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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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<p><strong>Nelson Callum</strong> vs. Little Bill Lebowski vs. Thimbleby Langton</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frankie Future</strong> vs. Malietoa</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"The Dirty White Boys" ©</strong> vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss & Bryan Holmes</p><p> </p><p>

Madman Boone vs. <strong>KILLER Colossus</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Teddy Powell & The Grand Kanishoki vs. <strong>Harry Allen & Mr. Morgan</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bryan Holmes ©</strong> vs. ???????</p>

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<p><strong>Nelson Callum</strong> vs. Little Bill Lebowski vs. Thimbleby Langton</p><p>

<strong>Frankie Future</strong> vs. Malietoa</p><p>

<strong>"The Dirty White Boys" ©</strong> vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss & Bryan Holmes</p><p>

Madman Boone vs. <strong>KILLER Colossus</strong></p><p>

Teddy Powell & The Grand Kanishoki vs. <strong>Harry Allen & Mr. Morgan</strong></p><p>

<strong>Bryan Holmes ©</strong> vs. ???????</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ampulator" data-cite="ampulator" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23259" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You know, if Mitch Naess chooses Billy Russell over Bryan Holmes, he's insane. Bryan Holmes is a way better "Japanese" (in the sense in wrestled in Japan) than Billy Russell.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Agreed from a realistic standpoint. However, as we've seen, Mitch doesn't always go ahead with what's best rather than what he wants. ya know? Stuck on Russell... So, you never know I guess.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Nedew" data-cite="Nedew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23259" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I can see Russell facing Holmes, and then all hell will break lose. Can't wait to see who wins the power struggle, on-screen and off!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> There's a possibility of it taking part. Don't want to give too much away. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> However, this next show will def. be a crazy one!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23259" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sorry, I was talking about Bryan Holmes I think you cast him perfectly in his role.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Awesome to know that the character is working for you, BHK! At first I was afraid that I may never understand him past a bland technical wrestler... but... Luckily... I've finally found my niche with him!</p>
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<div style="text-align:right;"><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Early February 2009</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>... Brick Wall ...</em></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23259" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';">Call... No Answer. Call... No Answer. Text Message... No response. </span></span></p></div><p></p></div></blockquote><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> This is my reality as it pertains to Billy Russell. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> In my attempt to speak with the former MMA standout, I've been given the cold shoulder like a simmering spouse looking for personal, yet underlying, redemption. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> No one can blame me for not trying, however, the man has glaringly shown his dislike of how I've dealt with his backstage antics.... Completely disregarding the fact that I've given him a 7-0 winning streak since joining PSW back in mid 2008. Then again, to accept such a notion would be an adult's perception of the cause at hand... Something that i'm afraid Billy is unable to do at this point in his life.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> I've been relayed rumors from Larry [Wood] and Dan [Lead Belly] that Russell has been in closed door meetings with Mitch [Naess] ever since the story came out that he may walk from Pittsburgh. Since I only know of these rendezvous through 2 of my more trusted figures on the roster, It's obvious to see that I'm not playing a part in the negotiation process. Will Russell stick around? Who knows.... I guess Mitch is the one who holds the deck on that one.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> If he does stand his ground and decide to walk from the company... What will that mean for me? F*ck, I'm not really in the place to look for work elsewhere as my mind is currently in a million different places. Then again, leaving Pittsburgh could potentially be the best thing for my overall mental sanity... my sobriety. Go back to Mexico? Can't see that happening any time soon either... Do you know how easy it is to get prescription meds down there? It'd be like dangling... well... drugs in front of an addict.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> So, All I can do now is sit back and wait.... A "fly on the wall" if you will; as the "great and wonderful" [sense the sarcasm?] Mitch Naess attempts to "Save" PSW from losing Billy Russell.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> ... To be honest with you ...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> ... If it were up to me ...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> ... I'd let him walk all the way back to Japan ...</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <hr color="black"></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23259" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">"Chain Reaction" Quick Picks</span></strong></span><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Nelson Callum vs. Little Bill Lebowski vs. Thimbleby Langton</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Frankie Future vs. Malietoa</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> "The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss & Bryan Holmes</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Madman Boone vs. KILLER Colossus</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Teddy Powell & The Grand Kanishoki vs. Harry Allen & Mr. Morgan</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Bryan Holmes © vs. ???????</span></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23259" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Diary Note:</strong> I just finished booking "Chain Reaction" and it looks to be a great show. The hard part is that it has a length (matches and storylines included) of 14 overall segments. With that being said, it may take a little while to actually get this one written up. I plan on getting some work done on it sometime this week but just wanted to let you all know that it may be a little longer than normal to post. Cheers.</div></blockquote>
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Nelson Callum vs. Little Bill Lebowski vs. Thimbleby Langton


This match is at least mildly throw away and I see Little Bill and someone who can at least bring a little more character to the PSW roster.


Frankie Future vs. Malietoa


While I love the rather different and unexpected way you've taken Frankie his gimmick and honestly his skills only have the legs to take him so far he jobs to the debuting Malietoa and goes to the back ready to do it again in a month or two.


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss & Bryan Holmes




Holmes at ring side is what actually makes this one interesting but The DWB's win this one in all the hog riding ultra over glory. One thing this match made me notice is it seems like it's been hard to establish a solid tag division in PSW(I see this alot in diaries and even more so in my own booking.)


Madman Boone vs. KILLER Colossus


The greatest monster heel from a diary EVER. The segment with Braun was brilliant and ever since I've been all about the guy. Yeah I said it and it's true KILLER is over as can be with me and I think most fans of the diary and for that reason he get's his win back over Boone, the real question is how could this possibly be more brutal than their last match?


Teddy Powell & The Grand Kanishoki vs. Harry Allen & Mr. Morgan


Harry and Morgan get this win here as it's a good way to make Allen credible and still have him chase. Also Kanishoki seems....odd in PSW especially in an enforcer role maybe as a singles wrestler he would have fit into the odd fusion style you've made for PSW but as Powell(Who by the way you've done a GREAT job with to the point that you're version of Teddy Powell has been made the "official" version I use as a referance point when booking him.) but oh man if the big Sumo were turned face(Which down the road I think would work I've personalyl never had a problem picturing Kanishoki as a face.) there's a big man fued with a certain Colossus I may totally mark out for.


Bryan Holmes © vs. ???????


Holmes to me is what the "New Hardcore" image of PSW is all about. He's serious about his craft and I think that's what your trying too convey while DaVE was pure counter culture that specific type of counter culture has been co-opted by the mainstream so would no longer be honest so you go back and mix influences a bit of DaVe passion and hardcore here, a bit of hardhitting Neo-Oldschool Japanese ultra-serious wrestling-as-a-spport ethios there, a pinch of CZCW progressive daredevil spots, and top it all off with a nice garnish of SWF style theatircs and boom a "new" feel is born for the promotion one that's honestly about loving wrestling with a true and honest passion. I think that's the key to PSW honesty.



