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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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Billy Russell is one major pain in the ass ! You're probably glad Bryan Holmes came on board so you don't have to focus much your shows on Russell.


I was thinking that exact thing earlier today when I was looking over my roster. Billy was one of the biggest signing's I had in the very early part of my diary as he was the symbol of a "Change" in Pittsburgh. Luckily for me, not so much for him, Bryan Holmes became available shortly after.


I still plan on doing a lot with Billy at this point, however, his backstage antics certainly do make it much harder to know that he'll be here 100% down the road. ya know?


He's still undefeated though, So he's on a great streak.... Plus, He has Mitch Naess's overwhelming backing (as seen with his fight with Braun)... So, with those coming together... Billy Russell, despite his personal pitfalls, will probably end up continuing down the same path.



Very well done retirement speech by the way.


Alex Braun, to me, is the perfect example of someone who got into wrestling, and stayed in wrestling, because of his pure love for the sport. If it was for any other reason then he wouldn't have made it to 47... And certainly wouldn't be wrestling past 40 on the indy scene. You have to REALLY love what you're doing as you know, by that age, that you're probably not going to get a run in one of the "Big Three" unless you're someone like Nemesis (barring SWF In that case).


When it said he was retiring in game I knew that I had to give him a proper send-off. A normally un-emotional kind of guy... tearing up, choking up, and ultimately thanking the fans for giving him a shot to perform before them. Exactly what I thought Alex would say given the circumstance. Especially because, in this case, Alex was kind of forced into this by the fact that Mitch Naess wasn't really on "his side" with the whole Billy Russell thing. The time had come that he realized he couldn't give any more to the industry and thus a tearful goodbye took place.


Glad to know that it went over well though, Thanks MrOnu.



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NEWS: Alex Braun is released from PSW.

4th Week of October 2008




Alex Braun is Unemployed


In shocking news, Less than a week after he tearfully announced his retirement from Pro Wrestling, Alex Braun was let-go by Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. The move was said to be mutual, however, at this point, we've only received word from PSW and not the departing Braun.


Alex was the original headbooker of the Naess-led Hardcore Promotion, however, later was demoted from his position after John Greed was made available. It's been rumored that, since the demotion, Alex was extremely unhappy with his role within the company and was being phased out of the "big picture" so to say.


While it's not that shocking to see a veteran released shortly after retiring this scenario does raise a few eyebrows. Alex was a participant in one of THE most talked about angles in PSW history as KILLER Colossus made his return to attack the recently retired superstar. The segment has received a large level of buzz as wrestling fans began to take notice of the small Pittsburgh based promotion.


As stated before, Alex Braun was not available for comment about the release, however, PSW officials have noted that it was a "mutual decision". With that being said, What's next for the recently retired Braun?


Only time will tell...

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Poor Braun. I'm a bit surprised you didn't keep him around just to take advantage of his Entertainment skills... But I'm guess he's not cheap...


That scarred KILLER Colossus pic makes me cringe. Poor Larry Wood.


I was going to keep him... however, it's all part of the "greater picture" of the Mitch Naess and John Greed's "real life" storyline that's taking place right now. The next post will clear that up. :)


Secondly, I love the new KILLER look. Makes him look a little more B-Horror Flick monster versus a guy with a mask. haha. Which is perfect for me.

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Alex Braun, to me, is the perfect example of someone who got into wrestling, and stayed in wrestling, because of his pure love for the sport. If it was for any other reason then he wouldn't have made it to 47... And certainly wouldn't be wrestling past 40 on the indy scene. You have to REALLY love what you're doing as you know, by that age, that you're probably not going to get a run in one of the "Big Three" unless you're someone like Nemesis (barring SWF In that case).


When it said he was retiring in game I knew that I had to give him a proper send-off. A normally un-emotional kind of guy... tearing up, choking up, and ultimately thanking the fans for giving him a shot to perform before them. Exactly what I thought Alex would say given the circumstance. Especially because, in this case, Alex was kind of forced into this by the fact that Mitch Naess wasn't really on "his side" with the whole Billy Russell thing. The time had come that he realized he couldn't give any more to the industry and thus a tearful goodbye took place.


You know, I think Braun's stats and his size (which actually wouldn't be much of disadvantage in the SWF anymore), save for his really poor Star Quality, would make him a good trainer for the SWF. As for Nemesis in the SWF... I think there's a way of...creatively... making it happen... ;)

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Late October 2008

... Responding to his Release ...


"F*ck you, John."


