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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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I could recall a ton of diaries that had mentioned discipline issues, but I couldn't off hand recall one that had done the actual segment around it. Seemed unlikely, though, which is why I didn't just say "Hey, way to do something new!"



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Hey Eisen can I ask you something? Have you changed PSW's product in any way? I'm wondering because whether I play as PSW worker's popularity is static unless that worker beats a more popular wrestler, something which annoys me. So did you?
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Discipline is one of the hardest issues in the game. It depends on so many factors.


I'll give a concrete example.


Jeremiah Moose of CZCW: Soft Drug Use, 25% Unreformed


Take No Action: No change.

Fatherly Approach: "I'll try harder to keep clean in the uture". No change.

Slap On The Wrist: "I'll try harder to keep clean in the future". No change.

Stern Warning: "He listens to your lecture in silence, but you get the feeling that he isn't taking it all that seriously." No change.

Riot Act: "It'll not happen again." No change.

Fine: "It'll not happen again." No change.

Suspend: Can't suspend him, as he is not a written contract.

Last Chance: "I understand, I'll make sure it never happens again." Soft Drug use lowers to 6%, and is Reformed.

Fire: "Thanks - I was angry at first, but now I think that this is a wake up call I needed. I'm going to try my best deal with my problems and get my career back on track." Soft Drug use remains at 25%, but is Reformed.


I think you have to be as harsh as possible without angering them, if the Father Approach doesn't work. If the Fatherly Approach works, then I'll do that. That works with Remmy Skye, because he's a nice guy. Jeremiah isn't mean, but he isn't the best of guys, either.

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Meant to post after you posted the show and I had a chance to read it... Good work. Solid show. I agree with Hyde that I like the direction that things are taking.


I also like the idea of taking a backstage incident and creating a diary segment around it. Not sure if its been done before or not, but I like it.


Thanks, Pa!


Seeing how my user character, John Greed, is a major part of this diary... I thought it would be better served if the altercation between Russell and Braun was more written out from his perspective. That way it adds another element to his journey as a former wrestler trying to "make it" as a headbooker.


In my previous X-WA diary, I would have tackled something like this in more of a "matter of fact" kind of way (ie: just telling what happened via a news post), however, with this diary, I want it to be more about the story of John Greed rising.


I'm glad that it came across well though! :) It was the first "backstage problem" i've had since starting this game which is pretty good seeing how I'm 7 months into it. Then again, my locker room area is really "healthy"... So, I'm guessing these kind of problems will be few and far between.



Hey Eisen can I ask you something? Have you changed PSW's product in any way? I'm wondering because whether I play as PSW worker's popularity is static unless that worker beats a more popular wrestler, something which annoys me. So did you?


Yea, I did make a few changes to the product (I'm not sure what page it was but there was a slight post breaking down what was changed and why it was changed). Mitch's vision of PSW began to shift as he saw a window of opportunity with Billy Russell brought into the fold. The only thing I changed was this:


Realism = Medium


(This was done to take into account the new "era" in PSW following the signing of Billy Russell, Bryan Holmes, and with Mr. Morgan taking over the PSW Championship. All of that together was generating a slight shift in how the companies shows felt as a whole.)


Comedy = Low


(To offset the rise in realism... Comedy had to fall slightly).


Face/Heel Divide: Medium


(To allow room for there to be tweener characters and good guys who aren't so "perfect". This way there could be bad guys who were still teetering towards being a "middle of the road" kind of guy (ala Mr. Morgan slightly) and then there could also be good guys who still carry personality flaws (ala Alex Braun).)


With those changes, The diary is now set at 50/50 for talent and popularity. Creating more of an old school ECW vibe as fans respect those on the roster both for who they are and for what they can accomplish in the ring... Making it look more realistic and sending people home feeling as if they saw a "legit contest" wrapped in Adult-based entertainment.



Discipline is one of the hardest issues in the game. It depends on so many factors.


