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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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Jay Chord isn't likely to change... however, I did make Big Smack Scott from "Extremely Egotistical" to "Extremely Humble", and, while he was no longer a locker room problem, he was still an "a"-hole. And didn't stop using Steroids (though it was heavily reduced). And he hated my guts. (He actually became more Mercenary because of my discipline even though he was "Humbled". :p)
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Jay Chord isn't likely to change... however, I did make Big Smack Scott from "Extremely Egotistical" to "Extremely Humble", and, while he was no longer a locker room problem, he was still an "a"-hole. And didn't stop using Steroids (though it was heavily reduced). And he hated my guts. (He actually became more Mercenary because of my discipline even though he was "Humbled". :p)


I would love to write for Big-Smack Scott to be honest. ha. I think he could be one of those characters that I could really get into. With the SWF being at Cult there's always a chance he could come on board if things continue to go this way. He'll need to drop to a C- in popularity before that's possible though too.

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Jack Griffith seems like he would fit in great with the general theme of PSW and he is a pretty decent brawler bah gawd!


I'd advise against signing him though because you used him so prevalently in your XWA diary...


Loving the shows E-V, as gritty and realistic as ever :)

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Jack Griffith seems like he would fit in great with the general theme of PSW and he is a pretty decent brawler bah gawd!

I'd advise against signing him though because you used him so prevalently in your XWA diary...


What Nedew says is pretty much the reason why Griffith hasn't made it into my PSW diary. There are certain people who were big time players in my X-WA diary that I'm afraid to bring into my PSW one. Only because I don't want the two to bleed together.


Griffith is a great character to write for, and one that can really branch of in many different areas, however, I don't know if it would work as well for this diary at this point.


Good idea though DrunkCobra, he does fit the product really well.


Speaking of my X-WA diary, One of my more major players may be coming over to my PSW diary. Not 100% sure but I think if I can find an interesting storyline to make it work then I may do so. There is major benefits to having him on the roster so it's somewhat a work in progress.


Loving the shows E-V, as gritty and realistic as ever :)


Thanks Nedew! That's what I'm trying to convey with PSW... Dark, Gritty, Brutal, etc. To me, PSW is kind of a cross between old school ECW... and Modern MMA fights.

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|| The Champ to "say goodbye" ||

NEWS: Bryan Holmes to retire; Given "Parting Gift" from Mr. Naess.

1st Week of April 2009


In shocking news, PSW Champion, Bryan Holmes has officially announced that he has come to the end of his career and will be retiring following this month's live event. Holmes, a staggering 11-0 since joining PSW in July of 2008, never gave a reason for his sudden shift of focus, however, many have speculated that it may be due to the fact that the International grappler wants to "Go out on top".


With that being said, PSW Owner Mitch Naess, has given the grizzled veteran a "parting gift" in the form of a challenger. Holmes, the current PSW Champion, will be granted the ability to choose his final opponent at this month's live event, PSW "Last Call".



|| Who will stand as Holmes final opponent in PSW? ||


In the end, Holmes has stated that he is bound and determined to walk away from "The Ministry", this month, with the Championship still around his waist. Regardless of who it is he steps into the ring with, We here at PSW.com know that this match-up, in whatever form, will certainly go down as one of THE most historic matches in our companies short history.

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<hr color="black">

"Rome is Burning"

Monday, 3rd Week of April 2009

Run-Time: 1 HOUR 30 MINS

PSW Event #14

<hr color="black">

El Demonio Volador vs. "FCW's"The Sensational Singh

[PSW Debut for Volador]


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Ring Generals" vs. KILLER Colossus & Acedia vs. Frankie Future & Johnny Martin

[PSW Tag Championship Match]


Teddy Powell vs. Mr. Morgan

[Grudge Match]


Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa vs. Madman Boone

[PSW National Championship Match]


Bryan Holmes © vs. ???????

[PSW Championship Match]

[Holmes's FINAL MATCH in PSW]


"Thoughts of Greed":

The event name, "Last Call", never sat well with me. It was a knee jerk reaction, Trying to best sum of the overall feeling of watching a great like Bryan Holmes bringing his career to an end. With that being said, The name never really stuck with me. Why? "Last Call" felt like this could be any pro wrestler deciding to hang up his boots... Any competitor looking to start a new chapter, while leaving his previous behind. That wasn't Bryan Holmes's story... He wasn't another competitor... He was THE competitor.


