Freedom Fight!]

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Well, that last card was fairly predictable. lol. But I know better than to just try and swerve the audience for a swerve.


1. DeBones=27 Wins

2. Hyde Hill=23 Wins

3. Lexa90=22 Wins

4. Marcel Fromage=18 Wins

5. tristram=10 Wins

6. supershot=8 Wins


Still a fairly even contest so far. Thanks to everyone who has predicted thus far!


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What a way to kick off the new month of April with USPW Freedom Fight! We have some great matches lined up for everyone..


This includes the rematch that everyone has been waiting to see when James 'Liberty' Justice steps into the ring with Bruce The Giant. This time Bruce has Shane Sneer in his corner. Could that make the difference?


We are going to see the USPW World Title be defended here as the Sneer Corporation gets the opportunity to put gold around their waist when Jumbo Jackson takes on the reigning and defending USPW World Champion 'The Jurassic Power' T-Rex. T-Rex has been dominant since even before he won the world title and last month he managed to hit Bruce The Giant with The Extinction. Can he do the same to Jumbo Jackson?


Steven Parker will defend his USPW World Television Title against two wrestlers here at Freedom Fight in elimination style as he takes on both Ernie Turner and Anger. Will we be seeing the dawn of a new age with Parker or will he be just another footnote in history?


Plus more action live on pay-per-view.!


Steve Flash vs. Peter Valentine

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Forces Of America defend vs. Jack Griffith and Alcoholic Ninja

Happy Elwood vs. Lex Appeal

USPW World Television Title Match, Elimination Three Way Dance: Steven Parker defends vs. Anger vs. Ernie Turner

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Des Davids vs. Giant Redwood

Freddie Datsun and Jack Avatar vs. Madman Boone and Rhino Umaga

USPW World Title Match: T-Rex defends vs. Jumbo Jackson

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant


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Steve Flash vs. Peter Valentine

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Forces Of America defend vs. Jack Griffith and Alcoholic Ninja

Happy Elwood vs. Lex Appeal

USPW World Television Title Match, Elimination Three Way Dance: Steven Parker defends vs. Anger vs. Ernie Turner

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Des Davids vs. Giant Redwood

Freddie Datsun and Jack Avatar vs. Madman Boone and Rhino Umaga

USPW World Title Match: T-Rex defends vs. Jumbo Jackson

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant

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Steve Flash vs. Peter Valentine

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Forces Of America defend vs. Jack Griffith and Alcoholic Ninja

Happy Elwood vs. Lex Appeal

USPW World Television Title Match, Elimination Three Way Dance: Steven Parker defends vs. Anger vs. Ernie Turner

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Des Davids vs. Giant Redwood

Freddie Datsun and Jack Avatar vs. Madman Boone and Rhino Umaga

USPW World Title Match: T-Rex defends vs. Jumbo Jackson

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant

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Steve Flash vs. Peter Valentine

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Forces Of America defend vs. Jack Griffith and Alcoholic Ninja

Happy Elwood vs. Lex Appeal

USPW World Television Title Match, Elimination Three Way Dance: Steven Parker defends vs. Anger vs. Ernie Turner

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Des Davids vs. Giant Redwood

Freddie Datsun and Jack Avatar vs. Madman Boone and Rhino Umaga

USPW World Title Match: T-Rex defends vs. Jumbo Jackson

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant by interference of course

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Steve Flash vs. Peter Valentine

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Forces Of America defend vs. Jack Griffith and Alcoholic Ninja

Happy Elwood vs. Lex Appeal

USPW World Television Title Match, Elimination Three Way Dance: Steven Parker defends vs. Anger vs. Ernie Turner

USPW Women's Title Match: Cherry Bomb defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Des Davids vs. Giant Redwood

Freddie Datsun and Jack Avatar vs. Madman Boone and Rhino Umaga

USPW World Title Match: T-Rex defends vs. Jumbo Jackson

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant


The Entrance themes are an intresting change :D

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Week 1 April 2008


[so it was just a day or two away from what will hopefully turn out to be the one of the biggest pay-per-views of the year in Freedom Fight. How could it not be huge with matches like James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant and T-Rex defending the World Title against Jumbo Jackson. Alright, so none of them are the most technically sound wrestlers in the universe but that is nothing new for USPW, is it? If people want guys flying all around the ring, they watch CZCW. USPW is the place to go for the heavy hitters and the realitstic pounding by the larger men generally speaking.