I think you have to be as harsh as possible without angering them, if the Father Approach doesn't work. If the Fatherly Approach works, then I'll do that. That works with Remmy Skye, because he's a nice guy. Jeremiah isn't mean, but he isn't the best of guys, either.


I def. agree with you on this one. Billy Russell is one of, only a few, wrestlers on my roster that can "cause trouble" at times. I didn't want to overly piss him off as he's kind of a big picture guy in the future of PSW, however, at the same time, I didn't want to make it seem like he could get away with anything he wants (not sure if that goes into effect as well).


While it's tough knowing what to really do, It's a lot of fun trying to think of the best way to tackle the situation... and then seeing the positives or negatives come out of it all.

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I agree with lowering the Comedy, but it peeves (ever so slightly) that you chose to raise Realism over lowering Mainstream. I don't disagree with you choosing to raise Realism - what I do disagree with is that you picked over lowering Mainstream. If you are going this direction, it seems Mainstream is only holding you back, even in Medium.
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I agree with lowering the Comedy, but it peeves (ever so slightly) that you chose to raise Realism over lowering Mainstream. I don't disagree with you choosing to raise Realism - what I do disagree with is that you picked over lowering Mainstream. If you are going this direction, it seems Mainstream is only holding you back, even in Medium.


I didn't raise realism just because I wanted the 50/50 split. to be honest. I did it more so because of the people I brought on board and how that would eventually change the product. Lowering Mainstream would be a good idea, yes. However, at the same time, I still believe that you could have a medium level of mainstream with a company like PSW. Yea, it's darker... it's cult... it's anti-mainstream... however, there are still a strong undercurrent of people at the mainstream level who would pay attention to something like that. Counter-culture. ya know?


I posted something a few pages back that lays out why the decision was made to bump up realism and lower comedy... as there was a story behind it all. Wasn't a bump up just for bumping purposes or for higher grades.

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The Beloved Veteran may never fully recover


NEWS: Johnny Martin injures Right Leg, Out Indefinitely.


The new developments coming out of Pittsburgh today are nothing short of devastating. Former PSW Champion, Johnny Martin, suffered a serious knee injury during last night's "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" tournament midway through the show.


The injury itself came when rival, Bryan Holmes, executed a front-face Fisherman's Suplex slam square onto the steel steps... Shattering Martin's knee in the process. It's said that the impact was so debilitating that Martin could see a lengthy recovery process... If, ever able to return again.


The beloved veteran attempted to continue last night, despite the injury, however, was unable to defeat his attacker in the FINALS of the tournament. Thus, giving Holmes the victory and the new #1 Contendership to his ally, Mr. Morgan's, PSW Championship.


Little is known whether or not Johnny Martin will be present at next month's live event as Holmes competes for the PSW Championship, however, one thing is for sure at this time.... Johnny Martin will certainly need a lengthy period of recovery if he ever hopes to return to the ring.


More to follow...

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Early October 2008

... "This isn't what I signed up for" ...


The atmosphere "behind the curtain" was starting to resemble its "in-ring" counterpart as of late. We were fortunate, Mitch and I, that for the last seven months there were no need to flex any sort of disciplinarian power. For the most part, the overall locker room area was relatively positive.... A testament to an industry full of jaded, self-centered, egocentric performers.


That was until this last month...


It's been all over the internet wrestling sites. A company, PSW, that still resides completely under the radar was now being thrusted to the forefront... Not because we had delivered an amazing string of shows... or... because we were dedicated to bringing a "new voice" to the American Wrestling Landscape. No, our new found "fame" was being generated by one... single... Altercation.


I spoke with one-half of the issue at hand shortly after the infamous dispute, however, the other was allowed to step away from the situation. Why? Any educated leader will tell you that you must interact with differing personalities in custom ways.


I gave Alex a few weeks to mull over what had happened... Give him an opportunity to make sense of the situation as I'm sure he'd been relaying the details to everyone within his "inner circle". The time had finally come to speak with him regarding the argument... Doing my best to strengthen my understanding of the situation to best resolve the issue... However, I never would have saw what was coming next... What Alex had in mind.