If you couldn't tell by my rambling overly thought out responses I love the diary man, I've seen alot of guys try to write diaries that capture that "edgy promotion" feel and outside of Mark Cuban Does DaVE which got a wee bit overblown for me in it's latter stages(Herasy! I know sorry.) all of them have to some degree or another failed. You have not failed, in fact you have defined "edgy" in the C-Verse like how Kinney defined Puro with his BHOTWG diary or how Phantom Stranger defined the East Coast Wars(and I think by extention the entire Indie scene of the late 90's C-Verse.) with his PPPW diary or how J-Silver built the wacky family friendly circus that was USPW.


Man I hate to stoke someones ego that much and I know you don't want it or neeed it but amazing diary and I even enjoy the Greed backstory while the whole down and out recoving addict schtick is a bit cliche it fit's really well with the dark but somehow familiar and conforting tone of the diary as a whole. Honestly it takes me back to the 90's with that cynical f*ck authority feel of ECW(Except you know TOTALLY fake and also in text form.) You've even managed to capture to essence of the bright edge of originality and inclusive creative expression that comes with that cynicism before it all gave way to soulless consumer driven "counter-culture" of today.


Ok one more time this got WAY to deep for a C-Verse diary post but good job, I've always wondered if these diaries could be considered some sort far flung avant-guarde short fiction and I think your diary has finally answered my question for sure. Yes, yes they can.

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One thing this match made me notice is it seems like it's been hard to establish a solid tag division in PSW(I see this alot in diaries and even more so in my own booking.) .


I've struggled with the tag division, yes. While it was my decision to give the DWB a "God Push" in a way over 2008, I didn't spend much time really pushing the contending tag teams as a real threat. Really, it became more about gaining popularity for Lead Belly and Grease Hogg as they continued to tear up PSW (now at a D+ in popularity in the Tri-State area!). The problem I'm falling into right now is the lack of teams to really challenge DWB for their titles.


I don't want to go out and just hire a bunch of random tag teams because every hire has a reason behind it and I would need to hire at least 2 more tag teams to really flesh it all out. Plus, without a weekly TV deal, there is less time to really devote to developing a whole division. ya know?


That's why I'm happy with where "The Ring Generals" are (E+ in Tri-state) as they are now viable threats to the tag titles (at least if you ask me). Their alliance with Bryan Holmes gives them a sense of validity as they work to not only make him proud but to also futher their own careers... Knowing that if you have Holmes in your corner... There's a good chance that you'll be picking up a victory or two along the way.



The greatest monster heel from a diary EVER. The segment with Braun was brilliant and ever since I've been all about the guy. Yeah I said it and it's true KILLER is over as can be with me and I think most fans of the diary and for that reason he get's his win back over Boone, the real question is how could this possibly be more brutal than their last match?.


KILLER Colossus's re-debut following his attack on Alex Braun as an overly planned event. I wanted a big, bad, monster like figure on the roster... Not so much a garden variety psychopath but rather someone you could see as a slasher film villan. A jason or a Michael Myers type character cast in PSW... Building upon grand violent statements packaged within the frame of a 7 foot, partially burned, monster.


Whenever I sit back to write for him now I try to think of him as a "Film Character" versus a wrestler. That's why his win/loss record doesn't bother me at all... And still can make him a viable threat to anyone as.. Sure, You can pick up the win but can you survive his hellacious attack that will soon to follow? Makes for any ever fearing monster. (One that's fun to write for for that matter.)



Holmes to me is what the "New Hardcore" image of PSW is all about. He's serious about his craft and I think that's what your trying too convey while DaVE was pure counter culture that specific type of counter culture has been co-opted by the mainstream so would no longer be honest so you go back and mix influences a bit of DaVe passion and hardcore here, a bit of hardhitting Neo-Oldschool Japanese ultra-serious wrestling-as-a-spport ethios there, a pinch of CZCW progressive daredevil spots, and top it all off with a nice garnish of SWF style theatircs and boom a "new" feel is born for the promotion one that's honestly about loving wrestling with a true and honest passion. I think that's the key to PSW honesty..


That's freakin' awesome that you picked up on the style of product I've been trying to push. You hit it square on the peg. Bravo. :D


The great thing about a Cult company, especially one built upon the world of "hardcore wrestling", is that really... Anyone can flurrish. You've got fliers, brawlers, psychopaths, technitions... It doesn't matter... As long as you give 110% to your craft and ultimately carry an interesting persona... You'll be respected. I think that's because Cult companies tend to pull in an older fanbase... One that is less likely to cheer for a face just because they've been told that he's a "Good guy". They want substance... They want personas... They want a reason to love/hate a guy.


You have to make your fans/viewers feel something for a character or else you've missed the mark.


The product for PSW makes it easy to bring in a whole slew of different personalities. Luckily, there are even more on the way... ;) Some I'm super excited about.



If you couldn't tell by my rambling overly thought out responses I love the diary man, I've seen alot of guys try to write diaries that capture that "edgy promotion" feel and outside of Mark Cuban Does DaVE which got a wee bit overblown for me in it's latter stages(Herasy! I know sorry.) all of them have to some degree or another failed. You have not failed, in fact you have defined "edgy" in the C-Verse like how Kinney defined Puro with his BHOTWG diary or how Phantom Stranger defined the East Coast Wars(and I think by extention the entire Indie scene of the late 90's C-Verse.) with his PPPW diary or how J-Silver built the wacky family friendly circus that was USPW.


wow. Big statement. Thank you for thinking that highly of this diary. :D


It crazily means a lot to me as it gives me insight that there are others out there who really enjoy what i've done... ANd not only that, understand what I'm trying to convey.



Man I hate to stoke someones ego that much and I know you don't want it or neeed it but amazing diary and I even enjoy the Greed backstory while the whole down and out recoving addict schtick is a bit cliche it fit's really well with the dark but somehow familiar and conforting tone of the diary as a whole. Honestly it takes me back to the 90's with that cynical f*ck authority feel of ECW(Except you know TOTALLY fake and also in text form.) You've even managed to capture to essence of the bright edge of originality and inclusive creative expression that comes with that cynicism before it all gave way to soulless consumer driven "counter-culture" of today. .


I know the Addict story has probably been played out time and time again in many different forms of media, however, I felt that I needed to create a compelling character for John. Laying out a realistic map as to why he lost his in-ring career... What would transpire after that... And now where he's at in his life. I honestly feel that it's his addiction that has given him the insight he has for being a headbooker... Understanding life on a much deeper, and in most cases, darker level. That's why he can create what he creates for the likes of Colossus and such.


His mind has seen the depths of life... So, in turn, he understands how to book such an event in each and every show.



Ok one more time this got WAY to deep for a C-Verse diary post but good job, I've always wondered if these diaries could be considered some sort far flung avant-guarde short fiction and I think your diary has finally answered my question for sure. Yes, yes they can.


That's been my focus all along. :) Trying to write a diary that was just as much about the creative end as the overall story of it all. Writing characters as they were characters in a book, movie, TV show, etc. Still focusing on wrestling... however, also giving characters their own level of depth.