But it was time for a meeting with Sam Strong and this time it wasn't in an office but it was poolside at his house. I was directed by the maid on where to go since I hadn't spent much time at Sam's actual home. The meetings were generally held within the office. Sam was sitting on a lounger, wearing a t-shirt and a bathing suit, while I had dressed casually as instructed in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I also had some papers with me and Sam had some papers as well. I sat down beside Sam and pleasantries were exchanged before it was time to get down to business.]


Sam Strong

"First of all, here's a list of the roster as it stands right now."


[i was handed the list (see page 1) and gave it a slow look over before lifting my eyes to Sam again.]


Jack Avatar

"Only two face main eventers generally isn't very good for business. But we have a bunch of guys in the upper midcard right now that are on the cusp of being in the main event."


Sam Strong

"And it's your job to get them there, Jack."


Jack Avatar

"And I intend to. Oh and I also have a name for what the announcers can start calling Nicky Champion. Since he can't go by that name anymore, he can use his nickname and the announcers can just call him Hawkeye."


Sam Strong

"It seems intimidating enough."


[sam nodded to himself.]


Sam Strong

"Right now our top five guys seem to be Bruce, James, T-Rex, Boone and Jumbo. Jumbo is still having a hard time being seen as a credible challenger to T-Rex by the fans but it's something we need to work on if they are going to have a continued program together. Our hot prospects slightly leave something to be desired with three out of the top five being female, leaving only Kirk Jameson and American Elemental being the two male. Didn't you bring that Beauchamp kid over from England?"


Jack Avatar

"The Breeze? Yeah, he's signed but he has yet to debut."


Sam Strong

"We need to get him in the ring. I've seen tapes of this kid and if he can sell for our guys like he does over in England then we can really make our guys look good."


Jack Avatar

"I'll work on getting him in the ring but he might take awhile before he gets into a program since he isn't known over here in the States so the fans wouldn't buy him being pushed right to the top."


Sam Strong

"I could see him running a good program with Nicky sometime in the future. The Hawkeye flying on the Breeze. But we've had several debuts here recently that have flopped. The Dirty White Boys have come in but done nothing since their debut. Also, the fans really didn't enjoy the first match for Larry Wood."


Jack Avatar

"I will admit the mountain man/bigfoot gimmick isn't exactly a favorable one to really get over with the crowd. I might need to tweak that a little bit. I do have some plans for the DWB's, working them into a program with Danny and Mick."


Sam Strong

"They seem about on an even level. But on the positive side, our finances are looking good. Every month you've made me money and this last month made over a hundred grand so I'm happy about that. Now, Freedom Fight is coming up so let's go over some spots for that. I have a few ideas."


[Jack nodded and the conversation turned to the upcoming pay-per-view and any changes that Sam wanted Jack to make.]

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Tuesday Week 1 April


[it is the night of USPW Freedom Fight and all the wrestlers are a little nervous going into what should be the biggest pay-per-view of the year to date, with the much anticipated rematch between James Justice and Bruce The Giant. I was sitting within my office there at the Louisiana Auditorium and in order to pass by some of the time I decided to have a look at the roster and jot down some notes about each wrestler. (Tag Team wrestlers placed at the end)]





Jack's Notes: Our #2 active wrestler on the roster and the former USPW World Champion. As of right now, I don't see him getting a run with the title anytime soon just because he's over enough with the fans that he doesn't need the belt to make him look legit in the top ranks. He's definitely our top babyface though and has the proven psychology to be our #3 Show Stopper and #3 on the microphone as well. Only behind Steve Flash in terms of being our top ring general. He can definitely be used to elevate some talent but the only downside to that is the fact that he has creative control, which is always a pain. But on the plus side he still has 32 months and 3 weeks left on his contract.




Jack's Notes: The current USPW World Champion. He is the #3 face of the company behind James and Bruce. But he needs to be put in the ring with some wrestlers with more talent in order to both improve and make him look good. His run with the belt has been good so far as his popularity helps him to elevate other wrestlers.