That's all that he said... A run-time of 4 seconds, however, a powerful verbal jab that absolutely floored me. What did I do? If anything, I stuck my neck out for him following his altercation with Billy. Hell, I was currently at "odds" with Mitch over the whole situation... and for what? For Alex to leave such a emotionally charged message as this for me?


Something didn't seem right....


I tried to call Alex back... Obsessively actually as I searched for answers. However, he never picked up. Instead, I was forced to leave the same message over and over again... A continuous loop, a stretch of words that I could still recite to this day.


"Ah... Hey Alex. It's John. I don't know why you left the message as you did. Honestly, I had nothing to do with your release. Call me."


But... He never called.


That was until a full week later, after calmer heads had seemingly prevailed, I finally had Alex on the line... Itching to resolve whatever issue had risen between us two within his final days with PSW.






Alex responded in an annoyed manor.


"Alex. How are you?"


"Skip the crap, John. What do you want?"


I was thrown back. Alex and I's relationship had always been "rocky" at best following his demotion from headbooker. A role I now played... At least... for now.


"Honestly, Alex. I had nothing to do with your release. My plan was to meet with you following the show and talk about where we wanted to go from there. You had your bit with Larry (Wood) which went over big... I was looking for the possibility of 'one final match' followed by a possible managerial role."


Silence from Alex at first, however, that silence was later broken by an emotionally tired veteran.


"This is the kind of sh*t that pushed me to retire, John. I've got you saying that you didn't have a hand in all of this and then, on the other hand, I have others who said you orchestrated this event."


WHAT??!! This was news to me...


"I mean, I was planning on stepping away from PSW when the time was right... but to be dropped like this... As if I didn't mean a thing to the company... That F*cking pisses me off. After All I did for PSW... Helped shape it from the ground up when everyone told us we wouldn't succeed following DaVE's demise... It was ME..."


"No doubt it was you, Alex. [Pauses] The thing is... I had absolutely NOTHING to do with your release. I actually put my career with PSW on the line by standing up for your cause with Mitch."


Just then it clicked....


"Wait a minute.... Who told you that I was in on this?"


A moment of silence....


"I don't remember."




Another moment of silence as it finally clicks with him as well...




I wanted to scream.... Break every window in my sh*tty little apartment. Mitch, the very man who actually FIRED Alex was now telling Alex that it was me all along that set this plan into motion.


... Something had to be done ...


... An Epic War was starting to build ...

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4th Week of October 2008

... The Weight of Circumstance takes Hold ...


Rob L Miskovsky: [Loud Gasp] Oh my god....


Rob L Miskovsky: Someone needs to check on John Greed.... [slight moment of silence] Your knee isn't suppose to bend that way.... [silence as everyone watches on in horror] Jesus...



I knew something was wrong right away. The very second that Bear collided with my knee, I knew that my time had come. That my career was most likely cut short due to a failure of communication. A lack of focus. A botched moment in the ring.



Rob L Miskovsky: I don't know what to say folks... [silence as Rob is overwhelmed with what he just witnessed] These moments do come about in Pro Wrestling, however, to see a youngster potentially lose his career at such an early state... [silence] All we can do is hope, and pray, that John makes a speedy recovery.



It's been a Full YEAR since "the moment"... 365 days filled with addiction, depression, rehab, and ultimately redemption... 8,760 hours cloaked in self destruction all wrapped within a hearty dose of Vengeance. To this day, I still have not returned any of Bear's apology attempts. Actually, the sound of his voice, alone, challenges my sobriety... Tempting me to fall back upon "self medication" to overcome the "itch" that always seems to arise in this situation.


I've been sober since March of 2008 (8 months in all). A great feat, right?


While I'm happy with my progress, relying heavily upon Buddhist teachings to hinder my addictive personality, I would be a liar to say that I've found a "fairy tale ending". My deep seeded cravings are still very prevelant... My body aches, my skin crawls, my psyche rattled... Every inch of my body, every hair on my arm, every movement from within calls for the sweet release of medication.




John Greed abused Pain Killers and Sleep Medication in late 2007, early 2008.


Despite my daily hell, I've been "fortunate" enough to stay clean... focused... and willing to prove my worth within my new position. However, as of late, I've found my hunger increasing... Dangerously toward a potential relapse.


There it is... the dreaded word... Relapse


Statistically, I was fighting a losing battle as most will eventually relapse on their drug of choice many times before the habit is finally kicked.... Some never find that moment, instead... Killing themselves in the process.


Unlike before, however, I had something to loose this time...