All in all, Thank you times a billion TylerDrew. Your post was an amazing thing to wake up to this morning.

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Well I finally caught up with this diary from the start (I know it is in poor form to comment on a diary before you read it all the way through) and all I have to say is this is great (I know I have said that before but it is true)!


The real reason why I started to read it from the start was becasue I wanted to know why Larry Wood was burned and also because I enjoyed reading the diary anyway so why not read it from the start. I just love your promo writings they all seem so real. Well once again keep up the good work!

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Isn't it the intention to miss or rather dis the mark? lolz


Wouldn't PSW be TNA then? ha jk. Had to jab you on that one Hyde as I know you're a TNA backer. ;)




Diary Note: I just came home from a short vacation (much needed). With that being said, I'm going to get cracking on the show write-up tomorrow.

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+ Streaming LIVE via PSW.com +

"The Ministry" Event Center

PSW Event #12




Mitch Naess

... The Owner Clears the Air ...


[The month is February 2009 and the opening sequence of this month's live event, "Chain Reaction", opens with the sight of PSW's owner, Mitch Naess, standing in the middle of HIS ring with a microphone already in hand. The overly vocal "Ministry" crowd shocks nobody by Schelling a negative reaction in the direction of the recently controversial owner as Naess nods his head in approval... As if to say that he understands their hatred of him at the moment. However, as the wave of disapproval continues, Mitch waves his hand slightly to non-verbally state "Give me a chance to explain". This only enrages the crowd even more as a chant of... "You F*CKED Up" is heard from wall to wall. In most cases, an ego-centric figure, would most likely buy into their hatred... Defying them for their negative response, however, it seems as if Mitch understands their plight...]


Mitch Naess: I deserve that...


[The crowd grows even louder with the "You F*cked up" Chant.]


Mitch Naess: Let me explain myself at least though...


[The chant continues as Mitch tries to get a word in edge-wise.]


Mitch Naess: I know a lot of you are very unhappy with the outcome of last month's Main Event.... [Heavy Booing] However, my decision to call the match in Bryan's favor was something that I have the utmost confidence in. You see, I respect Lead Belly.... Hell, if I didn't then I wouldn't have given him the opportunity to originally sign with Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. He, and his brother, have become staple members of not only the Tag Team roster here in PSW... But, arguably, they have become two of the more popular fighters on our entire roster. For that, They are valued commodities in the "Steel City". But.... [Pauses] There's a big difference between being a "valuable asset to the company" and being "THE MAN".


[Crowd boo's]


Mitch Naess: Lead Belly may have the potential to, one day, become the PSW Champion. His brash, gritty, ultra-violent, mentality is something that I truly Cherish as a competitor within my company. However, he's not at the place to really carry a company on his back. I know you all hate it... But Bryan Holmes was right.


[The crowd boo's like crazy at this point... Bryan Holmes being right about something? The PSW crowd doesn't believe so.]


Mitch Naess: Bryan is the ONLY man who is up for the challenge... The ONLY man who can carry PSW on his back and continue our steady climb. [Crowd boo's] Lead Belly, along with his brother, do play a part in all of this... But... I'm afraid at this point... The farthest they will EVER get is the PSW Tag Championships. Then again, this shouldn't be a consolation prize to any... The PSW Tag Championships are something of massive value... Something that Lead Belly should be proud of!


[Mitch pauses for a second as the crowd continues to show him a healthy amount of hatred.]


Mitch Naess: I know you, "The Dirty White Boys", and many more backstage, won't ever truly be able to grasp my decision... However, It was the right one. As the owner of a company, You need to make decisions all the time.... Some of them will not be widely understood... BUT... That's your job. To stand above the rest and make those judgment calls... In the end, knowing that your ultimate focus is to make sure that said company continues to prosper. That's all I did.... I stood above the rest... Held my ground... And made the best decision for PSW.


[Mitch is about to speak once more, trying his best to describe why he cheated Lead Belly out of the title.. However digging himself a deeper ditch with every word, when all of a sudden "The Dirty White Boys" theme music kicks in over the "Ministry" Sound System.]



"The Dirty White Boys"

... Them be Fightin' Words ...


[The PSW Tag Champions roar down the iselway to the ring on their trademark, classic, rusted out hogs. However, unlike most weeks, there isn't a celebration that takes place. Instead, "The Dirty White Boys" quickly ascend into the ring... A few feet away from the very man who screwed Lead Belly out of the title only a month ago.]


Mitch Naess: Listen... Lead... It's what needed...


[before he can finish, Lead Belly lands a hard kick to the stomach of Mitch Naess... Dropping him to his knees. With a terrified look on his face the crowd erupts at the sight of violence upon the PSW Owner. Mitch tries to reason with the two of them... However, Lead Belly quickly slams Naess between his legs... Picking him up for a powerbomb and throwing him over top of his shoulders... Meanwhile, Grease Hogg has now come in for a Big Boot as Naess descends toward the canvas (Their signature, "Dirty Bomb" Finisher). Naess's head, upon impact from Hogg's boot, snaps violently backward as the PSW Owner falls to the canvas out cold.]


[The PSW crowd is going CRAZY for "The 'Boys" as Lead Belly and Grease Hogg celebrate in the ring... Over the fallen body of Mitch Naess.]


Grade: C-



Remmington Remus: That may turn out to be a HUGE mistake for "The Dirty White Boys"....

Doc Messing: Pull your head out of your own ass, Remmy. [Laughs] Loosen up a little... "The Dirty White Boys" just F*CKED Mitch Naess up... GOD!.... That was awesome! Did you see his head snap back like that? [Laughs]

Remmington Remus: It's not like he was gloating over his actions last month though... He looked, and sounded, as if he didn't really want to make the decision... But he had to... For the sake of PSW.

Doc Messing: Hard decision or not... You've got to deal with the consequences of your actions from time to time!



Little Bill Lebowski vs. Nelson Callum vs. Thimbleby Langton


There really isn't much to say about the opening match outside of the fact that it was quite obvious to see who was going to win this one from the get-go. Thimblebly looked confused through out, Little Bill Lebowski looked rather unimpressive, meanwhile, Nelson Callum continued his wave of momentum by unleashing a technical onslaught upon his opponents. Sure, it's not like he overly dominated either of his oponents... However, everyone in the building knew what the outcome was going to be from the very first second. Nelson, making good on his opportunity, caught an unsuspecting, and often day-dreaming, Thimbleby with a twisting neckbreaker that would warrant the young Callum a standard three count from R.M. Stones.


Nelson Callum defeated Little Bill Lebowski and Thimblebly Langton in 9:12 when he pinned Thimblebly following a twisting neckbreaker.

Grade: E+


Remmington Remus: The young Callum picks up his first victory in Pittsburgh!

Doc Messing: Atta boy!

Remmington Remus: Lets see if he can keep this momentum going...



"The Deadly SIN's" - KILLER Colossus, Acedia, and Primal Rage

... Internal Confrontation? ...