Jack's Notes: Bruce is our top in-ring wrestler right now, known all over the United States. He has very good psychology inside the ring though as far as wrestling talent he's about par for the course here in USPW, which is to say not too much in-ring wrestling ability. His teaming with Shane Sneer and the Sneer Corporation has been very good for him and revitalized his career. Within the next year or so, he should be used to elevate other wrestlers.




Jack's Notes: Somehow this big man has really gotten the fans to love to hate him. Despite having little talent in the ring and little talent behind the microphone, he has managed to move into the main event scene without a manager. He should be looked at being paired with a manager soon though so that he can be used to his full capacity though at the moment it seems like retirement might be staring him in the face.




Jack's Notes: Jumbo has jumped in and around the main event and upper midcard scene for awhile now. He has a little above average performance ability within the ring and a little below average entertainment skills that are made up for by his manager Shane Sneer. He has a shot tonight at becoming USPW World Champion.




Jack's Notes: Quite possibly one of my favorite characters to run with. Madman Boone really plays up the zombie schtick to the best of his abilities and his pairing with Sawyer has been very good. He has above average performance skills and average entertainment skills. Quite possibly gonna be getting a push soon.




Jack's Notes: The man that most wrestling magazines and news sites label as only having a job because he is best friends with Sam Strong and they might be right for the most part. He has above average popularity though and has improved some since my appointment here in areas such as selling, mat wrestling and safety. Though he isn't getting any younger here so he may be facing retirement sooner rather than later.





Jack's Notes: He was on the injury's list when I first arrived here in USPW but since his return he has been placed in a very interesting storyline with Madman Boone and managed by Blonde Bombshell. He is our #4 rated ring general here with very good performance skills. He's also above average in the rumble type of skill and my tag team partner for later on tonight here at Freedom Fight.




Jack's Notes: He was signed here in USPW specifically for his in-ring talent, knowing that he is not very good on the stick. And that last is a reason why he was paired up with Katie Cameron. Flash is our top ring general and can almost make a good match out of anyone, a reason why he was paired with Peter Valentine for a feud. The only issue here is that his popularity is below average and we need to improve that for his in-ring talent to really shine.




Jack's Notes: The Future is our USPW World Television Champion and he has looked good in that reign so far. He has average rumble skills, above average technical skills, above average entertainment skills and excellent performance skills. He is a pretty good all-around package and he is slowly gaining in popularity or disdain with the crowd. At being only 23, he is our future if SWF or TCW don't snap him up first.





Jack's Notes: The football gimmick is a fun one to run with for awhile though eventually he's going to need to be taken seriously. He's another wrestler that can be the future for USPW so long as he isn't grabbed by Richard or Tommy. He has just below average rumble skills, average entertainment and performance skills but he has all the physical tools necessary to step up his game. He has slightly risen in popularity since my arrival though not by much. With his psychology being a bit below average, he needs to be placed into more matches with wrestlers with higher psychology so he can learn from them on the fly and continue to improve.




Jack's Notes: He should be going through a looks change sooner rather than later. But he is yet another man who can perform for many years within the future for this company and a protege of Sam Strong himself. He has average rumble skills, below average entertainment skills, above average performance and physical skills. He should definitely be making an impact here in USPW within the next few years.




Jack's Notes: His best days are definitely behind him. His flaws could be hidden within his tag team with Demon Spite but now being on his own they come to the light. He has some excellent psychology in the ring and can possibly be used in another tag team and maybe rub off some of that psychology off on a partner like a Des Davids or Steven Parker. He is still considered slightly menacing.



Larry Wood

Jack's Notes: The fans really didn't care for his in-ring debut and it really hurt him as far as going far within this company. At being 40 years of age, he's not really going to be improving much. Though he does have some excellent performance skills already. Maybe a tag team with him and Anger might be in the works.





Jack's Notes: The joker Ernie Turner has a great mask that he wears and he is very very good on the microphone and that might save him a spot on the roster. Though the crowd isn't very into him yet but that might change with some good planning for the future with him.




Jack's Notes: He has a chance to get his first win this year when he takes on Lex Appeal tonight! His big claim to fame right now is being friends with Nicky. The fans definitely seem to enjoy his character at times though because even with losing his popularity seems to be growing.




Jack's Notes: Lex has gotten a little bit of mic time here and the opportunity to prove himself and get a win tonight here against Happy Elwood. Lex's big claim though is having average performance skills, especially in the selling department and everyone needs someone who can sell, right?