Then again, recent events have aided in my destructive spiraling...




Braun is GONE from PSW


Alex Braun, the man whose job I stole when I descended upon Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, was a victim... A victim of his age, his demeanor, his unwillingness to change, his... love of the sport. Alex, a man I always respected despite never really having a chance to understand as he seemingly hated my very existence in PSW, became a "sitting duck" in the months leading up to his release. With rage toward the company stemming from his 2008 demotion, the Indy veteran became increasingly hard to deal with. Then again... Wouldn't you? Being pushed aside for younger talent, told to "move on", and ultimately devalued by the companies main official after a brief altercation with one of the new "crown jewels"... The writing was on the wall already... Alex just wasn't able to read it.


His retirement sent shockwaves through the company, and despite feeling as I had played a hand in pushing him in that direction (not able to convince Mitch to back Alex in the altercation with Billy), no one saw what was coming next. A release? Being FIRED from the company? What the F*ck? Even if he wasn't going to be an active competitor, Why would we force someone as talented as Alex, and popular for that matter, out our door?


That alone delivered an amount of stress that placed my sobriety in limbo... however, it was what came next that ultimately pushed me to this point.




Enough Said


His true "colors" were finally on display. No wonder there weren't many former DaVE superstars on the PSW roster as most of them KNEW the sheer HELL it would be to work for him. Manipulative, Scheming, self-interested... He may put forth a great front for those who don't know him, however, after you've worked with him for long enough... Especially in close quarters as I do... The truth comes out... It always comes out.


I'm not sure why Mitch would blame Alex's release on me? Well, other than the fact that he cares more about his own interests versus anything else. It was an easy scapegoat to push all responsibility on me.... Even when I was the very man who was TRYING to save Alex in Pittsburgh.




So here I stand... 365 days later... However, still suffering through the same self-destructive means that encompassed my life following "The moment".



... Shaking ...

... Clawing ...

... Tensing ...



I had dug my life from the pits of hell... Only to be forcibly shoved back in that direction... By my boss the culprit... My mind the enabler.

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<hr color="black">

"F*ck The Mainstream"

Saturday, 3rd Week of November 2008

Run-Time: 1 HOUR 30 MINS

PSW Event #9

<hr color="black">

Billy Russell vs. HydE

[by Request from the debuting "HYDE"]


The Dirty White Boys © vs. "The Deadly Sin's" (Acedia and Primal Rage) w/ John Greed

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Harry Allen/Mr. Morgan/Frankie Future vs. Teddy Powell & "The Ring Generals" (Dean Waldorf and Marv Slater)

[3 vs 3 Match - Single Pinfall]

[if Anyone pins Powell, They receive a National Championship Title Shot]


*PSW Special Guest* vs. KILLER Colossus

[An old friend visits Pittsburgh]


Bryan Holmes © vs. ?????????

[PSW Championship Challenger TBA]


"Thoughts of Greed":

I found myself becoming increasingly irritable as the days climbed away from our last live event. The situation with Alex, Mitch's need to bury everyone else but himself, and the headache of "dealing" with Billy was starting to drag my mental state into a downward spiral. The addictive habit I once knew.... Was "itching" again... My body's attempt to subdue my internal frustration, my debilitating level of anxiety...


Another week, another live event to mull over, however. There never seems to be any sort of downtime when you transition to the "other side of the curtain"... Especially when you have a boss, like Mitch, who is comparable to Lucifer on crack.


It's a proven fact that Art can carry your mind from the depths of "Hell" into the mountain of self-consciousness. By delving into your craft, your creative process, life becomes a tad easier to bare... As the theoretical hammer breaks your soul... Art allows you to manifest your emotions through action.


So... with that... "F*ck the Mainstream" was born.



<hr color="black">

"F*ck the Mainstream" Quick Picks


Billy Russell vs. HydE

The Dirty White Boys © vs. "The Deadly Sin's" w/ John Greed

Harry Allen/Mr. Morgan/Frankie Future vs. Teddy Powell & "The Ring Generals"

*PSW Special Guest* vs. KILLER Colossus

Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????

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Billy Russell vs. HydE

The Dirty White Boys © vs. "The Deadly Sin's" w/ John Greed

Harry Allen/Mr. Morgan/Frankie Future vs. Teddy Powell & "The Ring Generals"

*PSW Special Guest* vs. KILLER Colossus

Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????