"Alex. Can I have a word with you?"


The aging superstar had returned to the "Ministry" Event Center, the first time since our last live event, to pick up his pay. Typically, this would have been done following the event... however... Alex was not in the right mindset at that time and was seen storming off the set before "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" had concluded.




He barely looked up at me, instead... Counting his money as if he didn't trust the company to pay him what he was quoted at.


We ducked into a small room, once used as the Priest's office in "The Ministry", however, now, used as a make-shift office between myself and Mitch. We both took a seat... Me wanting to be close to the action... Alex, pushing his chair backwards a tad in which to give himself some space.


"So, I spoke with Billy a few weeks back about what had happened. I told him that it wasn't acceptable and that we all had to move forward together... not apart. I just wanted to know..."


Alex, springing his head upward quickly, looks me square in my eyes... As if he was a politician looking to debate my point.


"Yea, I heard about your little conversation with Billy... That you didn't do anything but 'tip toe' around the little runt. I get it, He's your 'big star' in waiting. right? [shakes his head] This is is complete Bull-Sh*t..."




I was blind sided, I had no idea that Alex was still carrying such hatred over the event.


"I'm sick of this god-forsaken sh*t-hole, John."




"Yea, F*cking PSW."




I was trying my best to listen to what Alex was spewing forth, however, I couldn't help but feel the "shakes" coming back... Whenever I'm confronted with a difficult situation, My inner addict seems to come roaring through. Wanting to resolve my own internal issues with a ****tail of pills.


"When I signed with the company I was told that I was going to be the center of the show. Hell, Mitch went as far as to give me the headbooking duties because he wanted me to know how 'important' I was to the company. A load of bull-sh*t if you ask me... Not even a year later, I'm demoted from my booking duties... That's fine. I was pissed, Hell... I hated you when you first showed up, however, I got over it because Mitch, once again, told me that I was going to stay 'on top' and to never worry about my standing with PSW. Again, a load of bull-sh*t."


"I had no idea, Alex. I'm sorry... I didn't want to take your job or anything..."


"It doesn't really matter, John. It happened. Okay? It's not your fault as much as it is Mitch's. That snakey little bastard... I should have known. His days in NYC were much like this... Whenever Phil wasn't around, Mitch pretended like he was 'in the know'... Bossing people around and ultimately trying to further his own cause."


I had never heard this before. Sure, everyone will eventually look out for themselves, however, I had no idea that Mitch had been known as a manipulative being.


"How can we remedy this, Alex? I can talk to Billy again..."


"You don't get it, John. F*ck. The argument with Billy was just a 2 second fight... It meant nothing. Billy knows that... I know that. However, it's the overall tone of how things are these days... The lack of respect coming from the company and, more importantly, Mitch himself. Billy's little outburst was just another example of the sh*t that continues to go on here... Pushing me more and more out the door. So, F*ck it... If this is how things are going to be then so be it... I'm out."


Those very words... "I'm out"... left me petrified. We couldn't lose Alex. Sure, he wasn't the PSW Champion, however, he was one of the most influential figures in the companies short history. To lose him would be to lose a massive piece of our culture.


"Alex. Come on... Don't do this."


"John... Don't test me. I've practically broken my back for this company, however, what do I see in return? A string of losses, disrespect in and out of the ring, and a 'hush hush' approach to using me as a gatekeeper. Right? You know that it's right... I can see it in your face. Don't play with me, John."


I couldn't hide it. Mitch and I had had that exact conversation a few weeks back.. Marking Alex as a potential "Gatekeeper" to the youthful figures on our roster. We, of course, didn't talk to Alex about it though as we knew that it would only end in something like this... No one wants to be told that they are going to end up as a "teacher" in a way.


"I understand."


I conveyed defeated.


"So, what are we looking at? What's going to happen from your end? Are you staying with us? Moving on? What?"


He stared me down for a few seconds, a faint intensity still within his gaze. After a long sigh, The aging veteran left me with this final statement.