[it appears to be somewhat of a stand-off as Acedia and Primal Rage stand only a few feet from a violent figure that they consider to be an ally. With that being said, there's an obvious level of frustration between Rage, Acedia, and Colossus as we are only a month removed from KILLER's shocking attack upon "Deadly SIN" Leader, John Greed.]


[Neither side looks to be willing to move as their scenario looks to be nothing more than a stair down contest. That is... untill... KILLER Colossus continues his path of destruction as he, and he alone, physically dismantles what's left of "The Deadly SIN's" faction. A momentous standing big boot slams into the face-painted Primal Rage... Forcing him to the cold cement floor below in a process that only takes place for a matter of a few seconds.]


[Acedia, standing up for his fallen ally, attempts to attack his former ally, KILLER Colossus, however, is unsuccessful as the burned behemoth mows over the equally large Acedia with a bull-rush shoulder strike. Acedia, trying to rebound from the strike, lands a few choice strikes of his own... However, in the end, is also knocked to the cracked cement below as KILLER executes, yet another, standing big boot... Connecting with the side of Acedia's jaw.]


[shortly following his attack, KILLER Colossus throws his arms out to the side in bear-like flexing manor.... Conveying a loud, and certainly bone-chilling, roar.]


Grade: E


Remmington Remus: So... I take it that "The Deadly SIN"s" are being forced into extinction by one of it's founding members?

Doc Messing: I always wondered how a faction like the "Deadly SIN's" could actually continue to exist? I mean, when your trio is made up of absolute psychopaths... There's going to come a day where everything is damned to unravel.



Ash Cambell?

... A new persona is born ...


[At this point in the show, for those watching via a web production, a hype video is shown.]








[The sound of a large church bell bangs against a metal pole in which to develop an eery collection of theatrics. From there, a hazy graveyard is shown as the thick midnight air makes it almost impossible to see inches before the lens. Slowly, the camera slightly shakes as the camera man walks forward... step... by... step... The loud tone from the nearby bell becoming louder and louder.]








[We come to an vacant burial hole... A small wooden cross inches from opening with the words [/i]"Ash"[/i] scratched into the cherry-oak with what appears to be a knife blade. Haze continues to hill the area as the web cam now slowly peers over the edge of the burial hole to see that... in fact... It's not vacant. Instead, there lies a smaller figure of a man... Eyes closed... Gothic make-up covering his face.]


[The figure begins to speak at this point... Not opening his eyes just yet... Startling at first as it's un-expected.]


Ash?: My days on this earth have been defined by one man... [Pauses] A legendary figure that resides within my own DNA. Some call it a gift... others call it a curse.... [Pauses] I for one... Call it my reality.


[The shadowy figure now opens his eyes... Still laying flat on the cold dirt below.]


Ash?: Did I chose my genetics? No. Do I defy my DNA? No. On the contrary, actually. I embrace the pressure... I Cherish the demand.... I summon the call for another generation of immortality. [Pauses] At one point, I was weak... A slave of my own history... A heap of failure. No more. Gone are the days of constant self-destruction... Gone are the moments of embarrassing outcomes. I now... Stand before you a new being... A philosopher of war-torn.... Alastor.


[With that the bell is once again heard... Filling the midnight air as Alastor slowly shuts his eye once again... Motionless as he lay 6 feet below the surface level.]


Grade: D


Remmington Remus: Was that...

Doc Messing: I believe it was...

Remmington Remus: Where has he been?

Doc Messing: No one really knows... After his meltdown a few months back.. He's been M.I.A... Even his father didn't know where he was.

Remmington Remus: I wonder what this means for PSW...

Doc Messing: I'm not for sure... but... This kid has a lot of potential... Maybe an underlying level of insanity was needed in which to put him over the top.



Frankie Future vs. Malietoa

[PSW Debut Match]


It's easy to see that Frankie has become somewhat of a cult-favorite with PSW fans as the aging veteran gained a lot of fanfare with his victory over The Sensational Singh last month at "Battle Line". With that being said, the crowd was firmly behind Future... Despite the fact that Malietoa, quite menacing in his own right, came to "the dance" focused and determined to walk away with a debut victory. The match itself was an absolute clinic in realistic brawling as both men are certainly gifted in a "south-paw" style of fighting. The one major difference was the ultra-aggressive mentality to Malietoa... A true contrast to the, typically, slower approach that Future carries. It was this fact that would ultimately turn the tides in Malietoa's favor as the debuting Samoan began to instill a level of control over the match.


Then again... Never count Frankie Future out.


Frankie began to make a comeback. Landing power move after power move until Malietoa was seen struggling to regain his composure. It looks as if Frankie is about to walk away with the win... Even motioning for his signature "Frank-N-Hurter" (Stunner) toward the end of the match.


However, that never came to pass...


Instead, in a shocking return, FCW's Own... Sensational Singh is seen rushing the ringside area from the back. Dressed in his infamous robe, Singh jumps up onto the aipron.... Grabbing Frankie Future from behind and pulling the back of his neck across the top rope. Such a maneuver carried a debilitating strike as Future slowly attempted to pull himself back up to his feet, confused as to what happened, giving Malietoa the ability to sweep in from behind and landing a high-lock Belly-to-Back Suplex on the dazed Frankie Future. Upon Impact, Future is seen landing on his right shoulder, also part of his head, making for an easy pin for Malietoa as Future simply fights for consciousness.


Malietoa defeats Frankie Future in 13:44 via a high-lock Belly-to-Back Suplex following a Sensational Singh run-in on Future.

Grade: D+


Doc Messing: This has to be Singh's redemption for last month...

Remmington Remus: Either way, Malietoa benefits from Singh's attack... Picking up a HUGE Debut victory over Frankie Future!

Doc Messing: Does this mean that Singh is now a member of the PSW roster?

Remmington Remus: I haven't heard anything for the sort... Plus, wasn't it Singh alone that said last month that he "hated being in Pittsburgh"? That he was forced to be here?

Doc Messing: True... Then again, Revenge is a strong motivator and often forces you to do things you don't want to do just in the name of vengeance.

Remmington Remus: I guess we'll find out in time...



Mitch Naess

... Injured Physically and Emotionally ...


[Mitch Naess is seen sitting upon his desk a few floors below the ringside area. Completely removed from the rest of the roster, a place he calls home almost 24/7, Mitch is seen rubbing the back of his neck fiercely as a medical assistant delivers a smattering of tests to see what could potentially be injured. As this takes place, Mitch verbally bursts outward toward a small collection of his "right hand men", corporate unknowns who are only here to help with the behind the scenes day-to-day work, enraged over what had just recently taken place with the PSW Tag Champions, "The Dirty White Boys"]


Mitch Naess: I do them a favor... Give them both jobs and save them from the mind numbing hell that is the Independent circuit and this is how they repay me?


[Mitch turns his neck as if to attempt to crack it... Wincing the entire time.]


Mitch Naess: I want "The Dirty White Boys" removed from the "Ministry"...


Unknown Lackey: But sir...