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Billy Russell vs. HydE

The Dirty White Boys © vs. "The Deadly Sin's" w/ John Greed

Harry Allen/Mr. Morgan/Frankie Future vs. Teddy Powell & "The Ring Generals"

*PSW Special Guest* vs. KILLER Colossus

Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????


Hey EV, great stuff. I do have a thought and I certainly need no explanation, but you right about addiction very well almost from a personal POV. It gives the back story a very real feel. Keep it up.


Trevor L.

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Real Name: Christopher Hart

Age: 21 years old

Status: Active Wrestler (created by computer)

Size: Light Heavyweight

Wrestling Style: Regular Wrestler

Trained by: TCW Pro Wrestling School

Signature Move(s): "Reality Shift" (Forceful Twisting Russian Leg Sweep)



... Stats as it pertains to the game ...





How he ended up in PSW:


Most believed that Christopher Hart would have ended up in TCW given his immense talent, however, for some reason, that reality never came together. Some cite "character issues"... Others believe that Cornell personally intervened and allowed Hart to seek employment elsewhere all with the idea of bringing him back into the fold at a later date (after he had fully developed his skills in the Indy circuit).


In the end, it doesn't really matter WHY the promising youngster didn't make it to the "big leagues" right away as he now resides within Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.



Character Synopsis:


"HydE" is a wildly charismatic, almost comic-book-like, villain. A mentally unstable aggressor who uses his "lack of true reality" to overcome the confines of normalcy... In a sense, using creative means to mentally, and physically, manhandle his opponents.


His name is derived from the classic "Jekyll and Hyde" paradigm as one man carries two sides of the story within his own body. A lost soul forced into a fragmented understanding of life as their personality can shift from one persona to the next. In a way, it's a lot like those who are suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder (or Disassociated Identity Disorder). There's not one person there but many... All with the psychological notion of manipulating those around them.


"HydE", suffering the same fate, often points out others who are "living behind masks". Thinking he is doing others justice by pointing out their character flaws, however, often creating his own, sometimes, false-sense of justification.




"F*ck the Mainstream" Quick Picks


Billy Russell vs. HydE

The Dirty White Boys © vs. "The Deadly Sin's" w/ John Greed

Harry Allen/Mr. Morgan/Frankie Future vs. Teddy Powell & "The Ring Generals"

*PSW Special Guest* vs. KILLER Colossus

Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????

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This is what I get for attempting to productive.. ha. As you can see above I posted a layout for my new character "HydE". I had him on the roster for the last 4 months now... Prepping him, seeing what his match grades looked like, and ultimately waiting for the right time/character to come along to introduce him into the fold.


The mistake I made was originally signing him to an Exclusive PPA. I don't know why I did so, however, I think it was because I had never done something like that before and wanted to give it a shot.


So, literally, the next week (in game) after I posted his profile above... He signs with USPW. I lose him and he won't resign because he just left the company.




As you can see, I had huge plans for him... And if I would have waited another month to bring him in, instead of wanting to interject something new, he could have left quietly. But... I messed up there. ha.


So, needless to say... No HydE (Which sucks)...


The next show will go through a slight card shift, however, instead of spelling out what's going to happen... I'm just going to leave that up to the show itself.


Anyways, Just thought I'd fill those of you reading in on my plight.



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Hey EV, great stuff. I do have a thought and I certainly need no explanation, but you right about addiction very well almost from a personal POV. It gives the back story a very real feel. Keep it up.


Trevor L.


It's a fusion of a couple of things... While I've never been addicted to painkillers per se, I think we all understand what it's like to be addicted to something. How that changes our perception of things around us and why those things ultimately become a "crutch" in self-medication.


My main understanding of the situation is due to having a degree in Psychology, and generally having a major interest in addiction and abnormal psychosis. Hours upon hours of studying... Papers... Tests... On site internships... Needless to say, I've had a lot of interaction with that "side of things"... Therefore, with a little personal knowledge being interjected, my background in psychology has really helped me with this one.


To be honest, I love John Greed's character... I start to feel myself looking at life through his own eyes even when i'm away from my computer. I think that's what I love most about this diary... The Evolution of John Greed.

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Billy Russell vs. ??? Dammit really wanted to bet on my namesake!!

The Dirty White Boys © vs. "The Deadly Sin's" w/ John Greed

Harry Allen/Mr. Morgan/Frankie Future vs. Teddy Powell & "The Ring Generals"

*PSW Special Guest* vs. KILLER Colossus

Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????