Jack's Notes: Rhino is getting his first tastes here in USPW and he seems to have all the physical tools needed to succeed. He has excellent rumble skills, below average entertainment and above average performance skills. Compared to many wrestlers on the roster, he is still relatively young at 29 years of age and he is a very menacing presence.





Jack's Notes: Despite his name, he may not be long for this company. The crowd disliked his match with Steve Flash here but he is an excellent seller for the company and that is something, right? He has excellent flying and performance skills and above average entertainment skills and all the physical tools necessary. He is our #3 Hot Prospect so long as we can get the fans to turn around. He is our #2 Show Stopper behind Alicia and our #3 Ring General.




Jack's Notes: Kirk hasn't done much yet here in USPW but he hasn't been here for too long either. He is our #2 Hot Prospect behind Alicia and has average psychology and selling that we all believe can be improved with time in the ring. He's not very well known just yet here in the States but that can be turned around.




Jack's Notes: He was pretty much brought in to job here in USPW since he has high psychology and average selling. Not too much to be written about him since he is also staring retirement in the face.





Jack's Notes: They call him the Breeze. He is another with a chance to shine here in USPW for the future. He is one of the top sellers within the game and has above average psychology and is gifted on the microphone as well. As he learns to work USPW's style expect him to move up the card rather quickly.





Jack's Notes: Only recently returning to the ring after a stint as a colour commentator. She is the Boss' daughter and she has inherited his charisma and other of his good attributes and brought in some good ones of her own. She is definitely a top prospect for future growth and who knows maybe we'll see her tackle the men at times too.



Joanne Rodriguez

Jack's Notes: J-Ro is getting her last shot at the USPW Women's Title for awhile tonight. She is a top prospect for the future though with some excellent selling skills and average psychology. Can she turn all of that into a win for the gold tonight, though?




Jack's Notes: SMY hasn't done much since her arrival here in USPW. She's only been in two matches so far and both were losses to Cherry Bomb with the last one being back in the beginning of February. She may end up becoming a 'creative has nothing for her' soon.




Jack's Notes: The Miracle Blonde has a single win here in USPW under her belt when she beat two other women in a triangle match and then she lost the title match to Cherry Bomb and has been stuck in first gear ever since. But there are plans for her to get some on-screen time very soon.




Jack's Notes: Our resident Women's Champion has proven time and time again that she deserves to hold the title belt. But if she can get past Joanne Rodriguez will Alicia Strong be waiting in front of her? Cherry Bomb has gone 9-0 so far this year here in USPW.




Jack's Notes: Nadia hasn't done much here in USPW this year. She hasn't won a match though she has had three so far this year. With the Women's Division not being a focal point of USPW, it may be harder for her to break out here.




Jack's Notes: Superstar Stephanie Wade is a very good wrestler from a female standpoint. She's not very popular though she does seem to have the skills to possibly be a break-out wrestler sometime soon. Look for her to get more screen time as 2008 rolls on.




Jack's Notes: A feud with Alicia Strong looms on the horizon for one of the more well-known and established female wrestlers. Fish The Dish has it all and should push Alicia Strong to the brink in this feud.





Jack's Notes: The USPW World Tag Team Champions. They face some decent competition in the ring tonight with their opponents being Jack Griffith and the Alcoholic Ninja. Neither of these two are great wrestlers and have only pulled out way less than average tag team matches this year. A split may be in the works sometime in the near future depending on how well they do against Griffith and Ninja.




Jack's Notes: The resident job tag team here in USPW. Al and Pete try hard but usually end up looking up at the lights when the match is over. They are definitely a poor tag team though but don't look for them to be split up any time soon.




Jack's Notes: Another comedy act here in USPW though both could be serious singles wrestlers. Alcoholic Ninja may be the one who is pulled down by this tag team but he is getting some in-ring time and that is never bad. A possible split somewhere down the road for these two.




Jack's Notes: They've been signed for a long while now but only have a match or two on-screen. This is definitely a mainstay tag team here in USPW and if their popularity can increase they could be a major threat to the Forces and those USPW World Tag Team Titles.




Jack's Notes: Another mainstay team here in USPW. Danny and Mick truly complement each other well inside the ring. And as they learn even more to further their tag team knowledge they will be an even bigger threat though it won't be until the Forces drop the belts since they have had too many matches with Jim and Captain here lately.