"It's time that I make a change. I'm not sure what that means quite yet, however, when I know... I'll tell you."


With that... our conversation had come to a close. However, there were more questions than answers by this point. What was going to happen to Alex Braun? Would this all blow over or would we run the risk of losing one of our most popular competitors?


... All I have to say is... F*ck ...

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I really look forward to the backstage posts. Not that the in ring stuff is bad, on the contrary it is always well thought out and well written. I just enjoy the soap opera that is behind the scenes wrestling. I spent a few years in a local wrestling company as wrestler and booker and let me tell you some of this stuff ain't far off the mark.;)


Keep it up EV



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Thumbs up, EV. Good segment.


Thanks, Pa!


You've been a lot of help since this diary started so my thank you stretches beyond your thumbs up.


Your SWF diary is something that every writer should shoot for. Great write-ups, well thought out storylines and gimmicks, an extremely strong/and loyal following.


Great work!





I really look forward to the backstage posts. Not that the in ring stuff is bad, on the contrary it is always well thought out and well written. I just enjoy the soap opera that is behind the scenes wrestling. I spent a few years in a local wrestling company as wrestler and booker and let me tell you some of this stuff ain't far off the mark.;)


Keep it up EV




To be honest, I love these write'ups just as much as the shows/storylines, etc. While PSW is the central main focus of this diary... John Greed's experience within the company is really the driving point behind it all. How would John think... What is he going through personally... Has he gotten over his dispute with Bear Bekowski? Will he eventually slip up and fall back on pain meds again? While it's not truly important to the overall way the company is being run... It does make a difference on what will happen in and out of the ring.


That's why, when it comes to booking... I try to keep his thoughts and perspective in mind. It actually makes it easier for me to tackle new ideas, new approaches, and new characters as it allows me to be darker than normal... if that makes any sense.


I hope to have a happy medium between the "website" based stuff (what the reader would get out of being an avid fan of the company... Perpetuating storylines and such) and the personal experience based stuff (what's happening behind the scene's... Greed's struggle with attempting to become a successful booker, etc.).


It's awesome to hear that someone digs what I'm doing thus far though, so thank you JT. Plus, I'm originally from WI myself so to see a fellow WI'nite on the boards makes me happy. ha :)



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Loved the Braun segment. By the way, if I do a diary, can I use that Braun/Greed segment? More as reference why Braun isn't in PSW (or why some others aren't, either).


Certainly, Amp. Go right ahead! I'm just happy that you liked it that much to potentially use it for your own thing. Very cool. :D

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Thanks, Pa!


You've been a lot of help since this diary started so my thank you stretches beyond your thumbs up.


Your SWF diary is something that every writer should shoot for. Great write-ups, well thought out storylines and gimmicks, an extremely strong/and loyal following.


Great work!


I'm jut glad I can help. I quite enjoy it, especially since your diary here has been so good so far. So never hesitate...


As for Gen-S... stop it or you'll make my head all inflated...

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Braun is out the door. Martin is hurt and out for awhile. What is your main event going to look like now?


Without giving too much away....


The Main Event scene is about to go through a tad of a shake up. We'll be okay to function if a few of our major players go down as there are some strong figures still lingering around. Plus, as it seems like one, or two, or three are gone.... They may not be really. ;) Then again, as I said... Don't want to go too far into future storylines as it would ruin what comes next from here.


As for physical bodies right now in the Main Event scene... We are somewhat light, where we stand right now, for big time "babyface" wrestlers. It's a problem that kind of snuck up on me as Bryan Holmes came in as public enemy #1 after flooring Martin a few months back. Hell, next month's live event (October) actually has two heels facing off for the PSW Championship as Holmes won the "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" tournament.... Though... my heel/babyface devide is set at "medium" so it makes it possible... Plus, despite Mr. Morgan being a heel (as he's loosely a member of "The Untouchables", a fact that will be touched upon coming up here, and is siding with Holmes against Martin)... He is more of a "tweener" heel than anything else. So, a competitive feud between the two is possible even though they reside towards the same alignment.