Mitch Naess: Don't "but sir" me... [Turns to look at the unknown lackey] I..... want.... Lead Belly and Grease Hogg.... OUT OF HERE!


Unknown Lackey: How do you suppose we remove them? We don't have....


Mitch Naess: I don't really give a sh*t how you remove them. Just get the job done or else you'll also be looking for employment elsewhere. You got me?


[His lackeys quickly scurry off into a dimly lit hallway as Mitch continues to wrench at his neck.]


Mitch Naess: How dare they lay their hands on me.... [shaking his head as much as he can] After all I've done for them... The money I threw their way, the title opportunities that I laid before them, hell... The roof I put over their heads. This is what I receive as a "thank you"?


[Mitch's rage continues to climb.]


Mitch Naess: No more... [Attempts to shake his head] If this is how it's going to be then I'll see to it that NO ONE forgets who's boss around here.


[With that, the low-quality web cam begins to zoom out... Showing a few final glimpses of the enraged PSW Owner creating a devilish tone going forward.]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: wow... I've never, in all my time with PSW, EVER seen Mitch behave like this before...

Remmington Remus: It looks as if things are about to change here in Pittsburgh...

Doc Messing: I think the declaration of war may have just been conjured up on Naess's mind...



"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


The match started off rather slow as both sides were seen staring each other down from afar. At one point, when it seemed like the match was finally going to kick off... Lead Belly and Dean Waldorf met in the middle of the ring... Going through the motion toward a collar-and-elbow lock-up when Dean quickly ducked underneath Lead's massive arms and slid out of the ring to speak with Bryan Holmes. As you can expect, The crowd wasn't very happy with Dean's decision. However, it didn't seem to phase the youngster as an arrogant grin formed on his face as he spoke with his fearless leader.


The match WOULD finally take place a good 30 seconds after the initial bell was rung... With the major storyline coming out of their altercation being that, for the first time in their PSW careers, "The Dirty White Boys" were actually entrenched in a hard fought battle. It appears that the youngster, "Ring Generals", tag team is already showing signs of being positively affected by the presence of the dominating PSW Champion.


Not only does he dish out great advice, Bryan Holmes also made his presence known physically toward the end of the match when he was seen attacking Lead Belly from behind. Lead, with the help of his tag partner Greaser, was able to overcome the attack... however, the damage was done. A slight limp began to show as Lead Belly becomes hell-bent on getting his hands on the PSW Champion... Circling the ringside area as Bryan continues to dodge his advances. This would open up the possibility for "The Ring Generals" to walk away with the Tag Titles...




Even with Bryan Holmes's presence, "The Dirty White Boys" were able to overcome the odds... Landing a "Dirty Bomb" on Dean Waldorf and picking up a standard three count from R.M. Stones while Grease Hogg fending off a potential pin-break attack.


"The Dirty White Boys" retains the PSW Tag Championship by defeating "The Ring Generals" in 12:11 via a "Dirty Bomb".

Grade: D+


Doc Messing: Mark another victory for "The Dirty White Boys"... These guys can't be stopped.

Remmington Remus: Every month it seems like we, as PSW fans collectively, have this same conversation... "The 'Boys" are so dominant... Can anyone stand up to their reign? The funny thing is... It was true back then and it still stays true now. While "The Ring Generals" put forth a great fight... There STILL isn't a PSW Tag Team even close to the level as these guys.

Doc Messing: While that's true... "The Dirty White Boys" have a whole new enemy, it seems, that could potentially halt their wrath...

Remmington Remus: Mitch?

Doc Messing: Exactly. It's his company... I'm sure there are many different ways he could conjure up a challenge for the Undefeated "Boys".



The Dirty White Boys

... Facing Naess's Decree ...


[The PSW Tag Team Championship match has come to a close as the often victorious "Dirty White Boys" come away with yet another successful title defense. With that being said, however, the current scenario that they find themselves in isn't all that comfortable (Despite the victory). A slew of PSW security workers quickly ascend upon the ringside area, circling the squared circle, as both Lead Belly and Grease Hogg stair down their potential attackers. Slowly, but surely, the security guards climb their way into the ring as the Tag Champs slowly look over at eachother... shrug their shoulders and smirk... All leading into their defiant assault... Mowing over the ENTIRE crowd of security members trying to escort the duo out of the ring.]


[in what only takes a matter of a few seconds, "The Dirty White Boys" are the only people left standing atop the canvas. A wake of motionless bodies lie at their feet as both Grease Hogg and Lead Belly raise the PSW Tag Championships high into the Air... All the while, their beloved fan base rattles the stain glass windows of "The Ministry" with a resounding show of support.]


Grade: D


Doc Messing: Did you see that? [Laughs] There had to be like... 10, 15,20 people waiting to escort "The 'Boys" from the ring. Holy Sh*t, These guys are unstoppable.

Remmington Remus: I'm sure Mitch isn't too happy about the outcome of this one...

Doc Messing: This opens up the chance that we may see a Lead Belly, or Grease Hogg, versus Bryan Holmes title match tonight!! F*cking-Hell-Yes... [Laughs] That's my kind of main event.

Remmington Remus: I wouldn't give up on Mitch's decree this quickly, Doc. From what it seems... Mitch may do whatever it takes to have them removed from the building tonight.

Doc Messing: What's left to do? Mitch taking his own demand and seeing it through? Can you imagine if he tried to, single-handedly, push those two out the door? [Laughs] I'm putting my money on "The 'Boys".

Remmington Remus: Can't fault you there...



KILLER Colossus vs. Madman Boone

[PSW Chain-Link Strap Match]


Complete... Utter Violence is the only way to describe the first ever Chain-Link Strap match in PSW history. A strap of rusted chains, stretching 6 feet from end to end, entraps both enemies to eachother... Creating an intimate sense of combat as neither man is able to truly get away from the other. An instance that would later prove to be quite deadly for both superstars...


From very early on, The chain-link between KILLER Colossus and Madman Boone was utilized as a weapon. Whether it was KILLER Colossus attempting to choke the life out of Madman Boone with said strap or it was The Madman wrapping his end of the strap around his fist... Pumbling away at the forehead of the burned behemoth... It was quite easy to see that tonight's match-up was more than just a altercation bent on hatred but rather... An opportunity to potentially destroy another human being. A fact that was taken to heart by both men.


Continuing with what we've seen lately, Madman Boone was able to keep up with KILLER Colossus through out most of the match.... Something that not many, if any, can say in PSW since KILLER's debut in early 2008. The towering Colossus, no longer with "The Deadly SIN's" faction at his side, looked to be even more powerful than normal... Most likely stemming from a sense of internal rage. While, yes, KILLER Colossus has always been known for his feverish tone... Last month's match was still in the back of his mind. With that being said, KILLER, for the most part, was the more dominant figure in tonight's altercation. On many occasions, mowing over the Hardcore Legend with a string of power moves (ie: Running Shoulder Block w/ the Chain-link as a pull, Spinebuster, Spear, etc.).