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Tuesday Week 1 April 2008

Location: Louisiana Auditorium

Attendance: 8,180

Overall Rating: C+

PPV Buyrate: .64


PRE SHOW: Larry Wood defeated Stuart Ferdinand and Kirk Jameson in 3:43 when Larry Wood defeated Stuart Ferdinand by pinfall with a Running Big Foot...GRADE: E+


PRE SHOW: American Elemental defeated Joey Beauchamp in 3:32 by pinfall with an Inferno Splash...GRADE: F+


PRE SHOW: Alicia Strong defeated Wanda Fish in 6:27 by pinfall with a Strong Arm Tactic...GRADE: C-




[Fireworks exploded within the Louisiana Auditorium as the cameras panned around the nearly sold-out audience. Fans were ready and chanting 'USPW, USPW, USPW' as they prepared for the show and the cameras turned their focus to the ringside announcers: Danny Jillefski and Sara Silver.]


Danny Jillefski

"Hello everyone and welcome to Freedom Fight! I'm Danny Jillefski alongside my broadcast partner Sara Silver and we have the rematch for the ages tonight as Bruce The Giant takes on 'Liberty' James Justice!"


Sara Silver

"What a match that should be, Danny. Bruce finally gets his long-awaited rematch only this time the belt isn't on the line but respect is."


Danny Jillefski

"That's right, Sara. Now, let's head down to the ring for our opening contest."


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/KatieCameron.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PeterValentine.jpg

Steve Flash vs. Peter Valentine


[These two men have been in a secure feud since last month's show and now it's time for the two of them to go one on one. 'I Am Canadian' by the Arrogant Worms brings out the Remarkable Steve Flash and Katie Cameron to the ring, high fiving fans and Flash stretches against the ropes as the music cuts to 'Sharp Dressed Man' by ZZ Top and Peter Valentine walks out to major boos from the crowd.


The match was slightly below average though a decent one to open the show with. Valentine focused on Flash's legs for obvious reasons throughout the much, negating the speed advantage that Flash has. Valentine let himself get distracted by trying to flirt with Katie Cameron outside the ring. Katie slapped him across the face and Valentine grabbed her but Valentine was taken out by a suicide dive outside the ring by Steve Flash! The crowd cheered Flash as he pulled himself to his feet and sent Valentine back into the ring. He climbed up to the top rope and leaped - FROG SPLASH - NO! Valentine got the knees up into the chest of Flash, knocking the wind out of him. Valentine makes a cover and slides his feet on the ropes:










Winner: Peter Valentine

Match Rating: C-


[Valentine quickly slid out of the ring and headed up the ramp as Flash rolled outside and gave chase! The cameras followed the chase right until Valentine got to the car park and into his car. Steve banged on the door but Valentine drove off before Flash could get to him!]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JimForce.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CaptainUSA.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JackGriffith_alt3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FumihiroOta.jpg

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Forces Of America defend vs. Jack Griffith and Alcoholic Ninja


['Born In The USA' by Bruce Springsteen brings out the Champions! Jim Force ran to the ring as always and began shaking the ropes to some crowd approval. 'One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer' by George Thurogood brought out the challengers to some boos from the crowd.


Our first title match of the evening saw these four wrestlers set about the average for matches for the evening. The match brought the crowd's mood down and as with before, Alcoholic Ninja spent the majority of the time in the ring against the Forces. This served to wear him down and he was eventually hit by the Full Force and Jim Force got the pinfall and the three count.]


Winners: The Forces of America

Match Rating: D-




["Miracle man ... Your miracle man ... Your Miracle man ... Your..."


The sounds of 'Save Me' by Overkill brings the crowd to it's collective feet and the roof comes off the joint because of the presence of 'Liberty' James Justice! Justice smiles to the crowd and shakes hands all the way down to the ring, sliding inside and being handed a microphone...]


James Justice

"DUDES!! Tonight, is, like, so totally the night that I get to step inside this ring and do what I did before to Bruce The Giant: pin him 1 2 3. Bruce, dude, we used to get along. You used to be cool, dude. Now you've let that Sneer dude get inside your head and mess things up in there. Now that's not cool, dude. So tonight I'm gonna make sure to rattle that brain of yours a little more so you can get back on the right side of the tracks, dude. Tonight, I fight for Liberty and I fight for Justice for all, dude! Tonight, is my next step forward, dude!"