This next show, though, will really shake some things up (especially in the Main Event scene).

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<hr color="black">

"The End of Days"

Saturday, 3rd Week of October 2008

Run-Time: 1 HOUR 30 MINS

PSW Event #8

<hr color="black">

Alex Braun vs. The Wolverine

[Those in attendance are encouraged to bring weapons!]


Acedia w/ John Greed vs. Ash Campbell


"The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Frankie Future & Billy Russell


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. Teddy Powell & ?!?!??!!

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Mr. Morgan © vs. Bryan Holmes

[PSW Championship Match]



"Thoughts of Greed":

There is a common saying, well at least in my "inner circle", that states... "To stop Rome from burning would be to limit the possibility of a new tomorrow. However, instead of watching on as the blaze engulfs the world whole... Add to the inferno and succumb to Anarchy." Make sense? Probably not... Then again, for those who understand this industry, when does Pro Wrestling ever truly make sense?


I can feel the walls closing in on me... The clock ticking forth... Judgment day was coming, too quickly it seemed. Then again, the whispers had been mounting to this point... Shocking? No. Debilitating? Sure.


All that's left to do is move forward... Rather than force my weight against the current it was time to allow for a period of change... Become an agent of tomorrow.

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Alex Braun vs. The Wolverine

[Those in attendance are encouraged to bring weapons!]


Acedia w/ John Greed vs. Ash Campbell


"The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Frankie Future & Billy Russell


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. Teddy Powell & ?!?!??!!

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Mr. Morgan © vs. Bryan Holmes

[PSW Championship Match]

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Alex Braun vs. The Wolverine

[Those in attendance are encouraged to bring weapons!]


Acedia w/ John Greed vs. Ash Campbell


"The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Frankie Future & Billy Russell


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. Teddy Powell & ?!?!??!!

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Mr. Morgan © vs. Bryan Holmes


Now now quoting Nero are we? lol

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Alex Braun vs. The Wolverine

[Those in attendance are encouraged to bring weapons!]


Acedia w/ John Greed vs. Ash Campbell


"The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Frankie Future & Billy Russell


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. Teddy Powell & ?!?!??!!

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Mr. Morgan © vs. Bryan Holmes

[PSW Championship Match]

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Alex Braun vs. The Wolverine

[Those in attendance are encouraged to bring weapons!]

I think this one is going get bloody



Acedia w/ John Greed vs. Ash Campbell

Ash is just going to get buried



"The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Frankie Future & Billy Russell

not sure why but it sounds good.;)



"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. Teddy Powell & ?!?!??!!

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]

Dirty White boys beat em down!


Mr. Morgan © vs. Bryan Holmes

[PSW Championship Match]

gotta build it up a littel before Holmes gets the strap.

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Alex Braun vs. The Wolverine

[Those in attendance are encouraged to bring weapons!]


Acedia w/ John Greed vs. Ash Campbell


"The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Frankie Future & Billy Russell


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. Teddy Powell & ?!?!??!!

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Mr. Morgan © vs. Bryan Holmes

[PSW Championship Match]

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Alex Braun vs. The Wolverine

[Those in attendance are encouraged to bring weapons!]


Weedwhacker! Cheesegrader! ...









Acedia w/ John Greed vs. Ash Campbell


"The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Frankie Future & Billy Russell


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. Teddy Powell & ?!?!??!!

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Mr. Morgan © vs. Bryan Holmes

[PSW Championship Match]

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Now now quoting Nero are we? lol


ha. Maybe? ;)


Actually, The Professor is going to be making a cameo in 2009 as one of my later storylines won't really come together for a little while. Should be interesting to put together though....


I think this one is going get bloody


Alex Braun vs. The Wolverine

[Those in attendance are encouraged to bring weapons!]


Weedwhacker! Cheesegrader! ...








The combination of those two just seemed perfect for me. ha. What better to start a PSW event than an all-out bloodbath? hah. Wolverine is kind of a "novel" character in PSW (well, atleast my version). Shows up when there's violence to be had. ha.

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