The most talked about moment from their second meeting, however, was in favor of Madman Boone as the Hardcore Legend found a way to execute a standing fireman's carry drop onto a collection of steel chairs piled up in the middle of the ring. Upon impact, it looked like KILLER Colossus may be down for the count... However, the burned behemoth was actually the first man back up to his feet, Shockingly. Then again, he didn't stay there for very long as, only seconds later, Madman Boone took one of said steel chairs... Striking KILLER Colossus in the head with a thunderous, baseball-like, swing. KILLER, taking the brunt of the strike roars out for more... A fact that would push Madman Boone to land 4 more shots, just like the tire-iron shots from last month, square across the forehead of his opponent. The final shot knocked the monster to the canvas below, briefly, and left the steel chair severely bented...


In the end, both men were bloodeid... bruised... And barely able to stand upon their own two feet. For the first time, in a very long time, KILLER Colossus actually looked human... Showing obvious signs of reduced health. A feat that should not be taken lightly for Madman Boone.


Both men continued to brawl until KILLER Colossus wrapped Boone's end of the strap around his throat (Madman Boone's throat)... Ultimately pulling him forcibly toward him... Executing a BIG TIME Big Boot to the face of Madman Boone. Upon impact it looks as if Boone's nose was broken... Blood gushing everywhere... As KILLER slowly drops to his knees... Pinning the semi-conscious Boone for a standard three count.


KILLER Colossus defeats Madman Boone in 15:02 via a Running Big Boot.

Grade: D


Remmington Remus: Sooner or later... These two are going to kill each other. Either on purpose or via an accident.... But, it's going to happen.

Doc Messing: The Funny thing is... It'll look like these two are on the brink of death... Only to dust themselves off... Clear their minds... And come back for another go-around next month. [Laughs] How the hell do they do it? I have no F*cking clue. However, tonight... KILLER Colossus found a way to even the score with a victory.

Remmington Remus: Even more so than a victory, It seems that KILLER Colossus may have shifted the feud ultimately in his corner. I'm not even sure Madman Boone knows where he is right now...



KILLER Colossus and Madman Boone

... The Flames of Hatred ...


[KILLER Colossus slowly rises to his feet like a towering monster standing for the first time... His body broken, bruised, and somewhat stiff as his hellacious battle with Boone has pushed his physical health to the brink and back. With the blood soaked chain still wrapped around both competitor's wrist, R.M. Stones quickly attempts to break Boone free from his confines... However, this act never truly comes together. Instead, Colossus is seen shoving Stones to the ground with just one hand... Never breaking his attention from Boone, who still lays on the canvas below a bloody mess.]


[Colossus, grabbing a nearby table, methodically opens his newest weapon up... Setting it only inches from where Boone still lays. Meanwhile, The Madman is starting to come back to his senses... Attempting to push himself up off the canvas with as much power as he has left. His arms quivering as his back looks to be in sad-sad shape.]


[The towering Colossus reaches into his ragged wrestling attire and pulls out a small vile and a single match... Emptying the contents of the vile on the wooden table below and lighting a massive blaze in a matter of a few seconds. The PSW crowd, watching in on slight horror however also excited for the possibility of pure hardcore intentions, watches on now as KILLER Colossus forcibly pulls The Madman back to his feet. Boone, seeing the blaze to his left, tries to fend off KILLER with an array of right hands... BUT... It's not enough.]


[KILLER quickly grabs Madman by the throat... Lifting him high into the air and choking the life out of him. Madman tries to escape but the more he moves around... The worse the chokehold becomes. This goes on for another 10 seconds until KILLER finally puts an end to their struggle... Chokeslamming Madman Boone through a flaming table!!!]


[The Madman screams out in horror as a collection of PSW security officials quickly slide into the ring and extinguish the flames. however, the damage has already been done. Meanwhile, KILLER is seen standing over his victim... Watching on with an unsettling smile upon his face. As if he enjoyed what just took place.]


Grade: C


Remmington Remus: We need a medic!!! Someone get out here NOW... [silence]

Doc Messing: This feels all to familair... Except the last time this took place... It was KILLER Colossus who was forced into the flames.

Remmington Remus: This is just.... What did I sign myself up for?

Doc Messing: This is Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling... Take it or leave it as it is, Remmy.

Remmington Remus: wow.... That's all I can say. I just hope Madman Boone is okay...

Doc Messing: It looks bad... I know. But, I promise you, give him a couple months... He'll show up as a half-burned, disgusting, evil-filled monster. [Laughs]

Remmington Remus: What?

Doc Messing: Nothing... Just how it works around here.



Teddy Powell and The Grand Kanishoki

... Still the "Owner"? ...


[Once again, Teddy Powell is seen walking through the dimly lit hallways of the "Ministry" with his gigantic bodyguard, The Grand Kanishoki, walking only a few steps behind him. A low quality web camera is positioned from the waist up, front and center, as Teddy struts his way down the hall... His chin held high, his nose high in the air, and an arrogant smirk running from ear to ear. As PSW un-named officials walk by, Teddy threatens them with actions that only Kan knows that he can't actually carry out.]


Teddy Powell: Where is my Coffee, God damnit? I asked for Coffee 2 hours ago.... This is ridiculous!


[No one really takes notice to Teddy yelling. So, to gain some attention, Teddy grabs a nearby unknown official by the throat of his shirt... Shoving him up against the wall. The unsuspecting victim looks on with a "What the F*CK Teddy?" look on his face.]


Teddy Powell: This is MY company.... MINE! You understand that?


Unknown Official: Uh... Teddy.... What the F*ck are you doing?


Teddy Powell: What did you just say?


Unknown Official: I said.... What the F*ck are you doing?


Teddy Powell: How dare you talk to me that way... I could fire you.


Unknown Official: What are you on? You know... We can get you help if you need it.


Teddy Powell: Shutup! Kan... [Looks over at Kanishoki]... Attack!


[As if that was the only word he understood, Kan quickly moves into action... Grabbing the unknown official and throwing him violently up against the wall. It looks as if they snapped in half upon impact as Kanishoki yells out in a fit of rage. Meanwhile, Teddy begins to laugh at the violence that unfolds in his name. A few seconds pass now as another un-named official walks up to Teddy... Not afraid of what could happen to him.]


Unknown Official #2: Mark my words, Teddy. Your days of pretending to be the owner around here are coming to a close. As we speak I'm looking up a nearby translator for Kanishoki... This way he can find out the truth about you! How you've been dragging him around Pittsburgh... Lying to him every step of the way. I'm sure his wrath will turn in your direction very quickly.


Teddy Powell: [Laughs] You don't scare me. Kanishoki will NEVER find out... You know why?


Unknown Official #2: Why?


Teddy Powell: How can anyone spearhead such a plan when they are in the middle of a lengthy... lengthy... Coma? KAN.... ATTACK!!


[With that Teddy moves out of the way as The Grand Kanishoki grabs the unknown official #2 by the throat.... In one throw... Tossing him across the hallway and into the wall with a thunderous force. Teddy, finding such an outcome to be humorous, quickly calls for Kan to follow him as the two exit the scene... Most likely for Teddy to force Kan to do more of his bidding.]