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Billy Russell vs. HydE

The Dirty White Boys © vs. "The Deadly Sin's" w/ John Greed

Harry Allen/Mr. Morgan/Frankie Future vs. Teddy Powell & "The Ring Generals"

*PSW Special Guest* vs. KILLER Colossus

Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????

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No, Hyde Hill, you can them on an exclusive PPA anytime, as long as the worker agrees to it.


Yea, at the time I thought I was getting ahead pretty well, however, I didn't know that if he left he would ultimately leave his position with me. Kind of sucks... Then again, It was my own fault.


I guess you live and you learn.


So no Hyde? That's disappointing. Figured he would make for an interesting character. At least you might be able to sign him back after awhile....


Yea, all of that planning for nothing. ha. :cool:


The more we talked about the guy the more I loved the idea of having him a major character in my diary. Then again, I still have a surprise or two coming in the next few months as it pertains to new workers in PSW. :)

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Yea, all of that planning for nothing. ha. :cool:


The more we talked about the guy the more I loved the idea of having him a major character in my diary. Then again, I still have a surprise or two coming in the next few months as it pertains to new workers in PSW. :)


Yeah, he definitely seemed like a character with some potenital, given the work you were putting in to get him "right". The kind of character who could have become a major player in a fed like PSW, I think. You could always get "creative" if you wanted him back bad enough. Or just hope to land him back in six months time...


Am looking forward to see who else you have lined up...

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Yeah, he definitely seemed like a character with some potenital, given the work you were putting in to get him "right". The kind of character who could have become a major player in a fed like PSW, I think. You could always get "creative" if you wanted him back bad enough. Or just hope to land him back in six months time...


There's a good chance that I'll look into resigning him after the 6 month grace period. He has a great deal of talent, a good persona to work with, and the ability to be a "big time player" in a company like PSW. Plus, now with him leaving for USPW, there would be A LOT of heat on him if he ever would return as the fans would treat him as if he "turned on them" before he ever stepped foot in "The Ministry".


They would probably eat him alive... haha.



<hr color="black">

Thank you to everyone who left behind predictions this month! Probably the best showing I've had thus far. It took me a good number of months to get "use" to my vision of PSW, as well as the roster itself. However, I feel like I'm finally at a point where I understand my own diary and am excited to go from here.


I hope you've enjoyed the diary thus far....


Things are only going to grow in intensity from here ;)

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Mid November 2008

... My dreaded Reality ...


The room looked awfully hazy. The shades drawn tightly as small glimmers of light frantically barged in through the slightly c*cked blinds. My hand, quite lethargic, gently drags across the counter table next to me as I sink deeper, and deeper, into the 20 dollar chair I bought from the local convenience store.


I had become, yet another, statistic. A wavering fool with little, to no, control over my own pre-set anxiety levels. As tensions rose... I began to fall. As emotions heighted... I sank lower into my own depths. As Mitch became harder, and harder, to deal with... I found myself having a more difficult time staying hell-bent on my sobriety. And, that's how it happened...


I Relapsed.


I turned to the ONE thing that quickly knocked the edge off. The self-destructive means by which I, not only, clear my mind... However, also leave it convoluted as well.


Pain Killers and Alcohol.


I had done so well. 8 months of sobriety.... days upon days of feverishly staying focused on the task at hand, however, as the stress of being a headbooker began to build... So I saw my emotional stock begin to plummit... Lower, and lower... Until I had finally crashed and burned.


So, where to go from here? Yea, I hate Mitch... However, I can honestly say that I love my job. Well, at least I think I do. I thought the transition from both side of the curtains would be much tougher, and believe me it hasn't been easy, however, I've enjoyed the process. So... Rehab? God no. Never, Never, Never again. Besides... This may be a one shot deal. Enough to "take the edge off"... Moving forward with a new sense of focus, drive, and creativity. Hell, this could be a turning point as it pertains to my ability to "deal" with Mitch.


Who am I kidding? I'm destroying myself slowly... Again. But, there's nothing I can do about it. Nothing... But to make sure that NO ONE ever finds out the truth behind it all.


I need this job...





"F*ck the Mainstream" Quick Picks


Billy Russell vs. HydE

The Dirty White Boys © vs. "The Deadly Sin's" w/ John Greed

Harry Allen/Mr. Morgan/Frankie Future vs. Teddy Powell & "The Ring Generals"

*PSW Special Guest* vs. KILLER Colossus

Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????


Note: Nedew isn't going crazy... I did post this originally, however, for some reason, it didn't stay. I was messing around with it though and probably accidentally did something. ha. Anyways, This is the next step. Cheers.
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