How to best sum of the ending of such a reign? Sure, he only worked in PSW for under a year... But in that time frame.. He went 11-0 and physically, and mentally, dominated the competition. While others may come and go, Bryan Holmes leaving PSW is a true loss that will resonate through the wall of "The Ministry" for years to come.


How best to sum this all up? The Fall of the Roman Empire.... With Bryan Holmes as Cesar, the overall rule of his kingdom, our very stage of influence was started to crack.... Folding under itself... Walls breaking inward... Fire burning upward. The loss of an iconic figure bringing on a day of uncertainty... regret... and remorse.


However, just like the Fall of Rome... There is a underlying optimism... The idea that someone could ultimately rise to greatness in the ashes of the former Cesar, Bryan Holmes.


Will we continue to burn until our final days or will greatness, once again, manifest itself within another? As Cesar comes to his demise... Who will rise in his wake?


<hr color="black">

"Rome is Burning" Quick Picks


El Demonio Volador vs. The Sensational Singh

"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Ring Generals" vs. KILLER Colossus & Acedia vs. Frankie Future & Johnny Martin

Teddy Powell vs. Mr. Morgan

Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa vs. Madman Boone

Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????

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El Demonio Volador vs. The Sensational Singh


If this is who I think it is he should get the win over Singh. Hopefully we will be treated to another great promo from Singh.


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Ring Generals" vs. KILLER Colossus & Acedia vs. Frankie Future & Johnny Martin


The DWB have held the title for a very long time, I would not be surprised if they lose but I will pick them for the win. Would love to see Acedia get a title win though...


Teddy Powell vs. Mr. Morgan


The battle of former partners is a tough one to pick but Teddy is a very sneaky bastard and for some reason I think that the win will go to him.


Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa vs. Madman Boone


He just won the belt after many tries and will probably not lose it this quickly.


Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????


Okay this is a tough one as I know that Bryan has creative control and thus will not lose to just anybody. I think that Bryan will go out as a champion.

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El Demonio Volador vs. The Sensational Singh


- Singh deserves love at PSW.


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Ring Generals" vs. KILLER Colossus & Acedia vs. Frankie Future & Johnny Martin


- Lead Belly & Grease Hogg are too popular to lose.


Teddy Powell vs. Mr. Morgan


- This guy is too established to lose.


Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa vs. Madman Boone


- He won't lose it just like a snap.


Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????


- Johnny Martin? If not then I'm sure Bryan falls.

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El Demonio Volador vs. The Sensational Singh

- Singh should win at least once to remain a threat


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Ring Generals" vs. KILLER Colossus & Acedia vs. Frankie Future & Johnny Martin

- Multi mans are always a good way to get the belts of someone without making them look weak.


Teddy Powell vs. Mr. Morgan

- Morgan is simply better and Powell has lost his insurance.


Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa vs. Madman Boone

- First defense so retain.


Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????

- Hopefully a cool debut but Holmes retains because of creative control.

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El Demonio Volador vs. The Sensational Singh

"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Ring Generals" vs. KILLER Colossus & Acedia vs. Frankie Future & Johnny Martin

Teddy Powell vs. Mr. Morgan

Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa vs. Madman Boone

Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????

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Its a bitch to see Bryan Holmes go. Then again it forces you to push new characters to the top; a very cool situation as your diary is now going through a massive upheavel almost 600 posts into it all.



"Rome is Burning" Quick Picks


El Demonio Volador vs. The Sensational Singh - no idea who volador is. is he in the default data? Singh picks up the win.

"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Ring Generals" vs. KILLER Colossus & Acedia vs. Frankie Future & Johnny Martin - dwb have been your tag team staple but with change at the top comes change all the way around. colossus and acedia walk away with the gold.

Teddy Powell vs. Mr. Morgan - TP finds a way to cheat his way to another victory even without his bodyguard.

Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa vs. Madman Boone - just became champ so he retains.

Bryan Holmes © vs. ?????? - I could see holmes winning but to go along with your rome is burning theme it appears that he may lose his title on the way out.