[James smiles as his music kicks up again and he moves to exit the ring, high fiving the fans as always.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/HappyElwood.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Oscar_alt.jpg

Happy Elwood vs. Lex Appeal


[Could things get any worse? Not by much. The fans really hated this match and to make things worse Lex Appeal was really off his game. The fans were quiet and happy when Elwood locked in the American Dream and got the submission victory.]


Winner: Happy Elwood

Match Rating: F+




[The cameras cut to a backstage area for an interview with your World Television Champion Steven Parker!]


Steven Parker

"Alright everyone take a good, long look at this belt over my shoulder. Everyone here knows that I am The Future Steven Parker and I am your World Television Champion. Tonight, I take on two men: Anger and Ernie Turner. Neither of them are even close to being in my league though. Anger has to be like 102 years old, right? And Ernie Turner? He's just a joke. I am not only the USPW's Future. I am already the USPW's Franchise player. Tonight, I don't have to prove I am as good as I say I am because everyone already knows that it's true. So tonight, for both Anger and Ernie Turner? The Future is now!"


[steven turns and walks off and his match is next!]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/StevenParker.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DemonAnger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ErnieTurner_alt7.jpg

USPW World Television Title Match

Elimination Three Way Dance

Steven Parker defends vs. Anger vs. Ernie Turner


['The Batman Theme' brought Ernie Turner down to the ring, playing some to the crowd with his rather odd looking mask. Then the music faded to 'Come As You Are' by Nirvana and that brought out Anger to some boos from the crowd. Anger just walked over and leaned in his corner as 'Right Now' by Van Halen kicked up and the crowd really booed the USPW World Television Champion. Turner seems to be the crowd favorite here to be sure.


The match brought the crowd's mood down as it didn't have too many high spots though it was light years better than the Elwood/Appeal match. Ernie Turner was eliminated first following a Future Shock by Parker. Then Anger went right after Parker and he hit The Future with the Demon Slam! Anger made the cover:










Somehow Steven Parker kicked out of the Demon Slam! The crowd was stunned and so was Anger. Eventually Parker began fighting back against Anger and he hit his opponent with the Future Shock, making a cover:










Winner: Steven Parker

Match Rating: D-


[Following the win, Parker was given his World Television Title belt and he held it up to boos from the crowd, which turned into cheers as Hawkeye repelled down from the ceiling! Hawkeye stood behind Steven Parker and tapped him on the shoulder with the bat! Parker slowly turned and his eyes went wide! He ducked a bat shot and dove out of the ring, heading toward the back quickly as Hawkeye just stared at him and then went straight up in the air!]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg


[The cameras cut backstage to show Shane Sneer standing by with Jumbo Jackson.]


Shane Sneer

"Listen up, humanoids, tonight the Sneer Corporation is going to be riding a high that has never before been seen here in USPW. Take a look at this man standing beside me. Get a good look because after tonight his entire waist will be covered by the USPW World Title gold! That's right, T-Rex, like it or not the Sneer Corporation is coming for your belt and we won't stop until it's in our possession one way or another and you can take that to the bank!"


[sneer tosses his head back and laughs an evil laughter as Jumbo glares at the camera.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/CherryBomb.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JoanneRodriguez.jpg

USPW Women's Title Match

Cherry Bomb defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez


[Joanne was already in the ring at the cut back to the ringside area and 'Ladylike' by Storm Large began to play, signalling the entrance of Cherry Bomb, the USPW Women's Champion! Cherry Bomb walked down to the ring and slid inside, tossing the belt to the referee and attacking J-Ro.


The crowd was brutally quiet during this match, not seeming to get up for any of the spots. It doesn't help that these two ladies have fought a lot recently and that this was the worst of all those matches. Cherry Bomb got the successful title defense by virtue of hitting the Cherry Bomb on J-Ro and getting the three count.]


Winner: Cherry Bomb

Match Rating: E-


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/DesDavids_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg

Des Davids vs. Giant Redwood


['Run To The Playoffs' by NFL Network brought Des Davids running down to the ring and sliding inside. He did a few push-ups inside the ring to get the crowd hyped as the music changed to 'Welcome To The Jungle' by Guns N' Roses and the crowd booed as Giant Redwood came out to the ring, stepping over the top rope to get inside.