Grade: D


Remmington Remus: All it would take was someone who spoke Japanese... And all of this would just go away.

Doc Messing: It's bound to fall apart one of these days... And when it does... Teddy Powell will become Enemy #1 to the newly informed Giant!

Remmington Remus: God.... I can't wait for that day.

Doc Messing: See... You're fitting in just well around here. Your hatred of Teddy Powell is like a badge of honor... [Laughs]



Teddy Powell and The Grand Kanishoki vs. Mr. Morgan and Harry Allen


In what will forever go down as Kanishoki's dare I say, grand, debut... The team of PSW National Champion, Teddy Powell, and the monstrous Super Heavyweight, Kanishoki, would prove to be a truly destructive force. It's unaware why.... Maybe it's because Teddy knew he had someone like KAN in his corner... or... Maybe, just maybe, the lightweight arrogant mastermind was beginning to show a "backbone" for once, however, Teddy Powell came away looking like an all-out legend in this affair. Plus, it couldn't have hurt that whenever he ended up in a bind... A 450+ pound monster was only a few steps away to ultimately clean house.


The rare mixture of power (KAN) and Speed (Teddy) made for quite the tandem as Harry Allen and Mr. Morgan looked overmatched through out most of the match. Mr. Morgan, especially, was showing signs of a potential lower back injury as KAN continued to work him over with a string of violent bear-hugs... Flinging his body every which way as Morgan came close to passing out due to the pain. Luckily, however, Harry Allen, while seemingly slowed down by KAN's wrath himself, was able to carry their duo... Taking it to both KAN, or at least attempting too, and Teddy Powell as the match began to gravitate toward an ending.


Harry Allen, hobbling due to a chop-block knee strike from Powell, was in a "world of hurt" as Teddy Powell continued to work over his injured knee. Meanwhile, it was looking even worse for their tandem, as Kanishoki was also dominating his match-up... Tossing Mr. Morgan around the ringside area like he was a rag doll. At one point, even guerrilla press slamming him into the first few rows of the "Ministry".


Teddy Powell, waiting for Harry Allen to raise back to his feet, calls for his signature "Motion Censor"... Only seconds away from a victory...








Allen is too his feet...


Teddy moves in for "The Motion Censor"...




Harry Allen ducks under the kick, pulling something out of his wrestling boot in the process as he moves aside. Once back upright, Teddy spins around to rebound from his miss... Only to have Harry Allen strike him in the head with what appears to be a pair of brass knuckles! Powell, not expecting such a strike, staggers to his knees... Trying to pull himself back up again.




Harry Allen lands a Standing Superkick of his own as Powell tries to get back to his feet... As Kanishoki is focused on Mr. Morgan... Harry Allen picks up the shocking three count from R.M. Stones!


Harry Allen and Mr. Morgan defeat Teddy Powell and The Grand Kanishoki 15:03 when Harry Allen pinned Teddy Powell following a Brass Knuckle Strike/Superkick combo.

Grade: E+


Remmington Remus: What a Match! I still can't believe that Harry Allen found a way to pick up the win in this one... He can barely stand...

Doc Messing: It all comes down to your ability to rebound... Even with an injured leg, Allen came prepared for a fight... The brass knuckles in his boot is a sign of that. What you can't do physically... You can make up for with strategy.

Remmington Remus: With a victory like that... The whispers are going to continue to flow... Harry Allen has shown on numerous occasions that he can defeat Teddy Powell if given an even playing ground. Will this lead to a potential re-match for the National Championship?

Doc Messing: God... I hope so.



Bryan Holmes

... Awaiting his Challenger ...


[bryan Holmes, the PSW Champion, stands in the far corner of the ring... The PSW Championship laying on the canvas before him in a physical display of a his challenger needing to "cross a battle line of War". A low budget web camera is positioned just over the shoulder of the international fighter as Holmes is seen tightening his wrist tape, cracking his neck, and shaking out his body before he plans to do battle.... All the while, Awaiting whoever takes his bait...]


[seconds go pass... And then it happens...]



Billy Russell

... The Challenger ...


[Russell's theme music (a combination of hard metal and screamo) kicks in over the, almost, non-existent "Ministry" sound system. The loyal PSW fan base rises to their feet, highly anticipating what is to come next, knowing that a Billy Russell/Bryan Holmes match is almost like a "wet dream" to most wrestling fans.]


[Russell, walking out of the back in his typical shiny black boxing robe w/ hood pulled over his face, slowly plots his way down the iselway and toward the ringside area. Meanwhile, the PSW Champion, stands before him.. Unphased... Focused on the task at hand.]


[As the scenario starts to unfold... We are given a chilling presentation of both men meeting in the middle of the ring... Staring each other down as Russell violently flips the hood from his face. This gives us the opportunity to see both men... Nose to nose... Almost as if an MMA fight was about to break out in the middle of the squared circle. Only seconds away from, potentially, the most anticipated match in PSW history.]


Grade: C-


Doc Messing: Holy..... F*ck.

Remmington Remus: I think what Doc is trying to say is.... This could go down in history as THE most anticipated match that we've ever seen here in Pittsburgh. The undefeated former-MMA fighter vs. the internationally known technical master... The level of competition between these two could truly tear the roof off of this place. [Pause] Is that right, Doc?

Doc Messing: Holy.... F*ck.

Remmington Remus: I stand corrected... I believe that may be the extent of what he's saying.



Bryan Holmes © vs. Billy Russell

[PSW Championship Match]


A theoretical cloud of tension fills "The Ministry" as both competitors stair each other down in the middle of the ring. Neither making a move... Not even to deliver an instance of trash talking. No, both men are 110% focused on the task at hand... Mentally locking themselves into battle and ultimately knowing that only ONE MAN can walk away tonight with the PSW Championship. The iconic stair down continues for a good 30 seconds as the PSW crowd begins to overflow with anticipation... Their cheering getting louder and louder as both competitors wage a degree of psychological warfare even before a single punch is thrown.


Then it happened...


Bryan Holmes reaches across and slaps Billy Russell in the face, as if to say... "You're beneath me". This single act fills the recently motionless, Russell, into an all out level of aggression... Lunging toward Holmes and tackling him to the floor with a standing spear. Holmes, oblivious to the idea of potentially landing in a hard manor, lands a few right hands on his way down to the canvas as Russell quickly puts all of his bodyweight on top of Holmes... Pounding away in a typical MMA "Ground and Pound" mentality. In just a matter of a few seconds their altercation went from a billowing pitch into an all-out, crazed, battle with punches being thrown, elbow strikes landing, and an overall ground-based approach being administered.


Through out most of their match, actually, the action was based on the canvas with both men putting forth a realistic MMA look to their bout. Constant pinning of arms, pinning of legs, pounding away on eachother's faces... Overall, trying to physically bludgeon each other to the point of losing consciousness. While it wasn't an overly flashy back-and-forth sense of competition, Their altercation looked as real as they come. So much so that Billy Russell was able to deliver a black eye to the PSW Champion following a round of elbow strikes to the face (all the while as Holmes attempted to break free from having his arms pinned to the matt).