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I know I said this in the Official DOTM thread but...


I just wanted to thank everyone who voted for my PSW diary this month. When I started this thing, I didn't really know if there would be an audience for it as I was attempting to put together something totally new to my diary writing style. However, at this point, It's awesome to see so many predictions for every show & and overall ability to draw people in for a read or two. It's very cool and continues to push me in the sense of motivation as I want to keep things going upward.


As I've said before, It's quite fitting to have my first DOTM award be a tie with BigPapa. He's been an amazing both on the boards and via private messages to help keep my focus on the straight and narrow. He's a def. "Visionary" when it comes to the creative process and having someone like that to bounce ideas off of is something that I would never take lightly.


All in all, Thank you to everyone who voted... And really anyone who takes the time to stop by and give my shows/write-up's a read once they're posted.



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NEWS: Kanishoki Leaves U.S. for BHOTWG.

1st Week of April 2009




|| Kanishoki will find greater success in Japan ||


After competing in the United States under the umbrella of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, former sumo-wrestling great, Kanishoki has decided to leave stateside and return to Japan early this week.


The 460 pound behemoth was considered to be an "up and coming" superstar for the "Steel City" based company, however, it's been reported that the decision was made following a recent return home.


Headbooker, John Greed, was said to have "major plans" for his prized big man, however, had to rush the ending of his storyline with Teddy Powell in which to allow Kanishoki to leave for Japan. Sadly, for PSW, it seems that their roster is being ripped apart by a number of people deciding to walk away from the small hardcore-based promotion.


More to come...

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I was wondering, how did you get him in the first place? BHOTWG must have fallen to Cult for you to even have him. Have they risen back up to National yet?


Yea, It was pure luck to pull him the first time as BHOTWG had fallen down to cult awhile back. Just in the last month, though, both they and GCG have risen up a notch... So, needless to say, I lost Kan pretty quickly after that. It sucks as I was planning on having him be a big part of the diary both during and after his feud with Teddy Powell, however just like the loss of Holmes, it's back to the drawing board.

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I know I said this in the Official DOTM thread but...


I just wanted to thank everyone who voted for my PSW diary this month. When I started this thing, I didn't really know if there would be an audience for it as I was attempting to put together something totally new to my diary writing style. However, at this point, It's awesome to see so many predictions for every show & and overall ability to draw people in for a read or two. It's very cool and continues to push me in the sense of motivation as I want to keep things going upward.


As I've said before, It's quite fitting to have my first DOTM award be a tie with BigPapa. He's been an amazing both on the boards and via private messages to help keep my focus on the straight and narrow. He's a def. "Visionary" when it comes to the creative process and having someone like that to bounce ideas off of is something that I would never take lightly.


All in all, Thank you to everyone who voted... And really anyone who takes the time to stop by and give my shows/write-up's a read once they're posted.




I've been more than happy to help out, EV. I'm quite sure you would've done just as well on your own, but I'm glad I can assist even a bit. Plus, it makes seeing you win your first DOTM a bit more thrilling for me.


I actually feel bad for voting for James Casey. Not that he didn't deserve it, but moreso that I had trouble deciding between your diary and his. What finally made me vote his was that I had nominated him. As deserving as I feel JC was of my vote, that vote could've given you a solo DOTM win. I'm sure you will have one not too far down the road, though.

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El Demonio Volador vs. "FCW's"The Sensational Singh

[PSW Debut for Volador]


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Ring Generals" vs. KILLER Colossus & Acedia vs. Frankie Future & Johnny Martin

[PSW Tag Championship Match]


Teddy Powell vs. Mr. Morgan

[Grudge Match]


Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa vs. Madman Boone

[PSW National Championship Match]


Bryan Holmes © vs. ???????

[PSW Championship Match]

[Holmes's FINAL MATCH in PSW]


Man this one is a hard one to predict. Congrats EV.



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Early May 2009

... Why it happened ...



"You understand us, John. You get what it's like to be on our end of the situation... What it's like to be pushed aside as another pair of tights. That's why we stood behind you. Why we believe in you."