Des was off his game in this match and it didn't help matters very well. Another of our average matches right now here on USPW Freedom Fight as the contest did go back and forth between the two. In the end, Giant Redwood dropped Des with a Choke Slam and hit the 'Timber' Standing Splash to get the three count.]


Winner: Giant Redwood

Match Rating: D-


[Following the pinfall, Des pulled himself to his feet and snapped! He hit Redwood with the Quarterback Sack and then lifted him back up and hit the Touch Down! Des dropped a few elbows onto Redwood and growled before he was pulled back and away by security and road agents as EMT's checked on Redwood.]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg


[The cameras cut backstage to the interview area where this time Shane Sneer is standing by with Bruce The Giant.]


Shane Sneer

"Just like I said earlier, tonight is the night where the Sneer Corporation is going to shine. Bruce here is going to earn his respect by defeating the man that all you humanoids seem to love to cheer for. It's dude this and dude that and frankly Bruce and I are both sick of hearing that word! Tonight, we'll take the 'e' off the end and we're going to make James Justice a dud!"


[bruce glares much as Jumbo had done earlier.]


Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/FreddieDatsun_alt3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JackAvatar.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BlondeBombshell_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/MadmanBoone_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/RhinoUmaga.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/PlayboyJakeSawyer_F3.jpg

Freddie Datsun and Jack Avatar vs. Madman Boone and Rhino Umaga


[Datsun, Avatar and Bombshell came out to 'You're The Best Around' by Joe Esposito, which is Avatar's entrance music. Avatar and Bombshell had to hold Datsun up at times and he still isn't looking so good. Boone, Umaga and Sawyer came out to 'Re: Your Brains' by Johnathan Coulton. Though I'm not sure that Umaga knows what the words actually mean.


This one was better than average for the matches tonight and saw Avatar in the ring for the majority of the contest for his team with Boone and Umaga making frequent tags in and out. Whenever Boone was on the outside of the ring he would be moaning for brains and Umaga echoed him at times. Datsun did get a hot tag and got a few moves in on Umaga and Boone before quickly tagging back out. Avatar hit Rhino Umaga with a Superplex and floated over into a cover:










Winners: Freddie Datsun and Jack Avatar

Match Rating: D




[A video began to play next showing highlights from the feud between T-Rex and Jumbo Jackson because this USPW World Title match...is next!]


Match #8

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/T-Rex_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg

USPW World Title Match

T-Rex defends vs. Jumbo Jackson


['Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap' by AC/DC brings out the challenger Jumbo Jackson and his manager Shane Sneer. Sneer plays up to the crowd some, eliciting their boos as they make it down to the ring and Jumbo glares toward the entrance ramp as the music changes. The crowd erupts into cheers as 'Bad To The Bone' by George Thurogood and the Destroyers begins to play and out comes the USPW World Champion T-Rex! The Jurassic Power walks down to the ring and slides inside, dropping the belt and getting right into Jumbo's face!


The bell sounds for this all-important contest and the match begins with several power moves hit by both wrestlers but neither of them sell much for the other. Either this will make the crowd think that both are equally tough or equally weak. T-Rex makes the first pinfall attempt following a belly-to-belly suplex but only gets a two count. The Jurassic Power maintains control in the early-going but a well-timed trip by Shane Sneer turns the tide and Jumbo Jackson moves into control. Jumbo focuses in on the ribs of T-Rex with knee shots and a gutbuster! Jumbo sets T-Rex in the corner midway through and T-Rex avoids a Jumbo Avalanche but doesn't have the strength to maintain control. Jumbo sends T-Rex outside the ring and Shane Sneer gets in a few kicks as Jumbo distracts the referee. Sneer rolls T-Rex into the ring and a cover is made:










The crowd erupts in cheers as T-Rex gets that shoulder up! The crowd claps and stomps their feet from the front row all the way to the upper deck, trying to get some momentum into T-Rex and it works! T-Rex begins fighting back against Jumbo! T-Rex hits Jumbo with three straight vertical suplexes and then a German Suplex with a bridge:










T-Rex is working slower, looking obviously tired and winded by this point as he pulls Jumbo up and runs his thumb across his throat, signalling for the end, the Extinction! He begins to lift Jumbo and then falls forward as he takes a chair shot from behind by Shane Sneer!]