While their match-up was shaping up to be a pure competitive approach... With time, that began to unravel as "The Ring Generals" made their way out of the back to show their support for Holmes. While they wouldn't physically get involved, and for the most part Russell didn't even notice that they were there, their presence was felt around the ringside area as PSW fans began to relay expletive laced tyrants against the youngster duo.


While "The Ring Generals" didn't get involved in the actual match... someone did... The PSW Tag Champions, "The Dirty White Boys", made their way out of the back... This time not on their trademark classic hogs... This time around focused on the task at hand. The two embattled tag teams, "The Boys" and "The Ring Generals", quickly meet in the isleway for an all-out brawl as both sides have their own intentions... The DWB... To get to Bryan Holmes... "The Ring Generals"... To do their best to keep the "The Boys" away from the action at hand. In the end, "The Dirty White Boys" would ultimately win their showdown with the "Ring Generals"... Quickly ascending into the ring and going straight for Bryan Holmes.


Bryan, able to fend off the PSW Tag Champions for the most part, only suffered slight damage as "The Ring Generals" were able to make a comeback... Attacking The PSW Tag Champions from behind with a collection of weapons in hand. Their surprise attack ends up forcing "The Dirty White Boys" out of the ring as Bryan Holmes desperately tries to regain any sense of composure to finish out his title defense.


Billy, knowing that the time is now to take advantage of the mass chaos, quickly attempts to lock in his signature twisting arm bar... However, Holmes was able to force the hold away. Coming back again... Only to have it broken again.


Both men gained their footing once again as Russell quickly dove in and locked in a potential belly to belly suplex... However, Holmes was saved by Nicole Kiss grabbing the backs of his legs... Pissing Russell off in the process. Billy, trying again at this point, is taken off guard by Holmes (who now is back in control of their body weights)... Landing an elbow of his own and then executing a belly to belly suplex over the top rope and to the cement outside of the ring. Russell, landing hard, looks to be in an immense amount of pain... A fact that would later prove to be his downfall.


With "The Dirty White Boys" matching up with "The Ring Generals" around the ringside area... There was nothing to stop the carnage between Holmes and Russell. Now, with Russell showing signs of a shoulder injury from his fall, Bryan Holmes was able to force his opponent into a tough situation as the PSW Champion lands his signature "Final Impact" (Spike DDT). Ultimately picking up a three count from R.M. Stones.


Bryan Holmes defeats Billy Russell in 18:11 via a "Final Impact" (Spiked DDT).

Grade: C-


Remmington Remus: Another challenger.... Another victory for Bryan Holmes...

Doc Messing: I can't stand the guy, what so ever, however, you can't deny the fact that he's a one man wrecking crew. Even without "The Ring Generals" at his side... This guy has proven time and time again that he's THE most dominant figure this company has EVER seen.

Remmington Remus: With that being said, Do you think Mitch was right in his decision to cheat in his favor last month?

Doc Messing: He may be a dominant figure but I wouldn't force the Title on him. If he, fair and square, loses a match... Then that's what should happen. I don't believe in cheating the rest of the PSW roster just to keep the title on him.





<hr color="black">Overall Show Grade: C-

Popularity Increased!

Attendance: 1,000<hr color="black">

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Once again, Excellent Show Eisen, I'm really Impressed by the constant excellence of this


Thank you, McFly!


I'm really happy with how this show came together from start to finish. A new character on the way, the development of a major storyline, and Bryan Holmes continues to impress. Overall, a good show in my mind.

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You know what doesn't impress? Larry Wood and Madman Boone. Jesus, these guys should be able to step it up!


I know, right? I was really looking to bank off of their feud to help push PSW up in popularity (at least slightly), however, they can't seem to pull a grade higher than a D for the most part. Kinda sad, though, as I've had a lot of fun writing their feud... Only to have it get crapped on by the fans in attendance. ha.


Maybe it'll call for a slow fizzle of their feud... Giving KILLER or Madman room to move on to feuds that could potentially help PSW instead of constantly end up as a let down.


Just by reading the Ash Campbell promo, I might see a combination of the deadman gimmick and maybe, the replacement for John Greed. as a manager of the Deadly Sins.


I can see the "Deadman" look to Ash, Especially since the bell tones were used. If anything's dead about him, at this point, it's his bland Ash Campbell gimmick. ha. ;)


He'll slowly evolve with time, I'm sure, however, at this point, I see his Alastor gimmick as as a cross between Vampiro and Raven.

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I like the Ash gimmick and I think that you will be able to push him far. It kind of reminds me of the real life Lon Chaney Sr./Lon Chaney Jr. situation where the son tried so hard to get out of his father's shadow but could not and in the end it broke him.


And I would really love to know who Acedia is!


Also, love the owner vs Dirty Whiteboys feud because it makes sense. Of course Mitch would rather have the title on someone who is great in the ring.

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NEWS: Billy Russell leaves PSW; Suffers Injury in Japan.

4th Week of February 2009




|| Billy Russell returns to Japan ||


In what will certainly go down as an awkward pairing of events, Billy Russell has continued his massive amount of internet buzz following 2 scenarios at the close of February 2009.


Russell, a former MMA fighter turned pro wrestling competitor, has walked out of contract negotiations with PSW in which to head back to Japan full-time. While the internet rumor sites have been blazing over a potential rift between Russell and PSW headbooker, John Greed, little has been shown to prove such tension was brewing.... That is, Until now. Russell, normally a very quiet individual himself, relayed this statement upon his final days in Pittsburgh.


"First and Foremost, I want to thank my fans for following me halfway across the world. Your continued support keeps me motivated to become a better competitor going forward. Sadly, my tenure with PSW came to a close all to short as I began to disagree with a certain individual creatively. I won't name names but you can't imagine who it is..."


- Billy Russell, INSPIRE


What's next for Russell? Well, many expect for him to focus primarily upon competing within INSPIRE, however, even that came with a setback as Billy Russell suffered a Damaged Cruciate Ligament. The injury, suffered at the hands of Bryan Russell during an INSPIRE event this month, is said to potentially keep the former MMA star out of action for 6 months.


All in all, It looks as if Billy Russell is moving onward from PSW and heading back to Japan.

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Very good show and Bryan Russell injured Billy Russell just after Billy left lol, oh the irony!


That's exactly what I was thinking when it showed up on my feed in-game. ha. With Bryan Holmes being one of the cornerstones of PSW right now, It felt like PSW as a whole gave him a "Parting gift". ha. Toward the end, Billy wouldn't even respond to contract negotiations so... I guess this was a way to somehow have the door hit him on the way out. ha.


Well it will be a lot eaiser now the Billy is gone.


Should be... In a way. However, as Mitch told John before... If Billy ended up walking, and John wasn't able to resign him, then it could possibly be his job on the line as well. So... Needless to say, Russell will still be causing tension, at least right away, between Greed and Naess all the way from Japan.

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