I sat across a smattering of broken box crates, what I consider to be my desk at "The Ministry", across from a man who I've come to respect dearly.


"Far before you came here, Mitch has been pushing people around like they were meer assets to his company. That's it. No thank you's... No... 'What a great match'... Nah. He cared about one thing, and one thing only, the success of PSW. Sounds great, right? Sadly, though, it wasn't so that we could all bask in the glory together but rather because HE wanted his own success to shine. Almost like a backhanded celebration geared squarely toward Phil [Vilbert]."


I couldn't help but pick up on Frankie's ["Frankie Future"] undertone of pure hatred for his boss. It sounds as if I wasn't the first person to be thrown by the wayside by Mitch... Certainly not the last I'm sure.


"Thank you, Frankie. I f-cked up... Putting my hands on Mitch. I thought I was going to spend the next few months behind steel bars. Hell, the idea of continuing my post with PSW was nothing more of an afterthought. You guys saved my a--... For that, I thank you."


Frankie, cracking a sly smirk as he's come to trademark, nods his head in approval.


"In the end, It was an easy choice. Larry [Wood] and Daniel [Elderberry] led the way. Quickly, almost within a few minutes, the rest of 'the boys' followed suit. You're our man, John. We've seen what you can do, what you can bring to this company.. to our careers, and that's what we're banking on. Mitch may forever be a deuche-bag, That's just how things are. But... You've shown to have our backs... Now, It was time for us to return the favor."


Frankie continued to carry his sly smirk, Happy that he's on the "inside" of the situation.


"Question though... Have you heard yet? When is Mitch coming back to the states?"


"He'll be here for next month's event, Survival of the Vicious."


"Still won't be here this month?"


"I've been told from Larry that he's become rather detached as of late. Almost as if he doesn't really bother with the day-to-day information anymore. I'm not sure what's going on? There are rumors flying around that he may be looking for a buyer? That's all hear-say at this point though..."


I know that it was only a rumor at this point, and in most cases these kind of rumors almost always die before they actually become reality, however, part of me would love to see a new voice step in through those doors. Well, at least a guy who I haven't cold-clocked.


... It was time ...

... We were ready for whatever came our way ...

... Even as Rome Burned ...



<hr color="black">

"Rome is Burning" Quick Picks


El Demonio Volador vs. The Sensational Singh

"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Ring Generals" vs. KILLER Colossus & Acedia vs. Frankie Future & Johnny Martin

Teddy Powell vs. Mr. Morgan

Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa vs. Madman Boone

Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????

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I don't think Kanioski is that big of loss... plus, the end of your match between Teddy and Harry pretty much gives a good way for him to exit.


He isn't a major loss, No. However, I did have big plans for the guy going forward. The Teddy Powell-pretending to be the Boss so that Kan follows his orders was only a way to introduce the big man to the fold. It was never really set up to be a lengthy affair. More or less, It was to get him out there... Mix it up in a major storyline and, at some point, turn on Teddy Powell to ignite a major feud between Powell and Kanishoki. I feel I can let that out, at this point, as it won't happen seeing how Kan is now gone from PSW.


To me, honestly, Sky was the Limit for Kan. He had great size, good hardcore skills and came in with a "bang". So, with time, he could have risen up the ranks. So, while yes... He wasn't a huge loss in the sense that Bryan Holmes was... He was a loss none the less.


As for tying up Powell and Kanishoki. Kan had signed a contract just a few days before the show so I knew he was leaving. I'm happy for the timing as if it would have happened between shows then there wouldn't have been time to really bring a close (even if it seemed rushed) to the storyline.



Side note, "Rome Is Burning" is about half-way done being written up. I'm taking my time with this one as I really want it to be a big event for PSW/this diary. Bryan Holmes leaving is a huge, huge situation... Something that warrants a well thought out write up. Needless to say, the results probably won't be up until this weekend or later.

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El Demonio Volador vs. The Sensational Singh

"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Ring Generals" vs. KILLER Colossus & Acedia vs. Frankie Future & Johnny Martin

Teddy Powell vs. Mr. Morgan

Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa vs. Madman Boone

Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????


It will be interesting to see who his opponent is, and they obviously would be expected to win. I just think Holmes walks away with the belt still in hand.

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