Winner: T-Rex

Match Rating: C-


[The crowd boos as Sneer hits T-Rex with another chair shot and then helps Jumbo to his feet. Jumbo hits a splash and then moves T-Rex into a corner - JUMBO AVALANCHE! T-Rex is crushed by Jumbo's weight! The crowd boos Jumbo Jackson as he raises his arms up and Shane Sneer walks to the back with him as T-Rex gets checked on.]




[As things are cleared within the ring, the focus turns to a video, highlighting the feud between James Justice and Bruce The Giant. Bruce turned on James and cost him the USPW World Title belt and tonight James is looking for revenge and it's next!]


Match #9

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/BrucetheGiant.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW/ShaneSneer.jpg

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant


["Miracle man ... Your miracle man ... Your Miracle man ... Your..."


The fans nearly blow the roof off the joint when Overkill's 'Save Me' plays once again and 'Liberty' James Justice walks out from the back and looks toward the ring. He shakes hands with the crowd and takes off his sunglasses, giving them to a lucky fan at ringside. He steps inside the ring and looks toward the ramp, waiting his opponent. 'A Welcome Burden' by Disturbed elicits boos from the crowd as Shane Sneer brings out his man Bruce The Giant. Sneer already got Jumbo DQed earlier tonight. Could the same happen here in the main event?


The main event of the evening is one of the most highly anticipated matches in the history of USPW and James and Bruce go face-to-chest with Bruce smiling down at James Justice and shoving him backward and into a corner. James pops right back out and gets back into Bruce's chest, jawing up at him! Bruce again shoves Justice back but follows him in this time and hits three straight slaps to the chest of James Justice, sending Justice staggering out of the corner. Bruce hit Justice with a clothesline to the back of the head, sending Justice to the mat and giving him a few hard stomps before lifting him up and raising him high in a military press! Justice, though, wiggles out and falls behind Bruce, grabbing him and dropping - knees to the back! Bruce rolls off the knees and Justice pulls to his feet, dropping an elbow and making a cover:







James went flying halfway across the ring with that kickout! James gets back up quickly - fistdrop - missed! Justice shakes his wrist as Bruce slides to his feet - BIG BOOT! Justice hits the mat hard. Bruce roars to boos from the crowd! Bruce picks up Justice - body slam! Justice grabs his back in pain and Bruce drops an elbow, making a cover:










Somehow Justice got that right shoulder off the mat just enough before the three count! The crowd pops at that and begins a chant of 'DUDE, DUDE, DUDE' trying to get James Justice back into the match! It takes several minutes but Justice manages to begin making a comeback after avoiding a big boot! Justice hits Bruce with a dropkick! He clotheslines the bigger athlete! Another clothesline sends Bruce over the top rope to the outside and James follows him out! He gives a few stomps on Bruce before rolling him back in the ring and following him in! James does a little shimmy and hits the 'DUDE!' Knee Drop! But before he can make the cover, Shane Sneer jumps on the apron! Justice and the referee both see this and Justice walks over to him - LIBERTY BIG LEFT HAND to Shane Sneer! Sneer falls off the apron and Justice walks back over to Bruce, leaning over and Bruce grabs him by the throat! Justice coughs and sputters and tries to break Bruce's grip but Bruce doesn't let go! Bruce gets to his feet and lifts James Justice - GIANT CHOKE SLAM!! Bruce makes a cover:










Winner: Bruce The Giant

Match Rating: C+


[bruce gets to his feet and raises his arm, roaring to many boos from the crowd. Bruce picks up James Justice and grabs him around the throat - ANOTHER GIANT CHOKE SLAM!!! The crowd begins pelting the ring with trash as Shane Sneer finally gets back in and is all smiles as Bruce is announced the winner! So we are even in that series 1-1 and that's all the time we have!]


OOC Note: I hope everyone enjoyed the show! Comments/Feedback/ETC. are always appreciated!

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We had some surprises on the pay-per-view there.


1. DeBones=34 Wins

2. Hyde Hill=31 Wins

3. Lexa90=28 Wins

4. Marcel Fromage=18 Wins

5. supershot=14 Wins

6. tristram=10 Wins


The gap seems to be closing some between the top three there. Still a close contest!


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